k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.29.3/test/images/cloudbuild.yaml (about)

     1  # See https://cloud.google.com/cloud-build/docs/build-config
     3  # this must be specified in seconds. If omitted, defaults to 600s (10 mins)
     4  # the timeout was increased because some images might take longer to build (e.g.: sample-apiserver, pets/redis-installer)
     5  timeout: 5400s
     6  # this prevents errors if you don't use both _GIT_TAG and _PULL_BASE_REF,
     7  # or any new substitutions added in the future.
     8  options:
     9    substitution_option: ALLOW_LOOSE
    10    machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_8'
    11  steps:
    12    - name: 'gcr.io/k8s-staging-test-infra/gcb-docker-gcloud:v20230623-56e06d7c18'
    13      entrypoint: 'bash'
    14      dir: ./test/images/
    15      env:
    16      - DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled
    17      - BASE_REF=$_PULL_BASE_REF
    19      - WHAT=$_WHAT
    20      - REGISTRY=$_REGISTRY
    21      # The default cloudbuild has HOME=/builder/home and docker buildx is in /root/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
    22      # We need to set the HOME to /root explicitly since we're using docker buildx
    23      - HOME=/root
    24      # NOTE(claudiub): we need to call register.sh before creating and bootstraping a docker buildx instance.
    25      args:
    26      - '-c'
    27      - |
    28        gcloud auth configure-docker \
    29        && ../../third_party/multiarch/qemu-user-static/register/register.sh --reset -p yes \
    30        && export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled \
    31        && docker version \
    32        && docker buildx version \
    33        && docker buildx create --name img-builder --use \
    34        && docker buildx inspect --bootstrap \
    35        && make all-build-and-push
    36  substitutions:
    37    # _GIT_TAG will be filled with a git-based tag for the image, of the form vYYYYMMDD-hash, and
    38    # can be used as a substitution
    39    _GIT_TAG: '12345'
    40    # _PULL_BASE_REF will contain the ref that was pushed to to trigger this build -
    41    # a branch like 'master' or 'release-0.2', or a tag like 'v0.2'.
    42    _PULL_BASE_REF: 'master'
    43    # _PULL_BASE_SHA will contain the git SHA from which the image will be built from.
    44    _PULL_BASE_SHA: '12345'
    45    # _REGISTRY will contain the staging registry.
    46    _REGISTRY: 'gcr.io/k8s-staging-e2e-test-images'
    47    # _WHAT will contain the image name to be built and published to the staging registry.
    48    _WHAT: 'all-conformance'