k8s.io/perf-tests/clusterloader2@v0.0.0-20240304094227-64bdb12da87e/testing/list/README.md (about) 1 ## List load test 2 3 List load test perform the following steps: 4 - Create configmaps and secrets in a set of namespaces. 5 - The namespaces used here are managed by CL2. 6 - The number of namespaces is derived from `NODES_PER_NAMESPACE`. Namespaces will be 2, if there are no nodes. 7 - The size of a single configmap and secret can be speficed using `CL2_LIST_CONFIG_MAP_BYTES` and `CL2_LIST_SECRET_BYTES` respectively. 8 - The number of configmaps and secrets can be specified using `CL2_LIST_CONFIG_MAP_NUMBER` and `CL2_LIST_SECRET_NUMBER` respectively. 9 - Create RBAC rules to allow lister pods to access these configmaps and secrets 10 - Create lister pods using deployment in a separate namespace to list configmaps and secrets. 11 - The namespace is created using `namespace.yaml` as a template, but its lifecycle is managed by CL2. 12 - The number of replicas for the lister pods can be specified using `CL2_LIST_BENCHMARK_PODS`. 13 - Each lister pod will maintain `CL2_LIST_CONCURRENCY` number of inflight list requests. 14 - Measurement uses [`APIResponsivenessPrometheusSimple`](https://github.com/kubernetes/perf-tests/blob/master/clusterloader2/README.md) to meansure API latency for list configmaps and secrets calls. 15 16 The lister pods leverage https://github.com/kubernetes/perf-tests/tree/master/util-images/request-benchmark to create in-cluster list load.