k8s.io/perf-tests/clusterloader2@v0.0.0-20240304094227-64bdb12da87e/testing/load/configmap.yaml (about)

     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: ConfigMap
     3  metadata:
     4    name: {{.Name}}
     5  {{if not (eq (Mod .Index 20) 0 19) }} # .Index % 20 in {0,19} - only 10% deployments will have non-immutable ConfigMap.
     6  immutable: true
     7  {{end}}
     8  # Every pod that needs its own configmap entry should be unconditionally
     9  # added below. That allows us to avoid complicating it with ifs.
    10  data:
    11    # all-queries is used by DNS tests. Since dnsperfgo counts NXDOMAINs as errors, this config contains only valid names.
    12    # kubernetes.default results in 4 queries - kubernetes.default.default.svc.cluster.local(A, AAAA), kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local(A, AAAA)
    13    # metadata.google.internal is subject to 5 searchpaths(A, AAAA) + original query (A, AAAA) - 12 queries.
    14    # google.com also results in 12 queries.
    15    all-queries: |
    16        kubernetes.default
    17        metadata.google.internal
    18        google.com