k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.29.3/test/e2e/testing-manifests/ingress/static-ip/ing.yaml (about)

     1  apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
     2  kind: Ingress
     3  metadata:
     4    name: static-ip
     5    # This annotation is added by the test upon allocating a staticip.
     6    # annotations:
     7    #  kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "staticip"
     8  spec:
     9    tls:
    10    # This assumes tls-secret exists.
    11    # To generate it run the make in this directory.
    12    - secretName: tls-secret
    13    defaultBackend:
    14      service:
    15        name: echoheaders-https
    16        port:
    17          number: 80