(about) 1 apiVersion: release-notes/v2 2 kind: feature 3 area: installation 4 releaseNotes: 5 - | 6 **Removed** the `istioctl experimental revision` command. Revisions can be inspected by the stable `istioctl tag list` command. 7 - | 8 **Removed** the `installed-state` `IstioOperator` that was created when running `istioctl install`. This previously provided only a snapshot 9 of what was installed. 10 However, it was a common source of confusion (as users would change it and nothing would happen), and did not reliably represent the current state. 11 As there is no `IstioOperator` needed for these usages anymore, `istioctl install` and `helm install` no longer install the `IstioOperator` CRD. 12 Note this only impacts `istioctl install`, not the in-cluster operator.