
     1  apiVersion: release-notes/v2
     3  kind: feature
     4  area: traffic-management
     6  # issue is a list of GitHub issues resolved in this note.
     7  # If issue is not in the current repo, specify its full URL instead.
     8  issue:
     9    -
    11  # releaseNotes is a markdown listing of any user facing changes. This will appear in the
    12  # release notes.
    13  releaseNotes:
    14  - |
    15    **Improved** Gateway naming conventions to be concatenation of `Name` and `GatewayClassName`. 
    16    Deployment also now deploys with its own Service Account, rather than using the `default` token. 
    17    Naming convention affects name of Deployment, Service and Service Account.
    19  # upgradeNotes is a markdown listing of any changes that will affect the upgrade
    20  # process. This will appear in the release notes.
    21  upgradeNotes:
    22    - title: Gateway naming scheme updated
    23      content: |
    24        If you are using the [Kubernetes Gateway](
    25        to manage your istio gateways, the names of the Kubernetes Deployment and Service has been modified, and the default Service Account used
    26        has switched to used its own token. The `` and `` annotations can be used to
    27        continue using the old convention during upgrades.