
     1  apiVersion: release-notes/v2
     2  kind: bug-fix
     3  area: traffic-management
     4  issue:
     5  - 29940
     6  upgradeNotes:
     7    - title: Inbound Forwarding Configuration
     8      content: |
     9        The behavior of inbound forwarding will be modified in the near future. While this change is not enabled
    10        by default in Istio 1.10, it can be enabled today by configuring the `PILOT_ENABLE_INBOUND_PASSTHROUGH=true` environment
    11        variable in Istiod.
    13        Previously, requests would be forwarded to `localhost`. This leads to two important differences compared to running applications
    14        without Istio:
    16        * Applications that bind to `localhost` will be exposed to external pods.
    17        * Applications that bind to `<POD_IP>` will not be exposed to external pods.
    19        The latter is a common source of friction when adopting Istio, in particular with stateful services where this is common.
    21        The new behavior instead forwards the request as is. This matches the behavior a user would see without Istio installed.
    22        However, as a result, applications that have come to rely on `localhost` being exposed externally by Istio, may stop working.
    24        The []( script can be used to detect what binds your applications are using.
    26        Regardless of Istio version, the behavior can be explicitly controlled by the `Sidecar`.
    27        For example, to configure the 9080 port to explicitly be sent to localhost:
    29        ```yaml
    30        apiVersion:
    31        kind: Sidecar
    32        metadata:
    33          name: ratings
    34          spec:
    35            workloadSelector:
    36              labels:
    37                app: ratings
    38                ingress:
    39                  - port:
    40                    number: 9080
    41                    protocol: HTTP
    42                    name: http
    43                    defaultEndpoint:
    44                  ```