(about) 1 apiVersion: 2 kind: Gateway 3 metadata: 4 name: istiod-gateway 5 spec: 6 selector: 7 istio: eastwestgateway 8 servers: 9 - port: 10 name: https-istiod 11 number: 15012 12 protocol: https 13 tls: 14 mode: SIMPLE 15 # use a valid credential here 16 credentialName: "$CREDENTIAL_NAME" 17 hosts: 18 # use a valid gateway host and domain for istiod 19 - "ISTIOD-HOST.DOMAIN" 20 - port: 21 name: https-istiodwebhook 22 number: 15017 23 protocol: https 24 tls: 25 mode: SIMPLE 26 # use a valid credential here 27 credentialName: "$CREDENTIAL_NAME" 28 hosts: 29 # use a valid gateway host and domain for istiod 30 - "ISTIOD-HOST.DOMAIN" 31 --- 32 apiVersion: 33 kind: VirtualService 34 metadata: 35 name: istiod-vs 36 spec: 37 hosts: 38 # use a valid gateway host and domain for istiod 39 - "ISTIOD-HOST.DOMAIN" 40 gateways: 41 - istiod-gateway 42 http: 43 - match: 44 - port: 15012 45 route: 46 - destination: 47 host: istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local 48 port: 49 number: 15012 50 - match: 51 - port: 15017 52 route: 53 - destination: 54 host: istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local 55 port: 56 number: 443 57 --- 58 apiVersion: 59 kind: DestinationRule 60 metadata: 61 name: istiod-dr 62 spec: 63 host: istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local 64 trafficPolicy: 65 portLevelSettings: 66 - port: 67 number: 15012 68 tls: 69 mode: SIMPLE 70 connectionPool: 71 http: 72 h2UpgradePolicy: UPGRADE 73 - port: 74 number: 443 75 tls: 76 mode: SIMPLE