
     1  apiVersion:
     2  kind: Gateway
     3  metadata:
     4    name: bookinfo-gateway
     5  spec:
     6    # The selector matches the ingress gateway pod labels.
     7    # If you installed Istio using Helm following the standard documentation, this would be "istio=ingress"
     8    selector:
     9      istio: ingressgateway # use istio default controller
    10    servers:
    11    - port:
    12        number: 8080
    13        name: http
    14        protocol: HTTP
    15      hosts:
    16      - "*"
    17  ---
    18  apiVersion:
    19  kind: VirtualService
    20  metadata:
    21    name: bookinfo
    22  spec:
    23    hosts:
    24    - "*"
    25    gateways:
    26    - bookinfo-gateway
    27    http:
    28    - match:
    29      - uri:
    30          exact: /productpage
    31      - uri:
    32          prefix: /static
    33      - uri:
    34          exact: /login
    35      - uri:
    36          exact: /logout
    37      - uri:
    38          prefix: /api/v1/products
    39      route:
    40      - destination:
    41          host: productpage
    42          port:
    43            number: 9080