
     1  // Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package httpstorage_test
     6  import (
     7  	"bytes"
     8  	"crypto/tls"
     9  	"crypto/x509"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"io/ioutil"
    12  	"net"
    13  	"net/http"
    14  	"os"
    15  	"path/filepath"
    16  	"strings"
    17  	stdtesting "testing"
    19  	gc ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	coretesting ""
    24  	jc ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  const testAuthkey = "jabberwocky"
    31  func TestLocal(t *stdtesting.T) {
    32  	gc.TestingT(t)
    33  }
    35  type backendSuite struct {
    36  	testbase.LoggingSuite
    37  }
    39  var _ = gc.Suite(&backendSuite{})
    41  // startServer starts a new local storage server
    42  // using a temporary directory and returns the listener,
    43  // a base URL for the server and the directory path.
    44  func startServer(c *gc.C) (listener net.Listener, url, dataDir string) {
    45  	dataDir = c.MkDir()
    46  	embedded, err := filestorage.NewFileStorageWriter(dataDir, filestorage.UseDefaultTmpDir)
    47  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
    48  	listener, err = httpstorage.Serve("localhost:0", embedded)
    49  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
    50  	return listener, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", listener.Addr()), dataDir
    51  }
    53  // startServerTLS starts a new TLS-based local storage server
    54  // using a temporary directory and returns the listener,
    55  // a base URL for the server and the directory path.
    56  func startServerTLS(c *gc.C) (listener net.Listener, url, dataDir string) {
    57  	dataDir = c.MkDir()
    58  	embedded, err := filestorage.NewFileStorageWriter(dataDir, filestorage.UseDefaultTmpDir)
    59  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
    60  	hostnames := []string{""}
    61  	caCertPEM := []byte(coretesting.CACert)
    62  	caKeyPEM := []byte(coretesting.CAKey)
    63  	listener, err = httpstorage.ServeTLS("", embedded, caCertPEM, caKeyPEM, hostnames, testAuthkey)
    64  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
    65  	return listener, fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/", listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port), dataDir
    66  }
    68  type testCase struct {
    69  	name    string
    70  	content string
    71  	found   []string
    72  	status  int
    73  }
    75  var getTests = []testCase{
    76  	{
    77  		// Get existing file.
    78  		name:    "foo",
    79  		content: "this is file 'foo'",
    80  	},
    81  	{
    82  		// Get existing file.
    83  		name:    "bar",
    84  		content: "this is file 'bar'",
    85  	},
    86  	{
    87  		// Get existing file.
    88  		name:    "baz",
    89  		content: "this is file 'baz'",
    90  	},
    91  	{
    92  		// Get existing file.
    93  		name:    "yadda",
    94  		content: "this is file 'yadda'",
    95  	},
    96  	{
    97  		// Get existing file from nested directory.
    98  		name:    "inner/fooin",
    99  		content: "this is inner file 'fooin'",
   100  	},
   101  	{
   102  		// Get existing file from nested directory.
   103  		name:    "inner/barin",
   104  		content: "this is inner file 'barin'",
   105  	},
   106  	{
   107  		// Get non-existing file.
   108  		name:   "dummy",
   109  		status: 404,
   110  	},
   111  	{
   112  		// Get non-existing file from nested directory.
   113  		name:   "inner/dummy",
   114  		status: 404,
   115  	},
   116  	{
   117  		// Get with a relative path ".." based on the
   118  		// root is passed without invoking the handler
   119  		// function.
   120  		name:   "../dummy",
   121  		status: 404,
   122  	},
   123  	{
   124  		// Get with a relative path ".." based on the
   125  		// root is passed without invoking the handler
   126  		// function.
   127  		name:    "../foo",
   128  		content: "this is file 'foo'",
   129  	},
   130  	{
   131  		// Get on a directory returns a 404 as it is
   132  		// not a file.
   133  		name:   "inner",
   134  		status: 404,
   135  	},
   136  }
   138  func (s *backendSuite) TestHeadNonAuth(c *gc.C) {
   139  	// HEAD is unsupported for non-authenticating servers.
   140  	listener, url, _ := startServer(c)
   141  	defer listener.Close()
   142  	resp, err := http.Head(url)
   143  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   144  	c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
   145  }
   147  func (s *backendSuite) TestHeadAuth(c *gc.C) {
   148  	// HEAD on an authenticating server will return the HTTPS counterpart URL.
   149  	client, url, datadir := s.tlsServerAndClient(c)
   150  	createTestData(c, datadir)
   152  	resp, err := client.Head(url)
   153  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   154  	c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusOK)
   155  	location, err := resp.Location()
   156  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   157  	c.Assert(location.String(), gc.Matches, "https://localhost:[0-9]{5}/")
   158  	testGet(c, client, location.String())
   159  }
   161  func (s *backendSuite) TestHeadCustomHost(c *gc.C) {
   162  	// HEAD with a custom "Host:" header; the server should respond
   163  	// with a Location with the specified Host header.
   164  	client, url, _ := s.tlsServerAndClient(c)
   165  	req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", url+"arbitrary", nil)
   166  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   167  	req.Host = "notarealhost"
   168  	resp, err := client.Do(req)
   169  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   170  	c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusOK)
   171  	location, err := resp.Location()
   172  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   173  	c.Assert(location.String(), gc.Matches, "https://notarealhost:[0-9]{5}/arbitrary")
   174  }
   176  func (s *backendSuite) TestGet(c *gc.C) {
   177  	// Test retrieving a file from a storage.
   178  	listener, url, dataDir := startServer(c)
   179  	defer listener.Close()
   180  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   181  	testGet(c, http.DefaultClient, url)
   182  }
   184  func testGet(c *gc.C, client *http.Client, url string) {
   185  	check := func(tc testCase) {
   186  		resp, err := client.Get(url +
   187  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   188  		if tc.status != 0 {
   189  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, tc.status)
   190  			return
   191  		} else {
   192  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusOK)
   193  		}
   194  		defer resp.Body.Close()
   195  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   196  		_, err = buf.ReadFrom(resp.Body)
   197  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   198  		c.Assert(buf.String(), gc.Equals, tc.content)
   199  	}
   200  	for _, tc := range getTests {
   201  		check(tc)
   202  	}
   203  }
   205  var listTests = []testCase{
   206  	{
   207  		// List with a full filename.
   208  		name:  "foo",
   209  		found: []string{"foo"},
   210  	},
   211  	{
   212  		// List with a name matching two files.
   213  		name:  "ba",
   214  		found: []string{"bar", "baz"},
   215  	},
   216  	{
   217  		// List the contents of a directory.
   218  		name:  "inner/",
   219  		found: []string{"inner/barin", "inner/bazin", "inner/fooin"},
   220  	},
   221  	{
   222  		// List with a name matching two files in
   223  		// a directory.
   224  		name:  "inner/ba",
   225  		found: []string{"inner/barin", "inner/bazin"},
   226  	},
   227  	{
   228  		// List with no name also lists the contents of all
   229  		// directories.
   230  		name:  "",
   231  		found: []string{"bar", "baz", "foo", "inner/barin", "inner/bazin", "inner/fooin", "yadda"},
   232  	},
   233  	{
   234  		// List with a non-matching name returns an empty
   235  		// body which is evaluated to a slice with an empty
   236  		// string in the test (simplification).
   237  		name:  "zzz",
   238  		found: []string{""},
   239  	},
   240  	{
   241  		// List with a relative path ".." based on the
   242  		// root is passed without invoking the handler
   243  		// function. So returns the contents of all
   244  		// directories.
   245  		name:  "../",
   246  		found: []string{"bar", "baz", "foo", "inner/barin", "inner/bazin", "inner/fooin", "yadda"},
   247  	},
   248  }
   250  func (s *backendSuite) TestList(c *gc.C) {
   251  	// Test listing file of a storage.
   252  	listener, url, dataDir := startServer(c)
   253  	defer listener.Close()
   254  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   255  	testList(c, http.DefaultClient, url)
   256  }
   258  func testList(c *gc.C, client *http.Client, url string) {
   259  	check := func(tc testCase) {
   260  		resp, err := client.Get(url + + "*")
   261  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   262  		if tc.status != 0 {
   263  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, tc.status)
   264  			return
   265  		}
   266  		defer resp.Body.Close()
   267  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   268  		_, err = buf.ReadFrom(resp.Body)
   269  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   270  		names := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n")
   271  		c.Assert(names, gc.DeepEquals, tc.found)
   272  	}
   273  	for i, tc := range listTests {
   274  		c.Logf("test %d", i)
   275  		check(tc)
   276  	}
   277  }
   279  var putTests = []testCase{
   280  	{
   281  		// Put a file in the root directory.
   282  		name:    "porterhouse",
   283  		content: "this is the sent file 'porterhouse'",
   284  	},
   285  	{
   286  		// Put a file with a relative path ".." is resolved
   287  		// a redirect 301 by the Go HTTP daemon. The handler
   288  		// isn't aware of it.
   289  		name:   "../no-way",
   290  		status: 301,
   291  	},
   292  	{
   293  		// Put a file in a nested directory.
   294  		name:    "deep/cambridge",
   295  		content: "this is the sent file 'deep/cambridge'",
   296  	},
   297  }
   299  func (s *backendSuite) TestPut(c *gc.C) {
   300  	// Test sending a file to the storage.
   301  	listener, url, dataDir := startServer(c)
   302  	defer listener.Close()
   303  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   304  	testPut(c, http.DefaultClient, url, dataDir, true)
   305  }
   307  func testPut(c *gc.C, client *http.Client, url, dataDir string, authorized bool) {
   308  	check := func(tc testCase) {
   309  		req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT",, bytes.NewBufferString(tc.content))
   310  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   311  		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
   312  		resp, err := client.Do(req)
   313  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   314  		if tc.status != 0 {
   315  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, tc.status)
   316  			return
   317  		} else if !authorized {
   318  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusUnauthorized)
   319  			return
   320  		}
   321  		c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusCreated)
   323  		fp := filepath.Join(dataDir,
   324  		b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fp)
   325  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   326  		c.Assert(string(b), gc.Equals, tc.content)
   327  	}
   328  	for _, tc := range putTests {
   329  		check(tc)
   330  	}
   331  }
   333  var removeTests = []testCase{
   334  	{
   335  		// Delete a file in the root directory.
   336  		name:    "fox",
   337  		content: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
   338  	},
   339  	{
   340  		// Delete a file in a nested directory.
   341  		name:    "quick/brown/fox",
   342  		content: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
   343  	},
   344  	{
   345  		// Delete a non-existing file leads to no error.
   346  		name: "dog",
   347  	},
   348  	{
   349  		// Delete a file with a relative path ".." is resolved
   350  		// a redirect 301 by the Go HTTP daemon. The handler
   351  		// doesn't get aware of it.
   352  		name:   "../something",
   353  		status: 301,
   354  	},
   355  }
   357  func (s *backendSuite) TestRemove(c *gc.C) {
   358  	// Test removing a file in the storage.
   359  	listener, url, dataDir := startServer(c)
   360  	defer listener.Close()
   361  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   362  	testRemove(c, http.DefaultClient, url, dataDir, true)
   363  }
   365  func testRemove(c *gc.C, client *http.Client, url, dataDir string, authorized bool) {
   366  	check := func(tc testCase) {
   367  		fp := filepath.Join(dataDir,
   368  		dir, _ := filepath.Split(fp)
   369  		err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777)
   370  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   371  		err = ioutil.WriteFile(fp, []byte(tc.content), 0644)
   372  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   374  		req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE",, nil)
   375  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   376  		resp, err := client.Do(req)
   377  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   378  		if tc.status != 0 {
   379  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, tc.status)
   380  			return
   381  		} else if !authorized {
   382  			c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusUnauthorized)
   383  			return
   384  		}
   385  		c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, gc.Equals, http.StatusOK)
   387  		_, err = os.Stat(fp)
   388  		c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), gc.Equals, true)
   389  	}
   390  	for i, tc := range removeTests {
   391  		c.Logf("test %d", i)
   392  		check(tc)
   393  	}
   394  }
   396  func createTestData(c *gc.C, dataDir string) {
   397  	writeData := func(dir, name, data string) {
   398  		fn := filepath.Join(dir, name)
   399  		c.Logf("writing data to %q", fn)
   400  		err := ioutil.WriteFile(fn, []byte(data), 0644)
   401  		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   402  	}
   404  	writeData(dataDir, "foo", "this is file 'foo'")
   405  	writeData(dataDir, "bar", "this is file 'bar'")
   406  	writeData(dataDir, "baz", "this is file 'baz'")
   407  	writeData(dataDir, "yadda", "this is file 'yadda'")
   409  	innerDir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "inner")
   410  	err := os.MkdirAll(innerDir, 0777)
   411  	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   413  	writeData(innerDir, "fooin", "this is inner file 'fooin'")
   414  	writeData(innerDir, "barin", "this is inner file 'barin'")
   415  	writeData(innerDir, "bazin", "this is inner file 'bazin'")
   416  }
   418  func (b *backendSuite) tlsServerAndClient(c *gc.C) (client *http.Client, url, dataDir string) {
   419  	listener, url, dataDir := startServerTLS(c)
   420  	b.AddCleanup(func(*gc.C) { listener.Close() })
   421  	caCerts := x509.NewCertPool()
   422  	c.Assert(caCerts.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(coretesting.CACert)), jc.IsTrue)
   423  	client = &http.Client{
   424  		Transport: utils.NewHttpTLSTransport(&tls.Config{RootCAs: caCerts}),
   425  	}
   426  	return client, url, dataDir
   427  }
   429  func (b *backendSuite) TestTLSUnauthenticatedGet(c *gc.C) {
   430  	client, url, dataDir := b.tlsServerAndClient(c)
   431  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   432  	testGet(c, client, url)
   433  }
   435  func (b *backendSuite) TestTLSUnauthenticatedList(c *gc.C) {
   436  	client, url, dataDir := b.tlsServerAndClient(c)
   437  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   438  	testList(c, client, url)
   439  }
   441  func (b *backendSuite) TestTLSUnauthenticatedPut(c *gc.C) {
   442  	client, url, dataDir := b.tlsServerAndClient(c)
   443  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   444  	testPut(c, client, url, dataDir, false)
   445  }
   447  func (b *backendSuite) TestTLSUnauthenticatedRemove(c *gc.C) {
   448  	client, url, dataDir := b.tlsServerAndClient(c)
   449  	createTestData(c, dataDir)
   450  	testRemove(c, client, url, dataDir, false)
   451  }