
     1  title: Kythe
     2  url: ''
     3  description: >
     4    A pluggable, (mostly) language-agnostic ecosystem for building tools that work
     5    with code.
     6  permalink: pretty
     7  future: false
     8  exclude: ['README.adoc', 'Gemfile.lock', 'Gemfile', '', '', 'site_docs.bzl', 'BUILD', 'doc_header.rb']
     9  collections:
    10    docs:
    11      output: true
    12      permalink: /:collection/:path:output_ext
    13  plugins:
    14    - jekyll-redirect-from
    15    - jekyll-asciidoc
    16  asciidoctor:
    17    attributes:
    18      - hardbreaks!
    19      - source-highlighter=pygments
    20  sass:
    21    # Paths are CWD relative, not --source relative.
    22    #
    23    sourcemap: never