k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.29.3/test/cmd/exec.sh (about)

     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  # Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  #
     5  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  #
     9  #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  #
    11  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  # limitations under the License.
    17  set -o errexit
    18  set -o nounset
    19  set -o pipefail
    21  run_kubectl_exec_pod_tests() {
    22    set -o nounset
    23    set -o errexit
    25    create_and_use_new_namespace
    26    kube::log::status "Testing kubectl exec POD COMMAND"
    28    ### Test execute non-existing POD
    29    output_message=$(! kubectl exec abc date 2>&1)
    30    # POD abc should error since it doesn't exist
    31    kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'pods "abc" not found'
    33    ### Test execute multiple resources
    34    output_message=$(! kubectl exec -f - 2>&1 -- echo test << __EOF__
    35  apiVersion: v1
    36  kind: Pod
    37  metadata:
    38    name: test
    39  spec:
    40    containers:
    41    - name: nginx
    42      image: nginx
    43  ---
    44  apiVersion: v1
    45  kind: Pod
    46  metadata:
    47    name: test2
    48  spec:
    49    containers:
    50    - name: nginx
    51      image: nginx
    52  __EOF__
    53  )
    54    kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'cannot exec into multiple objects at a time'
    56    ### Test execute existing POD
    57    # Create test-pod
    58    kubectl create -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml
    59    # Execute existing POD
    60    output_message=$(! kubectl exec test-pod date 2>&1)
    61    # POD test-pod is exists this is shouldn't have output not found
    62    kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pods "test-pod" not found'
    63    # These must be pass the validate
    64    kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pod or type/name must be specified'
    66    # Clean up
    67    kubectl delete pods test-pod
    69    set +o nounset
    70    set +o errexit
    71  }
    73  run_kubectl_exec_resource_name_tests() {
    74    set +o nounset
    75    set +o errexit
    77    create_and_use_new_namespace
    78    kube::log::status "Testing kubectl exec TYPE/NAME COMMAND"
    80    ### Test execute invalid resource type
    81    output_message=$(! kubectl exec foo/bar date 2>&1)
    82    # resource type foo should error since it's invalid
    83    kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'error:'
    85    ### Test execute non-existing resources
    86    output_message=$(! kubectl exec deployments/bar date 2>&1)
    87    # resource type foo should error since it doesn't exist
    88    kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" '"bar" not found'
    90    kubectl create -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml
    91    kubectl create -f hack/testdata/frontend-replicaset.yaml
    92    kubectl create -f hack/testdata/configmap.yaml
    94    ### Test execute non-implemented resources
    95    output_message=$(! kubectl exec configmap/test-set-env-config date 2>&1)
    96    # resource type configmap should error since configmap not implemented to be attached
    97    kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'not implemented'
    99    ### Test execute exists and valid resource type.
   100    # Just check the output, since test-cmd not run kubelet, pod never be assigned.
   101    # and not really can run `kubectl exec` command
   103    output_message=$(! kubectl exec pods/test-pod date 2>&1)
   104    # POD test-pod is exists this is shouldn't have output not found
   105    kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'not found'
   106    # These must be pass the validate
   107    kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pod, type/name or --filename must be specified'
   109    output_message=$(! kubectl exec replicaset/frontend date 2>&1)
   110    # Replicaset frontend is valid and exists will select the first pod.
   111    # and Shouldn't have output not found
   112    kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'not found'
   113    # These must be pass the validate
   114    kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pod, type/name or --filename must be specified'
   116    # Clean up
   117    kubectl delete pods/test-pod
   118    kubectl delete replicaset/frontend
   119    kubectl delete configmap/test-set-env-config
   121    set +o nounset
   122    set +o errexit
   123  }