(about) 1 %{ 2 // Copyright 2016 The GC Authors. All rights reserved. 3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 4 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 5 %} 6 7 /* Non ASCII character classes */ 8 eof \x80 9 other \x81 10 11 any_to_eol [^\x80\n\r]* 12 big_u_value \\U{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit} 13 byte_value {octal_byte_value}|{hex_byte_value} 14 comment "/*"([^*\x80]|\*+[^*/\x80])*\*+\/ 15 decimal_digit [0-9] 16 decimal_lit [1-9]{decimal_digit}* 17 decimals {decimal_digit}+ 18 escaped_char \\[abfnrtv'\x22\\] 19 exponent [eE][+-]?{decimals} 20 float_lit {decimals}"."{decimals}?{exponent}?|{decimals}{exponent}|"."{decimals}{exponent}? 21 hex_byte_value \\x{hex_digit}{hex_digit} 22 hex_digit [0-9a-fA-F] 23 hex_lit 0[xX]{hex_digit}+ 24 identifier {letter}({letter}|[0-9])* 25 imaginary_lit ({decimals}|{float_lit})"i" 26 int_lit {decimal_lit}|{octal_lit}|{hex_lit} 27 interpreted_string_lit \x22({str_unicode_value}|{byte_value})*\x22 28 letter [a-zA-Z_]|{other} 29 little_u_value \\u{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit} 30 octal_byte_value \\{octal_digit}{octal_digit}{octal_digit} 31 octal_digit [0-7] 32 octal_lit 0{octal_digit}* 33 raw_string_lit `[^`\x80]*` 34 rune_lit '({rune_unicode_value}?|{byte_value})' 35 rune_unicode_value [^\x80\n\r\\]|{little_u_value}|{big_u_value}|{escaped_char} 36 str_unicode_value [^\x22\x80\n\r\\]|{little_u_value}|{big_u_value}|{escaped_char} 37 string_lit {raw_string_lit}|{interpreted_string_lit} 38 39 %% 40 41 [ \t\r]+ 42 "//"{any_to_eol}[\n\r\x80] 43 "/*"([^*\x80]|\*+[^*/\x80])*\*+\/ 44 "!=" 45 "%=" 46 "&&" 47 "&=" 48 "&^" 49 "&^=" 50 "*=" 51 "++" 52 "+=" 53 "--" 54 "-=" 55 "..." 56 "/=" 57 ":=" 58 "<-" 59 "<<" 60 "<<=" 61 "<=" 62 "==" 63 ">=" 64 ">>" 65 ">>=" 66 "^=" 67 "|=" 68 "||" 69 "break" 70 "case" 71 "chan" 72 "const" 73 "continue" 74 "default" 75 "defer" 76 "else" 77 "fallthrough" 78 "for" 79 "func" 80 "go" 81 "goto" 82 "if" 83 "import" 84 "interface" 85 "map" 86 "package" 87 "range" 88 "return" 89 "select" 90 "struct" 91 "switch" 92 "type" 93 "var" 94 {float_lit} 95 {identifier} 96 {imaginary_lit} 97 {int_lit} 98 {rune_lit} 99 {string_lit}