
     1  apiVersion: release-notes/v2
     2  kind: bug-fix
     3  area: extensibility
     4  issue:
     5  - 26751
     7  upgradeNotes:
     8  - title: gogo/protobuf library migration
     9    content: |
    10      The `` and `` libraries have switched from using the [gogo/protobuf](
    11      to using the [golang/protobuf]( library for API types.
    13      This change does not have any impact on typical Istio users, but rather impacts users importing Istio as a Go library.
    15      For these users, upgrading the Istio libraries will likely cause compiliation issues. These issues are typically simple to address,
    16      and largely syntactical. The [Go blog]( on the new protobuf API can help with migration.