
     1  ---
     2  apiVersion: v1
     3  kind: Namespace
     4  metadata:
     5    name: spire
     7  ---
     8  apiVersion:
     9  kind: CSIDriver
    10  metadata:
    11    name: ""
    12  spec:
    13    # Only ephemeral, inline volumes are supported. There is no need for a
    14    # controller to provision and attach volumes.
    15    attachRequired: false
    17    # Request the pod information which the CSI driver uses to verify that an
    18    # ephemeral mount was requested.
    19    podInfoOnMount: true
    21    # Don't change ownership on the contents of the mount since the Workload API
    22    # Unix Domain Socket is typically open to all (i.e. 0777).
    23    fsGroupPolicy: None
    25    # Declare support for ephemeral volumes only.
    26    volumeLifecycleModes:
    27      - Ephemeral
    29  ---
    30  apiVersion: v1
    31  kind: ServiceAccount
    32  metadata:
    33    name: spire-server
    34    namespace: spire
    36  ---
    37  # ConfigMap for spire-agent bootstrapping.
    38  apiVersion: v1
    39  kind: ConfigMap
    40  metadata:
    41    name: spire-bundle
    42    namespace: spire
    44  ---
    45  # ClusterRole to allow spire-server to query k8s API server.
    46  kind: ClusterRole
    47  apiVersion:
    48  metadata:
    49    name: spire-server-cluster-role
    50  rules:
    51    # allow TokenReview requests (to verify service account tokens for PSAT
    52    # attestation)
    53  - apiGroups: [""]
    54    resources: ["tokenreviews"]
    55    verbs: ["get", "create"]
    56  - apiGroups: [""]
    57    resources: ["nodes"]
    58    verbs: ["get"]
    60  ---
    61  # Binds above cluster role to spire-server service account.
    62  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    63  apiVersion:
    64  metadata:
    65    name: spire-server-cluster-role-binding
    66  subjects:
    67  - kind: ServiceAccount
    68    name: spire-server
    69    namespace: spire
    70  roleRef:
    71    kind: ClusterRole
    72    name: spire-server-cluster-role
    73    apiGroup:
    75  ---
    76  # Role for the SPIRE server.
    77  kind: Role
    78  apiVersion:
    79  metadata:
    80    namespace: spire
    81    name: spire-server-role
    82  rules:
    83    # allow "get" access to pods (to resolve selectors for PSAT attestation)
    84  - apiGroups: [""]
    85    resources: ["pods"]
    86    verbs: ["get"]
    87    # allow access to "get" and "patch" the spire-bundle ConfigMap (for SPIRE
    88    # agent bootstrapping, see the spire-bundle ConfigMap)
    89  - apiGroups: [""]
    90    resources: ["configmaps"]
    91    resourceNames: ["spire-bundle"]
    92    verbs: ["get", "patch"]
    94  ---
    95  # RoleBinding granting the spire-server-role to the SPIRE server
    96  # service account.
    97  kind: RoleBinding
    98  apiVersion:
    99  metadata:
   100    name: spire-server-role-binding
   101    namespace: spire
   102  subjects:
   103  - kind: ServiceAccount
   104    name: spire-server
   105    namespace: spire
   106  roleRef:
   107    kind: Role
   108    name: spire-server-role
   109    apiGroup:
   111  ---
   112  # ClusterRules for the SPIRE Controller Manager.
   113  apiVersion:
   114  kind: ClusterRole
   115  metadata:
   116    name: manager-role
   117  rules:
   118    - apiGroups: [""]
   119      resources: ["namespaces"]
   120      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
   121    - apiGroups: [""]
   122      resources: ["validatingwebhookconfigurations"]
   123      verbs: ["get", "list", "patch", "watch"]
   124    - apiGroups: [""]
   125      resources: ["nodes"]
   126      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
   127    - apiGroups: [""]
   128      resources: ["pods"]
   129      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
   130    - apiGroups: [""]
   131      resources: ["clusterfederatedtrustdomains"]
   132      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
   133    - apiGroups: [""]
   134      resources: ["clusterfederatedtrustdomains/finalizers"]
   135      verbs: ["update"]
   136    - apiGroups: [""]
   137      resources: ["clusterfederatedtrustdomains/status"]
   138      verbs: ["get", "patch", "update"]
   139    - apiGroups: [""]
   140      resources: ["clusterspiffeids"]
   141      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
   142    - apiGroups: [""]
   143      resources: ["clusterspiffeids/finalizers"]
   144      verbs: ["update"]
   145    - apiGroups: [""]
   146      resources: ["clusterspiffeids/status"]
   147      verbs: ["get", "patch", "update"]
   149  ---
   150  # Binds manager-role cluster role to spire-server service account.
   151  apiVersion:
   152  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
   153  metadata:
   154    name: manager-role-binding
   155  roleRef:
   156    apiGroup:
   157    kind: ClusterRole
   158    name: manager-role
   159  subjects:
   160  - kind: ServiceAccount
   161    name: spire-server
   162    namespace: spire
   164  ---
   165  # Permissions for the SPIRE server to do leader election.
   166  apiVersion:
   167  kind: Role
   168  metadata:
   169    name: leader-election-role
   170    namespace: spire
   171  rules:
   172    - apiGroups: [""]
   173      resources: ["configmaps"]
   174      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
   175    - apiGroups: [""]
   176      resources: ["leases"]
   177      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
   178    - apiGroups: [""]
   179      resources: ["events"]
   180      verbs: ["create", "patch"]
   182  ---
   183  # Binds leader-election-role to spire-server service account.
   184  apiVersion:
   185  kind: RoleBinding
   186  metadata:
   187    name: leader-election-role-binding
   188    namespace: spire
   189  roleRef:
   190    apiGroup:
   191    kind: Role
   192    name: leader-election-role
   193  subjects:
   194  - kind: ServiceAccount
   195    name: spire-server
   196    namespace: spire
   198  ---
   199  # ConfigMap containing the SPIRE server configuration.
   200  apiVersion: v1
   201  kind: ConfigMap
   202  metadata:
   203    name: spire-server
   204    namespace: spire
   205  data:
   206    server.conf: |
   207      server {
   208        bind_address = ""
   209        bind_port = "8081"
   210        trust_domain = ""
   211        data_dir = "/run/spire/server/data"
   212        log_level = "DEBUG"
   213        federation {
   214          bundle_endpoint {
   215            address = ""
   216            port = 8443
   217          }
   218        }
   219      }
   221      plugins {
   222        DataStore "sql" {
   223          plugin_data {
   224            database_type = "sqlite3"
   225            connection_string = "/run/spire/server/data/datastore.sqlite3"
   226          }
   227        }
   229        NodeAttestor "k8s_psat" {
   230          plugin_data {
   231            clusters = {
   232              # NOTE: Change this to your cluster name
   233              "demo-cluster" = {
   234                service_account_allow_list = ["spire:spire-agent"]
   235              }
   236            }
   237          }
   238        }
   240        KeyManager "disk" {
   241          plugin_data {
   242            keys_path = "/run/spire/server/data/keys.json"
   243          }
   244        }
   246        Notifier "k8sbundle" {
   247          plugin_data {
   248            namespace = "spire"
   249          }
   250        }
   251      }
   253      health_checks {
   254        listener_enabled = true
   255        bind_address = ""
   256        bind_port = "8080"
   257        live_path = "/live"
   258        ready_path = "/ready"
   259      }
   261  ---
   262  # Configuration for the SPIRE Controller Manager.
   263  apiVersion: v1
   264  kind: ConfigMap
   265  metadata:
   266    name: spire-controller-manager-config
   267    namespace: spire
   268  data:
   269    spire-controller-manager-config.yaml: |
   270      apiVersion:
   271      kind: ControllerManagerConfig
   272      metrics:
   273        bindAddress:
   274      healthProbe:
   275        bindAddress:
   276      leaderElection:
   277        leaderElect: true
   278        resourceName:
   279        resourceNamespace: spire
   280      clusterName: demo-cluster
   281      trustDomain:
   282      ignoreNamespaces:
   283        - kube-system
   284        - kube-public
   285        - spire
   286        - local-path-storage
   288  ---
   289  # SPIRE Server Deployment.
   290  apiVersion: apps/v1
   291  kind: Deployment
   292  metadata:
   293    name: spire-server
   294    namespace: spire
   295    labels:
   296      app: spire-server
   297  spec:
   298    replicas: 1
   299    selector:
   300      matchLabels:
   301        app: spire-server
   302    template:
   303      metadata:
   304        namespace: spire
   305        labels:
   306          app: spire-server
   307      spec:
   308        serviceAccountName: spire-server
   309        shareProcessNamespace: true
   310        containers:
   311          - name: spire-server
   312            image:
   313            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   314            args:
   315              - -config
   316              - /run/spire/server/config/server.conf
   317            livenessProbe:
   318              httpGet:
   319                path: /live
   320                port: 8080
   321              failureThreshold: 2
   322              initialDelaySeconds: 15
   323              periodSeconds: 60
   324              timeoutSeconds: 3
   325            readinessProbe:
   326              httpGet:
   327                path: /ready
   328                port: 8080
   329              initialDelaySeconds: 5
   330              periodSeconds: 5
   331            ports:
   332              - containerPort: 8081
   333            volumeMounts:
   334              - name: spire-config
   335                mountPath: /run/spire/server/config
   336                readOnly: true
   337              - name: spire-server-socket
   338                mountPath: /tmp/spire-server/private
   339                readOnly: false
   340          - name: spire-controller-manager
   341            image:
   342            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   343            args:
   344            - "--config=spire-controller-manager-config.yaml"
   345            ports:
   346              - containerPort: 9443
   347            volumeMounts:
   348              - name: spire-server-socket
   349                mountPath: /spire-server
   350                readOnly: true
   351              - name: spire-controller-manager-config
   352                mountPath: /spire-controller-manager-config.yaml
   353                subPath: spire-controller-manager-config.yaml
   354        volumes:
   355          - name: spire-config
   356            configMap:
   357              name: spire-server
   358          - name: spire-server-socket
   359            emptyDir: {}
   360          - name: spire-controller-manager-config
   361            configMap:
   362              name: spire-controller-manager-config
   364  ---
   365  # Service definition for SPIRE server defining the gRPC port.
   366  apiVersion: v1
   367  kind: Service
   368  metadata:
   369    name: spire-server
   370    namespace: spire
   371  spec:
   372    type: NodePort
   373    ports:
   374      - name: grpc
   375        port: 8081
   376        targetPort: 8081
   377        protocol: TCP
   378    selector:
   379      app: spire-server
   381  ---
   382  # Service definition for SPIRE server bundle endpoint.
   383  apiVersion: v1
   384  kind: Service
   385  metadata:
   386    name: spire-server-bundle-endpoint
   387    namespace: spire
   388  spec:
   389    type: NodePort
   390    ports:
   391      - name: tcp-api
   392        port: 8443
   393        protocol: TCP
   394    selector:
   395      app: spire-server
   397  ---
   398  # Service definition for SPIRE controller manager webhook.
   399  apiVersion: v1
   400  kind: Service
   401  metadata:
   402    name: spire-controller-manager-webhook-service
   403    namespace: spire
   404  spec:
   405    ports:
   406      - name: tcp
   407        port: 443
   408        protocol: TCP
   409        targetPort: 9443
   410    selector:
   411      app: spire-server
   413  ---
   414  # ClusterFederatedTrustDomains CRD.
   415  apiVersion:
   416  kind: CustomResourceDefinition
   417  metadata:
   418    annotations:
   419 v0.8.0
   420    creationTimestamp: null
   421    name:
   422  spec:
   423    group:
   424    names:
   425      kind: ClusterFederatedTrustDomain
   426      listKind: ClusterFederatedTrustDomainList
   427      plural: clusterfederatedtrustdomains
   428      singular: clusterfederatedtrustdomain
   429    scope: Cluster
   430    versions:
   431    - additionalPrinterColumns:
   432      - jsonPath: .spec.trustDomain
   433        name: Trust Domain
   434        type: string
   435      - jsonPath: .spec.bundleEndpointURL
   436        name: Endpoint URL
   437        type: string
   438      name: v1alpha1
   439      schema:
   440        openAPIV3Schema:
   441          description: ClusterFederatedTrustDomain is the Schema for the clusterfederatedtrustdomains
   442            API
   443          properties:
   444            apiVersion:
   445              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
   446                of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
   447                internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:'
   448              type: string
   449            kind:
   450              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
   451                object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
   452                submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
   453              type: string
   454            metadata:
   455              type: object
   456            spec:
   457              description: ClusterFederatedTrustDomainSpec defines the desired state
   458                of ClusterFederatedTrustDomain
   459              properties:
   460                bundleEndpointProfile:
   461                  description: BundleEndpointProfile is the profile for the bundle endpoint.
   462                  properties:
   463                    endpointSPIFFEID:
   464                      description: EndpointSPIFFEID is the SPIFFE ID of the bundle endpoint.
   465                        It is required for the "https_spiffe" profile.
   466                      type: string
   467                    type:
   468                      description: Type is the type of the bundle endpoint profile.
   469                      enum:
   470                      - https_spiffe
   471                      - https_web
   472                      type: string
   473                  required:
   474                  - type
   475                  type: object
   476                bundleEndpointURL:
   477                  description: BundleEndpointURL is the URL of the bundle endpoint.
   478                    It must be an HTTPS URL and cannot contain userinfo (i.e. username/password).
   479                  type: string
   480                trustDomain:
   481                  description: TrustDomain is the name of the trust domain to federate
   482                    with (e.g.
   483                  pattern: '[a-z0-9._-]{1,255}'
   484                  type: string
   485                trustDomainBundle:
   486                  description: TrustDomainBundle is the contents of the bundle for the
   487                    referenced trust domain. This field is optional when the resource
   488                    is created.
   489                  type: string
   490              required:
   491              - bundleEndpointProfile
   492              - bundleEndpointURL
   493              - trustDomain
   494              type: object
   495            status:
   496              description: ClusterFederatedTrustDomainStatus defines the observed state
   497                of ClusterFederatedTrustDomain
   498              type: object
   499          type: object
   500      served: true
   501      storage: true
   502      subresources:
   503        status: {}
   504  status:
   505    acceptedNames:
   506      kind: ""
   507      plural: ""
   508    conditions: []
   509    storedVersions: []
   511  ---
   512  # ClusterSPIFFEID CRD.
   513  apiVersion:
   514  kind: CustomResourceDefinition
   515  metadata:
   516    annotations:
   517 v0.8.0
   518    creationTimestamp: null
   519    name:
   520  spec:
   521    group:
   522    names:
   523      kind: ClusterSPIFFEID
   524      listKind: ClusterSPIFFEIDList
   525      plural: clusterspiffeids
   526      singular: clusterspiffeid
   527    scope: Cluster
   528    versions:
   529    - name: v1alpha1
   530      schema:
   531        openAPIV3Schema:
   532          description: ClusterSPIFFEID is the Schema for the clusterspiffeids API
   533          properties:
   534            apiVersion:
   535              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
   536                of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
   537                internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:'
   538              type: string
   539            kind:
   540              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
   541                object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
   542                submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
   543              type: string
   544            metadata:
   545              type: object
   546            spec:
   547              description: ClusterSPIFFEIDSpec defines the desired state of ClusterSPIFFEID
   548              properties:
   549                admin:
   550                  description: Admin indicates whether or not the SVID can be used to
   551                    access the SPIRE administrative APIs. Extra care should be taken
   552                    to only apply this SPIFFE ID to admin workloads.
   553                  type: boolean
   554                dnsNameTemplates:
   555                  description: DNSNameTemplate represents templates for extra DNS names
   556                    that are applicable to SVIDs minted for this ClusterSPIFFEID. The
   557                    node and pod spec are made available to the template under .NodeSpec,
   558                    .PodSpec respectively.
   559                  items:
   560                    type: string
   561                  type: array
   562                downstream:
   563                  description: Downstream indicates that the entry describes a downstream SPIRE server.
   564                  type: boolean
   565                federatesWith:
   566                  description: FederatesWith is a list of trust domain names that workloads
   567                    that obtain this SPIFFE ID will federate with.
   568                  items:
   569                    type: string
   570                  type: array
   571                namespaceSelector:
   572                  description: NamespaceSelector selects the namespaces that are targeted
   573                    by this CRD.
   574                  properties:
   575                    matchExpressions:
   576                      description: matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements.
   577                        The requirements are ANDed.
   578                      items:
   579                        description: A label selector requirement is a selector that
   580                          contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key
   581                          and values.
   582                        properties:
   583                          key:
   584                            description: key is the label key that the selector applies
   585                              to.
   586                            type: string
   587                          operator:
   588                            description: operator represents a key's relationship to
   589                              a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists
   590                              and DoesNotExist.
   591                            type: string
   592                          values:
   593                            description: values is an array of string values. If the
   594                              operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
   595                              If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values
   596                              array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
   597                              merge patch.
   598                            items:
   599                              type: string
   600                            type: array
   601                        required:
   602                        - key
   603                        - operator
   604                        type: object
   605                      type: array
   606                    matchLabels:
   607                      additionalProperties:
   608                        type: string
   609                      description: matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single
   610                        {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element
   611                        of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the operator
   612                        is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements
   613                        are ANDed.
   614                      type: object
   615                  type: object
   616                podSelector:
   617                  description: PodSelector selects the pods that are targeted by this
   618                    CRD.
   619                  properties:
   620                    matchExpressions:
   621                      description: matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements.
   622                        The requirements are ANDed.
   623                      items:
   624                        description: A label selector requirement is a selector that
   625                          contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key
   626                          and values.
   627                        properties:
   628                          key:
   629                            description: key is the label key that the selector applies
   630                              to.
   631                            type: string
   632                          operator:
   633                            description: operator represents a key's relationship to
   634                              a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists
   635                              and DoesNotExist.
   636                            type: string
   637                          values:
   638                            description: values is an array of string values. If the
   639                              operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
   640                              If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values
   641                              array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
   642                              merge patch.
   643                            items:
   644                              type: string
   645                            type: array
   646                        required:
   647                        - key
   648                        - operator
   649                        type: object
   650                      type: array
   651                    matchLabels:
   652                      additionalProperties:
   653                        type: string
   654                      description: matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single
   655                        {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element
   656                        of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the operator
   657                        is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements
   658                        are ANDed.
   659                      type: object
   660                  type: object
   661                spiffeIDTemplate:
   662                  description: SPIFFEID is the SPIFFE ID template. The node and pod
   663                    spec are made available to the template under .NodeSpec, .PodSpec
   664                    respectively.
   665                  type: string
   666                ttl:
   667                  description: TTL indicates an upper-bound time-to-live for SVIDs minted
   668                    for this ClusterSPIFFEID. If unset, a default will be chosen.
   669                  type: string
   670                workloadSelectorTemplates:
   671                  description: WorkloadSelectorTemplates are templates to produce arbitrary
   672                    workload selectors that apply to a given workload before it will
   673                    receive this SPIFFE ID. The rendered value is interpreted by SPIRE
   674                    and are of the form type:value, where the value may, and often does,
   675                    contain semicolons, .e.g., k8s:container-image:docker/hello-world
   676                    The node and pod spec are made available to the template under .NodeSpec,
   677                    .PodSpec respectively.
   678                  items:
   679                    type: string
   680                  type: array
   681              required:
   682              - spiffeIDTemplate
   683              type: object
   684            status:
   685              description: ClusterSPIFFEIDStatus defines the observed state of ClusterSPIFFEID
   686              properties:
   687                stats:
   688                  description: Stats produced by the last entry reconciliation run
   689                  properties:
   690                    entriesMasked:
   691                      description: How many entries were masked by entries for other
   692                        ClusterSPIFFEIDs. This happens when one or more ClusterSPIFFEIDs
   693                        produce an entry for the same pod with the same set of workload
   694                        selectors.
   695                      type: integer
   696                    entriesToSet:
   697                      description: How many entries are to be set for this ClusterSPIFFEID.
   698                        In nominal conditions, this should reflect the number of pods
   699                        selected, but not always if there were problems encountered
   700                        rendering an entry for the pod (RenderFailures) or entries are
   701                        masked (EntriesMasked).
   702                      type: integer
   703                    entryFailures:
   704                      description: How many entries were unable to be set due to failures
   705                        to create or update the entries via the SPIRE Server API.
   706                      type: integer
   707                    namespacesIgnored:
   708                      description: How many (selected) namespaces were ignored (based
   709                        on configuration).
   710                      type: integer
   711                    namespacesSelected:
   712                      description: How many namespaces were selected.
   713                      type: integer
   714                    podEntryRenderFailures:
   715                      description: How many failures were encountered rendering an entry
   716                        selected pods. This could be due to either a bad template in
   717                        the ClusterSPIFFEID or Pod metadata that when applied to the
   718                        template did not produce valid entry values.
   719                      type: integer
   720                    podsSelected:
   721                      description: How many pods were selected out of the namespaces.
   722                      type: integer
   723                  type: object
   724              type: object
   725          type: object
   726      served: true
   727      storage: true
   728      subresources:
   729        status: {}
   730  status:
   731    acceptedNames:
   732      kind: ""
   733      plural: ""
   734    conditions: []
   735    storedVersions: []
   737  ---
   738  # ValidatingWebhookConfiguration for validating ClusterSPIFFEID and
   739  # ClusterFederatedTrustDomain custom resources.
   740  apiVersion:
   741  kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
   742  metadata:
   743    name: spire-controller-manager-webhook
   744  webhooks:
   745    - admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]
   746      clientConfig:
   747        service:
   748          name: spire-controller-manager-webhook-service
   749          namespace: spire
   750          path: /validate-spire-spiffe-io-v1alpha1-clusterfederatedtrustdomain
   751      failurePolicy: Fail
   752      name:
   753      rules:
   754        - apiGroups: [""]
   755          apiVersions: ["v1alpha1"]
   756          operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
   757          resources: ["clusterfederatedtrustdomains"]
   758      sideEffects: None
   759    - admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]
   760      clientConfig:
   761        service:
   762          name: spire-controller-manager-webhook-service
   763          namespace: spire
   764          path: /validate-spire-spiffe-io-v1alpha1-clusterspiffeid
   765      failurePolicy: Fail
   766      name:
   767      rules:
   768        - apiGroups: [""]
   769          apiVersions: ["v1alpha1"]
   770          operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
   771          resources: ["clusterspiffeids"]
   772      sideEffects: None
   774  ---
   775  apiVersion: v1
   776  kind: ServiceAccount
   777  metadata:
   778    name: spire-agent
   779    namespace: spire
   781  ---
   782  # Required cluster role to allow spire-agent to query k8s API server.
   783  kind: ClusterRole
   784  apiVersion:
   785  metadata:
   786    name: spire-agent-cluster-role
   787  rules:
   788  - apiGroups: [""]
   789    resources: ["pods","nodes","nodes/proxy"]
   790    verbs: ["get"]
   792  ---
   793  # Binds above cluster role to spire-agent service account.
   794  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
   795  apiVersion:
   796  metadata:
   797    name: spire-agent-cluster-role-binding
   798  subjects:
   799  - kind: ServiceAccount
   800    name: spire-agent
   801    namespace: spire
   802  roleRef:
   803    kind: ClusterRole
   804    name: spire-agent-cluster-role
   805    apiGroup:
   807  ---
   808  # ConfigMap for the SPIRE agent featuring:
   809  # 1) PSAT node attestation
   810  # 2) K8S Workload Attestation over the secure kubelet port
   811  apiVersion: v1
   812  kind: ConfigMap
   813  metadata:
   814    name: spire-agent
   815    namespace: spire
   816  data:
   817    agent.conf: |
   818      agent {
   819        data_dir = "/run/spire"
   820        log_level = "DEBUG"
   821        server_address = "spire-server"
   822        server_port = "8081"
   823        socket_path = "/run/secrets/workload-spiffe-uds/socket"
   824        trust_bundle_path = "/run/spire/bundle/bundle.crt"
   825        trust_domain = ""
   826      }
   828      plugins {
   829        NodeAttestor "k8s_psat" {
   830          plugin_data {
   831            # NOTE: Change this to your cluster name
   832            cluster = "demo-cluster"
   833          }
   834        }
   836        KeyManager "memory" {
   837          plugin_data {
   838          }
   839        }
   841        WorkloadAttestor "k8s" {
   842          plugin_data {
   843            # Defaults to the secure kubelet port by default.
   844            # Minikube does not have a cert in the cluster CA bundle that
   845            # can authenticate the kubelet cert, so skip validation.
   846            skip_kubelet_verification = true
   848            # We need to set disable_container_selectors = true if we make holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts = true in istio
   849            # see
   850            # If true, container selectors are not produced.
   851            # This can be used to produce pod selectors when the workload pod is known
   852            # but the workload container is not ready at the time of attestation.
   853            # disable_container_selectors = true
   854          }
   855        }
   857        WorkloadAttestor "unix" {
   858            plugin_data {
   859            }
   860        }
   862      }
   864  ---
   865  # SPIRE Agent DaemonSet.
   866  apiVersion: apps/v1
   867  kind: DaemonSet
   868  metadata:
   869    name: spire-agent
   870    namespace: spire
   871    labels:
   872      app: spire-agent
   873  spec:
   874    selector:
   875      matchLabels:
   876        app: spire-agent
   877    template:
   878      metadata:
   879        namespace: spire
   880        labels:
   881          app: spire-agent
   882      spec:
   883        hostPID: true
   884        hostNetwork: true
   885        dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
   886        serviceAccountName: spire-agent
   887        containers:
   888          - name: spire-agent
   889            image:
   890            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   891            args: ["-config", "/run/spire/config/agent.conf"]
   892            volumeMounts:
   893              - name: spire-config
   894                mountPath: /run/spire/config
   895                readOnly: true
   896              - name: spire-bundle
   897                mountPath: /run/spire/bundle
   898                readOnly: true
   899              - name: spire-agent-socket-dir
   900                mountPath: /run/secrets/workload-spiffe-uds
   901              - name: spire-token
   902                mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
   903          # This is the container which runs the SPIFFE CSI driver.
   904          - name: spiffe-csi-driver
   905            image:
   906            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   907            args: [
   908                "-workload-api-socket-dir", "/spire-agent-socket",
   909                "-csi-socket-path", "/spiffe-csi/csi.sock",
   910            ]
   911            env:
   912              # The CSI driver needs a unique node ID. The node name can be
   913              # used for this purpose.
   914              - name: MY_NODE_NAME
   915                valueFrom:
   916                  fieldRef:
   917                    fieldPath: spec.nodeName
   918            volumeMounts:
   919              # The volume containing the SPIRE agent socket. The SPIFFE CSI
   920              # driver will mount this directory into containers.
   921              - mountPath: /spire-agent-socket
   922                name: spire-agent-socket-dir
   923                readOnly: true
   924              # The volume that will contain the CSI driver socket shared
   925              # with the kubelet and the driver registrar.
   926              - mountPath: /spiffe-csi
   927                name: spiffe-csi-socket-dir
   928              # The volume containing mount points for containers.
   929              - mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet/pods
   930                mountPropagation: Bidirectional
   931                name: mountpoint-dir
   932            securityContext:
   933              privileged: true
   934          # This container runs the CSI Node Driver Registrar which takes care
   935          # of all the little details required to register a CSI driver with
   936          # the kubelet.
   937          - name: node-driver-registrar
   938            image:
   939            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   940            args: [
   941                "-csi-address", "/spiffe-csi/csi.sock",
   942                "-kubelet-registration-path", "/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/",
   943            ]
   944            volumeMounts:
   945              # The registrar needs access to the SPIFFE CSI driver socket
   946              - mountPath: /spiffe-csi
   947                name: spiffe-csi-socket-dir
   948              # The registrar needs access to the Kubelet plugin registration
   949              # directory
   950              - name: kubelet-plugin-registration-dir
   951                mountPath: /registration
   952        volumes:
   953          - name: spire-config
   954            configMap:
   955              name: spire-agent
   956          - name: spire-bundle
   957            configMap:
   958              name: spire-bundle
   959          - name: spire-token
   960            projected:
   961              sources:
   962                - serviceAccountToken:
   963                    path: spire-agent
   964                    expirationSeconds: 7200
   965                    audience: spire-server
   966          # This volume is used to share the workload api socket between the
   967          # CSI driver and SPIRE agent
   968          - name: spire-agent-socket-dir
   969            emptyDir: {}
   970          # This volume is where the socket for kubelet->driver communication lives
   971          - name: spiffe-csi-socket-dir
   972            hostPath:
   973              path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/
   974              type: DirectoryOrCreate
   975          # This volume is where the SPIFFE CSI driver mounts volumes
   976          - name: mountpoint-dir
   977            hostPath:
   978              path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods
   979              type: Directory
   980          # This volume is where the node-driver-registrar registers the plugin
   981          # with kubelet
   982          - name: kubelet-plugin-registration-dir
   983            hostPath:
   984              path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry
   985              type: Directory