
     1  % This program by D. E. Knuth is not copyrighted and can be used freely.
     2  % Version 1 was implemented in December 1989.
     3  % Version 1.1 fixed some for-loop indices for stricter Pascal (April 1990).
     4  % Version 1.2 fixed `nonexistent char 0' bug, and a bit more (September 1990).
     5  % Version 1.3 has more robust `out_scaled' (March 1991).
     6  % Version 1.4 (March 1995) initialized lk_step_ended (Armin K\"ollner).   
     7  % Version 1.5 (August 1998) corrected vf_fix(0) (Wayne Sullivan).
     8  % Version 1.6 (January 2014) corrected possible end-of-line glitch (Ken Nakano),
     9  %  and get_fix now treats -- as + (Peter Breitenlohner).
    11  % Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
    12  \def\hang{\hangindent 3em\indent\ignorespaces}
    13  \font\ninerm=cmr9
    14  \let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps for names like SAIL
    15  \def\PASCAL{Pascal}
    16  \font\logo=logo10 % for the METAFONT logo
    17  \def\MF{{\logo METAFONT}}
    19  \def\(#1){} % this is used to make section names sort themselves better
    20  \def\9#1{} % this is used for sort keys in the index
    22  \def\title{VP\lowercase{to}VF}
    23  \def\contentspagenumber{201}
    24  \def\topofcontents{\null
    25    \titlefalse % include headline on the contents page
    26    \def\rheader{\mainfont\hfil \contentspagenumber}
    27    \vfill
    28    \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont VPtoVF} processor}
    29    \vskip 15pt
    30    \centerline{(Version 1.6, January 2014)}
    31    \vfill}
    32  \def\botofcontents{\vfill
    33    \centerline{\hsize 5in\baselineskip9pt
    34      \vbox{\ninerm\noindent
    35      The preparation of this program
    36      was supported in part by the National Science
    37      Foundation and by the System Development Foundation. `\TeX' is a
    38      trademark of the American Mathematical Society.}}}
    39  \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
    41  @* Introduction.
    42  The \.{VPtoVF} utility program converts virtual-property-list (``\.{VPL}'')
    43  files into an equivalent pair of files called a virtual font (``\.{VF}'') file
    44  and a \TeX\ font metric (``\.{TFM}'') file. It also makes a thorough check
    45  of the given \.{VPL} file, so that the \.{VF} file should be acceptable to
    46  device drivers and the \.{TFM} file should be acceptable to \TeX.
    48  \indent\.{VPtoVF} is an extended version of the program \.{PLtoTF}, which
    49  is part of the standard \TeX ware library. 
    50  The idea of a virtual font was inspired by the work of David R. Fuchs
    51  @^Fuchs, David Raymond@>
    52  who designed a similar set of conventions in 1984 while developing a
    53  device driver for ArborText, Inc. He wrote a somewhat similar program
    54  called \.{PLFONT}.
    56  The |banner| string defined here should be changed whenever \.{VPtoVF}
    57  gets modified.
    59  @d banner=='This is VPtoVF, Version 1.6' {printed when the program starts}
    61  @ This program is written entirely in standard \PASCAL, except that
    62  it has to do some slightly system-dependent character code conversion
    63  on input. Furthermore, lower case letters are used in error messages;
    64  they could be converted to upper case if necessary. The input is read
    65  from |vpl_file|, and the output is written on |vf_file| and |tfm_file|;
    66  error messages and
    67  other remarks are written on the |output| file, which the user may
    68  choose to assign to the terminal if the system permits it.
    69  @^system dependencies@>
    71  The term |print| is used instead of |write| when this program writes on
    72  the |output| file, so that all such output can be easily deflected.
    74  @d print(#)==write(#)
    75  @d print_ln(#)==write_ln(#)
    77  @p program VPtoVF(@!vpl_file,@!vf_file,@!tfm_file,@!output);
    78  const @<Constants in the outer block@>@/
    79  type @<Types in the outer block@>@/
    80  var @<Globals in the outer block@>@/
    81  procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
    82    var @<Local variables for initialization@>@/
    83    begin print_ln(banner);@/
    84    @<Set initial values@>@/
    85    end;
    87  @ The following parameters can be changed at compile time to extend or
    88  reduce \.{VPtoVF}'s capacity.
    90  @<Constants...@>=
    91  @!buf_size=60; {length of lines displayed in error messages}
    92  @!max_header_bytes=100; {four times the maximum number of words allowed in
    93    the \.{TFM} file header block, must be 1024 or less}
    94  @!vf_size=10000; {maximum length of |vf| data, in bytes}
    95  @!max_stack=100; {maximum depth of simulated \.{DVI} stack}
    96  @!max_param_words=30; {the maximum number of \.{fontdimen} parameters allowed}
    97  @!max_lig_steps=5000;
    98    {maximum length of ligature program, must be at most $32767-257=32510$}
    99  @!max_kerns=500; {the maximum number of distinct kern values}
   100  @!hash_size=5003; {preferably a prime number, a bit larger than the number
   101    of character pairs in lig/kern steps}
   103  @ Here are some macros for common programming idioms.
   105  @d incr(#) == #:=#+1 {increase a variable by unity}
   106  @d decr(#) == #:=#-1 {decrease a variable by unity}
   107  @d do_nothing == {empty statement}
   109  @* Property list description of font metric data.
   110  The idea behind \.{VPL} files is that precise details about fonts, i.e., the
   111  facts that are needed by typesetting routines like \TeX, sometimes have to
   112  be supplied by hand. The nested property-list format provides a reasonably
   113  convenient way to do this.
   115  A good deal of computation is necessary to parse and process a
   116  \.{VPL} file, so it would be inappropriate for \TeX\ itself to do this
   117  every time it loads a font. \TeX\ deals only with the compact descriptions
   118  of font metric data that appear in \.{TFM} files. Such data is so compact,
   119  however, it is almost impossible for anybody but a computer to read it.
   121  Device drivers also need a compact way to describe mappings from \TeX's idea
   122  of a font to the actual characters a device can produce. They can do this
   123  conveniently when given a packed sequence of bytes called a \.{VF} file.
   125  The purpose of \.{VPtoVF} is to convert from a human-oriented file of text
   126  to computer-oriented files of binary numbers. There's a companion program,
   127  \.{VFtoVP}, which goes the other way.
   129  @<Glob...@>=
   130  @!vpl_file:text;
   132  @ @<Set init...@>=
   133  reset(vpl_file);
   135  @ A \.{VPL} file is like a \.{PL} file with a few extra features, so we
   136  can begin to define it by reviewing the definition of \.{PL} files. The
   137  material in the next few sections is copied from the program \.{PLtoTF}.
   139  A \.{PL} file is a list of entries of the form
   140  $$\.{(PROPERTYNAME VALUE)}$$
   141  where the property name is one of a finite set of names understood by
   142  this program, and the value may itself in turn be a property list.
   143  The idea is best understood by looking at an example, so let's consider
   144  a fragment of the \.{PL} file for a hypothetical font.
   145  $$\vbox{\halign{\.{#}\hfil\cr
   146  (FAMILY NOVA)\cr
   147  (FACE F MIE)\cr
   149  (DESIGNSIZE D 10)\cr
   150  (DESIGNUNITS D 18)\cr
   154  \qquad\qquad IT SAYS IT ISN'T))\cr
   155  (FONTDIMEN\cr
   156  \qquad   (SLANT R -.25)\cr
   157  \qquad   (SPACE D 6)\cr
   158  \qquad   (SHRINK D 2)\cr
   159  \qquad   (STRETCH D 3)\cr
   160  \qquad   (XHEIGHT R 10.55)\cr
   161  \qquad   (QUAD D 18)\cr
   162  \qquad   )\cr
   163  (LIGTABLE\cr
   164  \qquad   (LABEL C f)\cr
   165  \qquad   (LIG C f O 200)\cr
   166  \qquad   (SKIP D 1)\cr
   167  \qquad   (LABEL O 200)\cr
   168  \qquad   (LIG C i O 201)\cr
   169  \qquad   (KRN O 51 R 1.5)\cr
   170  \qquad   (/LIG C ? C f)\cr
   171  \qquad   (STOP)\cr
   172  \qquad   )\cr
   173  (CHARACTER C f\cr
   174  \qquad   (CHARWD D 6)\cr
   175  \qquad   (CHARHT R 13.5)\cr
   176  \qquad   (CHARIC R 1.5)\cr
   177  \qquad   )\cr}}$$
   178  This example says that the font whose metric information is being described
   179  belongs to the hypothetical
   180  \.{NOVA} family; its face code is medium italic extended;
   181  and the characters appear in ASCII code positions. The design size is 10 points,
   182  and all other sizes in this \.{PL} file are given in units such that 18 units
   183  equals the design size. The font is slanted with a slope of $-.25$ (hence the
   184  letters actually slant backward---perhaps that is why the family name is
   185  \.{NOVA}). The normal space between words is 6 units (i.e., one third of
   186  the 18-unit design size), with glue that shrinks by 2 units or stretches by 3.
   187  The letters for which accents don't need to be raised or lowered are 10.55
   188  units high, and one em equals 18 units.
   190  The example ligature table is a bit trickier. It specifies that the
   191  letter \.f followed by another \.f is changed to code @'200, while
   192  code @'200 followed by \.i is changed to @'201; presumably codes @'200
   193  and @'201 represent the ligatures `ff' and `ffi'.  Moreover, in both cases
   194  \.f and @'200, if the following character is the code @'51 (which is a
   195  right parenthesis), an additional 1.5 units of space should be inserted
   196  before the @'51.  (The `\.{SKIP}~\.D~\.1' skips over one \.{LIG} or
   197  \.{KRN} command, which in this case is the second \.{LIG}; in this way
   198  two different ligature/kern programs can come together.)
   199  Finally, if either \.f or @'200 is followed by a question mark,
   200  the question mark is replaced by \.f and the ligature program is
   201  started over. (Thus, the character pair `\.{f?}' would actually become
   202  the ligature `ff', and `\.{ff?}' or `\.{f?f}' would become `fff'. To
   203  avoid this restart procedure, the \.{/LIG} command could be replaced
   204  by \.{/LIG>}; then `\.{f?}' would become `f\kern0ptf' and `\.{f?f}'
   205  would become `f\kern0ptff'.)
   207  Character \.f itself is 6 units wide and 13.5 units tall, in this example.
   208  Its depth is zero (since \.{CHARDP} is not given), and its italic correction
   209  is 1.5 units.
   211  @ The example above illustrates most of the features found in \.{PL} files.
   212  Note that some property names, like \.{FAMILY} or \.{COMMENT}, take a
   213  string as their value; this string continues until the first unmatched
   214  right parenthesis. But most property names, like \.{DESIGNSIZE} and \.{SLANT}
   215  and \.{LABEL}, take a number as their value. This number can be expressed in
   216  a variety of ways, indicated by a prefixed code; \.D stands for decimal,
   217  \.H for hexadecimal, \.O for octal, \.R for real, \.C for character, and
   218  \.F for ``face.''  Other property names, like \.{LIG}, take two numbers as
   219  their value.  And still other names, like \.{FONTDIMEN} and \.{LIGTABLE} and
   220  \.{CHARACTER}, have more complicated values that involve property lists.
   222  A property name is supposed to be used only in an appropriate property
   223  list.  For example, \.{CHARWD} shouldn't occur on the outer level or
   224  within \.{FONTDIMEN}.
   226  The individual property-and-value pairs in a property list can appear in
   227  any order. For instance, `\.{SHRINK}' precedes `\.{STRETCH}' in the example
   228  above, although the \.{TFM} file always puts the stretch parameter first.
   229  One could even give the information about characters like `\.f' before
   230  specifying the number of units in the design size, or before specifying the
   231  ligature and kerning table. However, the \.{LIGTABLE} itself is an exception
   232  to this rule; the individual elements of the \.{LIGTABLE} property list
   233  can be reordered only to a certain extent without changing the meaning
   234  of that table.
   236  If property-and-value pairs are omitted, a default value is used. For example,
   237  we have already noted that the default for \.{CHARDP} is zero. The default
   238  for {\sl every\/} numeric value is, in fact, zero, unless otherwise stated
   239  below.
   241  If the same property name is used more than once, \.{VPtoVF} will not notice
   242  the discrepancy; it simply uses the final value given. Once again, however, the
   243  \.{LIGTABLE} is an exception to this rule; \.{VPtoVF} will complain if there
   244  is more than one label for some character. And of course many of the
   245  entries in the \.{LIGTABLE} property list have the same property name.
   247  @ A \.{VPL} file also includes information about how to create each character,
   248  by typesetting characters from other fonts and/or by drawing lines, etc.
   249  Such information is the value of the `\.{MAP}' property, which can be
   250  illustrated as follows:
   251  $$\vbox{\halign{\.{#}\hfil\cr
   252  (MAPFONT D 0 (FONTNAME Times-Roman))\cr
   253  (MAPFONT D 1 (FONTNAME Symbol))\cr
   254  (MAPFONT D 2 (FONTNAME cmr10)(FONTAT D 20))\cr
   256  (CHARACTER O 76 (MAP (SETCHAR O 277)))\cr
   257  (CHARACTER D 197 (MAP\cr
   258  \qquad(PUSH)(SETCHAR C A)(POP)\cr
   259  \qquad(MOVEUP R 0.937)(MOVERIGHT R 1.5)(SETCHAR O 312)))\cr
   260  (CHARACTER O 200 (MAP (MOVEDOWN R 2.1)(SETRULE R 1 R 8)))\cr
   261  (CHARACTER O 201 (MAP\cr
   262  \qquad (SPECIAL ps: /SaveGray currentgray def .5 setgray)\cr
   263  \qquad (SELECTFONT D 2)(SETCHAR C A)\cr
   264  \qquad (SPECIAL ps: SaveGray setgray)))\cr
   265  }}$$
   266  (These specifications appear in addition to the conventional \.{PL}
   267  information. The \.{MAP} attribute can be mixed in with other attributes
   268  like \.{CHARWD} or it can be given separately.)
   270  In this example, the virtual font is composed of characters that can be
   271  fabricated from three actual fonts, `\.{Times-Roman}',
   272  `\.{Symbol}', and `\.{cmr10} \.{at} \.{20\\u}' (where \.{\\u}
   273  is the unit size in this \.{VPL} file). Character |@'0| is typeset as
   274  a `G' from the symbol font. Character |@'76| is typeset as character |@'277|
   275  from the ordinary Times font. (If no other font is selected, font
   276  number~0 is the default. If no \.{MAP} attribute is given, the default map
   277  is a character of the same number in the default font.)
   279  Character 197 (decimal) is more interesting: First an A is typeset (in the
   280  default font Times), and this is enclosed by \.{PUSH} and \.{POP} so that
   281  the original position is restored. Then the accent character |@'312| is
   282  typeset, after moving up .937 units and right 1.5 units.
   284  To typeset character |@'200| in this virtual font, we move down 2.1 units,
   285  then typeset a rule that is 1 unit high and 8 units wide.
   287  Finally, to typeset character |@'201|, we do something that requires a
   288  special ability to interpret PostScript commands; this example
   289  sets the PostScript ``color'' to 50\char`\%\ gray and typesets an `A'
   290  from \.{cmr10} \.{at} \.{20\\u} in that color.
   292  In general, the \.{MAP} attribute of a virtual character can be any sequence
   293  of typesetting commands that might appear in a page of a \.{DVI} file.
   294  A single character might map into an entire page.
   296  @ But instead of relying on a hypothetical example, let's consider a complete
   297  grammar for \.{VPL} files, beginning with the (unchanged) grammatical rules
   298  for \.{PL} files. At the outer level, the following property names
   299  are valid in any \.{PL} file:
   301  \yskip\hang\.{CHECKSUM} (four-byte value). The value, which should be a
   302  nonnegative integer less than $2^{32}$, is used to identify a particular
   303  version of a font; it should match the check sum value stored with the font
   304  itself. An explicit check sum of zero is used to bypass
   305  check sum testing. If no checksum is specified in the \.{VPL} file,
   306  \.{VPtoVF} will compute the checksum that \MF\ would compute from the
   307  same data.
   309  \yskip\hang\.{DESIGNSIZE} (numeric value, default is 10). The value, which
   310  should be a real number in the range |1.0<=x<2048|, represents the default
   311  amount by which all quantities will be scaled if the font is not loaded
   312  with an `\.{at}' specification. For example, if one says
   313  `\.{\\font\\A=cmr10 at 15pt}' in \TeX\ language, the design size in the \.{TFM}
   314  file is ignored and effectively replaced by 15 points; but if one simply
   315  says `\.{\\font\\A=cmr10}' the stated design size is used. This quantity is
   316  always in units of printer's points.
   318  \yskip\hang\.{DESIGNUNITS} (numeric value, default is 1). The value
   319  should be a positive real number; it says how many units equals the design
   320  size (or the eventual `\.{at}' size, if the font is being scaled). For
   321  example, suppose you have a font that has been digitized with 600 pixels per
   322  em, and the design size is one em; then you could say `\.{(DESIGNUNITS R 600)}'
   323  if you wanted to give all of your measurements in units of pixels.
   325  \yskip\hang\.{CODINGSCHEME} (string value, default is `\.{UNSPECIFIED}').
   326  The string should not contain parentheses, and its length must be less than 40.
   327  It identifies the correspondence between the numeric codes and font characters.
   328  (\TeX\ ignores this information, but other software programs make use of it.)
   330  \yskip\hang\.{FAMILY} (string value, default is `\.{UNSPECIFIED}').
   331  The string should not contain parentheses, and its length must be less than 20.
   332  It identifies the name of the family to which this font belongs, e.g.,
   333  `\.{HELVETICA}'.  (\TeX\ ignores this information; but it is needed, for
   334  example, when converting \.{DVI} files to \.{PRESS} files for Xerox
   335  equipment.)
   337  \yskip\hang\.{FACE} (one-byte value). This number, which must lie between
   338  0 and 255 inclusive, is a subsidiary ident\-ifi\-ca\-tion of the font within its
   339  family. For example, bold italic condensed fonts might have the same family name
   340  as light roman extended fonts, differing only in their face byte.  (\TeX\
   341  ignores this information; but it is needed, for example, when converting
   342  \.{DVI} files to \.{PRESS} files for Xerox equipment.)
   344  \yskip\hang\.{SEVENBITSAFEFLAG} (string value, default is `\.{FALSE}'). The
   345  value should start with either `\.T' (true) or `\.F' (false). If true, character
   346  codes less than 128 cannot lead to codes of 128 or more via ligatures or
   347  charlists or extensible characters. (\TeX82 ignores this flag, but older
   348  versions of \TeX\ would only accept \.{TFM} files that were seven-bit safe.)
   349  \.{VPtoVF} computes the correct value of this flag and gives an error message
   350  only if a claimed ``true'' value is incorrect.
   352  \yskip\hang\.{HEADER} (a one-byte value followed by a four-byte value).
   353  The one-byte value should be between 18 and a maximum limit that can be
   354  raised or lowered depending on the compile-time setting of |max_header_bytes|.
   355  The four-byte value goes into the header word whose index is the one-byte
   356  value; for example, to set |header[18]:=1|, one may write
   357  `\.{(HEADER D 18 O 1)}'. This notation is used for header information that
   358  is presently unnamed. (\TeX\ ignores it.)
   360  \yskip\hang\.{FONTDIMEN} (property list value). See below for the names
   361  allowed in this property list.
   363  \yskip\hang\.{LIGTABLE} (property list value). See below for the rules
   364  about this special kind of property list.
   366  \yskip\hang\.{BOUNDARYCHAR} (one-byte value). If this character appears in
   367  a \.{LIGTABLE} command, it matches ``end of word'' as well as itself.
   368  If no boundary character is given and no \.{LABEL} \.{BOUNDARYCHAR} occurs
   369  within \.{LIGTABLE}, word boundaries will not affect ligatures or kerning.
   371  \yskip\hang\.{CHARACTER}. The value is a one-byte integer followed by
   372  a property list. The integer represents the number of a character that is
   373  present in the font; the property list of a character is defined below.
   374  The default is an empty property list.
   376  @ Numeric property list values can be given in various forms identified by
   377  a prefixed letter.
   379  \yskip\hang\.C denotes an ASCII character, which should be a standard visible
   380  character that is not a parenthesis. The numeric value will therefore be
   381  between @'41 and @'176 but not @'50 or @'51.
   383  \yskip\hang\.D denotes an unsigned decimal integer, which must be
   384  less than $2^{32}$, i.e., at most `\.{D 4294967295}'.
   386  \yskip\hang\.F denotes a three-letter Xerox face code; the admissible codes
   387  are \.{MRR}, \.{MIR}, \.{BRR}, \.{BIR}, \.{LRR}, \.{LIR}, \.{MRC}, \.{MIC},
   388  \.{BRC}, \.{BIC}, \.{LRC}, \.{LIC}, \.{MRE}, \.{MIE}, \.{BRE}, \.{BIE},
   389  \.{LRE}, and \.{LIE}, denoting the integers 0 to 17, respectively.
   391  \yskip\hang\.O denotes an unsigned octal integer, which must be less than
   392  $2^{32}$, i.e., at most `\.{O 37777777777}'.
   394  \yskip\hang\.H denotes an unsigned hexadecimal integer, which must be less than
   395  $2^{32}$, i.e., at most `\.{H FFFFFFFF}'.
   397  \yskip\hang\.R denotes a real number in decimal notation, optionally preceded
   398  by a `\.+' or `\.-' sign, and optionally including a decimal point. The
   399  absolute value must be less than 2048.
   401  @ The property names allowed in a \.{FONTDIMEN} property list correspond to
   402  various \TeX\ parameters, each of which has a (real) numeric value. All
   403  of the parameters except \.{SLANT} are in design units. The admissible
   404  names are \.{SLANT}, \.{SPACE}, \.{STRETCH}, \.{SHRINK}, \.{XHEIGHT},
   405  \.{QUAD}, \.{EXTRASPACE}, \.{NUM1}, \.{NUM2}, \.{NUM3}, \.{DENOM1},
   406  \.{DENOM2}, \.{SUP1}, \.{SUP2}, \.{SUP3}, \.{SUB1}, \.{SUB2}, \.{SUPDROP},
   407  \.{SUBDROP}, \.{DELIM1}, \.{DELIM2}, and \.{AXISHEIGHT}, for parameters
   408  1~to~22. The alternate names \.{DEFAULTRULETHICKNESS},
   410  \.{BIGOPSPACING4}, and \.{BIGOPSPACING5}, may also be used for parameters
   411  8 to 13.
   413  The notation `\.{PARAMETER} $n$' provides another way to specify the
   414  $n$th parameter; for example, `\.{(PARAMETER} \.{D 1 R -.25)}' is another way
   415  to specify that the \.{SLANT} is $-0.25$. The value of $n$ must be positive
   416  and less than |max_param_words|.
   418  @ The elements of a \.{CHARACTER} property list can be of six different types.
   420  \yskip\hang\.{CHARWD} (real value) denotes the character's width in
   421  design units.
   423  \yskip\hang\.{CHARHT} (real value) denotes the character's height in
   424  design units.
   426  \yskip\hang\.{CHARDP} (real value) denotes the character's depth in
   427  design units.
   429  \yskip\hang\.{CHARIC} (real value) denotes the character's italic correction in
   430  design units.
   432  \yskip\hang\.{NEXTLARGER} (one-byte value), specifies the character that
   433  follows the present one in a ``charlist.'' The value must be the number of a
   434  character in the font, and there must be no infinite cycles of supposedly
   435  larger and larger characters.
   437  \yskip\hang\.{VARCHAR} (property list value), specifies an extensible character.
   438  This option and \.{NEXTLARGER} are mutually exclusive; i.e., they cannot
   439  both be used within the same \.{CHARACTER} list.
   441  \yskip\noindent
   442  The elements of a \.{VARCHAR} property list are either \.{TOP}, \.{MID},
   443  \.{BOT}, or \.{REP}; the values are integers, which must be zero or the number
   444  of a character in the font. A zero value for \.{TOP}, \.{MID}, or \.{BOT} means
   445  that the corresponding piece of the extensible character is absent. A nonzero
   446  value, or a \.{REP} value of zero, denotes the character code used to make
   447  up the top, middle, bottom, or replicated piece of an extensible character.
   449  @ A \.{LIGTABLE} property list contains elements of four kinds, specifying a
   450  program in a simple command language that \TeX\ uses for ligatures and kerns.
   451  If several \.{LIGTABLE} lists appear, they are effectively concatenated into
   452  a single list.
   454  \yskip\hang\.{LABEL} (one-byte value) means that the program for the
   455  stated character value starts here. The integer must be the number of a
   456  character in the font; its \.{CHARACTER} property list must not have a
   457  \.{NEXTLARGER} or \.{VARCHAR} field. At least one \.{LIG} or \.{KRN} step
   458  must follow.
   460  \yskip\hang\.{LABEL} \.{BOUNDARYCHAR} means that the program for
   461  beginning-of-word ligatures starts here.
   463  \yskip\hang\.{LIG} (two one-byte values). The instruction `\.{(LIG} $c$ $r$\.)'
   464  means, ``If the next character is $c$, then insert character~$r$ and
   465  possibly delete the current character and/or~$c$;
   466  otherwise go on to the next instruction.''
   467  Characters $r$ and $c$ must be present in the font. \.{LIG} may be immediately
   468  preceded or followed by a slash, and then immediately followed by \.>
   469  characters not exceeding the number of slashes. Thus there are eight
   470  possible forms:
   471  $$\hbox to .8\hsize{\.{LIG}\hfil\.{/LIG}\hfil\.{/LIG>}\hfil
   472  \.{LIG/}\hfil\.{LIG/>}\hfil\.{/LIG/}\hfil\.{/LIG/>}\hfil\.{/LIG/>>}}$$
   473  The slashes specify retention of the left or right original character; the
   474  \.> signs specify passing over the result without further ligature processing.
   476  \yskip\hang\.{KRN} (a one-byte value and a real value). The instruction
   477  `\.{(KRN} $c$ $r$\.)' means, ``If the next character is $c$, then insert
   478  a blank space of width $r$ between the current character and $c$;
   479  otherwise go on to the next instruction.'' The value of $r$, which is in
   480  design units, is often negative. Character code $c$ must exist
   481  in the font.
   483  \yskip\hang\.{STOP} (no value). This instruction ends a ligature/kern program.
   484  It must follow either a \.{LIG} or \.{KRN} instruction, not a \.{LABEL}
   485  or \.{STOP} or \.{SKIP}.
   487  \yskip\hang\.{SKIP} (value in the range |0..127|). This instruction specifies
   488  continuation of a ligature/kern program after the specified number of \.{LIG}
   489  or \.{KRN} steps has been skipped over. The number of subsequent \.{LIG} and
   490  \.{KRN} instructions must therefore exceed this specified amount.
   492  @ In addition to all these possibilities, the property name \.{COMMENT} is
   493  allowed in any property list. Such comments are ignored.
   495  @ So that is what \.{PL} files hold. In a \.{VPL} file additional
   496  properties are recognized; two of these are valid on the outermost level:
   498  \yskip\hang\.{VTITLE} (string value, default is empty). The value will be
   499  reproduced at the beginning of the \.{VF} file (and printed on the terminal
   500  by \.{VFtoVP} when it examines that file).
   502  \yskip\hang\.{MAPFONT}. The value is a nonnegative integer followed by
   503  a property list. The integer represents an identifying number for fonts
   504  used in \.{MAP} attributes. The property list, which identifies the font and
   505  relative size, is defined below.
   507  \yskip\noindent
   508  And one additional ``virtual property'' is valid within a \.{CHARACTER}:
   510  \yskip\hang\.{MAP}. The value is a property list consisting of typesetting
   511  commands. Default is the single command \.{SETCHAR}~$c$, where $c$ is
   512  the current character number.
   514  @ The elements of a \.{MAPFONT} property list can be of the following types.
   516  \yskip\hang\.{FONTNAME} (string value, default is \.{NULL}).
   517  This is the font's identifying name.
   519  \yskip\hang\.{FONTAREA} (string value, default is empty). If the font appears
   520  in a nonstandard directory, according to local conventions, the directory
   521  name is given here. (This is system dependent, just as in \.{DVI} files.)
   523  \yskip\hang\.{FONTCHECKSUM} (four-byte value, default is zero). This value,
   524  which should be a nonnegative integer less than $2^{32}$, can be used to
   525  check that the font being referred to matches the intended font. If nonzero,
   526  it should equal the \.{CHECKSUM} parameter in that font.
   528  \yskip\hang\.{FONTAT} (numeric value, default is the \.{DESIGNUNITS} of the
   529  present virtual font). This value is relative to the design units of
   530  the present virtual font, hence it will be scaled when the virtual
   531  font is magnified or reduced.  It represents the value that will
   532  effectively replace the design size of the font being referred to,
   533  so that all characters will be scaled appropriately.
   535  \yskip\hang\.{FONTDSIZE} (numeric value, default is 10). This value is
   536  absolute, in units of printer's points. It should equal the \.{DESIGNSIZE}
   537  parameter in the font being referred to.
   539  \yskip\noindent
   540  If any of the
   541  string values contain parentheses, the parentheses must be balanced. Leading
   542  blanks are removed from the strings, but trailing blanks are not.
   544  @ Finally, the elements of a \.{MAP} property list are an ordered sequence
   545  of typesetting commands chosen from among the following:
   547  \yskip\hang\.{SELECTFONT} (four-byte integer value). The value must be the
   548  number of a previously defined \.{MAPFONT}. This font (or more precisely, the
   549  final font that is mapped to that code number, if two \.{MAPFONT} properties
   550  happen to specify the same code) will be used in subsequent \.{SETCHAR}
   551  instructions until overridden by another \.{SELECTFONT}. The first-specified
   552  \.{MAPFONT} is implicitly selected before the first \.{SELECTFONT} in every
   553  character's map.
   555  \yskip\hang\.{SETCHAR} (one-byte integer value). There must be a character of
   556  this number in the currently selected font. (\.{VPtoVF} doesn't check that
   557  the character is valid, but \.{VFtoVP} does.) That character is typeset at the
   558  current position, and the typesetter moves right by the \.{CHARWD} in
   559  that character's \.{TFM} file.
   561  \yskip\hang\.{SETRULE} (two real values). The first value specifies height,
   562  the second specifies width, in design units. If both height and width are
   563  positive, a rule is typeset at the current position. Then the typesetter
   564  moves right, by the specified width.
   566  \yskip\hang\.{MOVERIGHT}, \.{MOVELEFT}, \.{MOVEUP}, \.{MOVEDOWN} (real
   567  value). The typesetter moves its current position
   568  by the number of design units specified.
   570  \yskip\hang\.{PUSH}. The current typesetter position is remembered, to
   571  be restored on a subsequent \.{POP}.
   573  \yskip\hang\.{POP}. The current typesetter position is reset to where it
   574  was on the most recent unmatched \.{PUSH}. The \.{PUSH} and \.{POP}
   575  commands in any \.{MAP} must be properly nested like balanced parentheses.
   577  \yskip\hang\.{SPECIAL} (string value). The subsequent characters, starting
   578  with the first nonblank and ending just before the first `\.)' that has no
   579  matching `\.(', are interpreted according to local conventions with the
   580  same system-dependent meaning as a `special' (\\{xxx}) command
   581  in a \.{DVI} file.
   583  \yskip\hang\.{SPECIALHEX} (hexadecimal string value). The subsequent
   584  nonblank characters before the next `\.)' must consist entirely of
   585  hexadecimal digits, and they must contain an even number of such digits.
   586  Each pair of hex digits specifies a byte, and this string of bytes is
   587  treated just as the value of a \.{SPECIAL}. (This convention permits
   588  arbitrary byte strings to be represented in an ordinary text file.)
   590  @ Virtual font mapping is a recursive process, like macro expansion.
   591  Thus, a \.{MAPFONT} might
   592  specify another virtual font, whose characters are themselves mapped to
   593  other fonts. As an example of this possibility, consider the
   594  following curious file called \.{recurse.vpl}, which defines a
   595  virtual font that is self-contained and self-referential:
   596  $$\vbox{\halign{\.{#}\cr
   597  (VTITLE Example of recursion)\cr
   598  (MAPFONT D 0 (FONTNAME recurse)(FONTAT D 2))\cr
   599  (CHARACTER C A (CHARWD D 1)(CHARHT D 1)(MAP (SETRULE D 1 D 1)))\cr
   602  }}$$
   603  The design size is 10 points (the default), hence the character \.A
   604  in font \.{recurse} is a $10\times10$ point black square. Character \.B
   605  is typeset as character \.A in \.{recurse} {scaled} {2000}, hence it
   606  is a $20\times20$ point black square. And character \.C is typeset as
   607  character \.{B} in \.{recurse} {scaled} {2000}, hence its size is
   608  $40\times40$.
   610  Users are responsible for making sure that infinite recursion doesn't happen.
   612  @ So that is what \.{VPL} files hold. From these rules,
   613  you can guess (correctly) that \.{VPtoVF} operates in four main stages.
   614  First it assigns the default values to all properties; then it scans
   615  through the \.{VPL} file, changing property values as new ones are seen; then
   616  it checks the information and corrects any problems; and finally it outputs
   617  the \.{VF} and \.{TFM} files.
   619  @ The next question is, ``What are \.{VF} and
   620  \.{TFM} files?'' A complete answer to that question appears in the
   621  documentation of the companion programs, \.{VFtoVP} and
   622  \.{TFtoPL}, so the details will not
   623  be repeated here. Suffice it to say that a \.{VF} or
   624  \.{TFM} file stores all of the
   625  relevant font information in a sequence of 8-bit bytes. The number of
   626  bytes is always a multiple of 4, so we could regard the files
   627  as sequences of 32-bit words; but \TeX\ uses the byte interpretation,
   628  and so does \.{VPtoVF}. Note that the bytes are considered to be unsigned
   629  numbers.
   631  @<Glob...@>=
   632  @!vf_file:packed file of 0..255;
   633  @!tfm_file:packed file of 0..255;
   635  @ On some systems you may have to do something special to write a
   636  packed file of bytes. For example, the following code didn't work
   637  when it was first tried at Stanford, because packed files have to be
   638  opened with a special switch setting on the \PASCAL\ that was used.
   639  @^system dependencies@>
   641  @<Set init...@>=
   642  rewrite(vf_file); rewrite(tfm_file);
   644  @* Basic input routines.
   645  For the purposes of this program, a |byte| is an unsigned eight-bit quantity,
   646  and an |ASCII_code| is an integer between @'40 and @'177. Such ASCII codes
   647  correspond to one-character constants like \.{"A"} in \.{WEB} language.
   649  @<Types...@>=
   650  @!byte=0..255; {unsigned eight-bit quantity}
   651  @!ASCII_code=@'40..@'177; {standard ASCII code numbers}
   653  @ One of the things \.{VPtoVF} has to do is convert characters of strings
   654  to ASCII form, since that is the code used for the family name and the
   655  coding scheme in a \.{TFM} file. An array |xord| is used to do the
   656  conversion from |char|; the method below should work with little or no change
   657  on most \PASCAL\ systems.
   658  @^system dependencies@>
   660  @d first_ord=0 {ordinal number of the smallest element of |char|}
   661  @d last_ord=127 {ordinal number of the largest element of |char|}
   663  @<Global...@>=
   664  @!xord:array[char] of ASCII_code; {conversion table}
   666  @ @<Local variables for init...@>=
   667  @!k:integer; {all-purpose initialization index}
   669  @ Characters that should not appear in \.{VPL} files (except in comments)
   670  are mapped into @'177.
   672  @d invalid_code=@'177 {code deserving an error message}
   674  @<Set init...@>=
   675  for k:=first_ord to last_ord do xord[chr(k)]:=invalid_code;
   676  xord[' ']:=" "; xord['!']:="!"; xord['"']:=""""; xord['#']:="#";
   677  xord['$']:="$"; xord['%']:="%"; xord['&']:="&"; xord['''']:="'";
   678  xord['(']:="("; xord[')']:=")"; xord['*']:="*"; xord['+']:="+"; xord[',']:=",";
   679  xord['-']:="-"; xord['.']:="."; xord['/']:="/"; xord['0']:="0"; xord['1']:="1";
   680  xord['2']:="2"; xord['3']:="3"; xord['4']:="4"; xord['5']:="5"; xord['6']:="6";
   681  xord['7']:="7"; xord['8']:="8"; xord['9']:="9"; xord[':']:=":"; xord[';']:=";";
   682  xord['<']:="<"; xord['=']:="="; xord['>']:=">"; xord['?']:="?";
   683  xord['@@']:="@@"; xord['A']:="A"; xord['B']:="B"; xord['C']:="C";
   684  xord['D']:="D"; xord['E']:="E"; xord['F']:="F"; xord['G']:="G"; xord['H']:="H";
   685  xord['I']:="I"; xord['J']:="J"; xord['K']:="K"; xord['L']:="L"; xord['M']:="M";
   686  xord['N']:="N"; xord['O']:="O"; xord['P']:="P"; xord['Q']:="Q"; xord['R']:="R";
   687  xord['S']:="S"; xord['T']:="T"; xord['U']:="U"; xord['V']:="V"; xord['W']:="W";
   688  xord['X']:="X"; xord['Y']:="Y"; xord['Z']:="Z"; xord['[']:="["; xord['\']:="\";
   689  xord[']']:="]"; xord['^']:="^"; xord['_']:="_"; xord['`']:="`"; xord['a']:="a";
   690  xord['b']:="b"; xord['c']:="c"; xord['d']:="d"; xord['e']:="e"; xord['f']:="f";
   691  xord['g']:="g"; xord['h']:="h"; xord['i']:="i"; xord['j']:="j"; xord['k']:="k";
   692  xord['l']:="l"; xord['m']:="m"; xord['n']:="n"; xord['o']:="o"; xord['p']:="p";
   693  xord['q']:="q"; xord['r']:="r"; xord['s']:="s"; xord['t']:="t"; xord['u']:="u";
   694  xord['v']:="v"; xord['w']:="w"; xord['x']:="x"; xord['y']:="y"; xord['z']:="z";
   695  xord['{']:="{"; xord['|']:="|"; xord['}']:="}"; xord['~']:="~";
   697  @ In order to help catch errors of badly nested parentheses, \.{VPtoVF}
   698  assumes that the user will begin each line with a number of blank spaces equal
   699  to some constant times the number of open parentheses at the beginning of
   700  that line. However, the program doesn't know in advance what the constant
   701  is, nor does it want to print an error message on every line for a user
   702  who has followed no consistent pattern of indentation.
   704  Therefore the following strategy is adopted: If the user has been consistent
   705  with indentation for ten or more lines, an indentation error will be
   706  reported. The constant of indentation is reset on every line that should
   707  have nonzero indentation.
   709  @<Glob...@>=
   710  @!line:integer; {the number of the current line}
   711  @!good_indent:integer; {the number of lines since the last bad indentation}
   712  @!indent: integer; {the number of spaces per open parenthesis, zero if unknown}
   713  @!level: integer; {the current number of open parentheses}
   715  @ @<Set init...@>=
   716  line:=0; good_indent:=0; indent:=0; level:=0;
   718  @ The input need not really be broken into lines of any maximum length, and
   719  we could read it character by character without any buffering. But we shall
   720  place it into a small buffer so that offending lines can be displayed in error
   721  messages.
   723  @<Glob...@>=
   724  @!left_ln,@!right_ln:boolean; {are the left and right ends of the buffer
   725    at end-of-line marks?}
   726  @!limit:0..buf_size; {position of the last character present in the buffer}
   727  @!loc:0..buf_size; {position of the last character read in the buffer}
   728  @!buffer:array[1..buf_size] of char;
   729  @!input_has_ended:boolean; {there is no more input to read}
   731  @ @<Set init...@>=
   732  limit:=0; loc:=0; left_ln:=true; right_ln:=true; input_has_ended:=false;
   734  @ Just before each  \.{CHARACTER} property list is evaluated, the character
   735  code is printed in octal notation. Up to eight such codes appear on a line;
   736  so we have a variable to keep track of how many are currently there.
   738  @<Glob...@>=
   739  @!chars_on_line:0..8; {the number of characters printed on the current line}
   741  @ @<Set init...@>=
   742  chars_on_line:=0;
   744  @ The following routine prints an error message and an indication of
   745  where the error was detected. The error message should not include any
   746  final punctuation, since this procedure supplies its own.
   748  @d err_print(#)==begin if chars_on_line>0 then print_ln(' ');
   749    print(#); show_error_context;
   750    end
   752  @p procedure show_error_context; {prints the current scanner location}
   753  var k:0..buf_size; {an index into |buffer|}
   754  begin print_ln(' (line ',line:1,').');
   755  if not left_ln then print('...');
   756  for k:=1 to loc do print(buffer[k]); {print the characters already scanned}
   757  print_ln(' ');
   758  if not left_ln then print('   ');
   759  for k:=1 to loc do print(' '); {space out the second line}
   760  for k:=loc+1 to limit do print(buffer[k]); {print the characters yet unseen}
   761  if right_ln then print_ln(' ')@+else print_ln('...');
   762  chars_on_line:=0;
   763  end;
   765  @ Here is a procedure that does the right thing when we are done
   766  reading the present contents of the buffer. It keeps |buffer[buf_size]|
   767  empty, in order to avoid range errors on certain \PASCAL\ compilers.
   769  An infinite sequence of right parentheses is placed at the end of the
   770  file, so that the program is sure to get out of whatever level of nesting
   771  it is in.
   773  On some systems it is desirable to modify this code so that tab marks
   774  in the buffer are replaced by blank spaces. (Simply setting
   775  |xord[chr(@'11)]:=" "| would not work; for example, two-line
   776  error messages would not come out properly aligned.)
   777  @^system dependencies@>
   779  @p procedure fill_buffer;
   780  begin left_ln:=right_ln; limit:=0; loc:=0;
   781  if left_ln then
   782    begin if line>0 then read_ln(vpl_file);
   783    incr(line);
   784    end;
   785  if eof(vpl_file) then
   786    begin limit:=1; buffer[1]:=')'; right_ln:=false; input_has_ended:=true;
   787    end
   788  else  begin while (limit<buf_size-2)and(not eoln(vpl_file)) do
   789      begin incr(limit); read(vpl_file,buffer[limit]);
   790      end;
   791    buffer[limit+1]:=' '; right_ln:=eoln(vpl_file);
   792    if right_ln then begin incr(limit); buffer[limit+1]:=' ';
   793      end;
   794    if left_ln then @<Set |loc| to the number of leading blanks in
   795      the buffer, and check the indentation@>;
   796    end;
   797  end;
   799  @ The interesting part about |fill_buffer| is the part that learns what
   800  indentation conventions the user is following, if any.
   802  @d bad_indent(#)==begin if good_indent>=10 then err_print(#);
   803    good_indent:=0; indent:=0;
   804    end
   806  @<Set |loc|...@>=
   807  begin while (loc<limit)and(buffer[loc+1]=' ') do incr(loc);
   808  if loc<limit then
   809    begin if level=0 then
   810      if loc=0 then incr(good_indent)
   811      else bad_indent('Warning: Indented line occurred at level zero')
   812  @.Warning: Indented line...@>
   813    else if indent=0 then
   814      if loc mod level=0 then
   815        begin indent:=loc div level; good_indent:=1;
   816        end
   817      else good_indent:=0
   818    else if indent*level=loc then incr(good_indent)
   819    else bad_indent('Warning: Inconsistent indentation; ',
   820  @.Warning: Inconsistent indentation...@>
   821      'you are at parenthesis level ',level:1);
   822    end;
   823  end
   825  @* Basic scanning routines.
   826  The global variable |cur_char| holds the ASCII code corresponding to the
   827  character most recently read from the input buffer, or to a character that
   828  has been substituted for the real one.
   830  @<Global...@>=
   831  @!cur_char:ASCII_code; {we have just read this}
   833  @ Here is a procedure that sets |cur_char| to an ASCII code for the
   834  next character of input, if that character is a letter or digit or slash
   835  or \.>. Otherwise
   836  it sets |cur_char:=" "|, and the input system will be poised to reread the
   837  character that was rejected, whether or not it was a space.
   838  Lower case letters are converted to upper case.
   840  @p procedure get_keyword_char;
   841  begin while (loc=limit)and(not right_ln) do fill_buffer;
   842  if loc=limit then cur_char:=" " {end-of-line counts as a delimiter}
   843  else  begin cur_char:=xord[buffer[loc+1]];
   844    if cur_char>="a" then cur_char:=cur_char-@'40;
   845    if ((cur_char>="0")and(cur_char<="9")) then incr(loc)
   846    else if ((cur_char>="A")and(cur_char<="Z")) then incr(loc)
   847    else if cur_char="/" then incr(loc)
   848    else if cur_char=">" then incr(loc)
   849    else cur_char:=" ";
   850    end;
   851  end;
   853  @ The following procedure sets |cur_char| to the next character code,
   854  and converts lower case to upper case. If the character is a left or
   855  right parenthesis, it will not be ``digested''; the character will
   856  be read again and again, until the calling routine does something
   857  like `|incr(loc)|' to get past it. Such special treatment of parentheses
   858  insures that the structural information they contain won't be lost in
   859  the midst of other error recovery operations.
   861  @d backup==begin if (cur_char>")")or(cur_char<"(") then decr(loc);
   862    end {undoes the effect of |get_next|}
   864  @p procedure get_next; {sets |cur_char| to next, balks at parentheses}
   865  begin while loc=limit do fill_buffer;
   866  incr(loc); cur_char:=xord[buffer[loc]];
   867  if cur_char>="a" then
   868    if cur_char<="z" then cur_char:=cur_char-@'40 {uppercasify}
   869    else  begin if cur_char=invalid_code then
   870        begin err_print('Illegal character in the file');
   871  @.Illegal character...@>
   872        cur_char:="?";
   873        end;
   874      end
   875  else if (cur_char<=")")and(cur_char>="(") then decr(loc);
   876  end;
   878  @ Here's a procedure that scans a hexadecimal digit or a right parenthesis.
   880  @p function get_hex:byte;
   881  var @!a:integer; {partial result}
   882  begin repeat get_next;
   883  until cur_char<>" ";
   884  a:=cur_char-")";
   885  if a>0 then
   886    begin a:=cur_char-"0";
   887    if cur_char>"9" then
   888      if cur_char<"A" then a:=-1 else a:=cur_char-"A"+10;
   889    end;
   890  if (a<0)or(a>15) then
   891    begin err_print('Illegal hexadecimal digit'); get_hex:=0;
   892  @.Illegal hexadecimal digit@>
   893    end
   894  else get_hex:=a;
   895  end;
   897  @ The next procedure is used to ignore the text of a comment, or to pass over
   898  erroneous material. As such, it has the privilege of passing parentheses.
   899  It stops after the first right parenthesis that drops the level below
   900  the level in force when the procedure was called.
   902  @p procedure skip_to_end_of_item;
   903  var l:integer; {initial value of |level|}
   904  begin l:=level;
   905  while level>=l do
   906    begin while loc=limit do fill_buffer;
   907    incr(loc);
   908    if buffer[loc]=')' then decr(level)
   909    else if buffer[loc]='(' then incr(level);
   910    end;
   911  if input_has_ended then err_print('File ended unexpectedly: No closing ")"');
   912  @.File ended unexpectedly...@>
   913  cur_char:=" "; {now the right parenthesis has been read and digested}
   914  end;
   916  @ A similar procedure copies the bytes remaining in an item. The copied bytes
   917  go into an array |vf| that we'll declare later. Leading blanks are ignored.
   919  @d vf_store(#)==
   920      begin vf[vf_ptr]:=#;
   921      if vf_ptr=vf_size then err_print('I''m out of memory---increase my vfsize!')
   922  @.I'm out of memory...@>
   923      else incr(vf_ptr);
   924      end
   926  @p procedure copy_to_end_of_item;
   927  label 30;
   928  var l:integer; {initial value of |level|}
   929  @!nonblank_found:boolean; {have we seen a nonblank character yet?}
   930  begin l:=level; nonblank_found:=false;
   931  while true do
   932    begin while loc=limit do fill_buffer;
   933    if buffer[loc+1]=')' then
   934      if level=l then goto 30@+else decr(level);
   935    incr(loc);
   936    if buffer[loc]='(' then incr(level);
   937    if buffer[loc]<>' ' then nonblank_found:=true;
   938    if nonblank_found then
   939      if xord[buffer[loc]]=invalid_code then
   940        begin err_print('Illegal character in the file');
   941  @.Illegal character...@>
   942        vf_store("?");
   943        end
   944      else vf_store(xord[buffer[loc]]);
   945    end;
   946  30:end;
   948  @ Sometimes we merely want to skip past characters in the input until we
   949  reach a left or a right parenthesis. For example, we do this whenever we
   950  have finished scanning a property value and we hope that a right parenthesis
   951  is next (except for possible blank spaces).
   953  @d skip_to_paren==repeat get_next@;@+ until (cur_char="(")or(cur_char=")")
   954  @d skip_error(#)==begin err_print(#); skip_to_paren;
   955    end {this gets to the right parenthesis if something goes wrong}
   956  @d flush_error(#)==begin err_print(#); skip_to_end_of_item;
   957    end {this gets past the right parenthesis if something goes wrong}
   959  @ After a property value has been scanned, we want to move just past the
   960  right parenthesis that should come next in the input (except for possible
   961  blank spaces).
   963  @p procedure finish_the_property; {do this when the value has been scanned}
   964  begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
   965  if cur_char<>")" then err_print('Junk after property value will be ignored');
   966  @.Junk after property value...@>
   967  skip_to_end_of_item;
   968  end;
   970  @* Scanning property names.
   971  We have to figure out the meaning of names that appear in the \.{VPL} file,
   972  by looking them up in a dictionary of known keywords. Keyword number $n$
   973  appears in locations |start[n]| through |start[n+1]-1| of an array called
   974  |dictionary|.
   976  @d max_name_index=100 {upper bound on the number of keywords}
   977  @d max_letters=666 {upper bound on the total length of all keywords}
   979  @<Global...@>=
   980  @!start:array[1..max_name_index] of 0..max_letters;
   981  @!dictionary:array[0..max_letters] of ASCII_code;
   982  @!start_ptr:0..max_name_index; {the first available place in |start|}
   983  @!dict_ptr:0..max_letters; {the first available place in |dictionary|}
   985  @ @<Set init...@>=
   986  start_ptr:=1; start[1]:=0; dict_ptr:=0;
   988  @ When we are looking for a name, we put it into the |cur_name| array.
   989  When we have found it, the corresponding |start| index will go into
   990  the global variable |name_ptr|.
   992  @d longest_name=20 {length of \.{DEFAULTRULETHICKNESS}}
   994  @<Glob...@>=
   995  @!cur_name:array[1..longest_name] of ASCII_code; {a name to look up}
   996  @!name_length:0..longest_name; {its length}
   997  @!name_ptr:0..max_name_index; {its ordinal number in the dictionary}
   999  @ A conventional hash table with linear probing (cf.\ Algorithm 6.4L
  1000  in {\sl The Art of Computer Pro\-gram\-ming\/}) is used for the dictionary
  1001  operations. If |nhash[h]=0|, the table position is empty, otherwise |nhash[h]|
  1002  points into the |start| array.
  1004  @d hash_prime=141 {size of the hash table}
  1006  @<Glob...@>=
  1007  @!nhash:array[0..hash_prime-1] of 0..max_name_index;
  1008  @!cur_hash:0..hash_prime-1; {current position in the hash table}
  1010  @ @<Local...@>=
  1011  @!h:0..hash_prime-1; {runs through the hash table}
  1013  @ @<Set init...@>=
  1014  for h:=0 to hash_prime-1 do nhash[h]:=0;
  1016  @ Since there is no chance of the hash table overflowing, the procedure
  1017  is very simple. After |lookup| has done its work, |cur_hash| will point
  1018  to the place where the given name was found, or where it should be inserted.
  1020  @p procedure lookup; {finds |cur_name| in the dictionary}
  1021  var k:0..longest_name; {index into |cur_name|}
  1022  @!j:0..max_letters; {index into |dictionary|}
  1023  @!not_found:boolean; {clumsy thing necessary to avoid |goto| statement}
  1024  begin @<Compute the hash code, |cur_hash|, for |cur_name|@>;
  1025  not_found:=true;
  1026  while not_found do
  1027    begin if cur_hash=0 then cur_hash:=hash_prime-1@+else decr(cur_hash);
  1028    if nhash[cur_hash]=0 then not_found:=false
  1029    else  begin j:=start[nhash[cur_hash]];
  1030      if start[nhash[cur_hash]+1]=j+name_length then
  1031        begin not_found:=false;
  1032        for k:=1 to name_length do
  1033        if dictionary[j+k-1]<>cur_name[k] then not_found:=true;
  1034        end;
  1035      end;
  1036    end;
  1037  name_ptr:=nhash[cur_hash];
  1038  end;
  1040  @ @<Compute the hash...@>=
  1041  cur_hash:=cur_name[1];
  1042  for k:=2 to name_length do
  1043    cur_hash:=(cur_hash+cur_hash+cur_name[k]) mod hash_prime
  1045  @ The ``meaning'' of the keyword that begins at |start[k]| in the
  1046  dictionary is kept in |equiv[k]|. The numeric |equiv| codes are given
  1047  symbolic meanings by the following definitions.
  1049  @d comment_code=0
  1050  @d check_sum_code=1
  1051  @d design_size_code=2
  1052  @d design_units_code=3
  1053  @d coding_scheme_code=4
  1054  @d family_code=5
  1055  @d face_code=6
  1056  @d seven_bit_safe_flag_code=7
  1057  @d header_code= 8
  1058  @d font_dimen_code=9
  1059  @d lig_table_code=10
  1060  @d boundary_char_code=11
  1061  @d virtual_title_code=12
  1062  @d map_font_code=13
  1063  @d character_code=14
  1064  @d font_name_code=20
  1065  @d font_area_code=21
  1066  @d font_checksum_code=22
  1067  @d font_at_code=23
  1068  @d font_dsize_code=24
  1069  @d parameter_code=30
  1070  @d char_info_code=60
  1071  @d width=1
  1072  @d height=2
  1073  @d depth=3
  1074  @d italic=4
  1075  @d char_wd_code=char_info_code+width
  1076  @d char_ht_code=char_info_code+height
  1077  @d char_dp_code=char_info_code+depth
  1078  @d char_ic_code=char_info_code+italic
  1079  @d next_larger_code=65
  1080  @d map_code=66
  1081  @d var_char_code=67
  1082  @d select_font_code=80
  1083  @d set_char_code=81
  1084  @d set_rule_code=82
  1085  @d move_right_code=83
  1086  @d move_down_code=85
  1087  @d push_code=87
  1088  @d pop_code=88
  1089  @d special_code=89
  1090  @d special_hex_code=90
  1091  @d label_code=100
  1092  @d stop_code=101
  1093  @d skip_code=102
  1094  @d krn_code=103
  1095  @d lig_code=104
  1097  @<Glo...@>=
  1098  @!equiv:array[0..max_name_index] of byte;
  1099  @!cur_code:byte; {equivalent most recently found in |equiv|}
  1101  @ We have to get the keywords into the hash table and into the dictionary in
  1102  the first place (sigh). The procedure that does this has the desired
  1103  |equiv| code as a parameter. In order to facilitate \.{WEB} macro writing
  1104  for the initialization, the keyword being initialized is placed into the
  1105  last positions of |cur_name|, instead of the first positions.
  1107  @p procedure enter_name(v:byte); {|cur_name| goes into the dictionary}
  1108  var k:0..longest_name;
  1109  begin for k:=1 to name_length do
  1110    cur_name[k]:=cur_name[k+longest_name-name_length];
  1111  {now the name has been shifted into the correct position}
  1112  lookup; {this sets |cur_hash| to the proper insertion place}
  1113  nhash[cur_hash]:=start_ptr; equiv[start_ptr]:=v;
  1114  for k:=1 to name_length do
  1115    begin dictionary[dict_ptr]:=cur_name[k]; incr(dict_ptr);
  1116    end;
  1117  incr(start_ptr); start[start_ptr]:=dict_ptr;
  1118  end;
  1120  @ Here are the macros to load a name of up to 20 letters into the
  1121  dictionary. For example, the macro |load5| is used for five-letter keywords.
  1123  @d tail(#)==enter_name(#)
  1124  @d t20(#)==cur_name[20]:=#;tail
  1125  @d t19(#)==cur_name[19]:=#;t20
  1126  @d t18(#)==cur_name[18]:=#;t19
  1127  @d t17(#)==cur_name[17]:=#;t18
  1128  @d t16(#)==cur_name[16]:=#;t17
  1129  @d t15(#)==cur_name[15]:=#;t16
  1130  @d t14(#)==cur_name[14]:=#;t15
  1131  @d t13(#)==cur_name[13]:=#;t14
  1132  @d t12(#)==cur_name[12]:=#;t13
  1133  @d t11(#)==cur_name[11]:=#;t12
  1134  @d t10(#)==cur_name[10]:=#;t11
  1135  @d t9(#)==cur_name[9]:=#;t10
  1136  @d t8(#)==cur_name[8]:=#;t9
  1137  @d t7(#)==cur_name[7]:=#;t8
  1138  @d t6(#)==cur_name[6]:=#;t7
  1139  @d t5(#)==cur_name[5]:=#;t6
  1140  @d t4(#)==cur_name[4]:=#;t5
  1141  @d t3(#)==cur_name[3]:=#;t4
  1142  @d t2(#)==cur_name[2]:=#;t3
  1143  @d t1(#)==cur_name[1]:=#;t2
  1144  @d load3==name_length:=3;t18
  1145  @d load4==name_length:=4;t17
  1146  @d load5==name_length:=5;t16
  1147  @d load6==name_length:=6;t15
  1148  @d load7==name_length:=7;t14
  1149  @d load8==name_length:=8;t13
  1150  @d load9==name_length:=9;t12
  1151  @d load10==name_length:=10;t11
  1152  @d load11==name_length:=11;t10
  1153  @d load12==name_length:=12;t9
  1154  @d load13==name_length:=13;t8
  1155  @d load14==name_length:=14;t7
  1156  @d load15==name_length:=15;t6
  1157  @d load16==name_length:=16;t5
  1158  @d load17==name_length:=17;t4
  1159  @d load18==name_length:=18;t3
  1160  @d load19==name_length:=19;t2
  1161  @d load20==name_length:=20;t1
  1163  @ (Thank goodness for keyboard macros in the text editor used to create this
  1164  \.{WEB} file.)
  1166  @<Enter all the \.{PL} names and their equivalents,
  1167   except the parameter names@>=
  1168  equiv[0]:=comment_code; {this is used after unknown keywords}
  1169  load8("C")("H")("E")("C")("K")("S")("U")("M")(check_sum_code);@/
  1170  load10("D")("E")("S")("I")("G")("N")("S")("I")("Z")("E")(design_size_code);@/
  1171  load11("D")("E")("S")("I")("G")("N")
  1172    ("U")("N")("I")("T")("S")(design_units_code);@/
  1173  load12("C")("O")("D")("I")("N")("G")
  1174    ("S")("C")("H")("E")("M")("E")(coding_scheme_code);@/
  1175  load6("F")("A")("M")("I")("L")("Y")(family_code);@/
  1176  load4("F")("A")("C")("E")(face_code);@/
  1177  load16("S")("E")("V")("E")("N")("B")("I")("T")@/@t\hskip2em@>
  1178    ("S")("A")("F")("E")("F")("L")("A")("G")(seven_bit_safe_flag_code);@/
  1179  load6("H")("E")("A")("D")("E")("R")(header_code);@/
  1180  load9("F")("O")("N")("T")("D")("I")("M")("E")("N")(font_dimen_code);@/
  1181  load8("L")("I")("G")("T")("A")("B")("L")("E")(lig_table_code);@/
  1182  load12("B")("O")("U")("N")("D")("A")("R")("Y")("C")("H")("A")("R")
  1183    (boundary_char_code);@/
  1184  load9("C")("H")("A")("R")("A")("C")("T")("E")("R")(character_code);@/
  1185  load9("P")("A")("R")("A")("M")("E")("T")("E")("R")(parameter_code);@/
  1186  load6("C")("H")("A")("R")("W")("D")(char_wd_code);@/
  1187  load6("C")("H")("A")("R")("H")("T")(char_ht_code);@/
  1188  load6("C")("H")("A")("R")("D")("P")(char_dp_code);@/
  1189  load6("C")("H")("A")("R")("I")("C")(char_ic_code);@/
  1190  load10("N")("E")("X")("T")("L")("A")("R")("G")("E")("R")(next_larger_code);@/
  1191  load7("V")("A")("R")("C")("H")("A")("R")(var_char_code);@/
  1192  load3("T")("O")("P")(var_char_code+1);@/
  1193  load3("M")("I")("D")(var_char_code+2);@/
  1194  load3("B")("O")("T")(var_char_code+3);@/
  1195  load3("R")("E")("P")(var_char_code+4);@/
  1196  load3("E")("X")("T")(var_char_code+4); {compatibility with older \.{PL} format}
  1197  load7("C")("O")("M")("M")("E")("N")("T")(comment_code);@/
  1198  load5("L")("A")("B")("E")("L")(label_code);@/
  1199  load4("S")("T")("O")("P")(stop_code);@/
  1200  load4("S")("K")("I")("P")(skip_code);@/
  1201  load3("K")("R")("N")(krn_code);@/
  1202  load3("L")("I")("G")(lig_code);@/
  1203  load4("/")("L")("I")("G")(lig_code+2);@/
  1204  load5("/")("L")("I")("G")(">")(lig_code+6);@/
  1205  load4("L")("I")("G")("/")(lig_code+1);@/
  1206  load5("L")("I")("G")("/")(">")(lig_code+5);@/
  1207  load5("/")("L")("I")("G")("/")(lig_code+3);@/
  1208  load6("/")("L")("I")("G")("/")(">")(lig_code+7);@/
  1209  load7("/")("L")("I")("G")("/")(">")(">")(lig_code+11);@/
  1211  @ \.{VPL} files may contain the following in addition to the \.{PL} names.
  1213  @<Enter all the \.{VPL} names@>=
  1214  load6("V")("T")("I")("T")("L")("E")(virtual_title_code);@/
  1215  load7("M")("A")("P")("F")("O")("N")("T")(map_font_code);@/
  1216  load3("M")("A")("P")(map_code);@/
  1217  load8("F")("O")("N")("T")("N")("A")("M")("E")(font_name_code);@/
  1218  load8("F")("O")("N")("T")("A")("R")("E")("A")(font_area_code);@/
  1219  load12("F")("O")("N")("T")
  1220   ("C")("H")("E")("C")("K")("S")("U")("M")(font_checksum_code);@/
  1221  load6("F")("O")("N")("T")("A")("T")(font_at_code);@/
  1222  load9("F")("O")("N")("T")("D")("S")("I")("Z")("E")(font_dsize_code);@/
  1223  load10("S")("E")("L")("E")("C")("T")("F")("O")("N")("T")(select_font_code);@/
  1224  load7("S")("E")("T")("C")("H")("A")("R")(set_char_code);@/
  1225  load7("S")("E")("T")("R")("U")("L")("E")(set_rule_code);@/
  1226  load9("M")("O")("V")("E")("R")("I")("G")("H")("T")(move_right_code);@/
  1227  load8("M")("O")("V")("E")("L")("E")("F")("T")(move_right_code+1);@/
  1228  load8("M")("O")("V")("E")("D")("O")("W")("N")(move_down_code);@/
  1229  load6("M")("O")("V")("E")("U")("P")(move_down_code+1);@/
  1230  load4("P")("U")("S")("H")(push_code);@/
  1231  load3("P")("O")("P")(pop_code);@/
  1232  load7("S")("P")("E")("C")("I")("A")("L")(special_code);@/
  1233  load10("S")("P")("E")("C")("I")("A")("L")("H")("E")("X")(special_hex_code);@/
  1235  @ @<Enter the parameter names@>=
  1236  load5("S")("L")("A")("N")("T")(parameter_code+1);@/
  1237  load5("S")("P")("A")("C")("E")(parameter_code+2);@/
  1238  load7("S")("T")("R")("E")("T")("C")("H")(parameter_code+3);@/
  1239  load6("S")("H")("R")("I")("N")("K")(parameter_code+4);@/
  1240  load7("X")("H")("E")("I")("G")("H")("T")(parameter_code+5);@/
  1241  load4("Q")("U")("A")("D")(parameter_code+6);@/
  1242  load10("E")("X")("T")("R")("A")("S")("P")("A")("C")("E")(parameter_code+7);@/
  1243  load4("N")("U")("M")("1")(parameter_code+8);@/
  1244  load4("N")("U")("M")("2")(parameter_code+9);@/
  1245  load4("N")("U")("M")("3")(parameter_code+10);@/
  1246  load6("D")("E")("N")("O")("M")("1")(parameter_code+11);@/
  1247  load6("D")("E")("N")("O")("M")("2")(parameter_code+12);@/
  1248  load4("S")("U")("P")("1")(parameter_code+13);@/
  1249  load4("S")("U")("P")("2")(parameter_code+14);@/
  1250  load4("S")("U")("P")("3")(parameter_code+15);@/
  1251  load4("S")("U")("B")("1")(parameter_code+16);@/
  1252  load4("S")("U")("B")("2")(parameter_code+17);@/
  1253  load7("S")("U")("P")("D")("R")("O")("P")(parameter_code+18);@/
  1254  load7("S")("U")("B")("D")("R")("O")("P")(parameter_code+19);@/
  1255  load6("D")("E")("L")("I")("M")("1")(parameter_code+20);@/
  1256  load6("D")("E")("L")("I")("M")("2")(parameter_code+21);@/
  1257  load10("A")("X")("I")("S")("H")("E")("I")("G")("H")("T")(parameter_code+22);@/
  1258  load20("D")("E")("F")("A")("U")("L")("T")("R")("U")("L")("E")@/@t\hskip2em@>
  1259    ("T")("H")("I")("C")("K")("N")("E")("S")("S")(parameter_code+8);@/
  1260  load13("B")("I")("G")("O")("P")
  1261    ("S")("P")("A")("C")("I")("N")("G")("1")(parameter_code+9);@/
  1262  load13("B")("I")("G")("O")("P")
  1263    ("S")("P")("A")("C")("I")("N")("G")("2")(parameter_code+10);@/
  1264  load13("B")("I")("G")("O")("P")
  1265    ("S")("P")("A")("C")("I")("N")("G")("3")(parameter_code+11);@/
  1266  load13("B")("I")("G")("O")("P")
  1267    ("S")("P")("A")("C")("I")("N")("G")("4")(parameter_code+12);@/
  1268  load13("B")("I")("G")("O")("P")
  1269    ("S")("P")("A")("C")("I")("N")("G")("5")(parameter_code+13);@/
  1271  @ When a left parenthesis has been scanned, the following routine
  1272  is used to interpret the keyword that follows, and to store the
  1273  equivalent value in |cur_code|.
  1275  @p procedure get_name;
  1276  begin incr(loc); incr(level); {pass the left parenthesis}
  1277  cur_char:=" ";
  1278  while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  1279  if (cur_char>")")or(cur_char<"(") then decr(loc); {back up one character}
  1280  name_length:=0; get_keyword_char; {prepare to scan the name}
  1281  while cur_char<>" " do
  1282    begin if name_length=longest_name then cur_name[1]:="X" {force error}
  1283    else incr(name_length);
  1284    cur_name[name_length]:=cur_char;
  1285    get_keyword_char;
  1286    end;
  1287  lookup;
  1288  if name_ptr=0 then err_print('Sorry, I don''t know that property name');
  1289  @.Sorry, I don't know...@>
  1290  cur_code:=equiv[name_ptr];
  1291  end;
  1293  @* Scanning numeric data.
  1294  The next thing we need is a trio of subroutines to read the one-byte,
  1295  four-byte, and real numbers that may appear as property values.
  1296  These subroutines are careful to stick to numbers between $-2^{31}$
  1297  and $2^{31}-1$, inclusive, so that a computer with two's complement
  1298  32-bit arithmetic will not be interrupted by overflow.
  1300  @ The first number scanner, which returns a one-byte value, surely has
  1301  no problems of arithmetic overflow.
  1303  @p function get_byte:byte; {scans a one-byte property value}
  1304  var acc:integer; {an accumulator}
  1305  @!t:ASCII_code; {the type of value to be scanned}
  1306  begin repeat get_next;
  1307  until cur_char<>" "; {skip the blanks before the type code}
  1308  t:=cur_char; acc:=0;
  1309  repeat get_next;
  1310  until cur_char<>" "; {skip the blanks after the type code}
  1311  if t="C" then @<Scan an ASCII character code@>
  1312  else if t="D" then @<Scan a small decimal number@>
  1313  else if t="O" then @<Scan a small octal number@>
  1314  else if t="H" then @<Scan a small hexadecimal number@>
  1315  else if t="F" then @<Scan a face code@>
  1316  else skip_error('You need "C" or "D" or "O" or "H" or "F" here');
  1317  @.You need "C" or "D">
  1318  cur_char:=" "; get_byte:=acc;
  1319  end;
  1321  @ The |get_next| routine converts lower case to upper case, but it leaves
  1322  the character in the buffer, so we can unconvert it.
  1324  @<Scan an ASCII...@>=
  1325  if (cur_char>=@'41)and(cur_char<=@'176)and
  1326   ((cur_char<"(")or(cur_char>")")) then
  1327    acc:=xord[buffer[loc]]
  1328  else skip_error('"C" value must be standard ASCII and not a paren')
  1329  @:C value}\.{"C" value must be...@>
  1331  @ @<Scan a small dec...@>=
  1332  begin while (cur_char>="0")and(cur_char<="9") do
  1333    begin acc:=acc*10+cur_char-"0";
  1334    if acc>255 then
  1335      begin skip_error('This value shouldn''t exceed 255');
  1336  @.This value shouldn't...@>
  1337      acc:=0; cur_char:=" ";
  1338      end
  1339    else get_next;
  1340    end;
  1341  backup;
  1342  end
  1344  @ @<Scan a small oct...@>=
  1345  begin while (cur_char>="0")and(cur_char<="7") do
  1346    begin acc:=acc*8+cur_char-"0";
  1347    if acc>255 then
  1348      begin skip_error('This value shouldn''t exceed ''377');
  1349  @.This value shouldn't...@>
  1350      acc:=0; cur_char:=" ";
  1351      end
  1352    else get_next;
  1353    end;
  1354  backup;
  1355  end
  1357  @ @<Scan a small hex...@>=
  1358  begin while ((cur_char>="0")and(cur_char<="9"))or
  1359     ((cur_char>="A")and(cur_char<="F")) do
  1360    begin if cur_char>="A" then cur_char:=cur_char+"0"+10-"A";
  1361    acc:=acc*16+cur_char-"0";
  1362    if acc>255 then
  1363      begin skip_error('This value shouldn''t exceed "FF');
  1364  @.This value shouldn't...@>
  1365      acc:=0; cur_char:=" ";
  1366      end
  1367    else get_next;
  1368    end;
  1369  backup;
  1370  end
  1372  @ @<Scan a face...@>=
  1373  begin if cur_char="B" then acc:=2
  1374  else if cur_char="L" then acc:=4
  1375  else if cur_char<>"M" then acc:=18;
  1376  get_next;
  1377  if cur_char="I" then incr(acc)
  1378  else if cur_char<>"R" then acc:=18;
  1379  get_next;
  1380  if cur_char="C" then acc:=acc+6
  1381  else if cur_char="E" then acc:=acc+12
  1382  else if cur_char<>"R" then acc:=18;
  1383  if acc>=18 then
  1384    begin skip_error('Illegal face code, I changed it to MRR');
  1385  @.Illegal face code...@>
  1386    acc:=0;
  1387    end;
  1388  end
  1390  @ The routine that scans a four-byte value puts its output into |cur_bytes|,
  1391  which is a record containing (yes, you guessed it) four bytes.
  1393  @<Types...@>=
  1394  @!four_bytes=record @!b0:byte;@+@!b1:byte;@+@!b2:byte;@+@!b3:byte;@+end;
  1396  @ @d c0==cur_bytes.b0
  1397  @d c1==cur_bytes.b1
  1398  @d c2==cur_bytes.b2
  1399  @d c3==cur_bytes.b3
  1401  @<Glob...@>=
  1402  @!cur_bytes:four_bytes; {a four-byte accumulator}
  1403  @!zero_bytes:four_bytes; {four bytes all zero}
  1405  @ @<Set init...@>=
  1406  zero_bytes.b0:=0; zero_bytes.b1:=0; zero_bytes.b2:=0; zero_bytes.b3:=0;
  1408  @ Since the |get_four_bytes| routine is used very infrequently, no attempt
  1409  has been made to make it fast; we only want it to work.
  1411  @p procedure get_four_bytes; {scans an unsigned constant and sets |four_bytes|}
  1412  var c:integer; {local two-byte accumulator}
  1413  @!r:integer; {radix}
  1414  begin repeat get_next;
  1415  until cur_char<>" "; {skip the blanks before the type code}
  1416  r:=0; cur_bytes:=zero_bytes; {start with the accumulator zero}
  1417  if cur_char="H" then r:=16
  1418  else if cur_char="O" then r:=8
  1419  else if cur_char="D" then r:=10
  1420  else skip_error('Decimal ("D"), octal ("O"), or hex ("H") value needed here');
  1421  @.Decimal ("D"), octal ("O"), or hex...@>
  1422  if r>0 then
  1423    begin repeat get_next;
  1424    until cur_char<>" "; {skip the blanks after the type code}
  1425    while ((cur_char>="0")and(cur_char<="9"))or@|
  1426        ((cur_char>="A")and(cur_char<="F")) do
  1427      @<Multiply by |r|, add |cur_char-"0"|, and |get_next|@>;
  1428    end;
  1429  end;
  1431  @ @<Multiply by |r|...@>=
  1432  begin if cur_char>="A" then cur_char:=cur_char+"0"+10-"A";
  1433  if cur_char>="0"+r then skip_error('Illegal digit')
  1434  @.Illegal digit@>
  1435  else  begin c:=c3*r+cur_char-"0"; c3:=c mod 256;@/
  1436    c:=c2*r+c div 256; c2:=c mod 256;@/
  1437    c:=c1*r+c div 256; c1:=c mod 256;@/
  1438    c:=c0*r+c div 256;
  1439    if c<256 then c0:=c
  1440    else begin cur_bytes:=zero_bytes;
  1441      if r=8 then
  1442        skip_error('Sorry, the maximum octal value is O 37777777777')
  1443  @.Sorry, the maximum...@>
  1444      else if r=10 then
  1445        skip_error('Sorry, the maximum decimal value is D 4294967295')
  1446      else skip_error('Sorry, the maximum hex value is H FFFFFFFF');
  1447      end;
  1448    get_next;
  1449    end;
  1450  end
  1452  @ The remaining scanning routine is the most interesting. It scans a real
  1453  constant and returns the nearest |fix_word| approximation to that constant.
  1454  A |fix_word| is a 32-bit integer that represents a real value that
  1455  has been multiplied by $2^{20}$. Since \.{VPtoVF} restricts the magnitude
  1456  of reals to 2048, the |fix_word| will have a magnitude less than $2^{31}$.
  1458  @d unity==@'4000000 {$2^{20}$, the |fix_word| 1.0}
  1460  @<Types...@>=
  1461  @!fix_word=integer; {a scaled real value with 20 bits of fraction}
  1463  @ When a real value is desired, we might as well treat `\.D' and `\.R'
  1464  formats as if they were identical.
  1466  @p function get_fix:fix_word; {scans a real property value}
  1467  var negative:boolean; {was there a minus sign?}
  1468  @!acc:integer; {an accumulator}
  1469  @!int_part:integer; {the integer part}
  1470  @!j:0..7; {the number of decimal places stored}
  1471  begin repeat get_next;
  1472  until cur_char<>" "; {skip the blanks before the type code}
  1473  negative:=false; acc:=0; {start with the accumulators zero}
  1474  if (cur_char<>"R")and(cur_char<>"D") then
  1475    skip_error('An "R" or "D" value is needed here')
  1476  @.An "R" or "D" ... needed here@>
  1477  else  begin @<Scan the blanks and/or signs after the type code@>;
  1478    while (cur_char>="0") and (cur_char<="9") do
  1479      @<Multiply by 10, add |cur_char-"0"|, and |get_next|@>;
  1480    int_part:=acc; acc:=0;
  1481    if cur_char="." then @<Scan the fraction part and put it in |acc|@>;
  1482    if (acc>=unity)and(int_part=2047) then
  1483      skip_error('Real constants must be less than 2048')
  1484  @.Real constants must be...@>
  1485    else acc:=int_part*unity+acc;
  1486    end;
  1487  if negative then get_fix:=-acc@+else get_fix:=acc;
  1488  end;
  1490  @ @<Scan the blanks...@>=
  1491  repeat get_next;
  1492  if cur_char="-" then
  1493    begin cur_char:=" "; negative:=not negative;
  1494    end
  1495  else if cur_char="+" then cur_char:=" ";
  1496  until cur_char<>" "
  1498  @ @<Multiply by 10...@>=
  1499  begin acc:=acc*10+cur_char-"0";
  1500  if acc>=2048 then
  1501    begin skip_error('Real constants must be less than 2048');
  1502  @.Real constants must be...@>
  1503    acc:=0; cur_char:=" ";
  1504    end
  1505  else get_next;
  1506  end
  1508  @ To scan the fraction $.d_1d_2\ldots\,$, we keep track of up to seven
  1509  of the digits $d_j$. A correct result is obtained if we first compute
  1510  $f^\prime=\lfloor 2^{21}(d_1\ldots d_j)/10^j\rfloor$, after which
  1511  $f=\lfloor(f^\prime+1)/2\rfloor$. It is possible to have $f=1.0$.
  1513  @<Glob...@>=
  1514  @!fraction_digits:array[1..7] of integer; {$2^{21}$ times $d_j$}
  1516  @ @<Scan the frac...@>=
  1517  begin j:=0; get_next;
  1518  while (cur_char>="0")and(cur_char<="9") do
  1519    begin if j<7 then
  1520      begin incr(j); fraction_digits[j]:=@'10000000*(cur_char-"0");
  1521      end;
  1522    get_next;
  1523    end;
  1524  acc:=0;
  1525  while j>0 do
  1526    begin acc:=fraction_digits[j]+(acc div 10); decr(j);
  1527    end;
  1528  acc:=(acc+10) div 20;
  1529  end
  1531  @* Storing the property values.
  1532  When property values have been found, they are squirreled away in a bunch
  1533  of arrays. The header information is unpacked into bytes in an array
  1534  called |header_bytes|. The ligature/kerning program is stored in an array
  1535  of type |four_bytes|.
  1536  Another |four_bytes| array holds the specifications of extensible characters.
  1537  The kerns and parameters are stored in separate arrays of |fix_word| values.
  1538  Virtual font data goes into an array |vf| of single-byte values.
  1540  We maintain information about at most 256 local fonts. (If this is inadequate,
  1541  several arrays need to be made longer and we need to output font definitions
  1542  that go beyond |fnt1| and |fnt_def1| in the \.{VF} file.)
  1544  Instead of storing the design size in the header array, we will keep it
  1545  in a |fix_word| variable until the last minute. The number of units in the
  1546  design size is also kept in a |fix_word|.
  1548  @<Glob...@>=
  1549  @!header_bytes:array[header_index] of byte; {the header block}
  1550  @!header_ptr:header_index; {the number of header bytes in use}
  1551  @!design_size:fix_word; {the design size}
  1552  @!design_units:fix_word; {reciprocal of the scaling factor}
  1553  @!frozen_du:boolean; {have we used |design_units| irrevocably?}
  1554  @!seven_bit_safe_flag:boolean; {does the file claim to be seven-bit-safe?}
  1555  @!lig_kern:array[0..max_lig_steps] of four_bytes; {the ligature program}
  1556  @!nl:0..32767; {the number of ligature/kern instructions so far}
  1557  @!min_nl:0..32767; {the final value of |nl| must be at least this}
  1558  @!kern:array[0..max_kerns] of fix_word; {the distinct kerning amounts}
  1559  @!nk:0..max_kerns; {the number of entries of |kern|}
  1560  @!exten:array[0..255] of four_bytes; {extensible character specs}
  1561  @!ne:0..256; {the number of extensible characters}
  1562  @!param:array[1..max_param_words] of fix_word; {\.{FONTDIMEN} parameters}
  1563  @!np:0..max_param_words; {the largest parameter set nonzero}
  1564  @!check_sum_specified:boolean; {did the user name the check sum?}
  1565  @!bchar:0..256; {the right boundary character, or 256 if unspecified}
  1566  @!vf:array[0..vf_size] of byte; {stored bytes for \.{VF} file}
  1567  @!vf_ptr:0..vf_size; {first unused location in |vf|}
  1568  @!vtitle_start:0..vf_size; {starting location of \.{VTITLE} string}
  1569  @!vtitle_length:byte; {length of \.{VTITLE} string}
  1570  @!packet_start:array[byte] of 0..vf_size;
  1571    {beginning location of character packet}
  1572  @!packet_length:array[byte] of integer; {length of character packet}
  1573  @!font_ptr:0..256; {number of distinct local fonts seen}
  1574  @!cur_font:0..256; {number of the current local font}
  1575  @!fname_start:array[byte] of 0..vf_size; {beginning of local font name}
  1576  @!fname_length:array[byte] of byte; {length of local font name}
  1577  @!farea_start:array[byte] of 0..vf_size; {beginning of local font area}
  1578  @!farea_length:array[byte] of byte; {length of local font area}
  1579  @!font_checksum:array[byte] of four_bytes; {local font checksum}
  1580  @!font_number:array[0..256] of four_bytes; {local font id number}
  1581  @!font_at:array[byte] of fix_word; {local font ``at size''}
  1582  @!font_dsize:array[byte] of fix_word; {local font design size}
  1584  @ @<Types...@>=
  1585  @!header_index=0..max_header_bytes;
  1586  @!indx=0..@'77777;
  1588  @ @<Local...@>=
  1589  @!d:header_index; {an index into |header_bytes|}
  1591  @ We start by setting up the default values.
  1593  @d check_sum_loc=0
  1594  @d design_size_loc=4
  1595  @d coding_scheme_loc=8
  1596  @d family_loc=coding_scheme_loc+40
  1597  @d seven_flag_loc=family_loc+20
  1598  @d face_loc=seven_flag_loc+3
  1600  @<Set init...@>=
  1601  for d:=0 to 18*4-1 do header_bytes[d]:=0;
  1602  header_bytes[8]:=11; header_bytes[9]:="U";
  1603  header_bytes[10]:="N";
  1604  header_bytes[11]:="S";
  1605  header_bytes[12]:="P";
  1606  header_bytes[13]:="E";
  1607  header_bytes[14]:="C";
  1608  header_bytes[15]:="I";
  1609  header_bytes[16]:="F";
  1610  header_bytes[17]:="I";
  1611  header_bytes[18]:="E";
  1612  header_bytes[19]:="D";
  1613  @.UNSPECIFIED@>
  1614  for d:=family_loc to family_loc+11 do header_bytes[d]:=header_bytes[d-40];
  1615  design_size:=10*unity; design_units:=unity; frozen_du:=false;
  1616  seven_bit_safe_flag:=false;@/
  1617  header_ptr:=18*4; nl:=0; min_nl:=0; nk:=0; ne:=0; np:=0;@/
  1618  check_sum_specified:=false; bchar:=256;@/
  1619  vf_ptr:=0; vtitle_start:=0; vtitle_length:=0; font_ptr:=0;
  1620  for k:=0 to 255 do packet_start[k]:=vf_size;
  1621  for k:=0 to 127 do packet_length[k]:=1;
  1622  for k:=128 to 255 do packet_length[k]:=2;
  1624  @ Most of the dimensions, however, go into the |memory| array. There are
  1625  at most 257 widths, 257 heights, 257 depths, and 257 italic corrections,
  1626  since the value 0 is required but it need not be used. So |memory| has room
  1627  for 1028 entries, each of which is a |fix_word|. An auxiliary table called
  1628  |link| is used to link these words together in linear lists, so that
  1629  sorting and other operations can be done conveniently.
  1631  We also add four ``list head'' words to the |memory| and |link| arrays;
  1632  these are in locations |width| through |italic|, i.e., 1 through 4.
  1633  For example, |link[height]| points to the smallest element in
  1634  the sorted list of distinct heights that have appeared so far, and
  1635  |memory[height]| is the number of distinct heights.
  1637  @d mem_size=1028+4 {number of nonzero memory addresses}
  1639  @<Types...@>=
  1640  @!pointer=0..mem_size; {an index into memory}
  1642  @ The arrays |char_wd|, |char_ht|, |char_dp|, and |char_ic| contain
  1643  pointers to the |memory| array entries where the corresponding dimensions
  1644  appear. Two other arrays, |char_tag| and |char_remainder|, hold
  1645  the other information that \.{TFM} files pack into a |char_info_word|.
  1647  @d no_tag=0 {vanilla character}
  1648  @d lig_tag=1 {character has a ligature/kerning program}
  1649  @d list_tag=2 {character has a successor in a charlist}
  1650  @d ext_tag=3 {character is extensible}
  1651  @d bchar_label==char_remainder[256]
  1652    {beginning of ligature program for left boundary}
  1654  @<Glob...@>=
  1655  @!memory:array[pointer] of fix_word; {character dimensions and kerns}
  1656  @!mem_ptr:pointer; {largest |memory| word in use}
  1657  @!link:array[pointer] of pointer; {to make lists of |memory| items}
  1658  @!char_wd:array[byte] of pointer; {pointers to the widths}
  1659  @!char_ht:array[byte] of pointer; {pointers to the heights}
  1660  @!char_dp:array[byte] of pointer; {pointers to the depths}
  1661  @!char_ic:array[byte] of pointer; {pointers to italic corrections}
  1662  @!char_tag:array[byte] of no_tag..ext_tag; {character tags}
  1663  @!char_remainder:array[0..256] of 0..65535; {pointers to ligature labels,
  1664    next larger characters, or extensible characters}
  1666  @ @<Local...@>=
  1667  @!c:byte; {runs through all character codes}
  1669  @ @<Set init...@>=
  1670  bchar_label:=@'77777;
  1671  for c:=0 to 255 do
  1672    begin char_wd[c]:=0; char_ht[c]:=0; char_dp[c]:=0; char_ic[c]:=0;@/
  1673    char_tag[c]:=no_tag; char_remainder[c]:=0;
  1674    end;
  1675  memory[0]:=@'17777777777; {an ``infinite'' element at the end of the lists}
  1676  memory[width]:=0; link[width]:=0; {width list is empty}
  1677  memory[height]:=0; link[height]:=0; {height list is empty}
  1678  memory[depth]:=0; link[depth]:=0; {depth list is empty}
  1679  memory[italic]:=0; link[italic]:=0; {italic list is empty}
  1680  mem_ptr:=italic;
  1682  @ As an example of these data structures, let us consider the simple
  1683  routine that inserts a potentially new element into one of the dimension
  1684  lists. The first parameter indicates the list head (i.e., |h=width| for
  1685  the width list, etc.); the second parameter is the value that is to be
  1686  inserted into the list if it is not already present.  The procedure
  1687  returns the value of the location where the dimension appears in |memory|.
  1688  The fact that |memory[0]| is larger than any legal dimension makes the
  1689  algorithm particularly short.
  1691  We do have to handle two somewhat subtle situations. A width of zero must be
  1692  put into the list, so that a zero-width character in the font will not appear
  1693  to be nonexistent (i.e., so that its |char_wd| index will not be zero), but
  1694  this does not need to be done for heights, depths, or italic corrections.
  1695  Furthermore, it is necessary to test for memory overflow even though we
  1696  have provided room for the maximum number of different dimensions in any
  1697  legal font, since the \.{VPL} file might foolishly give any number of
  1698  different sizes to the same character.
  1700  @p function sort_in(@!h:pointer;@!d:fix_word):pointer; {inserts into list}
  1701  var p:pointer; {the current node of interest}
  1702  begin if (d=0)and(h<>width) then sort_in:=0
  1703  else begin p:=h;
  1704    while d>=memory[link[p]] do p:=link[p];
  1705    if (d=memory[p])and(p<>h) then sort_in:=p
  1706    else if mem_ptr=mem_size then
  1707      begin err_print('Memory overflow: more than 1028 widths, etc');
  1708  @.Memory overflow...@>
  1709      print_ln('Congratulations! It''s hard to make this error.');
  1710      sort_in:=p;
  1711      end
  1712    else  begin incr(mem_ptr); memory[mem_ptr]:=d;
  1713      link[mem_ptr]:=link[p]; link[p]:=mem_ptr; incr(memory[h]);
  1714      sort_in:=mem_ptr;
  1715      end;
  1716    end;
  1717  end;
  1719  @ When these lists of dimensions are eventually written to the \.{TFM}
  1720  file, we may have to do some rounding of values, because the \.{TFM} file
  1721  allows at most 256 widths, 16 heights, 16 depths, and 64 italic
  1722  corrections. The following procedure takes a given list head |h| and a
  1723  given dimension |d|, and returns the minimum $m$ such that the elements of
  1724  the list can be covered by $m$ intervals of width $d$.  It also sets
  1725  |next_d| to the smallest value $d^\prime>d$ such that the covering found
  1726  by this procedure would be different.  In particular, if $d=0$ it computes
  1727  the number of elements of the list, and sets |next_d| to the smallest
  1728  distance between two list elements. (The covering by intervals of width
  1729  |next_d| is not guaranteed to have fewer than $m$ elements, but in practice
  1730  this seems to happen most of the time.)
  1732  @<Glob...@>=
  1733  @!next_d:fix_word; {the next larger interval that is worth trying}
  1735  @ Once again we can make good use of the fact that |memory[0]| is ``infinite.''
  1737  @p function min_cover(@!h:pointer;@!d:fix_word):integer;
  1738  var p:pointer; {the current node of interest}
  1739  @!l:fix_word; {the least element covered by the current interval}
  1740  @!m:integer; {the current size of the cover being generated}
  1741  begin m:=0; p:=link[h]; next_d:=memory[0];
  1742  while p<>0 do
  1743    begin incr(m); l:=memory[p];
  1744    while memory[link[p]]<=l+d do p:=link[p];
  1745    p:=link[p];
  1746    if memory[p]-l<next_d then next_d:=memory[p]-l;
  1747    end;
  1748  min_cover:=m;
  1749  end;
  1751  @ The following procedure uses |min_cover| to determine the smallest $d$
  1752  such that a given list can be covered with at most a given number of
  1753  intervals.
  1755  @p function shorten(@!h:pointer;m:integer):fix_word; {finds best way to round}
  1756  var d:fix_word; {the current trial interval length}
  1757  @!k:integer; {the size of a minimum cover}
  1758  begin if memory[h]>m then
  1759    begin excess:=memory[h]-m;
  1760    k:=min_cover(h,0); d:=next_d; {now the answer is at least |d|}
  1761    repeat d:=d+d; k:=min_cover(h,d);
  1762    until k<=m; {first we ascend rapidly until finding the range}
  1763    d:=d div 2; k:=min_cover(h,d); {now we run through the feasible steps}
  1764    while k>m do
  1765      begin d:=next_d; k:=min_cover(h,d);
  1766      end;
  1767    shorten:=d;
  1768    end
  1769  else shorten:=0;
  1770  end;
  1772  @ When we are nearly ready to output the \.{TFM} file, we will set
  1773  |index[p]:=k| if the dimension in |memory[p]| is being rounded to the
  1774  |k|th element of its list.
  1776  @<Glob...@>=
  1777  @!index:array[pointer] of byte;
  1778  @!excess:byte; {number of words to remove, if list is being shortened}
  1780  @ Here is the procedure that sets the |index| values. It also shortens
  1781  the list so that there is only one element per covering interval;
  1782  the remaining elements are the midpoints of their clusters.
  1784  @p procedure set_indices(@!h:pointer;@!d:fix_word); {reduces and indexes a list}
  1785  var p:pointer; {the current node of interest}
  1786  @!q:pointer; {trails one step behind |p|}
  1787  @!m:byte; {index number of nodes in the current interval}
  1788  @!l:fix_word; {least value in the current interval}
  1789  begin q:=h; p:=link[q]; m:=0;
  1790  while p<>0 do
  1791    begin incr(m); l:=memory[p]; index[p]:=m;
  1792    while memory[link[p]]<=l+d do
  1793      begin p:=link[p]; index[p]:=m; decr(excess);
  1794      if excess=0 then d:=0;
  1795      end;
  1796    link[q]:=p; memory[p]:=l+(memory[p]-l) div 2; q:=p; p:=link[p];
  1797    end;
  1798  memory[h]:=m;
  1799  end;
  1801  @* The input phase.
  1802  We're ready now to read and parse the \.{VPL} file, storing property
  1803  values as we go.
  1805  @<Glob...@>=
  1806  @!c:byte; {the current character or byte being processed}
  1807  @!x:fix_word; {current dimension of interest}
  1808  @!k:integer; {general-purpose index}
  1810  @ @<Read all the input@>=
  1811  cur_char:=" ";
  1812  repeat while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  1813  if cur_char="(" then @<Read a font property value@>
  1814  else if (cur_char=")")and not input_has_ended then
  1815    begin err_print('Extra right parenthesis');
  1816    incr(loc); cur_char:=" ";
  1817    end
  1818  @.Extra right parenthesis@>
  1819  else if not input_has_ended then junk_error;
  1820  until input_has_ended
  1822  @ The |junk_error| routine just referred to is called when something
  1823  appears in the forbidden area between properties of a property list.
  1825  @p procedure junk_error; {gets past no man's land}
  1826  begin err_print('There''s junk here that is not in parentheses');
  1827  @.There's junk here...@>
  1828  skip_to_paren;
  1829  end;
  1831  @ For each font property, we are supposed to read the data from the
  1832  left parenthesis that is the current value of |cur_char| to the right
  1833  parenthesis that matches it in the input. The main complication is
  1834  to recover with reasonable grace from various error conditions that might arise.
  1836  @<Read a font property value@>=
  1837  begin get_name;
  1838  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  1839  else if cur_code>character_code then
  1840    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong on the outer level')
  1841  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  1842  else  begin @<Read the font property value specified by |cur_code|@>;
  1843    finish_the_property;
  1844    end;
  1845  end
  1847  @ @<Read the font property value spec...@>=
  1848  case cur_code of
  1849  check_sum_code: begin check_sum_specified:=true; read_four_bytes(check_sum_loc);
  1850    end;
  1851  design_size_code: @<Read the design size@>;
  1852  design_units_code: @<Read the design units@>;
  1853  coding_scheme_code: read_BCPL(coding_scheme_loc,40);
  1854  family_code: read_BCPL(family_loc,20);
  1855  face_code:header_bytes[face_loc]:=get_byte;
  1856  seven_bit_safe_flag_code: @<Read the seven-bit-safe flag@>;
  1857  header_code: @<Read an indexed header word@>;
  1858  font_dimen_code: @<Read font parameter list@>;
  1859  lig_table_code: read_lig_kern;
  1860  boundary_char_code: bchar:=get_byte;
  1861  virtual_title_code: begin vtitle_start:=vf_ptr; copy_to_end_of_item;
  1862    if vf_ptr>vtitle_start+255 then
  1863      begin err_print('VTITLE clipped to 255 characters'); vtitle_length:=255;
  1864  @.VTITLE clipped...@>
  1865      end
  1866    else vtitle_length:=vf_ptr-vtitle_start;
  1867    end;
  1868  map_font_code:@<Read a local font list@>;
  1869  character_code: read_char_info;
  1870  end
  1872  @ The |case| statement just given makes use of three subroutines that we
  1873  haven't defined yet. The first of these puts a 32-bit octal quantity
  1874  into four specified bytes of the header block.
  1876  @p procedure read_four_bytes(l:header_index);
  1877  begin get_four_bytes;
  1878  header_bytes[l]:=c0;
  1879  header_bytes[l+1]:=c1;
  1880  header_bytes[l+2]:=c2;
  1881  header_bytes[l+3]:=c3;
  1882  end;
  1884  @ The second little procedure is used to scan a string and to store it in
  1885  the ``{\mc BCPL} format'' required by \.{TFM} files. The string is supposed
  1886  to contain at most |n| bytes, including the first byte (which holds the
  1887  length of the rest of the string).
  1889  @p procedure read_BCPL(l:header_index;n:byte);
  1890  var k:header_index;
  1891  begin k:=l;
  1892  while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  1893  while (cur_char<>"(")and(cur_char<>")") do
  1894    begin if k<l+n then incr(k);
  1895    if k<l+n then header_bytes[k]:=cur_char;
  1896    get_next;
  1897    end;
  1898  if k=l+n then
  1899    begin err_print('String is too long; its first ',n-1:1,
  1900  @.String is too long...@>
  1901      ' characters will be kept'); decr(k);
  1902    end;
  1903  header_bytes[l]:=k-l;
  1904  while k<l+n-1 do {tidy up the remaining bytes by setting them to nulls}
  1905    begin incr(k); header_bytes[k]:=0;
  1906    end;
  1907  end;
  1909  @ @<Read the design size@>=
  1910  begin next_d:=get_fix;
  1911  if next_d<unity then
  1912    err_print('The design size must be at least 1')
  1913  @.The design size must...@>
  1914  else design_size:=next_d;
  1915  end
  1917  @ @<Read the design units@>=
  1918  begin next_d:=get_fix;
  1919  if next_d<=0 then
  1920    err_print('The number of units per design size must be positive')
  1921  @.The number of units...@>
  1922  else if frozen_du then
  1923    err_print('Sorry, it''s too late to change the design units')
  1924  @.Sorry, it's too late...@>
  1925  else design_units:=next_d;
  1926  end
  1928  @ @<Read the seven-bit-safe...@>=
  1929  begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  1930  if cur_char="T" then seven_bit_safe_flag:=true
  1931  else if cur_char="F" then seven_bit_safe_flag:=false
  1932  else err_print('The flag value should be "TRUE" or "FALSE"');
  1933  @.The flag value should be...@>
  1934  skip_to_paren;
  1935  end
  1937  @ @<Read an indexed header word@>=
  1938  begin c:=get_byte;
  1939  if c<18 then skip_error('HEADER indices should be 18 or more')
  1940  @.HEADER indices...@>
  1941  else if 4*c+4>max_header_bytes then
  1942    skip_error('This HEADER index is too big for my present table size')
  1943  @.This HEADER index is too big...@>
  1944  else  begin while header_ptr<4*c+4 do
  1945      begin header_bytes[header_ptr]:=0; incr(header_ptr);
  1946      end;
  1947    read_four_bytes(4*c);
  1948    end;
  1949  end
  1951  @ The remaining kinds of font property values that need to be read are
  1952  those that involve property lists on higher levels. Each of these has a
  1953  loop similar to the one that was used at level zero. Then we put the
  1954  right parenthesis back so that `|finish_the_property|' will be happy;
  1955  there is probably a more elegant way to do this.
  1957  @d finish_inner_property_list==begin decr(loc); incr(level); cur_char:=")";
  1958    end
  1960  @<Read font parameter list@>=
  1961  begin while level=1 do
  1962    begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  1963    if cur_char="(" then @<Read a parameter value@>
  1964    else if cur_char=")" then skip_to_end_of_item
  1965    else junk_error;
  1966    end;
  1967  finish_inner_property_list;
  1968  end
  1970  @ @<Read a parameter value@>=
  1971  begin get_name;
  1972  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  1973  else if (cur_code<parameter_code)or(cur_code>=char_wd_code) then
  1974    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong in a FONTDIMEN list')
  1975  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  1976  else  begin if cur_code=parameter_code then c:=get_byte
  1977    else c:=cur_code-parameter_code;
  1978    if c=0 then flush_error('PARAMETER index must not be zero')
  1979  @.PARAMETER index must not...@>
  1980    else if c>max_param_words then
  1981      flush_error('This PARAMETER index is too big for my present table size')
  1982  @.This PARAMETER index is too big...@>
  1983    else  begin while np<c do
  1984        begin incr(np); param[np]:=0;
  1985        end;
  1986      param[c]:=get_fix;
  1987      finish_the_property;
  1988      end;
  1989    end;
  1990  end
  1992  @ @d numbers_differ==(font_number[cur_font].b3<>font_number[font_ptr].b3)or@|
  1993  (font_number[cur_font].b2<>font_number[font_ptr].b2)or@|
  1994  (font_number[cur_font].b1<>font_number[font_ptr].b1)or@|
  1995  (font_number[cur_font].b0<>font_number[font_ptr].b0)
  1997  @<Read a local font list@>=
  1998  begin get_four_bytes; font_number[font_ptr]:=cur_bytes; cur_font:=0;
  1999  while numbers_differ do incr(cur_font);
  2000  if cur_font=font_ptr then {it's a new font number}
  2001    if font_ptr<256 then @<Initialize a new local font@>
  2002    else err_print('I can handle only 256 different mapfonts');
  2003  @.I can handle only 256...@>
  2004  if cur_font=font_ptr then skip_to_end_of_item
  2005  else while level=1 do
  2006    begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  2007    if cur_char="(" then @<Read a local font property@>
  2008    else if cur_char=")" then skip_to_end_of_item
  2009    else junk_error;
  2010    end;
  2011  finish_inner_property_list;
  2012  end
  2014  @ @<Initialize a new local font@>=
  2015  begin incr(font_ptr);
  2016  fname_start[cur_font]:=vf_size; fname_length[cur_font]:=4; {\.{NULL}}
  2017  farea_start[cur_font]:=vf_size; farea_length[cur_font]:=0;
  2018  font_checksum[cur_font]:=zero_bytes;
  2019  font_at[cur_font]:=@'4000000; {denotes design size of this virtual font}
  2020  font_dsize[cur_font]:=@'50000000; {the |fix_word| for 10}
  2021  end
  2023  @ @<Read a local font property@>=
  2024  begin get_name;
  2025  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  2026  else if (cur_code<font_name_code)or(cur_code>font_dsize_code) then
  2027    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong in a MAPFONT list')
  2028  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  2029  else  begin case cur_code of
  2030    font_name_code:@<Read a local font name@>;
  2031    font_area_code:@<Read a local font area@>;
  2032    font_checksum_code:begin get_four_bytes; font_checksum[cur_font]:=cur_bytes;
  2033      end;
  2034    font_at_code: begin frozen_du:=true;
  2035      if design_units=unity then font_at[cur_font]:=get_fix
  2036      else font_at[cur_font]:=round((get_fix/design_units)*1048576.0);
  2037      end;
  2038    font_dsize_code:font_dsize[cur_font]:=get_fix;
  2039    end; {there are no other cases}
  2040    finish_the_property;
  2041    end;
  2042  end
  2044  @ @<Read a local font name@>=
  2045  begin fname_start[cur_font]:=vf_ptr; copy_to_end_of_item;
  2046  if vf_ptr>fname_start[cur_font]+255 then
  2047    begin err_print('FONTNAME clipped to 255 characters');
  2048  @.FONTNAME clipped...@>
  2049    fname_length[cur_font]:=255;
  2050    end
  2051  else fname_length[cur_font]:=vf_ptr-fname_start[cur_font];
  2052  end
  2054  @ @<Read a local font area@>=
  2055  begin farea_start[cur_font]:=vf_ptr; copy_to_end_of_item;
  2056  if vf_ptr>farea_start[cur_font]+255 then
  2057    begin err_print('FONTAREA clipped to 255 characters');
  2058  @.FONTAREA clipped...@>
  2059    farea_length[cur_font]:=255;
  2060    end
  2061  else farea_length[cur_font]:=vf_ptr-farea_start[cur_font];
  2062  end
  2064  @ @<Read ligature/kern list@>=
  2065  begin lk_step_ended:=false;
  2066  while level=1 do
  2067    begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  2068    if cur_char="(" then @<Read a ligature/kern command@>
  2069    else if cur_char=")" then skip_to_end_of_item
  2070    else junk_error;
  2071    end;
  2072  finish_inner_property_list;
  2073  end
  2075  @ @<Read a ligature/kern command@>=
  2076  begin get_name;
  2077  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  2078  else if cur_code<label_code then
  2079    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong in a LIGTABLE list')
  2080  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  2081  else  begin case cur_code of
  2082    label_code:@<Read a label step@>;
  2083    stop_code:@<Read a stop step@>;
  2084    skip_code:@<Read a skip step@>;
  2085    krn_code:@<Read a kerning step@>;
  2086    lig_code,lig_code+1,lig_code+2,lig_code+3,lig_code+5,lig_code+6,lig_code+7,
  2087      lig_code+11:@<Read a ligature step@>;
  2088    end; {there are no other cases |>=label_code|}
  2089    finish_the_property;
  2090    end;
  2091  end
  2093  @ When a character is about to be tagged, we call the following
  2094  procedure so that an error message is given in case of multiple tags.
  2096  @p procedure check_tag(c:byte); {print error if |c| already tagged}
  2097  begin case char_tag[c] of
  2098  no_tag: do_nothing;
  2099  lig_tag: err_print('This character already appeared in a LIGTABLE LABEL');
  2100  @.This character already...@>
  2101  list_tag: err_print('This character already has a NEXTLARGER spec');
  2102  ext_tag: err_print('This character already has a VARCHAR spec');
  2103  end;
  2104  end;
  2106  @ @<Read a label step@>=
  2107  begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  2108  if cur_char="B" then
  2109    begin bchar_label:=nl; skip_to_paren; {\.{LABEL BOUNDARYCHAR}}
  2110    end
  2111  else begin backup; c:=get_byte;
  2112    check_tag(c); char_tag[c]:=lig_tag; char_remainder[c]:=nl;
  2113    end;
  2114  if min_nl<=nl then min_nl:=nl+1;
  2115  lk_step_ended:=false;
  2116  end
  2118  @ @d stop_flag=128 {value indicating `\.{STOP}' in a lig/kern program}
  2119  @d kern_flag=128 {op code for a kern step}
  2121  @<Globals...@>=
  2122  @!lk_step_ended:boolean;
  2123    {was the last \.{LIGTABLE} property \.{LIG} or \.{KRN}?}
  2124  @!krn_ptr:0..max_kerns; {an index into |kern|}
  2126  @ @<Read a stop step@>=
  2127  if not lk_step_ended then
  2128    err_print('STOP must follow LIG or KRN')
  2129  @.STOP must follow LIG or KRN@>
  2130  else begin lig_kern[nl-1].b0:=stop_flag; lk_step_ended:=false;
  2131    end
  2133  @ @<Read a skip step@>=
  2134  if not lk_step_ended then
  2135    err_print('SKIP must follow LIG or KRN')
  2136  @.SKIP must follow LIG or KRN@>
  2137  else begin c:=get_byte;
  2138    if c>=128 then err_print('Maximum SKIP amount is 127')
  2139  @.Maximum SKIP amount...@>
  2140    else if nl+c>=max_lig_steps then
  2141      err_print('Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle')
  2142  @.Sorry, LIGTABLE too long...@>
  2143    else begin lig_kern[nl-1].b0:=c;
  2144      if min_nl<=nl+c then min_nl:=nl+c+1;
  2145      end;
  2146    lk_step_ended:=false;
  2147    end
  2149  @ @<Read a ligature step@>=
  2150  begin lig_kern[nl].b0:=0;
  2151  lig_kern[nl].b2:=cur_code-lig_code;
  2152  lig_kern[nl].b1:=get_byte;
  2153  lig_kern[nl].b3:=get_byte;
  2154  if nl>=max_lig_steps-1 then
  2155    err_print('Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle')
  2156  @.Sorry, LIGTABLE too long...@>
  2157  else incr(nl);
  2158  lk_step_ended:=true;
  2159  end
  2161  @ @<Read a kerning step@>=
  2162  begin lig_kern[nl].b0:=0; lig_kern[nl].b1:=get_byte;
  2163  kern[nk]:=get_fix; krn_ptr:=0;
  2164  while kern[krn_ptr]<>kern[nk] do incr(krn_ptr);
  2165  if krn_ptr=nk then
  2166    begin if nk<max_kerns then incr(nk)
  2167    else  begin err_print('Sorry, too many different kerns for me to handle');
  2168  @.Sorry, too many different kerns...@>
  2169      decr(krn_ptr);
  2170      end;
  2171    end;
  2172  lig_kern[nl].b2:=kern_flag+(krn_ptr div 256);
  2173  lig_kern[nl].b3:=krn_ptr mod 256;
  2174  if nl>=max_lig_steps-1 then
  2175    err_print('Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle')
  2176  @.Sorry, LIGTABLE too long...@>
  2177  else incr(nl);
  2178  lk_step_ended:=true;
  2179  end
  2181  @ Finally we come to the part of \.{VPtoVF}'s input mechanism
  2182  that is used most, the processing of individual character data.
  2184  @<Read character info list@>=
  2185  begin c:=get_byte; {read the character code that is being specified}
  2186  @<Print |c| in octal notation@>;
  2187  while level=1 do
  2188    begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  2189    if cur_char="(" then @<Read a character property@>
  2190    else if cur_char=")" then skip_to_end_of_item
  2191    else junk_error;
  2192    end;
  2193  if char_wd[c]=0 then char_wd[c]:=sort_in(width,0); {legitimatize |c|}
  2194  finish_inner_property_list;
  2195  end
  2197  @ @<Read a character prop...@>=
  2198  begin get_name;
  2199  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  2200  else if (cur_code<char_wd_code)or(cur_code>var_char_code) then
  2201    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong in a CHARACTER list')
  2202  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  2203  else  begin case cur_code of
  2204    char_wd_code:char_wd[c]:=sort_in(width,get_fix);
  2205    char_ht_code:char_ht[c]:=sort_in(height,get_fix);
  2206    char_dp_code:char_dp[c]:=sort_in(depth,get_fix);
  2207    char_ic_code:char_ic[c]:=sort_in(italic,get_fix);
  2208    next_larger_code:begin check_tag(c); char_tag[c]:=list_tag;
  2209      char_remainder[c]:=get_byte;
  2210      end;
  2211    map_code:read_packet(c);
  2212    var_char_code:@<Read an extensible recipe for |c|@>;
  2213    end;@/
  2214    finish_the_property;
  2215    end;
  2216  end
  2218  @ @<Read an extensible r...@>=
  2219  begin if ne=256 then
  2220    err_print('At most 256 VARCHAR specs are allowed')
  2221  @.At most 256 VARCHAR specs...@>
  2222  else  begin check_tag(c); char_tag[c]:=ext_tag; char_remainder[c]:=ne;@/
  2223    exten[ne]:=zero_bytes;
  2224    while level=2 do
  2225      begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  2226      if cur_char="(" then @<Read an extensible piece@>
  2227      else if cur_char=")" then skip_to_end_of_item
  2228      else junk_error;
  2229      end;
  2230    incr(ne);
  2231    finish_inner_property_list;
  2232    end;
  2233  end
  2235  @ @<Read an extensible p...@>=
  2236  begin get_name;
  2237  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  2238  else if (cur_code<var_char_code+1)or(cur_code>var_char_code+4) then
  2239    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong in a VARCHAR list')
  2240  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  2241  else  begin case cur_code-(var_char_code+1) of
  2242    0:exten[ne].b0:=get_byte;
  2243    1:exten[ne].b1:=get_byte;
  2244    2:exten[ne].b2:=get_byte;
  2245    3:exten[ne].b3:=get_byte;
  2246    end;@/
  2247    finish_the_property;
  2248    end;
  2249  end
  2251  @* Assembling the mappings.
  2252  Each \.{MAP} property is a sequence of \.{DVI} instructions, for which
  2253  we need to know some of the opcodes.
  2255  @d set_char_0=0 {\.{DVI} command to typeset character 0 and move right}
  2256  @d set1=128 {typeset a character and move right}
  2257  @d set_rule=132 {typeset a rule and move right}
  2258  @d push=141 {save the current positions}
  2259  @d pop=142 {restore previous positions}
  2260  @d right1=143 {move right}
  2261  @d w0=147 {move right by |w|}
  2262  @d w1=148 {move right and set |w|}
  2263  @d x0=152 {move right by |x|}
  2264  @d x1=153 {move right and set |x|}
  2265  @d down1=157 {move down}
  2266  @d y0=161 {move down by |y|}
  2267  @d y1=162 {move down and set |y|}
  2268  @d z0=166 {move down by |z|}
  2269  @d z1=167 {move down and set |z|}
  2270  @d fnt_num_0=171 {set current font to 0}
  2271  @d fnt1=235 {set current font}
  2272  @d xxx1=239 {extension to \.{DVI} primitives}
  2273  @d xxx4=242 {potentially long extension to \.{DVI} primitives}
  2274  @d fnt_def1=243 {define the meaning of a font number}
  2275  @d pre=247 {preamble}
  2276  @d post=248 {postamble beginning}
  2278  @ We keep stacks of movement values, in order to optimize the \.{DVI} code
  2279  in simple cases.
  2281  @<Glob...@>=
  2282  @!hstack:array[0..max_stack] of 0..2; {number of known horizontal movements}
  2283  @!vstack:array[0..max_stack] of 0..2; {number of known vertical movements}
  2284  @!wstack,@!xstack,@!ystack,@!zstack:array[0..max_stack] of fix_word;
  2285  @!stack_ptr:0..max_stack;
  2287  @ The packet is built by straightforward assembly of \.{DVI} instructions.
  2289  @p @<Declare the |vf_fix| procedure@>@;@/
  2290  procedure read_packet(@!c:byte);
  2291  var @!cc:byte; {character being typeset}
  2292  @!x:fix_word; {movement}
  2293  @!h,@!v:0..2; {top of |hstack| and |vstack|}
  2294  @!special_start:0..vf_size; {location of |xxx1| command}
  2295  @!k:0..vf_size; {loop index}
  2296  begin packet_start[c]:=vf_ptr; stack_ptr:=0; h:=0; v:=0;
  2297  cur_font:=0;
  2298  while level=2 do
  2299    begin while cur_char=" " do get_next;
  2300    if cur_char="(" then @<Read and assemble a list of \.{DVI} commands@>
  2301    else if cur_char=")" then skip_to_end_of_item
  2302    else junk_error;
  2303    end;
  2304  while stack_ptr>0 do
  2305    begin err_print('Missing POP supplied');
  2306  @.Missing POP supplied@>
  2307    vf_store(pop); decr(stack_ptr);
  2308    end;
  2309  packet_length[c]:=vf_ptr-packet_start[c];
  2310  finish_inner_property_list;
  2311  end;
  2313  @ @<Read and assemble a list of \.{DVI}...@>=
  2314  begin get_name;
  2315  if cur_code=comment_code then skip_to_end_of_item
  2316  else if (cur_code<select_font_code)or(cur_code>special_hex_code) then
  2317    flush_error('This property name doesn''t belong in a MAP list')
  2318  @.This property name doesn't belong...@>
  2319  else  begin case cur_code of
  2320    select_font_code:@<Assemble a font selection@>;
  2321    set_char_code:@<Assemble a typesetting instruction@>;
  2322    set_rule_code:@<Assemble a rulesetting instruction@>;
  2323    move_right_code,move_right_code+1:@<Assemble a horizontal movement@>;
  2324    move_down_code,move_down_code+1:@<Assemble a vertical movement@>;
  2325    push_code:@<Assemble a stack push@>;
  2326    pop_code:@<Assemble a stack pop@>;
  2327    special_code,special_hex_code:@<Assemble a special command@>;
  2328    end;@/
  2329    finish_the_property;
  2330    end;
  2331  end
  2333  @ @<Assemble a font selection@>=
  2334  begin get_four_bytes; font_number[font_ptr]:=cur_bytes;
  2335  cur_font:=0;
  2336  while numbers_differ do incr(cur_font);
  2337  if cur_font=font_ptr then err_print('Undefined MAPFONT cannot be selected')
  2338  @.Undefined MAPFONT...@>
  2339  else if cur_font<64 then vf_store(fnt_num_0+cur_font)
  2340  else begin vf_store(fnt1); vf_store(cur_font);
  2341    end;
  2342  end
  2344  @ @<Assemble a typesetting instruction@>=
  2345  if cur_font=font_ptr then
  2346   err_print('Character cannot be typeset in undefined font')
  2347  @.Character cannot be typeset...@>
  2348  else begin cc:=get_byte;
  2349    if cc>=128 then vf_store(set1);
  2350    vf_store(cc);
  2351    end
  2353  @ Here's a procedure that converts a |fix_word| to a sequence of
  2354  \.{DVI} bytes.
  2356  @<Declare the |vf_fix|...@>=
  2357  procedure vf_fix(@!opcode:byte;@!x:fix_word);
  2358  var negative:boolean;
  2359  @!k:0..4; {number of bytes to typeset}
  2360  @!t:integer; {threshold}
  2361  begin frozen_du:=true;
  2362  if design_units<>unity then x:=round((x/design_units)*1048576.0);
  2363  if x>=0 then negative:=false
  2364  else begin negative:=true; x:=-1-x;@+end;
  2365  if opcode=0 then
  2366    begin k:=4; t:=@'100000000;@+end
  2367  else begin t:=127; k:=1;
  2368    while x>t do
  2369      begin t:=256*t+255; incr(k);
  2370      end;
  2371    vf_store(opcode+k-1); t:=t div 128 +1;
  2372    end;
  2373  repeat if negative then
  2374    begin vf_store(255-(x div t)); negative:=false;
  2375    x:=(x div t)*t+t-1-x;
  2376    end
  2377  else vf_store((x div t) mod 256);
  2378  decr(k); t:=t div 256;
  2379  until k=0;
  2380  end;
  2382  @ @<Assemble a rulesetting instruction@>=
  2383  begin vf_store(set_rule); vf_fix(0,get_fix); vf_fix(0,get_fix);
  2384  end
  2386  @ @<Assemble a horizontal movement@>=
  2387  begin if cur_code=move_right_code then x:=get_fix@+else x:=-get_fix;
  2388  if h=0 then
  2389    begin wstack[stack_ptr]:=x; h:=1; vf_fix(w1,x);@+end
  2390  else if x=wstack[stack_ptr] then vf_store(w0)
  2391  else if h=1 then
  2392    begin xstack[stack_ptr]:=x; h:=2; vf_fix(x1,x);@+end
  2393  else if x=xstack[stack_ptr] then vf_store(x0)
  2394  else vf_fix(right1,x);
  2395  end
  2397  @ @<Assemble a vertical movement@>=
  2398  begin if cur_code=move_down_code then x:=get_fix@+else x:=-get_fix;
  2399  if v=0 then
  2400    begin ystack[stack_ptr]:=x; v:=1; vf_fix(y1,x);@+end
  2401  else if x=ystack[stack_ptr] then vf_store(y0)
  2402  else if v=1 then
  2403    begin zstack[stack_ptr]:=x; v:=2; vf_fix(z1,x);@+end
  2404  else if x=zstack[stack_ptr] then vf_store(z0)
  2405  else vf_fix(down1,x);
  2406  end
  2408  @ @<Assemble a stack push@>=
  2409  if stack_ptr=max_stack then {too pushy}
  2410    err_print('Don''t push so much---stack is full!')
  2411  @.Don't push so much...@>
  2412  else begin vf_store(push); hstack[stack_ptr]:=h; vstack[stack_ptr]:=v;
  2413    incr(stack_ptr); h:=0; v:=0;
  2414    end
  2416  @ @<Assemble a stack pop@>=
  2417  if stack_ptr=0 then
  2418    err_print('Empty stack cannot be popped')
  2419  @.Empty stack...@>
  2420  else begin vf_store(pop); decr(stack_ptr);
  2421    h:=hstack[stack_ptr]; v:=vstack[stack_ptr];
  2422    end
  2424  @ @<Assemble a special command@>=
  2425  begin vf_store(xxx1); vf_store(0); {dummy length}
  2426  special_start:=vf_ptr;
  2427  if cur_code=special_code then copy_to_end_of_item
  2428  else begin repeat x:=get_hex;
  2429     if cur_char>")" then vf_store(x*16+get_hex);
  2430    until cur_char<=")";
  2431    end;
  2432  if vf_ptr-special_start>255 then @<Convert |xxx1| command to |xxx4|@>
  2433  else vf[special_start-1]:=vf_ptr-special_start;
  2434  end
  2436  @ @<Convert |xxx1|...@>=
  2437  if vf_ptr+3>vf_size then
  2438    begin err_print('Special command being clipped---no room left!');
  2439  @.Special command being clipped...@>
  2440    vf_ptr:=special_start+255; vf[special_start-1]:=255;
  2441    end
  2442  else begin for k:=vf_ptr downto special_start do vf[k+3]:=vf[k];
  2443    x:=vf_ptr-special_start; vf_ptr:=vf_ptr+3;
  2444    vf[special_start-2]:=xxx4;
  2445    vf[special_start-1]:=x div @'100000000;
  2446    vf[special_start]:=(x div @'200000) mod 256;
  2447    vf[special_start+1]:=(x div @'400) mod 256;
  2448    vf[special_start+2]:=x mod 256;
  2449    end
  2451  @ The input routine is now complete except for the following code,
  2452  which prints a progress report as the file is being read.
  2454  @p procedure print_octal(c:byte); {prints three octal digits}
  2455  begin print('''',(c div 64):1,((c div 8) mod 8):1,(c mod 8):1);
  2456  end;
  2458  @ @<Print |c| in octal...@>=
  2459  begin if chars_on_line=8 then
  2460    begin print_ln(' '); chars_on_line:=1;
  2461    end
  2462  else  begin if chars_on_line>0 then print(' ');
  2463    incr(chars_on_line);
  2464    end;
  2465  print_octal(c); {progress report}
  2466  end
  2468  @* The checking and massaging phase.
  2469  Once the whole \.{VPL} file has been read in, we must check it for consistency
  2470  and correct any errors. This process consists mainly of running through
  2471  the characters that exist and seeing if they refer to characters that
  2472  don't exist. We also compute the true value of |seven_unsafe|; we make sure
  2473  that the charlists and ligature programs contain no loops; and we
  2474  shorten the lists of widths, heights, depths, and italic corrections,
  2475  if necessary, to keep from exceeding the required maximum sizes.
  2477  @<Glob...@>=
  2478  @!seven_unsafe:boolean; {do seven-bit characters generate eight-bit ones?}
  2480  @ @<Correct and check the information@>=
  2481  if nl>0 then @<Make sure the ligature/kerning program ends appropriately@>;
  2482  seven_unsafe:=false;
  2483  for c:=0 to 255 do if char_wd[c]<>0 then
  2484      @<For all characters |g| generated by |c|,
  2485      make sure that |char_wd[g]| is nonzero, and
  2486      set |seven_unsafe| if |c<128<=g|@>;
  2487  if bchar_label<@'77777 then
  2488    begin c:=256; @<Check ligature program of |c|@>;
  2489    end;
  2490  if seven_bit_safe_flag and seven_unsafe then
  2491    print_ln('The font is not really seven-bit-safe!');
  2492  @.The font is>
  2493  @<Check for infinite ligature loops@>;
  2494  @<Doublecheck the lig/kern commands and the extensible recipes@>;
  2495  for c:=0 to 255 do
  2496    @<Make sure that |c| is not the largest element of a charlist cycle@>;
  2497  @<Put the width, height, depth, and italic lists into final form@>
  2499  @ The checking that we need in several places is accomplished by three
  2500  macros that are only slightly tricky.
  2502  @d existence_tail(#)==begin char_wd[g]:=sort_in(width,0);
  2503      print(#,' '); print_octal(c);
  2504      print_ln(' had no CHARACTER spec.');
  2505      end;
  2506    end
  2507  @d check_existence_and_safety(#)==begin g:=#;
  2508    if (g>=128)and(c<128) then seven_unsafe:=true;
  2509    if char_wd[g]=0 then existence_tail
  2510  @d check_existence(#)==begin g:=#;
  2511    if char_wd[g]=0 then existence_tail
  2513  @<For all characters |g| generated by |c|...@>=
  2514  case char_tag[c] of
  2515  no_tag: do_nothing;
  2516  lig_tag: @<Check ligature program of |c|@>;
  2517  list_tag: check_existence_and_safety(char_remainder[c])
  2518    ('The character NEXTLARGER than');
  2519  @.The character NEXTLARGER...@>
  2520  ext_tag:@<Check the pieces of |exten[c]|@>;
  2521  end
  2523  @ @<Check the pieces...@>=
  2524  begin if exten[char_remainder[c]].b0>0 then
  2525    check_existence_and_safety(exten[char_remainder[c]].b0)
  2526      ('TOP piece of character');
  2527  @.TOP piece of character...@>
  2528  if exten[char_remainder[c]].b1>0 then
  2529    check_existence_and_safety(exten[char_remainder[c]].b1)
  2530      ('MID piece of character');
  2531  @.MID piece of character...@>
  2532  if exten[char_remainder[c]].b2>0 then
  2533    check_existence_and_safety(exten[char_remainder[c]].b2)
  2534      ('BOT piece of character');
  2535  @.BOT piece of character...@>
  2536  check_existence_and_safety(exten[char_remainder[c]].b3)
  2537      ('REP piece of character');
  2538  @.REP piece of character...@>
  2539  end
  2541  @ @<Make sure that |c| is not the largest element of a charlist cycle@>=
  2542  if char_tag[c]=list_tag then
  2543    begin g:=char_remainder[c];
  2544    while (g<c)and(char_tag[g]=list_tag) do g:=char_remainder[g];
  2545    if g=c then
  2546      begin char_tag[c]:=no_tag;
  2547      print('A cycle of NEXTLARGER characters has been broken at ');
  2548  @.A cycle of NEXTLARGER...@>
  2549      print_octal(c); print_ln('.');
  2550      end;
  2551    end
  2553  @ @<Glob...@>=
  2554  @!delta:fix_word; {size of the intervals needed for rounding}
  2556  @ @d round_message(#)==if delta>0 then print_ln('I had to round some ',
  2557  @.I had to round...@>
  2558    #,'s by ',(((delta+1) div 2)/@'4000000):1:7,' units.')
  2560  @<Put the width, height, depth, and italic lists into final form@>=
  2561  delta:=shorten(width,255); set_indices(width,delta); round_message('width');@/
  2562  delta:=shorten(height,15); set_indices(height,delta); round_message('height');@/
  2563  delta:=shorten(depth,15); set_indices(depth,delta); round_message('depth');@/
  2564  delta:=shorten(italic,63); set_indices(italic,delta);
  2565    round_message('italic correction');
  2567  @ @d clear_lig_kern_entry== {make an unconditional \.{STOP}}
  2568    lig_kern[nl].b0:=255; lig_kern[nl].b1:=0;
  2569    lig_kern[nl].b2:=0; lig_kern[nl].b3:=0
  2571  @<Make sure the ligature/kerning program ends...@>=
  2572  begin if bchar_label<@'77777 then {make room for it}
  2573    begin clear_lig_kern_entry; incr(nl);
  2574    end; {|bchar_label| will be stored later}
  2575  while min_nl>nl do
  2576    begin clear_lig_kern_entry; incr(nl);
  2577    end;
  2578  if lig_kern[nl-1].b0=0 then lig_kern[nl-1].b0:=stop_flag;
  2579  end
  2581  @ It's not trivial to check for infinite loops generated by repeated
  2582  insertion of ligature characters. But fortunately there is a nice
  2583  algorithm for such testing, copied here from the program \.{TFtoPL}
  2584  where it is explained further.
  2586  @d simple=0 {$f(x,y)=z$}
  2587  @d left_z=1 {$f(x,y)=f(z,y)$}
  2588  @d right_z=2 {$f(x,y)=f(x,z)$}
  2589  @d both_z=3 {$f(x,y)=f(f(x,z),y)$}
  2590  @d pending=4 {$f(x,y)$ is being evaluated}
  2593  @ @<Glo...@>=
  2594  @!lig_ptr:0..max_lig_steps; {an index into |lig_kern|}
  2595  @!hash:array[0..hash_size] of 0..66048; {$256x+y+1$ for $x\le257$ and $y\le255$}
  2596  @!class:array[0..hash_size] of simple..pending;
  2597  @!lig_z:array[0..hash_size] of 0..257;
  2598  @!hash_ptr:0..hash_size; {the number of nonzero entries in |hash|}
  2599  @!hash_list:array[0..hash_size] of 0..hash_size; {list of those nonzero entries}
  2600  @!h,@!hh:0..hash_size; {indices into the hash table}
  2601  @!tt:indx; {temporary register}
  2602  @!x_lig_cycle,@!y_lig_cycle:0..256; {problematic ligature pair}
  2604  @ @<Set init...@>=
  2605  hash_ptr:=0; y_lig_cycle:=256;
  2606  for k:=0 to hash_size do hash[k]:=0;
  2608  @ @d lig_exam==lig_kern[lig_ptr].b1
  2609  @d lig_gen==lig_kern[lig_ptr].b3
  2611  @<Check lig...@>=
  2612  begin lig_ptr:=char_remainder[c];
  2613  repeat if hash_input(lig_ptr,c) then
  2614    begin if lig_kern[lig_ptr].b2<kern_flag then
  2615      begin if lig_exam<>bchar then
  2616        check_existence(lig_exam)('LIG character examined by');
  2617  @.LIG character examined...@>
  2618      check_existence(lig_gen)('LIG character generated by');
  2619  @.LIG character generated...@>
  2620      if lig_gen>=128 then if(c<128)or(c=256) then
  2621        if(lig_exam<128)or(lig_exam=bchar) then seven_unsafe:=true;
  2622      end
  2623    else if lig_exam<>bchar then
  2624      check_existence(lig_exam)('KRN character examined by');
  2625  @.KRN character examined...@>
  2626    end;
  2627  if lig_kern[lig_ptr].b0>=stop_flag then lig_ptr:=nl
  2628  else lig_ptr:=lig_ptr+1+lig_kern[lig_ptr].b0;
  2629  until lig_ptr>=nl;
  2630  end
  2632  @ The |hash_input| procedure is copied from \.{TFtoPL}, but it is made
  2633  into a boolean function that returns |false| if the ligature command
  2634  was masked by a previous one.
  2636  @p function hash_input(@!p,@!c:indx):boolean;
  2637   {enter data for character |c| and command in location |p|, unless it isn't new}
  2638  label 30; {go here for a quick exit}
  2639  var @!cc:simple..both_z; {class of data being entered}
  2640  @!zz:0..255; {function value or ligature character being entered}
  2641  @!y:0..255; {the character after the cursor}
  2642  @!key:integer; {value to be stored in |hash|}
  2643  @!t:integer; {temporary register for swapping}
  2644  begin if hash_ptr=hash_size then
  2645    begin hash_input:=false; goto 30;@+end;
  2646  @<Compute the command parameters |y|, |cc|, and |zz|@>;
  2647  key:=256*c+y+1; h:=(1009*key) mod hash_size;
  2648  while hash[h]>0 do
  2649    begin if hash[h]<=key then
  2650      begin if hash[h]=key then
  2651        begin hash_input:=false; goto 30; {unused ligature command}
  2652        end;
  2653      t:=hash[h]; hash[h]:=key; key:=t; {do ordered-hash-table insertion}
  2654      t:=class[h]; class[h]:=cc; cc:=t; {namely, do a swap}
  2655      t:=lig_z[h]; lig_z[h]:=zz; zz:=t;
  2656      end;
  2657    if h>0 then decr(h)@+else h:=hash_size;
  2658    end;
  2659  hash[h]:=key; class[h]:=cc; lig_z[h]:=zz;
  2660  incr(hash_ptr); hash_list[hash_ptr]:=h;
  2661  hash_input:=true;
  2662  30:end;
  2664  @ @<Compute the command param...@>=
  2665  y:=lig_kern[p].b1; t:=lig_kern[p].b2; cc:=simple;
  2666  zz:=lig_kern[p].b3;
  2667  if t>=kern_flag then zz:=y
  2668  else begin case t of
  2669    0,6:do_nothing; {\.{LIG},\.{/LIG>}}
  2670    5,11:zz:=y; {\.{LIG/>}, \.{/LIG/>>}}
  2671    1,7:cc:=left_z; {\.{LIG/}, \.{/LIG/>}}
  2672    2:cc:=right_z; {\.{/LIG}}
  2673    3:cc:=both_z; {\.{/LIG/}}
  2674    end; {there are no other cases}
  2675    end
  2677  @ (More good stuff from \.{TFtoPL}.)
  2679  @p function f(@!h,@!x,@!y:indx):indx; forward;@t\2@>
  2680    {compute $f$ for arguments known to be in |hash[h]|}
  2681  function eval(@!x,@!y:indx):indx; {compute $f(x,y)$ with hashtable lookup}
  2682  var @!key:integer; {value sought in hash table}
  2683  begin key:=256*x+y+1; h:=(1009*key) mod hash_size;
  2684  while hash[h]>key do
  2685    if h>0 then decr(h)@+else h:=hash_size;
  2686  if hash[h]<key then eval:=y {not in ordered hash table}
  2687  else eval:=f(h,x,y);
  2688  end;
  2690  @ Pascal's beastly convention for |forward| declarations prevents us from
  2691  saying |function f(h,x,y:indx):indx| here.
  2693  @p function f;
  2694  begin case class[h] of
  2695  simple: do_nothing;
  2696  left_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(lig_z[h],y); class[h]:=simple;
  2697    end;
  2698  right_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(x,lig_z[h]); class[h]:=simple;
  2699    end;
  2700  both_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(eval(x,lig_z[h]),y);
  2701    class[h]:=simple;
  2702    end;
  2703  pending: begin x_lig_cycle:=x; y_lig_cycle:=y; lig_z[h]:=257; class[h]:=simple;
  2704    end; {the value 257 will break all cycles, since it's not in |hash|}
  2705  end; {there are no other cases}
  2706  f:=lig_z[h];
  2707  end;
  2709  @ @<Check for infinite...@>=
  2710  if hash_ptr<hash_size then for hh:=1 to hash_ptr do
  2711    begin tt:=hash_list[hh];
  2712    if class[tt]>simple then {make sure $f$ is well defined}
  2713    tt:=f(tt,(hash[tt]-1)div 256,(hash[tt]-1)mod 256);
  2714    end;
  2715  if(hash_ptr=hash_size)or(y_lig_cycle<256) then
  2716    begin if hash_ptr<hash_size then
  2717      begin print('Infinite ligature loop starting with ');
  2718  @.Infinite ligature loop...@>
  2719      if x_lig_cycle=256 then print('boundary')@+else print_octal(x_lig_cycle);
  2720      print(' and '); print_octal(y_lig_cycle); print_ln('!');
  2721      end
  2722    else print_ln('Sorry, I haven''t room for so many ligature/kern pairs!');
  2723  @.Sorry, I haven't room...@>
  2724    print_ln('All ligatures will be cleared.');
  2725    for c:=0 to 255 do if char_tag[c]=lig_tag then
  2726      begin char_tag[c]:=no_tag; char_remainder[c]:=0;
  2727      end;
  2728    nl:=0; bchar:=256; bchar_label:=@'77777;
  2729    end
  2731  @ The lig/kern program may still contain references to nonexistent characters,
  2732  if parts of that program are never used. Similarly, there may be extensible
  2733  characters that are never used, because they were overridden by
  2734  \.{NEXTLARGER}, say. This would produce an invalid \.{TFM} file; so we
  2735  must fix such errors.
  2737  @d double_check_tail(#)==@t\1@>if char_wd[0]=0
  2738        then char_wd[0]:=sort_in(width,0);
  2739      print('Unused ',#,' refers to nonexistent character ');
  2740      print_octal(c); print_ln('!');
  2741      end;
  2742    end
  2743  @d double_check_lig(#)==begin c:=lig_kern[lig_ptr].#;
  2744    if char_wd[c]=0 then if c<>bchar then
  2745      begin lig_kern[lig_ptr].#:=0; double_check_tail
  2746  @d double_check_ext(#)==begin c:=exten[g].#;
  2747    if c>0 then if char_wd[c]=0 then
  2748      begin exten[g].#:=0; double_check_tail
  2749  @d double_check_rep(#)==begin c:=exten[g].#;
  2750    if char_wd[c]=0 then
  2751      begin exten[g].#:=0; double_check_tail
  2753  @<Doublecheck...@>=
  2754  if nl>0 then for lig_ptr:=0 to nl-1 do
  2755    if lig_kern[lig_ptr].b2<kern_flag then
  2756      begin if lig_kern[lig_ptr].b0<255 then
  2757        begin double_check_lig(b1)('LIG step'); double_check_lig(b3)('LIG step');
  2758        end;
  2759      end
  2760    else double_check_lig(b1)('KRN step');
  2761  @.Unused LIG step...@>
  2762  @.Unused KRN step...@>
  2763  if ne>0 then for g:=0 to ne-1 do
  2764    begin double_check_ext(b0)('VARCHAR TOP');
  2765    double_check_ext(b1)('VARCHAR MID');
  2766    double_check_ext(b2)('VARCHAR BOT');
  2767    double_check_rep(b3)('VARCHAR REP');
  2768  @.Unused VARCHAR...@>
  2769    end
  2771  @* The TFM output phase.
  2772  Now that we know how to get all of the font data correctly stored in
  2773  \.{VPtoVF}'s memory, it only remains to write the answers out.
  2775  First of all, it is convenient to have an abbreviation for output to the
  2776  \.{TFM} file:
  2778  @d out(#)==write(tfm_file,#)
  2780  @ The general plan for producing \.{TFM} files is long but simple:
  2782  @<Do the \.{TFM} output@>=
  2783  @<Compute the twelve subfile sizes@>;
  2784  @<Output the twelve subfile sizes@>;
  2785  @<Output the header block@>;
  2786  @<Output the character info@>;
  2787  @<Output the dimensions themselves@>;
  2788  @<Output the ligature/kern program@>;
  2789  @<Output the extensible character recipes@>;
  2790  @<Output the parameters@>
  2792  @ A \.{TFM} file begins with 12 numbers that tell how big its subfiles are.
  2793  We already know most of these numbers; for example, the number of distinct
  2794  widths is |memory[width]+1|, where the $+1$ accounts for the zero width that
  2795  is always supposed to be present. But we still should compute the beginning
  2796  and ending character codes (|bc| and |ec|), the number of header words (|lh|),
  2797  and the total number of words in the \.{TFM} file (|lf|).
  2799  @<Gl...@>=
  2800  @!bc:byte; {the smallest character code in the font}
  2801  @!ec:byte; {the largest character code in the font}
  2802  @!lh:byte; {the number of words in the header block}
  2803  @!lf:0..32767; {the number of words in the entire \.{TFM} file}
  2804  @!not_found:boolean; {has a font character been found?}
  2805  @!temp_width:fix_word; {width being used to compute a check sum}
  2807  @ It might turn out that no characters exist at all. But \.{VPtoVF} keeps
  2808  going and writes the \.{TFM} anyway. In this case |ec| will be~0 and |bc|
  2809  will be~1.
  2811  @<Compute the twelve...@>=
  2812  lh:=header_ptr div 4;@/
  2813  not_found:=true; bc:=0;
  2814  while not_found do
  2815    if (char_wd[bc]>0)or(bc=255) then not_found:=false
  2816    else incr(bc);
  2817  not_found:=true; ec:=255;
  2818  while not_found do
  2819    if (char_wd[ec]>0)or(ec=0) then not_found:=false
  2820    else decr(ec);
  2821  if bc>ec then bc:=1;
  2822  incr(memory[width]); incr(memory[height]); incr(memory[depth]);
  2823  incr(memory[italic]);@/
  2824  @<Compute the ligature/kern program offset@>;
  2825  lf:=6+lh+(ec-bc+1)+memory[width]+memory[height]+memory[depth]+
  2826  memory[italic]+nl+lk_offset+nk+ne+np;
  2828  @ @d out_size(#)==out((#) div 256); out((#) mod 256)
  2830  @<Output the twelve subfile sizes@>=
  2831  out_size(lf); out_size(lh); out_size(bc); out_size(ec);
  2832  out_size(memory[width]); out_size(memory[height]);
  2833  out_size(memory[depth]); out_size(memory[italic]);
  2834  out_size(nl+lk_offset); out_size(nk); out_size(ne); out_size(np);
  2836  @ The routines that follow need a few temporary variables of different types.
  2838  @<Gl...@>=
  2839  @!j:0..max_header_bytes; {index into |header_bytes|}
  2840  @!p:pointer; {index into |memory|}
  2841  @!q:width..italic; {runs through the list heads for dimensions}
  2842  @!par_ptr:0..max_param_words; {runs through the parameters}
  2844  @ The header block follows the subfile sizes. The necessary information all
  2845  appears in |header_bytes|, except that the design size and the seven-bit-safe
  2846  flag must still be set.
  2848  @<Output the header block@>=
  2849  if not check_sum_specified then @<Compute the check sum@>;
  2850  header_bytes[design_size_loc]:=design_size div @'100000000;
  2851    {this works since |design_size>0|}
  2852  header_bytes[design_size_loc+1]:=(design_size div @'200000) mod 256;
  2853  header_bytes[design_size_loc+2]:=(design_size div 256) mod 256;
  2854  header_bytes[design_size_loc+3]:=design_size  mod 256;
  2855  if not seven_unsafe then header_bytes[seven_flag_loc]:=128;
  2856  for j:=0 to header_ptr-1 do out(header_bytes[j]);
  2858  @ @<Compute the check sum@>=
  2859  begin c0:=bc; c1:=ec; c2:=bc; c3:=ec;
  2860  for c:=bc to ec do if char_wd[c]>0 then
  2861    begin temp_width:=memory[char_wd[c]];
  2862    if design_units<>unity then
  2863      temp_width:=round((temp_width/design_units)*1048576.0);
  2864    temp_width:=temp_width + (c+4)*@'20000000; {this should be positive}
  2865    c0:=(c0+c0+temp_width) mod 255;
  2866    c1:=(c1+c1+temp_width) mod 253;
  2867    c2:=(c2+c2+temp_width) mod 251;
  2868    c3:=(c3+c3+temp_width) mod 247;
  2869    end;
  2870  header_bytes[check_sum_loc]:=c0;
  2871  header_bytes[check_sum_loc+1]:=c1;
  2872  header_bytes[check_sum_loc+2]:=c2;
  2873  header_bytes[check_sum_loc+3]:=c3;
  2874  end
  2876  @ The next block contains packed |char_info|.
  2878  @<Output the character info@>=
  2879  index[0]:=0;
  2880  for c:=bc to ec do
  2881    begin out(index[char_wd[c]]);
  2882    out(index[char_ht[c]]*16+index[char_dp[c]]);
  2883    out(index[char_ic[c]]*4+char_tag[c]);
  2884    out(char_remainder[c]);
  2885    end
  2887  @ When a scaled quantity is output, we may need to divide it by |design_units|.
  2888  The following subroutine takes care of this, using floating point arithmetic
  2889  only if |design_units<>1.0|.
  2891  @p procedure out_scaled(x:fix_word); {outputs a scaled |fix_word|}
  2892  var @!n:byte; {the first byte after the sign}
  2893  @!m:0..65535; {the two least significant bytes}
  2894  begin if abs(x/design_units)>=16.0 then
  2895    begin print_ln('The relative dimension ',x/@'4000000:1:3,
  2896      ' is too large.');
  2897  @.The relative dimension...@>
  2898    print('  (Must be less than 16*designsize');
  2899    if design_units<>unity then print(' =',design_units/@'200000:1:3,
  2900        ' designunits');
  2901    print_ln(')'); x:=0;
  2902    end;
  2903  if design_units<>unity then x:=round((x/design_units)*1048576.0);
  2904  if x<0 then
  2905    begin out(255); x:=x+@'100000000;
  2906    if x<=0 then x:=1;
  2907    end
  2908  else begin out(0);
  2909    if x>=@'100000000 then x:=@'77777777;
  2910    end;
  2911  n:=x div @'200000; m:=x mod @'200000;
  2912  out(n); out(m div 256); out(m mod 256);
  2913  end;
  2915  @ We have output the packed indices for individual characters.
  2916  The scaled widths, heights, depths, and italic corrections are next.
  2918  @<Output the dimensions themselves@>=
  2919  for q:=width to italic do
  2920    begin out(0); out(0); out(0); out(0); {output the zero word}
  2921    p:=link[q]; {head of list}
  2922    while p>0 do
  2923      begin out_scaled(memory[p]);
  2924      p:=link[p];
  2925      end;
  2926    end;
  2928  @ One embarrassing problem remains: The ligature/kern program might be very
  2929  long, but the starting addresses in |char_remainder| can be at most~255.
  2930  Therefore we need to output some indirect address information; we want to
  2931  compute |lk_offset| so that addition of |lk_offset| to all remainders makes
  2932  all but |lk_offset| distinct remainders less than~256.
  2934  For this we need a sorted table of all relevant remainders.
  2936  @<Glob...@>=
  2937  @!label_table:array[0..256] of record
  2938    @!rr: -1..@'77777; {sorted label values}
  2939    @!cc: byte; {associated characters}
  2940    end;
  2941  @!label_ptr:0..256; {index of highest entry in |label_table|}
  2942  @!sort_ptr:0..256; {index into |label_table|}
  2943  @!lk_offset:0..256; {smallest offset value that might work}
  2944  @!t:0..@'77777; {label value that is being redirected}
  2945  @!extra_loc_needed:boolean; {do we need a special word for |bchar|?}
  2947  @ @<Compute the ligature/kern program offset@>=
  2948  @<Insert all labels into |label_table|@>;
  2949  if bchar<256 then
  2950    begin extra_loc_needed:=true; lk_offset:=1;
  2951    end
  2952  else begin extra_loc_needed:=false; lk_offset:=0;
  2953    end;
  2954  @<Find the minimum |lk_offset| and adjust all remainders@>;
  2955  if bchar_label<@'77777 then
  2956    begin lig_kern[nl-1].b2:=(bchar_label+lk_offset)div 256;
  2957    lig_kern[nl-1].b3:=(bchar_label+lk_offset)mod 256;
  2958    end
  2960  @ @<Insert all labels...@>=
  2961  label_ptr:=0; label_table[0].rr:=-1; {sentinel}
  2962  for c:=bc to ec do if char_tag[c]=lig_tag then
  2963    begin sort_ptr:=label_ptr; {there's a hole at position |sort_ptr+1|}
  2964    while label_table[sort_ptr].rr>char_remainder[c] do
  2965      begin label_table[sort_ptr+1]:=label_table[sort_ptr];
  2966      decr(sort_ptr); {move the hole}
  2967      end;
  2968    label_table[sort_ptr+1].cc:=c;
  2969    label_table[sort_ptr+1].rr:=char_remainder[c];
  2970    incr(label_ptr);
  2971    end
  2973  @ @<Find the minimum |lk_offset| and adjust all remainders@>=
  2974  begin sort_ptr:=label_ptr; {the largest unallocated label}
  2975  if label_table[sort_ptr].rr+lk_offset > 255 then
  2976    begin lk_offset:=0; extra_loc_needed:=false; {location 0 can do double duty}
  2977    repeat char_remainder[label_table[sort_ptr].cc]:=lk_offset;
  2978    while label_table[sort_ptr-1].rr=label_table[sort_ptr].rr do
  2979      begin decr(sort_ptr); char_remainder[label_table[sort_ptr].cc]:=lk_offset;
  2980      end;
  2981    incr(lk_offset); decr(sort_ptr);
  2982    until lk_offset+label_table[sort_ptr].rr<256;
  2983      {N.B.: |lk_offset=256| satisfies this when |sort_ptr=0|}
  2984    end;
  2985  if lk_offset>0 then while sort_ptr>0 do
  2986    begin char_remainder[label_table[sort_ptr].cc]:=
  2987      char_remainder[label_table[sort_ptr].cc]+lk_offset;
  2988    decr(sort_ptr);
  2989    end;
  2990  end
  2992  @ @<Output the ligature/kern program@>=
  2993  if extra_loc_needed then {|lk_offset=1|}
  2994    begin out(255); out(bchar); out(0); out(0);
  2995    end
  2996  else for sort_ptr:=1 to lk_offset do {output the redirection specs}
  2997    begin t:=label_table[label_ptr].rr;
  2998    if bchar<256 then
  2999      begin out(255); out(bchar);
  3000      end
  3001    else begin out(254); out(0);
  3002      end;
  3003    out_size(t+lk_offset);
  3004    repeat decr(label_ptr); until label_table[label_ptr].rr<t;
  3005    end;
  3006  if nl>0 then for lig_ptr:=0 to nl-1 do
  3007    begin out(lig_kern[lig_ptr].b0);
  3008    out(lig_kern[lig_ptr].b1);
  3009    out(lig_kern[lig_ptr].b2);
  3010    out(lig_kern[lig_ptr].b3);
  3011    end;
  3012  if nk>0 then for krn_ptr:=0 to nk-1 do out_scaled(kern[krn_ptr])
  3014  @ @<Output the extensible character recipes@>=
  3015  if ne>0 then for c:=0 to ne-1 do
  3016    begin out(exten[c].b0);
  3017    out(exten[c].b1);
  3018    out(exten[c].b2);
  3019    out(exten[c].b3);
  3020    end;
  3022  @ For our grand finale, we wind everything up by outputting the parameters.
  3024  @<Output the parameters@>=
  3025  for par_ptr:=1 to np do
  3026    begin if par_ptr=1 then
  3027      @<Output the slant (|param[1]|) without scaling@>
  3028    else out_scaled(param[par_ptr]);
  3029    end
  3031  @ @<Output the slant...@>=
  3032  begin if param[1]<0 then
  3033    begin param[1]:=param[1]+@'10000000000;
  3034    out((param[1] div @'100000000)+256-64);
  3035    end
  3036  else out(param[1] div @'100000000);
  3037  out((param[1] div @'200000) mod 256);
  3038  out((param[1] div 256) mod 256);
  3039  out(param[1] mod 256);
  3040  end
  3042  @* The VF output phase.
  3043  Output to |vf_file| is considerably simpler.
  3045  @d id_byte=202 {current version of \.{VF} format}
  3046  @d vout(#)==write(vf_file,#)
  3048  @<Glob...@>=
  3049  @!vcount:integer; {number of bytes written to |vf_file|}
  3051  @ We need a routine to output integers as four bytes. Negative values
  3052  will never be less than $-2^{24}$.
  3054  @p procedure vout_int(@!x:integer);
  3055  begin if x>=0 then vout(x div @'100000000)
  3056  else begin vout(255); x:=x+@'100000000;
  3057    end;
  3058  vout((x div @'200000) mod 256);
  3059  vout((x div @'400) mod 256); vout(x mod 256);
  3060  end;
  3062  @ @<Do the \.{VF} output@>=
  3063  vout(pre); vout(id_byte); vout(vtitle_length);
  3064  for k:=0 to vtitle_length-1 do vout(vf[vtitle_start+k]);
  3065  for k:=check_sum_loc to design_size_loc+3 do vout(header_bytes[k]);
  3066  vcount:=vtitle_length+11;
  3067  for cur_font:=0 to font_ptr-1 do @<Output a local font definition@>;
  3068  for c:=bc to ec do if char_wd[c]>0 then
  3069    @<Output a packet for character |c|@>;
  3070  repeat vout(post); incr(vcount);
  3071  until vcount mod 4 = 0
  3073  @ @<Output a local font definition@>=
  3074  begin vout(fnt_def1); vout(cur_font);@/
  3075  vout(font_checksum[cur_font].b0);
  3076  vout(font_checksum[cur_font].b1);
  3077  vout(font_checksum[cur_font].b2);
  3078  vout(font_checksum[cur_font].b3);
  3079  vout_int(font_at[cur_font]);
  3080  vout_int(font_dsize[cur_font]);
  3081  vout(farea_length[cur_font]);
  3082  vout(fname_length[cur_font]);
  3083  for k:=0 to farea_length[cur_font]-1 do vout(vf[farea_start[cur_font]+k]);
  3084  if fname_start[cur_font]=vf_size then
  3085    begin vout("N"); vout("U"); vout("L"); vout("L");
  3086    end
  3087  else for k:=0 to fname_length[cur_font]-1 do vout(vf[fname_start[cur_font]+k]);
  3088  vcount:=vcount+12+farea_length[cur_font]+fname_length[cur_font];
  3089  end
  3091  @ @<Output a packet for character |c|@>=
  3092  begin x:=memory[char_wd[c]];
  3093  if design_units<>unity then x:=round((x/design_units)*1048576.0);
  3094  if (packet_length[c]>241)or(x<0)or(x>=@'100000000) then
  3095    begin vout(242); vout_int(packet_length[c]); vout_int(c); vout_int(x);
  3096    vcount:=vcount+13+packet_length[c];
  3097    end
  3098  else begin vout(packet_length[c]); vout(c); vout(x div @'200000);
  3099    vout((x div @'400) mod 256); vout(x mod 256);
  3100    vcount:=vcount+5+packet_length[c];
  3101    end;
  3102  if packet_start[c]=vf_size then
  3103    begin if c>=128 then vout(set1);
  3104    vout(c);
  3105    end
  3106  else for k:=0 to packet_length[c]-1 do vout(vf[packet_start[c]+k]);
  3107  end
  3109  @* The main program.
  3110  The routines sketched out so far need to be packaged into separate procedures,
  3111  on some systems, since some \PASCAL\ compilers place a strict limit on the
  3112  size of a routine. The packaging is done here in an attempt to avoid some
  3113  system-dependent changes.
  3115  @p procedure param_enter;
  3116  begin @<Enter the parameter names@>;
  3117  end;
  3118  @#
  3119  procedure vpl_enter;
  3120  begin @<Enter all the \.{VPL} names@>;
  3121  end;
  3122  @#
  3123  procedure name_enter; {enter all names and their equivalents}
  3124  begin @<Enter all the \.{PL} names...@>;
  3125  vpl_enter; param_enter;
  3126  end;
  3127  @#
  3128  procedure read_lig_kern;
  3129  var @!krn_ptr:0..max_kerns; {an index into |kern|}
  3130  @!c:byte; {runs through all character codes}
  3131  begin @<Read ligature/kern list@>;
  3132  end;
  3133  @#
  3134  procedure read_char_info;
  3135  var @!c:byte; {the char}
  3136  begin @<Read character info list@>;
  3137  end;
  3138  @#
  3139  procedure read_input;
  3140  var @!c:byte; {header or parameter index}
  3141  begin @<Read all the input@>;
  3142  end;
  3143  @#
  3144  procedure corr_and_check;
  3145  var @!c:0..256; {runs through all character codes}
  3146  @!hh:0..hash_size; {an index into |hash_list|}
  3147  @!lig_ptr:0..max_lig_steps; {an index into |lig_kern|}
  3148  @!g:byte; {a character generated by the current character |c|}
  3149  begin @<Correct and check the information@>
  3150  end;
  3151  @#
  3152  procedure vf_output;
  3153  var @!c:byte; {runs through all character codes}
  3154  @!cur_font:0..256; {runs through all local fonts}
  3155  @!k:integer; {loop index}
  3156  begin @<Do the \.{VF} output@>;
  3157  end;
  3159  @ Here is where \.{VPtoVF} begins and ends.
  3161  @p begin initialize;@/
  3162  name_enter;@/
  3163  read_input; print_ln('.');@/
  3164  corr_and_check;@/
  3165  @<Do the \.{TFM} output@>;
  3166  vf_output;
  3167  end.
  3169  @* System-dependent changes.
  3170  This section should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program
  3171  that are necessary to make \.{VPtoVF} work at a particular installation.
  3172  It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to
  3173  previous sections preserve the section numbering; then everybody's version
  3174  will be consistent with the printed program. More extensive changes,
  3175  which introduce new sections, can be inserted here; then only the index
  3176  itself will get a new section number.
  3177  @^system dependencies@>
  3179  @* Index.
  3180  Pointers to error messages appear here together with the section numbers
  3181  where each ident\-i\-fier is used.