k8s.io/apiserver@v0.31.1/pkg/server/genericapiserver_graceful_termination_test.go (about) 1 /* 2 Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. 3 4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package server 18 19 import ( 20 "context" 21 "crypto/tls" 22 "crypto/x509" 23 "errors" 24 "fmt" 25 "io" 26 "log" 27 "net" 28 "net/http" 29 "net/http/httptrace" 30 "os" 31 "reflect" 32 "sync" 33 "syscall" 34 "testing" 35 "time" 36 37 utilnet "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net" 38 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" 39 auditinternal "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/audit" 40 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/audit" 41 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/authorization/authorizer" 42 apirequest "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/request" 43 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/dynamiccertificates" 44 "k8s.io/klog/v2" 45 "k8s.io/klog/v2/ktesting" 46 47 "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" 48 "golang.org/x/net/http2" 49 ) 50 51 func TestMain(m *testing.M) { 52 klog.InitFlags(nil) 53 os.Exit(m.Run()) 54 } 55 56 // doer sends a request to the server 57 type doer func(client *http.Client, gci func(httptrace.GotConnInfo), path string, timeout time.Duration) result 58 59 func (d doer) Do(client *http.Client, gci func(httptrace.GotConnInfo), path string, timeout time.Duration) result { 60 return d(client, gci, path, timeout) 61 } 62 63 type result struct { 64 err error 65 response *http.Response 66 } 67 68 // wrap a lifecycleSignal so the test can inject its own callback 69 type wrappedLifecycleSignal struct { 70 lifecycleSignal 71 before func(lifecycleSignal) 72 after func(lifecycleSignal) 73 } 74 75 func (w *wrappedLifecycleSignal) Signal() { 76 if w.before != nil { 77 w.before(w.lifecycleSignal) 78 } 79 w.lifecycleSignal.Signal() 80 if w.after != nil { 81 w.after(w.lifecycleSignal) 82 } 83 } 84 85 func wrapLifecycleSignalsWithRecorder(t *testing.T, signals *lifecycleSignals, before func(lifecycleSignal)) { 86 // it's important to record the signal being fired on a 'before' callback 87 // to avoid flakes, since on the server the signaling of events are 88 // an asynchronous process. 89 signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration, before, nil) 90 signals.PreShutdownHooksStopped = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.PreShutdownHooksStopped, before, nil) 91 signals.NotAcceptingNewRequest = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.NotAcceptingNewRequest, before, nil) 92 signals.HTTPServerStoppedListening = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.HTTPServerStoppedListening, before, nil) 93 signals.InFlightRequestsDrained = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.InFlightRequestsDrained, before, nil) 94 signals.ShutdownInitiated = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.ShutdownInitiated, before, nil) 95 } 96 97 func wrapLifecycleSignal(t *testing.T, delegated lifecycleSignal, before, after func(_ lifecycleSignal)) lifecycleSignal { 98 return &wrappedLifecycleSignal{ 99 lifecycleSignal: delegated, 100 before: before, 101 after: after, 102 } 103 } 104 105 // the server may not wait enough time between firing two events for 106 // the test to execute its steps, this allows us to intercept the 107 // signal and execute verification steps inside the goroutine that 108 // is executing the test. 109 type signalInterceptingTestStep struct { 110 doneCh chan struct{} 111 } 112 113 func (ts signalInterceptingTestStep) done() <-chan struct{} { 114 return ts.doneCh 115 } 116 func (ts signalInterceptingTestStep) execute(fn func()) { 117 defer close(ts.doneCh) 118 fn() 119 } 120 func newSignalInterceptingTestStep() *signalInterceptingTestStep { 121 return &signalInterceptingTestStep{ 122 doneCh: make(chan struct{}), 123 } 124 } 125 126 // This test exercises the graceful termination scenario 127 // described in the following diagram 128 // - every vertical line is an independent timeline 129 // - the leftmost vertical line represents the go routine that 130 // is executing GenericAPIServer.Run method 131 // - (signal name) indicates that the given lifecycle signal has been fired 132 // 133 // stopCh 134 // | 135 // |--------------------------------------------| 136 // | | 137 // call PreShutdownHooks (ShutdownInitiated) 138 // | | 139 // (PreShutdownHooksStopped) Sleep(ShutdownDelayDuration) 140 // | | 141 // | (AfterShutdownDelayDuration) 142 // | | 143 // | | 144 // |--------------------------------------------| 145 // | | 146 // | (NotAcceptingNewRequest) 147 // | | 148 // | |-------------------------------------------------| 149 // | | | 150 // | close(stopHttpServerCh) NonLongRunningRequestWaitGroup.Wait() 151 // | | | 152 // | server.Shutdown(timeout=60s) | 153 // | | WatchRequestWaitGroup.Wait() 154 // | stop listener (net/http) | 155 // | | | 156 // | |-------------------------------------| | 157 // | | | | 158 // | | (HTTPServerStoppedListening) | 159 // | | | 160 // | wait up to 60s | 161 // | | (InFlightRequestsDrained) 162 // | | 163 // | | 164 // | stoppedCh is closed 165 // | 166 // | 167 // <-drainedCh.Signaled() 168 // | 169 // s.AuditBackend.Shutdown() 170 // | 171 // <-listenerStoppedCh 172 // | 173 // <-stoppedCh 174 // | 175 // return nil 176 func TestGracefulTerminationWithKeepListeningDuringGracefulTerminationDisabled(t *testing.T) { 177 fakeAudit := &fakeAudit{} 178 s := newGenericAPIServer(t, fakeAudit, false) 179 connReusingClient := newClient(false) 180 doer := setupDoer(t, s.SecureServingInfo) 181 182 // handler for a non long-running and a watch request that 183 // we want to keep in flight through to the end. 184 inflightNonLongRunning := setupInFlightNonLongRunningRequestHandler(s) 185 inflightWatch := setupInFlightWatchRequestHandler(s) 186 187 // API calls from the pre-shutdown hook(s) must succeed up to 188 // the point where the HTTP server is shut down. 189 preShutdownHook := setupPreShutdownHookHandler(t, s, doer, newClient(true)) 190 191 signals := &s.lifecycleSignals 192 recorder := &signalRecorder{} 193 wrapLifecycleSignalsWithRecorder(t, signals, recorder.before) 194 195 // before the AfterShutdownDelayDuration signal is fired, we want 196 // the test to execute a verification step. 197 beforeShutdownDelayDurationStep := newSignalInterceptingTestStep() 198 signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration, func(_ lifecycleSignal) { 199 // wait for the test to execute verification steps before 200 // the server signals the next steps 201 <-beforeShutdownDelayDurationStep.done() 202 }, nil) 203 204 // start the API server 205 _, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t) 206 stopCtx, stop := context.WithCancelCause(ctx) 207 defer stop(errors.New("test has completed")) 208 runCompletedCh := make(chan struct{}) 209 go func() { 210 defer close(runCompletedCh) 211 if err := s.PrepareRun().RunWithContext(stopCtx); err != nil { 212 t.Errorf("unexpected error from RunWithContext: %v", err) 213 } 214 }() 215 waitForAPIServerStarted(t, doer) 216 217 // fire the non long-running and the watch request so it is 218 // in-flight on the server now, and we will unblock them 219 // after ShutdownDelayDuration elapses. 220 inflightNonLongRunning.launch(doer, connReusingClient) 221 waitForeverUntil(t, inflightNonLongRunning.startedCh, "in-flight non long-running request did not reach the server") 222 inflightWatch.launch(doer, connReusingClient) 223 waitForeverUntil(t, inflightWatch.startedCh, "in-flight watch request did not reach the server") 224 225 // /readyz should return OK 226 resultGot := doer.Do(newClient(true), func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, "/readyz", time.Second) 227 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 228 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 229 } 230 231 // signal termination event: initiate a shutdown 232 stop(errors.New("shutting down")) 233 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.ShutdownInitiated) 234 235 // /readyz must return an error, but we need to give it some time 236 err := wait.PollImmediate(100*time.Millisecond, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, func() (done bool, err error) { 237 resultGot := doer.Do(newClient(true), func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, "/readyz", time.Second) 238 // wait until we have a non 200 response 239 if resultGot.response != nil && resultGot.response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { 240 return false, nil 241 } 242 243 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusInternalServerError); err != nil { 244 return true, err 245 } 246 return true, nil 247 }) 248 if err != nil { 249 t.Errorf("Expected /readyz to return 500 status code, but got: %v", err) 250 } 251 252 // before ShutdownDelayDuration elapses new request(s) should be served successfully. 253 beforeShutdownDelayDurationStep.execute(func() { 254 t.Log("Before ShutdownDelayDuration elapses new request(s) should be served") 255 resultGot := doer.Do(connReusingClient, shouldReuseConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-an-existing-connection-should-succeed", time.Second) 256 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 257 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 258 } 259 resultGot = doer.Do(newClient(true), shouldUseNewConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-a-new-tcp-connection-should-succeed", time.Second) 260 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 261 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 262 } 263 }) 264 265 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration) 266 267 // preshutdown hook has not completed yet, new incomng request should succeed 268 resultGot = doer.Do(newClient(true), shouldUseNewConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-a-new-tcp-connection-should-succeed", time.Second) 269 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 270 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 271 } 272 273 // let the preshutdown hook issue an API call now, and then 274 // let's wait for it to return the result. 275 close(preShutdownHook.blockedCh) 276 preShutdownHookResult := <-preShutdownHook.resultCh 277 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.PreShutdownHooksStopped) 278 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(preShutdownHookResult, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 279 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 280 } 281 282 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.PreShutdownHooksStopped) 283 // both AfterShutdownDelayDuration and PreShutdownHooksCompleted 284 // have been signaled, we should not be accepting new request 285 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.NotAcceptingNewRequest) 286 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.HTTPServerStoppedListening) 287 288 resultGot = doer.Do(newClient(true), shouldUseNewConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-a-new-tcp-connection-should-fail-with-503", time.Second) 289 if !utilnet.IsConnectionRefused(resultGot.err) { 290 t.Errorf("Expected error %v, but got: %v %v", syscall.ECONNREFUSED, resultGot.err, resultGot.response) 291 } 292 293 // even though Server.Serve() has returned, an existing connection on 294 // the server may take some time to be in "closing" state, the following 295 // poll eliminates any flake due to that delay. 296 if err := wait.PollImmediate(100*time.Millisecond, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, func() (done bool, err error) { 297 result := doer.Do(connReusingClient, shouldReuseConnection(t), "/echo?message=waiting-for-the-existing-connection-to-reject-incoming-request", time.Second) 298 if result.response != nil { 299 t.Logf("Still waiting for the server to return error - response: %v", result.response) 300 return false, nil 301 } 302 return true, nil 303 }); err != nil { 304 t.Errorf("Expected no error, but got: %v", err) 305 } 306 307 // TODO: our original intention was for any incoming request to receive a 503 308 // via the WithWaitGroup filter, but, at this point, any incoming requests 309 // will get a 'connection refused' error since the net/http server has 310 // stopped listening. 311 resultGot = doer.Do(connReusingClient, shouldReuseConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-an-existing-connection-should-fail-with-error", time.Second) 312 if !utilnet.IsConnectionRefused(resultGot.err) { 313 t.Errorf("Expected error %v, but got: %v %v", syscall.ECONNREFUSED, resultGot.err, resultGot.response) 314 } 315 316 // the server has stopped listening but we still have a non long-running, 317 // and a watch request in flight, unblock both of these, and we expect 318 // the requests to return appropriate response to the caller. 319 inflightNonLongRunningResultGot := inflightNonLongRunning.unblockAndWaitForResult(t) 320 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(inflightNonLongRunningResultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 321 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 322 } 323 if err := assertRequestAudited(inflightNonLongRunningResultGot, fakeAudit); err != nil { 324 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 325 } 326 inflightWatchResultGot := inflightWatch.unblockAndWaitForResult(t) 327 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(inflightWatchResultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 328 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 329 } 330 if err := assertRequestAudited(inflightWatchResultGot, fakeAudit); err != nil { 331 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 332 } 333 334 // all requests in flight have drained 335 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.InFlightRequestsDrained) 336 337 t.Log("Waiting for the apiserver Run method to return") 338 waitForeverUntil(t, runCompletedCh, "the apiserver Run method did not return") 339 340 if !fakeAudit.shutdownCompleted() { 341 t.Errorf("Expected AuditBackend.Shutdown to be completed") 342 } 343 344 if err := recorder.verify([]string{ 345 "ShutdownInitiated", 346 "AfterShutdownDelayDuration", 347 "PreShutdownHooksStopped", 348 "NotAcceptingNewRequest", 349 "HTTPServerStoppedListening", 350 "InFlightRequestsDrained", 351 }); err != nil { 352 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 353 } 354 } 355 356 // This test exercises the graceful termination scenario 357 // described in the following diagram 358 // 359 // - every vertical line is an independent timeline 360 // 361 // - the leftmost vertical line represents the go routine that 362 // is executing GenericAPIServer.Run method 363 // 364 // - (signal) indicates that the given lifecycle signal has been fired 365 // 366 // stopCh 367 // | 368 // |--------------------------------------------| 369 // | | 370 // call PreShutdownHooks (ShutdownInitiated) 371 // | | 372 // (PreShutdownHooksCompleted) Sleep(ShutdownDelayDuration) 373 // | | 374 // | (AfterShutdownDelayDuration) 375 // | | 376 // | | 377 // |--------------------------------------------| 378 // | | 379 // | (NotAcceptingNewRequest) 380 // | | 381 // | NonLongRunningRequestWaitGroup.Wait() 382 // | | 383 // | WatchRequestWaitGroup.Wait() 384 // | | 385 // | (InFlightRequestsDrained) 386 // | | 387 // | | 388 // |------------------------------------------------------------| 389 // | | 390 // <-drainedCh.Signaled() close(stopHttpServerCh) 391 // | | 392 // s.AuditBackend.Shutdown() server.Shutdown(timeout=2s) 393 // | | 394 // | stop listener (net/http) 395 // | | 396 // | |-------------------------------------| 397 // | | | 398 // | wait up to 2s (HTTPServerStoppedListening) 399 // <-listenerStoppedCh | 400 // | stoppedCh is closed 401 // <-stoppedCh 402 // | 403 // return nil 404 func TestGracefulTerminationWithKeepListeningDuringGracefulTerminationEnabled(t *testing.T) { 405 fakeAudit := &fakeAudit{} 406 s := newGenericAPIServer(t, fakeAudit, true) 407 connReusingClient := newClient(false) 408 doer := setupDoer(t, s.SecureServingInfo) 409 410 // handler for a non long-running and a watch request that 411 // we want to keep in flight through to the end. 412 inflightNonLongRunning := setupInFlightNonLongRunningRequestHandler(s) 413 inflightWatch := setupInFlightWatchRequestHandler(s) 414 415 // API calls from the pre-shutdown hook(s) must succeed up to 416 // the point where the HTTP server is shut down. 417 preShutdownHook := setupPreShutdownHookHandler(t, s, doer, newClient(true)) 418 419 signals := &s.lifecycleSignals 420 recorder := &signalRecorder{} 421 wrapLifecycleSignalsWithRecorder(t, signals, recorder.before) 422 423 // before the AfterShutdownDelayDuration signal is fired, we want 424 // the test to execute a verification step. 425 beforeShutdownDelayDurationStep := newSignalInterceptingTestStep() 426 signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration = wrapLifecycleSignal(t, signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration, func(_ lifecycleSignal) { 427 // Before AfterShutdownDelayDuration event is signaled, the test 428 // will send request(s) to assert on expected behavior. 429 <-beforeShutdownDelayDurationStep.done() 430 }, nil) 431 432 // start the API server 433 _, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t) 434 stopCtx, stop := context.WithCancelCause(ctx) 435 defer stop(errors.New("test has completed")) 436 runCompletedCh := make(chan struct{}) 437 go func() { 438 defer close(runCompletedCh) 439 if err := s.PrepareRun().RunWithContext(stopCtx); err != nil { 440 t.Errorf("unexpected error from RunWithContext: %v", err) 441 } 442 }() 443 waitForAPIServerStarted(t, doer) 444 445 // fire the non long-running and the watch request so it is 446 // in-flight on the server now, and we will unblock them 447 // after ShutdownDelayDuration elapses. 448 inflightNonLongRunning.launch(doer, connReusingClient) 449 waitForeverUntil(t, inflightNonLongRunning.startedCh, "in-flight request did not reach the server") 450 inflightWatch.launch(doer, connReusingClient) 451 waitForeverUntil(t, inflightWatch.startedCh, "in-flight watch request did not reach the server") 452 453 // /readyz should return OK 454 resultGot := doer.Do(newClient(true), func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, "/readyz", time.Second) 455 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 456 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 457 } 458 459 // signal termination event: initiate a shutdown 460 stop(errors.New("shutting down")) 461 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.ShutdownInitiated) 462 463 // /readyz must return an error, but we need to give it some time 464 err := wait.PollImmediate(100*time.Millisecond, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, func() (done bool, err error) { 465 resultGot := doer.Do(newClient(true), func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, "/readyz", time.Second) 466 // wait until we have a non 200 response 467 if resultGot.response != nil && resultGot.response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { 468 return false, nil 469 } 470 471 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusInternalServerError); err != nil { 472 return true, err 473 } 474 return true, nil 475 }) 476 if err != nil { 477 t.Errorf("Expected /readyz to return 500 status code, but got: %v", err) 478 } 479 480 // before ShutdownDelayDuration elapses new request(s) should be served successfully. 481 beforeShutdownDelayDurationStep.execute(func() { 482 t.Log("Before ShutdownDelayDuration elapses new request(s) should be served") 483 resultGot := doer.Do(connReusingClient, shouldReuseConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-an-existing-connection-should-succeed", time.Second) 484 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 485 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 486 } 487 resultGot = doer.Do(newClient(true), shouldUseNewConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-a-new-tcp-connection-should-succeed", time.Second) 488 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 489 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 490 } 491 }) 492 493 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration) 494 495 // preshutdown hook has not completed yet, new incomng request should succeed 496 resultGot = doer.Do(newClient(true), shouldUseNewConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-a-new-tcp-connection-should-succeed", time.Second) 497 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 498 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 499 } 500 501 // let the preshutdown hook issue an API call now, and then let's wait 502 // for it to return the result, it should succeed. 503 close(preShutdownHook.blockedCh) 504 preShutdownHookResult := <-preShutdownHook.resultCh 505 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.PreShutdownHooksStopped) 506 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(preShutdownHookResult, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 507 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 508 } 509 510 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.NotAcceptingNewRequest) 511 512 // both AfterShutdownDelayDuration and PreShutdownHooksCompleted 513 // have been signaled, any incoming request should receive 429 514 resultGot = doer.Do(newClient(true), shouldUseNewConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-a-new-tcp-connection-should-fail-with-429", time.Second) 515 if err := requestMustFailWithRetryHeader(resultGot, http.StatusTooManyRequests); err != nil { 516 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 517 } 518 resultGot = doer.Do(connReusingClient, shouldReuseConnection(t), "/echo?message=request-on-an-existing-connection-should-fail-with-429", time.Second) 519 if err := requestMustFailWithRetryHeader(resultGot, http.StatusTooManyRequests); err != nil { 520 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 521 } 522 523 // we still have a non long-running, and a watch request in flight, 524 // unblock both of these, and we expect the requests 525 // to return appropriate response to the caller. 526 inflightNonLongRunningResultGot := inflightNonLongRunning.unblockAndWaitForResult(t) 527 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(inflightNonLongRunningResultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 528 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 529 } 530 if err := assertRequestAudited(inflightNonLongRunningResultGot, fakeAudit); err != nil { 531 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 532 } 533 inflightWatchResultGot := inflightWatch.unblockAndWaitForResult(t) 534 if err := assertResponseStatusCode(inflightWatchResultGot, http.StatusOK); err != nil { 535 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 536 } 537 if err := assertRequestAudited(inflightWatchResultGot, fakeAudit); err != nil { 538 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 539 } 540 541 // all requests in flight have drained 542 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.InFlightRequestsDrained) 543 waitForeverUntilSignaled(t, signals.HTTPServerStoppedListening) 544 545 t.Log("Waiting for the apiserver Run method to return") 546 waitForeverUntil(t, runCompletedCh, "the apiserver Run method did not return") 547 548 if !fakeAudit.shutdownCompleted() { 549 t.Errorf("Expected AuditBackend.Shutdown to be completed") 550 } 551 552 if err := recorder.verify([]string{ 553 "ShutdownInitiated", 554 "AfterShutdownDelayDuration", 555 "PreShutdownHooksStopped", 556 "NotAcceptingNewRequest", 557 "InFlightRequestsDrained", 558 "HTTPServerStoppedListening", 559 }); err != nil { 560 t.Errorf("%s", err.Error()) 561 } 562 } 563 564 func TestMuxAndDiscoveryComplete(t *testing.T) { 565 // setup 566 testSignal1 := make(chan struct{}) 567 testSignal2 := make(chan struct{}) 568 s := newGenericAPIServer(t, &fakeAudit{}, true) 569 s.muxAndDiscoveryCompleteSignals["TestSignal1"] = testSignal1 570 s.muxAndDiscoveryCompleteSignals["TestSignal2"] = testSignal2 571 doer := setupDoer(t, s.SecureServingInfo) 572 isChanClosed := func(ch <-chan struct{}, delay time.Duration) bool { 573 time.Sleep(delay) 574 select { 575 case <-ch: 576 return true 577 default: 578 return false 579 } 580 } 581 582 // start the API server 583 _, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t) 584 stopCtx, stop := context.WithCancelCause(ctx) 585 defer stop(errors.New("test has completed")) 586 runCompletedCh := make(chan struct{}) 587 go func() { 588 defer close(runCompletedCh) 589 if err := s.PrepareRun().RunWithContext(stopCtx); err != nil { 590 t.Errorf("unexpected error from RunWithContext: %v", err) 591 } 592 }() 593 waitForAPIServerStarted(t, doer) 594 595 // act 596 if isChanClosed(s.lifecycleSignals.MuxAndDiscoveryComplete.Signaled(), 1*time.Second) { 597 t.Fatalf("%s is closed whereas the TestSignal is still open", s.lifecycleSignals.MuxAndDiscoveryComplete.Name()) 598 } 599 600 close(testSignal1) 601 if isChanClosed(s.lifecycleSignals.MuxAndDiscoveryComplete.Signaled(), 1*time.Second) { 602 t.Fatalf("%s is closed whereas the TestSignal2 is still open", s.lifecycleSignals.MuxAndDiscoveryComplete.Name()) 603 } 604 605 close(testSignal2) 606 if !isChanClosed(s.lifecycleSignals.MuxAndDiscoveryComplete.Signaled(), 1*time.Second) { 607 t.Fatalf("%s wasn't closed", s.lifecycleSignals.MuxAndDiscoveryComplete.Name()) 608 } 609 } 610 611 func TestPreShutdownHooks(t *testing.T) { 612 tests := []struct { 613 name string 614 server func() *GenericAPIServer 615 }{ 616 { 617 name: "ShutdownSendRetryAfter is disabled", 618 server: func() *GenericAPIServer { 619 return newGenericAPIServer(t, &fakeAudit{}, false) 620 }, 621 }, 622 { 623 name: "ShutdownSendRetryAfter is enabled", 624 server: func() *GenericAPIServer { 625 return newGenericAPIServer(t, &fakeAudit{}, true) 626 }, 627 }, 628 } 629 630 for _, test := range tests { 631 t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { 632 _, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t) 633 stopCtx, stop := context.WithCancelCause(ctx) 634 defer stop(errors.New("test has completed")) 635 s := test.server() 636 doer := setupDoer(t, s.SecureServingInfo) 637 638 // preshutdown hook should not block when sending to the error channel 639 preShutdownHookErrCh := make(chan error, 1) 640 err := s.AddPreShutdownHook("test-backend", func() error { 641 // this pre-shutdown hook waits for the shutdown duration to elapse, 642 // and then send a series of requests to the apiserver, and 643 // we expect these series of requests to be completed successfully 644 <-s.lifecycleSignals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration.Signaled() 645 646 // we send 5 requests, one every second 647 var err error 648 client := newClient(true) 649 for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { 650 r := doer.Do(client, func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, fmt.Sprintf("/echo?message=attempt-%d", i), 1*time.Second) 651 err = r.err 652 if err == nil && r.response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { 653 err = fmt.Errorf("did not get status code 200 - %#v", r.response) 654 break 655 } 656 time.Sleep(time.Second) 657 } 658 preShutdownHookErrCh <- err 659 return nil 660 }) 661 if err != nil { 662 t.Fatalf("Failed to add pre-shutdown hook - %v", err) 663 } 664 665 // start the API server 666 runCompletedCh := make(chan struct{}) 667 go func() { 668 defer close(runCompletedCh) 669 if err := s.PrepareRun().RunWithContext(stopCtx); err != nil { 670 t.Errorf("unexpected error from RunWithContext: %v", err) 671 } 672 }() 673 waitForAPIServerStarted(t, doer) 674 675 stop(errors.New("shutting down")) 676 677 waitForeverUntil(t, runCompletedCh, "the apiserver Run method did not return") 678 679 select { 680 case err := <-preShutdownHookErrCh: 681 if err != nil { 682 t.Errorf("PreSHutdown hook can not access the API server - %v", err) 683 } 684 case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout): 685 t.Fatalf("pre-shutdown hook did not complete as expected") 686 } 687 }) 688 } 689 } 690 691 type signalRecorder struct { 692 lock sync.Mutex 693 order []string 694 } 695 696 func (r *signalRecorder) before(s lifecycleSignal) { 697 r.lock.Lock() 698 defer r.lock.Unlock() 699 r.order = append(r.order, s.Name()) 700 } 701 702 func (r *signalRecorder) verify(got []string) error { 703 r.lock.Lock() 704 defer r.lock.Unlock() 705 want := r.order 706 if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) { 707 return fmt.Errorf("Expected order of termination event signal to match, diff: %s", cmp.Diff(want, got)) 708 } 709 return nil 710 } 711 712 type inFlightRequest struct { 713 blockedCh, startedCh chan struct{} 714 resultCh chan result 715 url string 716 } 717 718 func setupInFlightNonLongRunningRequestHandler(s *GenericAPIServer) *inFlightRequest { 719 inflight := &inFlightRequest{ 720 blockedCh: make(chan struct{}), 721 startedCh: make(chan struct{}), 722 resultCh: make(chan result), 723 url: "/in-flight-non-long-running-request-as-designed", 724 } 725 handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { 726 close(inflight.startedCh) 727 // this request handler blocks until we deliberately unblock it. 728 <-inflight.blockedCh 729 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) 730 }) 731 s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.Handle(inflight.url, handler) 732 return inflight 733 } 734 735 func setupInFlightWatchRequestHandler(s *GenericAPIServer) *inFlightRequest { 736 inflight := &inFlightRequest{ 737 blockedCh: make(chan struct{}), 738 startedCh: make(chan struct{}), 739 resultCh: make(chan result), 740 url: "/apis/watches.group/v1/namespaces/foo/bar?watch=true", 741 } 742 743 handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { 744 close(inflight.startedCh) 745 // this request handler blocks until we deliberately unblock it. 746 <-inflight.blockedCh 747 748 // this simulates a watch well enough for our test 749 signals := apirequest.ServerShutdownSignalFrom(req.Context()) 750 if signals == nil { 751 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) 752 return 753 } 754 <-signals.ShuttingDown() 755 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) 756 }) 757 s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.Handle("/apis/watches.group/v1/namespaces/foo/bar", handler) 758 return inflight 759 } 760 761 func (ifr *inFlightRequest) launch(doer doer, client *http.Client) { 762 go func() { 763 result := doer.Do(client, func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, ifr.url, 0) 764 ifr.resultCh <- result 765 }() 766 } 767 768 func (ifr *inFlightRequest) unblockAndWaitForResult(t *testing.T) result { 769 close(ifr.blockedCh) 770 771 var resultGot result 772 select { 773 case resultGot = <-ifr.resultCh: 774 return resultGot 775 case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout): 776 t.Fatal("Expected the server to send a response") 777 } 778 return resultGot 779 } 780 781 type preShutdownHookHandler struct { 782 blockedCh chan struct{} 783 resultCh chan result 784 } 785 786 func setupPreShutdownHookHandler(t *testing.T, s *GenericAPIServer, doer doer, client *http.Client) *preShutdownHookHandler { 787 hook := &preShutdownHookHandler{ 788 blockedCh: make(chan struct{}), 789 resultCh: make(chan result), 790 } 791 if err := s.AddPreShutdownHook("test-preshutdown-hook", func() error { 792 // wait until the test commands this pre shutdown 793 // hook to invoke an API call. 794 <-hook.blockedCh 795 796 resultGot := doer.Do(client, func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, "/echo?message=request-from-pre-shutdown-hook-should-succeed", time.Second) 797 hook.resultCh <- resultGot 798 return nil 799 }); err != nil { 800 t.Fatalf("Failed to register preshutdown hook - %v", err) 801 } 802 803 return hook 804 } 805 806 type fakeAudit struct { 807 shutdownCh chan struct{} 808 lock sync.Mutex 809 audits map[string]struct{} 810 completed bool 811 } 812 813 func (a *fakeAudit) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error { 814 a.shutdownCh = make(chan struct{}) 815 go func() { 816 defer close(a.shutdownCh) 817 <-stopCh 818 }() 819 return nil 820 } 821 822 func (a *fakeAudit) Shutdown() { 823 <-a.shutdownCh 824 825 a.lock.Lock() 826 defer a.lock.Unlock() 827 a.completed = true 828 } 829 830 func (a *fakeAudit) String() string { 831 return "fake-audit" 832 } 833 834 func (a *fakeAudit) shutdownCompleted() bool { 835 a.lock.Lock() 836 defer a.lock.Unlock() 837 838 return a.completed 839 } 840 841 func (a *fakeAudit) ProcessEvents(events ...*auditinternal.Event) bool { 842 a.lock.Lock() 843 defer a.lock.Unlock() 844 if len(a.audits) == 0 { 845 a.audits = map[string]struct{}{} 846 } 847 for _, event := range events { 848 a.audits[string(event.AuditID)] = struct{}{} 849 } 850 851 return true 852 } 853 854 func (a *fakeAudit) requestAudited(auditID string) bool { 855 a.lock.Lock() 856 defer a.lock.Unlock() 857 _, exists := a.audits[auditID] 858 return exists 859 } 860 861 func (a *fakeAudit) EvaluatePolicyRule(attrs authorizer.Attributes) audit.RequestAuditConfig { 862 return audit.RequestAuditConfig{ 863 Level: auditinternal.LevelMetadata, 864 } 865 } 866 867 func assertRequestAudited(resultGot result, backend *fakeAudit) error { 868 resp := resultGot.response 869 if resp == nil { 870 return fmt.Errorf("Expected a response, but got nil") 871 } 872 auditIDGot := resp.Header.Get(auditinternal.HeaderAuditID) 873 if len(auditIDGot) == 0 { 874 return fmt.Errorf("Expected non-empty %q response header, but got: %v", auditinternal.HeaderAuditID, resp) 875 } 876 if !backend.requestAudited(auditIDGot) { 877 return fmt.Errorf("Expected the request to be audited: %q", auditIDGot) 878 } 879 return nil 880 } 881 882 func waitForeverUntilSignaled(t *testing.T, s lifecycleSignal) { 883 waitForeverUntil(t, s.Signaled(), fmt.Sprintf("Expected the server to signal %s event", s.Name())) 884 } 885 886 func waitForeverUntil(t *testing.T, ch <-chan struct{}, msg string) { 887 select { 888 case <-ch: 889 case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout): 890 t.Fatalf("%s", msg) 891 } 892 } 893 894 func shouldReuseConnection(t *testing.T) func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) { 895 return func(ci httptrace.GotConnInfo) { 896 if !ci.Reused { 897 t.Errorf("Expected the request to use an existing TCP connection, but got: %+v", ci) 898 } 899 } 900 } 901 902 func shouldUseNewConnection(t *testing.T) func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) { 903 return func(ci httptrace.GotConnInfo) { 904 if ci.Reused { 905 t.Errorf("Expected the request to use a new TCP connection, but got: %+v", ci) 906 } 907 } 908 } 909 910 func assertResponseStatusCode(resultGot result, statusCodeExpected int) error { 911 if resultGot.err != nil { 912 return fmt.Errorf("Expected no error, but got: %v", resultGot.err) 913 } 914 if resultGot.response.StatusCode != statusCodeExpected { 915 return fmt.Errorf("Expected Status Code: %d, but got: %d", statusCodeExpected, resultGot.response.StatusCode) 916 } 917 return nil 918 } 919 920 func requestMustFailWithRetryHeader(resultGot result, statusCodedExpected int) error { 921 if resultGot.err != nil { 922 return fmt.Errorf("Expected no error, but got: %v", resultGot.err) 923 } 924 if statusCodedExpected != resultGot.response.StatusCode { 925 return fmt.Errorf("Expected Status Code: %d, but got: %d", statusCodedExpected, resultGot.response.StatusCode) 926 } 927 retryAfterGot := resultGot.response.Header.Get("Retry-After") 928 if retryAfterGot != "5" { 929 return fmt.Errorf("Expected Retry-After Response Header, but got: %v", resultGot.response) 930 } 931 return nil 932 } 933 934 func waitForAPIServerStarted(t *testing.T, doer doer) { 935 client := newClient(true) 936 i := 1 937 err := wait.PollImmediate(100*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second, func() (done bool, err error) { 938 result := doer.Do(client, func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) {}, fmt.Sprintf("/echo?message=attempt-%d", i), time.Second) 939 i++ 940 941 if result.err != nil { 942 t.Logf("Still waiting for the server to start - err: %v", err) 943 return false, nil 944 } 945 if result.response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { 946 t.Logf("Still waiting for the server to start - expecting: %d, but got: %v", http.StatusOK, result.response) 947 return false, nil 948 } 949 950 t.Log("The API server has started") 951 return true, nil 952 }) 953 954 if err != nil { 955 t.Fatalf("The server has failed to start - err: %v", err) 956 } 957 } 958 959 func setupDoer(t *testing.T, info *SecureServingInfo) doer { 960 _, port, err := info.HostPort() 961 if err != nil { 962 t.Fatalf("Expected host, port from SecureServingInfo, but got: %v", err) 963 } 964 965 return func(client *http.Client, callback func(httptrace.GotConnInfo), path string, timeout time.Duration) result { 966 url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%d%s", "", port, path) 967 t.Logf("Sending request - timeout: %s, url: %s", timeout, url) 968 969 req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) 970 if err != nil { 971 return result{response: nil, err: err} 972 } 973 974 // setup request timeout 975 var ctx context.Context 976 if timeout > 0 { 977 var cancel context.CancelFunc 978 ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(req.Context(), timeout) 979 defer cancel() 980 981 req = req.WithContext(ctx) 982 } 983 984 // setup trace 985 trace := &httptrace.ClientTrace{ 986 GotConn: func(connInfo httptrace.GotConnInfo) { 987 callback(connInfo) 988 }, 989 } 990 req = req.WithContext(httptrace.WithClientTrace(req.Context(), trace)) 991 992 response, err := client.Do(req) 993 // in this test, we don't depend on the body of the response, so we can 994 // close the Body here to ensure the underlying transport can be reused 995 if response != nil { 996 io.ReadAll(response.Body) 997 response.Body.Close() 998 } 999 return result{ 1000 err: err, 1001 response: response, 1002 } 1003 } 1004 } 1005 1006 func newClient(useNewConnection bool) *http.Client { 1007 clientCACertPool := x509.NewCertPool() 1008 clientCACertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(backendCrt) 1009 tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ 1010 RootCAs: clientCACertPool, 1011 NextProtos: []string{http2.NextProtoTLS}, 1012 } 1013 1014 tr := &http.Transport{ 1015 TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig, 1016 DisableKeepAlives: useNewConnection, 1017 } 1018 if err := http2.ConfigureTransport(tr); err != nil { 1019 log.Fatalf("Failed to configure HTTP2 transport: %v", err) 1020 } 1021 return &http.Client{ 1022 Timeout: 0, 1023 Transport: tr, 1024 } 1025 } 1026 1027 func newGenericAPIServer(t *testing.T, fAudit *fakeAudit, keepListening bool) *GenericAPIServer { 1028 config, _ := setUp(t) 1029 config.ShutdownDelayDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond 1030 config.ShutdownSendRetryAfter = keepListening 1031 // we enable watch draining, any positive value will do that 1032 config.ShutdownWatchTerminationGracePeriod = 2 * time.Second 1033 config.AuditPolicyRuleEvaluator = fAudit 1034 config.AuditBackend = fAudit 1035 1036 s, err := config.Complete(nil).New("test", NewEmptyDelegate()) 1037 if err != nil { 1038 t.Fatalf("Error in bringing up the server: %v", err) 1039 } 1040 1041 ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") 1042 if err != nil { 1043 t.Fatalf("failed to listen on %v: %v", "", err) 1044 } 1045 s.SecureServingInfo = &SecureServingInfo{} 1046 s.SecureServingInfo.Listener = &wrappedListener{ln, t} 1047 1048 cert, err := dynamiccertificates.NewStaticCertKeyContent("serving-cert", backendCrt, backendKey) 1049 if err != nil { 1050 t.Fatalf("failed to load cert - %v", err) 1051 } 1052 s.SecureServingInfo.Cert = cert 1053 1054 // we use this handler to send a test request to the server. 1055 s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.Handle("/echo", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { 1056 t.Logf("[server] received a request, proto: %s, url: %s", req.Proto, req.RequestURI) 1057 1058 w.Header().Add("echo", req.URL.Query().Get("message")) 1059 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) 1060 })) 1061 1062 return s 1063 } 1064 1065 type wrappedListener struct { 1066 net.Listener 1067 t *testing.T 1068 } 1069 1070 func (ln wrappedListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) { 1071 c, err := ln.Listener.Accept() 1072 1073 if tc, ok := c.(*net.TCPConn); ok { 1074 ln.t.Logf("[server] seen new connection: %#v", tc) 1075 } 1076 return c, err 1077 }