k8s.io/apiserver@v0.31.1/pkg/util/flowcontrol/fairqueuing/queueset/queueset_test.go (about)

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package queueset
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"errors"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"math"
    24  	"os"
    25  	"reflect"
    26  	"sort"
    27  	"strings"
    28  	"sync"
    29  	"sync/atomic"
    30  	"testing"
    31  	"time"
    33  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets"
    34  	"k8s.io/utils/clock"
    36  	"k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/authentication/user"
    37  	genericrequest "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/request"
    38  	"k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/counter"
    39  	"k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/debug"
    40  	fq "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/fairqueuing"
    41  	"k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/fairqueuing/promise"
    42  	test "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/fairqueuing/testing"
    43  	testeventclock "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/fairqueuing/testing/eventclock"
    44  	testpromise "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/fairqueuing/testing/promise"
    45  	"k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/metrics"
    46  	fcrequest "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flowcontrol/request"
    47  	"k8s.io/klog/v2"
    48  )
    50  // fairAlloc computes the max-min fair allocation of the given
    51  // capacity to the given demands (which slice is not side-effected).
    52  func fairAlloc(demands []float64, capacity float64) []float64 {
    53  	count := len(demands)
    54  	indices := make([]int, count)
    55  	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
    56  		indices[i] = i
    57  	}
    58  	sort.Slice(indices, func(i, j int) bool { return demands[indices[i]] < demands[indices[j]] })
    59  	alloc := make([]float64, count)
    60  	var next int
    61  	var prevAlloc float64
    62  	for ; next < count; next++ {
    63  		// `capacity` is how much remains assuming that
    64  		// all unvisited items get `prevAlloc`.
    65  		idx := indices[next]
    66  		demand := demands[idx]
    67  		if demand <= 0 {
    68  			continue
    69  		}
    70  		// `fullCapacityBite` is how much more capacity would be used
    71  		// if this and all following items get as much as this one
    72  		// is demanding.
    73  		fullCapacityBite := float64(count-next) * (demand - prevAlloc)
    74  		if fullCapacityBite > capacity {
    75  			break
    76  		}
    77  		prevAlloc = demand
    78  		alloc[idx] = demand
    79  		capacity -= fullCapacityBite
    80  	}
    81  	for j := next; j < count; j++ {
    82  		alloc[indices[j]] = prevAlloc + capacity/float64(count-next)
    83  	}
    84  	return alloc
    85  }
    87  func TestFairAlloc(t *testing.T) {
    88  	if e, a := []float64{0, 0}, fairAlloc([]float64{0, 0}, 42); !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
    89  		t.Errorf("Expected %#+v, got #%+v", e, a)
    90  	}
    91  	if e, a := []float64{42, 0}, fairAlloc([]float64{47, 0}, 42); !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
    92  		t.Errorf("Expected %#+v, got #%+v", e, a)
    93  	}
    94  	if e, a := []float64{1, 41}, fairAlloc([]float64{1, 47}, 42); !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
    95  		t.Errorf("Expected %#+v, got #%+v", e, a)
    96  	}
    97  	if e, a := []float64{3, 5, 5, 1}, fairAlloc([]float64{3, 7, 9, 1}, 14); !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
    98  		t.Errorf("Expected %#+v, got #%+v", e, a)
    99  	}
   100  	if e, a := []float64{1, 9, 7, 3}, fairAlloc([]float64{1, 9, 7, 3}, 21); !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
   101  		t.Errorf("Expected %#+v, got #%+v", e, a)
   102  	}
   103  }
   105  type uniformClient struct {
   106  	hash     uint64
   107  	nThreads int
   108  	nCalls   int
   109  	// duration for a simulated synchronous call
   110  	execDuration time.Duration
   111  	// duration for simulated "other work".  This can be negative,
   112  	// causing a request to be launched a certain amount of time
   113  	// before the previous one finishes.
   114  	thinkDuration time.Duration
   115  	// padDuration is additional time during which this request occupies its seats.
   116  	// This comes at the end of execution, after the reply has been released toward
   117  	// the client.
   118  	// The evaluation code below does not take this into account.
   119  	// In cases where `padDuration` makes a difference,
   120  	// set the `expectedAverages` field of `uniformScenario`.
   121  	padDuration time.Duration
   122  	// When true indicates that only half the specified number of
   123  	// threads should run during the first half of the evaluation
   124  	// period
   125  	split bool
   126  	// initialSeats is the number of seats this request occupies in the first phase of execution
   127  	initialSeats uint64
   128  	// finalSeats is the number occupied during the second phase of execution
   129  	finalSeats uint64
   130  }
   132  func newUniformClient(hash uint64, nThreads, nCalls int, execDuration, thinkDuration time.Duration) uniformClient {
   133  	return uniformClient{
   134  		hash:          hash,
   135  		nThreads:      nThreads,
   136  		nCalls:        nCalls,
   137  		execDuration:  execDuration,
   138  		thinkDuration: thinkDuration,
   139  		initialSeats:  1,
   140  		finalSeats:    1,
   141  	}
   142  }
   144  func (uc uniformClient) setSplit() uniformClient {
   145  	uc.split = true
   146  	return uc
   147  }
   149  func (uc uniformClient) setInitWidth(seats uint64) uniformClient {
   150  	uc.initialSeats = seats
   151  	return uc
   152  }
   154  func (uc uniformClient) pad(finalSeats int, duration time.Duration) uniformClient {
   155  	uc.finalSeats = uint64(finalSeats)
   156  	uc.padDuration = duration
   157  	return uc
   158  }
   160  // uniformScenario describes a scenario based on the given set of uniform clients.
   161  // Each uniform client specifies a number of threads, each of which alternates between thinking
   162  // and making a synchronous request through the QueueSet.
   163  // The test measures how much concurrency each client got, on average, over
   164  // the initial evalDuration and tests to see whether they all got about the fair amount.
   165  // Each client needs to be demanding enough to use more than its fair share,
   166  // or overall care needs to be taken about timing so that scheduling details
   167  // do not cause any client to actually request a significantly smaller share
   168  // than it theoretically should.
   169  // expectFair indicate whether the QueueSet is expected to be
   170  // fair in the respective halves of a split scenario;
   171  // in a non-split scenario this is a singleton with one expectation.
   172  // expectAllRequests indicates whether all requests are expected to get dispatched.
   173  // expectedAverages, if provided, replaces the normal calculation of expected results.
   174  type uniformScenario struct {
   175  	name                                     string
   176  	qs                                       fq.QueueSet
   177  	clients                                  []uniformClient
   178  	concurrencyLimit                         int
   179  	evalDuration                             time.Duration
   180  	expectedFair                             []bool
   181  	expectedFairnessMargin                   []float64
   182  	expectAllRequests                        bool
   183  	evalInqueueMetrics, evalExecutingMetrics bool
   184  	rejectReason                             string
   185  	clk                                      *testeventclock.Fake
   186  	counter                                  counter.GoRoutineCounter
   187  	expectedAverages                         []float64
   188  	expectedEpochAdvances                    int
   189  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject              fq.Integrator
   190  	dontDump                                 bool
   191  }
   193  func (us uniformScenario) exercise(t *testing.T) {
   194  	uss := uniformScenarioState{
   195  		t:                         t,
   196  		uniformScenario:           us,
   197  		startTime:                 us.clk.Now(),
   198  		execSeatsIntegrators:      make([]fq.Integrator, len(us.clients)),
   199  		seatDemandIntegratorCheck: fq.NewNamedIntegrator(us.clk, us.name+"-seatDemandCheck"),
   200  		executions:                make([]int32, len(us.clients)),
   201  		rejects:                   make([]int32, len(us.clients)),
   202  	}
   203  	for _, uc := range us.clients {
   204  		uss.doSplit = uss.doSplit || uc.split
   205  	}
   206  	uss.exercise()
   207  }
   209  type uniformScenarioState struct {
   210  	t *testing.T
   211  	uniformScenario
   212  	startTime                                                                              time.Time
   213  	doSplit                                                                                bool
   214  	execSeatsIntegrators                                                                   []fq.Integrator
   215  	seatDemandIntegratorCheck                                                              fq.Integrator
   216  	failedCount                                                                            uint64
   217  	expectedInqueueReqs, expectedInqueueSeats, expectedExecuting, expectedConcurrencyInUse string
   218  	executions, rejects                                                                    []int32
   219  }
   221  func (uss *uniformScenarioState) exercise() {
   222  	uss.t.Logf("%s: Start %s, doSplit=%v, clk=%p, grc=%p", uss.startTime.Format(nsTimeFmt), uss.name, uss.doSplit, uss.clk, uss.counter)
   223  	if uss.evalInqueueMetrics || uss.evalExecutingMetrics {
   224  		metrics.Reset()
   225  	}
   226  	for i, uc := range uss.clients {
   227  		uss.execSeatsIntegrators[i] = fq.NewNamedIntegrator(uss.clk, fmt.Sprintf("%s client %d execSeats", uss.name, i))
   228  		fsName := fmt.Sprintf("client%d", i)
   229  		uss.expectedInqueueReqs = uss.expectedInqueueReqs + fmt.Sprintf(`				apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_requests{flow_schema=%q,priority_level=%q} 0%s`, fsName, uss.name, "\n")
   230  		uss.expectedInqueueSeats = uss.expectedInqueueSeats + fmt.Sprintf(`				apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_seats{flow_schema=%q,priority_level=%q} 0%s`, fsName, uss.name, "\n")
   231  		for j := 0; j < uc.nThreads; j++ {
   232  			ust := uniformScenarioThread{
   233  				uss:                 uss,
   234  				i:                   i,
   235  				j:                   j,
   236  				nCalls:              uc.nCalls,
   237  				uc:                  uc,
   238  				execSeatsIntegrator: uss.execSeatsIntegrators[i],
   239  				fsName:              fsName,
   240  			}
   241  			ust.start()
   242  		}
   243  	}
   244  	if uss.doSplit {
   245  		uss.evalTo(uss.startTime.Add(uss.evalDuration/2), false, uss.expectedFair[0], uss.expectedFairnessMargin[0])
   246  	}
   247  	uss.evalTo(uss.startTime.Add(uss.evalDuration), true, uss.expectedFair[len(uss.expectedFair)-1], uss.expectedFairnessMargin[len(uss.expectedFairnessMargin)-1])
   248  	uss.clk.Run(nil)
   249  	uss.finalReview()
   250  }
   252  type uniformScenarioThread struct {
   253  	uss                 *uniformScenarioState
   254  	i, j                int
   255  	nCalls              int
   256  	uc                  uniformClient
   257  	execSeatsIntegrator fq.Integrator
   258  	fsName              string
   259  }
   261  func (ust *uniformScenarioThread) start() {
   262  	initialDelay := time.Duration(90*ust.j + 20*ust.i)
   263  	if ust.uc.split && ust.j >= ust.uc.nThreads/2 {
   264  		initialDelay += ust.uss.evalDuration / 2
   265  		ust.nCalls = ust.nCalls / 2
   266  	}
   267  	ust.uss.clk.EventAfterDuration(ust.genCallK(0), initialDelay)
   268  }
   270  // generates an EventFunc that does call k
   271  func (ust *uniformScenarioThread) genCallK(k int) func(time.Time) {
   272  	return func(time.Time) {
   273  		ust.callK(k)
   274  	}
   275  }
   277  func (ust *uniformScenarioThread) callK(k int) {
   278  	if k >= ust.nCalls {
   279  		return
   280  	}
   281  	maxWidth := float64(uint64max(ust.uc.initialSeats, ust.uc.finalSeats))
   282  	ust.uss.seatDemandIntegratorCheck.Add(maxWidth)
   283  	returnSeatDemand := func(time.Time) { ust.uss.seatDemandIntegratorCheck.Add(-maxWidth) }
   284  	ctx := context.Background()
   285  	username := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d:%d", ust.i, ust.j, k)
   286  	ctx = genericrequest.WithUser(ctx, &user.DefaultInfo{Name: username})
   287  	req, idle := ust.uss.qs.StartRequest(ctx, &fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: ust.uc.initialSeats, FinalSeats: ust.uc.finalSeats, AdditionalLatency: ust.uc.padDuration}, ust.uc.hash, "", ust.fsName, ust.uss.name, []int{ust.i, ust.j, k}, nil)
   288  	ust.uss.t.Logf("%s: %d, %d, %d got req=%p, idle=%v", ust.uss.clk.Now().Format(nsTimeFmt), ust.i, ust.j, k, req, idle)
   289  	if req == nil {
   290  		atomic.AddUint64(&ust.uss.failedCount, 1)
   291  		atomic.AddInt32(&ust.uss.rejects[ust.i], 1)
   292  		returnSeatDemand(ust.uss.clk.Now())
   293  		return
   294  	}
   295  	if idle {
   296  		ust.uss.t.Error("got request but QueueSet reported idle")
   297  	}
   298  	if (!ust.uss.dontDump) && k%100 == 0 {
   299  		insistRequestFromUser(ust.uss.t, ust.uss.qs, username)
   300  	}
   301  	var executed bool
   302  	var returnTime time.Time
   303  	idle2 := req.Finish(func() {
   304  		executed = true
   305  		execStart := ust.uss.clk.Now()
   306  		atomic.AddInt32(&ust.uss.executions[ust.i], 1)
   307  		ust.execSeatsIntegrator.Add(float64(ust.uc.initialSeats))
   308  		ust.uss.t.Logf("%s: %d, %d, %d executing; width1=%d", execStart.Format(nsTimeFmt), ust.i, ust.j, k, ust.uc.initialSeats)
   309  		ust.uss.clk.EventAfterDuration(ust.genCallK(k+1), ust.uc.execDuration+ust.uc.thinkDuration)
   310  		ust.uss.clk.Sleep(ust.uc.execDuration)
   311  		ust.execSeatsIntegrator.Add(-float64(ust.uc.initialSeats))
   312  		ust.uss.clk.EventAfterDuration(returnSeatDemand, ust.uc.padDuration)
   313  		returnTime = ust.uss.clk.Now()
   314  	})
   315  	now := ust.uss.clk.Now()
   316  	ust.uss.t.Logf("%s: %d, %d, %d got executed=%v, idle2=%v", now.Format(nsTimeFmt), ust.i, ust.j, k, executed, idle2)
   317  	if !executed {
   318  		atomic.AddUint64(&ust.uss.failedCount, 1)
   319  		atomic.AddInt32(&ust.uss.rejects[ust.i], 1)
   320  		returnSeatDemand(ust.uss.clk.Now())
   321  	} else if now != returnTime {
   322  		ust.uss.t.Errorf("%s: %d, %d, %d returnTime=%s", now.Format(nsTimeFmt), ust.i, ust.j, k, returnTime.Format(nsTimeFmt))
   323  	}
   324  }
   326  func insistRequestFromUser(t *testing.T, qs fq.QueueSet, username string) {
   327  	qsd := qs.Dump(true)
   328  	goodRequest := func(rd debug.RequestDump) bool {
   329  		return rd.UserName == username
   330  	}
   331  	goodSliceOfRequests := SliceMapReduce(goodRequest, or)
   332  	if goodSliceOfRequests(qsd.QueuelessExecutingRequests) {
   333  		t.Logf("Found user %s among queueless requests", username)
   334  		return
   335  	}
   336  	goodQueueDump := func(qd debug.QueueDump) bool {
   337  		return goodSliceOfRequests(qd.Requests) || goodSliceOfRequests(qd.RequestsExecuting)
   338  	}
   339  	if SliceMapReduce(goodQueueDump, or)(qsd.Queues) {
   340  		t.Logf("Found user %s among queued requests", username)
   341  		return
   342  	}
   343  	t.Errorf("Failed to find request from user %s", username)
   344  }
   346  func (uss *uniformScenarioState) evalTo(lim time.Time, last, expectFair bool, margin float64) {
   347  	uss.clk.Run(&lim)
   348  	uss.clk.SetTime(lim)
   349  	if uss.doSplit && !last {
   350  		uss.t.Logf("%s: End of first half of scenario %q", uss.clk.Now().Format(nsTimeFmt), uss.name)
   351  	} else {
   352  		uss.t.Logf("%s: End of scenario %q", uss.clk.Now().Format(nsTimeFmt), uss.name)
   353  	}
   354  	demands := make([]float64, len(uss.clients))
   355  	averages := make([]float64, len(uss.clients))
   356  	for i, uc := range uss.clients {
   357  		nThreads := uc.nThreads
   358  		if uc.split && !last {
   359  			nThreads = nThreads / 2
   360  		}
   361  		sep := uc.thinkDuration
   362  		demands[i] = float64(nThreads) * float64(uc.initialSeats) * float64(uc.execDuration) / float64(sep+uc.execDuration)
   363  		averages[i] = uss.execSeatsIntegrators[i].Reset().Average
   364  	}
   365  	fairAverages := uss.expectedAverages
   366  	if fairAverages == nil {
   367  		fairAverages = fairAlloc(demands, float64(uss.concurrencyLimit))
   368  	}
   369  	for i := range uss.clients {
   370  		expectedAverage := fairAverages[i]
   371  		var gotFair bool
   372  		if expectedAverage > 0 {
   373  			relDiff := (averages[i] - expectedAverage) / expectedAverage
   374  			gotFair = math.Abs(relDiff) <= margin
   375  		} else {
   376  			gotFair = math.Abs(averages[i]) <= margin
   377  		}
   379  		if gotFair != expectFair {
   380  			uss.t.Errorf("%s client %d last=%v expectFair=%v margin=%v got an Average of %v but the expected average was %v", uss.name, i, last, expectFair, margin, averages[i], expectedAverage)
   381  		} else {
   382  			uss.t.Logf("%s client %d last=%v expectFair=%v margin=%v got an Average of %v and the expected average was %v", uss.name, i, last, expectFair, margin, averages[i], expectedAverage)
   383  		}
   384  	}
   385  	if uss.seatDemandIntegratorSubject != nil {
   386  		checkResults := uss.seatDemandIntegratorCheck.GetResults()
   387  		subjectResults := uss.seatDemandIntegratorSubject.GetResults()
   388  		if float64close(subjectResults.Duration, checkResults.Duration) {
   389  			uss.t.Logf("%s last=%v got duration of %v and expected %v", uss.name, last, subjectResults.Duration, checkResults.Duration)
   390  		} else {
   391  			uss.t.Errorf("%s last=%v got duration of %v but expected %v", uss.name, last, subjectResults.Duration, checkResults.Duration)
   392  		}
   393  		if got, expected := float64NaNTo0(subjectResults.Average), float64NaNTo0(checkResults.Average); float64close(got, expected) {
   394  			uss.t.Logf("%s last=%v got SeatDemand average of %v and expected %v", uss.name, last, got, expected)
   395  		} else {
   396  			uss.t.Errorf("%s last=%v got SeatDemand average of %v but expected %v", uss.name, last, got, expected)
   397  		}
   398  		if got, expected := float64NaNTo0(subjectResults.Deviation), float64NaNTo0(checkResults.Deviation); float64close(got, expected) {
   399  			uss.t.Logf("%s last=%v got SeatDemand standard deviation of %v and expected %v", uss.name, last, got, expected)
   400  		} else {
   401  			uss.t.Errorf("%s last=%v got SeatDemand standard deviation of %v but expected %v", uss.name, last, got, expected)
   402  		}
   403  	}
   404  }
   406  func (uss *uniformScenarioState) finalReview() {
   407  	if uss.expectAllRequests && uss.failedCount > 0 {
   408  		uss.t.Errorf("Expected all requests to be successful but got %v failed requests", uss.failedCount)
   409  	} else if !uss.expectAllRequests && uss.failedCount == 0 {
   410  		uss.t.Errorf("Expected failed requests but all requests succeeded")
   411  	}
   412  	if uss.evalInqueueMetrics {
   413  		e := `
   414  				# HELP apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_requests [BETA] Number of requests currently pending in queues of the API Priority and Fairness subsystem
   415  				# TYPE apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_requests gauge
   416  ` + uss.expectedInqueueReqs
   417  		err := metrics.GatherAndCompare(e, "apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_requests")
   418  		if err != nil {
   419  			uss.t.Error(err)
   420  		} else {
   421  			uss.t.Log("Success with" + e)
   422  		}
   424  		e = `
   425  				# HELP apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_seats [ALPHA] Number of seats currently pending in queues of the API Priority and Fairness subsystem
   426  				# TYPE apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_seats gauge
   427  ` + uss.expectedInqueueSeats
   428  		err = metrics.GatherAndCompare(e, "apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_seats")
   429  		if err != nil {
   430  			uss.t.Error(err)
   431  		} else {
   432  			uss.t.Log("Success with" + e)
   433  		}
   434  	}
   435  	expectedRejects := ""
   436  	for i := range uss.clients {
   437  		fsName := fmt.Sprintf("client%d", i)
   438  		if atomic.LoadInt32(&uss.executions[i]) > 0 {
   439  			uss.expectedExecuting = uss.expectedExecuting + fmt.Sprintf(`				apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_requests{flow_schema=%q,priority_level=%q} 0%s`, fsName, uss.name, "\n")
   440  			uss.expectedConcurrencyInUse = uss.expectedConcurrencyInUse + fmt.Sprintf(`				apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_in_use{flow_schema=%q,priority_level=%q} 0%s`, fsName, uss.name, "\n")
   441  		}
   442  		if atomic.LoadInt32(&uss.rejects[i]) > 0 {
   443  			expectedRejects = expectedRejects + fmt.Sprintf(`				apiserver_flowcontrol_rejected_requests_total{flow_schema=%q,priority_level=%q,reason=%q} %d%s`, fsName, uss.name, uss.rejectReason, uss.rejects[i], "\n")
   444  		}
   445  	}
   446  	if uss.evalExecutingMetrics && len(uss.expectedExecuting) > 0 {
   447  		e := `
   448  				# HELP apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_requests [BETA] Number of requests in initial (for a WATCH) or any (for a non-WATCH) execution stage in the API Priority and Fairness subsystem
   449  				# TYPE apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_requests gauge
   450  ` + uss.expectedExecuting
   451  		err := metrics.GatherAndCompare(e, "apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_requests")
   452  		if err != nil {
   453  			uss.t.Error(err)
   454  		} else {
   455  			uss.t.Log("Success with" + e)
   456  		}
   457  	}
   458  	if uss.evalExecutingMetrics && len(uss.expectedConcurrencyInUse) > 0 {
   459  		e := `
   460  				# HELP apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_in_use [ALPHA] Concurrency (number of seats) occupied by the currently executing (initial stage for a WATCH, any stage otherwise) requests in the API Priority and Fairness subsystem
   461  				# TYPE apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_in_use gauge
   462  ` + uss.expectedConcurrencyInUse
   463  		err := metrics.GatherAndCompare(e, "apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_in_use")
   464  		if err != nil {
   465  			uss.t.Error(err)
   466  		} else {
   467  			uss.t.Log("Success with" + e)
   468  		}
   469  	}
   470  	if uss.evalExecutingMetrics && len(expectedRejects) > 0 {
   471  		e := `
   472  				# HELP apiserver_flowcontrol_rejected_requests_total [BETA] Number of requests rejected by API Priority and Fairness subsystem
   473  				# TYPE apiserver_flowcontrol_rejected_requests_total counter
   474  ` + expectedRejects
   475  		err := metrics.GatherAndCompare(e, "apiserver_flowcontrol_rejected_requests_total")
   476  		if err != nil {
   477  			uss.t.Error(err)
   478  		} else {
   479  			uss.t.Log("Success with" + e)
   480  		}
   481  	}
   482  	e := ""
   483  	if uss.expectedEpochAdvances > 0 {
   484  		e = fmt.Sprintf(`        # HELP apiserver_flowcontrol_epoch_advance_total [ALPHA] Number of times the queueset's progress meter jumped backward
   485          # TYPE apiserver_flowcontrol_epoch_advance_total counter
   486          apiserver_flowcontrol_epoch_advance_total{priority_level=%q,success=%q} %d%s`, uss.name, "true", uss.expectedEpochAdvances, "\n")
   487  	}
   488  	err := metrics.GatherAndCompare(e, "apiserver_flowcontrol_epoch_advance_total")
   489  	if err != nil {
   490  		uss.t.Error(err)
   491  	} else {
   492  		uss.t.Logf("Success with apiserver_flowcontrol_epoch_advance_total = %d", uss.expectedEpochAdvances)
   493  	}
   494  }
   496  func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
   497  	klog.InitFlags(nil)
   498  	os.Exit(m.Run())
   499  }
   501  // TestNoRestraint tests whether the no-restraint factory gives every client what it asks for
   502  // even though that is unfair.
   503  // Expects fairness when there is no competition, unfairness when there is competition.
   504  func TestNoRestraint(t *testing.T) {
   505  	metrics.Register()
   506  	testCases := []struct {
   507  		concurrency int
   508  		margin      float64
   509  		fair        bool
   510  		name        string
   511  	}{
   512  		{concurrency: 10, margin: 0.001, fair: true, name: "no-competition"},
   513  		{concurrency: 2, margin: 0.25, fair: false, name: "with-competition"},
   514  	}
   515  	for _, testCase := range testCases {
   516  		t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   517  			now := time.Now()
   518  			clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   519  			nrc, err := test.NewNoRestraintFactory().BeginConstruction(fq.QueuingConfig{}, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, "TestNoRestraint"))
   520  			if err != nil {
   521  				t.Fatal(err)
   522  			}
   523  			nr := nrc.Complete(fq.DispatchingConfig{})
   524  			uniformScenario{name: "NoRestraint/" + testCase.name,
   525  				qs: nr,
   526  				clients: []uniformClient{
   527  					newUniformClient(1001001001, 5, 15, time.Second, time.Second),
   528  					newUniformClient(2002002002, 2, 15, time.Second, time.Second/2),
   529  				},
   530  				concurrencyLimit:       testCase.concurrency,
   531  				evalDuration:           time.Second * 18,
   532  				expectedFair:           []bool{testCase.fair},
   533  				expectedFairnessMargin: []float64{testCase.margin},
   534  				expectAllRequests:      true,
   535  				clk:                    clk,
   536  				counter:                counter,
   537  				dontDump:               true,
   538  			}.exercise(t)
   539  		})
   540  	}
   541  }
   543  func TestBaseline(t *testing.T) {
   544  	metrics.Register()
   545  	now := time.Now()
   547  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   548  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   549  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   550  		Name:             "TestBaseline",
   551  		DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   552  		QueueLengthLimit: 8,
   553  		HandSize:         3,
   554  	}
   555  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, "seatDemandSubject")
   556  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   557  	if err != nil {
   558  		t.Fatal(err)
   559  	}
   560  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 1)
   562  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   563  		qs: qs,
   564  		clients: []uniformClient{
   565  			newUniformClient(1001001001, 1, 21, time.Second, 0),
   566  		},
   567  		concurrencyLimit:            1,
   568  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 20,
   569  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   570  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0},
   571  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   572  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   573  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   574  		clk:                         clk,
   575  		counter:                     counter,
   576  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   577  	}.exercise(t)
   578  }
   580  func TestExampt(t *testing.T) {
   581  	metrics.Register()
   582  	for concurrencyLimit := 0; concurrencyLimit <= 2; concurrencyLimit += 2 {
   583  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("concurrency=%d", concurrencyLimit), func(t *testing.T) {
   584  			now := time.Now()
   585  			clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   586  			qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   587  			qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   588  				Name:             "TestBaseline",
   589  				DesiredNumQueues: -1,
   590  				QueueLengthLimit: 2,
   591  				HandSize:         3,
   592  			}
   593  			seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, "seatDemandSubject")
   594  			qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   595  			if err != nil {
   596  				t.Fatal(err)
   597  			}
   598  			qs := qsComplete(qsc, concurrencyLimit)
   599  			uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   600  				qs: qs,
   601  				clients: []uniformClient{
   602  					newUniformClient(1001001001, 5, 20, time.Second, time.Second).setInitWidth(3),
   603  				},
   604  				concurrencyLimit:            1,
   605  				evalDuration:                time.Second * 40,
   606  				expectedFair:                []bool{true}, // "fair" is a bit odd-sounding here, but it "expectFair" here means expect `expectedAverages`
   607  				expectedAverages:            []float64{7.5},
   608  				expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.00000001},
   609  				expectAllRequests:           true,
   610  				evalInqueueMetrics:          false,
   611  				evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   612  				clk:                         clk,
   613  				counter:                     counter,
   614  				seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   615  			}.exercise(t)
   616  		})
   617  	}
   618  }
   620  func TestSeparations(t *testing.T) {
   621  	flts := func(avgs ...float64) []float64 { return avgs }
   622  	for _, seps := range []struct {
   623  		think, pad                 time.Duration
   624  		finalSeats, conc, nClients int
   625  		exp                        []float64 // override expected results
   626  	}{
   627  		{think: time.Second, pad: 0, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 1},
   628  		{think: time.Second, pad: 0, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 1},
   629  		{think: time.Second, pad: 0, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 1},
   630  		{think: time.Second, pad: 0, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 2},
   631  		{think: time.Second, pad: 0, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 2},
   632  		{think: time.Second, pad: 0, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 2},
   633  		{think: 0, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 1, exp: flts(0.5)},
   634  		{think: 0, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 1},
   635  		{think: 0, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 1, exp: flts(0.5)},
   636  		{think: 0, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 2, exp: flts(0.25, 0.25)},
   637  		{think: 0, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 2, exp: flts(0.5, 0.5)},
   638  		{think: 0, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 2, exp: flts(0.25, 0.25)},
   639  		{think: time.Second, pad: time.Second / 2, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 1},
   640  		{think: time.Second, pad: time.Second / 2, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 1},
   641  		{think: time.Second, pad: time.Second / 2, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 1},
   642  		{think: time.Second, pad: time.Second / 2, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 2, exp: flts(1.0/3, 1.0/3)},
   643  		{think: time.Second, pad: time.Second / 2, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 2},
   644  		{think: time.Second, pad: time.Second / 2, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 2, exp: flts(1.0/3, 1.0/3)},
   645  		{think: time.Second / 2, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 1, exp: flts(0.5)},
   646  		{think: time.Second / 2, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 1},
   647  		{think: time.Second / 2, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 1, exp: flts(0.5)},
   648  		{think: time.Second / 2, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 1, nClients: 2, exp: flts(0.25, 0.25)},
   649  		{think: time.Second / 2, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 1, conc: 2, nClients: 2, exp: flts(0.5, 0.5)},
   650  		{think: time.Second / 2, pad: time.Second, finalSeats: 2, conc: 2, nClients: 2, exp: flts(0.25, 0.25)},
   651  	} {
   652  		caseName := fmt.Sprintf("think=%v,finalSeats=%d,pad=%v,nClients=%d,conc=%d", seps.think, seps.finalSeats, seps.pad, seps.nClients, seps.conc)
   653  		t.Run(caseName, func(t *testing.T) {
   654  			metrics.Register()
   655  			now := time.Now()
   657  			clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   658  			qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   659  			qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   660  				Name:             "TestSeparations/" + caseName,
   661  				DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   662  				QueueLengthLimit: 8,
   663  				HandSize:         3,
   664  			}
   665  			seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, caseName+" seatDemandSubject")
   666  			qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   667  			if err != nil {
   668  				t.Fatal(err)
   669  			}
   670  			qs := qsComplete(qsc, seps.conc)
   671  			uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   672  				qs: qs,
   673  				clients: []uniformClient{
   674  					newUniformClient(1001001001, 1, 25, time.Second, seps.think).pad(seps.finalSeats, seps.pad),
   675  					newUniformClient(2002002002, 1, 25, time.Second, seps.think).pad(seps.finalSeats, seps.pad),
   676  				}[:seps.nClients],
   677  				concurrencyLimit:            seps.conc,
   678  				evalDuration:                time.Second * 24, // multiple of every period involved, so that margin can be 0 below
   679  				expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   680  				expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0},
   681  				expectAllRequests:           true,
   682  				evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   683  				evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   684  				clk:                         clk,
   685  				counter:                     counter,
   686  				expectedAverages:            seps.exp,
   687  				seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   688  			}.exercise(t)
   689  		})
   690  	}
   691  }
   693  func TestUniformFlowsHandSize1(t *testing.T) {
   694  	metrics.Register()
   695  	now := time.Now()
   697  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   698  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   699  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   700  		Name:             "TestUniformFlowsHandSize1",
   701  		DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   702  		QueueLengthLimit: 8,
   703  		HandSize:         1,
   704  	}
   705  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, "seatDemandSubject")
   706  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   707  	if err != nil {
   708  		t.Fatal(err)
   709  	}
   710  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 4)
   712  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   713  		qs: qs,
   714  		clients: []uniformClient{
   715  			newUniformClient(1001001001, 8, 20, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   716  			newUniformClient(2002002002, 8, 20, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   717  		},
   718  		concurrencyLimit:            4,
   719  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 50,
   720  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   721  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.01},
   722  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   723  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   724  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   725  		clk:                         clk,
   726  		counter:                     counter,
   727  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   728  	}.exercise(t)
   729  }
   731  func TestUniformFlowsHandSize3(t *testing.T) {
   732  	metrics.Register()
   733  	now := time.Now()
   735  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   736  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   737  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   738  		Name:             "TestUniformFlowsHandSize3",
   739  		DesiredNumQueues: 8,
   740  		QueueLengthLimit: 16,
   741  		HandSize:         3,
   742  	}
   743  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   744  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   745  	if err != nil {
   746  		t.Fatal(err)
   747  	}
   748  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 4)
   749  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   750  		qs: qs,
   751  		clients: []uniformClient{
   752  			newUniformClient(400900100100, 8, 30, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   753  			newUniformClient(300900200200, 8, 30, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   754  		},
   755  		concurrencyLimit:            4,
   756  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 60,
   757  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   758  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.03},
   759  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   760  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   761  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   762  		clk:                         clk,
   763  		counter:                     counter,
   764  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   765  	}.exercise(t)
   766  }
   768  func TestDifferentFlowsExpectEqual(t *testing.T) {
   769  	metrics.Register()
   770  	now := time.Now()
   772  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   773  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   774  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   775  		Name:             "DiffFlowsExpectEqual",
   776  		DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   777  		QueueLengthLimit: 8,
   778  		HandSize:         1,
   779  	}
   780  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   781  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   782  	if err != nil {
   783  		t.Fatal(err)
   784  	}
   785  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 4)
   787  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   788  		qs: qs,
   789  		clients: []uniformClient{
   790  			newUniformClient(1001001001, 8, 20, time.Second, time.Second),
   791  			newUniformClient(2002002002, 7, 30, time.Second, time.Second/2),
   792  		},
   793  		concurrencyLimit:            4,
   794  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 40,
   795  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   796  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.01},
   797  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   798  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   799  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   800  		clk:                         clk,
   801  		counter:                     counter,
   802  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   803  	}.exercise(t)
   804  }
   806  // TestSeatSecondsRollover checks that there is not a problem with SeatSeconds overflow.
   807  func TestSeatSecondsRollover(t *testing.T) {
   808  	metrics.Register()
   809  	now := time.Now()
   811  	const Quarter = 91 * 24 * time.Hour
   813  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   814  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   815  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   816  		Name:             "TestSeatSecondsRollover",
   817  		DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   818  		QueueLengthLimit: 8,
   819  		HandSize:         1,
   820  	}
   821  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   822  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   823  	if err != nil {
   824  		t.Fatal(err)
   825  	}
   826  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 2000)
   828  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   829  		qs: qs,
   830  		clients: []uniformClient{
   831  			newUniformClient(1001001001, 8, 20, Quarter, Quarter).setInitWidth(500),
   832  			newUniformClient(2002002002, 7, 30, Quarter, Quarter/2).setInitWidth(500),
   833  		},
   834  		concurrencyLimit:            2000,
   835  		evalDuration:                Quarter * 40,
   836  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   837  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.01},
   838  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   839  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   840  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   841  		clk:                         clk,
   842  		counter:                     counter,
   843  		expectedEpochAdvances:       8,
   844  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   845  	}.exercise(t)
   846  }
   848  func TestDifferentFlowsExpectUnequal(t *testing.T) {
   849  	metrics.Register()
   850  	now := time.Now()
   852  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   853  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   854  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   855  		Name:             "DiffFlowsExpectUnequal",
   856  		DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   857  		QueueLengthLimit: 6,
   858  		HandSize:         1,
   859  	}
   860  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   861  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   862  	if err != nil {
   863  		t.Fatal(err)
   864  	}
   865  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 3)
   867  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   868  		qs: qs,
   869  		clients: []uniformClient{
   870  			newUniformClient(1001001001, 4, 20, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   871  			newUniformClient(2002002002, 2, 20, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   872  		},
   873  		concurrencyLimit:            3,
   874  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 20,
   875  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   876  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.01},
   877  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   878  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   879  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   880  		clk:                         clk,
   881  		counter:                     counter,
   882  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   883  	}.exercise(t)
   884  }
   886  func TestDifferentWidths(t *testing.T) {
   887  	metrics.Register()
   888  	now := time.Now()
   890  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   891  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   892  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   893  		Name:             "TestDifferentWidths",
   894  		DesiredNumQueues: 64,
   895  		QueueLengthLimit: 13,
   896  		HandSize:         7,
   897  	}
   898  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   899  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   900  	if err != nil {
   901  		t.Fatal(err)
   902  	}
   903  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 6)
   904  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   905  		qs: qs,
   906  		clients: []uniformClient{
   907  			newUniformClient(10010010010010, 13, 10, time.Second, time.Second-1),
   908  			newUniformClient(20020020020020, 7, 10, time.Second, time.Second-1).setInitWidth(2),
   909  		},
   910  		concurrencyLimit:            6,
   911  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 20,
   912  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   913  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.155},
   914  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   915  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   916  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   917  		clk:                         clk,
   918  		counter:                     counter,
   919  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   920  	}.exercise(t)
   921  }
   923  func TestTooWide(t *testing.T) {
   924  	metrics.Register()
   925  	now := time.Now()
   927  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   928  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   929  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   930  		Name:             "TestTooWide",
   931  		DesiredNumQueues: 64,
   932  		QueueLengthLimit: 35,
   933  		HandSize:         7,
   934  	}
   935  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   936  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   937  	if err != nil {
   938  		t.Fatal(err)
   939  	}
   940  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 6)
   941  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
   942  		qs: qs,
   943  		clients: []uniformClient{
   944  			newUniformClient(40040040040040, 15, 21, time.Second, time.Second-1).setInitWidth(2),
   945  			newUniformClient(50050050050050, 15, 21, time.Second, time.Second-1).setInitWidth(2),
   946  			newUniformClient(60060060060060, 15, 21, time.Second, time.Second-1).setInitWidth(2),
   947  			newUniformClient(70070070070070, 15, 21, time.Second, time.Second-1).setInitWidth(2),
   948  			newUniformClient(90090090090090, 15, 21, time.Second, time.Second-1).setInitWidth(7),
   949  		},
   950  		concurrencyLimit:            6,
   951  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 225,
   952  		expectedFair:                []bool{true},
   953  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.33},
   954  		expectAllRequests:           true,
   955  		evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
   956  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
   957  		clk:                         clk,
   958  		counter:                     counter,
   959  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
   960  	}.exercise(t)
   961  }
   963  // TestWindup exercises a scenario with the windup problem.
   964  // That is, a flow that can not use all the seats that it is allocated
   965  // for a while.  During that time, the queues that serve that flow
   966  // advance their `virtualStart` (that is, R(next dispatch in virtual world))
   967  // more slowly than the other queues (which are using more seats than they
   968  // are allocated).  The implementation has a hack that addresses part of
   969  // this imbalance but not all of it.  In this test, flow 1 can not use all
   970  // of its allocation during the first half, and *can* (and does) use all of
   971  // its allocation and more during the second half.
   972  // Thus we expect the fair (not equal) result
   973  // in the first half and an unfair result in the second half.
   974  // This func has two test cases, bounding the amount of unfairness
   975  // in the second half.
   976  func TestWindup(t *testing.T) {
   977  	metrics.Register()
   978  	testCases := []struct {
   979  		margin2     float64
   980  		expectFair2 bool
   981  		name        string
   982  	}{
   983  		{margin2: 0.26, expectFair2: true, name: "upper-bound"},
   984  		{margin2: 0.1, expectFair2: false, name: "lower-bound"},
   985  	}
   986  	for _, testCase := range testCases {
   987  		t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   988  			now := time.Now()
   989  			clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
   990  			qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
   991  			qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
   992  				Name:             "TestWindup/" + testCase.name,
   993  				DesiredNumQueues: 9,
   994  				QueueLengthLimit: 6,
   995  				HandSize:         1,
   996  			}
   997  			seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
   998  			qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
   999  			if err != nil {
  1000  				t.Fatal(err)
  1001  			}
  1002  			qs := qsComplete(qsc, 3)
  1004  			uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name, qs: qs,
  1005  				clients: []uniformClient{
  1006  					newUniformClient(1001001001, 2, 40, time.Second, -1),
  1007  					newUniformClient(2002002002, 2, 40, time.Second, -1).setSplit(),
  1008  				},
  1009  				concurrencyLimit:            3,
  1010  				evalDuration:                time.Second * 40,
  1011  				expectedFair:                []bool{true, testCase.expectFair2},
  1012  				expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.01, testCase.margin2},
  1013  				expectAllRequests:           true,
  1014  				evalInqueueMetrics:          true,
  1015  				evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
  1016  				clk:                         clk,
  1017  				counter:                     counter,
  1018  				seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
  1019  			}.exercise(t)
  1020  		})
  1021  	}
  1022  }
  1024  func TestDifferentFlowsWithoutQueuing(t *testing.T) {
  1025  	metrics.Register()
  1026  	now := time.Now()
  1028  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
  1029  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
  1030  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
  1031  		Name:             "TestDifferentFlowsWithoutQueuing",
  1032  		DesiredNumQueues: 0,
  1033  	}
  1034  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, "seatDemandSubject")
  1035  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
  1036  	if err != nil {
  1037  		t.Fatal(err)
  1038  	}
  1039  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 4)
  1041  	uniformScenario{name: qCfg.Name,
  1042  		qs: qs,
  1043  		clients: []uniformClient{
  1044  			newUniformClient(1001001001, 6, 10, time.Second, 57*time.Millisecond),
  1045  			newUniformClient(2002002002, 4, 15, time.Second, 750*time.Millisecond),
  1046  		},
  1047  		concurrencyLimit:            4,
  1048  		evalDuration:                time.Second * 13,
  1049  		expectedFair:                []bool{false},
  1050  		expectedFairnessMargin:      []float64{0.20},
  1051  		evalExecutingMetrics:        true,
  1052  		rejectReason:                "concurrency-limit",
  1053  		clk:                         clk,
  1054  		counter:                     counter,
  1055  		seatDemandIntegratorSubject: seatDemandIntegratorSubject,
  1056  	}.exercise(t)
  1057  }
  1059  // TestContextCancel tests cancellation of a request's context.
  1060  // The outline is:
  1061  //  1. Use a concurrency limit of 1.
  1062  //  2. Start request 1.
  1063  //  3. Use a fake clock for the following logic, to insulate from scheduler noise.
  1064  //  4. The exec fn of request 1 starts request 2, which should wait
  1065  //     in its queue.
  1066  //  5. The exec fn of request 1 also forks a goroutine that waits 1 second
  1067  //     and then cancels the context of request 2.
  1068  //  6. The exec fn of request 1, if StartRequest 2 returns a req2 (which is the normal case),
  1069  //     calls `req2.Finish`, which is expected to return after the context cancel.
  1070  //  7. The queueset interface allows StartRequest 2 to return `nil` in this situation,
  1071  //     if the scheduler gets the cancel done before StartRequest finishes;
  1072  //     the test handles this without regard to whether the implementation will ever do that.
  1073  //  8. Check that the above took exactly 1 second.
  1074  func TestContextCancel(t *testing.T) {
  1075  	metrics.Register()
  1076  	metrics.Reset()
  1077  	now := time.Now()
  1078  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
  1079  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
  1080  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
  1081  		Name:             "TestContextCancel",
  1082  		DesiredNumQueues: 11,
  1083  		QueueLengthLimit: 11,
  1084  		HandSize:         1,
  1085  	}
  1086  	seatDemandIntegratorSubject := fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name)
  1087  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), seatDemandIntegratorSubject)
  1088  	if err != nil {
  1089  		t.Fatal(err)
  1090  	}
  1091  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 1)
  1092  	counter.Add(1) // account for main activity of the goroutine running this test
  1093  	ctx1 := context.Background()
  1094  	pZero := func() *int32 { var zero int32; return &zero }
  1095  	// counts of calls to the QueueNoteFns
  1096  	queueNoteCounts := map[int]map[bool]*int32{
  1097  		1: {false: pZero(), true: pZero()},
  1098  		2: {false: pZero(), true: pZero()},
  1099  	}
  1100  	queueNoteFn := func(fn int) func(inQueue bool) {
  1101  		return func(inQueue bool) { atomic.AddInt32(queueNoteCounts[fn][inQueue], 1) }
  1102  	}
  1103  	fatalErrs := []string{}
  1104  	var errsLock sync.Mutex
  1105  	expectQNCount := func(fn int, inQueue bool, expect int32) {
  1106  		if a := atomic.LoadInt32(queueNoteCounts[fn][inQueue]); a != expect {
  1107  			errsLock.Lock()
  1108  			defer errsLock.Unlock()
  1109  			fatalErrs = append(fatalErrs, fmt.Sprintf("Got %d calls to queueNoteFn%d(%v), expected %d", a, fn, inQueue, expect))
  1110  		}
  1111  	}
  1112  	expectQNCounts := func(fn int, expectF, expectT int32) {
  1113  		expectQNCount(fn, false, expectF)
  1114  		expectQNCount(fn, true, expectT)
  1115  	}
  1116  	req1, _ := qs.StartRequest(ctx1, &fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1}, 1, "", "fs1", "test", "one", queueNoteFn(1))
  1117  	if req1 == nil {
  1118  		t.Error("Request rejected")
  1119  		return
  1120  	}
  1121  	expectQNCounts(1, 1, 1)
  1122  	var executed1, idle1 bool
  1123  	counter.Add(1) // account for the following goroutine
  1124  	go func() {
  1125  		defer counter.Add(-1) // account completion of this goroutine
  1126  		idle1 = req1.Finish(func() {
  1127  			executed1 = true
  1128  			ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  1129  			tBefore := clk.Now()
  1130  			counter.Add(1) // account for the following goroutine
  1131  			go func() {
  1132  				defer counter.Add(-1) // account completion of this goroutine
  1133  				clk.Sleep(time.Second)
  1134  				expectQNCounts(2, 0, 1)
  1135  				// account for unblocking the goroutine that waits on cancelation
  1136  				counter.Add(1)
  1137  				cancel2()
  1138  			}()
  1139  			req2, idle2a := qs.StartRequest(ctx2, &fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1}, 2, "", "fs2", "test", "two", queueNoteFn(2))
  1140  			if idle2a {
  1141  				t.Error("2nd StartRequest returned idle")
  1142  			}
  1143  			if req2 != nil {
  1144  				idle2b := req2.Finish(func() {
  1145  					t.Error("Executing req2")
  1146  				})
  1147  				if idle2b {
  1148  					t.Error("2nd Finish returned idle")
  1149  				}
  1150  				expectQNCounts(2, 1, 1)
  1151  			}
  1152  			tAfter := clk.Now()
  1153  			dt := tAfter.Sub(tBefore)
  1154  			if dt != time.Second {
  1155  				t.Errorf("Unexpected: dt=%d", dt)
  1156  			}
  1157  		})
  1158  	}()
  1159  	counter.Add(-1) // completion of main activity of goroutine running this test
  1160  	clk.Run(nil)
  1161  	errsLock.Lock()
  1162  	defer errsLock.Unlock()
  1163  	if len(fatalErrs) > 0 {
  1164  		t.Error(strings.Join(fatalErrs, "; "))
  1165  	}
  1166  	if !executed1 {
  1167  		t.Errorf("Unexpected: executed1=%v", executed1)
  1168  	}
  1169  	if !idle1 {
  1170  		t.Error("Not idle at the end")
  1171  	}
  1172  }
  1174  func countingPromiseFactoryFactory(activeCounter counter.GoRoutineCounter) promiseFactoryFactory {
  1175  	return func(qs *queueSet) promiseFactory {
  1176  		return func(initial interface{}, doneCtx context.Context, doneVal interface{}) promise.WriteOnce {
  1177  			return testpromise.NewCountingWriteOnce(activeCounter, &qs.lock, initial, doneCtx.Done(), doneVal)
  1178  		}
  1179  	}
  1180  }
  1182  func TestTotalRequestsExecutingWithPanic(t *testing.T) {
  1183  	metrics.Register()
  1184  	metrics.Reset()
  1185  	now := time.Now()
  1186  	clk, counter := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
  1187  	qsf := newTestableQueueSetFactory(clk, countingPromiseFactoryFactory(counter))
  1188  	qCfg := fq.QueuingConfig{
  1189  		Name:             "TestTotalRequestsExecutingWithPanic",
  1190  		DesiredNumQueues: 0,
  1191  	}
  1192  	qsc, err := qsf.BeginConstruction(qCfg, newGaugePair(clk), newExecSeatsGauge(clk), fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, qCfg.Name))
  1193  	if err != nil {
  1194  		t.Fatal(err)
  1195  	}
  1196  	qs := qsComplete(qsc, 1)
  1197  	counter.Add(1) // account for the goroutine running this test
  1199  	queue, ok := qs.(*queueSet)
  1200  	if !ok {
  1201  		t.Fatalf("expected a QueueSet of type: %T but got: %T", &queueSet{}, qs)
  1202  	}
  1203  	if queue.totRequestsExecuting != 0 {
  1204  		t.Fatalf("precondition: expected total requests currently executing of the QueueSet to be 0, but got: %d", queue.totRequestsExecuting)
  1205  	}
  1206  	if queue.dCfg.ConcurrencyLimit != 1 {
  1207  		t.Fatalf("precondition: expected concurrency limit of the QueueSet to be 1, but got: %d", queue.dCfg.ConcurrencyLimit)
  1208  	}
  1210  	ctx := context.Background()
  1211  	req, _ := qs.StartRequest(ctx, &fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1}, 1, "", "fs", "test", "one", func(inQueue bool) {})
  1212  	if req == nil {
  1213  		t.Fatal("expected a Request object from StartRequest, but got nil")
  1214  	}
  1216  	panicErrExpected := errors.New("apiserver panic'd")
  1217  	var panicErrGot interface{}
  1218  	func() {
  1219  		defer func() {
  1220  			panicErrGot = recover()
  1221  		}()
  1223  		req.Finish(func() {
  1224  			// verify that total requests executing goes up by 1 since the request is executing.
  1225  			if queue.totRequestsExecuting != 1 {
  1226  				t.Fatalf("expected total requests currently executing of the QueueSet to be 1, but got: %d", queue.totRequestsExecuting)
  1227  			}
  1229  			panic(panicErrExpected)
  1230  		})
  1231  	}()
  1233  	// verify that the panic was from us (above)
  1234  	if panicErrExpected != panicErrGot {
  1235  		t.Errorf("expected panic error: %#v, but got: %#v", panicErrExpected, panicErrGot)
  1236  	}
  1237  	if queue.totRequestsExecuting != 0 {
  1238  		t.Errorf("expected total requests currently executing of the QueueSet to be 0, but got: %d", queue.totRequestsExecuting)
  1239  	}
  1240  }
  1242  func TestFindDispatchQueueLocked(t *testing.T) {
  1243  	const G = 3 * time.Millisecond
  1244  	qs0 := &queueSet{estimatedServiceDuration: G}
  1245  	tests := []struct {
  1246  		name                    string
  1247  		robinIndex              int
  1248  		concurrencyLimit        int
  1249  		totSeatsInUse           int
  1250  		queues                  []*queue
  1251  		attempts                int
  1252  		beforeSelectQueueLocked func(attempt int, qs *queueSet)
  1253  		minQueueIndexExpected   []int
  1254  		robinIndexExpected      []int
  1255  	}{
  1256  		{
  1257  			name:             "width1=1, seats are available, the queue with less virtual start time wins",
  1258  			concurrencyLimit: 1,
  1259  			totSeatsInUse:    0,
  1260  			robinIndex:       -1,
  1261  			queues: []*queue{
  1262  				{
  1263  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 200*time.Second),
  1264  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1265  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1})},
  1266  					),
  1267  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1268  				},
  1269  				{
  1270  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 100*time.Second),
  1271  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1272  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1})},
  1273  					),
  1274  				},
  1275  			},
  1276  			attempts:              1,
  1277  			minQueueIndexExpected: []int{1},
  1278  			robinIndexExpected:    []int{1},
  1279  		},
  1280  		{
  1281  			name:             "width1=1, all seats are occupied, no queue is picked",
  1282  			concurrencyLimit: 1,
  1283  			totSeatsInUse:    1,
  1284  			robinIndex:       -1,
  1285  			queues: []*queue{
  1286  				{
  1287  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 200*time.Second),
  1288  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1289  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1})},
  1290  					),
  1291  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1292  				},
  1293  			},
  1294  			attempts:              1,
  1295  			minQueueIndexExpected: []int{-1},
  1296  			robinIndexExpected:    []int{0},
  1297  		},
  1298  		{
  1299  			name:             "width1 > 1, seats are available for request with the least finish R, queue is picked",
  1300  			concurrencyLimit: 50,
  1301  			totSeatsInUse:    25,
  1302  			robinIndex:       -1,
  1303  			queues: []*queue{
  1304  				{
  1305  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 200*time.Second),
  1306  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1307  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 50})},
  1308  					),
  1309  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1310  				},
  1311  				{
  1312  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 100*time.Second),
  1313  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1314  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 25})},
  1315  					),
  1316  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1317  				},
  1318  			},
  1319  			attempts:              1,
  1320  			minQueueIndexExpected: []int{1},
  1321  			robinIndexExpected:    []int{1},
  1322  		},
  1323  		{
  1324  			name:             "width1 > 1, seats are not available for request with the least finish R, queue is not picked",
  1325  			concurrencyLimit: 50,
  1326  			totSeatsInUse:    26,
  1327  			robinIndex:       -1,
  1328  			queues: []*queue{
  1329  				{
  1330  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 200*time.Second),
  1331  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1332  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 10})},
  1333  					),
  1334  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1335  				},
  1336  				{
  1337  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 100*time.Second),
  1338  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1339  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 25})},
  1340  					),
  1341  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1342  				},
  1343  			},
  1344  			attempts:              3,
  1345  			minQueueIndexExpected: []int{-1, -1, -1},
  1346  			robinIndexExpected:    []int{1, 1, 1},
  1347  		},
  1348  		{
  1349  			name:             "width1 > 1, seats become available before 3rd attempt, queue is picked",
  1350  			concurrencyLimit: 50,
  1351  			totSeatsInUse:    26,
  1352  			robinIndex:       -1,
  1353  			queues: []*queue{
  1354  				{
  1355  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 200*time.Second),
  1356  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1357  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 10})},
  1358  					),
  1359  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1360  				},
  1361  				{
  1362  					nextDispatchR: fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(1, 100*time.Second),
  1363  					requestsWaiting: newFIFO(
  1364  						&request{workEstimate: qs0.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 25})},
  1365  					),
  1366  					requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1367  				},
  1368  			},
  1369  			beforeSelectQueueLocked: func(attempt int, qs *queueSet) {
  1370  				if attempt == 3 {
  1371  					qs.totSeatsInUse = 25
  1372  				}
  1373  			},
  1374  			attempts:              3,
  1375  			minQueueIndexExpected: []int{-1, -1, 1},
  1376  			robinIndexExpected:    []int{1, 1, 1},
  1377  		},
  1378  	}
  1380  	for _, test := range tests {
  1381  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  1382  			qs := &queueSet{
  1383  				estimatedServiceDuration: G,
  1384  				seatDemandIntegrator:     fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clock.RealClock{}, "seatDemandSubject"),
  1385  				robinIndex:               test.robinIndex,
  1386  				totSeatsInUse:            test.totSeatsInUse,
  1387  				qCfg:                     fq.QueuingConfig{Name: "TestSelectQueueLocked/" + test.name},
  1388  				dCfg: fq.DispatchingConfig{
  1389  					ConcurrencyLimit: test.concurrencyLimit,
  1390  				},
  1391  				queues: test.queues,
  1392  			}
  1394  			t.Logf("QS: robin index=%d, seats in use=%d limit=%d", qs.robinIndex, qs.totSeatsInUse, qs.dCfg.ConcurrencyLimit)
  1396  			for i := 0; i < test.attempts; i++ {
  1397  				attempt := i + 1
  1398  				if test.beforeSelectQueueLocked != nil {
  1399  					test.beforeSelectQueueLocked(attempt, qs)
  1400  				}
  1402  				var minQueueExpected *queue
  1403  				if queueIdx := test.minQueueIndexExpected[i]; queueIdx >= 0 {
  1404  					minQueueExpected = test.queues[queueIdx]
  1405  				}
  1407  				minQueueGot, reqGot := qs.findDispatchQueueToBoundLocked()
  1408  				if minQueueExpected != minQueueGot {
  1409  					t.Errorf("Expected queue: %#v, but got: %#v", minQueueExpected, minQueueGot)
  1410  				}
  1412  				robinIndexExpected := test.robinIndexExpected[i]
  1413  				if robinIndexExpected != qs.robinIndex {
  1414  					t.Errorf("Expected robin index: %d for attempt: %d, but got: %d", robinIndexExpected, attempt, qs.robinIndex)
  1415  				}
  1417  				if (reqGot == nil) != (minQueueGot == nil) {
  1418  					t.Errorf("reqGot=%p but minQueueGot=%p", reqGot, minQueueGot)
  1419  				}
  1420  			}
  1421  		})
  1422  	}
  1423  }
  1425  func TestFinishRequestLocked(t *testing.T) {
  1426  	tests := []struct {
  1427  		name         string
  1428  		workEstimate fcrequest.WorkEstimate
  1429  	}{
  1430  		{
  1431  			name: "request has additional latency",
  1432  			workEstimate: fcrequest.WorkEstimate{
  1433  				InitialSeats:      1,
  1434  				FinalSeats:        10,
  1435  				AdditionalLatency: time.Minute,
  1436  			},
  1437  		},
  1438  		{
  1439  			name: "request has no additional latency",
  1440  			workEstimate: fcrequest.WorkEstimate{
  1441  				InitialSeats: 10,
  1442  			},
  1443  		},
  1444  	}
  1446  	metrics.Register()
  1447  	for _, test := range tests {
  1448  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  1449  			metrics.Reset()
  1451  			now := time.Now()
  1452  			clk, _ := testeventclock.NewFake(now, 0, nil)
  1453  			qs := &queueSet{
  1454  				clock:                    clk,
  1455  				estimatedServiceDuration: time.Second,
  1456  				reqsGaugePair:            newGaugePair(clk),
  1457  				execSeatsGauge:           newExecSeatsGauge(clk),
  1458  				seatDemandIntegrator:     fq.NewNamedIntegrator(clk, "seatDemandSubject"),
  1459  			}
  1460  			queue := &queue{
  1461  				requestsWaiting:   newRequestFIFO(),
  1462  				requestsExecuting: sets.New[*request](),
  1463  			}
  1464  			r := &request{
  1465  				qs:           qs,
  1466  				queue:        queue,
  1467  				workEstimate: qs.completeWorkEstimate(&test.workEstimate),
  1468  			}
  1469  			rOther := &request{qs: qs, queue: queue}
  1471  			qs.totRequestsExecuting = 111
  1472  			qs.totSeatsInUse = 222
  1473  			queue.requestsExecuting = sets.New(r, rOther)
  1474  			queue.seatsInUse = 22
  1476  			var (
  1477  				queuesetTotalRequestsExecutingExpected = qs.totRequestsExecuting - 1
  1478  				queuesetTotalSeatsInUseExpected        = qs.totSeatsInUse - test.workEstimate.MaxSeats()
  1479  				queueRequestsExecutingExpected         = sets.New(rOther)
  1480  				queueSeatsInUseExpected                = queue.seatsInUse - test.workEstimate.MaxSeats()
  1481  			)
  1483  			qs.finishRequestLocked(r)
  1485  			// as soon as AdditionalLatency elapses we expect the seats to be released
  1486  			clk.SetTime(now.Add(test.workEstimate.AdditionalLatency))
  1488  			if queuesetTotalRequestsExecutingExpected != qs.totRequestsExecuting {
  1489  				t.Errorf("Expected total requests executing: %d, but got: %d", queuesetTotalRequestsExecutingExpected, qs.totRequestsExecuting)
  1490  			}
  1491  			if queuesetTotalSeatsInUseExpected != qs.totSeatsInUse {
  1492  				t.Errorf("Expected total seats in use: %d, but got: %d", queuesetTotalSeatsInUseExpected, qs.totSeatsInUse)
  1493  			}
  1494  			if !queueRequestsExecutingExpected.Equal(queue.requestsExecuting) {
  1495  				t.Errorf("Expected requests executing for queue: %v, but got: %v", queueRequestsExecutingExpected, queue.requestsExecuting)
  1496  			}
  1497  			if queueSeatsInUseExpected != queue.seatsInUse {
  1498  				t.Errorf("Expected seats in use for queue: %d, but got: %d", queueSeatsInUseExpected, queue.seatsInUse)
  1499  			}
  1500  		})
  1501  	}
  1502  }
  1504  func TestRequestSeats(t *testing.T) {
  1505  	qs := &queueSet{estimatedServiceDuration: time.Second}
  1506  	tests := []struct {
  1507  		name     string
  1508  		request  *request
  1509  		expected int
  1510  	}{
  1511  		{
  1512  			name:     "",
  1513  			request:  &request{workEstimate: qs.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 3, FinalSeats: 3})},
  1514  			expected: 3,
  1515  		},
  1516  		{
  1517  			name:     "",
  1518  			request:  &request{workEstimate: qs.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 1, FinalSeats: 3})},
  1519  			expected: 3,
  1520  		},
  1521  		{
  1522  			name:     "",
  1523  			request:  &request{workEstimate: qs.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{InitialSeats: 3, FinalSeats: 1})},
  1524  			expected: 3,
  1525  		},
  1526  	}
  1528  	for _, test := range tests {
  1529  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  1530  			seatsGot := test.request.MaxSeats()
  1531  			if test.expected != seatsGot {
  1532  				t.Errorf("Expected seats: %d, got %d", test.expected, seatsGot)
  1533  			}
  1534  		})
  1535  	}
  1536  }
  1538  func TestRequestWork(t *testing.T) {
  1539  	qs := &queueSet{estimatedServiceDuration: 2 * time.Second}
  1540  	request := &request{
  1541  		workEstimate: qs.completeWorkEstimate(&fcrequest.WorkEstimate{
  1542  			InitialSeats:      3,
  1543  			FinalSeats:        50,
  1544  			AdditionalLatency: 70 * time.Second,
  1545  		}),
  1546  	}
  1548  	got := request.totalWork()
  1549  	want := fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(3, 2*time.Second) + fcrequest.SeatsTimesDuration(50, 70*time.Second)
  1550  	if want != got {
  1551  		t.Errorf("Expected totalWork: %v, but got: %v", want, got)
  1552  	}
  1553  }
  1555  func newFIFO(requests ...*request) fifo {
  1556  	l := newRequestFIFO()
  1557  	for i := range requests {
  1558  		requests[i].removeFromQueueLocked = l.Enqueue(requests[i])
  1559  	}
  1560  	return l
  1561  }
  1563  func newGaugePair(clk clock.PassiveClock) metrics.RatioedGaugePair {
  1564  	return metrics.RatioedGaugeVecPhasedElementPair(metrics.PriorityLevelConcurrencyGaugeVec, 1, 1, []string{"test"})
  1565  }
  1567  func newExecSeatsGauge(clk clock.PassiveClock) metrics.RatioedGauge {
  1568  	return metrics.PriorityLevelExecutionSeatsGaugeVec.NewForLabelValuesSafe(0, 1, []string{"test"})
  1569  }
  1571  func float64close(x, y float64) bool {
  1572  	x0 := float64NaNTo0(x)
  1573  	y0 := float64NaNTo0(y)
  1574  	diff := math.Abs(x0 - y0)
  1575  	den := math.Max(math.Abs(x0), math.Abs(y0))
  1576  	return den == 0 || diff/den < 1e-10
  1577  }
  1579  func uint64max(a, b uint64) uint64 {
  1580  	if b > a {
  1581  		return b
  1582  	}
  1583  	return a
  1584  }
  1586  func float64NaNTo0(x float64) float64 {
  1587  	if math.IsNaN(x) {
  1588  		return 0
  1589  	}
  1590  	return x
  1591  }
  1593  func qsComplete(qsc fq.QueueSetCompleter, concurrencyLimit int) fq.QueueSet {
  1594  	concurrencyDenominator := concurrencyLimit
  1595  	if concurrencyDenominator <= 0 {
  1596  		concurrencyDenominator = 1
  1597  	}
  1598  	return qsc.Complete(fq.DispatchingConfig{ConcurrencyLimit: concurrencyLimit, ConcurrencyDenominator: concurrencyDenominator})
  1599  }