k8s.io/kube-openapi@v0.0.0-20240826222958-65a50c78dec5/pkg/validation/validate/fixtures/jsonschema_suite/format.json (about)

     1  [
     2      {
     3          "description": "validation of date-time strings",
     4          "schema": {"format": "date-time"},
     5          "tests": [
     6              {
     7                  "description": "a valid date-time string",
     8                  "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z",
     9                  "valid": true
    10              },
    11              {
    12                  "description": "an invalid date-time string",
    13                  "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST",
    14                  "valid": false
    15              },
    16              {
    17                  "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid",
    18                  "data": "2013-350T01:01:01",
    19                  "valid": false
    20              }
    21          ]
    22      },
    23      {
    24          "description": "validation of URIs",
    25          "schema": {"format": "uri"},
    26          "tests": [
    27              {
    28                  "description": "a valid URI",
    29                  "data": "http://foo.bar/?baz=qux#quux",
    30                  "valid": true
    31              },
    32              {
    33                  "description": "an invalid URI",
    34                  "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare",
    35                  "valid": false
    36              },
    37              {
    38                  "description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference",
    39                  "data": "abc",
    40                  "valid": false
    41              }
    42          ]
    43      },
    44      {
    45          "description": "validation of e-mail addresses",
    46          "schema": {"format": "email"},
    47          "tests": [
    48              {
    49                  "description": "a valid e-mail address",
    50                  "data": "joe.bloggs@example.com",
    51                  "valid": true
    52              },
    53              {
    54                  "description": "an invalid e-mail address",
    55                  "data": "2962",
    56                  "valid": false
    57              }
    58          ]
    59      },
    60      {
    61          "description": "validation of IP addresses",
    62          "schema": {"format": "ipv4"},
    63          "tests": [
    64              {
    65                  "description": "a valid IP address",
    66                  "data": "",
    67                  "valid": true
    68              },
    69              {
    70                  "description": "an IP address with too many components",
    71                  "data": "",
    72                  "valid": false
    73              },
    74              {
    75                  "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values",
    76                  "data": "",
    77                  "valid": false
    78              },
    79              {
    80                  "description": "an IP address without 4 components",
    81                  "data": "127.0",
    82                  "valid": false
    83              },
    84              {
    85                  "description": "an IP address as an integer",
    86                  "data": "0x7f000001",
    87                  "valid": false
    88              }
    89          ]
    90      },
    91      {
    92          "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses",
    93          "schema": {"format": "ipv6"},
    94          "tests": [
    95              {
    96                  "description": "a valid IPv6 address",
    97                  "data": "::1",
    98                  "valid": true
    99              },
   100              {
   101                  "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values",
   102                  "data": "12345::",
   103                  "valid": false
   104              },
   105              {
   106                  "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components",
   107                  "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1",
   108                  "valid": false
   109              },
   110              {
   111                  "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters",
   112                  "data": "::laptop",
   113                  "valid": false
   114              }
   115          ]
   116      },
   117      {
   118          "description": "validation of host names",
   119          "schema": {"format": "hostname"},
   120          "tests": [
   121              {
   122                  "description": "a valid host name",
   123                  "data": "www.example.com",
   124                  "valid": true
   125              },
   126              {
   127                  "description": "a host name starting with an illegal character",
   128                  "data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--",
   129                  "valid": false
   130              },
   131              {
   132                  "description": "a host name containing illegal characters",
   133                  "data": "not_a_valid_host_name",
   134                  "valid": false
   135              },
   136              {
   137                  "description": "a host name with a component too long",
   138                  "data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component",
   139                  "valid": false
   140              }
   141          ]
   142      }
   143  ]