
     1  Introduction
     2  ============
     4  When Juju bootstraps, it needs two critical pieces of information:
     5  1. The uuid of the image to use when starting new compute instances
     6  2. The URL from which to download the correct version of a tools tarball
     8  The necessary information is stored in a json metadata format called simplestreams.
     9  The simplestreams format is used to describe related items in a structural fashion.
    10  See the Launchpad project lp:simplestreams for more details.
    12  For supported public clouds like Amazon, HP Cloud etc, no action is required by the
    13  end user so the following information is more for those interested in what happens
    14  under the covers. Those setting up a private cloud, or who want to change how things
    15  work (eg use a different Ubuntu image), need to pay closer attention.
    17  Basic Workflow
    18  ==============
    20  Whether images or tools, Juju uses a search path to try and find suitable metadata.
    21  The path components (in order of lookup) are:
    23  1. User supplied location (specified by tools-metadata-url or image-metadata-url config settings)
    24  2. The environment's cloud storage
    25  3. Provider specific locations (eg keystone endpoint if on Openstack)
    26  4. A web location with metadata for supported public clouds (
    28  Metadata may be inline signed, or unsigned. We indicate a metadata file is signed by using
    29  a '.sjson' extension. Each location in the path is first searched for signed metadata, and
    30  if none is found, unsigned metadata is attempted before moving onto the next path location.
    32  Juju ships with public keys used to validate the integrity of image and tools metadata obtained
    33  from So out of the box, Juju will "Just Work" with any supported
    34  public cloud, using signed metadata. Setting up metadata for a private (eg Openstack) cloud requires
    35  metadata to be generated using tools which ship with Juju (more below).
    37  Image Metadata Contents
    38  =======================
    40  Image metadata uses a simplestreams content type of "image-ids".
    41  The product id is formed as follows:
    42  "<series_version>:<arch>"
    43  eg
    44  ""
    46  Non-released images (eg beta, daily etc) have product ids like:
    47  ""
    49  The metadata index and product files are required to be in the following directory tree
    50  (relative to the URL associated with each path component):
    52  <path_url>
    53    |-streams
    54        |-v1
    55           |-index.(s)json
    56           |-product-foo.(s)json
    57           |-product-bar.(s)json
    59  The index file must be called "index.(s)json" (sjson for signed). The various product files are
    60  named according to the Path values contained in the index file.
    62  Tools Metadata Contents
    63  =======================
    65  Tools metadata uses a simplestreams content type of "content-download".
    66  The product id is formed as follows:
    67  "com.ubuntu.juju:<series_version>:<arch>"
    68  eg
    69  "com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:amd64"
    71  The metadata index and product files are required to be in the following directory tree
    72  (relative to the URL associated with each path component). In addition, tools tarballs
    73  which Juju needs to download are also expected.
    75  <path_url>
    76    |-streams
    77    |   |-v1
    78    |      |-index.(s)json
    79    |      |-product-foo.(s)json
    80    |      |-product-bar.(s)json
    81    |
    82    |-releases
    83        |-tools-abc.tar.gz
    84        |-tools-def.tar.gz
    85        |-tools-xyz.tar.gz
    87  The index file must be called "index.(s)json" (sjson for signed). The product file and
    88  tools tarball name(s) match whatever is in the index/product files.
    90  Configuration
    91  =============
    93  For supported public clouds, no extra configuration is required; things work out-of-the-box.
    94  However, for testing purposes, or for non-supported cloud deployments, Juju needs to know
    95  where to find the tools and which image to run. Even for supported public clouds where all
    96  required metadata is available, the user can put their own metadata in the search path to
    97  override what is provided by the cloud.
    99  1. User specified URLs
   101  These are initially specified in the environments.yaml file (and then subsequently copied to the
   102  jenv file when the environment is bootstrapped). For images, use "image-metadata-url"; for tools,
   103  use "tools-metadata-url". The URLs can point to a world readable container/bucket in the cloud,
   104  an address served by a http server, or even a shared directory accessible by all node instances
   105  running in the cloud.
   107  eg assume an Apache http server with base URL https://juju-metadata, providing access to
   108  information at <base>/images and <base>/tools. The Juju environment yaml file could have
   109  the following entries (one or both):
   111  tools-metadata-url: https://juju-metadata/tools
   112  image-metadata-url: https://juju-metadata/images
   114  The required files in each location is as per the directory layout described earlier.
   115  For a shared directory, use a URL of the form "file:///sharedpath".
   117  2. Cloud storage
   119  If no matching metadata is found in the user specified URL, environment's cloud storage is searched.
   120  No user configuration is required here - all Juju environments are set up with cloud storage which is
   121  used to store state information, charms etc. Cloud storage setup is provider dependent; for Amazon
   122  and Openstack clouds, the storage is defined by the "control-bucket" value, for Azure, the
   123  "storage-account-name" value is relevant.
   125  The (optional) directory structure inside the cloud storage is as follows:
   127  <cloud storage top level>
   128    |-tools
   129    |   |-streams
   130    |       |-v1
   131    |   |-releases
   132    |
   133    |-images
   134        |-streams
   135            |-v1
   137  Of course, if only custom image metadata is required, the tools directory will not be required,
   138  and vice versa.
   140  As a sidebar, note that if juju bootstrap is run with the --upload-tools option, the tools and metadata
   141  are placed according to the above structure. That's why the tools are then available for Juju to use.
   143  3. Provider specific storage
   145  Providers may allow additional locations to search for metadata and tools. For Openstack, keystone
   146  endpoints may be created by the cloud administrator. These are defined as follows:
   148  juju-tools      : the <path_url> value as described above in Tools Metadata Contents
   149  product-streams : the <path_url> value as described above in Image Metadata Contents
   151  4. Central web location (
   153  This is the default location used to search for image and tools metadata and is used if no matches
   154  are found earlier in any of the above locations. No user configuration is required.
   156  Deploying Private Clouds
   157  ========================
   159  There are two main issues when deploying a private cloud:
   160  1. Images ids will be specific to the cloud
   161  2. Often, outside internet access is blocked
   163  Issue 1 means that image id metadata needs to be generated and made available.
   164  Issue 2 means that tools need to be mirrored locally to make them accessible.
   166  Juju tools exist to help with generating and validating image and tools metadata.
   167  For tools, it is often easiest to just mirror
   168  However image metadata cannot be simply mirrored because the image ids are taken
   169  from the cloud storage provider, so this need to be generated and validated using
   170  the commands described below.
   172  The available Juju metadata tools can be seen by using the help command:
   173    juju help metadata
   175  The overall workflow is:
   176  - generate image metadata
   177  - copy image metadata to somewhere in the metadata search path
   178  - optionally, mirror tools to somewhere in the metadata search path
   179  - optionally, configure tools-metadata-url and/or image-metadata-url
   181  1. Image metadata
   183  Generate image metadata using
   184    juju metadata generate-image -d <metadata_dir>
   186  As a minimum, the above command needs to know the image id to use and a directory in which to write the files.
   187  Other required parameters like region, series, architecture etc are taken from the current Juju environment (or
   188  an environment specified with the -e option). These parameters can also be overridden on the command line.
   190  The image metadata command can be run multiple times with different regions, series, architecture, and
   191  it will keep adding to the metadata files. Once all required image ids have been added, the index and product
   192  json files can be uploaded to a location in the Juju metadata search path. As per the Configuration section,
   193  this may be somewhere specified by the image-metadata-url setting or the cloud's storage etc.
   195  Examples:
   196  1. image-metadata-url
   197   - upload contents of <metadata_dir> to http://somelocation
   198   - set image-metadata-url to http://somelocation/images
   199  2. Cloud storage
   200   - upload contents of <metadata_dir> directly to environment's cloud storage
   202  To ensure that the image metadata has been generated and uploaded correctly, use the validation command to
   203  ensure an image id can be discovered for a given scenario (region series, arch):
   204    juju metadata validate-images
   206  If run without parameters, the validation command will take all required details from the current Juju
   207  environment (or as specified by -e) and print the image id it would use to spin up an instance.
   208  Alternatively, series, region, architecture etc can be specified on the command line to override values
   209  in the environment config.
   211  2. Tools metadata
   213  Generally, tools and related metadata is mirrored from However,
   214  it is possible to manually generate metadata for a custom built tools tarball using:
   215    juju generate-tools -d <tools_dir>
   217  where the required tools tarballs are first placed in a directory <tools_dir>/tools/releases.
   218  Then, the contents of <tools_dir> can be uploaded to a location in the Juju metadata search path.
   219  As per the Configuration section, this may be somewhere specified by the tools-metadata-url setting or
   220  the cloud's storage etc.
   222  Examples:
   223  1. tools-metadata-url
   224   - upload contents of <tools_dir> to http://somelocation
   225   - set tools-metadata-url to http://somelocation/tools
   226  2. Cloud storage
   227   - upload contents of <tools_dir> directly to environment's cloud storage
   229  As with image metadata, the validation command is used to ensure tools are available for Juju to use:
   230    juju metadata validate-tools
   232  The same comments apply. Run the validation tool without parameters to use details from the Juju
   233  environment, or override values as required on the command line. See juju help metadata validate-tools
   234  for more details.