k8s.io/perf-tests/clusterloader2@v0.0.0-20240304094227-64bdb12da87e/testing/list/deployment.yaml (about)

     1  # The source of the image is at https://github.com/kubernetes/perf-tests/tree/master/util-images/request-benchmark
     2  {{$image := DefaultParam .CL2_BENCHMARK_IMAGE "gcr.io/k8s-testimages/perf-tests-util/request-benchmark:latest"}}
     3  {{$cpu := DefaultParam .cpu "200m"}}
     4  {{$memory := DefaultParam .memory "400Mi"}}
     6  apiVersion: apps/v1
     7  kind: Deployment
     8  metadata:
     9    name: {{.Name}}
    10    labels:
    11      group: benchmark
    12  spec:
    13    replicas: {{.Replicas}}
    14    selector:
    15      matchLabels:
    16        name: {{.Name}}
    17    template:
    18      metadata:
    19        labels:
    20          name: {{.Name}}
    21          group: benchmark
    22      spec:
    23        containers:
    24        - name: {{.Name}}
    25          image: {{$image}}
    26          imagePullPolicy: Always
    27          args:
    28          - --inflight={{.Inflight}}
    29          - --namespace={{.Namespace}}
    30          - --uri={{.Uri}}
    31          resources:
    32            requests:
    33              cpu: {{$cpu}}
    34              memory: {{$memory}}
    35            limits:
    36              cpu: {{$cpu}}
    37              memory: {{$memory}}