
     1  // Copyright 2023 The Knuth Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package web deals with .web files.
     6  package web //
     8  import (
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"go/token"
    12  	"io"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"path/filepath"
    15  	"runtime/debug"
    16  	"sort"
    17  	"strconv"
    18  	"strings"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  var (
    25  	oTrcw bool // testing
    26  )
    28  const (
    29  	blankSet          = " \t\n\r"
    30  	incompleteNameTag = "..."
    31  	poolSumInit       = 271828 // tangle.pdf, p.138
    32  	stackLimit        = 250    // min 124
    33  )
    35  const (
    36  	eof                = -iota - 1
    37  	ccAt               // "@@"
    38  	ccBeginMetaComment // "@{"
    39  	ccBeginPascal      // "@p"
    40  	ccBigLineBreak     // "@#"
    41  	ccCheckSum         // "@$"
    42  	ccDefinition       // "@d"
    43  	ccEnd              // "@>"
    44  	ccEndMetaComment   // "@}"
    45  	ccForceLine        // "@\\"
    46  	ccFormat           // "@f"
    47  	ccHex              // "@\""
    48  	ccJoin             // "@&"
    49  	ccLineBreak        // "@/"
    50  	ccMathBreak        // "@|"
    51  	ccModuleName       // "@<"
    52  	ccNewModule        // "@ "
    53  	ccNewStarredModule // "@*"
    54  	ccNoLineBreak      // "@+"
    55  	ccNoUnderline      // "@?"
    56  	ccOctal            // "@'"
    57  	ccPopMacroArg      // "@Z" internal
    58  	ccPseudoSemi       // "@;"
    59  	ccTeXString        // "@t"
    60  	ccThinSpace        // "@,"
    61  	ccUnderline        // "@!"
    62  	ccVerbatim         // "@="
    63  	ccXrefRoman        // "@^"
    64  	ccXrefTypewriter   // "@."
    65  	ccXrefWildcard     // "@:"
    66  )
    68  type abort error
    70  type webScanner struct {
    71  	controlCodePos token.Position
    72  	src            knuth.RuneSource
    73  	stack          []knuth.RuneSource
    75  	c2          rune
    76  	controlCode rune
    78  	controlCodeValid bool
    79  }
    81  func newWebScanner(src knuth.RuneSource) *webScanner { return &webScanner{src: src} }
    83  func (s *webScanner) srcStack() (r []string) {
    84  	for i, v := range s.stack {
    85  		p := v.Position()
    86  		p.Filename = filepath.Base(p.Filename)
    87  		r = append(r, fmt.Sprintf("%3d: %p %v:", i, v, p))
    88  	}
    89  	if v := s.src; v != nil {
    90  		p := v.Position()
    91  		p.Filename = filepath.Base(p.Filename)
    92  		r = append(r, fmt.Sprintf("TOS: %p %v:", v, p))
    93  	} else {
    94  		r = append(r, fmt.Sprintf("TOS: <nil>"))
    95  	}
    96  	return r
    97  }
    99  func (s *webScanner) c() (r rune) {
   100  	if s.controlCodeValid {
   101  		return s.controlCode
   102  	}
   104  pop:
   105  	if s.src == nil {
   106  		n := len(s.stack)
   107  		if n == 0 {
   108  			return eof
   109  		}
   111  		s.src = s.stack[n-1]
   112  		s.stack = s.stack[:n-1]
   113  	}
   114  	c, err := s.src.C()
   115  	switch {
   116  	case err == io.EOF:
   117  		s.src = nil
   118  		if len(s.stack) != 0 {
   119  			goto pop
   120  		}
   122  		return eof
   123  	case err != nil:
   124  		panic(abort(fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", s.src.Position(), err)))
   125  	case c == '@':
   126  		s.controlCodePos = s.position()
   127  		s.consume()
   128  		// The letters L, T , P , M , C, and/or S following each code indicate whether
   129  		// or not that code is allowable in limbo, in TEX text, in Pascal text, in
   130  		// module names, in comments, and/or in strings.
   131  		if s.c2, err = s.src.C(); err != nil {
   132  			panic(abort(fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", s.src.Position(), err)))
   133  		}
   135  		switch s.c2 {
   136  		case '*':
   137  			// @* [!L, !P , !T] This denotes the beginning of a new starred module, i.e., a
   138  			// module that begins a new major group. The title of the new group should
   139  			// appear after the @*, followed by a period. As explained above, TEX control
   140  			// sequences should be avoided in such titles unless they are quite simple.
   141  			// When WEAVE and TANGLE read a @*, they print an asterisk on the terminal
   142  			// followed by the current module number, so that the user can see some
   143  			// indication of progress. The very first module should be starred.
   144  			s.controlCode = ccNewStarredModule
   145  		case 'd', 'D':
   146  			// @d [!P , !T] Macro definitions begin with @d (or @D), followed by the Pascal
   147  			// text for one of the three kinds of macros, as explained earlier.
   148  			s.controlCode = ccDefinition
   149  		case ' ', '\t', '\n':
   150  			// @ [!L, !P , !T] This denotes the beginning of a new (unstarred) module. A
   151  			// tab mark or end-of-line (carriage return) is equivalent to a space when it
   152  			// follows an @ sign.
   153  			s.controlCode = ccNewModule
   154  		case 'p', 'P':
   155  			// @p [!P , !T] The Pascal part of an unnamed module begins with @p (or @P).
   156  			// This causes TANGLE to append the following Pascal code to the initial
   157  			// program text T 0 as explained above. The WEAVE processor does not cause a
   158  			// ‘@p’ to appear explicitly in the TEX output, so if you are creating a WEB
   159  			// file based on a TEX-printed WEB documentation you have to remember to insert
   160  			// @p in the appropriate places of the unnamed modules.
   161  			s.controlCode = ccBeginPascal
   162  		case '<':
   163  			// @< [P, !T] A module name begins with @< followed by TEX text followed by @>;
   164  			// the TEX text should not contain any WEB control codes except @@, unless
   165  			// these control codes appear in Pascal text that is delimited by |...|. The
   166  			// module name may be abbreviated, after its first appearance in a WEB file, by
   167  			// giving any unique prefix followed by ..., where the three dots immediately
   168  			// precede the closing @>. No module name should be a prefix of another. Module
   169  			// names may not appear in Pascal text that is enclosed in |...|, nor may they
   170  			// appear in the definition part of a module (since the appearance of a module
   171  			// name ends the definition part and begins the Pascal part).
   172  			s.controlCode = ccModuleName
   173  		case 'f', 'F':
   174  			// @f [!P , !T] Format definitions begin with @f (or @F); they cause WEAVE to
   175  			// treat identifiers in a special way when they appear in Pascal text. The
   176  			// general form of a format definition is ‘@f l == r’, followed by an optional
   177  			// comment enclosed in braces, where l and r are identifiers; WEAVE will
   178  			// subsequently treat identifier l as it currently treats r. This feature
   179  			// allows a WEB programmer to invent new reserved words and/or to unreserve
   180  			// some of Pascal’s reserved identifiers. The definition part of each module
   181  			// consists of any number of macro definitions (beginning with @d) and format
   182  			// definitions (beginning with @f), intermixed in any order.
   183  			s.controlCode = ccFormat
   184  		case '^':
   185  			// @^ [P, T] The “control text” that follows, up to the next ‘@>’, will be
   186  			// entered into the index together with the identifiers of the Pascal program;
   187  			// this text will appear in roman type. For example, to put the phrase “system
   188  			// dependencies” into the index, you can type ‘@^system dependencies@>’ in each
   189  			// module that you want to index as system dependent. A control text, like a
   190  			// string, must end on the same line of the WEB file as it began. Furthermore,
   191  			// no WEB control codes are allowed in a control text, not even @@. (If you
   192  			// need an @ sign you can get around this restriction by typing ‘\AT!’.)
   193  			s.controlCode = ccXrefRoman
   194  		case '>':
   195  			s.controlCode = ccEnd
   196  		case 'Z':
   197  			s.controlCode = ccPopMacroArg
   198  		case '/':
   199  			// @/ [P] This control code causes a line break to occur within a Pascal
   200  			// program formatted by WEAVE; it is ignored by TANGLE. Line breaks are chosen
   201  			// automatically by TEX according to a scheme that works 99% of the time, but
   202  			// sometimes you will prefer to force a line break so that the program is
   203  			// segmented according to logical rather than visual criteria. Caution: ‘@/’
   204  			// should be used only after statements or clauses, not in the middle of an
   205  			// expression; use @| in the middle of expressions, in order to keep WEAVE’s
   206  			// parser happy.
   207  			s.controlCode = ccLineBreak
   208  		case 't', 'T':
   209  			// @t [P] The “control text” that follows, up to the next ‘@>’, will be put
   210  			// into a TEX \hbox and formatted along with the neighboring Pascal program.
   211  			// This text is ignored by TANGLE, but it can be used for various purposes
   212  			// within WEAVE. For example, you can make comments that mix Pascal and
   213  			// classical mathematics, as in ‘size < 2 15 ’, by typing ‘|size <
   214  			// @t$2^{15}$@>|’. A control text must end on the same line of the WEB file as
   215  			// it began, and it may not contain any WEB control codes.
   216  			s.controlCode = ccTeXString
   217  		case '\'':
   218  			// @ ́ [P, T] This denotes an octal constant, to be formed from the succeeding
   219  			// digits. For example, if the WEB file contains ‘@ ́100’, the TANGLE processor
   220  			// will treat this an equivalent to ‘64’; the constant will be formatted as
   221  			// “ ́100 ” in the TEX output produced via WEAVE. You should use octal notation
   222  			// only for positive constants; don’t try to get, e.g., −1 by saying
   223  			// ‘@ ́777777777777’.
   224  			s.controlCode = ccOctal
   225  		case '.':
   226  			// @. [P, T] The “control text” that follows will be entered into the index in
   227  			// typewriter type; see the rules for ‘@^’, which is analogous.
   228  			s.controlCode = ccXrefTypewriter
   229  		case '@':
   230  			// @@ [C, L, M, P, S, T] A double @ denotes the single character ‘@’. This is
   231  			// the only control code that is legal in limbo, in comments, and in strings.
   232  			s.controlCode = ccAt
   233  		case '#':
   234  			// @# [P] This control code forces a line break, like @/ does, and it also
   235  			// causes a little extra white space to appear between the lines at this break.
   236  			// You might use it, for example, between procedure definitions or between
   237  			// groups of macro definitions that are logically separate but within the same
   238  			// module.
   239  			s.controlCode = ccBigLineBreak
   240  		case ',':
   241  			// @, [P] This control code inserts a thin space in WEAVE’s output; it is
   242  			// ignored by TANGLE. Sometimes you need this extra space if you are using
   243  			// macros in an unusual way, e.g., if two identifiers are adjacent.
   244  			s.controlCode = ccThinSpace
   245  		case ':':
   246  			// @: [P, T] The “control text” that follows will be entered into the index in
   247  			// a format controlled by the TEX macro ‘\9’, which the user should define as
   248  			// desired; see the rules for ‘@^’, which is analogous.
   249  			s.controlCode = ccXrefWildcard
   250  		case '&':
   251  			// @& [P] The @& operation causes whatever is on its left to be adjacent to
   252  			// whatever is on its right, in the Pascal output. No spaces or line breaks
   253  			// will separate these two items. However, the thing on the left should not be
   254  			// a semicolon, since a line break might occur after a semicolon.
   255  			s.controlCode = ccJoin
   256  		case '{':
   257  			// @{ [P] The beginning of a “meta comment,” i.e., a comment that is supposed
   258  			// to appear in the Pascal code, is indicated by @{ in the WEB file. Such
   259  			// delimiters can be used as isolated symbols in macros or modules, but they
   260  			// should be properly nested in the final Pascal program. The TANGLE processor
   261  			// will convert ‘@{’ into ‘{’ in the Pascal output file, unless the output is
   262  			// already part of a meta-comment; in the latter case ‘@{’ is converted into
   263  			// ‘[’, since Pascal does not allow nested comments. The WEAVE processor
   264  			// outputs ‘@{’. Incidentally, module numbers are automatically inserted as
   265  			// meta-comments into the Pascal program, in order to help correlate the
   266  			// outputs of WEAVE and TANGLE (see Appendix C) Meta-comments can be used to
   267  			// put conditional text into a Pascal program; this helps to overcome one of
   268  			// the limitations of WEB, since the simple macro processing routines of TANGLE
   269  			// do not include the dynamic evaluation of boolean expressions.
   270  			s.controlCode = ccBeginMetaComment
   271  		case '}':
   272  			// @} [P] The end of a “meta comment” is indicated by ‘@}’; this is converted
   273  			// either into ‘}’ or ‘]’ in the Pascal output, according to the conventions
   274  			// explained for @{ above. The WEAVE processor outputs ‘@}’.
   275  			s.controlCode = ccEndMetaComment
   276  		case '$':
   277  			// @$ [P] This denotes the string pool check sum.
   278  			s.controlCode = ccCheckSum
   279  		case '?':
   280  			// @? [P, T] This cancels an implicit (or explicit) ‘@!’, so that the next
   281  			// index entry will not be underlined.
   282  			s.controlCode = ccNoUnderline
   283  		case '=':
   284  			// @= [P] The “control text” that follows, up to the next ‘@>’, will be passed
   285  			// verbatim to the Pascal program.
   286  			s.controlCode = ccVerbatim
   287  		case '"':
   288  			// @" [P, T] A hexadecimal constant; ‘@"D0D0’ tangles to 53456 and weaves to
   289  			// ‘ ̋D0D0’.
   290  			s.controlCode = ccHex
   291  		case '\\':
   292  			// @\ [P] Force end-of-line here in the Pascal program file.
   293  			s.controlCode = ccForceLine
   294  		case '!':
   295  			// @! [P, T] The module number in an index entry will be underlined if ‘@!’
   296  			// immediately precedes the identifier or control text being indexed. This
   297  			// convention is used to distinguish the modules where an identifier is
   298  			// defined, or where it is explained in some special way, from the modules
   299  			// where it is used. A reserved word or an identifier of length one will not be
   300  			// indexed except for underlined entries. An ‘@!’ is implicitly inserted by
   301  			// WEAVE just after the reserved words function, procedure, program, and var,
   302  			// and just after @d and @f. But you should insert your own ‘@!’ before the
   303  			// definitions of types, constants, variables, parameters, and components of
   304  			// records and enumerated types that are not covered by this implicit
   305  			// convention, if you want to improve the quality of the index that you get.
   306  			s.controlCode = ccUnderline
   307  		case '+':
   308  			// @+ [P] This control code cancels a line break that might otherwise be
   309  			// inserted by WEAVE, e.g., before the word ‘else’, if you want to put a short
   310  			// if-then-else construction on a single line. It is ignored by TANGLE.
   311  			s.controlCode = ccNoLineBreak
   312  		case ';':
   313  			// @; [P] This control code is treated like a semicolon, for formatting
   314  			// purposes, except that it is invisible.  You can use it, for example, after a
   315  			// module name when the Pascal text represented by that module name ends with a
   316  			// semicolon.
   317  			s.controlCode = ccPseudoSemi
   318  		case '|':
   319  			// @| [P] This control code specifies an optional line break in the midst of an
   320  			// expression. For example, if you have a long condition between if and then,
   321  			// or a long expression on the right-hand side of an assignment statement, you
   322  			// can use ‘@|’ to specify breakpoints more logical than the ones that TEX
   323  			// might choose on visual grounds.
   324  			s.controlCode = ccMathBreak
   325  		default:
   326  			panic(todo("%v: %#U", s.controlCodePos, s.c2))
   327  		}
   329  		s.controlCodeValid = true
   330  		return s.controlCode
   331  	default:
   332  		return c
   333  	}
   334  }
   336  func (s *webScanner) consume() {
   337  	s.controlCodeValid = false
   338  	s.src.Consume()
   339  }
   341  func (s *webScanner) position() (r token.Position) {
   342  	if s.controlCodeValid {
   343  		return s.controlCodePos
   344  	}
   346  	if s.src != nil {
   347  		return s.src.Position()
   348  	}
   350  	return r
   351  }
   353  // Tangle processes 'src' and outputs the resulting Pascal code to 'pascal' and
   354  // a string pool to 'pool'. To apply a change file, pass knuth.NewChanger(src,
   355  // changes) as 'src'.
   356  //
   357  // The result is similar, but not compatible, to what the original TANGLE
   358  // outputs. It's also not compatible with the ISO Pascal Standard.
   359  func Tangle(pascal, pool io.Writer, src knuth.RuneSource) (err error) {
   360  	if !doPanic {
   361  		defer func() {
   362  			e := recover()
   363  			switch x := e.(type) {
   364  			case nil:
   365  				return
   366  			case abort:
   367  				err = error(x)
   368  				return
   369  			}
   371  			err = fmt.Errorf("PANIC %T: %[1]s, %s\n%s", e, err, debug.Stack())
   372  		}()
   373  	}
   375  	t := newTangle(pascal, pool, src)
   376  	if err := t.scan(); err != nil {
   377  		return err
   378  	}
   380  	// Sanitize code names.
   381  	t.codeNames = t.codeNames[:sortutil.Dedupe(sort.StringSlice(t.codeNames))]
   382  	for i, v := range t.codeNames {
   383  		if i < len(t.codeNames)-1 && strings.HasPrefix(t.codeNames[i+1], v) {
   384  			panic(todo("", i))
   385  		}
   386  	}
   387  	for _, m := range t.modules {
   388  		for _, c := range {
   389  			if nm :=; nm != "" {
   390  				nm = t.completeName(nm)
   391 = nm
   392  				t.codesByName[nm] = append(t.codesByName[nm], c)
   393  			}
   394  		}
   395  	}
   396  	t.src = nil
   397  	for _, m := range t.modules {
   398  		m.render(t)
   399  	}
   401  	return nil
   402  }
   404  type tangle struct {
   405  	*webScanner
   406  	codeNames   []string
   407  	codes       []*code
   408  	codesByName map[string][]*code
   409  	definitions map[string]*definition // @d
   410  	formats     map[string]*format     // @f
   411  	macroArgs   []func() knuth.RuneSource
   412  	modules     []*module
   413  	pascal      io.Writer
   414  	pascal0     bytes.Buffer
   415  	pool        io.Writer
   416  	poolSum     int
   417  	strings     map[string]int
   419  	constCount       int
   420  	constInjectState int
   421  	metaCommentLevel int
   422  }
   424  func newTangle(pascal, pool io.Writer, src knuth.RuneSource) *tangle {
   425  	return &tangle{
   426  		codesByName: map[string][]*code{},
   427  		definitions: map[string]*definition{},
   428  		formats:     map[string]*format{},
   429  		pascal:      pascal,
   430  		pool:        pool,
   431  		poolSum:     poolSumInit,
   432  		strings:     map[string]int{},
   433  		webScanner:  newWebScanner(src),
   434  	}
   435  }
   437  func (t *tangle) post() {
   438  	tagJoin := []byte("@&")
   439  	tagCheckSum := []byte("@$")
   440  	nl3 := []byte("\n\n\n")
   441  	b := t.pascal0.Bytes()
   442  	for len(b) != 0 {
   443  		x := bytes.Index(b, tagJoin)
   444  		if x < 0 {
   445  			break
   446  		}
   448  		c := b[:x]
   449  		b = b[x+len(tagJoin):]
   450  		c = bytes.TrimRight(c, blankSet)
   451  		if _, err := t.pascal.Write(c); err != nil {
   452  			panic(todo("", err))
   453  		}
   455  		b = bytes.TrimLeft(b, blankSet)
   456  	}
   457  	for bytes.Index(b, nl3) >= 0 {
   458  		b = bytes.ReplaceAll(b, nl3, nl3[:2])
   459  	}
   460  	for bytes.Index(b, tagCheckSum) >= 0 {
   461  		b = bytes.ReplaceAll(b, tagCheckSum, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(" %d ", t.poolSum)))
   462  	}
   463  	if _, err := t.pascal.Write(b); err != nil {
   464  		panic(todo("", err))
   465  	}
   466  	if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(t.pool, "*%09d\n", t.poolSum); err != nil {
   467  		panic(todo("", err))
   468  	}
   469  }
   471  func (t *tangle) w(s string, args ...interface{}) {
   472  	b := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(s, args...))
   473  	if oTrcw {
   474  		os.Stderr.Write(b)
   475  	}
   476  	var w []byte
   477  	for i := 0; i < len(b); {
   478  		c := b[i]
   479  		switch c {
   480  		case '@':
   481  			if i+1 == len(b) {
   482  				break
   483  			}
   485  			switch b[i+1] {
   486  			case '{':
   487  				t.metaCommentLevel++
   488  				if t.metaCommentLevel == 1 {
   489  					w = append(w, '{')
   490  				} else {
   491  					w = append(w, '[')
   492  				}
   493  				i += 2
   494  				continue
   495  			case '}':
   496  				if t.metaCommentLevel == 0 {
   497  					panic(todo("%v:", t.position()))
   498  				}
   500  				t.metaCommentLevel--
   501  				if t.metaCommentLevel == 0 {
   502  					w = append(w, '}')
   503  				} else {
   504  					w = append(w, ']')
   505  				}
   506  				i += 2
   507  				continue
   508  			case '@':
   509  				i++
   510  			case '&':
   511  				w = append(w, "@&"...)
   512  				i += 2
   513  				continue
   514  			}
   515  		case '{':
   516  			if t.metaCommentLevel != 0 {
   517  				c = '['
   518  			}
   519  		case '}':
   520  			if t.metaCommentLevel != 0 {
   521  				c = ']'
   522  			}
   523  		}
   524  		i++
   525  		w = append(w, c)
   526  	}
   527  	b = w
   528  	// fmt.Printf("%s", b)
   529  	if _, err := t.pascal0.Write(b); err != nil {
   530  		panic(abort(fmt.Errorf("%v: writing tangle result: %v", t.src.Position(), err)))
   531  	}
   532  }
   534  func (t *tangle) push(src knuth.RuneSource) {
   535  	if len(t.stack) == stackLimit {
   536  		panic(todo("", t.srcStack()))
   537  	}
   539  	if t.src != nil {
   540  		t.stack = append(t.stack, t.src)
   541  	}
   542  	t.src = src
   543  }
   545  func (t *tangle) pushCode(c *code) {
   546  	src := knuth.NewRuneSource(c.pos.Filename, []byte(c.pascal), knuth.Unicode)
   547  	src.AddLineColumnInfo(0, c.pos.Filename, c.pos.Line, c.pos.Column)
   548  	t.push(src)
   549  }
   551  func (t *tangle) scan() error {
   552  	t.scanLimbo()
   553  	for {
   554  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   555  		case eof:
   556  			return nil
   557  		case ccNewStarredModule:
   558  			t.consume() // "@*"
   559  			t.addModule(t.scanModule(t.scanModuleNameDot()))
   560  		case ccNewModule:
   561  			t.consume() // "@ "
   562  			t.addModule(t.scanModule(""))
   563  		default:
   564  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   565  		}
   566  	}
   567  }
   569  func (t *tangle) addModule(m *module) {
   570  	t.modules = append(t.modules, m)
   571  	m.number = len(t.modules)
   572  }
   574  func (t *tangle) scanModuleNameDot() string {
   575  	var b strings.Builder
   576  	for {
   577  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   578  		case '.':
   579  			t.consume()
   580  			return strings.TrimSpace(b.String())
   581  		default:
   582  			if c >= 0 {
   583  				b.WriteRune(c)
   584  				t.consume()
   585  				continue
   586  			}
   588  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   589  		}
   590  	}
   591  }
   593  func (t *tangle) scanModule(nm string) *module {
   594  	m := &module{name: nm}
   595  	m.pos, m.tex = t.scanTeX()
   596  	for {
   597  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   598  		case ccDefinition:
   599  			t.addDefinition(t.scanDefinition())
   600  		case ccNewStarredModule, ccNewModule, eof:
   601  			return m
   602  		case ccBeginPascal:
   603  			t.consume()
   604  			pos, s := t.scanPascal(false, true)
   605  			c := &code{pos: pos, pascal: s, inModule: m}
   606 = append(, c)
   607  		case ccModuleName:
   608  			nm := t.scanModuleName()
   609  			t.addCodeName(nm)
   610  			t.scanBlank()
   611  			if t.c() == '+' {
   612  				t.consume() // handle "+=" the same as "=".
   613  			}
   614  			switch c := t.c(); c {
   615  			case '=':
   616  				t.consume()
   617  				pos, s := t.scanPascal(false, true)
   618  				c := &code{name: nm, pos: pos, pascal: s, inModule: m}
   619 = append(, c)
   620  			default:
   621  				panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   622  			}
   623  		case ccFormat:
   624  			t.addFormat(t.scanFormat())
   625  		default:
   626  			if c >= 0 {
   627  				panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   628  			}
   630  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   631  		}
   632  		t.scanSeparator()
   633  	}
   634  }
   636  func (t *tangle) completeName(nm string) string {
   637  	if strings.HasSuffix(nm, incompleteNameTag) {
   638  		nm0 := nm
   639  		nm = nm[:len(nm)-len(incompleteNameTag)]
   640  		x := sort.SearchStrings(t.codeNames, nm)
   641  		if x == len(t.codeNames) {
   642  			panic(todo("%q %q", nm, t.codeNames))
   643  		}
   645  		nm1 := nm
   646  		nm = t.codeNames[x]
   647  		if !strings.HasPrefix(nm, nm1) {
   648  			for i, v := range t.codeNames {
   649  				trc("%3d: %q", i, v)
   650  			}
   651  			panic(todo("%q -> %q -> %q, x %d", nm0, nm1, nm, x))
   652  		}
   653  	}
   654  	return nm
   655  }
   657  func (t *tangle) findCode(nm string) (r []*code) {
   658  	nm = t.completeName(nm)
   659  	r = t.codesByName[nm]
   660  	if r == nil {
   661  		panic(todo("%q", nm))
   662  	}
   664  	return r
   665  }
   667  func (t *tangle) addCodeName(nm string) {
   668  	if strings.HasSuffix(nm, incompleteNameTag) {
   669  		return
   670  	}
   672  	t.codeNames = append(t.codeNames, nm)
   673  }
   675  func (t *tangle) addFormat(f *format) {
   676  	if ex, ok := t.formats[f.l]; ok {
   677  		panic(todo("%v: %q redefined, previous at %v:", f.pos, f.l, ex.pos))
   678  	}
   680  	t.formats[f.l] = f
   681  }
   683  func (t *tangle) addDefinition(d *definition) {
   684  	if ex, ok := t.definitions[]; ok {
   685  		panic(todo("%v: %q redefined, previous at %v:", d.pos,, ex.pos))
   686  	}
   688  	d.ord = len(t.definitions)
   689  	t.definitions[] = d
   690  	if d.kind == "=" {
   691  		t.constCount++
   692  	}
   693  }
   695  func (t *tangle) scanFormat() *format {
   696  	t.consume()
   697  	f := &format{pos: t.position()}
   698  	_, _, f.l = t.scanIdentifier()
   699  	t.scanBlank()
   700  	switch c := t.c(); c {
   701  	case '=':
   702  		t.consume()
   703  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   704  		case '=':
   705  			t.consume()
   706  			_, _, f.r = t.scanIdentifier()
   707  			f.postSep = t.scanSeparator()
   708  		default:
   709  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   710  		}
   711  	default:
   712  		panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   713  	}
   714  	return f
   715  }
   717  func (t *tangle) scanDefinition() (r *definition) {
   718  	t.consume()
   719  	d := &definition{pos: t.position()}
   721  	defer func() {
   722  		if r != nil {
   723  			r.replacement = strings.TrimRight(r.replacement, blankSet) + " "
   724  		}
   725  	}()
   727  	_, _, = t.scanIdentifier()
   728  	t.scanBlank()
   729  	switch c := t.c(); c {
   730  	case '=':
   731  		t.consume()
   732  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   733  		case '=':
   734  			t.consume()
   735  			d.kind = "=="
   736  			d.replPos = t.position()
   737  			_, d.replacement = t.scanPascal(true, false)
   738  		default:
   739  			d.kind = "="
   740  			d.replPos = t.position()
   741  			_, d.replacement = t.scanPascal(true, true)
   742  		}
   743  	case '(':
   744  		t.consume()
   745  		t.scanBlank()
   746  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   747  		case '#':
   748  			t.consume()
   749  			t.scanBlank()
   750  			switch c := t.c(); c {
   751  			case ')':
   752  				t.consume()
   753  				t.scanBlank()
   754  				switch c := t.c(); c {
   755  				case '=':
   756  					t.consume()
   757  					switch c := t.c(); c {
   758  					case '=':
   759  						t.consume()
   760  						d.kind = "(#)"
   761  						d.replPos = t.position()
   762  						_, d.replacement = t.scanPascal(true, false)
   763  					default:
   764  						panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   765  					}
   766  				default:
   767  					panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   768  				}
   769  			default:
   770  				panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   771  			}
   772  		default:
   773  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   774  		}
   775  	default:
   776  		panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   777  	}
   778  	return d
   779  }
   781  func (t *tangle) scanPascal(def, sep bool) (pos token.Position, s string) {
   782  	pos = t.position()
   783  	var b strings.Builder
   784  	for {
   785  		s := t.scanSeparator()
   786  		if s != "" {
   787  			switch {
   788  			case sep:
   789  				b.WriteString(s)
   790  			default:
   791  				b.WriteByte(' ')
   792  			}
   793  		}
   794  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   795  		case '\'':
   796  			_, s := t.scanPascalStringLiteral()
   797  			b.WriteString(s)
   798  		case '"':
   799  			_, s := t.scanQuotedStringLiteral()
   800  			b.WriteString(s)
   801  		case ccNewStarredModule, ccDefinition, ccNewModule, ccBeginPascal, ccFormat, eof:
   802  			return pos, b.String()
   803  		case ccModuleName:
   804  			if def {
   805  				return pos, b.String()
   806  			}
   808  			nm := t.scanModuleName()
   809  			t.addCodeName(nm)
   810  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "@<%s@>", nm)
   811  		case ccLineBreak:
   812  			t.consume()
   813  			b.WriteRune('\n')
   814  		case ccOctal:
   815  			_, sep, s := t.scanOctal()
   816  			n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 8, 64)
   817  			if err != nil {
   818  				panic(todo("", err))
   819  			}
   821  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s{0%o=}%[2]d", sep, n)
   822  		case ccHex:
   823  			_, sep, s := t.scanHex()
   824  			n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 16, 64)
   825  			if err != nil {
   826  				panic(todo("", err))
   827  			}
   829  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s{0x%x=}%[2]d", sep, n)
   830  		case ccXrefRoman, ccXrefTypewriter, ccXrefWildcard:
   831  			_, s := t.scanXref()
   832  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "{ %s }", commentSafe(s))
   833  		case ccTeXString:
   834  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "{ %s }", commentSafe(t.scanTeXString()))
   835  		case ccJoin:
   836  			t.consume()
   837  			b.WriteString("@&")
   838  		case ccCheckSum:
   839  			t.consume()
   840  			b.WriteString("@$")
   841  		case ccVerbatim:
   842  			b.WriteString(t.scanVerbatim())
   843  		case ccBeginMetaComment:
   844  			t.consume()
   845  			b.WriteString("@{")
   846  		case ccEndMetaComment:
   847  			t.consume()
   848  			b.WriteString("@}")
   849  		default:
   850  			if c >= 0 {
   851  				switch {
   852  				case t.isIdentFirst(c):
   853  					_, _, s := t.scanIdentifier()
   854  					b.WriteString(s)
   855  				case t.isDigit(c):
   856  					_, _, s := t.scanDecimal()
   857  					b.WriteString(s)
   858  				default:
   859  					switch c {
   860  					case
   861  						'(', '#', ')', ',', ';', ':', '=',
   862  						'+', '-', '[', ']', '>', '.', '*',
   863  						'<', '/', '^', '$':
   864  						t.consume()
   865  						b.WriteRune(c)
   866  					default:
   867  						panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   868  					}
   869  				}
   870  				break
   871  			}
   873  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   874  		}
   875  	}
   876  }
   878  func (t *tangle) scanVerbatim() string {
   879  	t.consume()
   880  	var b strings.Builder
   881  	for {
   882  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   883  		case ccEnd:
   884  			t.consume()
   885  			return b.String()
   886  		case ccAt:
   887  			t.consume()
   888  			b.WriteString("@@")
   889  		default:
   890  			if c >= 0 {
   891  				b.WriteRune(c)
   892  				t.consume()
   893  				continue
   894  			}
   896  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   897  		}
   898  	}
   899  }
   901  func (t *tangle) scanHex() (pos token.Position, sep, n string) {
   902  	t.consume() // "@\""
   903  	sep = t.scanSeparator()
   904  	pos = t.position()
   905  	var b strings.Builder
   906  	for {
   907  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   908  		default:
   909  			if c >= 0 {
   910  				if t.isDigit(c) || c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' {
   911  					b.WriteRune(c)
   912  					t.consume()
   913  					continue
   914  				}
   916  				return pos, sep, b.String()
   917  			}
   919  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   920  		}
   921  	}
   922  }
   924  func (t *tangle) scanOctal() (pos token.Position, sep, n string) {
   925  	t.consume() // "@'"
   926  	sep = t.scanSeparator()
   927  	pos = t.position()
   928  	var b strings.Builder
   929  	for {
   930  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   931  		default:
   932  			if c >= 0 {
   933  				if c >= '0' && c <= '7' {
   934  					b.WriteRune(c)
   935  					t.consume()
   936  					continue
   937  				}
   939  				return pos, sep, b.String()
   940  			}
   942  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   943  		}
   944  	}
   945  }
   947  func (t *tangle) scanNumeric() (pos token.Position, sep, n string) {
   948  	sep = t.scanSeparator()
   949  	pos = t.position()
   950  	var b strings.Builder
   951  	hex := false
   952  	for {
   953  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   954  		case ccNoLineBreak:
   955  			return pos, sep, b.String()
   956  		default:
   957  			if c >= 0 {
   958  				if c >= '0' && c <= '9' || hex && (c >= 'a' && c < 'f') {
   959  					b.WriteRune(c)
   960  					t.consume()
   961  					continue
   962  				}
   964  				if b.String() == "0" && c == 'x' {
   965  					hex = true
   966  					b.WriteRune(c)
   967  					t.consume()
   968  					continue
   969  				}
   971  				return pos, sep, b.String()
   972  			}
   974  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   975  		}
   976  	}
   977  }
   979  func (t *tangle) scanDecimal() (pos token.Position, sep, n string) {
   980  	sep = t.scanSeparator()
   981  	pos = t.position()
   982  	var b strings.Builder
   983  	for {
   984  		switch c := t.c(); c {
   985  		case ccNoLineBreak:
   986  			return pos, sep, b.String()
   987  		default:
   988  			if c >= 0 {
   989  				if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
   990  					b.WriteRune(c)
   991  					t.consume()
   992  					continue
   993  				}
   995  				return pos, sep, b.String()
   996  			}
   998  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
   999  		}
  1000  	}
  1001  }
  1003  func (t *tangle) scanModuleName() (r string) {
  1004  	t.consume() // "@<"
  1005  	var b strings.Builder
  1006  	var last rune
  1007  	for {
  1008  		c := t.c()
  1009  		switch c {
  1010  		case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
  1011  			c = ' '
  1012  			if last == ' ' {
  1013  				t.consume()
  1014  				continue
  1015  			}
  1016  		}
  1018  		last = c
  1019  		switch c {
  1020  		case ccEnd:
  1021  			t.consume()
  1022  			r = strings.TrimSpace(b.String())
  1023  			return r
  1024  		case ccThinSpace:
  1025  			t.consume()
  1026  			b.WriteString("@,")
  1027  		case ccOctal:
  1028  			t.consume()
  1029  			b.WriteString("@'")
  1030  		case ccAt:
  1031  			t.consume()
  1032  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1033  		default:
  1034  			if c >= 0 {
  1035  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1036  				t.consume()
  1037  				continue
  1038  			}
  1040  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1041  		}
  1042  	}
  1043  }
  1045  func (t *tangle) scanTeXInComment() (r string) {
  1046  	var b strings.Builder
  1047  	// pos := t.position()
  1048  	t.consume() // "$"
  1049  	b.WriteByte('$')
  1050  	for {
  1051  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1052  		case '$':
  1053  			t.consume()
  1054  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1055  			r = commentSafe(b.String())
  1056  			return r
  1057  		case ccAt:
  1058  			t.consume()
  1059  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1060  		case ccHex:
  1061  			t.consume()
  1062  			b.WriteString("@\"")
  1063  		default:
  1064  			if c >= 0 {
  1065  				t.consume()
  1066  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1067  				break
  1068  			}
  1070  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1071  		}
  1072  	}
  1073  }
  1075  func (t *tangle) scanPascalBracedComment() (r string) {
  1076  	// pos := t.position()
  1077  	var b strings.Builder
  1078  	lvl := 0
  1079  	for {
  1080  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1081  		case '{':
  1082  			t.consume()
  1083  			lvl++
  1084  			b.WriteString("{")
  1085  		case '}':
  1086  			t.consume()
  1087  			lvl--
  1088  			b.WriteString("}")
  1089  			if lvl == 0 {
  1090  				s := b.String()
  1091  				return "{" + commentSafe(s[1:len(s)-1]) + "}"
  1092  			}
  1093  		case '$':
  1094  			b.WriteString(t.scanTeXInComment())
  1095  		case '\\':
  1096  			t.consume()
  1097  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1098  			switch c := t.c(); c {
  1099  			default:
  1100  				if c >= 0 {
  1101  					t.consume()
  1102  					b.WriteRune(c)
  1103  					break
  1104  				}
  1106  				panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1107  			}
  1108  		case ccTeXString:
  1109  			b.WriteString(t.scanTeXString())
  1110  		case ccOctal:
  1111  			t.consume()
  1112  			b.WriteString("@'")
  1113  		case ccAt:
  1114  			t.consume()
  1115  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1116  		case ccUnderline:
  1117  			t.consume()
  1118  			b.WriteString("@!")
  1119  		case ccHex:
  1120  			t.consume()
  1121  			b.WriteString("@\"")
  1122  		case ccBeginMetaComment:
  1123  			t.consume()
  1124  			b.WriteString(" ")
  1125  		case ccEndMetaComment:
  1126  			t.consume()
  1127  			b.WriteString(" ")
  1128  		default:
  1129  			if c >= 0 {
  1130  				t.consume()
  1131  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1132  				break
  1133  			}
  1135  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1136  		}
  1137  	}
  1138  }
  1140  func (t *tangle) scanQuotedStringLiteral() (pos token.Position, s string) {
  1141  	var b strings.Builder
  1142  	pos = t.position()
  1143  	t.consume() // leading "\""
  1144  	b.WriteRune('"')
  1145  out:
  1146  	for {
  1147  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1148  		case '"':
  1149  			t.consume()
  1150  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1151  			if t.c() != '"' {
  1152  				break out
  1153  			}
  1155  			t.consume()
  1156  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1157  		case ccAt:
  1158  			t.consume()
  1159  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1160  		default:
  1161  			if c >= 0 {
  1162  				t.consume()
  1163  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1164  				break
  1165  			}
  1167  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1168  		}
  1169  	}
  1170  	s0 := b.String()
  1171  	s = s0[1 : len(s0)-1]
  1172  	s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `""`, `"`)
  1173  	s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `@@`, `@`)
  1174  	if a := []rune(s); len(a) == 1 {
  1175  		return pos, fmt.Sprintf("{%s=}%d", commentSafe(s0), a[0])
  1176  	}
  1178  	id := t.strings[s]
  1179  	if id == 0 {
  1180  		id = 256 + len(t.strings)
  1181  		t.strings[s] = id
  1182  		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(t.pool, "%02d%s\n", len(s), s); err != nil {
  1183  			panic(todo("", err))
  1184  		}
  1185  		const prime = 03777777667
  1186  		t.poolSum += t.poolSum + len(s)
  1187  		for t.poolSum > prime {
  1188  			t.poolSum -= prime
  1189  		}
  1190  		for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
  1191  			t.poolSum += t.poolSum + int(s[i])
  1192  			for t.poolSum > prime {
  1193  				t.poolSum -= prime
  1194  			}
  1195  		}
  1196  	}
  1197  	return pos, fmt.Sprintf("{%s=}%d", commentSafe(s0), id)
  1198  }
  1200  func (t *tangle) scanPascalStringLiteral() (pos token.Position, s string) {
  1201  	var b strings.Builder
  1202  	t.consume() // leading "'"
  1203  	b.WriteRune('\'')
  1204  	for {
  1205  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1206  		case '\'':
  1207  			t.consume()
  1208  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1209  			if t.c() != '\'' {
  1210  				return pos, b.String()
  1211  			}
  1213  			t.consume()
  1214  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1215  		case ccAt:
  1216  			t.consume()
  1217  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1218  		default:
  1219  			if c >= 0 {
  1220  				t.consume()
  1221  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1222  				break
  1223  			}
  1225  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1226  		}
  1227  	}
  1228  }
  1230  func (t *tangle) isIdentFirst(c rune) bool {
  1231  	return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c == '_'
  1232  }
  1234  func (t *tangle) isIdentNext(c rune) bool {
  1235  	return t.isIdentFirst(c) || t.isDigit(c)
  1236  }
  1238  func (t *tangle) isDigit(c rune) bool { return c >= '0' && c <= '9' }
  1240  func (t *tangle) scanIdentifier() (pos token.Position, sep, id string) {
  1241  	sep = t.scanSeparator()
  1242  	pos = t.position()
  1243  	var b strings.Builder
  1244  	first := true
  1245  	for {
  1246  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1247  		default:
  1248  			if first && t.isIdentFirst(c) || t.isIdentNext(c) {
  1249  				first = false
  1250  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1251  				t.consume()
  1252  				continue
  1253  			}
  1255  			return pos, sep, b.String()
  1256  		}
  1257  	}
  1258  }
  1260  func (t *tangle) scanBlank() string {
  1261  	var b strings.Builder
  1262  	for {
  1263  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1264  		case ' ', '\t', '\r':
  1265  			b.WriteByte(' ')
  1266  			t.consume()
  1267  		case '\n':
  1268  			b.WriteByte('\n')
  1269  			t.consume()
  1270  		default:
  1271  			return b.String()
  1272  		}
  1273  	}
  1274  }
  1276  func (t *tangle) scanSeparator() string {
  1277  	var b strings.Builder
  1278  	for {
  1279  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1280  		case ' ', '\t', '\r':
  1281  			b.WriteByte(' ')
  1282  			t.consume()
  1283  		case '\n':
  1284  			b.WriteByte('\n')
  1285  			t.consume()
  1286  		case '{':
  1287  			b.WriteString(t.scanPascalBracedComment())
  1288  		case
  1289  			ccNewStarredModule, ccDefinition, ccNewModule, ccBeginPascal,
  1290  			ccFormat, eof, ccModuleName, ccOctal, ccXrefRoman,
  1291  			ccXrefTypewriter, ccXrefWildcard, ccTeXString,
  1292  			ccJoin, ccCheckSum, ccVerbatim, ccHex, ccBeginMetaComment, ccEndMetaComment:
  1294  			return b.String()
  1295  		case ccBigLineBreak, ccForceLine, ccLineBreak:
  1296  			t.consume()
  1297  			b.WriteString("\n")
  1298  		case ccThinSpace, ccNoUnderline, ccNoLineBreak, ccMathBreak, ccPseudoSemi, ccUnderline:
  1299  			t.consume()
  1300  			b.WriteByte(' ')
  1301  		default:
  1302  			if c >= 0 || c == eof {
  1303  				return b.String()
  1304  			}
  1306  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1307  		}
  1308  	}
  1309  }
  1311  func (t *tangle) scanSeparator2() string {
  1312  	var b strings.Builder
  1313  outer:
  1314  	for {
  1315  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1316  		case ' ', '\t', '\r':
  1317  			b.WriteByte(' ')
  1318  			t.consume()
  1319  		case '\n':
  1320  			b.WriteByte('\n')
  1321  			t.consume()
  1322  		case '{':
  1323  			t.consume()
  1324  			b.WriteRune(c)
  1325  			for {
  1326  				switch c := t.c(); c {
  1327  				case '}':
  1328  					t.consume()
  1329  					b.WriteRune(c)
  1330  					continue outer
  1331  				case eof:
  1332  					return b.String()
  1333  				case ccForceLine:
  1334  					t.consume()
  1335  					b.WriteByte('\n')
  1336  				case ccAt:
  1337  					t.consume()
  1338  					b.WriteString("@@")
  1339  				case ccOctal:
  1340  					t.consume()
  1341  					b.WriteString("@'")
  1342  				case ccUnderline:
  1343  					t.consume()
  1344  					b.WriteString("@!")
  1345  				case ccHex:
  1346  					t.consume()
  1347  					b.WriteString("@\"")
  1348  				default:
  1349  					if c >= 0 {
  1350  						t.consume()
  1351  						b.WriteRune(c)
  1352  						continue
  1353  					}
  1355  					panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1356  				}
  1357  			}
  1358  		case ccModuleName, ccPopMacroArg, ccBeginMetaComment, ccEndMetaComment:
  1359  			return b.String()
  1360  		default:
  1361  			if c >= 0 || c == eof {
  1362  				return b.String()
  1363  			}
  1365  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1366  		}
  1367  	}
  1368  }
  1370  func (t *tangle) scanTeX() (pos token.Position, r string) {
  1371  	defer func() { r = strings.TrimRight(r, blankSet) }()
  1373  	pos = t.position()
  1374  	var b strings.Builder
  1375  	for {
  1376  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1377  		case eof:
  1378  			return pos, b.String()
  1379  		case ccXrefRoman, ccXrefTypewriter, ccXrefWildcard:
  1380  			_, s := t.scanXref()
  1381  			b.WriteString(s)
  1382  		case ccNewStarredModule, ccDefinition, ccNewModule, ccBeginPascal, ccModuleName, ccFormat:
  1383  			return pos, b.String()
  1384  		case ccTeXString:
  1385  			b.WriteString(t.scanTeXString())
  1386  		case ccOctal:
  1387  			t.consume()
  1388  			b.WriteString("@'")
  1389  		case ccHex:
  1390  			t.consume()
  1391  			b.WriteString("@\"")
  1392  		case ccThinSpace, ccUnderline:
  1393  			t.consume()
  1394  			b.WriteString(" ")
  1395  		case ccAt:
  1396  			t.consume()
  1397  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1398  		default:
  1399  			if c >= 0 {
  1400  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1401  				t.consume()
  1402  				continue
  1403  			}
  1405  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1406  		}
  1407  	}
  1408  }
  1410  func (t *tangle) scanTeXString() string {
  1411  	t.consume()
  1412  	var b strings.Builder
  1413  	for {
  1414  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1415  		case ccEnd:
  1416  			t.consume()
  1417  			return b.String()
  1418  		default:
  1419  			if c >= 0 {
  1420  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1421  				t.consume()
  1422  				continue
  1423  			}
  1425  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1426  		}
  1427  	}
  1428  }
  1430  func (t *tangle) scanXref() (pos token.Position, s string) {
  1431  	pos = t.position()
  1432  	t.consume()
  1433  	var b strings.Builder
  1434  	for {
  1435  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1436  		case ccEnd:
  1437  			t.consume()
  1438  			return pos, fmt.Sprintf("\\xref[%s]", b.String())
  1439  		default:
  1440  			if c >= 0 {
  1441  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1442  				t.consume()
  1443  				continue
  1444  			}
  1446  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), c, t.c2))
  1447  		}
  1448  	}
  1449  }
  1451  func (t *tangle) scanLimbo() {
  1452  	var b strings.Builder
  1453  	for {
  1454  		switch c := t.c(); c {
  1455  		case ccNewStarredModule, ccNewModule, eof:
  1456  			if b.Len() == 0 {
  1457  				return
  1458  			}
  1460  			t.w("{ %s }", commentSafe(b.String()))
  1461  			return
  1462  		case ccAt:
  1463  			t.consume()
  1464  			b.WriteString("@@")
  1465  		default:
  1466  			if c >= 0 {
  1467  				b.WriteRune(c)
  1468  				t.consume()
  1469  				continue
  1470  			}
  1472  			panic(todo("%v: %#U", t.position(), t.c2))
  1473  		}
  1474  	}
  1475  }
  1477  func (t *tangle) injectConstants(appending bool) {
  1478  	if !appending {
  1479  		t.w("\n\nconst")
  1480  	}
  1481  	var a []*definition
  1482  	for _, d := range t.definitions {
  1483  		if d.kind == "=" {
  1484  			a = append(a, d)
  1485  		}
  1486  	}
  1487  	sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].ord < a[j].ord })
  1488  	for _, d := range a {
  1489  		t.w("\n  %s = %s;",, d.replacement)
  1490  	}
  1491  	t.w("\n")
  1492  }
  1494  type module struct {
  1495  	name  string // Non blank for @* modules only.
  1496  	codes []*code
  1497  	pos   token.Position
  1498  	tex   string
  1500  	number int
  1502  	teXRendered bool
  1503  }
  1505  func (m *module) render(t *tangle) {
  1506  	if len( == 0 {
  1507  		m.renderTeX(t)
  1508  		return
  1509  	}
  1511  	for _, c := range {
  1512  		if == "" {
  1513  			c.render(t)
  1514  		}
  1515  	}
  1516  }
  1518  func (m *module) renderTeX(t *tangle) {
  1519  	if m.teXRendered {
  1520  		return
  1521  	}
  1523  	t.w("\n")
  1524  	switch s := strings.TrimSpace(; {
  1525  	case s != "":
  1526  		t.w("\n{ %d. %s }", m.number, commentSafe(s))
  1527  	default:
  1528  		t.w("\n{ %d. }", m.number)
  1529  	}
  1530  	if s := strings.TrimSpace(m.tex); s != "" {
  1531  		pos := m.pos
  1532  		pos.Line--
  1533  		t.w("\n\n{tangle:pos %v: }", m.pos)
  1534  		t.w("\n\n{ %s }", commentSafe(s))
  1535  	}
  1536  	m.teXRendered = true
  1537  }
  1539  type format struct {
  1540  	l, r    string // l == r
  1541  	pos     token.Position
  1542  	postSep string
  1543  }
  1545  type code struct {
  1546  	inModule *module
  1547  	name     string
  1548  	pos      token.Position
  1549  	pascal   string
  1550  }
  1552  func (c *code) render(t *tangle) {
  1553  	c.inModule.renderTeX(t)
  1554  	t.pushCode(c)
  1555  	c.scan(t)
  1556  }
  1558  func (c *code) scan(t *tangle) {
  1559  	const (
  1560  		injZero = iota
  1561  		injSeenProgram
  1562  		injDone
  1563  	)
  1564  	for {
  1565  		switch ch := t.c(); ch {
  1566  		case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r', '{':
  1567  			s := t.scanSeparator2()
  1568  			t.w("%s", s)
  1569  		case
  1570  			'(', ',', ')', ';', '=', '.', ':', '[', ']', '+', '-', '>',
  1571  			'*', '<', '/', '$', '^':
  1572  			t.consume()
  1573  			t.w("%c", ch)
  1574  		case '\'':
  1575  			_, s := t.scanPascalStringLiteral()
  1576  			t.w("%s", s)
  1577  		case '"':
  1578  			_, s := t.scanQuotedStringLiteral()
  1579  			t.w("%s", s)
  1580  		case ccModuleName:
  1581  			nm := t.scanModuleName()
  1582  			codes := t.findCode(nm)
  1583  			t.w("\n{ %s }", commentSafe(nm))
  1584  			for i := len(codes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  1585  				t.pushCode(codes[i])
  1586  			}
  1587  		case '#':
  1588  			if len(t.macroArgs) == 0 {
  1589  				panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), ch, t.c2))
  1590  			}
  1592  			t.consume()
  1593  			t.push(t.macroArgs[len(t.macroArgs)-1]())
  1594  		case eof:
  1595  			return
  1596  		case ccPopMacroArg:
  1597  			t.consume()
  1598  			t.macroArgs = t.macroArgs[:len(t.macroArgs)-1]
  1599  		case ccBeginMetaComment:
  1600  			t.consume()
  1601  			t.w("@{")
  1602  		case ccEndMetaComment:
  1603  			t.consume()
  1604  			t.w("@}")
  1605  		case ccJoin:
  1606  			t.consume()
  1607  			t.w("@&")
  1608  		case ccCheckSum:
  1609  			t.consume()
  1610  			t.w("@$")
  1611  		default:
  1612  			if ch >= 0 {
  1613  				switch {
  1614  				case t.isIdentFirst(ch):
  1615  					_, _, id := t.scanIdentifier()
  1616  					switch d := t.definitions[id]; {
  1617  					case d != nil && d.kind != "=":
  1618  						c.expand(t, d)
  1619  					default:
  1620  						if t.constCount != 0 {
  1621  							switch t.constInjectState {
  1622  							case injZero:
  1623  								if id == "program" {
  1624  									t.constInjectState = injSeenProgram
  1625  								}
  1626  							case injSeenProgram:
  1627  								switch id {
  1628  								case "const":
  1629  									t.w("\nconst\n")
  1630  									t.injectConstants(true)
  1631  									t.constInjectState = injDone
  1632  									continue
  1633  								case "type", "var", "procedure", "function", "begin":
  1634  									t.injectConstants(false)
  1635  									t.constInjectState = injDone
  1636  									t.w("\n")
  1637  								}
  1638  							}
  1639  						}
  1640  						t.w("%s", id)
  1641  					}
  1642  				case t.isDigit(ch):
  1643  					_, _, s := t.scanDecimal()
  1644  					t.w("%s", s)
  1645  				default:
  1646  					panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), ch, t.c2))
  1647  				}
  1648  				continue
  1649  			}
  1651  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), ch, t.c2))
  1652  		}
  1653  	}
  1654  }
  1656  func (c *code) expand(t *tangle, d *definition) {
  1657  	switch d.kind {
  1658  	case "=", "==":
  1659  		repl := d.replacement
  1660  		replSrc := knuth.NewRuneSource(d.pos.Filename, []byte(repl), knuth.Unicode)
  1661  		p := d.replPos
  1662  		replSrc.AddLineColumnInfo(0, p.Filename, p.Line, p.Column)
  1663  		t.push(replSrc)
  1664  	case "(#)":
  1665  	out:
  1666  		for {
  1667  			switch ch := t.c(); ch {
  1668  			case '(':
  1669  				break out
  1670  			case '\n', ' ':
  1671  				t.scanSeparator2()
  1672  			case ccPopMacroArg:
  1673  				t.consume()
  1674  				t.macroArgs = t.macroArgs[:len(t.macroArgs)-1]
  1675  			default:
  1676  				panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), ch, t.c2))
  1677  			}
  1678  		}
  1680  		p := t.position()
  1681  		arg := c.scanMacroArg(t)
  1682  		t.macroArgs = append(t.macroArgs, func() knuth.RuneSource {
  1683  			argSrc := knuth.NewRuneSource(p.Filename, []byte(arg), knuth.Unicode)
  1684  			argSrc.AddLineColumnInfo(0, p.Filename, p.Line, p.Column)
  1685  			return argSrc
  1686  		})
  1687  		replSrc := knuth.NewRuneSource(d.pos.Filename, []byte(d.replacement+"@Z"), knuth.Unicode)
  1688  		p = d.replPos
  1689  		replSrc.AddLineColumnInfo(0, p.Filename, p.Line, p.Column)
  1690  		t.push(replSrc)
  1691  	default:
  1692  		panic(todo("%v: %q %q", d.pos,, d.kind))
  1693  	}
  1694  }
  1696  func (c *code) scanMacroArg(t *tangle) string {
  1697  	var b strings.Builder
  1698  	lvl := 0
  1699  	for {
  1700  		switch ch := t.c(); ch {
  1701  		case '(':
  1702  			t.consume()
  1703  			if lvl != 0 {
  1704  				b.WriteRune(ch)
  1705  			}
  1706  			lvl++
  1707  		case ')':
  1708  			t.consume()
  1709  			lvl--
  1710  			if lvl == 0 {
  1711  				return b.String()
  1712  			}
  1714  			b.WriteRune(ch)
  1715  		case ccPopMacroArg:
  1716  			t.consume()
  1717  			b.WriteString("@Z")
  1718  		case '#':
  1719  			t.consume()
  1720  			t.push(t.macroArgs[len(t.macroArgs)-1]())
  1721  		case ' ', '\n', '{':
  1722  			s := t.scanSeparator2()
  1723  			b.WriteString(s)
  1724  		case
  1725  			',', ';', '=', '.', ':', '[', ']', '+', '-', '>', '*', '<',
  1726  			'/', '^':
  1727  			t.consume()
  1728  			b.WriteRune(ch)
  1729  		case '\'':
  1730  			_, s := t.scanPascalStringLiteral()
  1731  			b.WriteString(s)
  1732  		case '"':
  1733  			_, s := t.scanQuotedStringLiteral()
  1734  			b.WriteString(s)
  1735  		case ccCheckSum:
  1736  			t.consume()
  1737  			b.WriteString("@$")
  1738  		default:
  1739  			if ch >= 0 {
  1740  				switch {
  1741  				case t.isIdentFirst(ch):
  1742  					_, _, id := t.scanIdentifier()
  1743  					b.WriteByte(' ')
  1744  					b.WriteString(id)
  1745  				case t.isDigit(ch):
  1746  					_, _, s := t.scanNumeric()
  1747  					b.WriteByte(' ')
  1748  					b.WriteString(s)
  1749  				default:
  1750  					panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), ch, t.c2))
  1751  				}
  1752  				continue
  1753  			}
  1755  			panic(todo("%v: %#U %#U", t.position(), ch, t.c2))
  1756  		}
  1757  	}
  1758  }
  1760  type definition struct {
  1761  	kind        string // "=", "==", "(#)"
  1762  	name        string
  1763  	ord         int
  1764  	pos         token.Position
  1765  	replPos     token.Position
  1766  	replacement string
  1767  }