k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.29.3/test/images/pets/redis-installer/README.md (about)

     1  # Redis statefulset e2e tester
     3  The image in this directory is the init container for contrib/pets/redis but for one difference, it bakes a specific version of redis into the base image so we get deterministic test results without having to depend on a redis download server. Discussing the tradeoffs to either approach (download the version at runtime, or maintain an image per version) are outside the scope of this document.
     5  You can execute the image locally via:
     6  ```
     7  docker run -it registry.k8s.io/redis-install-3.2.0:e2e --cmd --install-into=/opt --work-dir=/work-dir
     8  ```
     9  To share the installation with other containers mount the appropriate volumes as `--install-into` and `--work-dir`, where `install-into` is the directory to install redis into, and `work-dir` is the directory to install the user/admin supplied on-{start,change} hook scripts.