(about) 1 apiVersion: 2 kind: Gateway 3 metadata: 4 name: istio-ingress 5 namespace: testns 6 spec: 7 selector: 8 istio: ingress 9 servers: 10 - port: 11 number: 80 12 name: http 13 protocol: HTTP 14 hosts: 15 - "*" 16 - port: 17 number: 443 18 name: https 19 protocol: HTTPS 20 hosts: 21 - "*" 22 tls: 23 mode: SIMPLE 24 serverCertificate: /etc/certs/servercert.pem 25 privateKey: /etc/certs/privatekey.pem 26 --- 27 apiVersion: 28 kind: VirtualService 29 metadata: 30 name: ingress 31 namespace: testns 32 spec: 33 # K8S Ingress rules are converted on the fly to a VirtualService. 34 # The local tests may run without k8s - so for ingress we test with the 35 # equivalent rule. 36 hosts: 37 - "*" 38 gateways: 39 - istio-ingress 40 http: 41 - match: 42 - uri: 43 prefix: /foo 44 route: 45 - destination: 46 host: service3.default.svc.cluster.local 47 port: 48 number: 80 49 50