
     1  11buffer size
     2  09pool size
     3  17number of strings
     4  03???
     5  13m2d5c2l5x2v5i
     6  28End of file on the terminal!
     7  02! 
     8  42(That makes 100 errors; please try again.)
     9  02? 
    10  22You want to edit file 
    11  09 at line 
    12  60Type <return> to proceed, S to scroll future error messages,
    13  44R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly,
    14  23I to insert something, 
    15  20E to edit your file,
    16  561 or ... or 9 to ignore the next 1 to 9 tokens of input,
    17  22H for help, X to quit.
    18  13OK, entering 
    19  09batchmode
    20  11nonstopmode
    21  10scrollmode
    22  03...
    23  07insert>
    24  44I have just deleted some text, as you asked.
    25  48You can now delete more, or insert, or whatever.
    26  50Sorry, I don't know how to help in this situation.
    27  36Maybe you should try asking a human?
    28  42Sorry, I already gave what help I could...
    29  59An error might have occurred before I noticed any problems.
    30  45``If all else fails, read the instructions.''
    31  02 (
    32  14Emergency stop
    33  30TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [
    34  44If you really absolutely need more capacity,
    35  35you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
    36  19This can't happen (
    37  59I'm broken. Please show this to someone who can fix can fix
    38  35I can't go on meeting you like this
    39  55One of your faux pas seems to have wounded me deeply...
    40  59in fact, I'm barely conscious. Please fix it and try again.
    41  12Interruption
    42  09You rang?
    43  58Try to insert an instruction for me (e.g., `I\showlists'),
    44  43unless you just want to quit by typing `X'.
    45  16main memory size
    46  24AVAIL list clobbered at 
    47  31Double-AVAIL list clobbered at 
    48  24Doubly free location at 
    49  12Bad flag at 
    50  14New busy locs:
    51  05LINK(
    52  05INFO(
    53  02[]
    54  10CLOBBERED.
    55  04foul
    56  03fil
    57  06 plus 
    58  07 minus 
    59  03 []
    60  26Bad link, display aborted.
    61  04etc.
    62  18Unknown node type!
    63  05unset
    64  04box(
    65  02)x
    66  10, shifted 
    67  09 columns)
    68  10, stretch 
    69  09, shrink 
    70  11, glue set 
    71  02- 
    72  03?.?
    73  03< -
    74  05rule(
    75  06insert
    76  15, natural size 
    77  08; split(
    78  14); float cost 
    79  04glue
    80  09nonscript
    81  05mskip
    82  02mu
    83  00
    84  08leaders 
    85  04kern
    86  13 (for accent)
    87  05mkern
    88  04math
    89  02on
    90  03off
    91  13, surrounded 
    92  11 (ligature 
    93  08penalty 
    94  13discretionary
    95  11 replacing 
    96  04mark
    97  07vadjust
    98  08flushing
    99  07copying
   100  08vertical
   101  10horizontal
   102  12display math
   103  02no
   104  17internal vertical
   105  21restricted horizontal
   106  05 mode
   107  18semantic nest size
   108  04### 
   109  17 entered at line 
   110  10 (language
   111  10:hyphenmin
   112  18 (\output routine)
   113  25### recent contributions:
   114  10prevdepth 
   115  07ignored
   116  11, prevgraf 
   117  05 line
   118  12spacefactor 
   119  19, current language 
   120  31this will begin denominator of:
   121  08lineskip
   122  12baselineskip
   123  07parskip
   124  16abovedisplayskip
   125  16belowdisplayskip
   126  21abovedisplayshortskip
   127  21belowdisplayshortskip
   128  08leftskip
   129  09rightskip
   130  07topskip
   131  12splittopskip
   132  07tabskip
   133  09spaceskip
   134  10xspaceskip
   135  11parfillskip
   136  10thinmuskip
   137  09medmuskip
   138  11thickmuskip
   139  25[unknown glue parameter!]
   140  04skip
   141  06muskip
   142  02pt
   143  06output
   144  08everypar
   145  09everymath
   146  12everydisplay
   147  09everyhbox
   148  09everyvbox
   149  08everyjob
   150  07everycr
   151  07errhelp
   152  04toks
   153  08parshape
   154  03box
   155  04void
   156  12current font
   157  08textfont
   158  10scriptfont
   159  16scriptscriptfont
   160  07catcode
   161  06lccode
   162  06uccode
   163  06sfcode
   164  08mathcode
   165  12pretolerance
   166  09tolerance
   167  11linepenalty
   168  13hyphenpenalty
   169  15exhyphenpenalty
   170  11clubpenalty
   171  12widowpenalty
   172  19displaywidowpenalty
   173  13brokenpenalty
   174  12binoppenalty
   175  10relpenalty
   176  17predisplaypenalty
   177  18postdisplaypenalty
   178  16interlinepenalty
   179  20doublehyphendemerits
   180  19finalhyphendemerits
   181  11adjdemerits
   182  03mag
   183  15delimiterfactor
   184  09looseness
   185  04time
   186  03day
   187  05month
   188  04year
   189  14showboxbreadth
   190  12showboxdepth
   191  08hbadness
   192  08vbadness
   193  07pausing
   194  13tracingonline
   195  13tracingmacros
   196  12tracingstats
   197  17tracingparagraphs
   198  12tracingpages
   199  13tracingoutput
   200  16tracinglostchars
   201  15tracingcommands
   202  15tracingrestores
   203  06uchyph
   204  13outputpenalty
   205  13maxdeadcycles
   206  09hangafter
   207  15floatingpenalty
   208  10globaldefs
   209  03fam
   210  10escapechar
   211  17defaulthyphenchar
   212  15defaultskewchar
   213  11endlinechar
   214  11newlinechar
   215  08language
   216  13lefthyphenmin
   217  14righthyphenmin
   218  14holdinginserts
   219  17errorcontextlines
   220  28[unknown integer parameter!]
   221  05count
   222  07delcode
   223  09parindent
   224  12mathsurround
   225  13lineskiplimit
   226  05hsize
   227  05vsize
   228  08maxdepth
   229  13splitmaxdepth
   230  11boxmaxdepth
   231  05hfuzz
   232  05vfuzz
   233  18delimitershortfall
   234  18nulldelimiterspace
   235  11scriptspace
   236  14predisplaysize
   237  12displaywidth
   238  13displayindent
   239  12overfullrule
   240  10hangindent
   241  07hoffset
   242  07voffset
   243  16emergencystretch
   244  26[unknown dimen parameter!]
   245  05dimen
   246  06EQUIV(
   247  12notexpanded:
   248  09hash size
   249  06csname
   250  09endcsname
   251  11IMPOSSIBLE.
   252  12NONEXISTENT.
   253  06accent
   254  07advance
   255  15afterassignment
   256  10aftergroup
   257  10begingroup
   258  04char
   259  09delimiter
   260  06divide
   261  08endgroup
   262  11expandafter
   263  04font
   264  09fontdimen
   265  06halign
   266  05hrule
   267  12ignorespaces
   268  10mathaccent
   269  08mathchar
   270  10mathchoice
   271  08multiply
   272  07noalign
   273  10noboundary
   274  08noexpand
   275  04omit
   276  07penalty
   277  08prevgraf
   278  07radical
   279  04read
   280  05relax
   281  06setbox
   282  03the
   283  06valign
   284  07vcenter
   285  05vrule
   286  09save size
   287  15grouping levels
   288  08curlevel
   289  09retaining
   290  09restoring
   291  05SAVE(
   292  28Incompatible magnification (
   293  02);
   294  36 the previous value will be retained
   295  58I can handle only one magnification ratio per job. So I've
   296  59reverted to the magnification you used earlier on this run.
   297  46Illegal magnification has been changed to 1000
   298  52The magnification ratio must be between 1 and 32768.
   299  04ETC.
   300  04BAD.
   301  02->
   302  22begin-group character 
   303  20end-group character 
   304  21math shift character 
   305  26macro parameter character 
   306  22superscript character 
   307  20subscript character 
   308  25end of alignment template
   309  12blank space 
   310  11the letter 
   311  14the character 
   312  23[unknown command code!]
   313  02: 
   314  08Runaway 
   315  10definition
   316  08argument
   317  08preamble
   318  04text
   319  03<*>
   320  09<insert> 
   321  06<read 
   322  02l.
   323  11<argument> 
   324  11<template> 
   325  16<recently read> 
   326  19<to be read again> 
   327  16<inserted text> 
   328  09<output> 
   329  11<everypar> 
   330  12<everymath> 
   331  15<everydisplay> 
   332  12<everyhbox> 
   333  12<everyvbox> 
   334  11<everyjob> 
   335  10<everycr> 
   336  07<mark> 
   337  08<write> 
   338  16input stack size
   339  05write
   340  48(interwoven alignment preambles are not allowed)
   341  17text input levels
   342  03par
   343  11Incomplete 
   344  34; all text was ignored after line 
   345  54A forbidden control sequence occurred in skipped text.
   346  59This kind of error happens when you say `\if...' and forget
   347  59the matching `\fi'. I've inserted a `\fi'; this might work.
   348  53The file ended while I was skipping conditional text.
   349  10File ended
   350  32Forbidden control sequence found
   351  16 while scanning 
   352  04 of 
   353  46I suspect you have forgotten a `}', causing me
   354  41to read past where you wanted me to stop.
   355  49I'll try to recover; but if the error is serious,
   356  51you'd better type `E' or `X' now and fix your file.
   357  03use
   358  39Text line contains an invalid character
   359  53A funny symbol that I can't read has just been input.
   360  48Continue, and I'll forget that it ever happened.
   361  37(Please type a command or say `\end')
   362  38*** (job aborted, no legal \end found)
   363  02=>
   364  26Undefined control sequence
   365  47The control sequence at the end of the top line
   366  52of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
   367  55misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
   368  51spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
   369  45and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
   370  08Missing 
   371  09 inserted
   372  53The control sequence marked <to be read again> should
   373  42not appear between \csname and \endcsname.
   374  05input
   375  08endinput
   376  07topmark
   377  09firstmark
   378  07botmark
   379  14splitfirstmark
   380  12splitbotmark
   381  20parameter stack size
   382  12Argument of 
   383  15 has an extra }
   384  58I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything.
   385  52For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce
   386  54this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that
   387  52I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway
   388  54argument that might be the root of the problem. But if
   389  57your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away.
   390  23Paragraph ended before 
   391  13 was complete
   392  58I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this
   393  54control sequence to too much text. How can we recover?
   394  59My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.
   395  07Use of 
   396  29 doesn't match its definition
   397  54If you say, e.g., `\def\a1{...}', then you must always
   398  52put `1' after `\a', since control sequence names are
   399  52made up of letters only. The macro here has not been
   400  51followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring it.
   401  02<-
   402  18Missing { inserted
   403  52A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
   404  55You might want to delete and/or insert some corrections
   405  48so that I will find a matching right brace soon.
   406  54(If you're confused by all this, try typing `I}' now.)
   407  23Incompatible glue units
   408  52I'm going to assume that 1mu=1pt when they're mixed.
   409  31Missing number, treated as zero
   410  47A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
   411  54(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
   412  51look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
   413  11spacefactor
   414  09prevdepth
   415  10deadcycles
   416  15insertpenalties
   417  02wd
   418  02ht
   419  02dp
   420  11lastpenalty
   421  08lastkern
   422  08lastskip
   423  11inputlineno
   424  07badness
   425  09Improper 
   426  54You can refer to \spacefactor only in horizontal mode;
   427  54you can refer to \prevdepth only in vertical mode; and
   428  48neither of these is meaningful inside \write. So
   429  52I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead.
   430  15You can't use `
   431  08' after 
   432  17Bad register code
   433  44A register number must be between 0 and 255.
   434  27I changed this one to zero.
   435  18Bad character code
   436  45A character number must be between 0 and 255.
   437  10Bad number
   438  51Since I expected to read a number between 0 and 15,
   439  12Bad mathchar
   440  46A mathchar number must be between 0 and 32767.
   441  18Bad delimiter code
   442  56A numeric delimiter code must be between 0 and 2^{27}-1.
   443  28Improper alphabetic constant
   444  56A one-character control sequence belongs after a ` mark.
   445  37So I'm essentially inserting \0 here.
   446  14Number too big
   447  54I can only go up to 2147483647='17777777777="7FFFFFFF,
   448  42so I'm using that number instead of yours.
   449  04true
   450  25Illegal unit of measure (
   451  18replaced by filll)
   452  35I dddon't go any higher than filll.
   453  02em
   454  02ex
   455  12mu inserted)
   456  48The unit of measurement in math glue must be mu.
   457  51To recover gracefully from this error, it's best to
   458  52delete the erroneous units; e.g., type `2' to delete
   459  45two letters. (See Chapter 27 of The TeXbook.)
   460  02in
   461  02pc
   462  02cm
   463  02mm
   464  02bp
   465  02dd
   466  02cc
   467  02sp
   468  12pt inserted)
   469  49Dimensions can be in units of em, ex, in, pt, pc,
   470  50cm, mm, dd, cc, bp, or sp; but yours is a new one!
   471  59I'll assume that you meant to say pt, for printer's points.
   472  19Dimension too large
   473  50I can't work with sizes bigger than about 19 feet.
   474  46Continue and I'll use the largest value I can.
   475  04plus
   476  05minus
   477  05width
   478  06height
   479  05depth
   480  06number
   481  12romannumeral
   482  06string
   483  07meaning
   484  08fontname
   485  07jobname
   486  04 at 
   487  60Where was the left brace? You said something like `\def\a}',
   488  43which I'm going to interpret as `\def\a{}'.
   489  32You already have nine parameters
   490  45I'm going to ignore the # sign you just used,
   491  38as well as the token that followed it.
   492  41Parameters must be numbered consecutively
   493  57I've inserted the digit you should have used after the #.
   494  36Type `1' to delete what you did use.
   495  42Illegal parameter number in definition of 
   496  41You meant to type ## instead of #, right?
   497  56Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things
   498  58are all screwed up? I'm going to assume that you meant ##.
   499  49*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)
   500  18File ended within 
   501  33This \read has unbalanced braces.
   502  02if
   503  05ifcat
   504  05ifnum
   505  05ifdim
   506  05ifodd
   507  07ifvmode
   508  07ifhmode
   509  07ifmmode
   510  07ifinner
   511  06ifvoid
   512  06ifhbox
   513  06ifvbox
   514  03ifx
   515  05ifeof
   516  06iftrue
   517  07iffalse
   518  06ifcase
   519  02fi
   520  02or
   521  04else
   522  06Extra 
   523  44I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if.
   524  06{true}
   525  07{false}
   526  23Missing = inserted for 
   527  48I was expecting to see `<', `=', or `>'. Didn't.
   528  06{case 
   529  10TeXinputs:
   530  09TeXfonts:
   531  04.fmt
   532  15input file name
   533  19I can't find file `
   534  23I can't write on file `
   535  02'.
   536  04.tex
   537  20Please type another 
   538  45*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)
   539  04.dvi
   540  20file name for output
   541  06texput
   542  04.log
   543  02**
   544  20transcript file name
   545  02  
   546  08nullfont
   547  05Font 
   548  08 scaled 
   549  36 not loadable: Bad metric (TFM) file
   550  42 not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found
   551  50I wasn't able to read the size data for this font,
   552  40so I will ignore the font specification.
   553  48[Wizards can fix TFM files using TFtoPL/PLtoTF.]
   554  46You might try inserting a different font spec;
   555  57e.g., type `I\font<same font id>=<substitute font name>'.
   556  04.tfm
   557  33 not loaded: Not enough room left
   558  52I'm afraid I won't be able to make use of this font,
   559  55because my memory for character-size data is too small.
   560  51If you're really stuck, ask a wizard to enlarge me.
   561  58Or maybe try `I\font<same font id>=<name of loaded font>'.
   562  23Missing font identifier
   563  42I was looking for a control sequence whose
   564  42current meaning has been defined by \font.
   565  10 has only 
   566  21 fontdimen parameters
   567  51To increase the number of font parameters, you must
   568  53use \fontdimen immediately after the \font is loaded.
   569  11font memory
   570  31Missing character: There is no 
   571  09 in font 
   572  12 TeX output 
   573  08vlistout
   574  31Completed box being shipped out
   575  21Memory usage before: 
   576  08 after: 
   577  19; still untouched: 
   578  31Huge page cannot be shipped out
   579  50The page just created is more than 18 feet tall or
   580  58more than 18 feet wide, so I suspect something went wrong.
   581  35The following box has been deleted:
   582  19No pages of output.
   583  18Output written on 
   584  05 page
   585  02, 
   586  08 bytes).
   587  02to
   588  06spread
   589  09Underfull
   590  05Loose
   591  16 \hbox (badness 
   592  38) has occurred while \output is active
   593  24) in paragraph at lines 
   594  24) in alignment at lines 
   595  02--
   596  19) detected at line 
   597  16Overfull \hbox (
   598  11pt too wide
   599  21Tight \hbox (badness 
   600  05vpack
   601  16 \vbox (badness 
   602  16Overfull \vbox (
   603  11pt too high
   604  21Tight \vbox (badness 
   605  02{}
   606  12displaystyle
   607  09textstyle
   608  11scriptstyle
   609  17scriptscriptstyle
   610  14Unknown style!
   611  07mathord
   612  06mathop
   613  07mathbin
   614  07mathrel
   615  08mathopen
   616  09mathclose
   617  09mathpunct
   618  09mathinner
   619  08overline
   620  09underline
   621  04left
   622  05right
   623  06limits
   624  08nolimits
   625  20fraction, thickness 
   626  09= default
   627  17, left-delimiter 
   628  18, right-delimiter 
   629  25 is undefined (character 
   630  54Somewhere in the math formula just ended, you used the
   631  60stated character from an undefined font family. For example,
   632  58plain TeX doesn't allow \it or \sl in subscripts. Proceed,
   633  52and I'll try to forget that I needed that character.
   634  06mlist1
   635  06mlist2
   636  06mlist3
   637  640234000122*4000133**3**344*0400400*000000234000111*1111112341011
   638  06mlist4
   639  12 inside $$'s
   640  53Displays can use special alignments (like \eqalignno)
   641  57only if nothing but the alignment itself is between $$'s.
   642  58So I've deleted the formulas that preceded this alignment.
   643  04span
   644  02cr
   645  04crcr
   646  11endtemplate
   647  24alignment tab character 
   648  40Missing # inserted in alignment preamble
   649  50There should be exactly one # between &'s, when an
   650  56\halign or \valign is being set up. In this case you had
   651  47none, so I've put one in; maybe that will work.
   652  29Only one # is allowed per tab
   653  49more than one, so I'm ignoring all but the first.
   654  04endv
   655  40Extra alignment tab has been changed to 
   656  52You have given more \span or & marks than there were
   657  58in the preamble to the \halign or \valign now in progress.
   658  50So I'll assume that you meant to type \cr instead.
   659  09256 spans
   660  06align1
   661  06align0
   662  44Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph
   663  52The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has
   664  54infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'.
   665  54Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph
   666  59of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed,
   667  55since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite.
   668  05disc1
   669  05disc2
   670  02@@
   671  07: line 
   672  03 t=
   673  06 -> @@
   674  07 via @@
   675  03 b=
   676  03 p=
   677  03 d=
   678  10@firstpass
   679  11@secondpass
   680  14@emergencypass
   681  09paragraph
   682  05disc3
   683  05disc4
   684  13line breaking
   685  05HYPH(
   686  11hyphenation
   687  16 will be flushed
   688  48Hyphenation exceptions must contain only letters
   689  51and hyphens. But continue; I'll forgive and forget.
   690  12Not a letter
   691  50Letters in \hyphenation words must have \lccode>0.
   692  47Proceed; I'll ignore the character I just read.
   693  20exception dictionary
   694  18pattern memory ops
   695  31pattern memory ops per language
   696  14pattern memory
   697  13Too late for 
   698  08patterns
   699  53All patterns must be given before typesetting begins.
   700  04Bad 
   701  17(See Appendix H.)
   702  09Nonletter
   703  17Duplicate pattern
   704  07pruning
   705  09vertbreak
   706  48Infinite glue shrinkage found in box being split
   707  52The box you are \vsplitting contains some infinitely
   708  57shrinkable glue, e.g., `\vss' or `\vskip 0pt minus 1fil'.
   709  59Such glue doesn't belong there; but you can safely proceed,
   710  06vsplit
   711  09 needs a 
   712  04vbox
   713  44The box you are trying to split is an \hbox.
   714  49I can't split such a box, so I'll leave it alone.
   715  08pagegoal
   716  09pagetotal
   717  11pagestretch
   718  14pagefilstretch
   719  15pagefillstretch
   720  16pagefilllstretch
   721  10pageshrink
   722  09pagedepth
   723  04fill
   724  05filll
   725  17### current page:
   726  28 (held over for next output)
   727  13total height 
   728  13 goal height 
   729  06 adds 
   730  03, #
   731  12 might split
   732  15%% goal height=
   733  12, max depth=
   734  38Insertions can only be added to a vbox
   735  40Tut tut: You're trying to \insert into a
   736  41\box register that now contains an \hbox.
   737  47Proceed, and I'll discard its present contents.
   738  04page
   739  45Infinite glue shrinkage found on current page
   740  52The page about to be output contains some infinitely
   741  03 g=
   742  03 c=
   743  38Infinite glue shrinkage inserted from 
   744  53The correction glue for page breaking with insertions
   745  52must have finite shrinkability. But you may proceed,
   746  07% split
   747  04 to 
   748  15255 is not void
   749  53You shouldn't use \box255 except in \output routines.
   750  14Output loop---
   751  24 consecutive dead cycles
   752  57I've concluded that your \output is awry; it never does a
   753  55\shipout, so I'm shipping \box255 out myself. Next time
   754  58increase \maxdeadcycles if you want me to be more patient!
   755  25Unbalanced output routine
   756  58Your sneaky output routine has problematic {'s and/or }'s.
   757  41I can't handle that very well; good luck.
   758  33Output routine didn't use all of 
   759  43Your \output commands should empty \box255,
   760  34e.g., by saying `\shipout\box255'.
   761  43Proceed; I'll discard its present contents.
   762  18Missing $ inserted
   763  56I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think
   764  48you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.
   765  05' in 
   766  50Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case;
   767  45I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it.
   768  49If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to
   769  58return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'.
   770  03end
   771  04dump
   772  05hskip
   773  04hfil
   774  05hfill
   775  03hss
   776  07hfilneg
   777  05vskip
   778  04vfil
   779  05vfill
   780  03vss
   781  07vfilneg
   782  52I've inserted something that you may have forgotten.
   783  32(See the <inserted text> above.)
   784  48With luck, this will get me unwedged. But if you
   785  55really didn't forget anything, try typing `2' now; then
   786  56my insertion and my current dilemma will both disappear.
   787  06right.
   788  58Things are pretty mixed up, but I think the worst is over.
   789  12Too many }'s
   790  42You've closed more groups than you opened.
   791  51Such booboos are generally harmless, so keep going.
   792  10rightbrace
   793  22Extra }, or forgotten 
   794  58I've deleted a group-closing symbol because it seems to be
   795  59spurious, as in `$x}$'. But perhaps the } is legitimate and
   796  59you forgot something else, as in `\hbox{$x}'. In such cases
   797  58the way to recover is to insert both the forgotten and the
   798  40deleted material, e.g., by typing `I$}'.
   799  08moveleft
   800  09moveright
   801  05raise
   802  05lower
   803  04copy
   804  07lastbox
   805  04vtop
   806  04hbox
   807  07shipout
   808  07leaders
   809  08cleaders
   810  08xleaders
   811  35Leaders not followed by proper glue
   812  56You should say `\leaders <box or rule><hskip or vskip>'.
   813  50I found the <box or rule>, but there's no suitable
   814  48<hskip or vskip>, so I'm ignoring these leaders.
   815  34Sorry; this \lastbox will be void.
   816  58Sorry...I usually can't take things from the current page.
   817  37This \lastbox will therefore be void.
   818  21Missing `to' inserted
   819  48I'm working on `\vsplit<box number> to <dimen>';
   820  31will look for the <dimen> next.
   821  31A <box> was supposed to be here
   822  57I was expecting to see \hbox or \vbox or \copy or \box or
   823  59something like that. So you might find something missing in
   824  53your output. But keep trying; you can fix this later.
   825  06indent
   826  08noindent
   827  26' here except with leaders
   828  52To put a horizontal rule in an hbox or an alignment,
   829  56you should use \leaders or \hrulefill (see The TeXbook).
   830  10You can't 
   831  45I'm changing to \insert0; box 255 is special.
   832  32Try `I\vskip-\lastskip' instead.
   833  31Try `I\kern-\lastkern' instead.
   834  46Perhaps you can make the output routine do it.
   835  09unpenalty
   836  06unkern
   837  06unskip
   838  06unhbox
   839  07unhcopy
   840  06unvbox
   841  07unvcopy
   842  34Incompatible list can't be unboxed
   843  35Sorry, Pandora. (You sneaky devil.)
   844  58I refuse to unbox an \hbox in vertical mode or vice versa.
   845  40And I can't open any boxes in math mode.
   846  13Illegal math 
   847  54Sorry: The third part of a discretionary break must be
   848  57empty, in math formulas. I had to delete your third part.
   849  30Discretionary list is too long
   850  50Wow---I never thought anybody would tweak me here.
   851  56You can't seriously need such a huge discretionary list?
   852  27Improper discretionary list
   853  54Discretionary lists must contain only boxes and kerns.
   854  53The following discretionary sublist has been deleted:
   855  18Missing } inserted
   856  45I've put in what seems to be necessary to fix
   857  44the current column of the current alignment.
   858  43Try to go on, since this might almost work.
   859  10Misplaced 
   860  55I can't figure out why you would want to use a tab mark
   861  50here. If you just want an ampersand, the remedy is
   862  52simple: Just type `I\&' now. But if some right brace
   863  52up above has ended a previous alignment prematurely,
   864  52you're probably due for more error messages, and you
   865  57might try typing `S' now just to see what is salvageable.
   866  57or \cr or \span just now. If something like a right brace
   867  46I expect to see \noalign only after the \cr of
   868  49an alignment. Proceed, and I'll ignore this case.
   869  56I expect to see \omit only after tab marks or the \cr of
   870  53I'm guessing that you meant to end an alignment here.
   871  50I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname.
   872  04eqno
   873  05leqno
   874  13displaylimits
   875  42Limit controls must follow a math operator
   876  57I'm ignoring this misplaced \limits or \nolimits command.
   877  30Missing delimiter (. inserted)
   878  52I was expecting to see something like `(' or `\{' or
   879  55`\}' here. If you typed, e.g., `{' instead of `\{', you
   880  57should probably delete the `{' by typing `1' now, so that
   881  52braces don't get unbalanced. Otherwise just proceed.
   882  54Acceptable delimiters are characters whose \delcode is
   883  58nonnegative, or you can use `\delimiter <delimiter code>'.
   884  11Please use 
   885  25 for accents in math mode
   886  55I'm changing \accent to \mathaccent here; wish me luck.
   887  59(Accents are not the same in formulas as they are in text.)
   888  18Double superscript
   889  43I treat `x^1^2' essentially like `x^1{}^2'.
   890  16Double subscript
   891  43I treat `x_1_2' essentially like `x_1{}_2'.
   892  05above
   893  04over
   894  04atop
   895  15abovewithdelims
   896  14overwithdelims
   897  14atopwithdelims
   898  35Ambiguous; you need another { and }
   899  55I'm ignoring this fraction specification, since I don't
   900  52know whether a construction like `x \over y \over z'
   901  53means `{x \over y} \over z' or `x \over {y \over z}'.
   902  49I'm ignoring a \right that had no matching \left.
   903  47Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts
   904  50Sorry, but I can't typeset math unless \textfont 2
   905  50and \scriptfont 2 and \scriptscriptfont 2 have all
   906  50the \fontdimen values needed in math symbol fonts.
   907  50Math formula deleted: Insufficient extension fonts
   908  50Sorry, but I can't typeset math unless \textfont 3
   909  50and \scriptfont 3 and \scriptscriptfont 3 have all
   910  53the \fontdimen values needed in math extension fonts.
   911  31Display math should end with $$
   912  59The `$' that I just saw supposedly matches a previous `$$'.
   913  49So I shall assume that you typed `$$' both times.
   914  07display
   915  19Missing $$ inserted
   916  04long
   917  05outer
   918  06global
   919  03def
   920  04gdef
   921  04edef
   922  04xdef
   923  06prefix
   924  29You can't use a prefix with `
   925  55I'll pretend you didn't say \long or \outer or \global.
   926  06' or `
   927  08' with `
   928  49I'll pretend you didn't say \long or \outer here.
   929  33Missing control sequence inserted
   930  52Please don't say `\def cs{...}', say `\def\cs{...}'.
   931  59I've inserted an inaccessible control sequence so that your
   932  60definition will be completed without mixing me up too badly.
   933  53You can recover graciously from this error, if you're
   934  42careful; see exercise 27.2 in The TeXbook.
   935  12inaccessible
   936  03let
   937  09futurelet
   938  07chardef
   939  11mathchardef
   940  08countdef
   941  08dimendef
   942  07skipdef
   943  09muskipdef
   944  07toksdef
   945  44You should have said `\read<number> to \cs'.
   946  34I'm going to look for the \cs now.
   947  14Invalid code (
   948  29), should be in the range 0..
   949  21), should be at most 
   950  54I'm going to use 0 instead of that illegal code value.
   951  02by
   952  19Arithmetic overflow
   953  50I can't carry out that multiplication or division,
   954  33since the result is out of range.
   955  55I'm forgetting what you said and not changing anything.
   956  57Sorry, \setbox is not allowed after \halign in a display,
   957  45or between \accent and an accented character.
   958  16Bad space factor
   959  47I allow only values in the range 1..32767 here.
   960  37I allow only nonnegative values here.
   961  37Patterns can be loaded only by INITEX
   962  10hyphenchar
   963  08skewchar
   964  04FONT
   965  02at
   966  06scaled
   967  20Improper `at' size (
   968  21pt), replaced by 10pt
   969  50I can only handle fonts at positive sizes that are
   970  56less than 2048pt, so I've changed what you said to 10pt.
   971  12select font 
   972  13errorstopmode
   973  06openin
   974  07closein
   975  07message
   976  10errmessage
   977  31(That was another \errmessage.)
   978  50This error message was generated by an \errmessage
   979  43command, so I can't give any explicit help.
   980  54Pretend that you're Hercule Poirot: Examine all clues,
   981  41and deduce the truth by order and method.
   982  09lowercase
   983  09uppercase
   984  04show
   985  07showbox
   986  07showthe
   987  09showlists
   988  57This isn't an error message; I'm just \showing something.
   989  46Type `I\show...' to show more (e.g., \show\cs,
   990  43\showthe\count10, \showbox255, \showlists).
   991  54And type `I\tracingonline=1\show...' to show boxes and
   992  57lists on your terminal as well as in the transcript file.
   993  02> 
   994  09undefined
   995  05macro
   996  10long macro
   997  11outer macro
   998  17outer endtemplate
   999  06> \box
  1000  02OK
  1001  26 (see the transcript file)
  1002  09 (INITEX)
  1003  29You can't dump inside a group
  1004  24`{...\dump}' is a no-no.
  1005  25 strings of total length 
  1006  43 memory locations dumped; current usage is 
  1007  30 multiletter control sequences
  1008  24 words of font info for 
  1009  15 preloaded font
  1010  05\font
  1011  22 hyphenation exception
  1012  27Hyphenation trie of length 
  1013  05 has 
  1014  03 op
  1015  08 out of 
  1016  14 for language 
  1017  19 (preloaded format=
  1018  16format file name
  1019  26Beginning to dump on file 
  1020  22Transcript written on 
  1021  02 )
  1022  13end occurred 
  1023  24inside a group at level 
  1024  05when 
  1025  09 on line 
  1026  16 was incomplete)
  1027  52(see the transcript file for additional information)
  1028  35(\dump is performed only by INITEX)
  1029  21debug # (-1 to exit):
  1030  07openout
  1031  08closeout
  1032  07special
  1033  09immediate
  1034  11setlanguage
  1035  20[unknown extension!]
  1036  04ext1
  1037  12 (hyphenmin 
  1038  08whatsit?
  1039  04ext2
  1040  04ext3
  1041  08endwrite
  1042  24Unbalanced write command
  1043  59On this page there's a \write with fewer real {'s than }'s.
  1044  04ext4
  1045  16output file name
  1046  *504454778