k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.29.3/test/instrumentation/stability-utils.sh (about)

     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  # Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  #
     5  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  #
     9  #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  #
    11  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  # limitations under the License.
    17  set -o errexit
    18  set -o nounset
    19  set -o pipefail
    21  KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../..
    22  source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh"
    23  source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/util.sh"
    25  stability_check_setup() {
    26    kube::golang::verify_go_version
    27    kube::util::ensure-temp-dir
    28    cd "${KUBE_ROOT}"
    29    kube::golang::setup_env
    30  }
    32  function find_files_to_check() {
    33      # Similar to find but faster and easier to understand.  We want to include
    34      # modified and untracked files because this might be running against code
    35      # which is not tracked by git yet.
    36      git ls-files -cmo --exclude-standard \
    37          ':!:vendor/*'        `# catches vendor/...` \
    38          ':!:*/vendor/*'      `# catches any subdir/vendor/...` \
    39          ':!:third_party/*'   `# catches third_party/...` \
    40          ':!:*/third_party/*' `# catches third_party/...` \
    41          ':!:hack/*'          `# catches hack/...` \
    42          ':!:*/hack/*'        `# catches any subdir/hack/...` \
    43          ':!:*/*_test.go' \
    44          ':!:test/instrumentation' \
    45          ':(glob)**/*.go' \
    46          "$@"
    47  }
    49  function find_test_files() {
    50    git ls-files -cmo --exclude-standard \
    51        './test/instrumentation' \
    52        "$@"
    53  }
    55  red=$(tput setaf 1)
    56  green=$(tput setaf 2)
    57  reset=$(tput sgr0)
    59  function kube::validate::stablemetrics() {
    60    stability_check_setup
    61    temp_file=$(mktemp)
    62    temp_file2=$(mktemp)
    63    doValidate=$(find_files_to_check -z \
    64        | sort -z \
    65        | KUBE_ROOT=${KUBE_ROOT} xargs -0 -L 200 \
    66          go run \
    67              "test/instrumentation/main.go" \
    68              "test/instrumentation/decode_metric.go" \
    69              "test/instrumentation/find_stable_metric.go" \
    70              "test/instrumentation/error.go" \
    71              "test/instrumentation/metric.go" \
    72              -- \
    73              1>"${temp_file}")
    75    if $doValidate; then
    76      echo -e "${green}Diffing test/instrumentation/testdata/stable-metrics-list.yaml\n${reset}"
    77    fi
    78    doSort=$(KUBE_ROOT=${KUBE_ROOT} go run "test/instrumentation/sort/main.go" --sort-file="${temp_file}" 1>"${temp_file2}")
    79    if ! $doSort; then
    80      echo "${red}!!! sorting metrics has failed! ${reset}" >&2
    81      exit 1
    82    fi
    83    if diff -u "$KUBE_ROOT/test/instrumentation/testdata/stable-metrics-list.yaml" "$temp_file2"; then
    84      echo -e "${green}\nPASS metrics stability verification ${reset}"
    85      return 0
    86    fi
    87    echo "${red}!!! Metrics Stability static analysis has failed!${reset}" >&2
    88    echo "${red}!!! Please run ./hack/update-generated-stable-metrics.sh to update the golden list.${reset}" >&2
    89    exit 1
    90  }
    92  function kube::validate::test::stablemetrics() {
    93    stability_check_setup
    94    temp_file=$(mktemp)
    95    doValidate=$(find_test_files -z \
    96        | sort -z \
    97        | KUBE_ROOT=${KUBE_ROOT} xargs -0 -L 200 \
    98          go run \
    99              "test/instrumentation/main.go" \
   100              "test/instrumentation/decode_metric.go" \
   101              "test/instrumentation/find_stable_metric.go" \
   102              "test/instrumentation/error.go" \
   103              "test/instrumentation/metric.go" \
   104              -- \
   105              1>"${temp_file}")
   107    if $doValidate; then
   108      echo -e "${green}Diffing test/instrumentation/testdata/test-stable-metrics-list.yaml\n${reset}"
   109      if diff -u "$KUBE_ROOT/test/instrumentation/testdata/test-stable-metrics-list.yaml" "$temp_file"; then
   110        echo -e "${green}\nPASS metrics stability verification ${reset}"
   111        return 0
   112      fi
   113    fi
   115    echo "${red}!!! Metrics stability static analysis test has failed!${reset}" >&2
   116    echo "${red}!!! Please run './test/instrumentation/test-update.sh' to update the golden list.${reset}" >&2
   117    exit 1
   118  }
   120  function kube::update::stablemetrics() {
   121    stability_check_setup
   122    temp_file=$(mktemp)
   123    temp_file2=$(mktemp)
   124    doCheckStability=$(find_files_to_check -z \
   125        | sort -z \
   126        | KUBE_ROOT=${KUBE_ROOT} xargs -0 -L 200 \
   127          go run \
   128              "test/instrumentation/main.go" \
   129              "test/instrumentation/decode_metric.go" \
   130              "test/instrumentation/find_stable_metric.go" \
   131              "test/instrumentation/error.go" \
   132              "test/instrumentation/metric.go" \
   133              -- \
   134              1>"${temp_file}")
   136    if ! $doCheckStability; then
   137      echo "${red}!!! updating golden list of metrics has failed! ${reset}" >&2
   138      exit 1
   139    fi
   140    mv -f "$temp_file" "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/instrumentation/testdata/stable-metrics-list.yaml"
   141    doSort=$(go run "test/instrumentation/sort/main.go" --sort-file="${KUBE_ROOT}/test/instrumentation/testdata/stable-metrics-list.yaml" 1>"${temp_file2}")
   142    if ! $doSort; then
   143      echo "${red}!!! sorting metrics has failed! ${reset}" >&2
   144      exit 1
   145    fi
   146    mv -f "$temp_file2" "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/instrumentation/testdata/stable-metrics-list.yaml"
   147    echo "${green}Updated golden list of stable metrics.${reset}"
   148  }
   150  function kube::update::documentation::list() {
   151    stability_check_setup
   152    temp_file=$(mktemp)
   153    doCheckStability=$(find_files_to_check -z \
   154        | sort -z \
   155        | KUBE_ROOT=${KUBE_ROOT} xargs -0 -L 200 \
   156          go run \
   157              "test/instrumentation/main.go" \
   158              "test/instrumentation/decode_metric.go" \
   159              "test/instrumentation/find_stable_metric.go" \
   160              "test/instrumentation/error.go" \
   161              "test/instrumentation/metric.go" \
   162              --allstabilityclasses \
   163              -- \
   164              1>"${temp_file}")
   166    if ! $doCheckStability; then
   167      echo "${red}!!! updating golden list of metrics has failed! ${reset}" >&2
   168      exit 1
   169    fi
   170    mv -f "$temp_file" "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/instrumentation/documentation/documentation-list.yaml"
   171    echo "${green}Updated list of metrics for documentation ${reset}"
   172  }
   174  function kube::update::documentation() {
   175    stability_check_setup
   176    temp_file=$(mktemp)
   177    arg1=$1
   178    arg2=$2
   179    doUpdateDocs=$(go run "test/instrumentation/documentation/main.go" --major "$arg1" --minor "$arg2" -- 1>"${temp_file}")
   180    if ! $doUpdateDocs; then
   181      echo "${red}!!! updating documentation has failed! ${reset}" >&2
   182      exit 1
   183    fi
   184    mv -f "$temp_file" "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/instrumentation/documentation/documentation.md"
   185    echo "${green}Updated documentation of metrics.${reset}"
   186  }
   188  function kube::update::test::stablemetrics() {
   189    stability_check_setup
   190    temp_file=$(mktemp)
   191    doCheckStability=$(find_test_files -z \
   192        | sort -z \
   193        | KUBE_ROOT=${KUBE_ROOT} xargs -0 -L 200 \
   194          go run \
   195              "test/instrumentation/main.go" \
   196              "test/instrumentation/decode_metric.go" \
   197              "test/instrumentation/find_stable_metric.go" \
   198              "test/instrumentation/error.go" \
   199              "test/instrumentation/metric.go" \
   200              -- \
   201              1>"${temp_file}")
   203    if ! $doCheckStability; then
   204      echo "${red}!!! updating golden list of test metrics has failed! ${reset}" >&2
   205      exit 1
   206    fi
   207    mv -f "$temp_file" "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/instrumentation/testdata/test-stable-metrics-list.yaml"
   208    echo "${green}Updated test list of stable metrics.${reset}"
   209  }