
     1  % This program by D. E. Knuth is not copyrighted and can be used freely.
     2  % Version 0.0 was more-or-less debugged on June 4, 1985.
     3  % Version 0.1 improved formatting of : and added \\ (June 15, 1985).
     4  % Version 0.2 improved formatting of good, fixed @@ bug (August 4, 1985).
     5  % Version 0.3 fixed minor bug in change_file move (August 30, 1985).
     6  % Version 0.4 fixed minor bug regarding empty comments (April 8, 1989).
     7  % Version 1.0 was tuned up for the METAFONTware report (April 16, 1989).
     8  % Version 1.1 ditto, with input handled by Hosek's idea (April 27, 1989).
     9  % Version 2 has the new primitives of METAFONT 2.0 (October 16, 1989).
    10  % Version 2.1 corrects two of those primitives (January 20, 2021).
    12  % Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
    13  \def\hang{\hangindent 3em\indent\ignorespaces}
    14  \font\ninerm=cmr9
    15  \let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps for names like SAIL
    16  \def\PASCAL{Pascal}
    17  \font\logo=manfnt % font used for the METAFONT logo
    18  \def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}}
    19  \def\pb{$\.|\ldots\.|$} % MF brackets (|...|)
    20  \def\v{\.{\char'174}} % vertical (|) in typewriter font
    21  \def\dleft{[\![} \def\dright{]\!]} % double brackets
    22  \mathchardef\RA="3221 % right arrow
    23  \mathchardef\BA="3224 % double arrow
    24  \def\({} % kludge for alphabetizing certain module names
    26  \def\title{MFT}
    27  \def\contentspagenumber{401}
    28  \def\topofcontents{\null
    29    \titlefalse % include headline on the contents page
    30    \def\rheader{\mainfont\hfil \contentspagenumber}
    31    \vfill
    32    \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont MFT} processor}
    33    \vskip 15pt
    34    \centerline{(Version 2.1, January 2021)}
    35    \vfill}
    36  \def\botofcontents{\vfill
    37    \centerline{\hsize 5in\baselineskip9pt
    38      \vbox{\ninerm\noindent
    39      The preparation of this report
    40      was supported in part by the National Science
    41      Foundation under grants IST-8201926, MCS-8300984, and
    42      CCR-8610181,
    43      and by the System Development Foundation. `\TeX' is a
    44      trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
    45      `{\logo hijklmnj}\kern1pt' is a trademark of Addison-Wesley
    46      Publishing Company.}}}
    47  \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
    49  @* Introduction.
    50  This program converts a \MF\ source file to a \TeX\ file. It was written
    51  by D.~E. Knuth in June, 1985; a somewhat similar {\mc SAIL} program had
    52  @^Knuth, Donald Ervin@>
    53  been developed in January, 1980.
    55  The general idea is to input a file called, say, \.{} and to produce an
    56  output file called, say, \.{foo.tex}. The latter file, when processed by \TeX,
    57  will yield a ``prettyprinted'' representation of the input file.
    58  @^user manual@>
    60  Line breaks in the input are carried over into the output; moreover,
    61  blank spaces at the beginning of a line are converted to quads of indentation
    62  in the output. Thus, the user has full control over the indentation and line
    63  breaks. Each line of input is translated independently of the others.
    65  A slight change to \MF's comment convention allows further control.
    66  Namely, `\.{\%\%}' indicates that the remainder of an input line should be
    67  copied verbatim to the output; this interrupts the translation and forces
    68  \.{MFT} to produce a certain result.
    70  Furthermore, `\.{\%\%\%} $\langle\,$token$_1\,\rangle\ldots
    71  \langle\,$token$_n\,\rangle$'
    72  introduces a change in \.{MFT}'s formatting rules; all tokens after the first
    73  will henceforth be translated according to the current conventions for
    74  $\langle\,$token$_1\,\rangle$. The tokens must be symbolic (i.e., not
    75  numeric or string tokens). For example, the input line
    76  $$\.{\%\%\% addto fill draw filldraw}$$
    77  says that the `\.{fill}', `\.{draw}', and `\.{filldraw}' operations of
    78  plain \MF\ should be formatted as the primitive token `\.{addto}', i.e.,
    79  in boldface type. (Without such reformatting commands, \.{MFT} would treat
    80  `\.{fill}' like an ordinary tag or variable name. In fact, you need
    81  a reformatting command even to get parentheses to act like delimiters!)
    83  \MF\ comments, which follow a single \.\% sign, should be valid \TeX\
    84  input.  But \MF\ material can be included in \pb\ within a comment; this
    85  will be translated by \.{MFT} as if it were not in a comment. For example,
    86  a phrase like `\.{make} \.{\v x2r\v} \.{zero}' will be translated into
    87  `\.{make \$x\_\{2r\}\$ zero}'.
    89  The rules just stated apply to lines that contain one, two, or three \.\% signs
    90  in a row. Comments to \.{MFT} can follow `\.{\%\%\%\%}'.
    91  Five or more \.\% signs should not be used.
    93  Beside the normal input file, \.{MFT} also looks for a change file
    94  (e.g., `\.{}'), which allows substitutions to be made in the
    95  translation. The change file follows the conventions of \.{WEB}, and
    96  it should be null if there are no changes. (Changes usually contain
    97  verbatim instructions to compensate for the fact that \.{MFT} cannot
    98  format everything in an optimum way.)
   100  There's also a third input file (e.g., `\.{plain.mft}'), which is
   101  input before the other two. This file normally contains the `\.{\%\%\%}'
   102  formatting commands that are necessary to tune \.{MFT} to a particular
   103  style of \MF\ code, so it is called the style file.
   105  The output of \.{MFT} should be accompanied by the macros in a small
   106  package called \.{mftmac.tex}.
   107  @.mftmac@>
   109  Caveat: This program is not as ``bulletproof'' as the other routines
   110  produced by Stanford's \TeX\ project. It takes care of a great deal of
   111  tedious formatting, but it can produce strange output, because \MF\ is
   112  an extremely general language. Users should proofread their output carefully.
   114  @ \.{MFT} uses a few features of the local \PASCAL\ compiler that may
   115  need to be changed in other installations:
   117  \yskip\item{1)} Case statements have a default.
   118  \item{2)} Input-output routines may need to be adapted for use with a particular
   119  character set and/or for printing messages on the user's terminal.
   121  \yskip\noindent
   122  These features are also present in the \PASCAL\ version of \TeX, where they
   123  are used in a similar (but more complex) way. System-dependent portions
   124  of \.{MFT} can be identified by looking at the entries for `system
   125  dependencies' in the index below.
   126  @!@^system dependencies@>
   128  The ``banner line'' defined here should be changed whenever \.{MFT}
   129  is modified.
   131  @d banner=='This is MFT, Version 2.1'
   133  @ The program begins with a fairly normal header, made up of pieces that
   134  @^system dependencies@>
   135  will mostly be filled in later. The \.{MF} input comes from files |mf_file|,
   136  |change_file|, and |style_file|; the \TeX\ output goes to file |tex_file|.
   138  If it is necessary to abort the job because of a fatal error, the program
   139  calls the `|jump_out|' procedure, which goes to the label |end_of_MFT|.
   141  @d end_of_MFT = 9999 {go here to wrap it up}
   143  @p @t\4@>@<Compiler directives@>@/
   144  program MFT(@!mf_file,@!change_file,@!style_file,@!tex_file);
   145  label end_of_MFT; {go here to finish}
   146  const @<Constants in the outer block@>@/
   147  type @<Types in the outer block@>@/
   148  var @<Globals in the outer block@>@/
   149  @<Error handling procedures@>@/
   150  procedure initialize;
   151    var @<Local variables for initialization@>@/
   152    begin @<Set initial values@>@/
   153    end;
   155  @ The \PASCAL\ compiler used to develop this system has ``compiler
   156  directives'' that can appear in comments whose first character is a dollar sign.
   157  In our case these directives tell the compiler to detect
   158  @^system dependencies@>
   159  things that are out of range.
   161  @<Compiler directives@>=
   162  @{@&$C+,A+,D-@} {range check, catch arithmetic overflow, no debug overhead}
   164  @ Labels are given symbolic names by the following definitions. We insert
   165  the label `|exit|:' just before the `\ignorespaces|end|\unskip' of a
   166  procedure in which we have used the `|return|' statement defined below;
   167  the label `|restart|' is occasionally used at the very beginning of a
   168  procedure; and the label `|reswitch|' is occasionally used just prior to
   169  a \&{case} statement in which some cases change the conditions and we wish to
   170  branch to the newly applicable case.
   171  Loops that are set up with the \&{loop} construction defined below are
   172  commonly exited by going to `|done|' or to `|found|' or to `|not_found|',
   173  and they are sometimes repeated by going to `|continue|'.
   175  @d exit=10 {go here to leave a procedure}
   176  @d restart=20 {go here to start a procedure again}
   177  @d reswitch=21 {go here to start a case statement again}
   178  @d continue=22 {go here to resume a loop}
   179  @d done=30 {go here to exit a loop}
   180  @d found=31 {go here when you've found it}
   181  @d not_found=32 {go here when you've found something else}
   183  @ Here are some macros for common programming idioms.
   185  @d incr(#) == #:=#+1 {increase a variable by unity}
   186  @d decr(#) == #:=#-1 {decrease a variable by unity}
   187  @d loop == @+ while true do@+ {repeat over and over until a |goto| happens}
   188  @d do_nothing == {empty statement}
   189  @d return == goto exit {terminate a procedure call}
   190  @f return == nil
   191  @f loop == xclause
   193  @ We assume that |case| statements may include a default case that applies
   194  if no matching label is found. Thus, we shall use constructions like
   195  @^system dependencies@>
   196  $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfil\cr
   197  |case x of|\cr
   198  1: $\langle\,$code for $x=1\,\rangle$;\cr
   199  3: $\langle\,$code for $x=3\,\rangle$;\cr
   200  |othercases| $\langle\,$code for |x<>1| and |x<>3|$\,\rangle$\cr
   201  |endcases|\cr}}$$
   202  since most \PASCAL\ compilers have plugged this hole in the language by
   203  incorporating some sort of default mechanism. For example, the compiler
   204  used to develop \.{WEB} and \TeX\ allows `|others|:' as a default label,
   205  and other \PASCAL s allow syntaxes like `\ignorespaces|else|\unskip' or
   206  `\&{otherwise}' or `\\{otherwise}:', etc. The definitions of |othercases|
   207  and |endcases| should be changed to agree with local conventions.
   208  (Of course, if no default mechanism is available, the |case| statements of
   209  this program must be extended by listing all remaining cases.)
   211  @d othercases == others: {default for cases not listed explicitly}
   212  @d endcases == @+end {follows the default case in an extended |case| statement}
   213  @f othercases == else
   214  @f endcases == end
   216  @ The following parameters are set big enough to handle the Computer
   217  Modern fonts, so they should be sufficient for most applications of \.{MFT}.
   219  @<Constants...@>=
   220  @!max_bytes=10000; {the number of bytes in tokens; must be less than 65536}
   221  @!max_names=1000; {number of tokens}
   222  @!hash_size=353; {should be prime}
   223  @!buf_size=100; {maximum length of input line}
   224  @!line_length=80; {lines of \TeX\ output have at most this many characters,
   225    should be less than 256}
   227  @ A global variable called |history| will contain one of four values
   228  at the end of every run: |spotless| means that no unusual messages were
   229  printed; |harmless_message| means that a message of possible interest
   230  was printed but no serious errors were detected; |error_message| means that
   231  at least one error was found; |fatal_message| means that the program
   232  terminated abnormally. The value of |history| does not influence the
   233  behavior of the program; it is simply computed for the convenience
   234  of systems that might want to use such information.
   236  @d spotless=0 {|history| value for normal jobs}
   237  @d harmless_message=1 {|history| value when non-serious info was printed}
   238  @d error_message=2 {|history| value when an error was noted}
   239  @d fatal_message=3 {|history| value when we had to stop prematurely}
   240  @#
   241  @d mark_harmless==@t@>@+if history=spotless then history:=harmless_message
   242  @d mark_error==history:=error_message
   243  @d mark_fatal==history:=fatal_message
   245  @<Glob...@>=@!history:spotless..fatal_message; {how bad was this run?}
   247  @ @<Set init...@>=history:=spotless;
   249  @* The character set.
   250  \.{MFT} works internally with ASCII codes, like all other programs
   251  associated with \TeX\ and \MF. The present section has been lifted
   252  almost verbatim from the \MF\ program.
   253  @^ASCII code@>
   255  @ Characters of text that have been converted to \MF's internal form
   256  are said to be of type |ASCII_code|, which is a subrange of the integers.
   258  @<Types...@>=
   259  @!ASCII_code=0..255; {eight-bit numbers}
   261  @ The original \PASCAL\ compiler was designed in the late 60s, when six-bit
   262  character sets were common, so it did not make provision for lowercase
   263  letters. Nowadays, of course, we need to deal with both capital and small
   264  letters in a convenient way, especially in a program for font design;
   265  so the present specification of \.{MFT} has been written under the assumption
   266  that the \PASCAL\ compiler and run-time system permit the use of text files
   267  with more than 64 distinguishable characters. More precisely, we assume that
   268  the character set contains at least the letters and symbols associated
   269  with ASCII codes @'40 through @'176. If additional characters are present,
   270  \.{MFT} can be configured to work with them too.
   272  Since we are dealing with more characters than were present in the first
   273  \PASCAL\ compilers, we have to decide what to call the associated data
   274  type. Some \PASCAL s use the original name |char| for the
   275  characters in text files, even though there now are more than 64 such
   276  characters, while other \PASCAL s consider |char| to be a 64-element
   277  subrange of a larger data type that has some other name.
   279  In order to accommodate this difference, we shall use the name |text_char|
   280  to stand for the data type of the characters that are converted to and
   281  from |ASCII_code| when they are input and output. We shall also assume
   282  that |text_char| consists of the elements |chr(first_text_char)| through
   283  |chr(last_text_char)|, inclusive. The following definitions should be
   284  adjusted if necessary.
   285  @^system dependencies@>
   287  @d text_char == char {the data type of characters in text files}
   288  @d first_text_char=0 {ordinal number of the smallest element of |text_char|}
   289  @d last_text_char=255 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|}
   291  @<Types...@>=
   292  @!text_file=packed file of text_char;
   294  @ @<Local variables for init...@>=
   295  @!i:0..255;
   297  @ The \.{MFT} processor converts between ASCII code and
   298  the user's external character set by means of arrays |xord| and |xchr|
   299  that are analogous to \PASCAL's |ord| and |chr| functions.
   301  @<Glob...@>=
   302  @!xord: array [text_char] of ASCII_code;
   303    {specifies conversion of input characters}
   304  @!xchr: array [ASCII_code] of text_char;
   305    {specifies conversion of output characters}
   307  @ Since we are assuming that our \PASCAL\ system is able to read and write the
   308  visible characters of standard ASCII (although not necessarily using the
   309  ASCII codes to represent them), the following assignment statements initialize
   310  most of the |xchr| array properly, without needing any system-dependent
   311  changes. On the other hand, it is possible to implement \.{MFT} with
   312  less complete character sets, and in such cases it will be necessary to
   313  change something here.
   314  @^system dependencies@>
   316  @<Set init...@>=
   317  xchr[@'40]:=' ';
   318  xchr[@'41]:='!';
   319  xchr[@'42]:='"';
   320  xchr[@'43]:='#';
   321  xchr[@'44]:='$';
   322  xchr[@'45]:='%';
   323  xchr[@'46]:='&';
   324  xchr[@'47]:='''';@/
   325  xchr[@'50]:='(';
   326  xchr[@'51]:=')';
   327  xchr[@'52]:='*';
   328  xchr[@'53]:='+';
   329  xchr[@'54]:=',';
   330  xchr[@'55]:='-';
   331  xchr[@'56]:='.';
   332  xchr[@'57]:='/';@/
   333  xchr[@'60]:='0';
   334  xchr[@'61]:='1';
   335  xchr[@'62]:='2';
   336  xchr[@'63]:='3';
   337  xchr[@'64]:='4';
   338  xchr[@'65]:='5';
   339  xchr[@'66]:='6';
   340  xchr[@'67]:='7';@/
   341  xchr[@'70]:='8';
   342  xchr[@'71]:='9';
   343  xchr[@'72]:=':';
   344  xchr[@'73]:=';';
   345  xchr[@'74]:='<';
   346  xchr[@'75]:='=';
   347  xchr[@'76]:='>';
   348  xchr[@'77]:='?';@/
   349  xchr[@'100]:='@@';
   350  xchr[@'101]:='A';
   351  xchr[@'102]:='B';
   352  xchr[@'103]:='C';
   353  xchr[@'104]:='D';
   354  xchr[@'105]:='E';
   355  xchr[@'106]:='F';
   356  xchr[@'107]:='G';@/
   357  xchr[@'110]:='H';
   358  xchr[@'111]:='I';
   359  xchr[@'112]:='J';
   360  xchr[@'113]:='K';
   361  xchr[@'114]:='L';
   362  xchr[@'115]:='M';
   363  xchr[@'116]:='N';
   364  xchr[@'117]:='O';@/
   365  xchr[@'120]:='P';
   366  xchr[@'121]:='Q';
   367  xchr[@'122]:='R';
   368  xchr[@'123]:='S';
   369  xchr[@'124]:='T';
   370  xchr[@'125]:='U';
   371  xchr[@'126]:='V';
   372  xchr[@'127]:='W';@/
   373  xchr[@'130]:='X';
   374  xchr[@'131]:='Y';
   375  xchr[@'132]:='Z';
   376  xchr[@'133]:='[';
   377  xchr[@'134]:='\';
   378  xchr[@'135]:=']';
   379  xchr[@'136]:='^';
   380  xchr[@'137]:='_';@/
   381  xchr[@'140]:='`';
   382  xchr[@'141]:='a';
   383  xchr[@'142]:='b';
   384  xchr[@'143]:='c';
   385  xchr[@'144]:='d';
   386  xchr[@'145]:='e';
   387  xchr[@'146]:='f';
   388  xchr[@'147]:='g';@/
   389  xchr[@'150]:='h';
   390  xchr[@'151]:='i';
   391  xchr[@'152]:='j';
   392  xchr[@'153]:='k';
   393  xchr[@'154]:='l';
   394  xchr[@'155]:='m';
   395  xchr[@'156]:='n';
   396  xchr[@'157]:='o';@/
   397  xchr[@'160]:='p';
   398  xchr[@'161]:='q';
   399  xchr[@'162]:='r';
   400  xchr[@'163]:='s';
   401  xchr[@'164]:='t';
   402  xchr[@'165]:='u';
   403  xchr[@'166]:='v';
   404  xchr[@'167]:='w';@/
   405  xchr[@'170]:='x';
   406  xchr[@'171]:='y';
   407  xchr[@'172]:='z';
   408  xchr[@'173]:='{';
   409  xchr[@'174]:='|';
   410  xchr[@'175]:='}';
   411  xchr[@'176]:='~';
   413  @ The ASCII code is ``standard'' only to a certain extent, since many
   414  computer installations have found it advantageous to have ready access
   415  to more than 94 printing characters.  If \.{MFT} is being used
   416  on a garden-variety \PASCAL\ for which only standard ASCII
   417  codes will appear in the input and output files, it doesn't really matter
   418  what codes are specified in |xchr[0..@'37]|, but the safest policy is to
   419  blank everything out by using the code shown below.
   421  However, other settings of |xchr| will make \.{MFT} more friendly on
   422  computers that have an extended character set, so that users can type things
   423  like `\.^^Z' instead of `\.{<>}', and so that \.{MFT} can echo the
   424  page breaks found in its input.  People with extended character sets can
   425  assign codes arbitrarily, giving an |xchr| equivalent to whatever
   426  characters the users of \.{MFT} are allowed to have in their input files.
   427  Appropriate changes to \.{MFT}'s |char_class| table should then be made.
   428  (Unlike \TeX, each installation of \MF\ has a fixed assignment of category
   429  codes, called the |char_class|.) Such changes make portability of programs
   430  more difficult, so they should be introduced cautiously if at all.
   431  @^character set dependencies@>
   432  @^system dependencies@>
   434  @<Set init...@>=
   435  for i:=0 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' ';
   436  for i:=@'177 to @'377 do xchr[i]:=' ';
   438  @ The following system-independent code makes the |xord| array contain a
   439  suitable inverse to the information in |xchr|. Note that if |xchr[i]=xchr[j]|
   440  where |i<j<@'177|, the value of |xord[xchr[i]]| will turn out to be
   441  |j| or more; hence, standard ASCII code numbers will be used instead of
   442  codes below @'40 in case there is a coincidence.
   444  @<Set init...@>=
   445  for i:=first_text_char to last_text_char do xord[chr(i)]:=@'177;
   446  for i:=@'200 to @'377 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i;
   447  for i:=1 to @'176 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i;
   449  @* Input and output.
   450  The I/O conventions of this program are essentially identical to those
   451  of \.{WEAVE}.  Therefore people who need to make modifications should be
   452  able to do so without too many headaches.
   454  @ Terminal output is done by writing on file |term_out|, which is assumed to
   455  consist of characters of type |text_char|:
   456  @^system dependencies@>
   458  @d print(#)==write(term_out,#) {`|print|' means write on the terminal}
   459  @d print_ln(#)==write_ln(term_out,#) {`|print|' and then start new line}
   460  @d new_line==write_ln(term_out) {start new line on the terminal}
   461  @d print_nl(#)==  {print information starting on a new line}
   462    begin new_line; print(#);
   463    end
   465  @<Globals...@>=
   466  @!term_out:text_file; {the terminal as an output file}
   468  @ Different systems have different ways of specifying that the output on a
   469  certain file will appear on the user's terminal. Here is one way to do this
   470  on the \PASCAL\ system that was used in \.{WEAVE}'s initial development:
   471  @^system dependencies@>
   473  @<Set init...@>=
   474  rewrite(term_out,'TTY:'); {send |term_out| output to the terminal}
   476  @ The |update_terminal| procedure is called when we want
   477  to make sure that everything we have output to the terminal so far has
   478  actually left the computer's internal buffers and been sent.
   479  @^system dependencies@>
   481  @d update_terminal == break(term_out) {empty the terminal output buffer}
   483  @ The main input comes from |mf_file|; this input may be overridden
   484  by changes in |change_file|. (If |change_file| is empty, there are no changes.)
   485  Furthermore the |style_file| is input first; it is unchangeable.
   487  @<Globals...@>=
   488  @!mf_file:text_file; {primary input}
   489  @!change_file:text_file; {updates}
   490  @!style_file:text_file; {formatting bootstrap}
   492  @ The following code opens the input files.  Since these files were listed
   493  in the program header, we assume that the \PASCAL\ runtime system has
   494  already checked that suitable file names have been given; therefore no
   495  additional error checking needs to be done.
   496  @^system dependencies@>
   498  @p procedure open_input; {prepare to read the inputs}
   499  begin reset(mf_file); reset(change_file); reset(style_file);
   500  end;
   502  @ The main output goes to |tex_file|.
   504  @<Globals...@>=
   505  @!tex_file: text_file;
   507  @ The following code opens |tex_file|.
   508  Since this file was listed in the program header, we assume that the
   509  \PASCAL\ runtime system has checked that a suitable external file name has
   510  been given.
   511  @^system dependencies@>
   513  @<Set init...@>=
   514  rewrite(tex_file);
   516  @ Input goes into an array called |buffer|.
   518  @<Globals...@>=@!buffer: array[0..buf_size] of ASCII_code;
   520  @ The |input_ln| procedure brings the next line of input from the specified
   521  file into the |buffer| array and returns the value |true|, unless the file has
   522  already been entirely read, in which case it returns |false|. The conventions
   523  of \TeX\ are followed; i.e., |ASCII_code| numbers representing the next line
   524  of the file are input into |buffer[0]|, |buffer[1]|, \dots,
   525  |buffer[limit-1]|; trailing blanks are ignored;
   526  and the global variable |limit| is set to the length of the
   527  @^system dependencies@>
   528  line. The value of |limit| must be strictly less than |buf_size|.
   530  @p function input_ln(var f:text_file):boolean;
   531    {inputs a line or returns |false|}
   532  var final_limit:0..buf_size; {|limit| without trailing blanks}
   533  begin limit:=0; final_limit:=0;
   534  if eof(f) then input_ln:=false
   535  else  begin while not eoln(f) do
   536      begin buffer[limit]:=xord[f^]; get(f);
   537      incr(limit);
   538      if buffer[limit-1]<>" " then final_limit:=limit;
   539      if limit=buf_size then
   540        begin while not eoln(f) do get(f);
   541        decr(limit); {keep |buffer[buf_size]| empty}
   542        if final_limit>limit then final_limit:=limit;
   543        print_nl('! Input line too long'); loc:=0; error;
   544  @.Input line too long@>
   545        end;
   546      end;
   547    read_ln(f); limit:=final_limit; input_ln:=true;
   548    end;
   549  end;
   551  @* Reporting errors to the user.
   552  The command `|err_print('! Error message')|' will report a syntax error to
   553  the user, by printing the error message at the beginning of a new line and
   554  then giving an indication of where the error was spotted in the source file.
   555  Note that no period follows the error message, since the error routine
   556  will automatically supply a period.
   558  The actual error indications are provided by a procedure called |error|.
   560  @d err_print(#)==
   561      begin new_line; print(#); error;
   562      end
   564  @<Error handling...@>=
   565  procedure error; {prints `\..' and location of error message}
   566  var@!k,@!l: 0..buf_size; {indices into |buffer|}
   567  begin @<Print error location based on input buffer@>;
   568  update_terminal; mark_error;
   569  end;
   571  @ The error locations can be indicated by using the global variables
   572  |loc|, |line|, |styling|, and |changing|, which tell respectively the first
   573  unlooked-at position in |buffer|, the current line number, and whether or not
   574  the current line is from |style_file| or |change_file| or |mf_file|.
   575  This routine should be modified on systems whose standard text editor
   576  has special line-numbering conventions.
   577  @^system dependencies@>
   579  @<Print error location based on input buffer@>=
   580  begin if styling then print('. (style file ')
   581  else if changing then print('. (change file ')@+else print('. (');
   582  print_ln('l.', line:1, ')');
   583  if loc>=limit then l:=limit else l:=loc;
   584  for k:=1 to l do
   585    print(xchr[buffer[k-1]]); {print the characters already read}
   586  new_line;
   587  for k:=1 to l do print(' '); {space out the next line}
   588  for k:=l+1 to limit do print(xchr[buffer[k-1]]); {print the part not yet read}
   589  end
   591  @ The |jump_out| procedure just cuts across all active procedure levels
   592  and jumps out of the program. This is the only non-local \&{goto} statement
   593  in \.{MFT}. It is used when no recovery from a particular error has
   594  been provided.
   596  Some \PASCAL\ compilers do not implement non-local |goto| statements.
   597  @^system dependencies@>
   598  In such cases the code that appears at label |end_of_MFT| should be
   599  copied into the |jump_out| procedure, followed by a call to a system procedure
   600  that terminates the program.
   602  @d fatal_error(#)==begin new_line; print(#); error; mark_fatal; jump_out;
   603    end
   605  @<Error handling...@>=
   606  procedure jump_out;
   607  begin goto end_of_MFT;
   608  end;
   610  @ Sometimes the program's behavior is far different from what it should be,
   611  and \.{MFT} prints an error message that is really for the \.{MFT}
   612  maintenance person, not the user. In such cases the program says
   613  |confusion('indication of where we are')|.
   615  @d confusion(#)==fatal_error('! This can''t happen (',#,')')
   616  @.This can't happen@>
   618  @ An overflow stop occurs if \.{MFT}'s tables aren't large enough.
   620  @d overflow(#)==fatal_error('! Sorry, ',#,' capacity exceeded')
   621  @.Sorry, x capacity exceeded@>
   623  @* Inserting the changes.
   624  Let's turn now to the low-level routine |get_line|
   625  that takes care of merging |change_file| into |mf_file|. The |get_line|
   626  procedure also updates the line numbers for error messages.
   627  (This routine was copied from \.{WEAVE}, but updated to include |styling|.)
   629  @<Globals...@>=
   630  @!line:integer; {the number of the current line in the current file}
   631  @!other_line:integer; {the number of the current line in the input file that
   632    is not currently being read}
   633  @!temp_line:integer; {used when interchanging |line| with |other_line|}
   634  @!limit:0..buf_size; {the last character position occupied in the buffer}
   635  @!loc:0..buf_size; {the next character position to be read from the buffer}
   636  @!input_has_ended: boolean; {if |true|, there is no more input}
   637  @!changing: boolean; {if |true|, the current line is from |change_file|}
   638  @!styling: boolean; {if |true|, the current line is from |style_file|}
   640  @ As we change |changing| from |true| to |false| and back again, we must
   641  remember to swap the values of |line| and |other_line| so that the |err_print|
   642  routine will be sure to report the correct line number.
   644  @d change_changing==
   645    changing := not changing;
   646    temp_line:=other_line; other_line:=line; line:=temp_line
   647      {|line @t$\null\BA\null$@> other_line|}
   649  @ When |changing| is |false|, the next line of |change_file| is kept in
   650  |change_buffer[0..change_limit]|, for purposes of comparison with the next
   651  line of |mf_file|. After the change file has been completely input, we
   652  set |change_limit:=0|, so that no further matches will be made.
   654  @<Globals...@>=
   655  @!change_buffer:array[0..buf_size] of ASCII_code;
   656  @!change_limit:0..buf_size; {the last position occupied in |change_buffer|}
   658  @ Here's a simple function that checks if the two buffers are different.
   660  @p function lines_dont_match:boolean;
   661  label exit;
   662  var k:0..buf_size; {index into the buffers}
   663  begin lines_dont_match:=true;
   664  if change_limit<>limit then return;
   665  if limit>0 then
   666    for k:=0 to limit-1 do if change_buffer[k]<>buffer[k] then return;
   667  lines_dont_match:=false;
   668  exit: end;
   670  @ Procedure |prime_the_change_buffer| sets |change_buffer| in preparation
   671  for the next matching operation. Since blank lines in the change file are
   672  not used for matching, we have |(change_limit=0)and not changing| if and
   673  only if the change file is exhausted. This procedure is called only
   674  when |changing| is true; hence error messages will be reported correctly.
   676  @p procedure prime_the_change_buffer;
   677  label continue, done, exit;
   678  var k:0..buf_size; {index into the buffers}
   679  begin change_limit:=0; {this value will be used if the change file ends}
   680  @<Skip over comment lines in the change file; |return| if end of file@>;
   681  @<Skip to the next nonblank line; |return| if end of file@>;
   682  @<Move |buffer| and |limit| to |change_buffer| and |change_limit|@>;
   683  exit: end;
   685  @ While looking for a line that begins with \.{@@x} in the change file,
   686  we allow lines that begin with \.{@@}, as long as they don't begin with
   687  \.{@@y} or \.{@@z} (which would probably indicate that the change file is
   688  fouled up).
   690  @<Skip over comment lines in the change file...@>=
   691  loop@+  begin incr(line);
   692    if not input_ln(change_file) then return;
   693    if limit<2 then goto continue;
   694    if buffer[0]<>"@@" then goto continue;
   695    if (buffer[1]>="X")and(buffer[1]<="Z") then
   696      buffer[1]:=buffer[1]+"z"-"Z"; {lowercasify}
   697    if buffer[1]="x" then goto done;
   698    if (buffer[1]="y")or(buffer[1]="z") then
   699      begin loc:=2; err_print('! Where is the matching @@x?');
   700  @.Where is the match...@>
   701      end;
   702  continue: end;
   703  done:
   705  @ Here we are looking at lines following the \.{@@x}.
   707  @<Skip to the next nonblank line...@>=
   708  repeat incr(line);
   709    if not input_ln(change_file) then
   710      begin err_print('! Change file ended after @@x');
   711  @.Change file ended...@>
   712      return;
   713      end;
   714  until limit>0;
   716  @ @<Move |buffer| and |limit| to |change_buffer| and |change_limit|@>=
   717  begin change_limit:=limit;
   718  if limit>0 then for k:=0 to limit-1 do change_buffer[k]:=buffer[k];
   719  end
   721  @ The following procedure is used to see if the next change entry should
   722  go into effect; it is called only when |changing| is false.
   723  The idea is to test whether or not the current
   724  contents of |buffer| matches the current contents of |change_buffer|.
   725  If not, there's nothing more to do; but if so, a change is called for:
   726  All of the text down to the \.{@@y} is supposed to match. An error
   727  message is issued if any discrepancy is found. Then the procedure
   728  prepares to read the next line from |change_file|.
   730  @p procedure check_change; {switches to |change_file| if the buffers match}
   731  label exit;
   732  var n:integer; {the number of discrepancies found}
   733  @!k:0..buf_size; {index into the buffers}
   734  begin if lines_dont_match then return;
   735  n:=0;
   736  loop@+  begin change_changing; {now it's |true|}
   737    incr(line);
   738    if not input_ln(change_file) then
   739      begin err_print('! Change file ended before @@y');
   740  @.Change file ended...@>
   741      change_limit:=0;  change_changing; {|false| again}
   742      return;
   743      end;
   744    @<If the current line starts with \.{@@y},
   745      report any discrepancies and |return|@>;
   746    @<Move |buffer| and |limit|...@>;
   747    change_changing; {now it's |false|}
   748    incr(line);
   749    if not input_ln(mf_file) then
   750      begin err_print('! MF file ended during a change');
   751  @.MF file ended...@>
   752      input_has_ended:=true; return;
   753      end;
   754    if lines_dont_match then incr(n);
   755    end;
   756  exit: end;
   758  @ @<If the current line starts with \.{@@y}...@>=
   759  if limit>1 then if buffer[0]="@@" then
   760    begin if (buffer[1]>="X")and(buffer[1]<="Z") then
   761      buffer[1]:=buffer[1]+"z"-"Z"; {lowercasify}
   762    if (buffer[1]="x")or(buffer[1]="z") then
   763      begin loc:=2; err_print('! Where is the matching @@y?');
   764  @.Where is the match...@>
   765      end
   766    else if buffer[1]="y" then
   767      begin if n>0 then
   768        begin loc:=2; err_print('! Hmm... ',n:1,
   769          ' of the preceding lines failed to match');
   770  @.Hmm... n of the preceding...@>
   771        end;
   772      return;
   773      end;
   774    end
   776  @ Here's what we do to get the input rolling.
   778  @<Initialize the input system@>=
   779  begin open_input; line:=0; other_line:=0;@/
   780  changing:=true; prime_the_change_buffer; change_changing;@/
   781  styling:=true; limit:=0; loc:=1; buffer[0]:=" "; input_has_ended:=false;
   782  end
   784  @ The |get_line| procedure is called when |loc>limit|; it puts the next
   785  line of merged input into the buffer and updates the other variables
   786  appropriately.
   788  @p procedure get_line; {inputs the next line}
   789  label restart;
   790  begin restart: if styling then
   791    @<Read from |style_file| and maybe turn off |styling|@>;
   792  if not styling then
   793    begin if changing then
   794      @<Read from |change_file| and maybe turn off |changing|@>;
   795    if not changing then
   796      begin @<Read from |mf_file| and maybe turn on |changing|@>;
   797      if changing then goto restart;
   798      end;
   799    end;
   800  end;
   802  @ @<Read from |mf_file|...@>=
   803  begin incr(line);
   804  if not input_ln(mf_file) then input_has_ended:=true
   805  else if change_limit>0 then check_change;
   806  end
   808  @ @<Read from |style_file|...@>=
   809  begin incr(line);
   810  if not input_ln(style_file) then
   811    begin styling:=false; line:=0;
   812    end;
   813  end
   815  @ @<Read from |change_file|...@>=
   816  begin incr(line);
   817  if not input_ln(change_file) then
   818    begin err_print('! Change file ended without @@z');
   819  @.Change file ended...@>
   820    buffer[0]:="@@"; buffer[1]:="z"; limit:=2;
   821    end;
   822  if limit>1 then {check if the change has ended}
   823    if buffer[0]="@@" then
   824      begin if (buffer[1]>="X")and(buffer[1]<="Z") then
   825        buffer[1]:=buffer[1]+"z"-"Z"; {lowercasify}
   826      if (buffer[1]="x")or(buffer[1]="y") then
   827        begin loc:=2; err_print('! Where is the matching @@z?');
   828  @.Where is the match...@>
   829        end
   830      else if buffer[1]="z" then
   831        begin prime_the_change_buffer; change_changing;
   832        end;
   833      end;
   834  end
   836  @ At the end of the program, we will tell the user if the change file
   837  had a line that didn't match any relevant line in |mf_file|.
   839  @<Check that all changes have been read@>=
   840  if change_limit<>0 then {|changing| is false}
   841    begin for loc:=0 to change_limit-1 do buffer[loc]:=change_buffer[loc];
   842    limit:=change_limit; changing:=true; line:=other_line; loc:=change_limit;
   843    err_print('! Change file entry did not match');
   844  @.Change file entry did not match@>
   845    end
   847  @* Data structures.
   848  \.{MFT} puts token names
   849  into the large |byte_mem| array, which is packed with eight-bit integers.
   850  Allocation is sequential, since names are never deleted.
   852  An auxiliary array |byte_start| is used as a directory for |byte_mem|;
   853  the |link| and |ilk| arrays give further information about names.
   854  These auxiliary arrays consist of sixteen-bit items.
   856  @<Types...@>=
   857  @!eight_bits=0..255; {unsigned one-byte quantity}
   858  @!sixteen_bits=0..65535; {unsigned two-byte quantity}
   860  @ \.{MFT} has been designed to avoid the need for indices that are more
   861  than sixteen bits wide, so that it can be used on most computers.
   863  @<Globals...@>=
   864  @!byte_mem: packed array [0..max_bytes] of ASCII_code; {characters of names}
   865  @!byte_start: array [0..max_names] of sixteen_bits; {directory into |byte_mem|}
   866  @!link: array [0..max_names] of sixteen_bits; {hash table links}
   867  @!ilk: array [0..max_names] of sixteen_bits; {type codes}
   869  @ The names of tokens are found by computing a hash address |h| and
   870  then looking at strings of bytes signified by |hash[h]|, |link[hash[h]]|,
   871  |link[link[hash[h]]]|, \dots, until either finding the desired name
   872  or encountering a zero.
   874  A `|name_pointer|' variable, which signifies a name, is an index into
   875  |byte_start|. The actual sequence of characters in the name pointed to by
   876  |p| appears in positions |byte_start[p]| to |byte_start[p+1]-1|, inclusive,
   877  of |byte_mem|.
   879  We usually have |byte_start[name_ptr]=byte_ptr|, which is
   880  the starting position for the next name to be stored in |byte_mem|.
   882  @d length(#)==byte_start[#+1]-byte_start[#] {the length of a name}
   884  @<Types...@>=
   885  @!name_pointer=0..max_names; {identifies a name}
   887  @ @<Global...@>=
   888  @!name_ptr:name_pointer; {first unused position in |byte_start|}
   889  @!byte_ptr:0..max_bytes; {first unused position in |byte_mem|}
   891  @ @<Set init...@>=
   892  byte_start[0]:=0; byte_ptr:=0;
   893  byte_start[1]:=0; {this makes name 0 of length zero}
   894  name_ptr:=1;
   896  @ The hash table described above is updated by the |lookup| procedure,
   897  which finds a given name and returns a pointer to its index in
   898  |byte_start|. The token is supposed to match character by character.
   899  If it was not already present, it is inserted into the table.
   901  Because of the way \.{MFT}'s scanning mechanism works, it is most convenient
   902  to let |lookup| search for a token that is present in the |buffer|
   903  array. Two other global variables specify its position in the buffer: the
   904  first character is |buffer[id_first]|, and the last is |buffer[id_loc-1]|.
   906  @<Glob...@>=
   907  @!id_first:0..buf_size; {where the current token begins in the buffer}
   908  @!id_loc:0..buf_size; {just after the current token in the buffer}
   909  @#
   910  @!hash:array [0..hash_size] of sixteen_bits; {heads of hash lists}
   912  @ Initially all the hash lists are empty.
   914  @<Local variables for init...@>=
   915  @!h:0..hash_size; {index into hash-head array}
   917  @ @<Set init...@>=
   918  for h:=0 to hash_size-1 do hash[h]:=0;
   920  @ Here now is the main procedure for finding tokens.
   922  @p function lookup:name_pointer; {finds current token}
   923  label found;
   924  var i:0..buf_size; {index into |buffer|}
   925  @!h:0..hash_size; {hash code}
   926  @!k:0..max_bytes; {index into |byte_mem|}
   927  @!l:0..buf_size; {length of the given token}
   928  @!p:name_pointer; {where the token is being sought}
   929  begin l:=id_loc-id_first; {compute the length}
   930  @<Compute the hash code |h|@>;
   931  @<Compute the name location |p|@>;
   932  if p=name_ptr then @<Enter a new name into the table at position |p|@>;
   933  lookup:=p;
   934  end;
   936  @ A simple hash code is used: If the sequence of
   937  ASCII codes is $c_1c_2\ldots c_n$, its hash value will be
   938  $$(2^{n-1}c_1+2^{n-2}c_2+\cdots+c_n)\,\bmod\,|hash_size|.$$
   940  @<Compute the hash...@>=
   941  h:=buffer[id_first]; i:=id_first+1;
   942  while i<id_loc do
   943    begin h:=(h+h+buffer[i]) mod hash_size; incr(i);
   944    end
   946  @ If the token is new, it will be placed in position |p=name_ptr|,
   947  otherwise |p| will point to its existing location.
   949  @<Compute the name location...@>=
   950  p:=hash[h];
   951  while p<>0 do
   952    begin if length(p)=l then
   953      @<Compare name |p| with current token,
   954        |goto found| if equal@>;
   955    p:=link[p];
   956    end;
   957  p:=name_ptr; {the current token is new}
   958  link[p]:=hash[h]; hash[h]:=p; {insert |p| at beginning of hash list}
   959  found:
   961  @ @<Compare name |p|...@>=
   962  begin i:=id_first; k:=byte_start[p];
   963  while (i<id_loc)and(buffer[i]=byte_mem[k]) do
   964    begin incr(i); incr(k);
   965    end;
   966  if i=id_loc then goto found; {all characters agree}
   967  end
   969  @ When we begin the following segment of the program, |p=name_ptr|.
   971  @<Enter a new name...@>=
   972  begin if byte_ptr+l>max_bytes then overflow('byte memory');
   973  if name_ptr+1>max_names then overflow('name');
   974  i:=id_first; {get ready to move the token into |byte_mem|}
   975  while i<id_loc do
   976    begin byte_mem[byte_ptr]:=buffer[i]; incr(byte_ptr); incr(i);
   977    end;
   978  incr(name_ptr); byte_start[name_ptr]:=byte_ptr;
   979  @<Assign the default value to |ilk[p]|@>;
   980  end
   982  @* Initializing the primitive tokens.
   983  Each token read by \.{MFT} is recognized as belonging to one of the
   984  following ``types'':
   986  @d indentation=0 {internal code for space at beginning of a line}
   987  @d end_of_line=1 {internal code for hypothetical token at end of a line}
   988  @d end_of_file=2 {internal code for hypothetical token at end of the input}
   989  @d verbatim=3 {internal code for the token `\.{\%\%}'}
   990  @d set_format=4 {internal code for the token `\.{\%\%\%}'}
   991  @d mft_comment=5 {internal code for the token `\.{\%\%\%\%}'}
   992  @d min_action_type=6 {smallest code for tokens that produce ``real'' output}
   993  @d numeric_token=6 {internal code for tokens like `\.{3.14159}'}
   994  @d string_token=7 {internal code for tokens like `|"pie"|'}
   995  @d min_symbolic_token=8 {smallest internal code for a symbolic token}
   996  @d op=8 {internal code for tokens like `\.{sqrt}'}
   997  @d command=9 {internal code for tokens like `\.{addto}'}
   998  @d endit=10 {internal code for tokens like `\.{fi}'}
   999  @d binary=11 {internal code for tokens like `\.{and}'}
  1000  @d abinary=12 {internal code for tokens like `\.{+}'}
  1001  @d bbinary=13 {internal code for tokens like `\.{step}'}
  1002  @d ampersand=14 {internal code for the token `\.{\char`\&}'}
  1003  @d pyth_sub=15 {internal code for the token `\.{+-+}'}
  1004  @d as_is=16 {internal code for tokens like `\.{]}'}
  1005  @d bold=17 {internal code for tokens like `\.{nullpen}'}
  1006  @d type_name=18 {internal code for tokens like `\.{numeric}'}
  1007  @d path_join=19 {internal code for the token `\.{..}'}
  1008  @d colon=20 {internal code for the token `\.:'}
  1009  @d semicolon=21 {internal code for the token `\.;'}
  1010  @d backslash=22 {internal code for the token `\.{\\}'}
  1011  @d double_back=23 {internal code for the token `\.{\\\\}'}
  1012  @d less_or_equal=24 {internal code for the token `\.{<=}'}
  1013  @d greater_or_equal=25 {internal code for the token `\.{>=}'}
  1014  @d not_equal=26 {internal code for the token `\.{<>}'}
  1015  @d sharp=27 {internal code for the token `\.{\char`\#}'}
  1016  @d comment=28 {internal code for the token `\.{\char`\%}'}
  1017  @d recomment=29 {internal code used to resume a comment after `\pb'}
  1018  @d min_suffix=30 {smallest code for symbolic tokens in suffixes}
  1019  @d internal=30 {internal code for tokens like `\.{pausing}'}
  1020  @d input_command=31 {internal code for tokens like `\.{input}'}
  1021  @d special_tag=32 {internal code for tags that take at most one subscript}
  1022  @d tag=33 {internal code for nonprimitive tokens}
  1024  @<Assign the default value to |ilk[p]|@>=ilk[p]:=tag
  1026  @ We have to get \MF's primitives into the hash table, and the
  1027  simplest way to do this is to insert them every time \.{MFT} is run.
  1029  A few macros permit us to do the initialization with a compact program.
  1030  We use the fact that the longest primitive is \.{intersectiontimes},
  1031  which is 17 letters long.
  1033  @d spr17(#)==buffer[17]:=#;cur_tok:=lookup;ilk[cur_tok]:=
  1034  @d spr16(#)==buffer[16]:=#;spr17
  1035  @d spr15(#)==buffer[15]:=#;spr16
  1036  @d spr14(#)==buffer[14]:=#;spr15
  1037  @d spr13(#)==buffer[13]:=#;spr14
  1038  @d spr12(#)==buffer[12]:=#;spr13
  1039  @d spr11(#)==buffer[11]:=#;spr12
  1040  @d spr10(#)==buffer[10]:=#;spr11
  1041  @d spr9(#)==buffer[9]:=#;spr10
  1042  @d spr8(#)==buffer[8]:=#;spr9
  1043  @d spr7(#)==buffer[7]:=#;spr8
  1044  @d spr6(#)==buffer[6]:=#;spr7
  1045  @d spr5(#)==buffer[5]:=#;spr6
  1046  @d spr4(#)==buffer[4]:=#;spr5
  1047  @d spr3(#)==buffer[3]:=#;spr4
  1048  @d spr2(#)==buffer[2]:=#;spr3
  1049  @d spr1(#)==buffer[1]:=#;spr2
  1050  @d pr1==id_first:=17; spr17
  1051  @d pr2==id_first:=16; spr16
  1052  @d pr3==id_first:=15; spr15
  1053  @d pr4==id_first:=14; spr14
  1054  @d pr5==id_first:=13; spr13
  1055  @d pr6==id_first:=12; spr12
  1056  @d pr7==id_first:=11; spr11
  1057  @d pr8==id_first:=10; spr10
  1058  @d pr9==id_first:=9; spr9
  1059  @d pr10==id_first:=8; spr8
  1060  @d pr11==id_first:=7; spr7
  1061  @d pr12==id_first:=6; spr6
  1062  @d pr13==id_first:=5; spr5
  1063  @d pr14==id_first:=4; spr4
  1064  @d pr15==id_first:=3; spr3
  1065  @d pr16==id_first:=2; spr2
  1066  @d pr17==id_first:=1; spr1
  1068  @ The intended use of the macros above might not be immediately obvious,
  1069  but the riddle is answered by the following:
  1071  @<Store all the primitives@>=
  1072  id_loc:=18;@/
  1073  pr2(".")(".")(path_join);@/
  1074  pr1("[")(as_is);@/
  1075  pr1("]")(as_is);@/
  1076  pr1("}")(as_is);@/
  1077  pr1("{")(as_is);@/
  1078  pr1(":")(colon);@/
  1079  pr2(":")(":")(colon);@/
  1080  pr3("|")("|")(":")(colon);@/
  1081  pr2(":")("=")(as_is);@/
  1082  pr1(",")(as_is);@/
  1083  pr1(";")(semicolon);@/
  1084  pr1("\")(backslash);@/
  1085  pr2("\")("\")(double_back);@/
  1086  pr5("a")("d")("d")("t")("o")(command);@/
  1087  pr2("a")("t")(bbinary);@/
  1088  pr7("a")("t")("l")("e")("a")("s")("t")(op);@/
  1089  pr10("b")("e")("g")("i")("n")("g")("r")("o")("u")("p")(command);
  1090  pr8("c")("o")("n")("t")("r")("o")("l")("s")(op);@/
  1091  pr4("c")("u")("l")("l")(command);@/
  1092  pr4("c")("u")("r")("l")(op);@/
  1093  pr10("d")("e")("l")("i")("m")("i")("t")("e")("r")("s")(command);@/
  1094  pr7("d")("i")("s")("p")("l")("a")("y")(command);@/
  1095  pr8("e")("n")("d")("g")("r")("o")("u")("p")(endit);@/
  1096  pr8("e")("v")("e")("r")("y")("j")("o")("b")(command);@/
  1097  pr6("e")("x")("i")("t")("i")("f")(command);@/
  1098  pr11("e")("x")("p")("a")("n")("d")("a")("f")("t")("e")("r")(command);@/
  1099  pr4("f")("r")("o")("m")(bbinary);@/
  1100  pr8("i")("n")("w")("i")("n")("d")("o")("w")(bbinary);@/
  1101  pr7("i")("n")("t")("e")("r")("i")("m")(command);@/
  1102  pr3("l")("e")("t")(command);@/
  1103  pr11("n")("e")("w")("i")("n")("t")("e")("r")("n")("a")("l")(command);@/
  1104  pr2("o")("f")(command);@/
  1105  pr10("o")("p")("e")("n")("w")("i")("n")("d")("o")("w")(command);@/
  1106  pr10("r")("a")("n")("d")("o")("m")("s")("e")("e")("d")(command);@/
  1107  pr4("s")("a")("v")("e")(command);@/
  1108  pr10("s")("c")("a")("n")("t")("o")("k")("e")("n")("s")(command);@/
  1109  pr7("s")("h")("i")("p")("o")("u")("t")(command);@/
  1110  pr4("s")("t")("e")("p")(bbinary);@/
  1111  pr3("s")("t")("r")(command);@/
  1112  pr7("t")("e")("n")("s")("i")("o")("n")(op);@/
  1113  pr2("t")("o")(bbinary);@/
  1114  pr5("u")("n")("t")("i")("l")(bbinary);@/
  1115  pr3("d")("e")("f")(command);@/
  1116  pr6("v")("a")("r")("d")("e")("f")(command);@/
  1118  @ (There are so many primitives, it's necessary to break this long
  1119  initialization code up into pieces so as not to overflow \.{WEAVE}'s capacity.)
  1121  @<Store all the primitives@>=
  1122  pr10("p")("r")("i")("m")("a")("r")("y")("d")("e")("f")(command);@/
  1123  pr12("s")("e")("c")("o")("n")("d")("a")("r")("y")("d")("e")("f")(command);@/
  1124  pr11("t")("e")("r")("t")("i")("a")("r")("y")("d")("e")("f")(command);@/
  1125  pr6("e")("n")("d")("d")("e")("f")(endit);@/
  1126  pr3("f")("o")("r")(command);@/
  1127  pr11("f")("o")("r")("s")("u")("f")("f")("i")("x")("e")("s")(command);@/
  1128  pr7("f")("o")("r")("e")("v")("e")("r")(command);@/
  1129  pr6("e")("n")("d")("f")("o")("r")(endit);@/
  1130  pr5("q")("u")("o")("t")("e")(command);@/
  1131  pr4("e")("x")("p")("r")(command);@/
  1132  pr6("s")("u")("f")("f")("i")("x")(command);@/
  1133  pr4("t")("e")("x")("t")(command);@/
  1134  pr7("p")("r")("i")("m")("a")("r")("y")(command);@/
  1135  pr9("s")("e")("c")("o")("n")("d")("a")("r")("y")(command);@/
  1136  pr8("t")("e")("r")("t")("i")("a")("r")("y")(command);@/
  1137  pr5("i")("n")("p")("u")("t")(input_command);@/
  1138  pr8("e")("n")("d")("i")("n")("p")("u")("t")(bold);@/
  1139  pr2("i")("f")(command);@/
  1140  pr2("f")("i")(endit);@/
  1141  pr4("e")("l")("s")("e")(command);@/
  1142  pr6("e")("l")("s")("e")("i")("f")(command);@/
  1143  pr4("t")("r")("u")("e")(bold);@/
  1144  pr5("f")("a")("l")("s")("e")(bold);@/
  1145  pr11("n")("u")("l")("l")("p")("i")("c")("t")("u")("r")("e")(bold);@/
  1146  pr7("n")("u")("l")("l")("p")("e")("n")(bold);@/
  1147  pr7("j")("o")("b")("n")("a")("m")("e")(bold);@/
  1148  pr10("r")("e")("a")("d")("s")("t")("r")("i")("n")("g")(bold);@/
  1149  pr9("p")("e")("n")("c")("i")("r")("c")("l")("e")(bold);@/
  1150  pr4("g")("o")("o")("d")(special_tag);@/
  1151  pr2("=")(":")(as_is);@/
  1152  pr3("=")(":")("|")(as_is);@/
  1153  pr4("=")(":")("|")(">")(as_is);@/
  1154  pr3("|")("=")(":")(as_is);@/
  1155  pr4("|")("=")(":")(">")(as_is);@/
  1156  pr4("|")("=")(":")("|")(as_is);@/
  1157  pr5("|")("=")(":")("|")(">")(as_is);@/
  1158  pr6("|")("=")(":")("|")(">")(">")(as_is);@/
  1159  pr4("k")("e")("r")("n")(binary);
  1160  pr6("s")("k")("i")("p")("t")("o")(command);@/
  1162  @ (Does anybody out there remember the commercials that went \.{LS-MFT}?)
  1164  @<Store all the prim...@>=
  1165  pr13("n")("o")("r")("m")("a")("l")("d")("e")("v")("i")("a")("t")("e")(op);@/
  1166  pr3("o")("d")("d")(op);@/
  1167  pr5("k")("n")("o")("w")("n")(op);@/
  1168  pr7("u")("n")("k")("n")("o")("w")("n")(op);@/
  1169  pr3("n")("o")("t")(op);@/
  1170  pr7("d")("e")("c")("i")("m")("a")("l")(op);@/
  1171  pr7("r")("e")("v")("e")("r")("s")("e")(op);@/
  1172  pr8("m")("a")("k")("e")("p")("a")("t")("h")(op);@/
  1173  pr7("m")("a")("k")("e")("p")("e")("n")(op);@/
  1174  pr11("t")("o")("t")("a")("l")("w")("e")("i")("g")("h")("t")(op);@/
  1175  pr3("o")("c")("t")(op);@/
  1176  pr3("h")("e")("x")(op);@/
  1177  pr5("A")("S")("C")("I")("I")(op);@/
  1178  pr4("c")("h")("a")("r")(op);@/
  1179  pr6("l")("e")("n")("g")("t")("h")(op);@/
  1180  pr13("t")("u")("r")("n")("i")("n")("g")("n")("u")("m")("b")("e")("r")(op);@/
  1181  pr5("x")("p")("a")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1182  pr5("y")("p")("a")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1183  pr6("x")("x")("p")("a")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1184  pr6("x")("y")("p")("a")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1185  pr6("y")("x")("p")("a")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1186  pr6("y")("y")("p")("a")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1187  pr4("s")("q")("r")("t")(op);@/
  1188  pr4("m")("e")("x")("p")(op);@/
  1189  pr4("m")("l")("o")("g")(op);@/
  1190  pr4("s")("i")("n")("d")(op);@/
  1191  pr4("c")("o")("s")("d")(op);@/
  1192  pr5("f")("l")("o")("o")("r")(op);@/
  1193  pr14("u")("n")("i")("f")("o")("r")("m")("d")("e")("v")("i")("a")("t")("e")(op);
  1194    @/
  1195  pr10("c")("h")("a")("r")("e")("x")("i")("s")("t")("s")(op);@/
  1196  pr5("a")("n")("g")("l")("e")(op);@/
  1197  pr5("c")("y")("c")("l")("e")(op);@/
  1199  @ (If you think this \.{WEB} code is ugly, you should see the Pascal code
  1200  it produces.)
  1202  @<Store all the primitives@>=
  1203  pr13("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1204   ("t")("i")("t")("l")("e")("s")(internal);@/
  1205  pr16("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1206   ("e")("q")("u")("a")("t")("i")("o")("n")("s")(internal);@/
  1207  pr15("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1208   ("c")("a")("p")("s")("u")("l")("e")("s")(internal);@/
  1209  pr14("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1210   ("c")("h")("o")("i")("c")("e")("s")(internal);@/
  1211  pr12("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1212   ("s")("p")("e")("c")("s")(internal);@/
  1213  pr11("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1214   ("p")("e")("n")("s")(internal);@/
  1215  pr15("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1216   ("c")("o")("m")("m")("a")("n")("d")("s")(internal);@/
  1217  pr13("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1218   ("m")("a")("c")("r")("o")("s")(internal);@/
  1219  pr12("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1220   ("e")("d")("g")("e")("s")(internal);@/
  1221  pr13("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1222   ("o")("u")("t")("p")("u")("t")(internal);@/
  1223  pr12("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1224   ("s")("t")("a")("t")("s")(internal);@/
  1225  pr13("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1226   ("o")("n")("l")("i")("n")("e")(internal);@/
  1227  pr15("t")("r")("a")("c")("i")("n")("g")
  1228   ("r")("e")("s")("t")("o")("r")("e")("s")(internal);@/
  1230  @ @<Store all the primitives@>=
  1231  pr4("y")("e")("a")("r")(internal);@/
  1232  pr5("m")("o")("n")("t")("h")(internal);@/
  1233  pr3("d")("a")("y")(internal);@/
  1234  pr4("t")("i")("m")("e")(internal);@/
  1235  pr8("c")("h")("a")("r")("c")("o")("d")("e")(internal);@/
  1236  pr7("c")("h")("a")("r")("e")("x")("t")(internal);@/
  1237  pr6("c")("h")("a")("r")("w")("d")(internal);@/
  1238  pr6("c")("h")("a")("r")("h")("t")(internal);@/
  1239  pr6("c")("h")("a")("r")("d")("p")(internal);@/
  1240  pr6("c")("h")("a")("r")("i")("c")(internal);@/
  1241  pr6("c")("h")("a")("r")("d")("x")(internal);@/
  1242  pr6("c")("h")("a")("r")("d")("y")(internal);@/
  1243  pr10("d")("e")("s")("i")("g")("n")("s")("i")("z")("e")(internal);@/
  1244  pr4("h")("p")("p")("p")(internal);@/
  1245  pr4("v")("p")("p")("p")(internal);@/
  1246  pr7("x")("o")("f")("f")("s")("e")("t")(internal);@/
  1247  pr7("y")("o")("f")("f")("s")("e")("t")(internal);@/
  1248  pr7("p")("a")("u")("s")("i")("n")("g")(internal);@/
  1249  pr12("s")("h")("o")("w")
  1250   ("s")("t")("o")("p")("p")("i")("n")("g")(internal);@/
  1251  pr10("f")("o")("n")("t")("m")("a")("k")("i")("n")("g")(internal);@/
  1252  pr8("p")("r")("o")("o")("f")("i")("n")("g")(internal);@/
  1253  pr9("s")("m")("o")("o")("t")("h")("i")("n")("g")(internal);@/
  1254  pr12("a")("u")("t")("o")("r")("o")("u")("n")("d")("i")("n")("g")(internal);@/
  1255  pr11("g")("r")("a")("n")("u")("l")("a")("r")("i")("t")("y")(internal);@/
  1256  pr6("f")("i")("l")("l")("i")("n")(internal);@/
  1257  pr12("t")("u")("r")("n")("i")("n")("g")("c")("h")("e")("c")("k")(internal);@/
  1258  pr12("w")("a")("r")("n")("i")("n")("g")("c")("h")("e")("c")("k")(internal);@/
  1259  pr12("b")("o")("u")("n")("d")("a")("r")("y")("c")("h")("a")("r")(internal);@/
  1261  @ Still more.
  1263  @<Store all the prim...@>=
  1264  pr1("+")(abinary);@/
  1265  pr1("-")(abinary);@/
  1266  pr1("*")(abinary);@/
  1267  pr1("/")(as_is);@/
  1268  pr2("+")("+")(binary);@/
  1269  pr3("+")("-")("+")(pyth_sub);@/
  1270  pr3("a")("n")("d")(binary);@/
  1271  pr2("o")("r")(binary);@/
  1272  pr1("<")(as_is);@/
  1273  pr2("<")("=")(less_or_equal);@/
  1274  pr1(">")(as_is);@/
  1275  pr2(">")("=")(greater_or_equal);@/
  1276  pr1("=")(as_is);@/
  1277  pr2("<")(">")(not_equal);@/
  1278  pr9("s")("u")("b")("s")("t")("r")("i")("n")("g")(command);@/
  1279  pr7("s")("u")("b")("p")("a")("t")("h")(command);@/
  1280  pr13("d")("i")("r")("e")("c")("t")("i")("o")("n")@|
  1281   ("t")("i")("m")("e")(command);@/
  1282  pr5("p")("o")("i")("n")("t")(command);@/
  1283  pr10("p")("r")("e")("c")("o")("n")("t")("r")("o")("l")(command);@/
  1284  pr11("p")("o")("s")("t")("c")("o")("n")("t")("r")("o")("l")(command);@/
  1285  pr9("p")("e")("n")("o")("f")("f")("s")("e")("t")(command);@/
  1286  pr1("&")(ampersand);@/
  1287  pr7("r")("o")("t")("a")("t")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1288  pr7("s")("l")("a")("n")("t")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1289  pr6("s")("c")("a")("l")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1290  pr7("s")("h")("i")("f")("t")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1291  pr11("t")("r")("a")("n")("s")("f")("o")("r")("m")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1292  pr7("x")("s")("c")("a")("l")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1293  pr7("y")("s")("c")("a")("l")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1294  pr7("z")("s")("c")("a")("l")("e")("d")(binary);@/
  1295  pr17("i")("n")("t")("e")("r")("s")("e")("c")("t")("i")("o")("n")@|
  1296   ("t")("i")("m")("e")("s")(binary);@/
  1297  pr7("n")("u")("m")("e")("r")("i")("c")(type_name);@/
  1298  pr6("s")("t")("r")("i")("n")("g")(type_name);@/
  1299  pr7("b")("o")("o")("l")("e")("a")("n")(type_name);@/
  1300  pr4("p")("a")("t")("h")(type_name);@/
  1301  pr3("p")("e")("n")(type_name);@/
  1302  pr7("p")("i")("c")("t")("u")("r")("e")(type_name);@/
  1303  pr9("t")("r")("a")("n")("s")("f")("o")("r")("m")(type_name);@/
  1304  pr4("p")("a")("i")("r")(type_name);@/
  1306  @ At last we are done with the tedious initialization of primitives.
  1308  @<Store all the prim...@>=
  1309  pr3("e")("n")("d")(endit);@/
  1310  pr4("d")("u")("m")("p")(endit);@/
  1311  pr9("b")("a")("t")("c")("h")("m")("o")("d")("e")(bold);
  1312  pr11("n")("o")("n")("s")("t")("o")("p")("m")("o")("d")("e")(bold);
  1313  pr10("s")("c")("r")("o")("l")("l")("m")("o")("d")("e")(bold);
  1314  pr13("e")("r")("r")("o")("r")("s")("t")("o")("p")@|
  1315   ("m")("o")("d")("e")(bold);
  1316  pr5("i")("n")("n")("e")("r")(command);@/
  1317  pr5("o")("u")("t")("e")("r")(command);@/
  1318  pr9("s")("h")("o")("w")("t")("o")("k")("e")("n")(command);@/
  1319  pr9("s")("h")("o")("w")("s")("t")("a")("t")("s")(bold);@/
  1320  pr4("s")("h")("o")("w")(command);@/
  1321  pr12("s")("h")("o")("w")("v")("a")("r")("i")("a")("b")("l")("e")(command);@/
  1322  pr16("s")("h")("o")("w")@|
  1323   ("d")("e")("p")("e")("n")("d")("e")("n")("c")("i")("e")("s")(bold);@/
  1324  pr7("c")("o")("n")("t")("o")("u")("r")(command);@/
  1325  pr10("d")("o")("u")("b")("l")("e")("p")("a")("t")("h")(command);@/
  1326  pr4("a")("l")("s")("o")(command);@/
  1327  pr7("w")("i")("t")("h")("p")("e")("n")(command);@/
  1328  pr10("w")("i")("t")("h")("w")("e")("i")("g")("h")("t")(command);@/
  1329  pr8("d")("r")("o")("p")("p")("i")("n")("g")(command);@/
  1330  pr7("k")("e")("e")("p")("i")("n")("g")(command);@/
  1331  pr7("m")("e")("s")("s")("a")("g")("e")(command);@/
  1332  pr10("e")("r")("r")("m")("e")("s")("s")("a")("g")("e")(command);@/
  1333  pr7("e")("r")("r")("h")("e")("l")("p")(command);@/
  1334  pr8("c")("h")("a")("r")("l")("i")("s")("t")(command);@/
  1335  pr8("l")("i")("g")("t")("a")("b")("l")("e")(command);@/
  1336  pr10("e")("x")("t")("e")("n")("s")("i")("b")("l")("e")(command);@/
  1337  pr10("h")("e")("a")("d")("e")("r")("b")("y")("t")("e")(command);@/
  1338  pr9("f")("o")("n")("t")("d")("i")("m")("e")("n")(command);@/
  1339  pr7("s")("p")("e")("c")("i")("a")("l")(command);@/
  1340  pr10("n")("u")("m")("s")("p")("e")("c")("i")("a")("l")(command);@/
  1341  pr1("%")(comment);@/
  1342  pr2("%")("%")(verbatim);@/
  1343  pr3("%")("%")("%")(set_format);@/
  1344  pr4("%")("%")("%")("%")(mft_comment);@/
  1345  pr1("#")(sharp);@/
  1347  @ We also want to store a few other strings of characters that are
  1348  used in \.{MFT}'s translation to \TeX\ code.
  1350  @d ttr1(#)==byte_mem[byte_ptr-1]:=#; cur_tok:=name_ptr;
  1351    incr(name_ptr); byte_start[name_ptr]:=byte_ptr
  1352  @d ttr2(#)==byte_mem[byte_ptr-2]:=#; ttr1
  1353  @d ttr3(#)==byte_mem[byte_ptr-3]:=#; ttr2
  1354  @d ttr4(#)==byte_mem[byte_ptr-4]:=#; ttr3
  1355  @d ttr5(#)==byte_mem[byte_ptr-5]:=#; ttr4
  1356  @d tr1==incr(byte_ptr); ttr1
  1357  @d tr2==byte_ptr:=byte_ptr+2; ttr2
  1358  @d tr3==byte_ptr:=byte_ptr+3; ttr3
  1359  @d tr4==byte_ptr:=byte_ptr+4; ttr4
  1360  @d tr5==byte_ptr:=byte_ptr+5; ttr5
  1362  @<Glob...@>=
  1363  @!translation:array[ASCII_code] of name_pointer;
  1364  @!i:ASCII_code; {index into |translation|}
  1366  @ @<Store all the translations@>=
  1367  for i:=0 to 255 do translation[i]:=0;
  1368  tr2("\")("$"); translation["$"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1369  tr2("\")("#"); translation["#"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1370  tr2("\")("&"); translation["&"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1371  tr2("\")("{"); translation["{"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1372  tr2("\")("}"); translation["}"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1373  tr2("\")("_"); translation["_"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1374  tr2("\")("%"); translation["%"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1375  tr4("\")("B")("S")(" "); translation["\"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1376  tr4("\")("H")("A")(" "); translation["^"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1377  tr4("\")("T")("I")(" "); translation["~"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1378  tr5("\")("a")("s")("t")(" "); translation["*"]:=cur_tok;@/
  1379  tr4("\")("A")("M")(" "); tr_amp:=cur_tok;@/
  1380  @.\\AM, etc@>
  1381  tr4("\")("B")("L")(" "); tr_skip:=cur_tok;@/
  1382  tr4("\")("S")("H")(" "); tr_sharp:=cur_tok;@/
  1383  tr4("\")("P")("S")(" "); tr_ps:=cur_tok;@/
  1384  tr4("\")("l")("e")(" "); tr_le:=cur_tok;@/
  1385  tr4("\")("g")("e")(" "); tr_ge:=cur_tok;@/
  1386  tr4("\")("n")("e")(" "); tr_ne:=cur_tok;@/
  1387  tr5("\")("q")("u")("a")("d"); tr_quad:=cur_tok;@/
  1389  @ @<Glob...@>=
  1390  @!tr_le,@!tr_ge,@!tr_ne,@!tr_amp,@!tr_sharp,@!tr_skip,@!tr_ps,
  1391   @!tr_quad:name_pointer; {special translations}
  1393  @* Inputting the next token.
  1394  \.{MFT}'s lexical scanning routine is called |get_next|. This procedure
  1395  inputs the next token of \MF\ input and puts its encoded meaning into
  1396  two global variables, |cur_type| and |cur_tok|.
  1398  @<Glob...@>=
  1399  @!cur_type:eight_bits; {type of token just scanned}
  1400  @!cur_tok:integer; {hash table or buffer location}
  1401  @!prev_type:eight_bits; {previous value of |cur_type|}
  1402  @!prev_tok:integer; {previous value of |cur_tok|}
  1404  @ @<Set init...@>=
  1405  cur_type:=end_of_line; cur_tok:=0;
  1407  @ Two global state variables affect the behavior of |get_next|: A space
  1408  will be considered significant when |start_of_line| is |true|,
  1409  and the buffer will be considered devoid of information when |empty_buffer|
  1410  is |true|.
  1412  @<Glob...@>=
  1413  @!start_of_line:boolean; {has the current line had nothing but spaces so far?}
  1414  @!empty_buffer:boolean; {is it time to input a new line?}
  1416  @ The 256 |ASCII_code| characters are grouped into classes by means of
  1417  the |char_class| table. Individual class numbers have no semantic
  1418  or syntactic significance, expect in a few instances defined here.
  1419  There's also |max_class|, which can be used as a basis for additional
  1420  class numbers in nonstandard extensions of \MF.
  1422  @d digit_class=0 {the class number of \.{0123456789}}
  1423  @d period_class=1 {the class number of `\..'}
  1424  @d space_class=2 {the class number of spaces and nonstandard characters}
  1425  @d percent_class=3 {the class number of `\.\%'}
  1426  @d string_class=4 {the class number of `\."'}
  1427  @d right_paren_class=8 {the class number of `\.)'}
  1428  @d isolated_classes==5,6,7,8 {characters that make length-one tokens only}
  1429  @d letter_class=9 {letters and the underline character}
  1430  @d left_bracket_class=17 {`\.['}
  1431  @d right_bracket_class=18 {`\.]'}
  1432  @d invalid_class=20 {bad character in the input}
  1433  @d end_line_class=21 {end of an input line (\.{MFT} only)}
  1434  @d max_class=21 {the largest class number}
  1436  @<Glob...@>=
  1437  @!char_class:array[ASCII_code] of 0..max_class; {the class numbers}
  1439  @ If changes are made to accommodate non-ASCII character sets, they should be
  1440  essentially the same in \.{MFT} as in \MF. However, \.{MFT} has an additional
  1441  class number, the |end_line_class|, which is used only for the special
  1442  character |carriage_return| that is placed at the end of the input buffer.
  1443  @^character set dependencies@>
  1444  @^system dependencies@>
  1446  @d carriage_return=@'15 {special code placed in |buffer[limit]|}
  1448  @<Set init...@>=
  1449  for i:="0" to "9" do char_class[i]:=digit_class;
  1450  char_class["."]:=period_class;
  1451  char_class[" "]:=space_class;
  1452  char_class["%"]:=percent_class;
  1453  char_class[""""]:=string_class;@/
  1454  char_class[","]:=5;
  1455  char_class[";"]:=6;
  1456  char_class["("]:=7;
  1457  char_class[")"]:=right_paren_class;
  1458  for i:="A" to "Z" do char_class[i]:=letter_class;
  1459  for i:="a" to "z" do char_class[i]:=letter_class;
  1460  char_class["_"]:=letter_class;@/
  1461  char_class["<"]:=10;
  1462  char_class["="]:=10;
  1463  char_class[">"]:=10;
  1464  char_class[":"]:=10;
  1465  char_class["|"]:=10;@/
  1466  char_class["`"]:=11;
  1467  char_class["'"]:=11;@/
  1468  char_class["+"]:=12;
  1469  char_class["-"]:=12;@/
  1470  char_class["/"]:=13;
  1471  char_class["*"]:=13;
  1472  char_class["\"]:=13;@/
  1473  char_class["!"]:=14;
  1474  char_class["?"]:=14;@/
  1475  char_class["#"]:=15;
  1476  char_class["&"]:=15;
  1477  char_class["@@"]:=15;
  1478  char_class["$"]:=15;@/
  1479  char_class["^"]:=16;
  1480  char_class["~"]:=16;@/
  1481  char_class["["]:=left_bracket_class;
  1482  char_class["]"]:=right_bracket_class;@/
  1483  char_class["{"]:=19;
  1484  char_class["}"]:=19;@/
  1485  for i:=0 to " "-1 do char_class[i]:=invalid_class;
  1486  char_class[carriage_return]:=end_line_class;@/
  1487  for i:=127 to 255 do char_class[i]:=invalid_class;
  1489  @ And now we're ready to take the plunge into |get_next| itself.
  1491  @d switch=25 {a label in |get_next|}
  1492  @d pass_digits=85 {another}
  1493  @d pass_fraction=86 {and still another, although |goto| is considered harmful}
  1495  @p procedure get_next; {sets |cur_type| and |cur_tok| to next token}
  1496  label switch,pass_digits,pass_fraction,done,found,exit;
  1497  var @!c:ASCII_code; {the current character in the buffer}
  1498  @!class:ASCII_code; {its class number}
  1499  begin prev_type:=cur_type; prev_tok:=cur_tok;
  1500  if empty_buffer then
  1501    @<Bring in a new line of input; |return| if the file has ended@>;
  1502  switch: c:=buffer[loc]; id_first:=loc; incr(loc); class:=char_class[c];
  1503  @<Branch on the |class|, scan the token; |return| directly if the
  1504    token is special, or |goto found| if it needs to be looked up@>;
  1505  found:id_loc:=loc; cur_tok:=lookup; cur_type:=ilk[cur_tok];
  1506  exit:end;
  1508  @ @d emit(#)==@t@>@+begin cur_type:=#; cur_tok:=id_first; return;@+end
  1510  @<Branch on the |class|...@>=
  1511  case class of
  1512  digit_class:goto pass_digits;
  1513  period_class:begin class:=char_class[buffer[loc]];
  1514    if class>period_class then goto switch {ignore isolated `\..'}
  1515    else if class<period_class then goto pass_fraction; {|class=digit_class|}
  1516    end;
  1517  space_class:if start_of_line then emit(indentation)
  1518    else goto switch;
  1519  end_line_class: emit(end_of_line);
  1520  string_class:@<Get a string token and |return|@>;
  1521  isolated_classes: goto found;
  1522  invalid_class:@<Decry the invalid character and |goto switch|@>;
  1523  othercases do_nothing {letters, etc.}
  1524  endcases;@/
  1525  while char_class[buffer[loc]]=class do incr(loc);
  1526  goto found;
  1527  pass_digits: while char_class[buffer[loc]]=digit_class do incr(loc);
  1528  if buffer[loc]<>"." then goto done;
  1529  if char_class[buffer[loc+1]]<>digit_class then goto done;
  1530  incr(loc);
  1531  pass_fraction:repeat incr(loc);
  1532  until char_class[buffer[loc]]<>digit_class;
  1533  done:emit(numeric_token)
  1535  @ @<Get a string token and |return|@>=
  1536  loop@+begin if buffer[loc]="""" then
  1537      begin incr(loc); emit(string_token);
  1538      end;
  1539    if loc=limit then @<Decry the missing string delimiter and |goto switch|@>;
  1540    incr(loc);
  1541    end
  1543  @ @<Decry the missing string delimiter and |goto switch|@>=
  1544  begin err_print('! Incomplete string will be ignored'); goto switch;
  1545  @.Incomplete string...@>
  1546  end
  1548  @ @<Decry the invalid character and |goto switch|@>=
  1549  begin err_print('! Invalid character will be ignored'); goto switch;
  1550  @.Invalid character...@>
  1551  end
  1553  @ @<Bring in a new line of input; |return| if the file has ended@>=
  1554  begin get_line;
  1555  if input_has_ended then emit(end_of_file);
  1556  buffer[limit]:=carriage_return; loc:=0; start_of_line:=true;
  1557  empty_buffer:=false;
  1558  end
  1560  @* Low-level output routines.
  1561  The \TeX\ output is supposed to appear in lines at most |line_length|
  1562  characters long, so we place it into an output buffer. During the output
  1563  process, |out_line| will hold the current line number of the line about to
  1564  be output.
  1566  @<Glo...@>=
  1567  @!out_buf:array[0..line_length] of ASCII_code; {assembled characters}
  1568  @!out_ptr:0..line_length; {number of characters in |out_buf|}
  1569  @!out_line: integer; {coordinates of next line to be output}
  1571  @ The |flush_buffer| routine empties the buffer up to a given breakpoint,
  1572  and moves any remaining characters to the beginning of the next line.
  1573  If the |per_cent| parameter is |true|, a |"%"| is appended to the line
  1574  that is being output; in this case the breakpoint |b| should be strictly
  1575  less than |line_length|. If the |per_cent| parameter is |false|,
  1576  trailing blanks are suppressed.
  1577  The characters emptied from the buffer form a new line of output.
  1579  @p procedure flush_buffer(@!b:eight_bits;@!per_cent:boolean);
  1580    {outputs |out_buf[1..b]|, where |b<=out_ptr|}
  1581  label done;
  1582  var j,@!k:0..line_length;
  1583  begin j:=b;
  1584  if not per_cent then {remove trailing blanks}
  1585    loop@+  begin if j=0 then goto done;
  1586      if out_buf[j]<>" " then goto done;
  1587      decr(j);
  1588      end;
  1589  done: for k:=1 to j do write(tex_file,xchr[out_buf[k]]);
  1590  if per_cent then write(tex_file,xchr["%"]);
  1591  write_ln(tex_file); incr(out_line);
  1592  if b<out_ptr then for k:=b+1 to out_ptr do out_buf[k-b]:=out_buf[k];
  1593  out_ptr:=out_ptr-b;
  1594  end;
  1596  @ \.{MFT} calls |flush_buffer(out_ptr,false)| before it has input
  1597  anything. We initialize the output variables
  1598  so that the first line of the output file will be `\.{\\input mftmac}'.
  1599  @.\\input mftmac@>
  1600  @.mftmac@>
  1602  @<Set init...@>=
  1603  out_ptr:=1; out_buf[1]:=" "; out_line:=1; write(tex_file,'\input mftmac');
  1605  @ When we wish to append the character |c| to the output buffer, we write
  1606  `$|out|(c)$'; this will cause the buffer to be emptied if it was already
  1607  full. Similarly, `$|out2|(c_1)(c_2)$' appends a pair of characters.
  1608  A line break will occur at a space or after a single-nonletter
  1609  \TeX\ control sequence.
  1611  @d oot(#)==@;@/
  1612    if out_ptr=line_length then break_out;
  1613    incr(out_ptr); out_buf[out_ptr]:=#;
  1614  @d oot1(#)==oot(#)@+end
  1615  @d oot2(#)==oot(#)@,oot1
  1616  @d oot3(#)==oot(#)@,oot2
  1617  @d oot4(#)==oot(#)@,oot3
  1618  @d oot5(#)==oot(#)@,oot4
  1619  @d out==@+begin oot1
  1620  @d out2==@+begin oot2
  1621  @d out3==@+begin oot3
  1622  @d out4==@+begin oot4
  1623  @d out5==@+begin oot5
  1625  @ The |break_out| routine is called just before the output buffer is about
  1626  to overflow. To make this routine a little faster, we initialize position
  1627  0 of the output buffer to `\.\\'; this character isn't really output.
  1629  @<Set init...@>=
  1630  out_buf[0]:="\";
  1632  @ A long line is broken at a blank space or just before a backslash that isn't
  1633  preceded by another backslash. In the latter case, a |"%"| is output at
  1634  the break. (This policy has a known bug, in the rare situation that the
  1635  backslash was in a string constant that's being output ``verbatim.'')
  1637  @p procedure break_out; {finds a way to break the output line}
  1638  label exit;
  1639  var k:0..line_length; {index into |out_buf|}
  1640  @!d:ASCII_code; {character from the buffer}
  1641  begin k:=out_ptr;
  1642  loop@+  begin if k=0 then
  1643      @<Print warning message, break the line, |return|@>;
  1644    d:=out_buf[k];
  1645    if d=" " then
  1646      begin flush_buffer(k,false); return;
  1647      end;
  1648    if (d="\")and(out_buf[k-1]<>"\") then {in this case |k>1|}
  1649      begin flush_buffer(k-1,true); return;
  1650      end;
  1651    decr(k);
  1652    end;
  1653  exit:end;
  1655  @ We get to this module only in unusual cases that the entire output line
  1656  consists of a string of backslashes followed by a string of nonblank
  1657  non-backslashes. In such cases it is almost always safe to break the
  1658  line by putting a |"%"| just before the last character.
  1660  @<Print warning message...@>=
  1661  begin print_nl('! Line had to be broken (output l.',out_line:1);
  1662  @.Line had to be broken@>
  1663  print_ln('):');
  1664  for k:=1 to out_ptr-1 do print(xchr[out_buf[k]]);
  1665  new_line; mark_harmless;
  1666  flush_buffer(out_ptr-1,true); return;
  1667  end
  1669  @ To output a string of bytes from |byte_mem|, we call |out_str|.
  1671  @p procedure out_str(@!p:name_pointer); {outputs a string}
  1672  var @!k:0..max_bytes; {index into |byte_mem|}
  1673  begin for k:=byte_start[p] to byte_start[p+1]-1 do out(byte_mem[k]);
  1674  end;
  1676  @ The |out_name| subroutine is used to output a symbolic token.
  1677  Unusual characters are translated into forms that won't screw up.
  1679  @p procedure out_name(@!p:name_pointer); {outputs a name}
  1680  var @!k:0..max_bytes; {index into |byte_mem|}
  1681  @!t:name_pointer; {translation of character being output, if any}
  1682  begin for k:=byte_start[p] to byte_start[p+1]-1 do
  1683    begin t:=translation[byte_mem[k]];
  1684          if t=0 then out(byte_mem[k])
  1685    else out_str(t);
  1686    end;
  1687  end;
  1689  @ We often want to output a name after calling a numeric macro
  1690  (e.g., `\.{\\1\{foo\}}').
  1692  @p procedure out_mac_and_name(@!n:ASCII_code; @!p:name_pointer);
  1693  begin out("\"); out(n);
  1694  if length(p)=1 then out_name(p)
  1695  else  begin out("{"); out_name(p); out("}");
  1696    end;
  1697  end;
  1699  @ Here's a routine that simply copies from the input buffer to the output
  1700  buffer.
  1702  @p procedure copy(@!first_loc:integer); {output |buffer[first_loc..loc-1]|}
  1703  var @!k:0..buf_size; {|buffer| location being copied}
  1704  begin for k:=first_loc to loc-1 do out(buffer[k]);
  1705  end;
  1707  @* Translation.
  1708  The main work of \.{MFT} is accomplished by a routine that translates
  1709  the tokens, one by one, with a limited amount of lookahead/lookbehind.
  1710  Automata theorists might loosely call this a ``finite state transducer,''
  1711  because the flow of control is comparatively simple.
  1713  @p procedure do_the_translation;
  1714  label restart,reswitch,done,exit;
  1715  var @!k:0..buf_size; {looks ahead in the buffer}
  1716  @!t:integer; {type that spreads to new tokens}
  1717  begin restart:if out_ptr>0 then flush_buffer(out_ptr,false);
  1718  empty_buffer:=true;
  1719  loop@+  begin get_next;
  1720    if start_of_line then @<Do special actions at the start of a line@>;
  1721    reswitch:case cur_type of
  1722    numeric_token:@<Translate a numeric token or a fraction@>;
  1723    string_token:@<Translate a string token@>;
  1724    indentation:out_str(tr_quad);
  1725    end_of_line,mft_comment:@<Wind up a line of translation and |goto restart|,
  1726      or finish a \pb\ segment and |goto reswitch|@>;
  1727    end_of_file:return;
  1728  @t\4@>  @<Cases that translate primitive tokens@>@;
  1729    comment,recomment:@<Translate a comment and |goto restart|,
  1730      unless there's a \pb\ segment@>;
  1731    verbatim:@<Copy the rest of the current input line to the output,
  1732      then |goto restart|@>;
  1733    set_format:@<Change the translation format of tokens,
  1734      and |goto restart| or |reswitch|@>;
  1735    internal,special_tag,tag:@<Translate a tag and possible subscript@>;
  1736    end;  {all cases have been listed}
  1737    end;
  1738  exit:end;
  1740  @ @<Do special actions at the start of a line@>=
  1741  if cur_type>=min_action_type then
  1742    begin out("$"); start_of_line:=false;
  1743    case cur_type of
  1744    endit:out2("\")("!");
  1745  @.\\!@>
  1746    binary,abinary,bbinary,ampersand,pyth_sub:out2("{")("}");
  1747  @.\{\}@>
  1748    othercases do_nothing
  1749    endcases;
  1750    end
  1751  else if cur_type=end_of_line then
  1752    begin out_str(tr_skip); goto restart;
  1753    end
  1754  else if cur_type=mft_comment then goto restart
  1756  @ Let's start with some of the easier translations, so that the harder
  1757  ones will also be easy when we get to them. A string like |"cat"|
  1758  comes out `\.{\\7"cat"}'.
  1760  @<Translate a string token@>=
  1761  begin out2("\")("7"); copy(cur_tok);
  1762  @.\\7@>
  1763  end
  1765  @ Similarly, the translation of `\.{sqrt}' is `\.{\\1\{sqrt\}}'.
  1767  @<Cases that translate primitive tokens@>=
  1768  op: out_mac_and_name("1",cur_tok);
  1769  @.\\1@>
  1770  command: out_mac_and_name("2",cur_tok);
  1771  @.\\2@>
  1772  type_name: if prev_type=command then out_mac_and_name("1",cur_tok)
  1773    else out_mac_and_name("2",cur_tok);
  1774  endit: out_mac_and_name("3",cur_tok);
  1775  @.\\3@>
  1776  bbinary: out_mac_and_name("4",cur_tok);
  1777  @.\\4@>
  1778  bold: out_mac_and_name("5",cur_tok);
  1779  @.\\5@>
  1780  binary: out_mac_and_name("6",cur_tok);
  1781  @.\\6@>
  1782  path_join: out_mac_and_name("8",cur_tok);
  1783  @.\\8@>
  1784  colon: out_mac_and_name("?",cur_tok);
  1785  @.\\?@>
  1787  @ Here are a few more easy cases.
  1789  @<Cases that translate primitive tokens@>=
  1790  as_is,sharp,abinary: out_name(cur_tok);
  1791  double_back: out2("\")(";");
  1792  @.\\;@>
  1793  semicolon: begin out_name(cur_tok); get_next;
  1794    if cur_type<>end_of_line then if cur_type<>endit then out2("\")(" ");
  1795  @.\\\char32@>
  1796    goto reswitch;
  1797    end;
  1799  @ Some of the primitives have a fixed output (independent of |cur_tok|):
  1801  @<Cases that translate primitive tokens@>=
  1802  backslash:out_str(translation["\"]);
  1803  pyth_sub:out_str(tr_ps);
  1804  less_or_equal:out_str(tr_le);
  1805  greater_or_equal:out_str(tr_ge);
  1806  not_equal:out_str(tr_ne);
  1807  ampersand:out_str(tr_amp);
  1809  @ The remaining primitive is slightly special.
  1811  @<Cases that translate primitive tokens@>=
  1812  input_command: begin out_mac_and_name("2",cur_tok);
  1813    out5("\")("h")("b")("o")("x");
  1814    @<Scan the file name and output it in \.{typewriter type}@>;
  1815    end;
  1817  @ File names have different formats on different computers, so we don't scan
  1818  them with |get_next|. Here we use
  1819  a rule that probably covers most cases satisfactorily: We ignore leading
  1820  blanks, then consider the file name to consist of all subsequent characters
  1821  up to the first blank, semicolon, comment, or end-of-line.
  1822  (A |carriage_return| appears at the end of the line.)
  1824  @<Scan the file name and output it in \.{typewriter type}@>=
  1825  while buffer[loc]=" " do incr(loc);
  1826  out5("{")("\")("t")("t")(" ");
  1827  while (buffer[loc]<>" ")and(buffer[loc]<>"%")and(buffer[loc]<>";")
  1828    and(loc<limit) do
  1829    begin out(buffer[loc]); incr(loc);
  1830    end;
  1831  out("}")
  1833  @ @<Translate a numeric token or a fraction@>=
  1834  if buffer[loc]="/" then
  1835    if char_class[buffer[loc+1]]=digit_class then {it's a fraction}
  1836      begin out5("\")("f")("r")("a")("c"); copy(cur_tok); get_next;
  1837  @.\\frac@>
  1838      out2("/")("{"); get_next; copy(cur_tok); out("}");
  1839      end
  1840    else copy(cur_tok)
  1841  else copy(cur_tok)
  1843  @ @<Translate a tag and possible subscript@>=
  1844  begin if length(cur_tok)=1 then out_name(cur_tok)
  1845  else out_mac_and_name("\",cur_tok);
  1846  @.\\\\@>
  1847  get_next;
  1848  if byte_mem[byte_start[prev_tok]]="'" then goto reswitch;
  1849  case prev_type of
  1850  internal:begin if (cur_type=numeric_token)or(cur_type>=min_suffix) then
  1851      out2("\")(",");
  1852  @.\\,@>
  1853    goto reswitch;
  1854    end;
  1855  special_tag:if cur_type<min_suffix then goto reswitch
  1856    else  begin out("."); cur_type:=internal; goto reswitch;
  1857  @..@>
  1858      end;
  1859  tag:begin if cur_type=tag then if byte_mem[byte_start[cur_tok]]="'" then
  1860      goto reswitch; {a sequence of primes goes on the main line}
  1861    if (cur_type=numeric_token)or(cur_type>=min_suffix) then
  1862      @<Translate a subscript@>
  1863    else if cur_type=sharp then out_str(tr_sharp)
  1864    else goto reswitch;
  1865    end;
  1866  end; {there are no other cases}
  1867  end
  1869  @ @<Translate a subscript@>=
  1870  begin out2("_")("{");
  1871  loop@+  begin if cur_type>=min_suffix then out_name(cur_tok)
  1872    else copy(cur_tok);
  1873    if prev_type=special_tag then
  1874      begin get_next; goto done;
  1875      end;
  1876    get_next;
  1877    if cur_type<min_suffix then if cur_type<>numeric_token then goto done;
  1878    if cur_type=prev_type then
  1879      if cur_type=numeric_token then out2("\")(",")
  1880  @.\\,@>
  1881      else if char_class[byte_mem[byte_start[cur_tok]]]=@|
  1882       char_class[byte_mem[byte_start[prev_tok]]] then
  1883        if byte_mem[byte_start[prev_tok]]<>"." then out(".")
  1884        else out2("\")(",");
  1885    end;
  1886  done: out("}"); goto reswitch;
  1887  end
  1889  @ The tricky thing about comments is that they might contain \pb.
  1890  We scan ahead for this, and replace the second `\.{\char'174}'
  1891  by a |carriage_return|.
  1893  @<Translate a comment and |goto restart|...@>=
  1894  begin if cur_type=comment then out2("\")("9");
  1895  @.\\9@>
  1896  id_first:=loc;
  1897  while (loc<limit)and(buffer[loc]<>"|") do incr(loc);
  1898  copy(id_first);
  1899  if loc<limit then
  1900    begin start_of_line:=true; incr(loc); k:=loc;
  1901    while (k<limit)and(buffer[k]<>"|") do incr(k);
  1902    buffer[k]:=carriage_return;
  1903    end
  1904  else  begin if out_buf[out_ptr]="\" then out(" ");
  1905    out4("\")("p")("a")("r"); goto restart;
  1906  @.\\par@>
  1907    end;
  1908  end
  1910  @ @<Copy the rest of the current input line to the output...@>=
  1911  begin id_first:=loc; loc:=limit; copy(id_first);
  1912  if out_ptr=0 then
  1913    begin out_ptr:=1; out_buf[1]:=" ";
  1914    end;
  1915  goto restart;
  1916  end
  1918  @ @<Wind up a line of translation...@>=
  1919  begin out("$");
  1920  if (loc<limit)and(cur_type=end_of_line) then
  1921    begin cur_type:=recomment; goto reswitch;
  1922    end
  1923  else  begin out4("\")("p")("a")("r"); goto restart;
  1924  @.\\par@>
  1925    end;
  1926  end
  1928  @ @<Change the translation format...@>=
  1929  begin start_of_line:=false; get_next; t:=cur_type;
  1930  while cur_type>=min_symbolic_token do
  1931    begin get_next;
  1932    if cur_type>=min_symbolic_token then ilk[cur_tok]:=t;
  1933    end;
  1934  if cur_type<>end_of_line then if cur_type<>mft_comment then
  1935    begin err_print('! Only symbolic tokens should appear after %%%');
  1936  @.Only symbolic tokens...@>
  1937    goto reswitch;
  1938    end;
  1939  empty_buffer:=true; goto restart;
  1940  end
  1942  @* The main program.
  1943  Let's put it all together now: \.{MFT} starts and ends here.
  1944  @^system dependencies@>
  1946  @p begin initialize; {beginning of the main program}
  1947  print_ln(banner); {print a ``banner line''}
  1948  @<Store all the primitives@>;
  1949  @<Store all the translations@>;
  1950  @<Initialize the input...@>;
  1951  do_the_translation;
  1952  @<Check that all changes have been read@>;
  1953  end_of_MFT:{here files should be closed if the operating system requires it}
  1954  @<Print the job |history|@>;
  1955  end.
  1957  @ Some implementations may wish to pass the |history| value to the
  1958  operating system so that it can be used to govern whether or not other
  1959  programs are started. Here we simply report the history to the user.
  1960  @^system dependencies@>
  1962  @<Print the job |history|@>=
  1963  case history of
  1964  spotless: print_nl('(No errors were found.)');
  1965  harmless_message: print_nl('(Did you see the warning message above?)');
  1966  error_message: print_nl('(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)');
  1967  fatal_message: print_nl('(That was a fatal error, my friend.)');
  1968  end {there are no other cases}
  1970  @* System-dependent changes.
  1971  This module should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program
  1972  that are necessary to make \.{MFT} work at a particular installation.
  1973  It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to
  1974  previous modules preserve the module numbering; then everybody's version
  1975  will be consistent with the printed program. More extensive changes,
  1976  which introduce new modules, can be inserted here; then only the index
  1977  itself will get a new module number.
  1978  @^system dependencies@>
  1980  @* Index.