
     1  apiVersion: release-notes/v2
     2  kind: feature
     3  area: networking
     4  issue:
     5  - 26826
     6  releaseNotes:
     7  - |
     8    **Added** Experimental DNS resolution in the Istio agent to better support use cases like service entries
     9    with TCP services without VIPs, multicluster DNS resolution, and DNS resolution of Kubernetes services
    10    from VM sidecars. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the following in the
    11    Istio Operator: `meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.ISTIO_META_DNS_CAPTURE="true"`.
    13  upgradeNotes:
    14  - title: Istio CoreDNS Plugin Deprecation
    15    content: |
    16      In order to provide DNS resolution for ServiceEntries, Istio has provided an optional addon as part of the install to
    17      deploy the third party [istio-coredns-plugin]( In this release,
    18      the Istio sidecar can now provide this functionality natively. This can be enabled with the `meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.ISTIO_META_DNS_CAPTURE="true"`.
    20      As a result, the `istio-coredns-plugin` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.