k8s.io/perf-tests/clusterloader2@v0.0.0-20240304094227-64bdb12da87e/testing/experimental/storage/pod-startup/config.yaml (about)

     1  # ASSUMPTIONS:
     2  # - Number of nodes should be divisible by NODES_PER_NAMESPACE (default 100).
     3  # - If using Persistent Volumes, the default storage class must have volumeBindingMode: Immediate
     5  # Cluster Variables
     6    # Cater for the case where the number of nodes is less than nodes per namespace. See https://github.com/kubernetes/perf-tests/issues/887
     7    {{$NODES_PER_NAMESPACE := MinInt .Nodes (DefaultParam .NODES_PER_NAMESPACE 100)}} 
     9  # Test Variales
    10    {{$PODS_PER_NODE := DefaultParam .PODS_PER_NODE 1}}
    12    {{$VOLUMES_PER_POD := DefaultParam .VOLUMES_PER_POD 1}}
    14    # Set this to false if metrics data is not needed.
    15    {{$GATHER_METRICS := DefaultParam .GATHER_METRICS true}}
    16    {{$START_PODS := DefaultParam .START_PODS true}}
    17    {{$PROVISION_VOLUME := DefaultParam .PROVISION_VOLUME false}}
    18    {{$STORAGE_CLASS := DefaultParam .STORAGE_CLASS "csi-gce-pd"}}
    19    # Shortcut for provisioning volumes with some external provisioner. Without it,
    20    # the PV controller must update each PVC before the external provisioner
    21    # starts to work on it, which limits the volume creation rate.
    22    # With it, volume creation starts immediately. This is best
    23    # used together with WAIT_FOR_PVS_CREATED=true and
    24    # WAIT_FOR_PVS_BOUND=false because then test does not to wait for the
    25    # PV controller during volume creation at all.
    26    {{$PROVISIONER := DefaultParam .PROVISIONER ""}}
    27    # When checking PVs, the test by default considers *all* PVs in the cluster,
    28    # whether they were created by the test or not. In other words, the test
    29    # only works in clusters with no PVs. To make it a bit more flexible,
    30    # the value of the expected provisioner can be set here and then only
    31    # PVs with that annotation will be counted.
    33    {{$VOL_SIZE := DefaultParam .VOL_SIZE "8Gi"}}
    34    {{$WAIT_FOR_PVS_CREATED := DefaultParam .WAIT_FOR_PVS_CREATED false}}
    35    {{$WAIT_FOR_PVS_BOUND := DefaultParam .WAIT_FOR_PVS_BOUND false}}
    36    {{$WAIT_FOR_PVS_DELETED := DefaultParam .WAIT_FOR_PVS_DELETED false}}
    37    {{$POD_THROUGHPUT := DefaultParam .POD_THROUGHPUT 10}}
    38    # TODO(hantaowang): remove knob after deciding on right values
    39    {{$POD_STARTUP_TIMEOUT := DefaultParam .POD_STARTUP_TIMEOUT "15m"}}
    40    {{$POD_STARTUP_SLO := DefaultParam .POD_STARTUP_SLO 300}}
    42  # Computed Variables
    43    {{$namespaces := DivideInt .Nodes $NODES_PER_NAMESPACE | MaxInt 1}}
    44    {{$podsPerNamespace := MultiplyInt $NODES_PER_NAMESPACE $PODS_PER_NODE}}
    45    {{$volumesPerNamespace := MultiplyInt $podsPerNamespace $VOLUMES_PER_POD}}
    46    {{$totalVols := MultiplyInt $volumesPerNamespace $namespaces}}
    47    {{$guessedStepTime := MultiplyInt $totalVols 2 | MaxInt 60}}
    49  # This is a very conservative estimate of 2 seconds per volume.
    50    {{$StepTimeSeconds := DefaultParam .STEP_TIME_SECONDS $guessedStepTime}}
    53  name: storage
    54  namespace:
    55    number: {{$namespaces}}
    56  tuningSets:
    57  - name: UniformQPS
    58    qpsLoad:
    59      qps: {{$POD_THROUGHPUT}}
    60  steps:
    61  {{ if $GATHER_METRICS }}
    62  # Start measurements
    63  - name: Starting measurement for the entire test
    64    measurements:
    65    - Identifier: APIResponsivenessPrometheus
    66      Method: APIResponsivenessPrometheus
    67      Params:
    68        action: start
    69    - Identifier: APIResponsivenessPrometheusSimple
    70      Method: APIResponsivenessPrometheus
    71      Params:
    72        action: start
    73    - Identifier: PodWithVolumesStartupLatency
    74      Method: PodStartupLatency
    75      Params:
    76        action: start
    77        labelSelector: group = volume-test
    78        threshold: {{$POD_STARTUP_SLO}}s
    79  {{ end }}
    80  {{ if $PROVISION_VOLUME }}
    81  # Provision volumes
    82  - name: Provisioning volumes
    83    phases:
    84    - namespaceRange:
    85        min: 1
    86        max: {{$namespaces}}
    87      replicasPerNamespace: {{$volumesPerNamespace}}
    88      tuningSet: UniformQPS
    89      objectBundle:
    90      - basename: vol
    91        objectTemplatePath: {{$VOLUME_TEMPLATE_PATH}}
    92        templateFillMap:
    93          Group: volume-test
    94          VolSize: {{$VOL_SIZE}}
    95          StorageClass: {{$STORAGE_CLASS}}
    96          Provisioner: {{$PROVISIONER}}
    97  {{ end }}
    98  {{if $WAIT_FOR_PVS_CREATED }}
    99  - name: Waiting for volume creation
   100    measurements:
   101      - Identifier: WaitForPVsToBeCreated
   102        Method: WaitForAvailablePVs
   103        Params:
   104          desiredPVCount: {{$totalVols}}
   105          apiVersion: v1
   106          provisioner: {{$EXPECTED_PROVISIONER}}
   107          timeout: {{$StepTimeSeconds}}s
   108  {{ end }}
   109  {{ if $WAIT_FOR_PVS_BOUND }}
   110  - name: Waiting for PVs to be bound
   111    measurements:
   112    - Identifier: WaitForPVCsToBeBound
   113      Method: WaitForBoundPVCs
   114      Params:
   115        desiredPVCCount: {{$totalVols}}
   116        apiVersion: v1
   117        labelSelector: group = volume-test
   118        timeout: {{$StepTimeSeconds}}s
   119  {{ end }}
   120  {{ if $START_PODS }}
   121  - name: Starting measurement for waiting for deployments
   122    measurements:
   123    - Identifier: WaitForRunningDeployments
   124      Method: WaitForControlledPodsRunning
   125      Params:
   126        action: start
   127        apiVersion: apps/v1
   128        kind: Deployment
   129        labelSelector: group = volume-test
   130        operationTimeout: {{$POD_STARTUP_TIMEOUT}}
   131  # Create deployments
   132  - name: Creating deployments
   133    phases:
   134    - namespaceRange:
   135        min: 1
   136        max: {{$namespaces}}
   137      replicasPerNamespace: {{$podsPerNamespace}}
   138      tuningSet: UniformQPS
   139      objectBundle:
   140      - basename: deployment
   141        objectTemplatePath: {{$DEPLOYMENT_TEMPLATE_PATH}}
   142        templateFillMap:
   143          Group: volume-test
   144          VolumesPerPod: {{$VOLUMES_PER_POD}}
   145          VolSize: {{$VOL_SIZE}}
   146          StorageClass: {{$STORAGE_CLASS}}
   147          Provisioner: {{$PROVISIONER}}
   148  - name: Waiting for deployments to be running
   149    measurements:
   150    - Identifier: WaitForRunningDeployments
   151      Method: WaitForControlledPodsRunning
   152      Params:
   153        action: gather
   154  # Delete deployments
   155  - name: Deleting deployments
   156    phases:
   157    - namespaceRange:
   158        min: 1
   159        max: {{$namespaces}}
   160      replicasPerNamespace: 0
   161      tuningSet: UniformQPS
   162      objectBundle:
   163      - basename: deployment
   164        objectTemplatePath: {{$DEPLOYMENT_TEMPLATE_PATH}}
   165  {{ end }}
   166  {{ if $PROVISION_VOLUME }}
   167  # Delete volumes
   168  - name: Deleting volumes
   169    phases:
   170    - namespaceRange:
   171        min: 1
   172        max: {{$namespaces}}
   173      replicasPerNamespace: 0
   174      tuningSet: UniformQPS
   175      objectBundle:
   176        - basename: vol
   177          objectTemplatePath: {{$VOLUME_TEMPLATE_PATH}}
   178  {{ end }}
   179  {{if $WAIT_FOR_PVS_DELETED }}
   180  - name: Waiting for volume deletion
   181    measurements:
   182      - Identifier: WaitForPVsToBeDeleted
   183        Method: WaitForAvailablePVs
   184        Params:
   185          desiredPVCount: 0
   186          apiVersion: v1
   187          provisioner: {{$EXPECTED_PROVISIONER}}
   188          timeout: {{$StepTimeSeconds}}s
   189  {{ end }}
   190  {{ if $GATHER_METRICS }}
   191  # Collect measurements
   192  - name: Gather test measurements
   193    measurements:
   194    - Identifier: APIResponsivenessPrometheusSimple
   195      Method: APIResponsivenessPrometheus
   196      Params:
   197        action: gather
   198        enableViolations: true
   199        useSimpleLatencyQuery: true
   200        summaryName: APIResponsivenessPrometheus_simple
   201    - Identifier: APIResponsivenessPrometheus
   202      Method: APIResponsivenessPrometheus
   203      Params:
   204        action: gather
   205    - Identifier: PodWithVolumesStartupLatency
   206      Method: PodStartupLatency
   207      Params:
   208        action: gather
   209  {{ end }}