
     1  // Code generated by 'ccgo -export-defines "" -export-enums "" -export-externs X -export-fields F -export-structs "" -export-typedefs "" -o lib/z_linux_386.go -pkgname z -trace-translation-units /tmp/go-generate-2415789340/cdb.json libz.a', DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package z
     5  import (
     6  	"math"
     7  	"reflect"
     8  	"sync/atomic"
     9  	"unsafe"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  var _ = math.Pi
    16  var _ reflect.Kind
    17  var _ atomic.Value
    18  var _ unsafe.Pointer
    19  var _ types.Size_t
    21  const (
    22  	AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX                   = 20
    23  	BASE                                 = 65521
    24  	BC_BASE_MAX                          = 99
    25  	BC_DIM_MAX                           = 2048
    26  	BC_SCALE_MAX                         = 99
    27  	BC_STRING_MAX                        = 1000
    28  	BIG_ENDIAN                           = 4321
    29  	BYTE_ORDER                           = 1234
    30  	CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX                   = 2048
    31  	CHAR_BIT                             = 8
    32  	CHAR_MAX                             = 127
    33  	CHAR_MIN                             = -128
    34  	COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX                     = 255
    35  	DEF_MEM_LEVEL                        = 8
    36  	DEF_WBITS                            = 15
    37  	DELAYTIMER_MAX                       = 2147483647
    38  	DYN_TREES                            = 2
    39  	EXIT_FAILURE                         = 1
    40  	EXIT_SUCCESS                         = 0
    41  	EXPR_NEST_MAX                        = 32
    42  	FAR                                  = 0
    43  	FD_SETSIZE                           = 1024
    44  	F_LOCK                               = 1
    45  	F_OK                                 = 0
    46  	F_TEST                               = 3
    47  	F_TLOCK                              = 2
    48  	F_ULOCK                              = 0
    49  	HAVE_HIDDEN                          = 1
    50  	HAVE_MEMCPY                          = 0
    51  	HOST_NAME_MAX                        = 64
    52  	INT_MAX                              = 2147483647
    53  	INT_MIN                              = -2147483648
    54  	LINE_MAX                             = 2048
    55  	LITTLE_ENDIAN                        = 1234
    56  	LLONG_MAX                            = 9223372036854775807
    57  	LLONG_MIN                            = -9223372036854775808
    58  	LOGIN_NAME_MAX                       = 256
    59  	LONG_MAX                             = 2147483647
    60  	LONG_MIN                             = -2147483648
    61  	L_INCR                               = 1
    62  	L_SET                                = 0
    63  	L_XTND                               = 2
    64  	MAX_CANON                            = 255
    65  	MAX_INPUT                            = 255
    66  	MAX_MATCH                            = 258
    67  	MAX_MEM_LEVEL                        = 9
    68  	MAX_WBITS                            = 15
    69  	MB_LEN_MAX                           = 16
    70  	MIN_MATCH                            = 3
    71  	MQ_PRIO_MAX                          = 32768
    72  	NAME_MAX                             = 255
    73  	NGROUPS_MAX                          = 65536
    74  	NMAX                                 = 5552
    75  	OS_CODE                              = 3
    76  	PATH_MAX                             = 4096
    77  	PDP_ENDIAN                           = 3412
    78  	PIPE_BUF                             = 4096
    79  	PRESET_DICT                          = 0x20
    81  	PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX                     = 1024
    82  	PTHREAD_STACK_MIN                    = 16384
    83  	RAND_MAX                             = 2147483647
    84  	RE_DUP_MAX                           = 32767
    85  	RTSIG_MAX                            = 32
    86  	R_OK                                 = 4
    87  	SCHAR_MAX                            = 127
    88  	SCHAR_MIN                            = -128
    89  	SEEK_CUR                             = 1
    90  	SEEK_END                             = 2
    91  	SEEK_SET                             = 0
    92  	SEM_VALUE_MAX                        = 2147483647
    93  	SHRT_MAX                             = 32767
    94  	SHRT_MIN                             = -32768
    95  	SSIZE_MAX                            = 2147483647
    96  	STATIC_TREES                         = 1
    97  	STDC                                 = 0
    98  	STDC99                               = 0
    99  	STDERR_FILENO                        = 2
   100  	STDIN_FILENO                         = 0
   101  	STDOUT_FILENO                        = 1
   102  	STORED_BLOCK                         = 0
   103  	TTY_NAME_MAX                         = 32
   104  	UCHAR_MAX                            = 255
   105  	UINT_MAX                             = 4294967295
   106  	ULLONG_MAX                           = 18446744073709551615
   107  	ULONG_MAX                            = 4294967295
   108  	USHRT_MAX                            = 65535
   109  	WCONTINUED                           = 8
   110  	WEXITED                              = 4
   111  	WNOHANG                              = 1
   112  	WNOWAIT                              = 0x01000000
   113  	WSTOPPED                             = 2
   114  	WUNTRACED                            = 2
   115  	W_OK                                 = 2
   116  	XATTR_LIST_MAX                       = 65536
   117  	XATTR_NAME_MAX                       = 255
   118  	XATTR_SIZE_MAX                       = 65536
   119  	X_OK                                 = 1
   120  	ZCONF_H                              = 0
   121  	ZEXPORT                              = 0
   122  	ZEXPORTVA                            = 0
   123  	ZLIB_H                               = 0
   124  	ZLIB_VERNUM                          = 0x12b0
   125  	ZLIB_VERSION                         = "1.2.11"
   126  	ZLIB_VER_MAJOR                       = 1
   127  	ZLIB_VER_MINOR                       = 2
   128  	ZLIB_VER_REVISION                    = 11
   129  	ZLIB_VER_SUBREVISION                 = 0
   130  	ZUTIL_H                              = 0
   131  	Z_ASCII                              = 1
   132  	Z_BEST_COMPRESSION                   = 9
   133  	Z_BEST_SPEED                         = 1
   134  	Z_BINARY                             = 0
   135  	Z_BLOCK                              = 5
   136  	Z_BUF_ERROR                          = -5
   137  	Z_DATA_ERROR                         = -3
   138  	Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION                = -1
   139  	Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY                   = 0
   140  	Z_DEFLATED                           = 8
   141  	Z_ERRNO                              = -1
   142  	Z_FILTERED                           = 1
   143  	Z_FINISH                             = 4
   144  	Z_FIXED                              = 4
   145  	Z_FULL_FLUSH                         = 3
   146  	Z_HAVE_STDARG_H                      = 0
   147  	Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H                      = 0
   148  	Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY                       = 2
   149  	Z_LARGE64                            = 0
   150  	Z_LFS64                              = 0
   151  	Z_MEM_ERROR                          = -4
   152  	Z_NEED_DICT                          = 2
   153  	Z_NO_COMPRESSION                     = 0
   154  	Z_NO_FLUSH                           = 0
   155  	Z_NULL                               = 0
   156  	Z_OK                                 = 0
   157  	Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH                      = 1
   158  	Z_RLE                                = 3
   159  	Z_STREAM_END                         = 1
   160  	Z_STREAM_ERROR                       = -2
   161  	Z_SYNC_FLUSH                         = 2
   162  	Z_TEXT                               = 1
   163  	Z_TREES                              = 6
   164  	Z_UNKNOWN                            = 2
   165  	Z_VERSION_ERROR                      = -6
   166  	Z_WANT64                             = 0
   167  	X_ALLOCA_H                           = 1
   168  	X_ANSI_STDARG_H_                     = 0
   169  	X_ANSI_STDDEF_H                      = 0
   170  	X_ATFILE_SOURCE                      = 1
   171  	X_BITS_BYTESWAP_H                    = 1
   172  	X_BITS_ENDIANNESS_H                  = 1
   173  	X_BITS_ENDIAN_H                      = 1
   174  	X_BITS_FLOATN_COMMON_H               = 0
   175  	X_BITS_FLOATN_H                      = 0
   176  	X_BITS_POSIX1_LIM_H                  = 1
   177  	X_BITS_POSIX2_LIM_H                  = 1
   178  	X_BITS_POSIX_OPT_H                   = 1
   179  	X_BITS_PTHREADTYPES_ARCH_H           = 1
   180  	X_BITS_PTHREADTYPES_COMMON_H         = 1
   181  	X_BITS_STDINT_INTN_H                 = 1
   182  	X_BITS_TIME64_H                      = 1
   183  	X_BITS_TYPESIZES_H                   = 1
   184  	X_BITS_TYPES_H                       = 1
   185  	X_BITS_TYPES_LOCALE_T_H              = 1
   186  	X_BITS_TYPES___LOCALE_T_H            = 1
   187  	X_BITS_UINTN_IDENTITY_H              = 1
   188  	X_BSD_PTRDIFF_T_                     = 0
   189  	X_BSD_SIZE_T_                        = 0
   190  	X_BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_                = 0
   191  	X_DEFAULT_SOURCE                     = 1
   192  	X_ENDIAN_H                           = 1
   193  	X_FEATURES_H                         = 1
   194  	X_FILE_OFFSET_BITS                   = 64
   195  	X_GCC_LIMITS_H_                      = 0
   196  	X_GCC_MAX_ALIGN_T                    = 0
   197  	X_GCC_PTRDIFF_T                      = 0
   198  	X_GCC_SIZE_T                         = 0
   199  	X_GCC_WCHAR_T                        = 0
   200  	X_GETOPT_CORE_H                      = 1
   201  	X_GETOPT_POSIX_H                     = 1
   202  	X_ILP32                              = 1
   203  	X_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE                 = 1
   204  	X_LFS64_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO              = 1
   205  	X_LFS64_LARGEFILE                    = 1
   206  	X_LFS64_STDIO                        = 1
   207  	X_LFS_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO                = 1
   208  	X_LFS_LARGEFILE                      = 1
   209  	X_LIBC_LIMITS_H_                     = 1
   210  	X_LIMITS_H___                        = 0
   211  	X_LINUX_LIMITS_H                     = 0
   212  	X_POSIX2_BC_BASE_MAX                 = 99
   213  	X_POSIX2_BC_DIM_MAX                  = 2048
   214  	X_POSIX2_BC_SCALE_MAX                = 99
   215  	X_POSIX2_BC_STRING_MAX               = 1000
   216  	X_POSIX2_CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX          = 14
   217  	X_POSIX2_CHAR_TERM                   = 200809
   218  	X_POSIX2_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX            = 2
   219  	X_POSIX2_C_BIND                      = 200809
   220  	X_POSIX2_C_DEV                       = 200809
   221  	X_POSIX2_C_VERSION                   = 200809
   222  	X_POSIX2_EXPR_NEST_MAX               = 32
   223  	X_POSIX2_LINE_MAX                    = 2048
   224  	X_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF                   = 200809
   225  	X_POSIX2_RE_DUP_MAX                  = 255
   226  	X_POSIX2_SW_DEV                      = 200809
   227  	X_POSIX2_VERSION                     = 200809
   228  	X_POSIX_ADVISORY_INFO                = 200809
   229  	X_POSIX_AIO_LISTIO_MAX               = 2
   230  	X_POSIX_AIO_MAX                      = 1
   231  	X_POSIX_ARG_MAX                      = 4096
   232  	X_POSIX_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO              = 200809
   233  	X_POSIX_ASYNC_IO                     = 1
   234  	X_POSIX_BARRIERS                     = 200809
   235  	X_POSIX_CHILD_MAX                    = 25
   236  	X_POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED             = 0
   237  	X_POSIX_CLOCKRES_MIN                 = 20000000
   238  	X_POSIX_CLOCK_SELECTION              = 200809
   239  	X_POSIX_CPUTIME                      = 0
   240  	X_POSIX_C_SOURCE                     = 200809
   241  	X_POSIX_DELAYTIMER_MAX               = 32
   242  	X_POSIX_FSYNC                        = 200809
   243  	X_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX                = 255
   244  	X_POSIX_IPV6                         = 200809
   245  	X_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL                  = 1
   246  	X_POSIX_LINK_MAX                     = 8
   247  	X_POSIX_LOGIN_NAME_MAX               = 9
   248  	X_POSIX_MAPPED_FILES                 = 200809
   249  	X_POSIX_MAX_CANON                    = 255
   250  	X_POSIX_MAX_INPUT                    = 255
   251  	X_POSIX_MEMLOCK                      = 200809
   252  	X_POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE                = 200809
   253  	X_POSIX_MEMORY_PROTECTION            = 200809
   254  	X_POSIX_MESSAGE_PASSING              = 200809
   255  	X_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK              = 0
   256  	X_POSIX_MQ_OPEN_MAX                  = 8
   257  	X_POSIX_MQ_PRIO_MAX                  = 32
   258  	X_POSIX_NAME_MAX                     = 14
   259  	X_POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX                  = 8
   260  	X_POSIX_NO_TRUNC                     = 1
   261  	X_POSIX_OPEN_MAX                     = 20
   262  	X_POSIX_PATH_MAX                     = 256
   263  	X_POSIX_PIPE_BUF                     = 512
   264  	X_POSIX_PRIORITIZED_IO               = 200809
   265  	X_POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING          = 200809
   266  	X_POSIX_RAW_SOCKETS                  = 200809
   267  	X_POSIX_READER_WRITER_LOCKS          = 200809
   268  	X_POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS             = 200809
   269  	X_POSIX_REENTRANT_FUNCTIONS          = 1
   270  	X_POSIX_REGEXP                       = 1
   271  	X_POSIX_RE_DUP_MAX                   = 255
   272  	X_POSIX_RTSIG_MAX                    = 8
   273  	X_POSIX_SAVED_IDS                    = 1
   274  	X_POSIX_SEMAPHORES                   = 200809
   275  	X_POSIX_SEM_NSEMS_MAX                = 256
   276  	X_POSIX_SEM_VALUE_MAX                = 32767
   277  	X_POSIX_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS        = 200809
   278  	X_POSIX_SHELL                        = 1
   279  	X_POSIX_SIGQUEUE_MAX                 = 32
   280  	X_POSIX_SOURCE                       = 1
   281  	X_POSIX_SPAWN                        = 200809
   282  	X_POSIX_SPIN_LOCKS                   = 200809
   283  	X_POSIX_SPORADIC_SERVER              = -1
   284  	X_POSIX_SSIZE_MAX                    = 32767
   285  	X_POSIX_STREAM_MAX                   = 8
   286  	X_POSIX_SYMLINK_MAX                  = 255
   287  	X_POSIX_SYMLOOP_MAX                  = 8
   288  	X_POSIX_SYNCHRONIZED_IO              = 200809
   289  	X_POSIX_THREADS                      = 200809
   290  	X_POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR        = 200809
   291  	X_POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE        = 200809
   292  	X_POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME               = 0
   294  	X_POSIX_THREAD_KEYS_MAX              = 128
   296  	X_POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT          = 200809
   297  	X_POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT          = 200809
   298  	X_POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED        = 200809
   301  	X_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS        = 200809
   303  	X_POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX           = 64
   304  	X_POSIX_TIMEOUTS                     = 200809
   305  	X_POSIX_TIMERS                       = 200809
   306  	X_POSIX_TIMER_MAX                    = 32
   307  	X_POSIX_TRACE                        = -1
   308  	X_POSIX_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER           = -1
   309  	X_POSIX_TRACE_INHERIT                = -1
   310  	X_POSIX_TRACE_LOG                    = -1
   311  	X_POSIX_TTY_NAME_MAX                 = 9
   312  	X_POSIX_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS         = -1
   313  	X_POSIX_TZNAME_MAX                   = 6
   314  	X_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32               = 1
   315  	X_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG              = 1
   316  	X_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32               = 1
   317  	X_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG              = 1
   318  	X_POSIX_VDISABLE                     = 0
   319  	X_POSIX_VERSION                      = 200809
   320  	X_PTRDIFF_T                          = 0
   321  	X_PTRDIFF_T_                         = 0
   322  	X_PTRDIFF_T_DECLARED                 = 0
   323  	X_RWLOCK_INTERNAL_H                  = 0
   324  	X_SIZET_                             = 0
   325  	X_SIZE_T                             = 0
   326  	X_SIZE_T_                            = 0
   327  	X_SIZE_T_DECLARED                    = 0
   328  	X_SIZE_T_DEFINED                     = 0
   329  	X_SIZE_T_DEFINED_                    = 0
   330  	X_STDARG_H                           = 0
   331  	X_STDC_PREDEF_H                      = 1
   332  	X_STDDEF_H                           = 0
   333  	X_STDDEF_H_                          = 0
   334  	X_STDLIB_H                           = 1
   335  	X_STRINGS_H                          = 1
   336  	X_STRING_H                           = 1
   337  	X_STRUCT_TIMESPEC                    = 1
   338  	X_SYS_CDEFS_H                        = 1
   339  	X_SYS_SELECT_H                       = 1
   340  	X_SYS_SIZE_T_H                       = 0
   341  	X_SYS_TYPES_H                        = 1
   342  	X_THREAD_MUTEX_INTERNAL_H            = 1
   343  	X_THREAD_SHARED_TYPES_H              = 1
   344  	X_T_PTRDIFF                          = 0
   345  	X_T_PTRDIFF_                         = 0
   346  	X_T_SIZE                             = 0
   347  	X_T_SIZE_                            = 0
   348  	X_T_WCHAR                            = 0
   349  	X_T_WCHAR_                           = 0
   350  	X_UNISTD_H                           = 1
   351  	X_VA_LIST                            = 0
   352  	X_VA_LIST_                           = 0
   353  	X_VA_LIST_DEFINED                    = 0
   354  	X_VA_LIST_T_H                        = 0
   355  	X_WCHAR_T                            = 0
   356  	X_WCHAR_T_                           = 0
   357  	X_WCHAR_T_DECLARED                   = 0
   358  	X_WCHAR_T_DEFINED                    = 0
   359  	X_WCHAR_T_DEFINED_                   = 0
   360  	X_WCHAR_T_H                          = 0
   361  	X_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32                   = 1
   362  	X_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG                  = 1
   363  	X_XOPEN_ENH_I18N                     = 1
   364  	X_XOPEN_LEGACY                       = 1
   365  	X_XOPEN_REALTIME                     = 1
   366  	X_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS             = 1
   367  	X_XOPEN_SHM                          = 1
   368  	X_XOPEN_UNIX                         = 1
   369  	X_XOPEN_VERSION                      = 700
   370  	X_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION                  = 4
   371  	X_XOPEN_XPG2                         = 1
   372  	X_XOPEN_XPG3                         = 1
   373  	X_XOPEN_XPG4                         = 1
   374  	I386                                 = 1
   375  	Linux                                = 1
   376  	Unix                                 = 1
   377  	Z_const                              = 0
   378  	BYFOUR                               = 0
   379  	GF2_DIM                              = 32
   380  	TBLS                                 = 8
   381  	BL_CODES                             = 19
   382  	BUSY_STATE                           = 113
   383  	Buf_size                             = 16
   384  	COMMENT_STATE                        = 91
   385  	DEFLATE_H                            = 0
   386  	D_CODES                              = 30
   387  	EXTRA_STATE                          = 69
   388  	FINISH_STATE                         = 666
   389  	GZIP                                 = 0
   390  	GZIP_STATE                           = 57
   391  	HCRC_STATE                           = 103
   392  	HEAP_SIZE                            = 573
   393  	INIT_STATE                           = 42
   394  	LENGTH_CODES                         = 29
   395  	LITERALS                             = 256
   396  	L_CODES                              = 286
   397  	MAX_BITS                             = 15
   398  	MAX_STORED                           = 65535
   399  	MIN_LOOKAHEAD                        = 262
   400  	NAME_STATE                           = 73
   401  	NIL                                  = 0
   402  	TOO_FAR                              = 4096
   403  	WIN_INIT                             = 258
   404  	AT_EACCESS                           = 0x200
   405  	AT_FDCWD                             = -100
   406  	AT_REMOVEDIR                         = 0x200
   407  	AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW                    = 0x400
   408  	AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW                  = 0x100
   409  	BUFSIZ                               = 8192
   410  	COPY1                                = 1
   411  	E2BIG                                = 7
   412  	EACCES                               = 13
   413  	EADDRINUSE                           = 98
   414  	EADDRNOTAVAIL                        = 99
   415  	EADV                                 = 68
   416  	EAFNOSUPPORT                         = 97
   417  	EAGAIN                               = 11
   418  	EALREADY                             = 114
   419  	EBADE                                = 52
   420  	EBADF                                = 9
   421  	EBADFD                               = 77
   422  	EBADMSG                              = 74
   423  	EBADR                                = 53
   424  	EBADRQC                              = 56
   425  	EBADSLT                              = 57
   426  	EBFONT                               = 59
   427  	EBUSY                                = 16
   428  	ECANCELED                            = 125
   429  	ECHILD                               = 10
   430  	ECHRNG                               = 44
   431  	ECOMM                                = 70
   432  	ECONNABORTED                         = 103
   433  	ECONNREFUSED                         = 111
   434  	ECONNRESET                           = 104
   435  	EDEADLK                              = 35
   436  	EDEADLOCK                            = 35
   437  	EDESTADDRREQ                         = 89
   438  	EDOM                                 = 33
   439  	EDOTDOT                              = 73
   440  	EDQUOT                               = 122
   441  	EEXIST                               = 17
   442  	EFAULT                               = 14
   443  	EFBIG                                = 27
   444  	EHOSTDOWN                            = 112
   445  	EHOSTUNREACH                         = 113
   446  	EHWPOISON                            = 133
   447  	EIDRM                                = 43
   448  	EILSEQ                               = 84
   449  	EINPROGRESS                          = 115
   450  	EINTR                                = 4
   451  	EINVAL                               = 22
   452  	EIO                                  = 5
   453  	EISCONN                              = 106
   454  	EISDIR                               = 21
   455  	EISNAM                               = 120
   456  	EKEYEXPIRED                          = 127
   457  	EKEYREJECTED                         = 129
   458  	EKEYREVOKED                          = 128
   459  	EL2HLT                               = 51
   460  	EL2NSYNC                             = 45
   461  	EL3HLT                               = 46
   462  	EL3RST                               = 47
   463  	ELIBACC                              = 79
   464  	ELIBBAD                              = 80
   465  	ELIBEXEC                             = 83
   466  	ELIBMAX                              = 82
   467  	ELIBSCN                              = 81
   468  	ELNRNG                               = 48
   469  	ELOOP                                = 40
   470  	EMEDIUMTYPE                          = 124
   471  	EMFILE                               = 24
   472  	EMLINK                               = 31
   473  	EMSGSIZE                             = 90
   474  	EMULTIHOP                            = 72
   475  	ENAMETOOLONG                         = 36
   476  	ENAVAIL                              = 119
   477  	ENETDOWN                             = 100
   478  	ENETRESET                            = 102
   479  	ENETUNREACH                          = 101
   480  	ENFILE                               = 23
   481  	ENOANO                               = 55
   482  	ENOBUFS                              = 105
   483  	ENOCSI                               = 50
   484  	ENODATA                              = 61
   485  	ENODEV                               = 19
   486  	ENOENT                               = 2
   487  	ENOEXEC                              = 8
   488  	ENOKEY                               = 126
   489  	ENOLCK                               = 37
   490  	ENOLINK                              = 67
   491  	ENOMEDIUM                            = 123
   492  	ENOMEM                               = 12
   493  	ENOMSG                               = 42
   494  	ENONET                               = 64
   495  	ENOPKG                               = 65
   496  	ENOPROTOOPT                          = 92
   497  	ENOSPC                               = 28
   498  	ENOSR                                = 63
   499  	ENOSTR                               = 60
   500  	ENOSYS                               = 38
   501  	ENOTBLK                              = 15
   502  	ENOTCONN                             = 107
   503  	ENOTDIR                              = 20
   504  	ENOTEMPTY                            = 39
   505  	ENOTNAM                              = 118
   506  	ENOTRECOVERABLE                      = 131
   507  	ENOTSOCK                             = 88
   508  	ENOTSUP                              = 95
   509  	ENOTTY                               = 25
   510  	ENOTUNIQ                             = 76
   511  	ENXIO                                = 6
   512  	EOF                                  = -1
   513  	EOPNOTSUPP                           = 95
   514  	EOVERFLOW                            = 75
   515  	EOWNERDEAD                           = 130
   516  	EPERM                                = 1
   517  	EPFNOSUPPORT                         = 96
   518  	EPIPE                                = 32
   519  	EPROTO                               = 71
   520  	EPROTONOSUPPORT                      = 93
   521  	EPROTOTYPE                           = 91
   522  	ERANGE                               = 34
   523  	EREMCHG                              = 78
   524  	EREMOTE                              = 66
   525  	EREMOTEIO                            = 121
   526  	ERESTART                             = 85
   527  	ERFKILL                              = 132
   528  	EROFS                                = 30
   529  	ESHUTDOWN                            = 108
   530  	ESOCKTNOSUPPORT                      = 94
   531  	ESPIPE                               = 29
   532  	ESRCH                                = 3
   533  	ESRMNT                               = 69
   534  	ESTALE                               = 116
   535  	ESTRPIPE                             = 86
   536  	ETIME                                = 62
   537  	ETIMEDOUT                            = 110
   538  	ETOOMANYREFS                         = 109
   539  	ETXTBSY                              = 26
   540  	EUCLEAN                              = 117
   541  	EUNATCH                              = 49
   542  	EUSERS                               = 87
   543  	EWOULDBLOCK                          = 11
   544  	EXDEV                                = 18
   545  	EXFULL                               = 54
   546  	FAPPEND                              = 1024
   547  	FASYNC                               = 8192
   548  	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 1
   549  	FFSYNC                               = 1052672
   550  	FILENAME_MAX                         = 4096
   551  	FNDELAY                              = 2048
   552  	FNONBLOCK                            = 2048
   553  	FOPEN_MAX                            = 16
   554  	F_DUPFD                              = 0
   555  	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 1030
   556  	F_EXLCK                              = 4
   557  	F_GETFD                              = 1
   558  	F_GETFL                              = 3
   559  	F_GETLK                              = 5
   560  	F_GETLK64                            = 12
   561  	F_GETOWN                             = 9
   562  	F_RDLCK                              = 0
   563  	F_SETFD                              = 2
   564  	F_SETFL                              = 4
   565  	F_SETLK                              = 6
   566  	F_SETLK64                            = 13
   567  	F_SETLKW                             = 7
   568  	F_SETLKW64                           = 14
   569  	F_SETOWN                             = 8
   570  	F_SHLCK                              = 8
   571  	F_UNLCK                              = 2
   572  	F_WRLCK                              = 1
   573  	GZBUFSIZE                            = 8192
   574  	GZ_APPEND                            = 1
   575  	GZ_NONE                              = 0
   576  	GZ_READ                              = 7247
   577  	GZ_WRITE                             = 31153
   578  	HAVE_VSNPRINTF                       = 0
   579  	LOCK_EX                              = 2
   580  	LOCK_NB                              = 4
   581  	LOCK_SH                              = 1
   582  	LOCK_UN                              = 8
   583  	LOOK                                 = 0
   584  	L_ctermid                            = 9
   585  	L_tmpnam                             = 20
   586  	O_ACCMODE                            = 0003
   587  	O_APPEND                             = 02000
   588  	O_ASYNC                              = 020000
   589  	O_CLOEXEC                            = 524288
   590  	O_CREAT                              = 0100
   591  	O_DIRECTORY                          = 65536
   592  	O_DSYNC                              = 4096
   593  	O_EXCL                               = 0200
   594  	O_FSYNC                              = 1052672
   595  	O_LARGEFILE                          = 32768
   596  	O_NDELAY                             = 2048
   597  	O_NOCTTY                             = 0400
   598  	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 131072
   599  	O_NONBLOCK                           = 04000
   600  	O_RDONLY                             = 00
   601  	O_RDWR                               = 02
   602  	O_RSYNC                              = 1052672
   603  	O_SYNC                               = 04010000
   604  	O_TRUNC                              = 01000
   605  	O_WRONLY                             = 01
   606  	POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED                  = 4
   607  	POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE                   = 5
   608  	POSIX_FADV_NORMAL                    = 0
   609  	POSIX_FADV_RANDOM                    = 1
   610  	POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL                = 2
   611  	POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED                  = 3
   612  	P_tmpdir                             = "/tmp"
   613  	S_IFBLK                              = 24576
   614  	S_IFCHR                              = 8192
   615  	S_IFDIR                              = 16384
   616  	S_IFIFO                              = 4096
   617  	S_IFLNK                              = 40960
   618  	S_IFMT                               = 61440
   619  	S_IFREG                              = 32768
   620  	S_IFSOCK                             = 49152
   621  	S_IRGRP                              = 32
   622  	S_IROTH                              = 4
   623  	S_IRUSR                              = 256
   624  	S_IRWXG                              = 56
   625  	S_IRWXO                              = 7
   626  	S_IRWXU                              = 448
   627  	S_ISGID                              = 1024
   628  	S_ISUID                              = 2048
   629  	S_ISVTX                              = 512
   630  	S_IWGRP                              = 16
   631  	S_IWOTH                              = 2
   632  	S_IWUSR                              = 128
   633  	S_IXGRP                              = 8
   634  	S_IXOTH                              = 1
   635  	S_IXUSR                              = 64
   636  	TMP_MAX                              = 238328
   637  	UTIME_NOW                            = 1073741823
   638  	UTIME_OMIT                           = 1073741822
   639  	X_ASM_GENERIC_ERRNO_BASE_H           = 0
   640  	X_ASM_GENERIC_ERRNO_H                = 0
   641  	X_BITS_ERRNO_H                       = 1
   642  	X_BITS_STAT_H                        = 1
   643  	X_BITS_STDIO_LIM_H                   = 1
   644  	X_ERRNO_H                            = 1
   645  	X_FCNTL_H                            = 1
   646  	X_IOFBF                              = 0
   647  	X_IOLBF                              = 1
   648  	X_IONBF                              = 2
   649  	X_IO_EOF_SEEN                        = 0x0010
   650  	X_IO_ERR_SEEN                        = 0x0020
   651  	X_IO_USER_LOCK                       = 0x8000
   652  	X_LARGEFILE_SOURCE                   = 1
   653  	X_MKNOD_VER                          = 1
   654  	X_MKNOD_VER_LINUX                    = 1
   655  	X_MKNOD_VER_SVR4                     = 2
   656  	X_STATBUF_ST_BLKSIZE                 = 0
   657  	X_STATBUF_ST_NSEC                    = 0
   658  	X_STATBUF_ST_RDEV                    = 0
   659  	X_STAT_VER                           = 3
   660  	X_STAT_VER_KERNEL                    = 1
   661  	X_STAT_VER_LINUX                     = 3
   662  	X_STAT_VER_LINUX_OLD                 = 1
   663  	X_STAT_VER_SVR4                      = 2
   664  	X_STDIO_H                            = 1
   665  	ENOUGH                               = 1444
   666  	ENOUGH_DISTS                         = 592
   667  	ENOUGH_LENS                          = 852
   668  	GUNZIP                               = 0
   669  	MAXBITS                              = 15
   670  	DIST_CODE_LEN                        = 512
   671  	END_BLOCK                            = 256
   672  	MAX_BL_BITS                          = 7
   673  	REPZ_11_138                          = 18
   674  	REPZ_3_10                            = 17
   675  	REP_3_6                              = 16
   676  	SMALLEST                             = 1
   677  )
   679  // Get the `_PC_*' symbols for the NAME argument to `pathconf' and `fpathconf';
   680  //    the `_SC_*' symbols for the NAME argument to `sysconf';
   681  //    and the `_CS_*' symbols for the NAME argument to `confstr'.
   682  // `sysconf', `pathconf', and `confstr' NAME values.  Generic version.
   683  //    Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   684  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
   685  //
   686  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   687  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   688  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   689  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   690  //
   691  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   692  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   694  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
   695  //
   696  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   697  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
   698  //    <>.
   700  // Values for the NAME argument to `pathconf' and `fpathconf'.
   701  const ( /* confname.h:24:1: */
   702  	X_PC_LINK_MAX           = 0
   703  	X_PC_MAX_CANON          = 1
   704  	X_PC_MAX_INPUT          = 2
   705  	X_PC_NAME_MAX           = 3
   706  	X_PC_PATH_MAX           = 4
   707  	X_PC_PIPE_BUF           = 5
   708  	X_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED   = 6
   709  	X_PC_NO_TRUNC           = 7
   710  	X_PC_VDISABLE           = 8
   711  	X_PC_SYNC_IO            = 9
   712  	X_PC_ASYNC_IO           = 10
   713  	X_PC_PRIO_IO            = 11
   714  	X_PC_SOCK_MAXBUF        = 12
   715  	X_PC_FILESIZEBITS       = 13
   716  	X_PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE = 14
   717  	X_PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE  = 15
   718  	X_PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE  = 16
   719  	X_PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN     = 17
   720  	X_PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN     = 18
   721  	X_PC_SYMLINK_MAX        = 19
   722  	X_PC_2_SYMLINKS         = 20
   723  )
   725  // Values for the NAME argument to `confstr'.
   726  const ( /* confname.h:533:1: */
   727  	X_CS_PATH = 0 // The default search path.
   731  	X_CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION       = 2
   738  	X_CS_LFS_CFLAGS      = 1000
   739  	X_CS_LFS_LDFLAGS     = 1001
   740  	X_CS_LFS_LIBS        = 1002
   741  	X_CS_LFS_LINTFLAGS   = 1003
   742  	X_CS_LFS64_CFLAGS    = 1004
   743  	X_CS_LFS64_LDFLAGS   = 1005
   744  	X_CS_LFS64_LIBS      = 1006
   745  	X_CS_LFS64_LINTFLAGS = 1007
   747  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS     = 1100
   748  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS    = 1101
   749  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS       = 1102
   750  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS  = 1103
   751  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS    = 1104
   752  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS   = 1105
   753  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS      = 1106
   754  	X_CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1107
   755  	X_CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS      = 1108
   756  	X_CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS     = 1109
   757  	X_CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LIBS        = 1110
   758  	X_CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS   = 1111
   759  	X_CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS    = 1112
   760  	X_CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS   = 1113
   761  	X_CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS      = 1114
   764  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS     = 1116
   765  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS    = 1117
   766  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS       = 1118
   767  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS  = 1119
   768  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS    = 1120
   769  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS   = 1121
   770  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS      = 1122
   772  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS      = 1124
   773  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS     = 1125
   774  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS        = 1126
   775  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS   = 1127
   776  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS    = 1128
   778  	X_CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS      = 1130
   781  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS     = 1132
   782  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS    = 1133
   783  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS       = 1134
   784  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS  = 1135
   785  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS    = 1136
   786  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS   = 1137
   787  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS      = 1138
   789  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS      = 1140
   790  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS     = 1141
   791  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LIBS        = 1142
   792  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS   = 1143
   793  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS    = 1144
   795  	X_CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS      = 1146
   798  	X_CS_V6_ENV = 1148
   799  	X_CS_V7_ENV = 1149
   800  )
   802  // Values for the argument to `sysconf'.
   803  const ( /* confname.h:71:1: */
   804  	X_SC_ARG_MAX               = 0
   805  	X_SC_CHILD_MAX             = 1
   806  	X_SC_CLK_TCK               = 2
   807  	X_SC_NGROUPS_MAX           = 3
   808  	X_SC_OPEN_MAX              = 4
   809  	X_SC_STREAM_MAX            = 5
   810  	X_SC_TZNAME_MAX            = 6
   811  	X_SC_JOB_CONTROL           = 7
   812  	X_SC_SAVED_IDS             = 8
   813  	X_SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS      = 9
   815  	X_SC_TIMERS                = 11
   816  	X_SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO       = 12
   817  	X_SC_PRIORITIZED_IO        = 13
   818  	X_SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO       = 14
   819  	X_SC_FSYNC                 = 15
   820  	X_SC_MAPPED_FILES          = 16
   821  	X_SC_MEMLOCK               = 17
   822  	X_SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE         = 18
   823  	X_SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION     = 19
   824  	X_SC_MESSAGE_PASSING       = 20
   825  	X_SC_SEMAPHORES            = 21
   827  	X_SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX        = 23
   828  	X_SC_AIO_MAX               = 24
   829  	X_SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX    = 25
   830  	X_SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX        = 26
   831  	X_SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX           = 27
   832  	X_SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX           = 28
   833  	X_SC_VERSION               = 29
   834  	X_SC_PAGESIZE              = 30
   835  	X_SC_RTSIG_MAX             = 31
   836  	X_SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX         = 32
   837  	X_SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX         = 33
   838  	X_SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX          = 34
   839  	X_SC_TIMER_MAX             = 35
   841  	// Values for the argument to `sysconf'
   842  	//        corresponding to _POSIX2_* symbols.
   843  	X_SC_BC_BASE_MAX        = 36
   844  	X_SC_BC_DIM_MAX         = 37
   845  	X_SC_BC_SCALE_MAX       = 38
   846  	X_SC_BC_STRING_MAX      = 39
   847  	X_SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX   = 40
   848  	X_SC_EQUIV_CLASS_MAX    = 41
   849  	X_SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX      = 42
   850  	X_SC_LINE_MAX           = 43
   851  	X_SC_RE_DUP_MAX         = 44
   854  	X_SC_2_VERSION   = 46
   855  	X_SC_2_C_BIND    = 47
   856  	X_SC_2_C_DEV     = 48
   857  	X_SC_2_FORT_DEV  = 49
   858  	X_SC_2_FORT_RUN  = 50
   859  	X_SC_2_SW_DEV    = 51
   860  	X_SC_2_LOCALEDEF = 52
   862  	X_SC_PII                 = 53
   863  	X_SC_PII_XTI             = 54
   864  	X_SC_PII_SOCKET          = 55
   865  	X_SC_PII_INTERNET        = 56
   866  	X_SC_PII_OSI             = 57
   867  	X_SC_POLL                = 58
   868  	X_SC_SELECT              = 59
   869  	X_SC_UIO_MAXIOV          = 60
   870  	X_SC_IOV_MAX             = 60
   872  	X_SC_PII_INTERNET_DGRAM  = 62
   873  	X_SC_PII_OSI_COTS        = 63
   874  	X_SC_PII_OSI_CLTS        = 64
   875  	X_SC_PII_OSI_M           = 65
   876  	X_SC_T_IOV_MAX           = 66
   878  	// Values according to POSIX 1003.1c (POSIX threads).
   879  	X_SC_THREADS                      = 67
   880  	X_SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS        = 68
   881  	X_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX             = 69
   882  	X_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX             = 70
   883  	X_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX               = 71
   884  	X_SC_TTY_NAME_MAX                 = 72
   886  	X_SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX              = 74
   887  	X_SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN             = 75
   888  	X_SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX           = 76
   889  	X_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR        = 77
   890  	X_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE        = 78
   892  	X_SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT          = 80
   893  	X_SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT          = 81
   894  	X_SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED        = 82
   898  	X_SC_PHYS_PAGES       = 85
   899  	X_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES     = 86
   900  	X_SC_ATEXIT_MAX       = 87
   901  	X_SC_PASS_MAX         = 88
   903  	X_SC_XOPEN_VERSION     = 89
   904  	X_SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION = 90
   905  	X_SC_XOPEN_UNIX        = 91
   906  	X_SC_XOPEN_CRYPT       = 92
   907  	X_SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N    = 93
   908  	X_SC_XOPEN_SHM         = 94
   910  	X_SC_2_CHAR_TERM = 95
   911  	X_SC_2_C_VERSION = 96
   912  	X_SC_2_UPE       = 97
   914  	X_SC_XOPEN_XPG2 = 98
   915  	X_SC_XOPEN_XPG3 = 99
   916  	X_SC_XOPEN_XPG4 = 100
   918  	X_SC_CHAR_BIT   = 101
   919  	X_SC_CHAR_MAX   = 102
   920  	X_SC_CHAR_MIN   = 103
   921  	X_SC_INT_MAX    = 104
   922  	X_SC_INT_MIN    = 105
   923  	X_SC_LONG_BIT   = 106
   924  	X_SC_WORD_BIT   = 107
   925  	X_SC_MB_LEN_MAX = 108
   926  	X_SC_NZERO      = 109
   927  	X_SC_SSIZE_MAX  = 110
   928  	X_SC_SCHAR_MAX  = 111
   929  	X_SC_SCHAR_MIN  = 112
   930  	X_SC_SHRT_MAX   = 113
   931  	X_SC_SHRT_MIN   = 114
   932  	X_SC_UCHAR_MAX  = 115
   933  	X_SC_UINT_MAX   = 116
   934  	X_SC_ULONG_MAX  = 117
   935  	X_SC_USHRT_MAX  = 118
   937  	X_SC_NL_ARGMAX  = 119
   938  	X_SC_NL_LANGMAX = 120
   939  	X_SC_NL_MSGMAX  = 121
   940  	X_SC_NL_NMAX    = 122
   941  	X_SC_NL_SETMAX  = 123
   942  	X_SC_NL_TEXTMAX = 124
   944  	X_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32  = 125
   945  	X_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG = 126
   946  	X_SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64   = 127
   947  	X_SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 128
   949  	X_SC_XOPEN_LEGACY           = 129
   950  	X_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME         = 130
   953  	X_SC_ADVISORY_INFO          = 132
   954  	X_SC_BARRIERS               = 133
   955  	X_SC_BASE                   = 134
   956  	X_SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT         = 135
   957  	X_SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R       = 136
   958  	X_SC_CLOCK_SELECTION        = 137
   959  	X_SC_CPUTIME                = 138
   960  	X_SC_THREAD_CPUTIME         = 139
   961  	X_SC_DEVICE_IO              = 140
   962  	X_SC_DEVICE_SPECIFIC        = 141
   963  	X_SC_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_R      = 142
   964  	X_SC_FD_MGMT                = 143
   965  	X_SC_FIFO                   = 144
   966  	X_SC_PIPE                   = 145
   967  	X_SC_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        = 146
   968  	X_SC_FILE_LOCKING           = 147
   969  	X_SC_FILE_SYSTEM            = 148
   970  	X_SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK        = 149
   971  	X_SC_MULTI_PROCESS          = 150
   972  	X_SC_SINGLE_PROCESS         = 151
   973  	X_SC_NETWORKING             = 152
   974  	X_SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS    = 153
   975  	X_SC_SPIN_LOCKS             = 154
   976  	X_SC_REGEXP                 = 155
   977  	X_SC_REGEX_VERSION          = 156
   978  	X_SC_SHELL                  = 157
   979  	X_SC_SIGNALS                = 158
   980  	X_SC_SPAWN                  = 159
   981  	X_SC_SPORADIC_SERVER        = 160
   983  	X_SC_SYSTEM_DATABASE        = 162
   984  	X_SC_SYSTEM_DATABASE_R      = 163
   985  	X_SC_TIMEOUTS               = 164
   986  	X_SC_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS   = 165
   987  	X_SC_USER_GROUPS            = 166
   988  	X_SC_USER_GROUPS_R          = 167
   989  	X_SC_2_PBS                  = 168
   990  	X_SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING       = 169
   991  	X_SC_2_PBS_LOCATE           = 170
   992  	X_SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE          = 171
   993  	X_SC_2_PBS_TRACK            = 172
   994  	X_SC_SYMLOOP_MAX            = 173
   995  	X_SC_STREAMS                = 174
   996  	X_SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT       = 175
   998  	X_SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32  = 176
   999  	X_SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG = 177
  1000  	X_SC_V6_LP64_OFF64   = 178
  1001  	X_SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 179
  1003  	X_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX      = 180
  1004  	X_SC_TRACE              = 181
  1005  	X_SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER = 182
  1006  	X_SC_TRACE_INHERIT      = 183
  1007  	X_SC_TRACE_LOG          = 184
  1009  	X_SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_SIZE     = 185
  1010  	X_SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_ASSOC    = 186
  1012  	X_SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE     = 188
  1013  	X_SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_ASSOC    = 189
  1015  	X_SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE      = 191
  1016  	X_SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_ASSOC     = 192
  1017  	X_SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_LINESIZE  = 193
  1018  	X_SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE      = 194
  1019  	X_SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_ASSOC     = 195
  1020  	X_SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_LINESIZE  = 196
  1021  	X_SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_SIZE      = 197
  1022  	X_SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_ASSOC     = 198
  1023  	X_SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_LINESIZE  = 199
  1024  	// Leave room here, maybe we need a few more cache levels some day.
  1026  	X_SC_IPV6        = 235
  1027  	X_SC_RAW_SOCKETS = 236
  1029  	X_SC_V7_ILP32_OFF32  = 237
  1030  	X_SC_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG = 238
  1031  	X_SC_V7_LP64_OFF64   = 239
  1032  	X_SC_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 240
  1034  	X_SC_SS_REPL_MAX = 241
  1036  	X_SC_TRACE_EVENT_NAME_MAX = 242
  1037  	X_SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX       = 243
  1038  	X_SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX        = 244
  1039  	X_SC_TRACE_USER_EVENT_MAX = 245
  1041  	X_SC_XOPEN_STREAMS = 246
  1045  )
  1047  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1048  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1049  //
  1050  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1051  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1052  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1053  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1054  //
  1055  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1056  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1058  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1059  //
  1060  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1061  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1062  //    <>.
  1064  //	ISO C99 Standard: 7.20 General utilities	<stdlib.h>
  1066  // Handle feature test macros at the start of a header.
  1067  //    Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1068  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1069  //
  1070  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1071  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1072  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1073  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1074  //
  1075  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1076  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1078  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1079  //
  1080  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1081  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1082  //    <>.
  1084  // This header is internal to glibc and should not be included outside
  1085  //    of glibc headers.  Headers including it must define
  1087  //    cannot have multiple include guards because ISO C feature test
  1088  //    macros depend on the definition of the macro when an affected
  1089  //    header is included, not when the first system header is
  1090  //    included.
  1092  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1093  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1094  //
  1095  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1096  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1097  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1098  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1099  //
  1100  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1101  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1103  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1104  //
  1105  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1106  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1107  //    <>.
  1109  // ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010 defines the __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__
  1110  //    macro.
  1112  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-1:2014 defines the __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__
  1113  //    macro.  Most but not all symbols enabled by that macro in TS
  1114  //    18661-1 are enabled unconditionally in C2X; the symbols in Annex F
  1115  //    still require that macro in C2X.
  1117  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015 defines the
  1118  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__ macro.  Other than the reduction
  1119  //    functions, the symbols from this TS are enabled unconditionally in
  1120  //    C2X.
  1122  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-3:2015 defines the
  1123  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__ macro.
  1125  // Get size_t, wchar_t and NULL from <stddef.h>.
  1126  // Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1127  //
  1128  // This file is part of GCC.
  1129  //
  1130  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  1131  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  1132  // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  1133  // any later version.
  1134  //
  1135  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1136  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1138  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  1139  //
  1140  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  1141  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  1142  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  1143  //
  1144  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  1145  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  1146  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  1147  // <>.
  1149  // ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>
  1151  // Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
  1152  //    wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
  1153  //    the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.
  1155  // This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
  1156  //    There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.
  1158  // Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
  1159  //    Just ignore it.
  1161  // On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
  1162  //    _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
  1163  //    vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
  1164  //    not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
  1165  //    If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
  1166  //    invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.
  1168  // In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
  1169  //    GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__, and
  1170  //    __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
  1171  //    parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
  1172  //    include gstddef.h, such as collect2.
  1174  // Signed type of difference of two pointers.
  1176  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  1177  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  1179  // If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.
  1181  // Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.
  1183  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  1184  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  1186  // Wide character type.
  1187  //    Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
  1188  //    be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
  1189  //    and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.
  1191  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  1192  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  1194  // A null pointer constant.
  1196  // Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.
  1198  // XPG requires a few symbols from <sys/wait.h> being defined.
  1199  // Definitions of flag bits for `waitpid' et al.
  1200  //    Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1201  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1202  //
  1203  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1204  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1205  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1206  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1207  //
  1208  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1209  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1211  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1212  //
  1213  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1214  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1215  //    <>.
  1217  // Bits in the third argument to `waitpid'.
  1219  // Bits in the fourth argument to `waitid'.
  1221  // The following values are used by the `waitid' function.
  1223  // The Linux kernel defines these bare, rather than an enum,
  1224  //    which causes a conflict if the include order is reversed.
  1226  const ( /* waitflags.h:52:1: */
  1227  	P_ALL  = 0 // Wait for any child.
  1228  	P_PID  = 1 // Wait for specified process.
  1229  	P_PGID = 2
  1230  )
  1232  //
  1233  //   If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
  1234  //   in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
  1235  //   include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this
  1236  //   copyright string in the executable of your product.
  1237  //
  1239  // ===========================================================================
  1240  //  Function prototypes.
  1241  const ( /* deflate.c:66:1: */
  1242  	Need_more      = 0 // block not completed, need more input or more output
  1243  	Block_done     = 1 // block flush performed
  1244  	Finish_started = 2 // finish started, need only more output at next deflate
  1245  	Finish_done    = 3
  1246  )
  1248  // inflate.h -- internal inflate state definition
  1249  // Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler
  1250  // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
  1252  // WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
  1253  //    part of the implementation of the compression library and is
  1254  //    subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
  1255  //
  1257  // define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
  1258  //    trailer decoding by inflate().  NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
  1259  //    the crc code when it is not needed.  For shared libraries, gzip decoding
  1260  //    should be left enabled.
  1262  // Possible inflate modes between inflate() calls
  1263  const ( /* inflate.h:20:1: */
  1264  	HEAD     = 16180 // i: waiting for magic header
  1265  	FLAGS    = 16181 // i: waiting for method and flags (gzip)
  1266  	TIME     = 16182 // i: waiting for modification time (gzip)
  1267  	OS       = 16183 // i: waiting for extra flags and operating system (gzip)
  1268  	EXLEN    = 16184 // i: waiting for extra length (gzip)
  1269  	EXTRA    = 16185 // i: waiting for extra bytes (gzip)
  1270  	NAME     = 16186 // i: waiting for end of file name (gzip)
  1271  	COMMENT  = 16187 // i: waiting for end of comment (gzip)
  1272  	HCRC     = 16188 // i: waiting for header crc (gzip)
  1273  	DICTID   = 16189 // i: waiting for dictionary check value
  1274  	DICT     = 16190 // waiting for inflateSetDictionary() call
  1275  	TYPE     = 16191 // i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit
  1276  	TYPEDO   = 16192 // i: same, but skip check to exit inflate on new block
  1277  	STORED   = 16193 // i: waiting for stored size (length and complement)
  1278  	COPY_    = 16194 // i/o: same as COPY below, but only first time in
  1279  	COPY     = 16195 // i/o: waiting for input or output to copy stored block
  1280  	TABLE    = 16196 // i: waiting for dynamic block table lengths
  1281  	LENLENS  = 16197 // i: waiting for code length code lengths
  1282  	CODELENS = 16198 // i: waiting for length/lit and distance code lengths
  1283  	LEN_     = 16199 // i: same as LEN below, but only first time in
  1284  	LEN      = 16200 // i: waiting for length/lit/eob code
  1285  	LENEXT   = 16201 // i: waiting for length extra bits
  1286  	DIST     = 16202 // i: waiting for distance code
  1287  	DISTEXT  = 16203 // i: waiting for distance extra bits
  1288  	MATCH    = 16204 // o: waiting for output space to copy string
  1289  	LIT      = 16205 // o: waiting for output space to write literal
  1290  	CHECK    = 16206 // i: waiting for 32-bit check value
  1291  	LENGTH   = 16207 // i: waiting for 32-bit length (gzip)
  1292  	DONE     = 16208 // finished check, done -- remain here until reset
  1293  	BAD      = 16209 // got a data error -- remain here until reset
  1294  	MEM      = 16210 // got an inflate() memory error -- remain here until reset
  1295  	SYNC     = 16211
  1296  )
  1298  // op values as set by inflate_table():
  1299  //     00000000 - literal
  1300  //     0000tttt - table link, tttt != 0 is the number of table index bits
  1301  //     0001eeee - length or distance, eeee is the number of extra bits
  1302  //     01100000 - end of block
  1303  //     01000000 - invalid code
  1304  //
  1306  // Maximum size of the dynamic table.  The maximum number of code structures is
  1307  //    1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for distance
  1308  //    codes.  These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program
  1309  //    examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution.  The arguments to that
  1310  //    program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the
  1311  //    maximum bit length of a code.  "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes
  1312  //    returns returns 852, and "enough 30 6 15" for distance codes returns 592.
  1313  //    The initial root table size (9 or 6) is found in the fifth argument of the
  1314  //    inflate_table() calls in inflate.c and infback.c.  If the root table size is
  1315  //    changed, then these maximum sizes would be need to be recalculated and
  1316  //    updated.
  1318  // Type of code to build for inflate_table()
  1319  const ( /* inftrees.h:54:1: */
  1320  	CODES = 0
  1321  	LENS  = 1
  1322  	DISTS = 2
  1323  )
  1325  type Ptrdiff_t = int32 /* <builtin>:3:26 */
  1327  type Size_t = uint32 /* <builtin>:9:23 */
  1329  type Wchar_t = int32 /* <builtin>:15:24 */
  1331  type X__builtin_va_list = uintptr /* <builtin>:46:14 */
  1332  type X__float128 = float64        /* <builtin>:47:21 */
  1334  // A null pointer constant.
  1336  // Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.
  1338  // Type whose alignment is supported in every context and is at least
  1339  //    as great as that of any standard type not using alignment
  1340  //    specifiers.
  1341  type Max_align_t = struct {
  1342  	F__max_align_ll   int64
  1343  	F__max_align_ld   float64
  1344  	F__max_align_f128 X__float128
  1345  } /* stddef.h:426:3 */
  1347  type Z_size_t = Size_t /* zconf.h:248:21 */
  1349  // Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2
  1351  // Maximum value for windowBits in deflateInit2 and inflateInit2.
  1352  // WARNING: reducing MAX_WBITS makes minigzip unable to extract .gz files
  1353  // created by gzip. (Files created by minigzip can still be extracted by
  1354  // gzip.)
  1356  // The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes):
  1357  //             (1 << (windowBits+2)) +  (1 << (memLevel+9))
  1358  //  that is: 128K for windowBits=15  +  128K for memLevel = 8  (default values)
  1359  //  plus a few kilobytes for small objects. For example, if you want to reduce
  1360  //  the default memory requirements from 256K to 128K, compile with
  1361  //      make CFLAGS="-O -DMAX_WBITS=14 -DMAX_MEM_LEVEL=7"
  1362  //  Of course this will generally degrade compression (there's no free lunch).
  1363  //
  1364  //    The memory requirements for inflate are (in bytes) 1 << windowBits
  1365  //  that is, 32K for windowBits=15 (default value) plus about 7 kilobytes
  1366  //  for small objects.
  1368  // Type declarations
  1370  // The following definitions for FAR are needed only for MSDOS mixed
  1371  // model programming (small or medium model with some far allocations).
  1372  // This was tested only with MSC; for other MSDOS compilers you may have
  1373  // to define NO_MEMCPY in zutil.h.  If you don't need the mixed model,
  1374  // just define FAR to be empty.
  1376  type Byte = uint8   /* zconf.h:391:24 */ // 8 bits
  1377  type UInt = uint32  /* zconf.h:393:24 */ // 16 bits or more
  1378  type ULong = uint32 /* zconf.h:394:24 */ // 32 bits or more
  1380  type Bytef = Byte   /* zconf.h:400:22 */
  1381  type Charf = int8   /* zconf.h:402:19 */
  1382  type Intf = int32   /* zconf.h:403:19 */
  1383  type UIntf = UInt   /* zconf.h:404:19 */
  1384  type ULongf = ULong /* zconf.h:405:19 */
  1386  type Voidpc = uintptr /* zconf.h:408:23 */
  1387  type Voidpf = uintptr /* zconf.h:409:23 */
  1388  type Voidp = uintptr  /* zconf.h:410:23 */
  1390  // Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1391  //
  1392  // This file is part of GCC.
  1393  //
  1394  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  1395  // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
  1396  // Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
  1397  // version.
  1398  //
  1399  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  1400  // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  1401  // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  1402  // for more details.
  1403  //
  1404  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  1405  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  1406  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  1407  //
  1408  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  1409  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  1410  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  1411  // <>.
  1413  // This administrivia gets added to the beginning of limits.h
  1414  //    if the system has its own version of limits.h.
  1416  // We use _GCC_LIMITS_H_ because we want this not to match
  1417  //    any macros that the system's limits.h uses for its own purposes.
  1419  // Use "..." so that we find syslimits.h only in this same directory.
  1420  // syslimits.h stands for the system's own limits.h file.
  1421  //    If we can use it ok unmodified, then we install this text.
  1422  //    If fixincludes fixes it, then the fixed version is installed
  1423  //    instead of this text.
  1425  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1426  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1427  //
  1428  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1429  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1430  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1431  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1432  //
  1433  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1434  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1436  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1437  //
  1438  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1439  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1440  //    <>.
  1442  //	ISO C99 Standard: 7.10/ Sizes of integer types	<limits.h>
  1444  // Handle feature test macros at the start of a header.
  1445  //    Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1446  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1447  //
  1448  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1449  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1450  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1451  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1452  //
  1453  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1454  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1456  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1457  //
  1458  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1459  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1460  //    <>.
  1462  // This header is internal to glibc and should not be included outside
  1463  //    of glibc headers.  Headers including it must define
  1465  //    cannot have multiple include guards because ISO C feature test
  1466  //    macros depend on the definition of the macro when an affected
  1467  //    header is included, not when the first system header is
  1468  //    included.
  1470  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1471  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1472  //
  1473  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1474  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1475  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1476  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1477  //
  1478  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1479  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1481  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1482  //
  1483  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1484  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1485  //    <>.
  1487  // These are defined by the user (or the compiler)
  1488  //    to specify the desired environment:
  1489  //
  1490  //    __STRICT_ANSI__	ISO Standard C.
  1491  //    _ISOC99_SOURCE	Extensions to ISO C89 from ISO C99.
  1492  //    _ISOC11_SOURCE	Extensions to ISO C99 from ISO C11.
  1493  //    _ISOC2X_SOURCE	Extensions to ISO C99 from ISO C2X.
  1494  //    __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__
  1495  // 			Extensions to ISO C99 from TR 27431-2:2010.
  1496  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__
  1497  // 			Extensions to ISO C11 from TS 18661-1:2014.
  1498  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__
  1499  // 			Extensions to ISO C11 from TS 18661-4:2015.
  1500  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__
  1501  // 			Extensions to ISO C11 from TS 18661-3:2015.
  1502  //
  1503  //    _POSIX_SOURCE	IEEE Std 1003.1.
  1504  //    _POSIX_C_SOURCE	If ==1, like _POSIX_SOURCE; if >=2 add IEEE Std 1003.2;
  1505  // 			if >=199309L, add IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993;
  1506  // 			if >=199506L, add IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995;
  1507  // 			if >=200112L, all of IEEE 1003.1-2004
  1508  // 			if >=200809L, all of IEEE 1003.1-2008
  1509  //    _XOPEN_SOURCE	Includes POSIX and XPG things.  Set to 500 if
  1510  // 			Single Unix conformance is wanted, to 600 for the
  1511  // 			sixth revision, to 700 for the seventh revision.
  1512  //    _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED XPG things and X/Open Unix extensions.
  1513  //    _LARGEFILE_SOURCE	Some more functions for correct standard I/O.
  1514  //    _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE	Additional functionality from LFS for large files.
  1515  //    _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=N	Select default filesystem interface.
  1516  //    _ATFILE_SOURCE	Additional *at interfaces.
  1517  //    _GNU_SOURCE		All of the above, plus GNU extensions.
  1518  //    _DEFAULT_SOURCE	The default set of features (taking precedence over
  1519  // 			__STRICT_ANSI__).
  1520  //
  1521  //    _FORTIFY_SOURCE	Add security hardening to many library functions.
  1522  // 			Set to 1 or 2; 2 performs stricter checks than 1.
  1523  //
  1524  //    _REENTRANT, _THREAD_SAFE
  1525  // 			Obsolete; equivalent to _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L.
  1526  //
  1527  //    The `-ansi' switch to the GNU C compiler, and standards conformance
  1528  //    options such as `-std=c99', define __STRICT_ANSI__.  If none of
  1529  //    these are defined, or if _DEFAULT_SOURCE is defined, the default is
  1530  //    to have _POSIX_SOURCE set to one and _POSIX_C_SOURCE set to
  1531  //    200809L, as well as enabling miscellaneous functions from BSD and
  1532  //    SVID.  If more than one of these are defined, they accumulate.  For
  1533  //    example __STRICT_ANSI__, _POSIX_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE together
  1534  //    give you ISO C, 1003.1, and 1003.2, but nothing else.
  1535  //
  1536  //    These are defined by this file and are used by the
  1537  //    header files to decide what to declare or define:
  1538  //
  1539  //    __GLIBC_USE (F)	Define things from feature set F.  This is defined
  1540  // 			to 1 or 0; the subsequent macros are either defined
  1541  // 			or undefined, and those tests should be moved to
  1542  // 			__GLIBC_USE.
  1543  //    __USE_ISOC11		Define ISO C11 things.
  1544  //    __USE_ISOC99		Define ISO C99 things.
  1545  //    __USE_ISOC95		Define ISO C90 AMD1 (C95) things.
  1546  //    __USE_ISOCXX11	Define ISO C++11 things.
  1547  //    __USE_POSIX		Define IEEE Std 1003.1 things.
  1548  //    __USE_POSIX2		Define IEEE Std 1003.2 things.
  1549  //    __USE_POSIX199309	Define IEEE Std 1003.1, and .1b things.
  1550  //    __USE_POSIX199506	Define IEEE Std 1003.1, .1b, .1c and .1i things.
  1551  //    __USE_XOPEN		Define XPG things.
  1552  //    __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED	Define X/Open Unix things.
  1553  //    __USE_UNIX98		Define Single Unix V2 things.
  1554  //    __USE_XOPEN2K        Define XPG6 things.
  1555  //    __USE_XOPEN2KXSI     Define XPG6 XSI things.
  1556  //    __USE_XOPEN2K8       Define XPG7 things.
  1557  //    __USE_XOPEN2K8XSI    Define XPG7 XSI things.
  1558  //    __USE_LARGEFILE	Define correct standard I/O things.
  1559  //    __USE_LARGEFILE64	Define LFS things with separate names.
  1560  //    __USE_FILE_OFFSET64	Define 64bit interface as default.
  1561  //    __USE_MISC		Define things from 4.3BSD or System V Unix.
  1562  //    __USE_ATFILE		Define *at interfaces and AT_* constants for them.
  1563  //    __USE_GNU		Define GNU extensions.
  1564  //    __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL	Additional security measures used, according to level.
  1565  //
  1566  //    The macros `__GNU_LIBRARY__', `__GLIBC__', and `__GLIBC_MINOR__' are
  1567  //    defined by this file unconditionally.  `__GNU_LIBRARY__' is provided
  1568  //    only for compatibility.  All new code should use the other symbols
  1569  //    to test for features.
  1570  //
  1571  //    All macros listed above as possibly being defined by this file are
  1572  //    explicitly undefined if they are not explicitly defined.
  1573  //    Feature-test macros that are not defined by the user or compiler
  1574  //    but are implied by the other feature-test macros defined (or by the
  1575  //    lack of any definitions) are defined by the file.
  1576  //
  1577  //    ISO C feature test macros depend on the definition of the macro
  1578  //    when an affected header is included, not when the first system
  1579  //    header is included, and so they are handled in
  1580  //    <bits/libc-header-start.h>, which does not have a multiple include
  1581  //    guard.  Feature test macros that can be handled from the first
  1582  //    system header included are handled here.
  1584  // Undefine everything, so we get a clean slate.
  1586  // Suppress kernel-name space pollution unless user expressedly asks
  1587  //    for it.
  1589  // Convenience macro to test the version of gcc.
  1590  //    Use like this:
  1591  //    #if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
  1592  //    ... code requiring gcc 2.8 or later ...
  1593  //    #endif
  1594  //    Note: only works for GCC 2.0 and later, because __GNUC_MINOR__ was
  1595  //    added in 2.0.
  1597  // Similarly for clang.  Features added to GCC after version 4.2 may
  1598  //    or may not also be available in clang, and clang's definitions of
  1599  //    __GNUC(_MINOR)__ are fixed at 4 and 2 respectively.  Not all such
  1600  //    features can be queried via __has_extension/__has_feature.
  1602  // Whether to use feature set F.
  1604  // _BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated aliases for
  1605  //    _DEFAULT_SOURCE.  If _DEFAULT_SOURCE is present we do not
  1606  //    issue a warning; the expectation is that the source is being
  1607  //    transitioned to use the new macro.
  1609  // If _GNU_SOURCE was defined by the user, turn on all the other features.
  1611  // If nothing (other than _GNU_SOURCE and _DEFAULT_SOURCE) is defined,
  1612  //    define _DEFAULT_SOURCE.
  1614  // This is to enable the ISO C2X extension.
  1616  // This is to enable the ISO C11 extension.
  1618  // This is to enable the ISO C99 extension.
  1620  // This is to enable the ISO C90 Amendment 1:1995 extension.
  1622  // If none of the ANSI/POSIX macros are defined, or if _DEFAULT_SOURCE
  1623  //    is defined, use POSIX.1-2008 (or another version depending on
  1624  //    _XOPEN_SOURCE).
  1626  // Some C libraries once required _REENTRANT and/or _THREAD_SAFE to be
  1627  //    defined in all multithreaded code.  GNU libc has not required this
  1628  //    for many years.  We now treat them as compatibility synonyms for
  1629  //    _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L, which is the earliest level of POSIX with
  1630  //    comprehensive support for multithreaded code.  Using them never
  1631  //    lowers the selected level of POSIX conformance, only raises it.
  1633  // The function 'gets' existed in C89, but is impossible to use
  1634  //    safely.  It has been removed from ISO C11 and ISO C++14.  Note: for
  1635  //    compatibility with various implementations of <cstdio>, this test
  1636  //    must consider only the value of __cplusplus when compiling C++.
  1638  // GNU formerly extended the scanf functions with modified format
  1639  //    specifiers %as, %aS, and %a[...] that allocate a buffer for the
  1640  //    input using malloc.  This extension conflicts with ISO C99, which
  1641  //    defines %a as a standalone format specifier that reads a floating-
  1642  //    point number; moreover, POSIX.1-2008 provides the same feature
  1643  //    using the modifier letter 'm' instead (%ms, %mS, %m[...]).
  1644  //
  1645  //    We now follow C99 unless GNU extensions are active and the compiler
  1646  //    is specifically in C89 or C++98 mode (strict or not).  For
  1647  //    instance, with GCC, -std=gnu11 will have C99-compliant scanf with
  1648  //    or without -D_GNU_SOURCE, but -std=c89 -D_GNU_SOURCE will have the
  1649  //    old extension.
  1651  // Get definitions of __STDC_* predefined macros, if the compiler has
  1652  //    not preincluded this header automatically.
  1653  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1654  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1655  //
  1656  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1657  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1658  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1659  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1660  //
  1661  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1662  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1664  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1665  //
  1666  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1667  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1668  //    <>.
  1670  // This macro indicates that the installed library is the GNU C Library.
  1671  //    For historic reasons the value now is 6 and this will stay from now
  1672  //    on.  The use of this variable is deprecated.  Use __GLIBC__ and
  1673  //    __GLIBC_MINOR__ now (see below) when you want to test for a specific
  1674  //    GNU C library version and use the values in <gnu/lib-names.h> to get
  1675  //    the sonames of the shared libraries.
  1677  // Major and minor version number of the GNU C library package.  Use
  1678  //    these macros to test for features in specific releases.
  1680  // This is here only because every header file already includes this one.
  1681  // Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1682  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1683  //
  1684  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1685  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1686  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1687  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1688  //
  1689  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1690  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1692  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1693  //
  1694  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1695  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1696  //    <>.
  1698  // We are almost always included from features.h.
  1700  // The GNU libc does not support any K&R compilers or the traditional mode
  1701  //    of ISO C compilers anymore.  Check for some of the combinations not
  1702  //    anymore supported.
  1704  // Some user header file might have defined this before.
  1706  // All functions, except those with callbacks or those that
  1707  //    synchronize memory, are leaf functions.
  1709  // GCC can always grok prototypes.  For C++ programs we add throw()
  1710  //    to help it optimize the function calls.  But this works only with
  1711  //    gcc 2.8.x and egcs.  For gcc 3.2 and up we even mark C functions
  1712  //    as non-throwing using a function attribute since programs can use
  1713  //    the -fexceptions options for C code as well.
  1715  // Compilers that are not clang may object to
  1716  //        #if defined __clang__ && __has_extension(...)
  1717  //    even though they do not need to evaluate the right-hand side of the &&.
  1719  // These two macros are not used in glibc anymore.  They are kept here
  1720  //    only because some other projects expect the macros to be defined.
  1722  // For these things, GCC behaves the ANSI way normally,
  1723  //    and the non-ANSI way under -traditional.
  1725  // This is not a typedef so `const __ptr_t' does the right thing.
  1727  // C++ needs to know that types and declarations are C, not C++.
  1729  // Fortify support.
  1731  // Support for flexible arrays.
  1732  //    Headers that should use flexible arrays only if they're "real"
  1733  //    (e.g. only if they won't affect sizeof()) should test
  1734  //    #if __glibc_c99_flexarr_available.
  1736  // __asm__ ("xyz") is used throughout the headers to rename functions
  1737  //    at the assembly language level.  This is wrapped by the __REDIRECT
  1738  //    macro, in order to support compilers that can do this some other
  1739  //    way.  When compilers don't support asm-names at all, we have to do
  1740  //    preprocessor tricks instead (which don't have exactly the right
  1741  //    semantics, but it's the best we can do).
  1742  //
  1743  //    Example:
  1744  //    int __REDIRECT(setpgrp, (__pid_t pid, __pid_t pgrp), setpgid);
  1746  //
  1747  // #elif __SOME_OTHER_COMPILER__
  1748  //
  1749  // # define __REDIRECT(name, proto, alias) name proto; 	_Pragma("let " #name " = " #alias)
  1751  // GCC has various useful declarations that can be made with the
  1752  //    `__attribute__' syntax.  All of the ways we use this do fine if
  1753  //    they are omitted for compilers that don't understand it.
  1755  // At some point during the gcc 2.96 development the `malloc' attribute
  1756  //    for functions was introduced.  We don't want to use it unconditionally
  1757  //    (although this would be possible) since it generates warnings.
  1759  // Tell the compiler which arguments to an allocation function
  1760  //    indicate the size of the allocation.
  1762  // At some point during the gcc 2.96 development the `pure' attribute
  1763  //    for functions was introduced.  We don't want to use it unconditionally
  1764  //    (although this would be possible) since it generates warnings.
  1766  // This declaration tells the compiler that the value is constant.
  1768  // At some point during the gcc 3.1 development the `used' attribute
  1769  //    for functions was introduced.  We don't want to use it unconditionally
  1770  //    (although this would be possible) since it generates warnings.
  1772  // Since version 3.2, gcc allows marking deprecated functions.
  1774  // Since version 4.5, gcc also allows one to specify the message printed
  1775  //    when a deprecated function is used.  clang claims to be gcc 4.2, but
  1776  //    may also support this feature.
  1778  // At some point during the gcc 2.8 development the `format_arg' attribute
  1779  //    for functions was introduced.  We don't want to use it unconditionally
  1780  //    (although this would be possible) since it generates warnings.
  1781  //    If several `format_arg' attributes are given for the same function, in
  1782  //    gcc-3.0 and older, all but the last one are ignored.  In newer gccs,
  1783  //    all designated arguments are considered.
  1785  // At some point during the gcc 2.97 development the `strfmon' format
  1786  //    attribute for functions was introduced.  We don't want to use it
  1787  //    unconditionally (although this would be possible) since it
  1788  //    generates warnings.
  1790  // The nonull function attribute allows to mark pointer parameters which
  1791  //    must not be NULL.
  1793  // If fortification mode, we warn about unused results of certain
  1794  //    function calls which can lead to problems.
  1796  // Forces a function to be always inlined.
  1797  // The Linux kernel defines __always_inline in stddef.h (283d7573), and
  1798  //    it conflicts with this definition.  Therefore undefine it first to
  1799  //    allow either header to be included first.
  1801  // Associate error messages with the source location of the call site rather
  1802  //    than with the source location inside the function.
  1804  // GCC 4.3 and above with -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 implements ISO C99
  1805  //    inline semantics, unless -fgnu89-inline is used.  Using __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
  1806  //    or __GNUC_GNU_INLINE is not a good enough check for gcc because gcc versions
  1807  //    older than 4.3 may define these macros and still not guarantee GNU inlining
  1808  //    semantics.
  1809  //
  1810  //    clang++ identifies itself as gcc-4.2, but has support for GNU inlining
  1811  //    semantics, that can be checked for by using the __GNUC_STDC_INLINE_ and
  1812  //    __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ macro definitions.
  1814  // GCC 4.3 and above allow passing all anonymous arguments of an
  1815  //    __extern_always_inline function to some other vararg function.
  1817  // It is possible to compile containing GCC extensions even if GCC is
  1818  //    run in pedantic mode if the uses are carefully marked using the
  1819  //    `__extension__' keyword.  But this is not generally available before
  1820  //    version 2.8.
  1822  // __restrict is known in EGCS 1.2 and above.
  1824  // ISO C99 also allows to declare arrays as non-overlapping.  The syntax is
  1825  //      array_name[restrict]
  1826  //    GCC 3.1 supports this.
  1828  // Describes a char array whose address can safely be passed as the first
  1829  //    argument to strncpy and strncat, as the char array is not necessarily
  1830  //    a NUL-terminated string.
  1832  // Undefine (also defined in libc-symbols.h).
  1833  // Copies attributes from the declaration or type referenced by
  1834  //    the argument.
  1836  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  1838  // Properties of long double type.  ldbl-96 version.
  1839  //    Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1840  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1841  //
  1842  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1843  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1844  //    License  published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1845  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1846  //
  1847  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1848  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1850  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1851  //
  1852  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1853  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1854  //    <>.
  1856  // long double is distinct from double, so there is nothing to
  1857  //    define here.
  1859  // __glibc_macro_warning (MESSAGE) issues warning MESSAGE.  This is
  1860  //    intended for use in preprocessor macros.
  1861  //
  1862  //    Note: MESSAGE must be a _single_ string; concatenation of string
  1863  //    literals is not supported.
  1865  // Generic selection (ISO C11) is a C-only feature, available in GCC
  1866  //    since version 4.9.  Previous versions do not provide generic
  1867  //    selection, even though they might set __STDC_VERSION__ to 201112L,
  1868  //    when in -std=c11 mode.  Thus, we must check for !defined __GNUC__
  1869  //    when testing __STDC_VERSION__ for generic selection support.
  1870  //    On the other hand, Clang also defines __GNUC__, so a clang-specific
  1871  //    check is required to enable the use of generic selection.
  1873  // If we don't have __REDIRECT, prototypes will be missing if
  1874  //    __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 but not __USE_LARGEFILE[64].
  1876  // Decide whether we can define 'extern inline' functions in headers.
  1878  // This is here only because every header file already includes this one.
  1879  //    Get the definitions of all the appropriate `__stub_FUNCTION' symbols.
  1880  //    <gnu/stubs.h> contains `#define __stub_FUNCTION' when FUNCTION is a stub
  1881  //    that will always return failure (and set errno to ENOSYS).
  1882  // This file is automatically generated.
  1883  //    This file selects the right generated file of `__stub_FUNCTION' macros
  1884  //    based on the architecture being compiled for.
  1886  // This file is automatically generated.
  1887  //    It defines a symbol `__stub_FUNCTION' for each function
  1888  //    in the C library which is a stub, meaning it will fail
  1889  //    every time called, usually setting errno to ENOSYS.
  1891  // ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010 defines the __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__
  1892  //    macro.
  1894  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-1:2014 defines the __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__
  1895  //    macro.  Most but not all symbols enabled by that macro in TS
  1896  //    18661-1 are enabled unconditionally in C2X; the symbols in Annex F
  1897  //    still require that macro in C2X.
  1899  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015 defines the
  1900  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__ macro.  Other than the reduction
  1901  //    functions, the symbols from this TS are enabled unconditionally in
  1902  //    C2X.
  1904  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-3:2015 defines the
  1905  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__ macro.
  1907  // Maximum length of any multibyte character in any locale.
  1908  //    We define this value here since the gcc header does not define
  1909  //    the correct value.
  1911  // If we are not using GNU CC we have to define all the symbols ourself.
  1912  //    Otherwise use gcc's definitions (see below).
  1914  // Get the compiler's limits.h, which defines almost all the ISO constants.
  1915  //
  1916  //     We put this #include_next outside the double inclusion check because
  1917  //     it should be possible to include this file more than once and still get
  1918  //     the definitions from gcc's header.
  1920  // The <limits.h> files in some gcc versions don't define LLONG_MIN,
  1921  //    LLONG_MAX, and ULLONG_MAX.  Instead only the values gcc defined for
  1922  //    ages are available.
  1924  // The integer width macros are not defined by GCC's <limits.h> before
  1925  //    GCC 7, or if _GNU_SOURCE rather than
  1926  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__ is used to enable this feature.
  1928  // POSIX adds things to <limits.h>.
  1929  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1930  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  1931  //
  1932  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  1933  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1934  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  1935  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  1936  //
  1937  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  1938  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  1940  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  1941  //
  1942  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  1943  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  1944  //    <>.
  1946  //	POSIX Standard: 2.9.2 Minimum Values	Added to <limits.h>
  1947  //
  1948  //	Never include this file directly; use <limits.h> instead.
  1950  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  1952  // These are the standard-mandated minimum values.
  1954  // Minimum number of operations in one list I/O call.
  1956  // Minimal number of outstanding asynchronous I/O operations.
  1958  // Maximum length of arguments to `execve', including environment.
  1960  // Maximum simultaneous processes per real user ID.
  1962  // Minimal number of timer expiration overruns.
  1964  // Maximum length of a host name (not including the terminating null)
  1965  //    as returned from the GETHOSTNAME function.
  1967  // Maximum link count of a file.
  1969  // Maximum length of login name.
  1971  // Number of bytes in a terminal canonical input queue.
  1973  // Number of bytes for which space will be
  1974  //    available in a terminal input queue.
  1976  // Maximum number of message queues open for a process.
  1978  // Maximum number of supported message priorities.
  1980  // Number of bytes in a filename.
  1982  // Number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs per process.
  1984  // Number of files one process can have open at once.
  1986  // Number of bytes in a pathname.
  1988  // Number of bytes than can be written atomically to a pipe.
  1990  // The number of repeated occurrences of a BRE permitted by the
  1991  //    REGEXEC and REGCOMP functions when using the interval notation.
  1993  // Minimal number of realtime signals reserved for the application.
  1995  // Number of semaphores a process can have.
  1997  // Maximal value of a semaphore.
  1999  // Number of pending realtime signals.
  2001  // Largest value of a `ssize_t'.
  2003  // Number of streams a process can have open at once.
  2005  // The number of bytes in a symbolic link.
  2007  // The number of symbolic links that can be traversed in the
  2008  //    resolution of a pathname in the absence of a loop.
  2010  // Number of timer for a process.
  2012  // Maximum number of characters in a tty name.
  2014  // Maximum length of a timezone name (element of `tzname').
  2016  // Maximum clock resolution in nanoseconds.
  2018  // Get the implementation-specific values for the above.
  2019  // Minimum guaranteed maximum values for system limits.  Linux version.
  2020  //    Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2021  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2022  //
  2023  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2024  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  2025  //    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
  2026  //    License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2027  //
  2028  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2029  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2031  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2032  //
  2033  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2034  //    License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If
  2035  //    not, see <>.
  2037  // The kernel header pollutes the namespace with the NR_OPEN symbol
  2038  //    and defines LINK_MAX although filesystems have different maxima.  A
  2039  //    similar thing is true for OPEN_MAX: the limit can be changed at
  2040  //    runtime and therefore the macro must not be defined.  Remove this
  2041  //    after including the header if necessary.
  2043  // The kernel sources contain a file with all the needed information.
  2044  // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note
  2046  // Have to remove NR_OPEN?
  2047  // Have to remove LINK_MAX?
  2048  // Have to remove OPEN_MAX?
  2049  // Have to remove ARG_MAX?
  2051  // The number of data keys per process.
  2052  // This is the value this implementation supports.
  2054  // Controlling the iterations of destructors for thread-specific data.
  2055  // Number of iterations this implementation does.
  2057  // The number of threads per process.
  2058  // We have no predefined limit on the number of threads.
  2060  // Maximum amount by which a process can descrease its asynchronous I/O
  2061  //    priority level.
  2063  // Minimum size for a thread.  We are free to choose a reasonable value.
  2065  // Maximum number of timer expiration overruns.
  2067  // Maximum tty name length.
  2069  // Maximum login name length.  This is arbitrary.
  2071  // Maximum host name length.
  2073  // Maximum message queue priority level.
  2075  // Maximum value the semaphore can have.
  2077  // ssize_t is not formally required to be the signed type
  2078  //    corresponding to size_t, but it is for all configurations supported
  2079  //    by glibc.
  2081  // This value is a guaranteed minimum maximum.
  2082  //    The current maximum can be got from `sysconf'.
  2084  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2085  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2086  //
  2087  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2088  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2089  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2090  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2091  //
  2092  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2093  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2095  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2096  //
  2097  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2098  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2099  //    <>.
  2101  // Never include this file directly; include <limits.h> instead.
  2103  // The maximum `ibase' and `obase' values allowed by the `bc' utility.
  2105  // The maximum number of elements allowed in an array by the `bc' utility.
  2107  // The maximum `scale' value allowed by the `bc' utility.
  2109  // The maximum length of a string constant accepted by the `bc' utility.
  2111  // The maximum number of weights that can be assigned to an entry of
  2112  //    the LC_COLLATE `order' keyword in the locale definition file.
  2114  // The maximum number of expressions that can be nested
  2115  //    within parentheses by the `expr' utility.
  2117  // The maximum length, in bytes, of an input line.
  2119  // The maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular expression
  2120  //    permitted when using the interval notation `\{M,N\}'.
  2122  // The maximum number of bytes in a character class name.  We have no
  2123  //    fixed limit, 2048 is a high number.
  2125  // These values are implementation-specific,
  2126  //    and may vary within the implementation.
  2127  //    Their precise values can be obtained from sysconf.
  2129  // This value is defined like this in regex.h.
  2131  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2132  //
  2133  // This file is part of GCC.
  2134  //
  2135  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  2136  // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
  2137  // Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
  2138  // version.
  2139  //
  2140  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  2141  // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  2142  // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  2143  // for more details.
  2144  //
  2145  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  2146  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  2147  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  2148  //
  2149  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  2150  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  2151  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  2152  // <>.
  2154  // Number of bits in a `char'.
  2156  // Maximum length of a multibyte character.
  2158  // Minimum and maximum values a `signed char' can hold.
  2160  // Maximum value an `unsigned char' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).
  2162  // Minimum and maximum values a `char' can hold.
  2164  // Minimum and maximum values a `signed short int' can hold.
  2166  // Maximum value an `unsigned short int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).
  2168  // Minimum and maximum values a `signed int' can hold.
  2170  // Maximum value an `unsigned int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).
  2172  // Minimum and maximum values a `signed long int' can hold.
  2173  //    (Same as `int').
  2175  // Maximum value an `unsigned long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).
  2177  // Minimum and maximum values a `signed long long int' can hold.
  2179  // Maximum value an `unsigned long long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).
  2181  // This administrivia gets added to the end of limits.h
  2182  //    if the system has its own version of limits.h.
  2184  type Z_crc_t = uint32 /* zconf.h:429:17 */
  2186  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2187  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2188  //
  2189  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2190  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2191  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2192  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2193  //
  2194  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2195  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2197  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2198  //
  2199  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2200  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2201  //    <>.
  2203  //	POSIX Standard: 2.6 Primitive System Data Types	<sys/types.h>
  2205  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2206  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2207  //
  2208  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2209  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2210  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2211  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2212  //
  2213  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2214  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2216  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2217  //
  2218  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2219  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2220  //    <>.
  2222  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2223  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2224  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2225  //
  2226  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2227  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2228  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2229  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2230  //
  2231  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2232  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2234  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2235  //
  2236  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2237  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2238  //    <>.
  2240  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2242  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2243  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2244  //
  2245  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2246  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2247  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2248  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2249  //
  2250  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2251  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2253  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2254  //
  2255  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2256  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2257  //    <>.
  2259  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  2261  // Bit size of the time_t type at glibc build time, x86-64 and x32 case.
  2262  //    Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2263  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2264  //
  2265  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2266  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2267  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2268  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2269  //
  2270  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2271  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2273  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2274  //
  2275  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2276  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2277  //    <>.
  2279  // For others, time size is word size.
  2281  // Convenience types.
  2282  type X__u_char = uint8   /* types.h:31:23 */
  2283  type X__u_short = uint16 /* types.h:32:28 */
  2284  type X__u_int = uint32   /* types.h:33:22 */
  2285  type X__u_long = uint32  /* types.h:34:27 */
  2287  // Fixed-size types, underlying types depend on word size and compiler.
  2288  type X__int8_t = int8     /* types.h:37:21 */
  2289  type X__uint8_t = uint8   /* types.h:38:23 */
  2290  type X__int16_t = int16   /* types.h:39:26 */
  2291  type X__uint16_t = uint16 /* types.h:40:28 */
  2292  type X__int32_t = int32   /* types.h:41:20 */
  2293  type X__uint32_t = uint32 /* types.h:42:22 */
  2294  type X__int64_t = int64   /* types.h:47:44 */
  2295  type X__uint64_t = uint64 /* types.h:48:46 */
  2297  // Smallest types with at least a given width.
  2298  type X__int_least8_t = X__int8_t     /* types.h:52:18 */
  2299  type X__uint_least8_t = X__uint8_t   /* types.h:53:19 */
  2300  type X__int_least16_t = X__int16_t   /* types.h:54:19 */
  2301  type X__uint_least16_t = X__uint16_t /* types.h:55:20 */
  2302  type X__int_least32_t = X__int32_t   /* types.h:56:19 */
  2303  type X__uint_least32_t = X__uint32_t /* types.h:57:20 */
  2304  type X__int_least64_t = X__int64_t   /* types.h:58:19 */
  2305  type X__uint_least64_t = X__uint64_t /* types.h:59:20 */
  2307  // quad_t is also 64 bits.
  2308  type X__quad_t = int64    /* types.h:66:37 */
  2309  type X__u_quad_t = uint64 /* types.h:67:46 */
  2311  // Largest integral types.
  2312  type X__intmax_t = int64   /* types.h:75:37 */
  2313  type X__uintmax_t = uint64 /* types.h:76:46 */
  2315  // The machine-dependent file <bits/typesizes.h> defines __*_T_TYPE
  2316  //    macros for each of the OS types we define below.  The definitions
  2317  //    of those macros must use the following macros for underlying types.
  2318  //    We define __S<SIZE>_TYPE and __U<SIZE>_TYPE for the signed and unsigned
  2319  //    variants of each of the following integer types on this machine.
  2320  //
  2321  // 	16		-- "natural" 16-bit type (always short)
  2322  // 	32		-- "natural" 32-bit type (always int)
  2323  // 	64		-- "natural" 64-bit type (long or long long)
  2324  // 	LONG32		-- 32-bit type, traditionally long
  2325  // 	QUAD		-- 64-bit type, traditionally long long
  2326  // 	WORD		-- natural type of __WORDSIZE bits (int or long)
  2327  // 	LONGWORD	-- type of __WORDSIZE bits, traditionally long
  2328  //
  2329  //    We distinguish WORD/LONGWORD, 32/LONG32, and 64/QUAD so that the
  2330  //    conventional uses of `long' or `long long' type modifiers match the
  2331  //    types we define, even when a less-adorned type would be the same size.
  2332  //    This matters for (somewhat) portably writing printf/scanf formats for
  2333  //    these types, where using the appropriate l or ll format modifiers can
  2334  //    make the typedefs and the formats match up across all GNU platforms.  If
  2335  //    we used `long' when it's 64 bits where `long long' is expected, then the
  2336  //    compiler would warn about the formats not matching the argument types,
  2337  //    and the programmer changing them to shut up the compiler would break the
  2338  //    program's portability.
  2339  //
  2340  //    Here we assume what is presently the case in all the GCC configurations
  2341  //    we support: long long is always 64 bits, long is always word/address size,
  2342  //    and int is always 32 bits.
  2344  // We want __extension__ before typedef's that use nonstandard base types
  2345  //    such as `long long' in C89 mode.
  2346  // bits/typesizes.h -- underlying types for *_t.  Linux/x86-64 version.
  2347  //    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2348  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2349  //
  2350  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2351  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2352  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2353  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2354  //
  2355  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2356  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2358  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2359  //
  2360  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2361  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2362  //    <>.
  2364  // See <bits/types.h> for the meaning of these macros.  This file exists so
  2365  //    that <bits/types.h> need not vary across different GNU platforms.
  2367  // X32 kernel interface is 64-bit.
  2369  // Number of descriptors that can fit in an `fd_set'.
  2371  // bits/time64.h -- underlying types for __time64_t.  Generic version.
  2372  //    Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2373  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2374  //
  2375  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2376  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2377  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2378  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2379  //
  2380  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2381  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2383  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2384  //
  2385  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2386  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2387  //    <>.
  2389  // Define __TIME64_T_TYPE so that it is always a 64-bit type.
  2391  // Define a 64-bit time type alongsize the 32-bit one.
  2393  type X__dev_t = X__uint64_t                /* types.h:145:25 */ // Type of device numbers.
  2394  type X__uid_t = uint32                     /* types.h:146:25 */ // Type of user identifications.
  2395  type X__gid_t = uint32                     /* types.h:147:25 */ // Type of group identifications.
  2396  type X__ino_t = uint32                     /* types.h:148:25 */ // Type of file serial numbers.
  2397  type X__ino64_t = X__uint64_t              /* types.h:149:27 */ // Type of file serial numbers (LFS).
  2398  type X__mode_t = uint32                    /* types.h:150:26 */ // Type of file attribute bitmasks.
  2399  type X__nlink_t = uint32                   /* types.h:151:27 */ // Type of file link counts.
  2400  type X__off_t = int32                      /* types.h:152:25 */ // Type of file sizes and offsets.
  2401  type X__off64_t = X__int64_t               /* types.h:153:27 */ // Type of file sizes and offsets (LFS).
  2402  type X__pid_t = int32                      /* types.h:154:25 */ // Type of process identifications.
  2403  type X__fsid_t = struct{ F__val [2]int32 } /* types.h:155:26 */ // Type of file system IDs.
  2404  type X__clock_t = int32                    /* types.h:156:27 */ // Type of CPU usage counts.
  2405  type X__rlim_t = uint32                    /* types.h:157:26 */ // Type for resource measurement.
  2406  type X__rlim64_t = X__uint64_t             /* types.h:158:28 */ // Type for resource measurement (LFS).
  2407  type X__id_t = uint32                      /* types.h:159:24 */ // General type for IDs.
  2408  type X__time_t = int32                     /* types.h:160:26 */ // Seconds since the Epoch.
  2409  type X__useconds_t = uint32                /* types.h:161:30 */ // Count of microseconds.
  2410  type X__suseconds_t = int32                /* types.h:162:31 */ // Signed count of microseconds.
  2412  type X__daddr_t = int32 /* types.h:164:27 */ // The type of a disk address.
  2413  type X__key_t = int32   /* types.h:165:25 */ // Type of an IPC key.
  2415  // Clock ID used in clock and timer functions.
  2416  type X__clockid_t = int32 /* types.h:168:29 */
  2418  // Timer ID returned by `timer_create'.
  2419  type X__timer_t = uintptr /* types.h:171:12 */
  2421  // Type to represent block size.
  2422  type X__blksize_t = int32 /* types.h:174:29 */
  2424  // Types from the Large File Support interface.
  2426  // Type to count number of disk blocks.
  2427  type X__blkcnt_t = int32        /* types.h:179:28 */
  2428  type X__blkcnt64_t = X__int64_t /* types.h:180:30 */
  2430  // Type to count file system blocks.
  2431  type X__fsblkcnt_t = uint32        /* types.h:183:30 */
  2432  type X__fsblkcnt64_t = X__uint64_t /* types.h:184:32 */
  2434  // Type to count file system nodes.
  2435  type X__fsfilcnt_t = uint32        /* types.h:187:30 */
  2436  type X__fsfilcnt64_t = X__uint64_t /* types.h:188:32 */
  2438  // Type of miscellaneous file system fields.
  2439  type X__fsword_t = int32 /* types.h:191:28 */
  2441  type X__ssize_t = int32 /* types.h:193:27 */ // Type of a byte count, or error.
  2443  // Signed long type used in system calls.
  2444  type X__syscall_slong_t = int32 /* types.h:196:33 */
  2445  // Unsigned long type used in system calls.
  2446  type X__syscall_ulong_t = uint32 /* types.h:198:33 */
  2448  // These few don't really vary by system, they always correspond
  2449  //    to one of the other defined types.
  2450  type X__loff_t = X__off64_t /* types.h:202:19 */ // Type of file sizes and offsets (LFS).
  2451  type X__caddr_t = uintptr   /* types.h:203:14 */
  2453  // Duplicates info from stdint.h but this is used in unistd.h.
  2454  type X__intptr_t = int32 /* types.h:206:25 */
  2456  // Duplicate info from sys/socket.h.
  2457  type X__socklen_t = uint32 /* types.h:209:23 */
  2459  // C99: An integer type that can be accessed as an atomic entity,
  2460  //    even in the presence of asynchronous interrupts.
  2461  //    It is not currently necessary for this to be machine-specific.
  2462  type X__sig_atomic_t = int32 /* types.h:214:13 */
  2464  // Seconds since the Epoch, visible to user code when time_t is too
  2465  //    narrow only for consistency with the old way of widening too-narrow
  2466  //    types.  User code should never use __time64_t.
  2467  type X__time64_t = X__int64_t /* types.h:222:28 */
  2469  type U_char = X__u_char     /* types.h:33:18 */
  2470  type U_short = X__u_short   /* types.h:34:19 */
  2471  type U_int = X__u_int       /* types.h:35:17 */
  2472  type U_long = X__u_long     /* types.h:36:18 */
  2473  type Quad_t = X__quad_t     /* types.h:37:18 */
  2474  type U_quad_t = X__u_quad_t /* types.h:38:20 */
  2475  type Fsid_t = X__fsid_t     /* types.h:39:18 */
  2476  type Loff_t = X__loff_t     /* types.h:42:18 */
  2478  type Ino_t = X__ino64_t   /* types.h:49:19 */
  2479  type Ino64_t = X__ino64_t /* types.h:54:19 */
  2481  type Dev_t = X__dev_t /* types.h:59:17 */
  2483  type Gid_t = X__gid_t /* types.h:64:17 */
  2485  type Mode_t = X__mode_t /* types.h:69:18 */
  2487  type Nlink_t = X__nlink_t /* types.h:74:19 */
  2489  type Uid_t = X__uid_t /* types.h:79:17 */
  2491  type Off_t = X__off64_t   /* types.h:87:19 */
  2492  type Off64_t = X__off64_t /* types.h:92:19 */
  2494  type Pid_t = X__pid_t /* types.h:97:17 */
  2496  type Id_t = X__id_t /* types.h:103:16 */
  2498  type Ssize_t = X__ssize_t /* types.h:108:19 */
  2500  type Daddr_t = X__daddr_t /* types.h:114:19 */
  2501  type Caddr_t = X__caddr_t /* types.h:115:19 */
  2503  type Key_t = X__key_t /* types.h:121:17 */
  2505  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2506  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2507  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2508  //
  2509  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2510  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2511  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2512  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2513  //
  2514  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2515  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2517  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2518  //
  2519  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2520  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2521  //    <>.
  2523  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2525  // Returned by `clock'.
  2526  type Clock_t = X__clock_t /* clock_t.h:7:19 */
  2528  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2529  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2530  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2531  //
  2532  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2533  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2534  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2535  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2536  //
  2537  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2538  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2540  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2541  //
  2542  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2543  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2544  //    <>.
  2546  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2548  // Clock ID used in clock and timer functions.
  2549  type Clockid_t = X__clockid_t /* clockid_t.h:7:21 */
  2551  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2552  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2553  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2554  //
  2555  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2556  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2557  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2558  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2559  //
  2560  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2561  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2563  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2564  //
  2565  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2566  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2567  //    <>.
  2569  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2571  // Returned by `time'.
  2572  type Time_t = X__time_t /* time_t.h:7:18 */
  2574  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2575  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2576  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2577  //
  2578  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2579  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2580  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2581  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2582  //
  2583  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2584  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2586  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2587  //
  2588  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2589  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2590  //    <>.
  2592  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2594  // Timer ID returned by `timer_create'.
  2595  type Timer_t = X__timer_t /* timer_t.h:7:19 */
  2597  // Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2598  //
  2599  // This file is part of GCC.
  2600  //
  2601  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  2602  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  2603  // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  2604  // any later version.
  2605  //
  2606  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2607  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2609  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  2610  //
  2611  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  2612  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  2613  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  2614  //
  2615  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  2616  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  2617  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  2618  // <>.
  2620  // ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>
  2622  // Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
  2623  //    wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
  2624  //    the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.
  2626  // This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
  2627  //    There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.
  2629  // Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
  2630  //    Just ignore it.
  2632  // On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
  2633  //    _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
  2634  //    vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
  2635  //    not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
  2636  //    If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
  2637  //    invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.
  2639  // In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
  2640  //    GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__, and
  2641  //    __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
  2642  //    parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
  2643  //    include gstddef.h, such as collect2.
  2645  // Signed type of difference of two pointers.
  2647  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  2648  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  2650  // If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.
  2652  // Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.
  2654  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  2655  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  2657  // Wide character type.
  2658  //    Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
  2659  //    be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
  2660  //    and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.
  2662  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  2663  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  2665  // A null pointer constant.
  2667  // Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.
  2669  // Old compatibility names for C types.
  2670  type Ulong = uint32  /* types.h:148:27 */
  2671  type Ushort = uint16 /* types.h:149:28 */
  2672  type Uint = uint32   /* types.h:150:22 */
  2674  // These size-specific names are used by some of the inet code.
  2676  // Define intN_t types.
  2677  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2678  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2679  //
  2680  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2681  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2682  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2683  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2684  //
  2685  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2686  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2688  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2689  //
  2690  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2691  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2692  //    <>.
  2694  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2695  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2696  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2697  //
  2698  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2699  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2700  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2701  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2702  //
  2703  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2704  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2706  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2707  //
  2708  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2709  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2710  //    <>.
  2712  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2714  type Int8_t = X__int8_t   /* stdint-intn.h:24:18 */
  2715  type Int16_t = X__int16_t /* stdint-intn.h:25:19 */
  2716  type Int32_t = X__int32_t /* stdint-intn.h:26:19 */
  2717  type Int64_t = X__int64_t /* stdint-intn.h:27:19 */
  2719  // These were defined by ISO C without the first `_'.
  2720  type U_int8_t = X__uint8_t   /* types.h:158:19 */
  2721  type U_int16_t = X__uint16_t /* types.h:159:20 */
  2722  type U_int32_t = X__uint32_t /* types.h:160:20 */
  2723  type U_int64_t = X__uint64_t /* types.h:161:20 */
  2725  type Register_t = int32 /* types.h:164:13 */
  2727  // It also defines `fd_set' and the FD_* macros for `select'.
  2728  // `fd_set' type and related macros, and `select'/`pselect' declarations.
  2729  //    Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2730  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2731  //
  2732  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2733  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2734  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2735  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2736  //
  2737  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2738  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2740  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2741  //
  2742  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2743  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2744  //    <>.
  2746  //	POSIX 1003.1g: 6.2 Select from File Descriptor Sets <sys/select.h>
  2748  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2749  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2750  //
  2751  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2752  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2753  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2754  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2755  //
  2756  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2757  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2759  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2760  //
  2761  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2762  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2763  //    <>.
  2765  // Get definition of needed basic types.
  2766  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2767  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2768  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2769  //
  2770  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2771  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2772  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2773  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2774  //
  2775  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2776  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2778  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2779  //
  2780  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2781  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2782  //    <>.
  2784  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2786  // Get __FD_* definitions.
  2787  // Copyright (C) 1997-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2788  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2789  //
  2790  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2791  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2792  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2793  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2794  //
  2795  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2796  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2798  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2799  //
  2800  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2801  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2802  //    <>.
  2804  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  2806  // Get sigset_t.
  2808  type X__sigset_t = struct{ F__val [32]uint32 } /* __sigset_t.h:8:3 */
  2810  // A set of signals to be blocked, unblocked, or waited for.
  2811  type Sigset_t = X__sigset_t /* sigset_t.h:7:20 */
  2813  // Get definition of timer specification structures.
  2815  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2816  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2817  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2818  //
  2819  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2820  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2821  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2822  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2823  //
  2824  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2825  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2827  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2828  //
  2829  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2830  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2831  //    <>.
  2833  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2835  // A time value that is accurate to the nearest
  2836  //    microsecond but also has a range of years.
  2837  type Timeval = struct {
  2838  	Ftv_sec  X__time_t
  2839  	Ftv_usec X__suseconds_t
  2840  } /* struct_timeval.h:8:1 */
  2842  // NB: Include guard matches what <linux/time.h> uses.
  2844  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  2845  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2846  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2847  //
  2848  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2849  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2850  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2851  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2852  //
  2853  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2854  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2856  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2857  //
  2858  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2859  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2860  //    <>.
  2862  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  2864  // Endian macros for string.h functions
  2865  //    Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2866  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2867  //
  2868  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2869  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2870  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2871  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2872  //
  2873  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2874  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2876  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2877  //
  2878  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2879  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2880  //    <>.
  2882  // POSIX.1b structure for a time value.  This is like a `struct timeval' but
  2883  //    has nanoseconds instead of microseconds.
  2884  type Timespec = struct {
  2885  	Ftv_sec  X__time_t
  2886  	Ftv_nsec X__syscall_slong_t
  2887  } /* struct_timespec.h:10:1 */
  2889  type Suseconds_t = X__suseconds_t /* select.h:43:23 */
  2891  // The fd_set member is required to be an array of longs.
  2892  type X__fd_mask = int32 /* select.h:49:18 */
  2894  // Some versions of <linux/posix_types.h> define this macros.
  2895  // It's easier to assume 8-bit bytes than to get CHAR_BIT.
  2897  // fd_set for select and pselect.
  2898  type Fd_set = struct{ F__fds_bits [32]X__fd_mask } /* select.h:70:5 */
  2900  // Maximum number of file descriptors in `fd_set'.
  2902  // Sometimes the fd_set member is assumed to have this type.
  2903  type Fd_mask = X__fd_mask /* select.h:77:19 */
  2905  // Define some inlines helping to catch common problems.
  2907  type Blksize_t = X__blksize_t /* types.h:185:21 */
  2909  // Types from the Large File Support interface.
  2910  type Blkcnt_t = X__blkcnt64_t     /* types.h:205:22 */ // Type to count number of disk blocks.
  2911  type Fsblkcnt_t = X__fsblkcnt64_t /* types.h:209:24 */ // Type to count file system blocks.
  2912  type Fsfilcnt_t = X__fsfilcnt64_t /* types.h:213:24 */ // Type to count file system inodes.
  2914  type Blkcnt64_t = X__blkcnt64_t     /* types.h:219:22 */ // Type to count number of disk blocks.
  2915  type Fsblkcnt64_t = X__fsblkcnt64_t /* types.h:220:24 */ // Type to count file system blocks.
  2916  type Fsfilcnt64_t = X__fsfilcnt64_t /* types.h:221:24 */ // Type to count file system inodes.
  2918  // Now add the thread types.
  2919  // Declaration of common pthread types for all architectures.
  2920  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2921  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2922  //
  2923  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2924  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2925  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2926  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2927  //
  2928  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2929  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2931  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2932  //
  2933  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2934  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2935  //    <>.
  2937  // For internal mutex and condition variable definitions.
  2938  // Common threading primitives definitions for both POSIX and C11.
  2939  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2940  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2941  //
  2942  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2943  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2944  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2945  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2946  //
  2947  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2948  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2950  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2951  //
  2952  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2953  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2954  //    <>.
  2956  // Arch-specific definitions.  Each architecture must define the following
  2957  //    macros to define the expected sizes of pthread data types:
  2958  //
  2959  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T        - size of pthread_attr_t.
  2960  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T       - size of pthread_mutex_t.
  2961  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T   - size of pthread_mutexattr_t.
  2962  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T        - size of pthread_cond_t.
  2963  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T    - size of pthread_condattr_t.
  2964  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T      - size of pthread_rwlock_t.
  2965  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T  - size of pthread_rwlockattr_t.
  2966  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T     - size of pthread_barrier_t.
  2967  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR_T - size of pthread_barrierattr_t.
  2968  //
  2969  //    The additional macro defines any constraint for the lock alignment
  2970  //    inside the thread structures:
  2971  //
  2972  //    __LOCK_ALIGNMENT - for internal lock/futex usage.
  2973  //
  2974  //    Same idea but for the once locking primitive:
  2975  //
  2976  //    __ONCE_ALIGNMENT - for pthread_once_t/once_flag definition.
  2978  // Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2979  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  2980  //
  2981  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  2982  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2983  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  2984  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  2985  //
  2986  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  2987  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  2989  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  2990  //
  2991  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  2992  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  2993  //    <>.
  2995  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  2997  // Extra attributes for the cleanup functions.
  2999  // Common definition of pthread_mutex_t.
  3001  type X__pthread_internal_list = struct {
  3002  	F__prev uintptr
  3003  	F__next uintptr
  3004  } /* thread-shared-types.h:49:9 */
  3006  // Type to count file system inodes.
  3008  // Now add the thread types.
  3009  // Declaration of common pthread types for all architectures.
  3010  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3011  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3012  //
  3013  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3014  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3015  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3016  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3017  //
  3018  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3019  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3021  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3022  //
  3023  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3024  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3025  //    <>.
  3027  // For internal mutex and condition variable definitions.
  3028  // Common threading primitives definitions for both POSIX and C11.
  3029  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3030  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3031  //
  3032  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3033  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3034  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3035  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3036  //
  3037  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3038  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3040  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3041  //
  3042  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3043  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3044  //    <>.
  3046  // Arch-specific definitions.  Each architecture must define the following
  3047  //    macros to define the expected sizes of pthread data types:
  3048  //
  3049  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T        - size of pthread_attr_t.
  3050  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T       - size of pthread_mutex_t.
  3051  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T   - size of pthread_mutexattr_t.
  3052  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T        - size of pthread_cond_t.
  3053  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T    - size of pthread_condattr_t.
  3054  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T      - size of pthread_rwlock_t.
  3055  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T  - size of pthread_rwlockattr_t.
  3056  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T     - size of pthread_barrier_t.
  3057  //    __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR_T - size of pthread_barrierattr_t.
  3058  //
  3059  //    The additional macro defines any constraint for the lock alignment
  3060  //    inside the thread structures:
  3061  //
  3062  //    __LOCK_ALIGNMENT - for internal lock/futex usage.
  3063  //
  3064  //    Same idea but for the once locking primitive:
  3065  //
  3066  //    __ONCE_ALIGNMENT - for pthread_once_t/once_flag definition.
  3068  // Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3069  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3070  //
  3071  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3072  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3073  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3074  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3075  //
  3076  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3077  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3079  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3080  //
  3081  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3082  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3083  //    <>.
  3085  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  3087  // Extra attributes for the cleanup functions.
  3089  // Common definition of pthread_mutex_t.
  3091  type X__pthread_list_t = X__pthread_internal_list /* thread-shared-types.h:53:3 */
  3093  type X__pthread_internal_slist = struct{ F__next uintptr } /* thread-shared-types.h:55:9 */
  3095  type X__pthread_slist_t = X__pthread_internal_slist /* thread-shared-types.h:58:3 */
  3097  // Arch-specific mutex definitions.  A generic implementation is provided
  3098  //    by sysdeps/nptl/bits/struct_mutex.h.  If required, an architecture
  3099  //    can override it by defining:
  3100  //
  3101  //    1. struct __pthread_mutex_s (used on both pthread_mutex_t and mtx_t
  3102  //       definition).  It should contains at least the internal members
  3103  //       defined in the generic version.
  3104  //
  3105  //    2. __LOCK_ALIGNMENT for any extra attribute for internal lock used with
  3106  //       atomic operations.
  3107  //
  3108  //    3. The macro __PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER used for static initialization.
  3109  //       It should initialize the mutex internal flag.
  3111  // x86 internal mutex struct definitions.
  3112  //    Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3113  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3114  //
  3115  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3116  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3117  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3118  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3119  //
  3120  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3121  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3123  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3124  //
  3125  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3126  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3127  //    <>.
  3129  type X__pthread_mutex_s = struct {
  3130  	F__lock   int32
  3131  	F__count  uint32
  3132  	F__owner  int32
  3133  	F__kind   int32
  3134  	F__nusers uint32
  3135  	F__20     struct {
  3136  		F__ccgo_pad1    [0]uint32
  3137  		F__elision_data struct {
  3138  			F__espins   int16
  3139  			F__eelision int16
  3140  		}
  3141  	}
  3142  } /* struct_mutex.h:22:1 */
  3144  // Arch-sepecific read-write lock definitions.  A generic implementation is
  3145  //    provided by struct_rwlock.h.  If required, an architecture can override it
  3146  //    by defining:
  3147  //
  3148  //    1. struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t (used on pthread_rwlock_t definition).
  3149  //       It should contain at least the internal members defined in the
  3150  //       generic version.
  3151  //
  3152  //    2. The macro __PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER used for static initialization.
  3153  //       It should initialize the rwlock internal type.
  3155  // x86 internal rwlock struct definitions.
  3156  //    Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3157  //
  3158  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3159  //
  3160  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3161  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3162  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3163  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3164  //
  3165  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3166  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3168  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3169  //
  3170  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3171  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3172  //    <>.
  3174  type X__pthread_rwlock_arch_t = struct {
  3175  	F__readers       uint32
  3176  	F__writers       uint32
  3177  	F__wrphase_futex uint32
  3178  	F__writers_futex uint32
  3179  	F__pad3          uint32
  3180  	F__pad4          uint32
  3181  	F__flags         uint8
  3182  	F__shared        uint8
  3183  	F__rwelision     int8
  3184  	F__pad2          uint8
  3185  	F__cur_writer    int32
  3186  } /* struct_rwlock.h:23:1 */
  3188  // Common definition of pthread_cond_t.
  3190  type X__pthread_cond_s = struct {
  3191  	F__0            struct{ F__wseq uint64 }
  3192  	F__8            struct{ F__g1_start uint64 }
  3193  	F__g_refs       [2]uint32
  3194  	F__g_size       [2]uint32
  3195  	F__g1_orig_size uint32
  3196  	F__wrefs        uint32
  3197  	F__g_signals    [2]uint32
  3198  } /* thread-shared-types.h:92:1 */
  3200  // Thread identifiers.  The structure of the attribute type is not
  3201  //    exposed on purpose.
  3202  type Pthread_t = uint32 /* pthreadtypes.h:27:27 */
  3204  // Data structures for mutex handling.  The structure of the attribute
  3205  //    type is not exposed on purpose.
  3206  type Pthread_mutexattr_t = struct {
  3207  	F__ccgo_pad1 [0]uint32
  3208  	F__size      [4]int8
  3209  } /* pthreadtypes.h:36:3 */
  3211  // Data structure for condition variable handling.  The structure of
  3212  //    the attribute type is not exposed on purpose.
  3213  type Pthread_condattr_t = struct {
  3214  	F__ccgo_pad1 [0]uint32
  3215  	F__size      [4]int8
  3216  } /* pthreadtypes.h:45:3 */
  3218  // Keys for thread-specific data
  3219  type Pthread_key_t = uint32 /* pthreadtypes.h:49:22 */
  3221  // Once-only execution
  3222  type Pthread_once_t = int32 /* pthreadtypes.h:53:30 */
  3224  type Pthread_attr_t1 = struct {
  3225  	F__ccgo_pad1 [0]uint32
  3226  	F__size      [36]int8
  3227  } /* pthreadtypes.h:56:1 */
  3229  type Pthread_attr_t = Pthread_attr_t1 /* pthreadtypes.h:62:30 */
  3231  type Pthread_mutex_t = struct{ F__data X__pthread_mutex_s } /* pthreadtypes.h:72:3 */
  3233  type Pthread_cond_t = struct{ F__data X__pthread_cond_s } /* pthreadtypes.h:80:3 */
  3235  // Data structure for reader-writer lock variable handling.  The
  3236  //    structure of the attribute type is deliberately not exposed.
  3237  type Pthread_rwlock_t = struct{ F__data X__pthread_rwlock_arch_t } /* pthreadtypes.h:91:3 */
  3239  type Pthread_rwlockattr_t = struct {
  3240  	F__ccgo_pad1 [0]uint32
  3241  	F__size      [8]int8
  3242  } /* pthreadtypes.h:97:3 */
  3244  // POSIX spinlock data type.
  3245  type Pthread_spinlock_t = int32 /* pthreadtypes.h:103:22 */
  3247  // POSIX barriers data type.  The structure of the type is
  3248  //    deliberately not exposed.
  3249  type Pthread_barrier_t = struct {
  3250  	F__ccgo_pad1 [0]uint32
  3251  	F__size      [20]int8
  3252  } /* pthreadtypes.h:112:3 */
  3254  type Pthread_barrierattr_t = struct {
  3255  	F__ccgo_pad1 [0]uint32
  3256  	F__size      [4]int8
  3257  } /* pthreadtypes.h:118:3 */
  3259  // Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3260  //
  3261  // This file is part of GCC.
  3262  //
  3263  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  3264  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  3265  // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  3266  // any later version.
  3267  //
  3268  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3269  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3271  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  3272  //
  3273  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  3274  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  3275  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  3276  //
  3277  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  3278  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  3279  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  3280  // <>.
  3282  // ISO C Standard:  7.15  Variable arguments  <stdarg.h>
  3284  // Define __gnuc_va_list.
  3286  type X__gnuc_va_list = X__builtin_va_list /* stdarg.h:40:27 */
  3288  // Define the standard macros for the user,
  3289  //    if this invocation was from the user program.
  3291  // Define va_list, if desired, from __gnuc_va_list.
  3292  // We deliberately do not define va_list when called from
  3293  //    stdio.h, because ANSI C says that stdio.h is not supposed to define
  3294  //    va_list.  stdio.h needs to have access to that data type,
  3295  //    but must not use that name.  It should use the name __gnuc_va_list,
  3296  //    which is safe because it is reserved for the implementation.
  3298  // The macro _VA_LIST_ is the same thing used by this file in Ultrix.
  3299  //    But on BSD NET2 we must not test or define or undef it.
  3300  //    (Note that the comments in NET 2's ansi.h
  3301  //    are incorrect for _VA_LIST_--see stdio.h!)
  3302  // The macro _VA_LIST_DEFINED is used in Windows NT 3.5
  3303  // The macro _VA_LIST is used in SCO Unix 3.2.
  3304  // The macro _VA_LIST_T_H is used in the Bull dpx2
  3305  // The macro __va_list__ is used by BeOS.
  3306  type Va_list = X__gnuc_va_list /* stdarg.h:99:24 */
  3308  // a little trick to accommodate both "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and
  3309  // "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1" as requesting 64-bit operations, (even
  3310  // though the former does not conform to the LFS document), but considering
  3311  // both "#undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 0" as
  3312  // equivalently requesting no 64-bit operations
  3314  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3315  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3316  //
  3317  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3318  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3319  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3320  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3321  //
  3322  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3323  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3325  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3326  //
  3327  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3328  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3329  //    <>.
  3331  //	POSIX Standard: 2.10 Symbolic Constants		<unistd.h>
  3333  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3334  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3335  //
  3336  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3337  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3338  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3339  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3340  //
  3341  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3342  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3344  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3345  //
  3346  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3347  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3348  //    <>.
  3350  // These may be used to determine what facilities are present at compile time.
  3351  //    Their values can be obtained at run time from `sysconf'.
  3353  // POSIX Standard approved as ISO/IEC 9945-1 as of September 2008.
  3355  // These are not #ifdef __USE_POSIX2 because they are
  3356  //    in the theoretically application-owned namespace.
  3358  // The utilities on GNU systems also correspond to this version.
  3360  // The utilities on GNU systems also correspond to this version.
  3362  // This symbol was required until the 2001 edition of POSIX.
  3364  // If defined, the implementation supports the
  3365  //    C Language Bindings Option.
  3367  // If defined, the implementation supports the
  3368  //    C Language Development Utilities Option.
  3370  // If defined, the implementation supports the
  3371  //    Software Development Utilities Option.
  3373  // If defined, the implementation supports the
  3374  //    creation of locales with the localedef utility.
  3376  // X/Open version number to which the library conforms.  It is selectable.
  3378  // Commands and utilities from XPG4 are available.
  3380  // We are compatible with the old published standards as well.
  3382  // The X/Open Unix extensions are available.
  3384  // The enhanced internationalization capabilities according to XPG4.2
  3385  //    are present.
  3387  // The legacy interfaces are also available.
  3389  // Get values of POSIX options:
  3390  //
  3391  //    If these symbols are defined, the corresponding features are
  3392  //    always available.  If not, they may be available sometimes.
  3393  //    The current values can be obtained with `sysconf'.
  3394  //
  3395  //    _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL		Job control is supported.
  3396  //    _POSIX_SAVED_IDS		Processes have a saved set-user-ID
  3397  // 				and a saved set-group-ID.
  3398  //    _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS	Real-time, queued signals are supported.
  3399  //    _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING	Priority scheduling is supported.
  3400  //    _POSIX_TIMERS		POSIX.4 clocks and timers are supported.
  3401  //    _POSIX_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO	Asynchronous I/O is supported.
  3402  //    _POSIX_PRIORITIZED_IO	Prioritized asynchronous I/O is supported.
  3403  //    _POSIX_SYNCHRONIZED_IO	Synchronizing file data is supported.
  3404  //    _POSIX_FSYNC			The fsync function is present.
  3405  //    _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES		Mapping of files to memory is supported.
  3406  //    _POSIX_MEMLOCK		Locking of all memory is supported.
  3407  //    _POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE		Locking of ranges of memory is supported.
  3408  //    _POSIX_MEMORY_PROTECTION	Setting of memory protections is supported.
  3409  //    _POSIX_MESSAGE_PASSING	POSIX.4 message queues are supported.
  3410  //    _POSIX_SEMAPHORES		POSIX.4 counting semaphores are supported.
  3411  //    _POSIX_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS	POSIX.4 shared memory objects are supported.
  3412  //    _POSIX_THREADS		POSIX.1c pthreads are supported.
  3413  //    _POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR	Thread stack address attribute option supported.
  3414  //    _POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE	Thread stack size attribute option supported.
  3415  //    _POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS	Thread-safe functions are supported.
  3417  // 				POSIX.1c thread execution scheduling supported.
  3418  //    _POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT	Thread priority inheritance option supported.
  3419  //    _POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT	Thread priority protection option supported.
  3420  //    _POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED	Process-shared synchronization supported.
  3421  //    _POSIX_PII			Protocol-independent interfaces are supported.
  3422  //    _POSIX_PII_XTI		XTI protocol-indep. interfaces are supported.
  3423  //    _POSIX_PII_SOCKET		Socket protocol-indep. interfaces are supported.
  3424  //    _POSIX_PII_INTERNET		Internet family of protocols supported.
  3425  //    _POSIX_PII_INTERNET_STREAM	Connection-mode Internet protocol supported.
  3426  //    _POSIX_PII_INTERNET_DGRAM	Connectionless Internet protocol supported.
  3427  //    _POSIX_PII_OSI		ISO/OSI family of protocols supported.
  3428  //    _POSIX_PII_OSI_COTS		Connection-mode ISO/OSI service supported.
  3429  //    _POSIX_PII_OSI_CLTS		Connectionless ISO/OSI service supported.
  3430  //    _POSIX_POLL			Implementation supports `poll' function.
  3431  //    _POSIX_SELECT		Implementation supports `select' and `pselect'.
  3432  //
  3433  //    _XOPEN_REALTIME		X/Open realtime support is available.
  3434  //    _XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS	X/Open realtime thread support is available.
  3435  //    _XOPEN_SHM			Shared memory interface according to XPG4.2.
  3436  //
  3437  //    _XBS5_ILP32_OFF32		Implementation provides environment with 32-bit
  3438  // 				int, long, pointer, and off_t types.
  3439  //    _XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG		Implementation provides environment with 32-bit
  3440  // 				int, long, and pointer and off_t with at least
  3441  // 				64 bits.
  3442  //    _XBS5_LP64_OFF64		Implementation provides environment with 32-bit
  3443  // 				int, and 64-bit long, pointer, and off_t types.
  3444  //    _XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG		Implementation provides environment with at
  3445  // 				least 32 bits int and long, pointer, and off_t
  3446  // 				with at least 64 bits.
  3447  //
  3448  //    If any of these symbols is defined as -1, the corresponding option is not
  3449  //    true for any file.  If any is defined as other than -1, the corresponding
  3450  //    option is true for all files.  If a symbol is not defined at all, the value
  3451  //    for a specific file can be obtained from `pathconf' and `fpathconf'.
  3452  //
  3453  //    _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED	Only the super user can use `chown' to change
  3454  // 				the owner of a file.  `chown' can only be used
  3455  // 				to change the group ID of a file to a group of
  3456  // 				which the calling process is a member.
  3457  //    _POSIX_NO_TRUNC		Pathname components longer than
  3458  // 				NAME_MAX generate an error.
  3459  //    _POSIX_VDISABLE		If defined, if the value of an element of the
  3460  // 				`c_cc' member of `struct termios' is
  3461  // 				_POSIX_VDISABLE, no character will have the
  3462  // 				effect associated with that element.
  3463  //    _POSIX_SYNC_IO		Synchronous I/O may be performed.
  3464  //    _POSIX_ASYNC_IO		Asynchronous I/O may be performed.
  3465  //    _POSIX_PRIO_IO		Prioritized Asynchronous I/O may be performed.
  3466  //
  3467  //    Support for the Large File Support interface is not generally available.
  3468  //    If it is available the following constants are defined to one.
  3469  //    _LFS64_LARGEFILE		Low-level I/O supports large files.
  3470  //    _LFS64_STDIO			Standard I/O supports large files.
  3471  //
  3473  // Define POSIX options for Linux.
  3474  //    Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3475  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3476  //
  3477  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3478  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  3479  //    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
  3480  //    License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3481  //
  3482  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3483  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3485  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3486  //
  3487  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3488  //    License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If
  3489  //    not, see <>.
  3491  // Job control is supported.
  3493  // Processes have a saved set-user-ID and a saved set-group-ID.
  3495  // Priority scheduling is not supported with the correct semantics,
  3496  //    but GNU/Linux applications expect that the corresponding interfaces
  3497  //    are available, even though the semantics do not meet the POSIX
  3498  //    requirements.  See glibc bug 14829.
  3500  // Synchronizing file data is supported.
  3502  // The fsync function is present.
  3504  // Mapping of files to memory is supported.
  3506  // Locking of all memory is supported.
  3508  // Locking of ranges of memory is supported.
  3510  // Setting of memory protections is supported.
  3512  // Some filesystems allow all users to change file ownership.
  3514  // `c_cc' member of 'struct termios' structure can be disabled by
  3515  //    using the value _POSIX_VDISABLE.
  3517  // Filenames are not silently truncated.
  3519  // X/Open realtime support is available.
  3521  // X/Open thread realtime support is available.
  3523  // XPG4.2 shared memory is supported.
  3525  // Tell we have POSIX threads.
  3527  // We have the reentrant functions described in POSIX.
  3529  // We provide priority scheduling for threads.
  3531  // We support user-defined stack sizes.
  3533  // We support user-defined stacks.
  3535  // We support priority inheritence.
  3537  // We support priority protection, though only for non-robust
  3538  //    mutexes.
  3540  // We support priority inheritence for robust mutexes.
  3542  // We do not support priority protection for robust mutexes.
  3544  // We support POSIX.1b semaphores.
  3546  // Real-time signals are supported.
  3548  // We support asynchronous I/O.
  3549  // Alternative name for Unix98.
  3550  // Support for prioritization is also available.
  3552  // The LFS support in asynchronous I/O is also available.
  3554  // The rest of the LFS is also available.
  3556  // POSIX shared memory objects are implemented.
  3558  // CPU-time clocks support needs to be checked at runtime.
  3560  // Clock support in threads must be also checked at runtime.
  3562  // GNU libc provides regular expression handling.
  3564  // Reader/Writer locks are available.
  3566  // We have a POSIX shell.
  3568  // We support the Timeouts option.
  3570  // We support spinlocks.
  3572  // The `spawn' function family is supported.
  3574  // We have POSIX timers.
  3576  // The barrier functions are available.
  3578  // POSIX message queues are available.
  3580  // Thread process-shared synchronization is supported.
  3582  // The monotonic clock might be available.
  3584  // The clock selection interfaces are available.
  3586  // Advisory information interfaces are available.
  3588  // IPv6 support is available.
  3590  // Raw socket support is available.
  3592  // We have at least one terminal.
  3594  // Neither process nor thread sporadic server interfaces is available.
  3596  // trace.h is not available.
  3598  // Typed memory objects are not available.
  3600  // Get the environment definitions from Unix98.
  3601  // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3602  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3603  //
  3604  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3605  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3606  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3607  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3608  //
  3609  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3610  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3612  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3613  //
  3614  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3615  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3616  //    <>.
  3618  // Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines.
  3620  // This header should define the following symbols under the described
  3621  //    situations.  A value `1' means that the model is always supported,
  3622  //    `-1' means it is never supported.  Undefined means it cannot be
  3623  //    statically decided.
  3624  //
  3625  //    _POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32   32bit int, long, pointers, and off_t type
  3626  //    _POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG  32bit int, long, and pointers and larger off_t type
  3627  //
  3628  //    _POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF32	   64bit long and pointers and 32bit off_t type
  3629  //    _POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG  64bit long and pointers and large off_t type
  3630  //
  3631  //    The macros _POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32, _POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG,
  3632  //    _POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF32, _POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG, _XBS5_ILP32_OFF32,
  3633  //    _XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG, _XBS5_LP64_OFF32, and _XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG were
  3634  //    used in previous versions of the Unix standard and are available
  3635  //    only for compatibility.
  3637  // We have 32-bit wide `int', `long int' and pointers and all platforms
  3638  //    support LFS.  -mx32 has 64-bit wide `off_t'.
  3640  // -m32 has 32-bit wide `off_t'.
  3642  // We optionally provide an environment with the above size but an 64-bit
  3643  //    side `off_t'.  Therefore we don't define _POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG.
  3645  // Environments with 64-bit wide pointers can be provided,
  3646  //    so these macros aren't defined:
  3647  //    # undef _POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64
  3648  //    # undef _POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG
  3649  //    # undef _POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64
  3650  //    # undef _POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG
  3651  //    # undef _XBS5_LP64_OFF64
  3652  //    # undef _XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG
  3653  //    and sysconf tests for it at runtime.
  3655  // Standard file descriptors.
  3657  // All functions that are not declared anywhere else.
  3659  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  3660  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3661  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3662  //
  3663  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3664  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3665  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3666  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3667  //
  3668  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3669  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3671  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3672  //
  3673  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3674  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3675  //    <>.
  3677  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  3679  // Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3680  //
  3681  // This file is part of GCC.
  3682  //
  3683  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  3684  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  3685  // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  3686  // any later version.
  3687  //
  3688  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3689  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3691  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  3692  //
  3693  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  3694  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  3695  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  3696  //
  3697  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  3698  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  3699  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  3700  // <>.
  3702  // ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>
  3704  // Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
  3705  //    wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
  3706  //    the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.
  3708  // This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
  3709  //    There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.
  3711  // Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
  3712  //    Just ignore it.
  3714  // On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
  3715  //    _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
  3716  //    vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
  3717  //    not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
  3718  //    If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
  3719  //    invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.
  3721  // In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
  3722  //    GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__, and
  3723  //    __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
  3724  //    parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
  3725  //    include gstddef.h, such as collect2.
  3727  // Signed type of difference of two pointers.
  3729  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  3730  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  3732  // If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.
  3734  // Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.
  3736  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  3737  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  3739  // Wide character type.
  3740  //    Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
  3741  //    be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
  3742  //    and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.
  3744  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  3745  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  3747  // A null pointer constant.
  3749  // Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.
  3751  // The Single Unix specification says that some more types are
  3752  //    available here.
  3754  type Useconds_t = X__useconds_t /* unistd.h:255:22 */
  3756  type Intptr_t = X__intptr_t /* unistd.h:267:20 */
  3758  type Socklen_t = X__socklen_t /* unistd.h:274:21 */
  3760  // Define some macros helping to catch buffer overflows.
  3762  // System-specific extensions.
  3763  // System-specific extensions of <unistd.h>, Linux version.
  3764  //    Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3765  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  3766  //
  3767  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  3768  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3769  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  3770  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  3771  //
  3772  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  3773  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  3775  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  3776  //
  3777  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  3778  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  3779  //    <>.
  3781  // MVS linker does not support external names larger than 8 bytes
  3783  //
  3784  //     The 'zlib' compression library provides in-memory compression and
  3785  //   decompression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed data.
  3786  //   This version of the library supports only one compression method (deflation)
  3787  //   but other algorithms will be added later and will have the same stream
  3788  //   interface.
  3789  //
  3790  //     Compression can be done in a single step if the buffers are large enough,
  3791  //   or can be done by repeated calls of the compression function.  In the latter
  3792  //   case, the application must provide more input and/or consume the output
  3793  //   (providing more output space) before each call.
  3794  //
  3795  //     The compressed data format used by default by the in-memory functions is
  3796  //   the zlib format, which is a zlib wrapper documented in RFC 1950, wrapped
  3797  //   around a deflate stream, which is itself documented in RFC 1951.
  3798  //
  3799  //     The library also supports reading and writing files in gzip (.gz) format
  3800  //   with an interface similar to that of stdio using the functions that start
  3801  //   with "gz".  The gzip format is different from the zlib format.  gzip is a
  3802  //   gzip wrapper, documented in RFC 1952, wrapped around a deflate stream.
  3803  //
  3804  //     This library can optionally read and write gzip and raw deflate streams in
  3805  //   memory as well.
  3806  //
  3807  //     The zlib format was designed to be compact and fast for use in memory
  3808  //   and on communications channels.  The gzip format was designed for single-
  3809  //   file compression on file systems, has a larger header than zlib to maintain
  3810  //   directory information, and uses a different, slower check method than zlib.
  3811  //
  3812  //     The library does not install any signal handler.  The decoder checks
  3813  //   the consistency of the compressed data, so the library should never crash
  3814  //   even in the case of corrupted input.
  3816  type Alloc_func = uintptr /* zlib.h:81:16 */
  3817  type Free_func = uintptr  /* zlib.h:82:16 */
  3819  type Internal_state = struct {
  3820  	Fstrm             Z_streamp
  3821  	Fstatus           int32
  3822  	Fpending_buf      uintptr
  3823  	Fpending_buf_size Ulg
  3824  	Fpending_out      uintptr
  3825  	Fpending          Ulg
  3826  	Fwrap             int32
  3827  	Fgzhead           Gz_headerp
  3828  	Fgzindex          Ulg
  3829  	Fmethod           Byte
  3830  	F__ccgo_pad1      [3]byte
  3831  	Flast_flush       int32
  3832  	Fw_size           UInt
  3833  	Fw_bits           UInt
  3834  	Fw_mask           UInt
  3835  	Fwindow           uintptr
  3836  	Fwindow_size      Ulg
  3837  	Fprev             uintptr
  3838  	Fhead             uintptr
  3839  	Fins_h            UInt
  3840  	Fhash_size        UInt
  3841  	Fhash_bits        UInt
  3842  	Fhash_mask        UInt
  3843  	Fhash_shift       UInt
  3844  	Fblock_start      int32
  3845  	Fmatch_length     UInt
  3846  	Fprev_match       IPos
  3847  	Fmatch_available  int32
  3848  	Fstrstart         UInt
  3849  	Fmatch_start      UInt
  3850  	Flookahead        UInt
  3851  	Fprev_length      UInt
  3852  	Fmax_chain_length UInt
  3853  	Fmax_lazy_match   UInt
  3854  	Flevel            int32
  3855  	Fstrategy         int32
  3856  	Fgood_match       UInt
  3857  	Fnice_match       int32
  3858  	Fdyn_ltree        [573]struct {
  3859  		Ffc struct{ Ffreq Ush }
  3860  		Fdl struct{ Fdad Ush }
  3861  	}
  3862  	Fdyn_dtree [61]struct {
  3863  		Ffc struct{ Ffreq Ush }
  3864  		Fdl struct{ Fdad Ush }
  3865  	}
  3866  	Fbl_tree [39]struct {
  3867  		Ffc struct{ Ffreq Ush }
  3868  		Fdl struct{ Fdad Ush }
  3869  	}
  3870  	Fl_desc struct {
  3871  		Fdyn_tree  uintptr
  3872  		Fmax_code  int32
  3873  		Fstat_desc uintptr
  3874  	}
  3875  	Fd_desc struct {
  3876  		Fdyn_tree  uintptr
  3877  		Fmax_code  int32
  3878  		Fstat_desc uintptr
  3879  	}
  3880  	Fbl_desc struct {
  3881  		Fdyn_tree  uintptr
  3882  		Fmax_code  int32
  3883  		Fstat_desc uintptr
  3884  	}
  3885  	Fbl_count    [16]Ush
  3886  	Fheap        [573]int32
  3887  	Fheap_len    int32
  3888  	Fheap_max    int32
  3889  	Fdepth       [573]Uch
  3890  	F__ccgo_pad2 [3]byte
  3891  	Fl_buf       uintptr
  3892  	Flit_bufsize UInt
  3893  	Flast_lit    UInt
  3894  	Fd_buf       uintptr
  3895  	Fopt_len     Ulg
  3896  	Fstatic_len  Ulg
  3897  	Fmatches     UInt
  3898  	Finsert      UInt
  3899  	Fbi_buf      Ush
  3900  	F__ccgo_pad3 [2]byte
  3901  	Fbi_valid    int32
  3902  	Fhigh_water  Ulg
  3903  } /* zlib.h:84:1 */
  3905  type Z_stream_s = struct {
  3906  	Fnext_in   uintptr
  3907  	Favail_in  UInt
  3908  	Ftotal_in  ULong
  3909  	Fnext_out  uintptr
  3910  	Favail_out UInt
  3911  	Ftotal_out ULong
  3912  	Fmsg       uintptr
  3913  	Fstate     uintptr
  3914  	Fzalloc    Alloc_func
  3915  	Fzfree     Free_func
  3916  	Fopaque    Voidpf
  3917  	Fdata_type int32
  3918  	Fadler     ULong
  3919  	Freserved  ULong
  3920  } /* zlib.h:86:9 */
  3922  type Z_stream = Z_stream_s /* zlib.h:106:3 */
  3924  type Z_streamp = uintptr /* zlib.h:108:22 */
  3926  //
  3927  //      gzip header information passed to and from zlib routines.  See RFC 1952
  3928  //   for more details on the meanings of these fields.
  3929  type Gz_header_s = struct {
  3930  	Ftext      int32
  3931  	Ftime      ULong
  3932  	Fxflags    int32
  3933  	Fos        int32
  3934  	Fextra     uintptr
  3935  	Fextra_len UInt
  3936  	Fextra_max UInt
  3937  	Fname      uintptr
  3938  	Fname_max  UInt
  3939  	Fcomment   uintptr
  3940  	Fcomm_max  UInt
  3941  	Fhcrc      int32
  3942  	Fdone      int32
  3943  } /* zlib.h:114:9 */
  3945  //
  3946  //      gzip header information passed to and from zlib routines.  See RFC 1952
  3947  //   for more details on the meanings of these fields.
  3948  type Gz_header = Gz_header_s /* zlib.h:129:3 */
  3950  type Gz_headerp = uintptr /* zlib.h:131:23 */
  3951  //
  3952  //      inflateGetHeader() requests that gzip header information be stored in the
  3953  //    provided gz_header structure.  inflateGetHeader() may be called after
  3954  //    inflateInit2() or inflateReset(), and before the first call of inflate().
  3955  //    As inflate() processes the gzip stream, head->done is zero until the header
  3956  //    is completed, at which time head->done is set to one.  If a zlib stream is
  3957  //    being decoded, then head->done is set to -1 to indicate that there will be
  3958  //    no gzip header information forthcoming.  Note that Z_BLOCK or Z_TREES can be
  3959  //    used to force inflate() to return immediately after header processing is
  3960  //    complete and before any actual data is decompressed.
  3961  //
  3962  //      The text, time, xflags, and os fields are filled in with the gzip header
  3963  //    contents.  hcrc is set to true if there is a header CRC.  (The header CRC
  3964  //    was valid if done is set to one.) If extra is not Z_NULL, then extra_max
  3965  //    contains the maximum number of bytes to write to extra.  Once done is true,
  3966  //    extra_len contains the actual extra field length, and extra contains the
  3967  //    extra field, or that field truncated if extra_max is less than extra_len.
  3968  //    If name is not Z_NULL, then up to name_max characters are written there,
  3969  //    terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than name_max.  If
  3970  //    comment is not Z_NULL, then up to comm_max characters are written there,
  3971  //    terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than comm_max.  When any
  3972  //    of extra, name, or comment are not Z_NULL and the respective field is not
  3973  //    present in the header, then that field is set to Z_NULL to signal its
  3974  //    absence.  This allows the use of deflateSetHeader() with the returned
  3975  //    structure to duplicate the header.  However if those fields are set to
  3976  //    allocated memory, then the application will need to save those pointers
  3977  //    elsewhere so that they can be eventually freed.
  3978  //
  3979  //      If inflateGetHeader is not used, then the header information is simply
  3980  //    discarded.  The header is always checked for validity, including the header
  3981  //    CRC if present.  inflateReset() will reset the process to discard the header
  3982  //    information.  The application would need to call inflateGetHeader() again to
  3983  //    retrieve the header from the next gzip stream.
  3984  //
  3985  //      inflateGetHeader returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
  3986  //    stream state was inconsistent.
  3988  //
  3989  // ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackInit OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits,
  3990  //                                         unsigned char FAR *window));
  3991  //
  3992  //      Initialize the internal stream state for decompression using inflateBack()
  3993  //    calls.  The fields zalloc, zfree and opaque in strm must be initialized
  3994  //    before the call.  If zalloc and zfree are Z_NULL, then the default library-
  3995  //    derived memory allocation routines are used.  windowBits is the base two
  3996  //    logarithm of the window size, in the range 8..15.  window is a caller
  3997  //    supplied buffer of that size.  Except for special applications where it is
  3998  //    assured that deflate was used with small window sizes, windowBits must be 15
  3999  //    and a 32K byte window must be supplied to be able to decompress general
  4000  //    deflate streams.
  4001  //
  4002  //      See inflateBack() for the usage of these routines.
  4003  //
  4004  //      inflateBackInit will return Z_OK on success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if any of
  4005  //    the parameters are invalid, Z_MEM_ERROR if the internal state could not be
  4006  //    allocated, or Z_VERSION_ERROR if the version of the library does not match
  4007  //    the version of the header file.
  4009  type In_func = uintptr  /* zlib.h:1092:18 */
  4010  type Out_func = uintptr /* zlib.h:1094:13 */
  4011  //
  4012  //      Same as uncompress, except that sourceLen is a pointer, where the
  4013  //    length of the source is *sourceLen.  On return, *sourceLen is the number of
  4014  //    source bytes consumed.
  4016  // gzip file access functions
  4018  //
  4019  //      This library supports reading and writing files in gzip (.gz) format with
  4020  //    an interface similar to that of stdio, using the functions that start with
  4021  //    "gz".  The gzip format is different from the zlib format.  gzip is a gzip
  4022  //    wrapper, documented in RFC 1952, wrapped around a deflate stream.
  4024  type GzFile_s = struct {
  4025  	Fhave uint32
  4026  	Fnext uintptr
  4027  	Fpos  Off64_t
  4028  } /* zlib.h:1300:9 */
  4030  //
  4031  //      Same as uncompress, except that sourceLen is a pointer, where the
  4032  //    length of the source is *sourceLen.  On return, *sourceLen is the number of
  4033  //    source bytes consumed.
  4035  // gzip file access functions
  4037  //
  4038  //      This library supports reading and writing files in gzip (.gz) format with
  4039  //    an interface similar to that of stdio, using the functions that start with
  4040  //    "gz".  The gzip format is different from the zlib format.  gzip is a gzip
  4041  //    wrapper, documented in RFC 1952, wrapped around a deflate stream.
  4043  type GzFile = uintptr /* zlib.h:1300:25 */
  4045  // POSIX.1-2008 extended locale interface (see locale.h).
  4046  // Definition of locale_t.
  4047  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4048  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4049  //
  4050  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4051  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4052  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4053  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4054  //
  4055  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4056  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4058  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4059  //
  4060  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4061  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4062  //    <>.
  4064  // Definition of struct __locale_struct and __locale_t.
  4065  //    Copyright (C) 1997-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4066  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4067  //    Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <>, 1997.
  4068  //
  4069  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4070  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4071  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4072  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4073  //
  4074  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4075  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4077  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4078  //
  4079  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4080  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4081  //    <>.
  4083  // POSIX.1-2008: the locale_t type, representing a locale context
  4084  //    (implementation-namespace version).  This type should be treated
  4085  //    as opaque by applications; some details are exposed for the sake of
  4086  //    efficiency in e.g. ctype functions.
  4088  type X__locale_struct = struct {
  4089  	F__locales       [13]uintptr
  4090  	F__ctype_b       uintptr
  4091  	F__ctype_tolower uintptr
  4092  	F__ctype_toupper uintptr
  4093  	F__names         [13]uintptr
  4094  } /* __locale_t.h:28:1 */
  4096  type X__locale_t = uintptr /* __locale_t.h:42:32 */
  4098  type Locale_t = X__locale_t /* locale_t.h:24:20 */
  4100  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4101  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4102  //
  4103  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4104  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4105  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4106  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4107  //
  4108  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4109  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4111  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4112  //
  4113  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4114  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4115  //    <>.
  4117  //	ISO C99 Standard: 7.20 General utilities	<stdlib.h>
  4119  // Handle feature test macros at the start of a header.
  4120  //    Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4121  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4122  //
  4123  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4124  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4125  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4126  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4127  //
  4128  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4129  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4131  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4132  //
  4133  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4134  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4135  //    <>.
  4137  // This header is internal to glibc and should not be included outside
  4138  //    of glibc headers.  Headers including it must define
  4140  //    cannot have multiple include guards because ISO C feature test
  4141  //    macros depend on the definition of the macro when an affected
  4142  //    header is included, not when the first system header is
  4143  //    included.
  4145  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4146  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4147  //
  4148  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4149  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4150  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4151  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4152  //
  4153  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4154  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4156  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4157  //
  4158  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4159  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4160  //    <>.
  4162  // ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010 defines the __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__
  4163  //    macro.
  4165  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-1:2014 defines the __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__
  4166  //    macro.  Most but not all symbols enabled by that macro in TS
  4167  //    18661-1 are enabled unconditionally in C2X; the symbols in Annex F
  4168  //    still require that macro in C2X.
  4170  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015 defines the
  4171  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__ macro.  Other than the reduction
  4172  //    functions, the symbols from this TS are enabled unconditionally in
  4173  //    C2X.
  4175  // ISO/IEC TS 18661-3:2015 defines the
  4176  //    __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__ macro.
  4178  // Get size_t, wchar_t and NULL from <stddef.h>.
  4179  // Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4180  //
  4181  // This file is part of GCC.
  4182  //
  4183  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  4184  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  4185  // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  4186  // any later version.
  4187  //
  4188  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4189  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4191  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  4192  //
  4193  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  4194  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  4195  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  4196  //
  4197  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  4198  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  4199  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  4200  // <>.
  4202  // ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>
  4204  // Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
  4205  //    wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
  4206  //    the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.
  4208  // This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
  4209  //    There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.
  4211  // Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
  4212  //    Just ignore it.
  4214  // On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
  4215  //    _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
  4216  //    vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
  4217  //    not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
  4218  //    If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
  4219  //    invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.
  4221  // In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
  4222  //    GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__, and
  4223  //    __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
  4224  //    parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
  4225  //    include gstddef.h, such as collect2.
  4227  // Signed type of difference of two pointers.
  4229  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  4230  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  4232  // If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.
  4234  // Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.
  4236  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  4237  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  4239  // Wide character type.
  4240  //    Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
  4241  //    be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
  4242  //    and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.
  4244  // Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
  4245  //    or if we want this type in particular.
  4247  // A null pointer constant.
  4249  // Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.
  4251  // XPG requires a few symbols from <sys/wait.h> being defined.
  4252  // Definitions of flag bits for `waitpid' et al.
  4253  //    Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4254  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4255  //
  4256  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4257  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4258  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4259  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4260  //
  4261  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4262  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4264  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4265  //
  4266  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4267  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4268  //    <>.
  4270  // Bits in the third argument to `waitpid'.
  4272  // Bits in the fourth argument to `waitid'.
  4274  // The following values are used by the `waitid' function.
  4276  // The Linux kernel defines these bare, rather than an enum,
  4277  //    which causes a conflict if the include order is reversed.
  4279  type Idtype_t = uint32 /* waitflags.h:57:3 */
  4280  // Definitions of status bits for `wait' et al.
  4281  //    Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4282  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4283  //
  4284  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4285  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4286  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4287  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4288  //
  4289  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4290  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4292  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4293  //
  4294  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4295  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4296  //    <>.
  4298  // Everything extant so far uses these same bits.
  4300  // If WIFEXITED(STATUS), the low-order 8 bits of the status.
  4302  // If WIFSIGNALED(STATUS), the terminating signal.
  4304  // If WIFSTOPPED(STATUS), the signal that stopped the child.
  4306  // Nonzero if STATUS indicates normal termination.
  4308  // Nonzero if STATUS indicates termination by a signal.
  4310  // Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child is stopped.
  4312  // Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child continued after a stop.  We only
  4313  //    define this if <bits/waitflags.h> provides the WCONTINUED flag bit.
  4315  // Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child dumped core.
  4317  // Macros for constructing status values.
  4319  // Define the macros <sys/wait.h> also would define this way.
  4321  // _FloatN API tests for enablement.
  4322  // Macros to control TS 18661-3 glibc features on x86.
  4323  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4324  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4325  //
  4326  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4327  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4328  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4329  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4330  //
  4331  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4332  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4334  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4335  //
  4336  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4337  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4338  //    <>.
  4340  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4341  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4342  //
  4343  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4344  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4345  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4346  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4347  //
  4348  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4349  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4351  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4352  //
  4353  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4354  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4355  //    <>.
  4357  // Defined to 1 if the current compiler invocation provides a
  4358  //    floating-point type with the IEEE 754 binary128 format, and this
  4359  //    glibc includes corresponding *f128 interfaces for it.  The required
  4360  //    libgcc support was added some time after the basic compiler
  4361  //    support, for x86_64 and x86.
  4363  // Defined to 1 if __HAVE_FLOAT128 is 1 and the type is ABI-distinct
  4364  //    from the default float, double and long double types in this glibc.
  4366  // Defined to 1 if the current compiler invocation provides a
  4367  //    floating-point type with the right format for _Float64x, and this
  4368  //    glibc includes corresponding *f64x interfaces for it.
  4370  // Defined to 1 if __HAVE_FLOAT64X is 1 and _Float64x has the format
  4371  //    of long double.  Otherwise, if __HAVE_FLOAT64X is 1, _Float64x has
  4372  //    the format of _Float128, which must be different from that of long
  4373  //    double.
  4375  // Defined to concatenate the literal suffix to be used with _Float128
  4376  //    types, if __HAVE_FLOAT128 is 1.
  4378  // Defined to a complex binary128 type if __HAVE_FLOAT128 is 1.
  4380  // The remaining of this file provides support for older compilers.
  4382  // The type _Float128 exists only since GCC 7.0.
  4384  // __builtin_huge_valf128 doesn't exist before GCC 7.0.
  4386  // Older GCC has only a subset of built-in functions for _Float128 on
  4387  //    x86, and __builtin_infq is not usable in static initializers.
  4388  //    Converting a narrower sNaN to _Float128 produces a quiet NaN, so
  4389  //    attempts to use _Float128 sNaNs will not work properly with older
  4390  //    compilers.
  4392  // In math/math.h, __MATH_TG will expand signbit to __builtin_signbit*,
  4393  //    e.g.: __builtin_signbitf128, before GCC 6.  However, there has never
  4394  //    been a __builtin_signbitf128 in GCC and the type-generic builtin is
  4395  //    only available since GCC 6.
  4397  // Macros to control TS 18661-3 glibc features where the same
  4398  //    definitions are appropriate for all platforms.
  4399  //    Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4400  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4401  //
  4402  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4403  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4404  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4405  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4406  //
  4407  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4408  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4410  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4411  //
  4412  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4413  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4414  //    <>.
  4416  // Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4417  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4418  //
  4419  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4420  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4421  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4422  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4423  //
  4424  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4425  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4427  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4428  //
  4429  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4430  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4431  //    <>.
  4433  // Properties of long double type.  ldbl-96 version.
  4434  //    Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4435  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4436  //
  4437  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4438  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4439  //    License  published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4440  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4441  //
  4442  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4443  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4445  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4446  //
  4447  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4448  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4449  //    <>.
  4451  // long double is distinct from double, so there is nothing to
  4452  //    define here.
  4454  // This header should be included at the bottom of each bits/floatn.h.
  4455  //    It defines the following macros for each _FloatN and _FloatNx type,
  4456  //    where the same definitions, or definitions based only on the macros
  4457  //    in bits/floatn.h, are appropriate for all glibc configurations.
  4459  // Defined to 1 if the current compiler invocation provides a
  4460  //    floating-point type with the right format for this type, and this
  4461  //    glibc includes corresponding *fN or *fNx interfaces for it.
  4463  // Defined to 1 if the corresponding __HAVE_<type> macro is 1 and the
  4464  //    type is the first with its format in the sequence of (the default
  4465  //    choices for) float, double, long double, _Float16, _Float32,
  4466  //    _Float64, _Float128, _Float32x, _Float64x, _Float128x for this
  4467  //    glibc; that is, if functions present once per floating-point format
  4468  //    rather than once per type are present for this type.
  4469  //
  4470  //    All configurations supported by glibc have _Float32 the same format
  4471  //    as float, _Float64 and _Float32x the same format as double, the
  4472  //    _Float64x the same format as either long double or _Float128.  No
  4473  //    configurations support _Float128x or, as of GCC 7, have compiler
  4474  //    support for a type meeting the requirements for _Float128x.
  4476  // Defined to 1 if the corresponding _FloatN type is not binary compatible
  4477  //    with the corresponding ISO C type in the current compilation unit as
  4478  //    opposed to __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOATN, which indicates the default types built
  4479  //    in glibc.
  4481  // Defined to 1 if any _FloatN or _FloatNx types that are not
  4482  //    ABI-distinct are however distinct types at the C language level (so
  4483  //    for the purposes of __builtin_types_compatible_p and _Generic).
  4485  // Defined to concatenate the literal suffix to be used with _FloatN
  4486  //    or _FloatNx types, if __HAVE_<type> is 1.  The corresponding
  4487  //    literal suffixes exist since GCC 7, for C only.
  4489  // Defined to a complex type if __HAVE_<type> is 1.
  4491  // The remaining of this file provides support for older compilers.
  4493  // If double, long double and _Float64 all have the same set of
  4494  //    values, TS 18661-3 requires the usual arithmetic conversions on
  4495  //    long double and _Float64 to produce _Float64.  For this to be the
  4496  //    case when building with a compiler without a distinct _Float64
  4497  //    type, _Float64 must be a typedef for long double, not for
  4498  //    double.
  4500  // Returned by `div'.
  4501  type Div_t = struct {
  4502  	Fquot int32
  4503  	Frem  int32
  4504  } /* stdlib.h:62:5 */
  4506  // Returned by `ldiv'.
  4507  type Ldiv_t = struct {
  4508  	Fquot int32
  4509  	Frem  int32
  4510  } /* stdlib.h:70:5 */
  4512  // Returned by `lldiv'.
  4513  type Lldiv_t = struct {
  4514  	Fquot int64
  4515  	Frem  int64
  4516  } /* stdlib.h:80:5 */
  4518  // Reentrant versions of the `random' family of functions.
  4519  //    These functions all use the following data structure to contain
  4520  //    state, rather than global state variables.
  4522  type Random_data = struct {
  4523  	Ffptr      uintptr
  4524  	Frptr      uintptr
  4525  	Fstate     uintptr
  4526  	Frand_type int32
  4527  	Frand_deg  int32
  4528  	Frand_sep  int32
  4529  	Fend_ptr   uintptr
  4530  } /* stdlib.h:423:1 */
  4532  // Data structure for communication with thread safe versions.  This
  4533  //    type is to be regarded as opaque.  It's only exported because users
  4534  //    have to allocate objects of this type.
  4535  type Drand48_data = struct {
  4536  	F__x     [3]uint16
  4537  	F__old_x [3]uint16
  4538  	F__c     uint16
  4539  	F__init  uint16
  4540  	F__a     uint64
  4541  } /* stdlib.h:490:1 */
  4543  // Shorthand for type of comparison functions.
  4544  type X__compar_fn_t = uintptr /* stdlib.h:808:13 */
  4546  // Floating-point inline functions for stdlib.h.
  4547  //    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4548  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  4549  //
  4550  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  4551  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4552  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  4553  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4554  //
  4555  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  4556  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  4558  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  4559  //
  4560  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  4561  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  4562  //    <>.
  4564  // Define some macros helping to catch buffer overflows.
  4566  // since "static" is used to mean two completely different things in C, we
  4567  //    define "local" for the non-static meaning of "static", for readability
  4568  //    (compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols)
  4570  type Uch = uint8  /* zutil.h:43:24 */
  4571  type Uchf = Uch   /* zutil.h:44:17 */
  4572  type Ush = uint16 /* zutil.h:45:24 */
  4573  type Ushf = Ush   /* zutil.h:46:17 */
  4574  type Ulg = uint32 /* zutil.h:47:24 */
  4576  // NMAX is the largest n such that 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) <= 2^32-1
  4578  // use NO_DIVIDE if your processor does not do division in hardware --
  4579  //    try it both ways to see which is faster
  4581  // =========================================================================
  4582  func Xadler32_z(tls *libc.TLS, adler ULong, buf uintptr, len Z_size_t) ULong { /* adler32.c:63:15: */
  4583  	var sum2 uint32
  4584  	var n uint32
  4586  	// split Adler-32 into component sums
  4587  	sum2 = ((adler >> 16) & ULong(0xffff))
  4588  	adler = adler & (ULong(0xffff))
  4590  	// in case user likes doing a byte at a time, keep it fast
  4591  	if len == Z_size_t(1) {
  4592  		adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))))
  4593  		if adler >= BASE {
  4594  			adler = adler - (BASE)
  4595  		}
  4596  		sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4597  		if sum2 >= BASE {
  4598  			sum2 = sum2 - (BASE)
  4599  		}
  4600  		return (adler | (sum2 << 16))
  4601  	}
  4603  	// initial Adler-32 value (deferred check for len == 1 speed)
  4604  	if buf == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  4605  		return ULong(1)
  4606  	}
  4608  	// in case short lengths are provided, keep it somewhat fast
  4609  	if len < Z_size_t(16) {
  4610  		for libc.PostDecUint32(&len, 1) != 0 {
  4611  			adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1)))))
  4612  			sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4613  		}
  4614  		if adler >= BASE {
  4615  			adler = adler - (BASE)
  4616  		}
  4617  		sum2 = sum2 % (BASE) // only added so many BASE's
  4618  		return (adler | (sum2 << 16))
  4619  	}
  4621  	// do length NMAX blocks -- requires just one modulo operation
  4622  	for len >= Z_size_t(NMAX) {
  4623  		len = len - (Z_size_t(NMAX))
  4624  		n = (uint32(NMAX / 16)) // NMAX is divisible by 16
  4625  		for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&n, 1) != 0 {
  4626  			{
  4627  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf)))))
  4628  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4629  			}
  4630  			{
  4631  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 1))))
  4632  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4633  			}
  4635  			{
  4636  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 2))))
  4637  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4638  			}
  4639  			{
  4640  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 3))))
  4641  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4642  			}
  4644  			{
  4645  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 4))))
  4646  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4647  			}
  4648  			{
  4649  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 5))))
  4650  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4651  			}
  4653  			{
  4654  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 6))))
  4655  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4656  			}
  4657  			{
  4658  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 7))))
  4659  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4660  			}
  4662  			{
  4663  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 8))))
  4664  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4665  			}
  4666  			{
  4667  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 9))))
  4668  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4669  			}
  4671  			{
  4672  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 10))))
  4673  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4674  			}
  4675  			{
  4676  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 11))))
  4677  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4678  			}
  4680  			{
  4681  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 12))))
  4682  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4683  			}
  4684  			{
  4685  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 13))))
  4686  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4687  			}
  4689  			{
  4690  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 14))))
  4691  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4692  			}
  4693  			{
  4694  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 15))))
  4695  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4696  			}
  4698  			// 16 sums unrolled
  4699  			buf += uintptr(16)
  4700  		}
  4701  		adler = adler % (BASE)
  4702  		sum2 = sum2 % (BASE)
  4703  	}
  4705  	// do remaining bytes (less than NMAX, still just one modulo)
  4706  	if len != 0 { // avoid modulos if none remaining
  4707  		for len >= Z_size_t(16) {
  4708  			len = len - (Z_size_t(16))
  4709  			{
  4710  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf)))))
  4711  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4712  			}
  4713  			{
  4714  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 1))))
  4715  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4716  			}
  4718  			{
  4719  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 2))))
  4720  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4721  			}
  4722  			{
  4723  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 3))))
  4724  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4725  			}
  4727  			{
  4728  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 4))))
  4729  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4730  			}
  4731  			{
  4732  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 5))))
  4733  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4734  			}
  4736  			{
  4737  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 6))))
  4738  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4739  			}
  4740  			{
  4741  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 7))))
  4742  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4743  			}
  4745  			{
  4746  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 8))))
  4747  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4748  			}
  4749  			{
  4750  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 9))))
  4751  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4752  			}
  4754  			{
  4755  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 10))))
  4756  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4757  			}
  4758  			{
  4759  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 11))))
  4760  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4761  			}
  4763  			{
  4764  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 12))))
  4765  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4766  			}
  4767  			{
  4768  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 13))))
  4769  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4770  			}
  4772  			{
  4773  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 14))))
  4774  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4775  			}
  4776  			{
  4777  				adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((buf) + 15))))
  4778  				sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4779  			}
  4781  			buf += uintptr(16)
  4782  		}
  4783  		for libc.PostDecUint32(&len, 1) != 0 {
  4784  			adler = adler + (ULong(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1)))))
  4785  			sum2 = sum2 + (adler)
  4786  		}
  4787  		adler = adler % (BASE)
  4788  		sum2 = sum2 % (BASE)
  4789  	}
  4791  	// return recombined sums
  4792  	return (adler | (sum2 << 16))
  4793  }
  4795  // =========================================================================
  4796  func Xadler32(tls *libc.TLS, adler ULong, buf uintptr, len UInt) ULong { /* adler32.c:134:15: */
  4797  	return Xadler32_z(tls, adler, buf, len)
  4798  }
  4800  // =========================================================================
  4801  func adler32_combine_(tls *libc.TLS, adler1 ULong, adler2 ULong, len2 Off64_t) ULong { /* adler32.c:143:13: */
  4802  	var sum1 uint32
  4803  	var sum2 uint32
  4804  	var rem uint32
  4806  	// for negative len, return invalid adler32 as a clue for debugging
  4807  	if len2 < int64(0) {
  4808  		return 0xffffffff
  4809  	}
  4811  	// the derivation of this formula is left as an exercise for the reader
  4812  	len2 = len2 % (int64(BASE)) // assumes len2 >= 0
  4813  	rem = uint32(len2)
  4814  	sum1 = (adler1 & ULong(0xffff))
  4815  	sum2 = (uint32(rem) * sum1)
  4816  	sum2 = sum2 % (BASE)
  4817  	sum1 = sum1 + (((adler2 & ULong(0xffff)) + BASE) - ULong(1))
  4818  	sum2 = sum2 + (((((adler1 >> 16) & ULong(0xffff)) + ((adler2 >> 16) & ULong(0xffff))) + BASE) - ULong(rem))
  4819  	if sum1 >= BASE {
  4820  		sum1 = sum1 - (BASE)
  4821  	}
  4822  	if sum1 >= BASE {
  4823  		sum1 = sum1 - (BASE)
  4824  	}
  4825  	if sum2 >= (uint32(BASE) << 1) {
  4826  		sum2 = sum2 - (uint32(BASE) << 1)
  4827  	}
  4828  	if sum2 >= BASE {
  4829  		sum2 = sum2 - (BASE)
  4830  	}
  4831  	return (sum1 | (sum2 << 16))
  4832  }
  4834  // =========================================================================
  4835  func Xadler32_combine(tls *libc.TLS, adler1 ULong, adler2 ULong, len2 Off_t) ULong { /* adler32.c:172:15: */
  4836  	return adler32_combine_(tls, adler1, adler2, len2)
  4837  }
  4839  func Xadler32_combine64(tls *libc.TLS, adler1 ULong, adler2 ULong, len2 Off64_t) ULong { /* adler32.c:180:15: */
  4840  	return adler32_combine_(tls, adler1, adler2, len2)
  4841  }
  4843  // ===========================================================================
  4844  //      Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. The level
  4845  //    parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit.  sourceLen is the byte
  4846  //    length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the
  4847  //    destination buffer, which must be at least 0.1% larger than sourceLen plus
  4848  //    12 bytes. Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
  4849  //
  4850  //      compress2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
  4851  //    memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer,
  4852  //    Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.
  4853  func Xcompress2(tls *libc.TLS, dest uintptr, destLen uintptr, source uintptr, sourceLen ULong, level int32) int32 { /* compress.c:22:13: */
  4854  	bp := tls.Alloc(56)
  4855  	defer tls.Free(56)
  4857  	// var stream Z_stream at bp, 56
  4859  	var err int32
  4860  	var max UInt = libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1))
  4861  	var left ULong
  4863  	left = *(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen))
  4864  	*(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen)) = ULongf(0)
  4866  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Fzalloc = uintptr(0)
  4867  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Fzfree = uintptr(0)
  4868  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Fopaque = uintptr(0)
  4870  	err = XdeflateInit_(tls, bp /* &stream */, level, ts /* "1.2.11" */, int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))
  4871  	if err != Z_OK {
  4872  		return err
  4873  	}
  4875  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Fnext_out = dest
  4876  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_out = UInt(0)
  4877  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Fnext_in = source
  4878  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_in = UInt(0)
  4880  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (err == Z_OK) {
  4881  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  4882  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_out = func() uint32 {
  4883  				if left > ULong(max) {
  4884  					return max
  4885  				}
  4886  				return UInt(left)
  4887  			}()
  4888  			left = left - (ULong((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_out))
  4889  		}
  4890  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  4891  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_in = func() uint32 {
  4892  				if sourceLen > ULong(max) {
  4893  					return max
  4894  				}
  4895  				return UInt(sourceLen)
  4896  			}()
  4897  			sourceLen = sourceLen - (ULong((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Favail_in))
  4898  		}
  4899  		err = Xdeflate(tls, bp /* &stream */, func() int32 {
  4900  			if sourceLen != 0 {
  4901  				return Z_NO_FLUSH
  4902  			}
  4903  			return Z_FINISH
  4904  		}())
  4905  	}
  4907  	*(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen)) = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &stream */)).Ftotal_out
  4908  	XdeflateEnd(tls, bp /* &stream */)
  4909  	if err == Z_STREAM_END {
  4910  		return Z_OK
  4911  	}
  4912  	return err
  4913  }
  4915  // ===========================================================================
  4916  func Xcompress(tls *libc.TLS, dest uintptr, destLen uintptr, source uintptr, sourceLen ULong) int32 { /* compress.c:68:13: */
  4917  	return Xcompress2(tls, dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, -1)
  4918  }
  4920  // ===========================================================================
  4921  //      If the default memLevel or windowBits for deflateInit() is changed, then
  4922  //    this function needs to be updated.
  4923  //
  4924  func XcompressBound(tls *libc.TLS, sourceLen ULong) ULong { /* compress.c:81:15: */
  4925  	return ((((sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12)) + (sourceLen >> 14)) + (sourceLen >> 25)) + ULong(13))
  4926  }
  4928  // ========================================================================
  4929  // Tables of CRC-32s of all single-byte values, made by make_crc_table().
  4930  // crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation
  4931  // Generated automatically by crc32.c
  4933  var crc_table = [8][256]Z_crc_t{
  4934  	{
  4935  		0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419,
  4936  		0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4,
  4937  		0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07,
  4938  		0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de,
  4939  		0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856,
  4940  		0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9,
  4941  		0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4,
  4942  		0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b,
  4943  		0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3,
  4944  		0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a,
  4945  		0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599,
  4946  		0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924,
  4947  		0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190,
  4948  		0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f,
  4949  		0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e,
  4950  		0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01,
  4951  		0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed,
  4952  		0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950,
  4953  		0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3,
  4954  		0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2,
  4955  		0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a,
  4956  		0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5,
  4957  		0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010,
  4958  		0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f,
  4959  		0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17,
  4960  		0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6,
  4961  		0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615,
  4962  		0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8,
  4963  		0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344,
  4964  		0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb,
  4965  		0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a,
  4966  		0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5,
  4967  		0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1,
  4968  		0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c,
  4969  		0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef,
  4970  		0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236,
  4971  		0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe,
  4972  		0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31,
  4973  		0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c,
  4974  		0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
  4975  		0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b,
  4976  		0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242,
  4977  		0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1,
  4978  		0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c,
  4979  		0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278,
  4980  		0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7,
  4981  		0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66,
  4982  		0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9,
  4983  		0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605,
  4984  		0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8,
  4985  		0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b,
  4986  		0x2d02ef8d,
  4987  	},
  4988  	{
  4989  		0x00000000, 0x191b3141, 0x32366282, 0x2b2d53c3, 0x646cc504,
  4990  		0x7d77f445, 0x565aa786, 0x4f4196c7, 0xc8d98a08, 0xd1c2bb49,
  4991  		0xfaefe88a, 0xe3f4d9cb, 0xacb54f0c, 0xb5ae7e4d, 0x9e832d8e,
  4992  		0x87981ccf, 0x4ac21251, 0x53d92310, 0x78f470d3, 0x61ef4192,
  4993  		0x2eaed755, 0x37b5e614, 0x1c98b5d7, 0x05838496, 0x821b9859,
  4994  		0x9b00a918, 0xb02dfadb, 0xa936cb9a, 0xe6775d5d, 0xff6c6c1c,
  4995  		0xd4413fdf, 0xcd5a0e9e, 0x958424a2, 0x8c9f15e3, 0xa7b24620,
  4996  		0xbea97761, 0xf1e8e1a6, 0xe8f3d0e7, 0xc3de8324, 0xdac5b265,
  4997  		0x5d5daeaa, 0x44469feb, 0x6f6bcc28, 0x7670fd69, 0x39316bae,
  4998  		0x202a5aef, 0x0b07092c, 0x121c386d, 0xdf4636f3, 0xc65d07b2,
  4999  		0xed705471, 0xf46b6530, 0xbb2af3f7, 0xa231c2b6, 0x891c9175,
  5000  		0x9007a034, 0x179fbcfb, 0x0e848dba, 0x25a9de79, 0x3cb2ef38,
  5001  		0x73f379ff, 0x6ae848be, 0x41c51b7d, 0x58de2a3c, 0xf0794f05,
  5002  		0xe9627e44, 0xc24f2d87, 0xdb541cc6, 0x94158a01, 0x8d0ebb40,
  5003  		0xa623e883, 0xbf38d9c2, 0x38a0c50d, 0x21bbf44c, 0x0a96a78f,
  5004  		0x138d96ce, 0x5ccc0009, 0x45d73148, 0x6efa628b, 0x77e153ca,
  5005  		0xbabb5d54, 0xa3a06c15, 0x888d3fd6, 0x91960e97, 0xded79850,
  5006  		0xc7cca911, 0xece1fad2, 0xf5facb93, 0x7262d75c, 0x6b79e61d,
  5007  		0x4054b5de, 0x594f849f, 0x160e1258, 0x0f152319, 0x243870da,
  5008  		0x3d23419b, 0x65fd6ba7, 0x7ce65ae6, 0x57cb0925, 0x4ed03864,
  5009  		0x0191aea3, 0x188a9fe2, 0x33a7cc21, 0x2abcfd60, 0xad24e1af,
  5010  		0xb43fd0ee, 0x9f12832d, 0x8609b26c, 0xc94824ab, 0xd05315ea,
  5011  		0xfb7e4629, 0xe2657768, 0x2f3f79f6, 0x362448b7, 0x1d091b74,
  5012  		0x04122a35, 0x4b53bcf2, 0x52488db3, 0x7965de70, 0x607eef31,
  5013  		0xe7e6f3fe, 0xfefdc2bf, 0xd5d0917c, 0xcccba03d, 0x838a36fa,
  5014  		0x9a9107bb, 0xb1bc5478, 0xa8a76539, 0x3b83984b, 0x2298a90a,
  5015  		0x09b5fac9, 0x10aecb88, 0x5fef5d4f, 0x46f46c0e, 0x6dd93fcd,
  5016  		0x74c20e8c, 0xf35a1243, 0xea412302, 0xc16c70c1, 0xd8774180,
  5017  		0x9736d747, 0x8e2de606, 0xa500b5c5, 0xbc1b8484, 0x71418a1a,
  5018  		0x685abb5b, 0x4377e898, 0x5a6cd9d9, 0x152d4f1e, 0x0c367e5f,
  5019  		0x271b2d9c, 0x3e001cdd, 0xb9980012, 0xa0833153, 0x8bae6290,
  5020  		0x92b553d1, 0xddf4c516, 0xc4eff457, 0xefc2a794, 0xf6d996d5,
  5021  		0xae07bce9, 0xb71c8da8, 0x9c31de6b, 0x852aef2a, 0xca6b79ed,
  5022  		0xd37048ac, 0xf85d1b6f, 0xe1462a2e, 0x66de36e1, 0x7fc507a0,
  5023  		0x54e85463, 0x4df36522, 0x02b2f3e5, 0x1ba9c2a4, 0x30849167,
  5024  		0x299fa026, 0xe4c5aeb8, 0xfdde9ff9, 0xd6f3cc3a, 0xcfe8fd7b,
  5025  		0x80a96bbc, 0x99b25afd, 0xb29f093e, 0xab84387f, 0x2c1c24b0,
  5026  		0x350715f1, 0x1e2a4632, 0x07317773, 0x4870e1b4, 0x516bd0f5,
  5027  		0x7a468336, 0x635db277, 0xcbfad74e, 0xd2e1e60f, 0xf9ccb5cc,
  5028  		0xe0d7848d, 0xaf96124a, 0xb68d230b, 0x9da070c8, 0x84bb4189,
  5029  		0x03235d46, 0x1a386c07, 0x31153fc4, 0x280e0e85, 0x674f9842,
  5030  		0x7e54a903, 0x5579fac0, 0x4c62cb81, 0x8138c51f, 0x9823f45e,
  5031  		0xb30ea79d, 0xaa1596dc, 0xe554001b, 0xfc4f315a, 0xd7626299,
  5032  		0xce7953d8, 0x49e14f17, 0x50fa7e56, 0x7bd72d95, 0x62cc1cd4,
  5033  		0x2d8d8a13, 0x3496bb52, 0x1fbbe891, 0x06a0d9d0, 0x5e7ef3ec,
  5034  		0x4765c2ad, 0x6c48916e, 0x7553a02f, 0x3a1236e8, 0x230907a9,
  5035  		0x0824546a, 0x113f652b, 0x96a779e4, 0x8fbc48a5, 0xa4911b66,
  5036  		0xbd8a2a27, 0xf2cbbce0, 0xebd08da1, 0xc0fdde62, 0xd9e6ef23,
  5037  		0x14bce1bd, 0x0da7d0fc, 0x268a833f, 0x3f91b27e, 0x70d024b9,
  5038  		0x69cb15f8, 0x42e6463b, 0x5bfd777a, 0xdc656bb5, 0xc57e5af4,
  5039  		0xee530937, 0xf7483876, 0xb809aeb1, 0xa1129ff0, 0x8a3fcc33,
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  5042  	{
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  5045  		0x0d9785d6, 0x0c55efe1, 0x091af964, 0x08d89353, 0x0a9e2d0a,
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  5048  		0x13f798ff, 0x11b126a6, 0x10734c91, 0x153c5a14, 0x14fe3023,
  5049  		0x16b88e7a, 0x177ae44d, 0x384d46e0, 0x398f2cd7, 0x3bc9928e,
  5050  		0x3a0bf8b9, 0x3f44ee3c, 0x3e86840b, 0x3cc03a52, 0x3d025065,
  5051  		0x365e1758, 0x379c7d6f, 0x35dac336, 0x3418a901, 0x3157bf84,
  5052  		0x3095d5b3, 0x32d36bea, 0x331101dd, 0x246be590, 0x25a98fa7,
  5053  		0x27ef31fe, 0x262d5bc9, 0x23624d4c, 0x22a0277b, 0x20e69922,
  5054  		0x2124f315, 0x2a78b428, 0x2bbade1f, 0x29fc6046, 0x283e0a71,
  5055  		0x2d711cf4, 0x2cb376c3, 0x2ef5c89a, 0x2f37a2ad, 0x709a8dc0,
  5056  		0x7158e7f7, 0x731e59ae, 0x72dc3399, 0x7793251c, 0x76514f2b,
  5057  		0x7417f172, 0x75d59b45, 0x7e89dc78, 0x7f4bb64f, 0x7d0d0816,
  5058  		0x7ccf6221, 0x798074a4, 0x78421e93, 0x7a04a0ca, 0x7bc6cafd,
  5059  		0x6cbc2eb0, 0x6d7e4487, 0x6f38fade, 0x6efa90e9, 0x6bb5866c,
  5060  		0x6a77ec5b, 0x68315202, 0x69f33835, 0x62af7f08, 0x636d153f,
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  5062  		0x67e0698d, 0x48d7cb20, 0x4915a117, 0x4b531f4e, 0x4a917579,
  5063  		0x4fde63fc, 0x4e1c09cb, 0x4c5ab792, 0x4d98dda5, 0x46c49a98,
  5064  		0x4706f0af, 0x45404ef6, 0x448224c1, 0x41cd3244, 0x400f5873,
  5065  		0x4249e62a, 0x438b8c1d, 0x54f16850, 0x55330267, 0x5775bc3e,
  5066  		0x56b7d609, 0x53f8c08c, 0x523aaabb, 0x507c14e2, 0x51be7ed5,
  5067  		0x5ae239e8, 0x5b2053df, 0x5966ed86, 0x58a487b1, 0x5deb9134,
  5068  		0x5c29fb03, 0x5e6f455a, 0x5fad2f6d, 0xe1351b80, 0xe0f771b7,
  5069  		0xe2b1cfee, 0xe373a5d9, 0xe63cb35c, 0xe7fed96b, 0xe5b86732,
  5070  		0xe47a0d05, 0xef264a38, 0xeee4200f, 0xeca29e56, 0xed60f461,
  5071  		0xe82fe2e4, 0xe9ed88d3, 0xebab368a, 0xea695cbd, 0xfd13b8f0,
  5072  		0xfcd1d2c7, 0xfe976c9e, 0xff5506a9, 0xfa1a102c, 0xfbd87a1b,
  5073  		0xf99ec442, 0xf85cae75, 0xf300e948, 0xf2c2837f, 0xf0843d26,
  5074  		0xf1465711, 0xf4094194, 0xf5cb2ba3, 0xf78d95fa, 0xf64fffcd,
  5075  		0xd9785d60, 0xd8ba3757, 0xdafc890e, 0xdb3ee339, 0xde71f5bc,
  5076  		0xdfb39f8b, 0xddf521d2, 0xdc374be5, 0xd76b0cd8, 0xd6a966ef,
  5077  		0xd4efd8b6, 0xd52db281, 0xd062a404, 0xd1a0ce33, 0xd3e6706a,
  5078  		0xd2241a5d, 0xc55efe10, 0xc49c9427, 0xc6da2a7e, 0xc7184049,
  5079  		0xc25756cc, 0xc3953cfb, 0xc1d382a2, 0xc011e895, 0xcb4dafa8,
  5080  		0xca8fc59f, 0xc8c97bc6, 0xc90b11f1, 0xcc440774, 0xcd866d43,
  5081  		0xcfc0d31a, 0xce02b92d, 0x91af9640, 0x906dfc77, 0x922b422e,
  5082  		0x93e92819, 0x96a63e9c, 0x976454ab, 0x9522eaf2, 0x94e080c5,
  5083  		0x9fbcc7f8, 0x9e7eadcf, 0x9c381396, 0x9dfa79a1, 0x98b56f24,
  5084  		0x99770513, 0x9b31bb4a, 0x9af3d17d, 0x8d893530, 0x8c4b5f07,
  5085  		0x8e0de15e, 0x8fcf8b69, 0x8a809dec, 0x8b42f7db, 0x89044982,
  5086  		0x88c623b5, 0x839a6488, 0x82580ebf, 0x801eb0e6, 0x81dcdad1,
  5087  		0x8493cc54, 0x8551a663, 0x8717183a, 0x86d5720d, 0xa9e2d0a0,
  5088  		0xa820ba97, 0xaa6604ce, 0xaba46ef9, 0xaeeb787c, 0xaf29124b,
  5089  		0xad6fac12, 0xacadc625, 0xa7f18118, 0xa633eb2f, 0xa4755576,
  5090  		0xa5b73f41, 0xa0f829c4, 0xa13a43f3, 0xa37cfdaa, 0xa2be979d,
  5091  		0xb5c473d0, 0xb40619e7, 0xb640a7be, 0xb782cd89, 0xb2cddb0c,
  5092  		0xb30fb13b, 0xb1490f62, 0xb08b6555, 0xbbd72268, 0xba15485f,
  5093  		0xb853f606, 0xb9919c31, 0xbcde8ab4, 0xbd1ce083, 0xbf5a5eda,
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  5096  	{
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  5101  		0xdf7bc0c8, 0x67c7a7ad, 0x75720843, 0xcdce6f26, 0x95ad7f70,
  5102  		0x2d111815, 0x3fa4b7fb, 0x8718d09e, 0x1acfe827, 0xa2738f42,
  5103  		0xb0c620ac, 0x087a47c9, 0xa032af3e, 0x188ec85b, 0x0a3b67b5,
  5104  		0xb28700d0, 0x2f503869, 0x97ec5f0c, 0x8559f0e2, 0x3de59787,
  5105  		0x658687d1, 0xdd3ae0b4, 0xcf8f4f5a, 0x7733283f, 0xeae41086,
  5106  		0x525877e3, 0x40edd80d, 0xf851bf68, 0xf02bf8a1, 0x48979fc4,
  5107  		0x5a22302a, 0xe29e574f, 0x7f496ff6, 0xc7f50893, 0xd540a77d,
  5108  		0x6dfcc018, 0x359fd04e, 0x8d23b72b, 0x9f9618c5, 0x272a7fa0,
  5109  		0xbafd4719, 0x0241207c, 0x10f48f92, 0xa848e8f7, 0x9b14583d,
  5110  		0x23a83f58, 0x311d90b6, 0x89a1f7d3, 0x1476cf6a, 0xaccaa80f,
  5111  		0xbe7f07e1, 0x06c36084, 0x5ea070d2, 0xe61c17b7, 0xf4a9b859,
  5112  		0x4c15df3c, 0xd1c2e785, 0x697e80e0, 0x7bcb2f0e, 0xc377486b,
  5113  		0xcb0d0fa2, 0x73b168c7, 0x6104c729, 0xd9b8a04c, 0x446f98f5,
  5114  		0xfcd3ff90, 0xee66507e, 0x56da371b, 0x0eb9274d, 0xb6054028,
  5115  		0xa4b0efc6, 0x1c0c88a3, 0x81dbb01a, 0x3967d77f, 0x2bd27891,
  5116  		0x936e1ff4, 0x3b26f703, 0x839a9066, 0x912f3f88, 0x299358ed,
  5117  		0xb4446054, 0x0cf80731, 0x1e4da8df, 0xa6f1cfba, 0xfe92dfec,
  5118  		0x462eb889, 0x549b1767, 0xec277002, 0x71f048bb, 0xc94c2fde,
  5119  		0xdbf98030, 0x6345e755, 0x6b3fa09c, 0xd383c7f9, 0xc1366817,
  5120  		0x798a0f72, 0xe45d37cb, 0x5ce150ae, 0x4e54ff40, 0xf6e89825,
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  5122  		0x99557841, 0x8be0d7af, 0x335cb0ca, 0xed59b63b, 0x55e5d15e,
  5123  		0x47507eb0, 0xffec19d5, 0x623b216c, 0xda874609, 0xc832e9e7,
  5124  		0x708e8e82, 0x28ed9ed4, 0x9051f9b1, 0x82e4565f, 0x3a58313a,
  5125  		0xa78f0983, 0x1f336ee6, 0x0d86c108, 0xb53aa66d, 0xbd40e1a4,
  5126  		0x05fc86c1, 0x1749292f, 0xaff54e4a, 0x322276f3, 0x8a9e1196,
  5127  		0x982bbe78, 0x2097d91d, 0x78f4c94b, 0xc048ae2e, 0xd2fd01c0,
  5128  		0x6a4166a5, 0xf7965e1c, 0x4f2a3979, 0x5d9f9697, 0xe523f1f2,
  5129  		0x4d6b1905, 0xf5d77e60, 0xe762d18e, 0x5fdeb6eb, 0xc2098e52,
  5130  		0x7ab5e937, 0x680046d9, 0xd0bc21bc, 0x88df31ea, 0x3063568f,
  5131  		0x22d6f961, 0x9a6a9e04, 0x07bda6bd, 0xbf01c1d8, 0xadb46e36,
  5132  		0x15080953, 0x1d724e9a, 0xa5ce29ff, 0xb77b8611, 0x0fc7e174,
  5133  		0x9210d9cd, 0x2aacbea8, 0x38191146, 0x80a57623, 0xd8c66675,
  5134  		0x607a0110, 0x72cfaefe, 0xca73c99b, 0x57a4f122, 0xef189647,
  5135  		0xfdad39a9, 0x45115ecc, 0x764dee06, 0xcef18963, 0xdc44268d,
  5136  		0x64f841e8, 0xf92f7951, 0x41931e34, 0x5326b1da, 0xeb9ad6bf,
  5137  		0xb3f9c6e9, 0x0b45a18c, 0x19f00e62, 0xa14c6907, 0x3c9b51be,
  5138  		0x842736db, 0x96929935, 0x2e2efe50, 0x2654b999, 0x9ee8defc,
  5139  		0x8c5d7112, 0x34e11677, 0xa9362ece, 0x118a49ab, 0x033fe645,
  5140  		0xbb838120, 0xe3e09176, 0x5b5cf613, 0x49e959fd, 0xf1553e98,
  5141  		0x6c820621, 0xd43e6144, 0xc68bceaa, 0x7e37a9cf, 0xd67f4138,
  5142  		0x6ec3265d, 0x7c7689b3, 0xc4caeed6, 0x591dd66f, 0xe1a1b10a,
  5143  		0xf3141ee4, 0x4ba87981, 0x13cb69d7, 0xab770eb2, 0xb9c2a15c,
  5144  		0x017ec639, 0x9ca9fe80, 0x241599e5, 0x36a0360b, 0x8e1c516e,
  5145  		0x866616a7, 0x3eda71c2, 0x2c6fde2c, 0x94d3b949, 0x090481f0,
  5146  		0xb1b8e695, 0xa30d497b, 0x1bb12e1e, 0x43d23e48, 0xfb6e592d,
  5147  		0xe9dbf6c3, 0x516791a6, 0xccb0a91f, 0x740cce7a, 0x66b96194,
  5148  		0xde0506f1,
  5149  	},
  5150  	{
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  5153  		0x1ee9d5e0, 0x88d9d297, 0x2b4cb609, 0xbd7cb17e, 0x072db8e7,
  5154  		0x911dbf90, 0x6410b71d, 0xf220b06a, 0x4871b9f3, 0xde41be84,
  5155  		0x7dd4da1a, 0xebe4dd6d, 0x51b5d4f4, 0xc785d383, 0x56986c13,
  5156  		0xc0a86b64, 0x7af962fd, 0xecc9658a, 0x4f5c0114, 0xd96c0663,
  5157  		0x633d0ffa, 0xf50d088d, 0xc8206e3b, 0x5e10694c, 0xe44160d5,
  5158  		0x727167a2, 0xd1e4033c, 0x47d4044b, 0xfd850dd2, 0x6bb50aa5,
  5159  		0xfaa8b535, 0x6c98b242, 0xd6c9bbdb, 0x40f9bcac, 0xe36cd832,
  5160  		0x755cdf45, 0xcf0dd6dc, 0x593dd1ab, 0xac30d926, 0x3a00de51,
  5161  		0x8051d7c8, 0x1661d0bf, 0xb5f4b421, 0x23c4b356, 0x9995bacf,
  5162  		0x0fa5bdb8, 0x9eb80228, 0x0888055f, 0xb2d90cc6, 0x24e90bb1,
  5163  		0x877c6f2f, 0x114c6858, 0xab1d61c1, 0x3d2d66b6, 0x9041dc76,
  5164  		0x0671db01, 0xbc20d298, 0x2a10d5ef, 0x8985b171, 0x1fb5b606,
  5165  		0xa5e4bf9f, 0x33d4b8e8, 0xa2c90778, 0x34f9000f, 0x8ea80996,
  5166  		0x18980ee1, 0xbb0d6a7f, 0x2d3d6d08, 0x976c6491, 0x015c63e6,
  5167  		0xf4516b6b, 0x62616c1c, 0xd8306585, 0x4e0062f2, 0xed95066c,
  5168  		0x7ba5011b, 0xc1f40882, 0x57c40ff5, 0xc6d9b065, 0x50e9b712,
  5169  		0xeab8be8b, 0x7c88b9fc, 0xdf1ddd62, 0x492dda15, 0xf37cd38c,
  5170  		0x654cd4fb, 0x5861b24d, 0xce51b53a, 0x7400bca3, 0xe230bbd4,
  5171  		0x41a5df4a, 0xd795d83d, 0x6dc4d1a4, 0xfbf4d6d3, 0x6ae96943,
  5172  		0xfcd96e34, 0x468867ad, 0xd0b860da, 0x732d0444, 0xe51d0333,
  5173  		0x5f4c0aaa, 0xc97c0ddd, 0x3c710550, 0xaa410227, 0x10100bbe,
  5174  		0x86200cc9, 0x25b56857, 0xb3856f20, 0x09d466b9, 0x9fe461ce,
  5175  		0x0ef9de5e, 0x98c9d929, 0x2298d0b0, 0xb4a8d7c7, 0x173db359,
  5176  		0x810db42e, 0x3b5cbdb7, 0xad6cbac0, 0x2083b8ed, 0xb6b3bf9a,
  5177  		0x0ce2b603, 0x9ad2b174, 0x3947d5ea, 0xaf77d29d, 0x1526db04,
  5178  		0x8316dc73, 0x120b63e3, 0x843b6494, 0x3e6a6d0d, 0xa85a6a7a,
  5179  		0x0bcf0ee4, 0x9dff0993, 0x27ae000a, 0xb19e077d, 0x44930ff0,
  5180  		0xd2a30887, 0x68f2011e, 0xfec20669, 0x5d5762f7, 0xcb676580,
  5181  		0x71366c19, 0xe7066b6e, 0x761bd4fe, 0xe02bd389, 0x5a7ada10,
  5182  		0xcc4add67, 0x6fdfb9f9, 0xf9efbe8e, 0x43beb717, 0xd58eb060,
  5183  		0xe8a3d6d6, 0x7e93d1a1, 0xc4c2d838, 0x52f2df4f, 0xf167bbd1,
  5184  		0x6757bca6, 0xdd06b53f, 0x4b36b248, 0xda2b0dd8, 0x4c1b0aaf,
  5185  		0xf64a0336, 0x607a0441, 0xc3ef60df, 0x55df67a8, 0xef8e6e31,
  5186  		0x79be6946, 0x8cb361cb, 0x1a8366bc, 0xa0d26f25, 0x36e26852,
  5187  		0x95770ccc, 0x03470bbb, 0xb9160222, 0x2f260555, 0xbe3bbac5,
  5188  		0x280bbdb2, 0x925ab42b, 0x046ab35c, 0xa7ffd7c2, 0x31cfd0b5,
  5189  		0x8b9ed92c, 0x1daede5b, 0xb0c2649b, 0x26f263ec, 0x9ca36a75,
  5190  		0x0a936d02, 0xa906099c, 0x3f360eeb, 0x85670772, 0x13570005,
  5191  		0x824abf95, 0x147ab8e2, 0xae2bb17b, 0x381bb60c, 0x9b8ed292,
  5192  		0x0dbed5e5, 0xb7efdc7c, 0x21dfdb0b, 0xd4d2d386, 0x42e2d4f1,
  5193  		0xf8b3dd68, 0x6e83da1f, 0xcd16be81, 0x5b26b9f6, 0xe177b06f,
  5194  		0x7747b718, 0xe65a0888, 0x706a0fff, 0xca3b0666, 0x5c0b0111,
  5195  		0xff9e658f, 0x69ae62f8, 0xd3ff6b61, 0x45cf6c16, 0x78e20aa0,
  5196  		0xeed20dd7, 0x5483044e, 0xc2b30339, 0x612667a7, 0xf71660d0,
  5197  		0x4d476949, 0xdb776e3e, 0x4a6ad1ae, 0xdc5ad6d9, 0x660bdf40,
  5198  		0xf03bd837, 0x53aebca9, 0xc59ebbde, 0x7fcfb247, 0xe9ffb530,
  5199  		0x1cf2bdbd, 0x8ac2baca, 0x3093b353, 0xa6a3b424, 0x0536d0ba,
  5200  		0x9306d7cd, 0x2957de54, 0xbf67d923, 0x2e7a66b3, 0xb84a61c4,
  5201  		0x021b685d, 0x942b6f2a, 0x37be0bb4, 0xa18e0cc3, 0x1bdf055a,
  5202  		0x8def022d,
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  5204  	{
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  5207  		0x8ae8effa, 0xcbd9f4e3, 0x0c4fb5ac, 0x4d7eaeb5, 0x8e2d839e,
  5208  		0xcf1c9887, 0x5112c24a, 0x1023d953, 0xd370f478, 0x9241ef61,
  5209  		0x55d7ae2e, 0x14e6b537, 0xd7b5981c, 0x96848305, 0x59981b82,
  5210  		0x18a9009b, 0xdbfa2db0, 0x9acb36a9, 0x5d5d77e6, 0x1c6c6cff,
  5211  		0xdf3f41d4, 0x9e0e5acd, 0xa2248495, 0xe3159f8c, 0x2046b2a7,
  5212  		0x6177a9be, 0xa6e1e8f1, 0xe7d0f3e8, 0x2483dec3, 0x65b2c5da,
  5213  		0xaaae5d5d, 0xeb9f4644, 0x28cc6b6f, 0x69fd7076, 0xae6b3139,
  5214  		0xef5a2a20, 0x2c09070b, 0x6d381c12, 0xf33646df, 0xb2075dc6,
  5215  		0x715470ed, 0x30656bf4, 0xf7f32abb, 0xb6c231a2, 0x75911c89,
  5216  		0x34a00790, 0xfbbc9f17, 0xba8d840e, 0x79dea925, 0x38efb23c,
  5217  		0xff79f373, 0xbe48e86a, 0x7d1bc541, 0x3c2ade58, 0x054f79f0,
  5218  		0x447e62e9, 0x872d4fc2, 0xc61c54db, 0x018a1594, 0x40bb0e8d,
  5219  		0x83e823a6, 0xc2d938bf, 0x0dc5a038, 0x4cf4bb21, 0x8fa7960a,
  5220  		0xce968d13, 0x0900cc5c, 0x4831d745, 0x8b62fa6e, 0xca53e177,
  5221  		0x545dbbba, 0x156ca0a3, 0xd63f8d88, 0x970e9691, 0x5098d7de,
  5222  		0x11a9ccc7, 0xd2fae1ec, 0x93cbfaf5, 0x5cd76272, 0x1de6796b,
  5223  		0xdeb55440, 0x9f844f59, 0x58120e16, 0x1923150f, 0xda703824,
  5224  		0x9b41233d, 0xa76bfd65, 0xe65ae67c, 0x2509cb57, 0x6438d04e,
  5225  		0xa3ae9101, 0xe29f8a18, 0x21cca733, 0x60fdbc2a, 0xafe124ad,
  5226  		0xeed03fb4, 0x2d83129f, 0x6cb20986, 0xab2448c9, 0xea1553d0,
  5227  		0x29467efb, 0x687765e2, 0xf6793f2f, 0xb7482436, 0x741b091d,
  5228  		0x352a1204, 0xf2bc534b, 0xb38d4852, 0x70de6579, 0x31ef7e60,
  5229  		0xfef3e6e7, 0xbfc2fdfe, 0x7c91d0d5, 0x3da0cbcc, 0xfa368a83,
  5230  		0xbb07919a, 0x7854bcb1, 0x3965a7a8, 0x4b98833b, 0x0aa99822,
  5231  		0xc9fab509, 0x88cbae10, 0x4f5def5f, 0x0e6cf446, 0xcd3fd96d,
  5232  		0x8c0ec274, 0x43125af3, 0x022341ea, 0xc1706cc1, 0x804177d8,
  5233  		0x47d73697, 0x06e62d8e, 0xc5b500a5, 0x84841bbc, 0x1a8a4171,
  5234  		0x5bbb5a68, 0x98e87743, 0xd9d96c5a, 0x1e4f2d15, 0x5f7e360c,
  5235  		0x9c2d1b27, 0xdd1c003e, 0x120098b9, 0x533183a0, 0x9062ae8b,
  5236  		0xd153b592, 0x16c5f4dd, 0x57f4efc4, 0x94a7c2ef, 0xd596d9f6,
  5237  		0xe9bc07ae, 0xa88d1cb7, 0x6bde319c, 0x2aef2a85, 0xed796bca,
  5238  		0xac4870d3, 0x6f1b5df8, 0x2e2a46e1, 0xe136de66, 0xa007c57f,
  5239  		0x6354e854, 0x2265f34d, 0xe5f3b202, 0xa4c2a91b, 0x67918430,
  5240  		0x26a09f29, 0xb8aec5e4, 0xf99fdefd, 0x3accf3d6, 0x7bfde8cf,
  5241  		0xbc6ba980, 0xfd5ab299, 0x3e099fb2, 0x7f3884ab, 0xb0241c2c,
  5242  		0xf1150735, 0x32462a1e, 0x73773107, 0xb4e17048, 0xf5d06b51,
  5243  		0x3683467a, 0x77b25d63, 0x4ed7facb, 0x0fe6e1d2, 0xccb5ccf9,
  5244  		0x8d84d7e0, 0x4a1296af, 0x0b238db6, 0xc870a09d, 0x8941bb84,
  5245  		0x465d2303, 0x076c381a, 0xc43f1531, 0x850e0e28, 0x42984f67,
  5246  		0x03a9547e, 0xc0fa7955, 0x81cb624c, 0x1fc53881, 0x5ef42398,
  5247  		0x9da70eb3, 0xdc9615aa, 0x1b0054e5, 0x5a314ffc, 0x996262d7,
  5248  		0xd85379ce, 0x174fe149, 0x567efa50, 0x952dd77b, 0xd41ccc62,
  5249  		0x138a8d2d, 0x52bb9634, 0x91e8bb1f, 0xd0d9a006, 0xecf37e5e,
  5250  		0xadc26547, 0x6e91486c, 0x2fa05375, 0xe836123a, 0xa9070923,
  5251  		0x6a542408, 0x2b653f11, 0xe479a796, 0xa548bc8f, 0x661b91a4,
  5252  		0x272a8abd, 0xe0bccbf2, 0xa18dd0eb, 0x62defdc0, 0x23efe6d9,
  5253  		0xbde1bc14, 0xfcd0a70d, 0x3f838a26, 0x7eb2913f, 0xb924d070,
  5254  		0xf815cb69, 0x3b46e642, 0x7a77fd5b, 0xb56b65dc, 0xf45a7ec5,
  5255  		0x370953ee, 0x763848f7, 0xb1ae09b8, 0xf09f12a1, 0x33cc3f8a,
  5256  		0x72fd2493,
  5257  	},
  5258  	{
  5259  		0x00000000, 0x376ac201, 0x6ed48403, 0x59be4602, 0xdca80907,
  5260  		0xebc2cb06, 0xb27c8d04, 0x85164f05, 0xb851130e, 0x8f3bd10f,
  5261  		0xd685970d, 0xe1ef550c, 0x64f91a09, 0x5393d808, 0x0a2d9e0a,
  5262  		0x3d475c0b, 0x70a3261c, 0x47c9e41d, 0x1e77a21f, 0x291d601e,
  5263  		0xac0b2f1b, 0x9b61ed1a, 0xc2dfab18, 0xf5b56919, 0xc8f23512,
  5264  		0xff98f713, 0xa626b111, 0x914c7310, 0x145a3c15, 0x2330fe14,
  5265  		0x7a8eb816, 0x4de47a17, 0xe0464d38, 0xd72c8f39, 0x8e92c93b,
  5266  		0xb9f80b3a, 0x3cee443f, 0x0b84863e, 0x523ac03c, 0x6550023d,
  5267  		0x58175e36, 0x6f7d9c37, 0x36c3da35, 0x01a91834, 0x84bf5731,
  5268  		0xb3d59530, 0xea6bd332, 0xdd011133, 0x90e56b24, 0xa78fa925,
  5269  		0xfe31ef27, 0xc95b2d26, 0x4c4d6223, 0x7b27a022, 0x2299e620,
  5270  		0x15f32421, 0x28b4782a, 0x1fdeba2b, 0x4660fc29, 0x710a3e28,
  5271  		0xf41c712d, 0xc376b32c, 0x9ac8f52e, 0xada2372f, 0xc08d9a70,
  5272  		0xf7e75871, 0xae591e73, 0x9933dc72, 0x1c259377, 0x2b4f5176,
  5273  		0x72f11774, 0x459bd575, 0x78dc897e, 0x4fb64b7f, 0x16080d7d,
  5274  		0x2162cf7c, 0xa4748079, 0x931e4278, 0xcaa0047a, 0xfdcac67b,
  5275  		0xb02ebc6c, 0x87447e6d, 0xdefa386f, 0xe990fa6e, 0x6c86b56b,
  5276  		0x5bec776a, 0x02523168, 0x3538f369, 0x087faf62, 0x3f156d63,
  5277  		0x66ab2b61, 0x51c1e960, 0xd4d7a665, 0xe3bd6464, 0xba032266,
  5278  		0x8d69e067, 0x20cbd748, 0x17a11549, 0x4e1f534b, 0x7975914a,
  5279  		0xfc63de4f, 0xcb091c4e, 0x92b75a4c, 0xa5dd984d, 0x989ac446,
  5280  		0xaff00647, 0xf64e4045, 0xc1248244, 0x4432cd41, 0x73580f40,
  5281  		0x2ae64942, 0x1d8c8b43, 0x5068f154, 0x67023355, 0x3ebc7557,
  5282  		0x09d6b756, 0x8cc0f853, 0xbbaa3a52, 0xe2147c50, 0xd57ebe51,
  5283  		0xe839e25a, 0xdf53205b, 0x86ed6659, 0xb187a458, 0x3491eb5d,
  5284  		0x03fb295c, 0x5a456f5e, 0x6d2fad5f, 0x801b35e1, 0xb771f7e0,
  5285  		0xeecfb1e2, 0xd9a573e3, 0x5cb33ce6, 0x6bd9fee7, 0x3267b8e5,
  5286  		0x050d7ae4, 0x384a26ef, 0x0f20e4ee, 0x569ea2ec, 0x61f460ed,
  5287  		0xe4e22fe8, 0xd388ede9, 0x8a36abeb, 0xbd5c69ea, 0xf0b813fd,
  5288  		0xc7d2d1fc, 0x9e6c97fe, 0xa90655ff, 0x2c101afa, 0x1b7ad8fb,
  5289  		0x42c49ef9, 0x75ae5cf8, 0x48e900f3, 0x7f83c2f2, 0x263d84f0,
  5290  		0x115746f1, 0x944109f4, 0xa32bcbf5, 0xfa958df7, 0xcdff4ff6,
  5291  		0x605d78d9, 0x5737bad8, 0x0e89fcda, 0x39e33edb, 0xbcf571de,
  5292  		0x8b9fb3df, 0xd221f5dd, 0xe54b37dc, 0xd80c6bd7, 0xef66a9d6,
  5293  		0xb6d8efd4, 0x81b22dd5, 0x04a462d0, 0x33cea0d1, 0x6a70e6d3,
  5294  		0x5d1a24d2, 0x10fe5ec5, 0x27949cc4, 0x7e2adac6, 0x494018c7,
  5295  		0xcc5657c2, 0xfb3c95c3, 0xa282d3c1, 0x95e811c0, 0xa8af4dcb,
  5296  		0x9fc58fca, 0xc67bc9c8, 0xf1110bc9, 0x740744cc, 0x436d86cd,
  5297  		0x1ad3c0cf, 0x2db902ce, 0x4096af91, 0x77fc6d90, 0x2e422b92,
  5298  		0x1928e993, 0x9c3ea696, 0xab546497, 0xf2ea2295, 0xc580e094,
  5299  		0xf8c7bc9f, 0xcfad7e9e, 0x9613389c, 0xa179fa9d, 0x246fb598,
  5300  		0x13057799, 0x4abb319b, 0x7dd1f39a, 0x3035898d, 0x075f4b8c,
  5301  		0x5ee10d8e, 0x698bcf8f, 0xec9d808a, 0xdbf7428b, 0x82490489,
  5302  		0xb523c688, 0x88649a83, 0xbf0e5882, 0xe6b01e80, 0xd1dadc81,
  5303  		0x54cc9384, 0x63a65185, 0x3a181787, 0x0d72d586, 0xa0d0e2a9,
  5304  		0x97ba20a8, 0xce0466aa, 0xf96ea4ab, 0x7c78ebae, 0x4b1229af,
  5305  		0x12ac6fad, 0x25c6adac, 0x1881f1a7, 0x2feb33a6, 0x765575a4,
  5306  		0x413fb7a5, 0xc429f8a0, 0xf3433aa1, 0xaafd7ca3, 0x9d97bea2,
  5307  		0xd073c4b5, 0xe71906b4, 0xbea740b6, 0x89cd82b7, 0x0cdbcdb2,
  5308  		0x3bb10fb3, 0x620f49b1, 0x55658bb0, 0x6822d7bb, 0x5f4815ba,
  5309  		0x06f653b8, 0x319c91b9, 0xb48adebc, 0x83e01cbd, 0xda5e5abf,
  5310  		0xed3498be,
  5311  	},
  5312  	{
  5313  		0x00000000, 0x6567bcb8, 0x8bc809aa, 0xeeafb512, 0x5797628f,
  5314  		0x32f0de37, 0xdc5f6b25, 0xb938d79d, 0xef28b4c5, 0x8a4f087d,
  5315  		0x64e0bd6f, 0x018701d7, 0xb8bfd64a, 0xddd86af2, 0x3377dfe0,
  5316  		0x56106358, 0x9f571950, 0xfa30a5e8, 0x149f10fa, 0x71f8ac42,
  5317  		0xc8c07bdf, 0xada7c767, 0x43087275, 0x266fcecd, 0x707fad95,
  5318  		0x1518112d, 0xfbb7a43f, 0x9ed01887, 0x27e8cf1a, 0x428f73a2,
  5319  		0xac20c6b0, 0xc9477a08, 0x3eaf32a0, 0x5bc88e18, 0xb5673b0a,
  5320  		0xd00087b2, 0x6938502f, 0x0c5fec97, 0xe2f05985, 0x8797e53d,
  5321  		0xd1878665, 0xb4e03add, 0x5a4f8fcf, 0x3f283377, 0x8610e4ea,
  5322  		0xe3775852, 0x0dd8ed40, 0x68bf51f8, 0xa1f82bf0, 0xc49f9748,
  5323  		0x2a30225a, 0x4f579ee2, 0xf66f497f, 0x9308f5c7, 0x7da740d5,
  5324  		0x18c0fc6d, 0x4ed09f35, 0x2bb7238d, 0xc518969f, 0xa07f2a27,
  5325  		0x1947fdba, 0x7c204102, 0x928ff410, 0xf7e848a8, 0x3d58149b,
  5326  		0x583fa823, 0xb6901d31, 0xd3f7a189, 0x6acf7614, 0x0fa8caac,
  5327  		0xe1077fbe, 0x8460c306, 0xd270a05e, 0xb7171ce6, 0x59b8a9f4,
  5328  		0x3cdf154c, 0x85e7c2d1, 0xe0807e69, 0x0e2fcb7b, 0x6b4877c3,
  5329  		0xa20f0dcb, 0xc768b173, 0x29c70461, 0x4ca0b8d9, 0xf5986f44,
  5330  		0x90ffd3fc, 0x7e5066ee, 0x1b37da56, 0x4d27b90e, 0x284005b6,
  5331  		0xc6efb0a4, 0xa3880c1c, 0x1ab0db81, 0x7fd76739, 0x9178d22b,
  5332  		0xf41f6e93, 0x03f7263b, 0x66909a83, 0x883f2f91, 0xed589329,
  5333  		0x546044b4, 0x3107f80c, 0xdfa84d1e, 0xbacff1a6, 0xecdf92fe,
  5334  		0x89b82e46, 0x67179b54, 0x027027ec, 0xbb48f071, 0xde2f4cc9,
  5335  		0x3080f9db, 0x55e74563, 0x9ca03f6b, 0xf9c783d3, 0x176836c1,
  5336  		0x720f8a79, 0xcb375de4, 0xae50e15c, 0x40ff544e, 0x2598e8f6,
  5337  		0x73888bae, 0x16ef3716, 0xf8408204, 0x9d273ebc, 0x241fe921,
  5338  		0x41785599, 0xafd7e08b, 0xcab05c33, 0x3bb659ed, 0x5ed1e555,
  5339  		0xb07e5047, 0xd519ecff, 0x6c213b62, 0x094687da, 0xe7e932c8,
  5340  		0x828e8e70, 0xd49eed28, 0xb1f95190, 0x5f56e482, 0x3a31583a,
  5341  		0x83098fa7, 0xe66e331f, 0x08c1860d, 0x6da63ab5, 0xa4e140bd,
  5342  		0xc186fc05, 0x2f294917, 0x4a4ef5af, 0xf3762232, 0x96119e8a,
  5343  		0x78be2b98, 0x1dd99720, 0x4bc9f478, 0x2eae48c0, 0xc001fdd2,
  5344  		0xa566416a, 0x1c5e96f7, 0x79392a4f, 0x97969f5d, 0xf2f123e5,
  5345  		0x05196b4d, 0x607ed7f5, 0x8ed162e7, 0xebb6de5f, 0x528e09c2,
  5346  		0x37e9b57a, 0xd9460068, 0xbc21bcd0, 0xea31df88, 0x8f566330,
  5347  		0x61f9d622, 0x049e6a9a, 0xbda6bd07, 0xd8c101bf, 0x366eb4ad,
  5348  		0x53090815, 0x9a4e721d, 0xff29cea5, 0x11867bb7, 0x74e1c70f,
  5349  		0xcdd91092, 0xa8beac2a, 0x46111938, 0x2376a580, 0x7566c6d8,
  5350  		0x10017a60, 0xfeaecf72, 0x9bc973ca, 0x22f1a457, 0x479618ef,
  5351  		0xa939adfd, 0xcc5e1145, 0x06ee4d76, 0x6389f1ce, 0x8d2644dc,
  5352  		0xe841f864, 0x51792ff9, 0x341e9341, 0xdab12653, 0xbfd69aeb,
  5353  		0xe9c6f9b3, 0x8ca1450b, 0x620ef019, 0x07694ca1, 0xbe519b3c,
  5354  		0xdb362784, 0x35999296, 0x50fe2e2e, 0x99b95426, 0xfcdee89e,
  5355  		0x12715d8c, 0x7716e134, 0xce2e36a9, 0xab498a11, 0x45e63f03,
  5356  		0x208183bb, 0x7691e0e3, 0x13f65c5b, 0xfd59e949, 0x983e55f1,
  5357  		0x2106826c, 0x44613ed4, 0xaace8bc6, 0xcfa9377e, 0x38417fd6,
  5358  		0x5d26c36e, 0xb389767c, 0xd6eecac4, 0x6fd61d59, 0x0ab1a1e1,
  5359  		0xe41e14f3, 0x8179a84b, 0xd769cb13, 0xb20e77ab, 0x5ca1c2b9,
  5360  		0x39c67e01, 0x80fea99c, 0xe5991524, 0x0b36a036, 0x6e511c8e,
  5361  		0xa7166686, 0xc271da3e, 0x2cde6f2c, 0x49b9d394, 0xf0810409,
  5362  		0x95e6b8b1, 0x7b490da3, 0x1e2eb11b, 0x483ed243, 0x2d596efb,
  5363  		0xc3f6dbe9, 0xa6916751, 0x1fa9b0cc, 0x7ace0c74, 0x9461b966,
  5364  		0xf10605de,
  5365  	},
  5366  } /* crc32.h:5:25 */
  5368  // =========================================================================
  5369  // This function can be used by asm versions of crc32()
  5370  func Xget_crc_table(tls *libc.TLS) uintptr { /* crc32.c:188:19: */
  5371  	return uintptr(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)))
  5372  }
  5374  // =========================================================================
  5376  // =========================================================================
  5377  func Xcrc32_z(tls *libc.TLS, crc uint32, buf uintptr, len Z_size_t) uint32 { /* crc32.c:202:23: */
  5378  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
  5379  	defer tls.Free(4)
  5381  	if buf == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  5382  		return 0
  5383  	}
  5385  	if uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))) == uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Ptrdiff_t(0))) {
  5386  		// var endian Z_crc_t at bp, 4
  5388  		*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* endian */)) = Z_crc_t(1)
  5389  		if *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &endian */)) != 0 {
  5390  			return crc32_little(tls, crc, buf, len)
  5391  		} else {
  5392  			return crc32_big(tls, crc, buf, len)
  5393  		}
  5394  	}
  5395  	crc = (crc ^ 0xffffffff)
  5396  	for len >= Z_size_t(8) {
  5397  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5398  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5399  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5400  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5401  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5402  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5403  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5404  		crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5405  		len = len - (Z_size_t(8))
  5406  	}
  5407  	if len != 0 {
  5408  		for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&len, 1) != 0 {
  5409  			crc = (uint32(*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((int32(crc)^(int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))&0xff))*4))) ^ (crc >> 8))
  5410  		}
  5411  	}
  5412  	return (crc ^ 0xffffffff)
  5413  }
  5415  // =========================================================================
  5416  func Xcrc32(tls *libc.TLS, crc uint32, buf uintptr, len UInt) uint32 { /* crc32.c:237:23: */
  5417  	return Xcrc32_z(tls, crc, buf, len)
  5418  }
  5420  //
  5421  //    This BYFOUR code accesses the passed unsigned char * buffer with a 32-bit
  5422  //    integer pointer type. This violates the strict aliasing rule, where a
  5423  //    compiler can assume, for optimization purposes, that two pointers to
  5424  //    fundamentally different types won't ever point to the same memory. This can
  5425  //    manifest as a problem only if one of the pointers is written to. This code
  5426  //    only reads from those pointers. So long as this code remains isolated in
  5427  //    this compilation unit, there won't be a problem. For this reason, this code
  5428  //    should not be copied and pasted into a compilation unit in which other code
  5429  //    writes to the buffer that is passed to these routines.
  5430  //
  5432  // =========================================================================
  5434  // =========================================================================
  5435  func crc32_little(tls *libc.TLS, crc uint32, buf uintptr, len Z_size_t) uint32 { /* crc32.c:266:21: */
  5436  	var c Z_crc_t
  5437  	var buf4 uintptr
  5439  	c = Z_crc_t(crc)
  5440  	c = ^c
  5441  	for (len != 0) && ((Ptrdiff_t(buf) & 3) != 0) {
  5442  		c = (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((c^Z_crc_t(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1)))))&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ (c >> 8))
  5443  		len--
  5444  	}
  5446  	buf4 = buf
  5447  	for len >= Z_size_t(32) {
  5448  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5449  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5450  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5451  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5452  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5453  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5454  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5455  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5456  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5457  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5458  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5459  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5460  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5461  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5462  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5463  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5464  		len = len - (Z_size_t(32))
  5465  	}
  5466  	for len >= Z_size_t(4) {
  5467  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5468  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 3*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 2*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 1*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5469  		len = len - (Z_size_t(4))
  5470  	}
  5471  	buf = buf4
  5473  	if len != 0 {
  5474  		for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&len, 1) != 0 {
  5475  			c = (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table))) + uintptr(((c^Z_crc_t(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1)))))&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ (c >> 8))
  5476  		}
  5477  	}
  5478  	c = ^c
  5479  	return uint32(c)
  5480  }
  5482  // =========================================================================
  5484  // =========================================================================
  5485  func crc32_big(tls *libc.TLS, crc uint32, buf uintptr, len Z_size_t) uint32 { /* crc32.c:306:21: */
  5486  	var c Z_crc_t
  5487  	var buf4 uintptr
  5489  	c = ((((((Z_crc_t(crc)) >> 24) & Z_crc_t(0xff)) + (((Z_crc_t(crc)) >> 8) & Z_crc_t(0xff00))) + (((Z_crc_t(crc)) & Z_crc_t(0xff00)) << 8)) + (((Z_crc_t(crc)) & Z_crc_t(0xff)) << 24))
  5490  	c = ^c
  5491  	for (len != 0) && ((Ptrdiff_t(buf) & 3) != 0) {
  5492  		c = (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr(((c>>24)^Z_crc_t(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))*4)) ^ (c << 8))
  5493  		len--
  5494  	}
  5496  	buf4 = buf
  5497  	for len >= Z_size_t(32) {
  5498  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5499  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5500  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5501  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5502  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5503  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5504  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5505  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5506  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5507  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5508  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5509  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5510  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5511  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5512  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5513  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5514  		len = len - (Z_size_t(32))
  5515  	}
  5516  	for len >= Z_size_t(4) {
  5517  		c = c ^ (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf4, 4))))
  5518  		c = (((*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr((c&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4)) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 5*1024) + uintptr(((c>>8)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 6*1024) + uintptr(((c>>16)&Z_crc_t(0xff)))*4))) ^ *(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 7*1024) + uintptr((c>>24))*4)))
  5519  		len = len - (Z_size_t(4))
  5520  	}
  5521  	buf = buf4
  5523  	if len != 0 {
  5524  		for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&len, 1) != 0 {
  5525  			c = (*(*Z_crc_t)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&crc_table)) + 4*1024) + uintptr(((c>>24)^Z_crc_t(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&buf, 1))))))*4)) ^ (c << 8))
  5526  		}
  5527  	}
  5528  	c = ^c
  5529  	return (uint32((((((c) >> 24) & Z_crc_t(0xff)) + (((c) >> 8) & Z_crc_t(0xff00))) + (((c) & Z_crc_t(0xff00)) << 8)) + (((c) & Z_crc_t(0xff)) << 24)))
  5530  }
  5532  // =========================================================================
  5533  func gf2_matrix_times(tls *libc.TLS, mat uintptr, vec uint32) uint32 { /* crc32.c:344:21: */
  5534  	var sum uint32
  5536  	sum = uint32(0)
  5537  	for vec != 0 {
  5538  		if (vec & uint32(1)) != 0 {
  5539  			sum = sum ^ (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(mat)))
  5540  		}
  5541  		vec >>= 1
  5542  		mat += 4
  5543  	}
  5544  	return sum
  5545  }
  5547  // =========================================================================
  5548  func gf2_matrix_square(tls *libc.TLS, square uintptr, mat uintptr) { /* crc32.c:361:12: */
  5549  	var n int32
  5551  	for n = 0; n < GF2_DIM; n++ {
  5552  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(square + uintptr(n)*4)) = gf2_matrix_times(tls, mat, *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(mat + uintptr(n)*4)))
  5553  	}
  5554  }
  5556  // =========================================================================
  5557  func crc32_combine_(tls *libc.TLS, crc1 ULong, crc2 ULong, len2 Off64_t) ULong { /* crc32.c:372:13: */
  5558  	bp := tls.Alloc(256)
  5559  	defer tls.Free(256)
  5561  	var n int32
  5562  	var row uint32
  5563  	// var even [32]uint32 at bp+128, 128
  5564  	// even-power-of-two zeros operator
  5565  	// var odd [32]uint32 at bp, 128
  5566  	// odd-power-of-two zeros operator
  5568  	// degenerate case (also disallow negative lengths)
  5569  	if len2 <= int64(0) {
  5570  		return crc1
  5571  	}
  5573  	// put operator for one zero bit in odd
  5574  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &odd[0] */)) = 0xedb88320 // CRC-32 polynomial
  5575  	row = uint32(1)
  5576  	for n = 1; n < GF2_DIM; n++ {
  5577  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &odd[0] */ + uintptr(n)*4)) = row
  5578  		row <<= 1
  5579  	}
  5581  	// put operator for two zero bits in even
  5582  	gf2_matrix_square(tls, bp+128 /* &even[0] */, bp /* &odd[0] */)
  5584  	// put operator for four zero bits in odd
  5585  	gf2_matrix_square(tls, bp /* &odd[0] */, bp+128 /* &even[0] */)
  5587  	// apply len2 zeros to crc1 (first square will put the operator for one
  5588  	//        zero byte, eight zero bits, in even)
  5589  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (len2 != int64(0)) {
  5590  		// apply zeros operator for this bit of len2
  5591  		gf2_matrix_square(tls, bp+128 /* &even[0] */, bp /* &odd[0] */)
  5592  		if (len2 & int64(1)) != 0 {
  5593  			crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(tls, bp+128 /* &even[0] */, crc1)
  5594  		}
  5595  		len2 >>= 1
  5597  		// if no more bits set, then done
  5598  		if len2 == int64(0) {
  5599  			break
  5600  		}
  5602  		// another iteration of the loop with odd and even swapped
  5603  		gf2_matrix_square(tls, bp /* &odd[0] */, bp+128 /* &even[0] */)
  5604  		if (len2 & int64(1)) != 0 {
  5605  			crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(tls, bp /* &odd[0] */, crc1)
  5606  		}
  5607  		len2 >>= 1
  5609  		// if no more bits set, then done
  5610  	}
  5612  	// return combined crc
  5613  	crc1 = crc1 ^ (crc2)
  5614  	return crc1
  5615  }
  5617  // =========================================================================
  5618  func Xcrc32_combine(tls *libc.TLS, crc1 ULong, crc2 ULong, len2 Off_t) ULong { /* crc32.c:428:15: */
  5619  	return crc32_combine_(tls, crc1, crc2, len2)
  5620  }
  5622  func Xcrc32_combine64(tls *libc.TLS, crc1 ULong, crc2 ULong, len2 Off64_t) ULong { /* crc32.c:436:15: */
  5623  	return crc32_combine_(tls, crc1, crc2, len2)
  5624  }
  5626  // Reverse the bytes in a 32-bit value
  5628  // define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
  5629  //    trailer creation by deflate().  NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
  5630  //    the crc code when it is not needed.  For shared libraries, gzip encoding
  5631  //    should be left enabled.
  5633  // ===========================================================================
  5634  // Internal compression state.
  5636  // number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code
  5638  // number of literal bytes 0..255
  5640  // number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code
  5642  // number of distance codes
  5644  // number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths
  5646  // maximum heap size
  5648  // All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits
  5650  // size of bit buffer in bi_buf
  5652  // Stream status
  5654  // Data structure describing a single value and its code string.
  5655  type Ct_data_s = struct {
  5656  	Ffc struct{ Ffreq Ush }
  5657  	Fdl struct{ Fdad Ush }
  5658  } /* zlib.h:84:1 */
  5660  // Reverse the bytes in a 32-bit value
  5662  // define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
  5663  //    trailer creation by deflate().  NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
  5664  //    the crc code when it is not needed.  For shared libraries, gzip encoding
  5665  //    should be left enabled.
  5667  // ===========================================================================
  5668  // Internal compression state.
  5670  // number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code
  5672  // number of literal bytes 0..255
  5674  // number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code
  5676  // number of distance codes
  5678  // number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths
  5680  // maximum heap size
  5682  // All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits
  5684  // size of bit buffer in bi_buf
  5686  // Stream status
  5688  // Data structure describing a single value and its code string.
  5689  type Ct_data = Ct_data_s /* deflate.h:77:7 */
  5691  type Static_tree_desc_s = struct {
  5692  	Fstatic_tree uintptr
  5693  	Fextra_bits  uintptr
  5694  	Fextra_base  int32
  5695  	Felems       int32
  5696  	Fmax_length  int32
  5697  } /* deflate.h:84:9 */
  5699  type Tree_desc_s = struct {
  5700  	Fdyn_tree  uintptr
  5701  	Fmax_code  int32
  5702  	Fstat_desc uintptr
  5703  } /* zlib.h:84:1 */
  5705  type Tree_desc = Tree_desc_s /* deflate.h:90:7 */
  5707  type Pos = Ush     /* deflate.h:92:13 */
  5708  type Posf = Pos    /* deflate.h:93:17 */
  5709  type IPos = uint32 /* deflate.h:94:18 */
  5711  // A Pos is an index in the character window. We use short instead of int to
  5712  // save space in the various tables. IPos is used only for parameter passing.
  5714  type Deflate_state = Internal_state /* deflate.h:276:7 */
  5716  var Xdeflate_copyright = *(*[69]int8)(unsafe.Pointer(ts + 7 /* " deflate 1.2.11 ..." */)) /* deflate.c:54:12 */
  5717  //
  5718  //   If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
  5719  //   in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
  5720  //   include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this
  5721  //   copyright string in the executable of your product.
  5722  //
  5724  // ===========================================================================
  5725  //  Function prototypes.
  5726  type Block_state = uint32 /* deflate.c:71:3 */
  5728  type Compress_func = uintptr /* deflate.c:73:21 */
  5730  // ===========================================================================
  5731  // Local data
  5733  // Tail of hash chains
  5735  // Matches of length 3 are discarded if their distance exceeds TOO_FAR
  5737  // Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on
  5738  // the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to
  5739  // exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be
  5740  // found for specific files.
  5741  type Config_s = struct {
  5742  	Fgood_length Ush
  5743  	Fmax_lazy    Ush
  5744  	Fnice_length Ush
  5745  	Fmax_chain   Ush
  5746  	Ffunc        Compress_func
  5747  } /* deflate.c:120:9 */
  5749  // ===========================================================================
  5750  // Local data
  5752  // Tail of hash chains
  5754  // Matches of length 3 are discarded if their distance exceeds TOO_FAR
  5756  // Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on
  5757  // the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to
  5758  // exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be
  5759  // found for specific files.
  5760  type Config = Config_s /* deflate.c:126:3 */
  5762  var configuration_table = [10]Config{
  5763  	//      good lazy nice chain
  5764  	/* 0 */ {Ffunc: 0}, // store only
  5765  	/* 1 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(4), Fmax_lazy: Ush(4), Fnice_length: Ush(8), Fmax_chain: Ush(4), Ffunc: 0}, // max speed, no lazy matches
  5766  	/* 2 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(4), Fmax_lazy: Ush(5), Fnice_length: Ush(16), Fmax_chain: Ush(8), Ffunc: 0},
  5767  	/* 3 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(4), Fmax_lazy: Ush(6), Fnice_length: Ush(32), Fmax_chain: Ush(32), Ffunc: 0},
  5769  	/* 4 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(4), Fmax_lazy: Ush(4), Fnice_length: Ush(16), Fmax_chain: Ush(16), Ffunc: 0}, // lazy matches
  5770  	/* 5 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(8), Fmax_lazy: Ush(16), Fnice_length: Ush(32), Fmax_chain: Ush(32), Ffunc: 0},
  5771  	/* 6 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(8), Fmax_lazy: Ush(16), Fnice_length: Ush(128), Fmax_chain: Ush(128), Ffunc: 0},
  5772  	/* 7 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(8), Fmax_lazy: Ush(32), Fnice_length: Ush(128), Fmax_chain: Ush(256), Ffunc: 0},
  5773  	/* 8 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(32), Fmax_lazy: Ush(128), Fnice_length: Ush(258), Fmax_chain: Ush(1024), Ffunc: 0},
  5774  	/* 9 */ {Fgood_length: Ush(32), Fmax_lazy: Ush(258), Fnice_length: Ush(258), Fmax_chain: Ush(4096), Ffunc: 0}} /* deflate.c:134:20 */
  5776  // max compression
  5778  // Note: the deflate() code requires max_lazy >= MIN_MATCH and max_chain >= 4
  5779  // For deflate_fast() (levels <= 3) good is ignored and lazy has a different
  5780  // meaning.
  5782  // rank Z_BLOCK between Z_NO_FLUSH and Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH
  5784  // ===========================================================================
  5785  // Update a hash value with the given input byte
  5786  // IN  assertion: all calls to UPDATE_HASH are made with consecutive input
  5787  //    characters, so that a running hash key can be computed from the previous
  5788  //    key instead of complete recalculation each time.
  5790  // ===========================================================================
  5791  // Insert string str in the dictionary and set match_head to the previous head
  5792  // of the hash chain (the most recent string with same hash key). Return
  5793  // the previous length of the hash chain.
  5794  // If this file is compiled with -DFASTEST, the compression level is forced
  5795  // to 1, and no hash chains are maintained.
  5796  // IN  assertion: all calls to INSERT_STRING are made with consecutive input
  5797  //    characters and the first MIN_MATCH bytes of str are valid (except for
  5798  //    the last MIN_MATCH-1 bytes of the input file).
  5800  // ===========================================================================
  5801  // Initialize the hash table (avoiding 64K overflow for 16 bit systems).
  5802  // prev[] will be initialized on the fly.
  5804  // ===========================================================================
  5805  // Slide the hash table when sliding the window down (could be avoided with 32
  5806  // bit values at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0 to
  5807  // keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0 later.
  5808  func slide_hash(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* deflate.c:201:12: */
  5809  	var n uint32
  5810  	var m uint32
  5811  	var p uintptr
  5812  	var wsize UInt = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  5814  	n = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size
  5815  	p = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr(n)*2)
  5816  	for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&n, 1) != 0 {
  5817  		m = uint32(*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreDecUintptr(&p, 2))))
  5818  		*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = func() uint16 {
  5819  			if m >= wsize {
  5820  				return (uint16(m - wsize))
  5821  			}
  5822  			return uint16(NIL)
  5823  		}()
  5824  	}
  5825  	n = wsize
  5826  	p = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev + uintptr(n)*2)
  5827  	for ok1 := true; ok1; ok1 = libc.PreDecUint32(&n, 1) != 0 {
  5828  		m = uint32(*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreDecUintptr(&p, 2))))
  5829  		*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = func() uint16 {
  5830  			if m >= wsize {
  5831  				return (uint16(m - wsize))
  5832  			}
  5833  			return uint16(NIL)
  5834  		}()
  5835  		// If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but
  5836  		// its value will never be used.
  5837  	}
  5838  }
  5840  // =========================================================================
  5841  func XdeflateInit_(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, level int32, version uintptr, stream_size int32) int32 { /* deflate.c:228:13: */
  5842  	return XdeflateInit2_(tls, strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL,
  5843  		Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, version, stream_size)
  5844  	// To do: ignore strm->next_in if we use it as window
  5845  }
  5847  // =========================================================================
  5848  func XdeflateInit2_(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, level int32, method int32, windowBits int32, memLevel int32, strategy int32, version uintptr, stream_size int32) int32 { /* deflate.c:240:13: */
  5849  	var s uintptr
  5850  	var wrap int32 = 1
  5851  	var overlay uintptr
  5852  	// We overlay pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf. This works since the average
  5853  	// output size for (length,distance) codes is <= 24 bits.
  5855  	if ((version == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(version))) != int32(my_version[0]))) || (uint32(stream_size) != uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{}))) {
  5856  		return -6
  5857  	}
  5858  	if strm == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  5859  		return -2
  5860  	}
  5862  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = uintptr(Z_NULL)
  5863  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc == uintptr(0) {
  5864  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
  5865  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, uint32, uint32) Voidpf
  5866  		}{Xzcalloc}))
  5867  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque = uintptr(0)
  5868  	}
  5869  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree == uintptr(0) {
  5870  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
  5871  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
  5872  		}{Xzcfree}))
  5873  	}
  5875  	if level == (-1) {
  5876  		level = 6
  5877  	}
  5879  	if windowBits < 0 { // suppress zlib wrapper
  5880  		wrap = 0
  5881  		windowBits = -windowBits
  5882  	} else if windowBits > 15 {
  5883  		wrap = 2 // write gzip wrapper instead
  5884  		windowBits = windowBits - (16)
  5885  	}
  5886  	if (((((((((memLevel < 1) || (memLevel > MAX_MEM_LEVEL)) || (method != Z_DEFLATED)) || (windowBits < 8)) || (windowBits > 15)) || (level < 0)) || (level > 9)) || (strategy < 0)) || (strategy > Z_FIXED)) || ((windowBits == 8) && (wrap != 1)) {
  5887  		return -2
  5888  	}
  5889  	if windowBits == 8 {
  5890  		windowBits = 9
  5891  	} // until 256-byte window bug fixed
  5892  	s = (*struct {
  5893  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  5894  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, uint32(1), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Deflate_state{})))
  5895  	if s == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  5896  		return -4
  5897  	}
  5898  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = s
  5899  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm = strm
  5900  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = INIT_STATE // to pass state test in deflateReset()
  5902  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap = wrap
  5903  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead = Gz_headerp(Z_NULL)
  5904  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_bits = UInt(windowBits)
  5905  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size = (UInt(int32(1) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_bits))
  5906  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size - UInt(1))
  5908  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_bits = (UInt(memLevel) + UInt(7))
  5909  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size = (UInt(int32(1) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_bits))
  5910  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size - UInt(1))
  5911  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift = ((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_bits + UInt(MIN_MATCH)) - UInt(1)) / UInt(MIN_MATCH))
  5913  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow = (*struct {
  5914  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  5915  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size, (uint32(2) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Byte(0)))))
  5916  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev = (*struct {
  5917  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  5918  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Pos(0))))
  5919  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead = (*struct {
  5920  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  5921  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Pos(0))))
  5923  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water = Ulg(0) // nothing written to s->window yet
  5925  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize = (UInt(int32(1) << (memLevel + 6))) // 16K elements by default
  5927  	overlay = (*struct {
  5928  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  5929  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize, (uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0))) + uint32(2)))
  5930  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf = overlay
  5931  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size = (Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize) * (uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0))) + uint32(2)))
  5933  	if ((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf == uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
  5934  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = FINISH_STATE
  5935  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = Xz_errmsg[(Z_NEED_DICT - (-4))]
  5936  		XdeflateEnd(tls, strm)
  5937  		return -4
  5938  	}
  5939  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf = (overlay + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize/UInt(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0)))))*2)
  5940  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((uint32(1) + uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0)))) * (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize)))
  5942  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel = level
  5943  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy = strategy
  5944  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmethod = Byte(method)
  5946  	return XdeflateReset(tls, strm)
  5947  }
  5949  var my_version = *(*[7]int8)(unsafe.Pointer(ts /* "1.2.11" */)) /* deflate.c:253:23 */
  5951  // =========================================================================
  5952  // Check for a valid deflate stream state. Return 0 if ok, 1 if not.
  5953  func deflateStateCheck(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* deflate.c:353:11: */
  5954  	var s uintptr
  5955  	if ((strm == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc == uintptr(0))) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree == uintptr(0)) {
  5956  		return 1
  5957  	}
  5958  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  5959  	if ((s == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm != strm)) || (((((((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != INIT_STATE) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != GZIP_STATE)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != EXTRA_STATE)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != NAME_STATE)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != COMMENT_STATE)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != HCRC_STATE)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != BUSY_STATE)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != FINISH_STATE)) {
  5960  		return 1
  5961  	}
  5962  	return 0
  5963  }
  5965  // =========================================================================
  5966  func XdeflateSetDictionary(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, dictionary uintptr, dictLength UInt) int32 { /* deflate.c:376:13: */
  5967  	var s uintptr
  5968  	var str UInt
  5969  	var n UInt
  5970  	var wrap int32
  5971  	var avail uint32
  5972  	var next uintptr
  5974  	if (deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0) || (dictionary == uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
  5975  		return -2
  5976  	}
  5977  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  5978  	wrap = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap
  5979  	if ((wrap == 2) || ((wrap == 1) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != INIT_STATE))) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead != 0) {
  5980  		return -2
  5981  	}
  5983  	// when using zlib wrappers, compute Adler-32 for provided dictionary
  5984  	if wrap == 1 {
  5985  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xadler32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, dictionary, dictLength)
  5986  	}
  5987  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap = 0 // avoid computing Adler-32 in read_buf
  5989  	// if dictionary would fill window, just replace the history
  5990  	if dictLength >= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size {
  5991  		if wrap == 0 { // already empty otherwise
  5992  			*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size-UInt(1)))*2)) = Posf(NIL)
  5993  			libc.Xmemset(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead, 0, (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size - UInt(1)) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Posf(0)))))
  5995  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart = UInt(0)
  5996  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = 0
  5997  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = UInt(0)
  5998  		}
  5999  		dictionary += (uintptr(dictLength - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)) // use the tail
  6000  		dictLength = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  6001  	}
  6003  	// insert dictionary into window and hash
  6004  	avail = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
  6005  	next = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
  6006  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = dictLength
  6007  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = dictionary
  6008  	fill_window(tls, s)
  6009  	for (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead >= UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  6010  		str = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart
  6011  		n = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead - (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1)))
  6012  		for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&n, 1) != 0 {
  6013  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(((str + UInt(MIN_MATCH)) - UInt(1)))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  6014  			*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev + uintptr((str&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask))*2)) = *(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2))
  6015  			*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2)) = Pos(str)
  6016  			str++
  6017  		}
  6018  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart = str
  6019  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead = (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))
  6020  		fill_window(tls, s)
  6021  	}
  6022  	*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) += ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)
  6023  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  6024  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead
  6025  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead = UInt(0)
  6026  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = libc.AssignPtrUint32(s+120 /* &.prev_length */, (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1)))
  6027  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available = 0
  6028  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = next
  6029  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = avail
  6030  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap = wrap
  6031  	return Z_OK
  6032  }
  6034  // =========================================================================
  6035  func XdeflateGetDictionary(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, dictionary uintptr, dictLength uintptr) int32 { /* deflate.c:445:13: */
  6036  	var s uintptr
  6037  	var len UInt
  6039  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6040  		return -2
  6041  	}
  6042  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6043  	len = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart + (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)
  6044  	if len > (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size {
  6045  		len = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  6046  	}
  6047  	if (dictionary != uintptr(Z_NULL)) && (len != 0) {
  6048  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, dictionary, ((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)) - uintptr(len)), len)
  6049  	}
  6050  	if dictLength != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6051  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(dictLength)) = len
  6052  	}
  6053  	return Z_OK
  6054  }
  6056  // =========================================================================
  6057  func XdeflateResetKeep(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* deflate.c:467:13: */
  6058  	var s uintptr
  6060  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6061  		return -2
  6062  	}
  6064  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in = libc.AssignPtrUint32(strm+20 /* &.total_out */, ULong(0))
  6065  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = uintptr(Z_NULL) // use zfree if we ever allocate msg dynamically
  6066  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fdata_type = Z_UNKNOWN
  6068  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6069  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending = Ulg(0)
  6070  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_out = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf
  6072  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap < 0 {
  6073  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap = -(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap // was made negative by deflate(..., Z_FINISH);
  6074  	}
  6075  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = func() int32 {
  6076  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap == 2 {
  6077  			return GZIP_STATE
  6078  		}
  6079  		return func() int32 {
  6080  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap != 0 {
  6081  				return INIT_STATE
  6082  			}
  6083  			return BUSY_STATE
  6084  		}()
  6085  	}()
  6086  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = func() uint32 {
  6087  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap == 2 {
  6088  			return Xcrc32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
  6089  		}
  6090  		return Xadler32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
  6091  	}()
  6092  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH
  6094  	X_tr_init(tls, s)
  6096  	return Z_OK
  6097  }
  6099  // =========================================================================
  6100  func XdeflateReset(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* deflate.c:505:13: */
  6101  	var ret int32
  6103  	ret = XdeflateResetKeep(tls, strm)
  6104  	if ret == Z_OK {
  6105  		lm_init(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)
  6106  	}
  6107  	return ret
  6108  }
  6110  // =========================================================================
  6111  func XdeflateSetHeader(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, head Gz_headerp) int32 { /* deflate.c:517:13: */
  6112  	if (deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0) || ((*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fwrap != 2) {
  6113  		return -2
  6114  	}
  6115  	(*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fgzhead = head
  6116  	return Z_OK
  6117  }
  6119  // =========================================================================
  6120  func XdeflatePending(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, pending uintptr, bits uintptr) int32 { /* deflate.c:528:13: */
  6121  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6122  		return -2
  6123  	}
  6124  	if pending != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6125  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(pending)) = uint32((*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fpending)
  6126  	}
  6127  	if bits != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6128  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(bits)) = (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fbi_valid
  6129  	}
  6130  	return Z_OK
  6131  }
  6133  // =========================================================================
  6134  func XdeflatePrime(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, bits int32, value int32) int32 { /* deflate.c:542:13: */
  6135  	var s uintptr
  6136  	var put int32
  6138  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6139  		return -2
  6140  	}
  6141  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6142  	if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf) < ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_out + uintptr((int32((Buf_size + 7)) >> 3))) {
  6143  		return -5
  6144  	}
  6145  	for ok := true; ok; ok = bits != 0 {
  6146  		put = (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)
  6147  		if put > bits {
  6148  			put = bits
  6149  		}
  6150  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush((value & ((int32(1) << put) - 1)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))))
  6151  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (put)
  6152  		X_tr_flush_bits(tls, s)
  6153  		value >>= put
  6154  		bits = bits - (put)
  6155  	}
  6156  	return Z_OK
  6157  }
  6159  // =========================================================================
  6160  func XdeflateParams(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, level int32, strategy int32) int32 { /* deflate.c:568:13: */
  6161  	var s uintptr
  6162  	var func1 Compress_func
  6164  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6165  		return -2
  6166  	}
  6167  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6169  	if level == (-1) {
  6170  		level = 6
  6171  	}
  6172  	if (((level < 0) || (level > 9)) || (strategy < 0)) || (strategy > Z_FIXED) {
  6173  		return -2
  6174  	}
  6175  	func1 = configuration_table[(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel].Ffunc
  6177  	if ((strategy != (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy) || (func1 != configuration_table[level].Ffunc)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water != 0) {
  6178  		// Flush the last buffer:
  6179  		var err int32 = Xdeflate(tls, strm, Z_BLOCK)
  6180  		if err == (-2) {
  6181  			return err
  6182  		}
  6183  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  6184  			return -5
  6185  		}
  6186  	}
  6187  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel != level {
  6188  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel == 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches != UInt(0)) {
  6189  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches == UInt(1) {
  6190  				slide_hash(tls, s)
  6191  			} else {
  6192  				*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size-UInt(1)))*2)) = Posf(NIL)
  6193  			}
  6194  			libc.Xmemset(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead, 0, (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size - UInt(1)) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Posf(0)))))
  6196  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches = UInt(0)
  6197  		}
  6198  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel = level
  6199  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_lazy_match = UInt(configuration_table[level].Fmax_lazy)
  6200  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgood_match = UInt(configuration_table[level].Fgood_length)
  6201  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fnice_match = int32(configuration_table[level].Fnice_length)
  6202  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_chain_length = UInt(configuration_table[level].Fmax_chain)
  6203  	}
  6204  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy = strategy
  6205  	return Z_OK
  6206  }
  6208  // =========================================================================
  6209  func XdeflateTune(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, good_length int32, max_lazy int32, nice_length int32, max_chain int32) int32 { /* deflate.c:617:13: */
  6210  	var s uintptr
  6212  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6213  		return -2
  6214  	}
  6215  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6216  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgood_match = UInt(good_length)
  6217  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_lazy_match = UInt(max_lazy)
  6218  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fnice_match = nice_length
  6219  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_chain_length = UInt(max_chain)
  6220  	return Z_OK
  6221  }
  6223  // =========================================================================
  6224  // For the default windowBits of 15 and memLevel of 8, this function returns
  6225  // a close to exact, as well as small, upper bound on the compressed size.
  6226  // They are coded as constants here for a reason--if the #define's are
  6227  // changed, then this function needs to be changed as well.  The return
  6228  // value for 15 and 8 only works for those exact settings.
  6229  //
  6230  // For any setting other than those defaults for windowBits and memLevel,
  6231  // the value returned is a conservative worst case for the maximum expansion
  6232  // resulting from using fixed blocks instead of stored blocks, which deflate
  6233  // can emit on compressed data for some combinations of the parameters.
  6234  //
  6235  // This function could be more sophisticated to provide closer upper bounds for
  6236  // every combination of windowBits and memLevel.  But even the conservative
  6237  // upper bound of about 14% expansion does not seem onerous for output buffer
  6238  // allocation.
  6239  func XdeflateBound(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, sourceLen ULong) ULong { /* deflate.c:652:15: */
  6240  	var s uintptr
  6241  	var complen ULong
  6242  	var wraplen ULong
  6244  	// conservative upper bound for compressed data
  6245  	complen = (((sourceLen + ((sourceLen + ULong(7)) >> 3)) + ((sourceLen + ULong(63)) >> 6)) + ULong(5))
  6247  	// if can't get parameters, return conservative bound plus zlib wrapper
  6248  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6249  		return (complen + ULong(6))
  6250  	}
  6252  	// compute wrapper length
  6253  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6254  	switch (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap {
  6255  	case 0: // raw deflate
  6256  		wraplen = ULong(0)
  6257  		break
  6258  	case 1: // zlib wrapper
  6259  		wraplen = (ULong(6 + (func() int32 {
  6260  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart != 0 {
  6261  				return 4
  6262  			}
  6263  			return 0
  6264  		}())))
  6265  		break
  6266  	case 2: // gzip wrapper
  6267  		wraplen = ULong(18)
  6268  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead != uintptr(Z_NULL) { // user-supplied gzip header
  6269  			var str uintptr
  6270  			if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6271  				wraplen = wraplen + (ULong(UInt(2) + (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra_len))
  6272  			}
  6273  			str = (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fname
  6274  			if str != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6275  				for ok := true; ok; ok = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&str, 1))) != 0 {
  6276  					wraplen++
  6277  				}
  6278  			}
  6279  			str = (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fcomment
  6280  			if str != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6281  				for ok1 := true; ok1; ok1 = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&str, 1))) != 0 {
  6282  					wraplen++
  6283  				}
  6284  			}
  6285  			if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0 {
  6286  				wraplen = wraplen + (ULong(2))
  6287  			}
  6288  		}
  6289  		break
  6290  	default: // for compiler happiness
  6291  		wraplen = ULong(6)
  6292  	}
  6294  	// if not default parameters, return conservative bound
  6295  	if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_bits != UInt(15)) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_bits != (UInt(8 + 7))) {
  6296  		return (complen + wraplen)
  6297  	}
  6299  	// default settings: return tight bound for that case
  6300  	return ((((((sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12)) + (sourceLen >> 14)) + (sourceLen >> 25)) + ULong(13)) - ULong(6)) + wraplen)
  6301  }
  6303  // =========================================================================
  6304  // Put a short in the pending buffer. The 16-bit value is put in MSB order.
  6305  // IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in
  6306  // pending_buf.
  6307  func putShortMSB(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, b UInt) { /* deflate.c:716:12: */
  6308  	{
  6309  		*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(b >> 8))
  6310  	}
  6312  	{
  6313  		*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(b & UInt(0xff)))
  6314  	}
  6316  }
  6318  // =========================================================================
  6319  // Flush as much pending output as possible. All deflate() output, except for
  6320  // some deflate_stored() output, goes through this function so some
  6321  // applications may wish to modify it to avoid allocating a large
  6322  // strm->next_out buffer and copying into it. (See also read_buf()).
  6323  func flush_pending(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) { /* deflate.c:730:12: */
  6324  	var len uint32
  6325  	var s uintptr = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6327  	X_tr_flush_bits(tls, s)
  6328  	len = uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending)
  6329  	if len > (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out {
  6330  		len = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out
  6331  	}
  6332  	if len == uint32(0) {
  6333  		return
  6334  	}
  6336  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_out, len)
  6337  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 12 /* &.next_out */)) += (uintptr(len))
  6338  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 16 /* &.pending_out */)) += (uintptr(len))
  6339  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 20 /* &.total_out */)) += (ULong(len))
  6340  	*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 16 /* &.avail_out */)) -= (len)
  6341  	*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 20 /* &.pending */)) -= (Ulg(len))
  6342  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending == Ulg(0) {
  6343  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_out = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf
  6344  	}
  6345  }
  6347  // ===========================================================================
  6348  // Update the header CRC with the bytes s->pending_buf[beg..s->pending - 1].
  6350  // =========================================================================
  6351  func Xdeflate(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, flush int32) int32 { /* deflate.c:763:13: */
  6352  	var old_flush int32 // value of flush param for previous deflate call
  6353  	var s uintptr
  6355  	if ((deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0) || (flush > Z_BLOCK)) || (flush < 0) {
  6356  		return -2
  6357  	}
  6358  	s = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
  6360  	if (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != UInt(0)) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in == uintptr(Z_NULL)))) || (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == FINISH_STATE) && (flush != Z_FINISH)) {
  6361  		return func() int32 { (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = Xz_errmsg[(Z_NEED_DICT - (-2))]; return -2 }()
  6362  	}
  6363  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  6364  		return func() int32 { (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = Xz_errmsg[(Z_NEED_DICT - (-5))]; return -5 }()
  6365  	}
  6367  	old_flush = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush
  6368  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = flush
  6370  	// Flush as much pending output as possible
  6371  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6372  		flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6373  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  6374  			// Since avail_out is 0, deflate will be called again with
  6375  			// more output space, but possibly with both pending and
  6376  			// avail_in equal to zero. There won't be anything to do,
  6377  			// but this is not an error situation so make sure we
  6378  			// return OK instead of BUF_ERROR at next call of deflate:
  6379  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6380  			return Z_OK
  6381  		}
  6383  		// Make sure there is something to do and avoid duplicate consecutive
  6384  		// flushes. For repeated and useless calls with Z_FINISH, we keep
  6385  		// returning Z_STREAM_END instead of Z_BUF_ERROR.
  6386  	} else if (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0)) && ((((flush) * 2) - (func() int32 {
  6387  		if (flush) > 4 {
  6388  			return 9
  6389  		}
  6390  		return 0
  6391  	}())) <= (((old_flush) * 2) - (func() int32 {
  6392  		if (old_flush) > 4 {
  6393  			return 9
  6394  		}
  6395  		return 0
  6396  	}())))) && (flush != Z_FINISH) {
  6397  		return func() int32 { (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = Xz_errmsg[(Z_NEED_DICT - (-5))]; return -5 }()
  6398  	}
  6400  	// User must not provide more input after the first FINISH:
  6401  	if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == FINISH_STATE) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != UInt(0)) {
  6402  		return func() int32 { (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = Xz_errmsg[(Z_NEED_DICT - (-5))]; return -5 }()
  6403  	}
  6405  	// Write the header
  6406  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == INIT_STATE {
  6407  		// zlib header
  6408  		var header UInt = ((UInt(Z_DEFLATED) + (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_bits - UInt(8)) << 4)) << 8)
  6409  		var level_flags UInt
  6411  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel < 2) {
  6412  			level_flags = UInt(0)
  6413  		} else if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel < 6 {
  6414  			level_flags = UInt(1)
  6415  		} else if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel == 6 {
  6416  			level_flags = UInt(2)
  6417  		} else {
  6418  			level_flags = UInt(3)
  6419  		}
  6420  		header = header | (level_flags << 6)
  6421  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart != UInt(0) {
  6422  			header = header | (UInt(PRESET_DICT))
  6423  		}
  6424  		header = header + (UInt(31) - (header % UInt(31)))
  6426  		putShortMSB(tls, s, header)
  6428  		// Save the adler32 of the preset dictionary:
  6429  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart != UInt(0) {
  6430  			putShortMSB(tls, s, (UInt((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler >> 16)))
  6431  			putShortMSB(tls, s, (UInt((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler & ULong(0xffff))))
  6432  		}
  6433  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xadler32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
  6434  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = BUSY_STATE
  6436  		// Compression must start with an empty pending buffer
  6437  		flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6438  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6439  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6440  			return Z_OK
  6441  		}
  6442  	}
  6443  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == GZIP_STATE {
  6444  		// gzip header
  6445  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
  6446  		{
  6447  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(31)
  6448  		}
  6450  		{
  6451  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(139)
  6452  		}
  6454  		{
  6455  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(8)
  6456  		}
  6458  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6459  			{
  6460  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(0)
  6461  			}
  6463  			{
  6464  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(0)
  6465  			}
  6467  			{
  6468  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(0)
  6469  			}
  6471  			{
  6472  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(0)
  6473  			}
  6475  			{
  6476  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(0)
  6477  			}
  6479  			{
  6480  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = func() uint8 {
  6481  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel == 9 {
  6482  						return uint8(2)
  6483  					}
  6484  					return func() uint8 {
  6485  						if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel < 2) {
  6486  							return uint8(4)
  6487  						}
  6488  						return uint8(0)
  6489  					}()
  6490  				}()
  6491  			}
  6493  			{
  6494  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(OS_CODE)
  6495  			}
  6497  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = BUSY_STATE
  6499  			// Compression must start with an empty pending buffer
  6500  			flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6501  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6502  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6503  				return Z_OK
  6504  			}
  6505  		} else {
  6506  			{
  6507  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Bytef(((((func() int32 {
  6508  					if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Ftext != 0 {
  6509  						return 1
  6510  					}
  6511  					return 0
  6512  				}()) + (func() int32 {
  6513  					if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0 {
  6514  						return 2
  6515  					}
  6516  					return 0
  6517  				}())) + (func() int32 {
  6518  					if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6519  						return 0
  6520  					}
  6521  					return 4
  6522  				}())) + (func() int32 {
  6523  					if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fname == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6524  						return 0
  6525  					}
  6526  					return 8
  6527  				}())) + (func() int32 {
  6528  					if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fcomment == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6529  						return 0
  6530  					}
  6531  					return 16
  6532  				}())))
  6533  			}
  6535  			{
  6536  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Ftime & ULong(0xff)))
  6537  			}
  6539  			{
  6540  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Ftime >> 8) & ULong(0xff)))
  6541  			}
  6543  			{
  6544  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Ftime >> 16) & ULong(0xff)))
  6545  			}
  6547  			{
  6548  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Ftime >> 24) & ULong(0xff)))
  6549  			}
  6551  			{
  6552  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = func() uint8 {
  6553  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel == 9 {
  6554  						return uint8(2)
  6555  					}
  6556  					return func() uint8 {
  6557  						if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel < 2) {
  6558  							return uint8(4)
  6559  						}
  6560  						return uint8(0)
  6561  					}()
  6562  				}()
  6563  			}
  6565  			{
  6566  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Bytef((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fos & 0xff))
  6567  			}
  6569  			if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6570  				{
  6571  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Bytef((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra_len & UInt(0xff)))
  6572  				}
  6574  				{
  6575  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Bytef(((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra_len >> 8) & UInt(0xff)))
  6576  				}
  6578  			}
  6579  			if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0 {
  6580  				(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf,
  6581  					uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending))
  6582  			}
  6583  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex = Ulg(0)
  6584  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = EXTRA_STATE
  6585  		}
  6586  	}
  6587  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == EXTRA_STATE {
  6588  		if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6589  			var beg Ulg = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending // start of bytes to update crc
  6590  			var left UInt = (UInt((Ulg((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra_len & UInt(0xffff))) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex))
  6591  			for ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending + Ulg(left)) > (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size {
  6592  				var copy UInt = (UInt((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending))
  6593  				libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending)),
  6594  					((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex)), copy)
  6595  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size
  6596  				for ok := true; ok; ok = 0 != 0 {
  6597  					if ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending > (beg)) {
  6598  						(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((beg))), (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - (beg))))
  6599  					}
  6600  				}
  6601  				*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 32 /* &.gzindex */)) += (Ulg(copy))
  6602  				flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6603  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6604  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6605  					return Z_OK
  6606  				}
  6607  				beg = Ulg(0)
  6608  				left = left - (copy)
  6609  			}
  6610  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending)),
  6611  				((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fextra + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex)), left)
  6612  			*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 20 /* &.pending */)) += (Ulg(left))
  6613  			for ok1 := true; ok1; ok1 = 0 != 0 {
  6614  				if ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending > (beg)) {
  6615  					(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((beg))), (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - (beg))))
  6616  				}
  6617  			}
  6618  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex = Ulg(0)
  6619  		}
  6620  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = NAME_STATE
  6621  	}
  6622  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == NAME_STATE {
  6623  		if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fname != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6624  			var beg Ulg = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending // start of bytes to update crc
  6625  			var val int32
  6626  			for ok2 := true; ok2; ok2 = (val != 0) {
  6627  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending == (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size {
  6628  					for ok3 := true; ok3; ok3 = 0 != 0 {
  6629  						if ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending > (beg)) {
  6630  							(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((beg))), (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - (beg))))
  6631  						}
  6632  					}
  6633  					flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6634  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6635  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6636  						return Z_OK
  6637  					}
  6638  					beg = Ulg(0)
  6639  				}
  6640  				val = int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fname + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex, 1)))))
  6641  				{
  6642  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(val)
  6643  				}
  6645  			}
  6646  			for ok4 := true; ok4; ok4 = 0 != 0 {
  6647  				if ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending > (beg)) {
  6648  					(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((beg))), (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - (beg))))
  6649  				}
  6650  			}
  6651  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex = Ulg(0)
  6652  		}
  6653  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = COMMENT_STATE
  6654  	}
  6655  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == COMMENT_STATE {
  6656  		if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fcomment != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6657  			var beg Ulg = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending // start of bytes to update crc
  6658  			var val int32
  6659  			for ok5 := true; ok5; ok5 = (val != 0) {
  6660  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending == (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size {
  6661  					for ok6 := true; ok6; ok6 = 0 != 0 {
  6662  						if ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending > (beg)) {
  6663  							(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((beg))), (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - (beg))))
  6664  						}
  6665  					}
  6666  					flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6667  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6668  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6669  						return Z_OK
  6670  					}
  6671  					beg = Ulg(0)
  6672  				}
  6673  				val = int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fcomment + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzindex, 1)))))
  6674  				{
  6675  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Bytef(val)
  6676  				}
  6678  			}
  6679  			for ok7 := true; ok7; ok7 = 0 != 0 {
  6680  				if ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending > (beg)) {
  6681  					(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((beg))), (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - (beg))))
  6682  				}
  6683  			}
  6684  		}
  6685  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = HCRC_STATE
  6686  	}
  6687  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus == HCRC_STATE {
  6688  		if (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgzhead)).Fhcrc != 0 {
  6689  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending + Ulg(2)) > (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size {
  6690  				flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6691  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6692  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6693  					return Z_OK
  6694  				}
  6695  			}
  6696  			{
  6697  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler & ULong(0xff)))
  6698  			}
  6700  			{
  6701  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler >> 8) & ULong(0xff)))
  6702  			}
  6704  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
  6705  		}
  6706  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = BUSY_STATE
  6708  		// Compression must start with an empty pending buffer
  6709  		flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6710  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6711  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1
  6712  			return Z_OK
  6713  		}
  6714  	}
  6716  	// Start a new block or continue the current one.
  6717  	if (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != UInt(0)) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead != UInt(0))) || ((flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus != FINISH_STATE)) {
  6718  		var bstate Block_state
  6720  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel == 0 {
  6721  			bstate = deflate_stored(tls, s, flush)
  6722  		} else {
  6723  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy == Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY {
  6724  				bstate = deflate_huff(tls, s, flush)
  6725  			} else {
  6726  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy == Z_RLE {
  6727  					bstate = deflate_rle(tls, s, flush)
  6728  				} else {
  6729  					bstate = (*struct {
  6730  						f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state
  6731  					})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{configuration_table[(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel].Ffunc})).f(tls, s, flush)
  6732  				}
  6733  			}
  6734  		}
  6736  		if (bstate == Finish_started) || (bstate == Finish_done) {
  6737  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatus = FINISH_STATE
  6738  		}
  6739  		if (bstate == Need_more) || (bstate == Finish_started) {
  6740  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  6741  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1 // avoid BUF_ERROR next call, see above
  6742  			}
  6743  			return Z_OK
  6744  			// If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && avail_out == 0, the next call
  6745  			// of deflate should use the same flush parameter to make sure
  6746  			// that the flush is complete. So we don't have to output an
  6747  			// empty block here, this will be done at next call. This also
  6748  			// ensures that for a very small output buffer, we emit at most
  6749  			// one empty block.
  6750  		}
  6751  		if bstate == Block_done {
  6752  			if flush == Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH {
  6753  				X_tr_align(tls, s)
  6754  			} else if flush != Z_BLOCK { // FULL_FLUSH or SYNC_FLUSH
  6755  				X_tr_stored_block(tls, s, uintptr(0), uint32(0), 0)
  6756  				// For a full flush, this empty block will be recognized
  6757  				// as a special marker by inflate_sync().
  6758  				if flush == Z_FULL_FLUSH {
  6759  					*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size-UInt(1)))*2)) = Posf(NIL)
  6760  					libc.Xmemset(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead, 0, (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size - UInt(1)) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Posf(0)))))
  6761  					// forget history
  6762  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0) {
  6763  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart = UInt(0)
  6764  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = 0
  6765  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = UInt(0)
  6766  					}
  6767  				}
  6768  			}
  6769  			flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6770  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  6771  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_flush = -1 // avoid BUF_ERROR at next call, see above
  6772  				return Z_OK
  6773  			}
  6774  		}
  6775  	}
  6777  	if flush != Z_FINISH {
  6778  		return Z_OK
  6779  	}
  6780  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap <= 0 {
  6781  		return Z_STREAM_END
  6782  	}
  6784  	// Write the trailer
  6785  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap == 2 {
  6786  		{
  6787  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler & ULong(0xff)))
  6788  		}
  6790  		{
  6791  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler >> 8) & ULong(0xff)))
  6792  		}
  6794  		{
  6795  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler >> 16) & ULong(0xff)))
  6796  		}
  6798  		{
  6799  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler >> 24) & ULong(0xff)))
  6800  		}
  6802  		{
  6803  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in & ULong(0xff)))
  6804  		}
  6806  		{
  6807  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in >> 8) & ULong(0xff)))
  6808  		}
  6810  		{
  6811  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in >> 16) & ULong(0xff)))
  6812  		}
  6814  		{
  6815  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Byte(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in >> 24) & ULong(0xff)))
  6816  		}
  6818  	} else {
  6819  		putShortMSB(tls, s, (UInt((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler >> 16)))
  6820  		putShortMSB(tls, s, (UInt((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler & ULong(0xffff))))
  6821  	}
  6822  	flush_pending(tls, strm)
  6823  	// If avail_out is zero, the application will call deflate again
  6824  	// to flush the rest.
  6825  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap > 0 {
  6826  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap = -(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwrap
  6827  	} // write the trailer only once!
  6828  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending != Ulg(0) {
  6829  		return Z_OK
  6830  	}
  6831  	return Z_STREAM_END
  6832  }
  6834  // =========================================================================
  6835  func XdeflateEnd(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* deflate.c:1076:13: */
  6836  	var status int32
  6838  	if deflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
  6839  		return -2
  6840  	}
  6842  	status = (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fstatus
  6844  	/* Deallocate in reverse order of allocations: */
  6845  	{
  6846  		if (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fpending_buf != 0 {
  6847  			(*struct {
  6848  				f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
  6849  			})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fpending_buf)
  6850  		}
  6851  	}
  6853  	{
  6854  		if (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fhead != 0 {
  6855  			(*struct {
  6856  				f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
  6857  			})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fhead)
  6858  		}
  6859  	}
  6861  	{
  6862  		if (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fprev != 0 {
  6863  			(*struct {
  6864  				f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
  6865  			})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fprev)
  6866  		}
  6867  	}
  6869  	{
  6870  		if (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fwindow != 0 {
  6871  			(*struct {
  6872  				f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
  6873  			})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fwindow)
  6874  		}
  6875  	}
  6877  	(*struct {
  6878  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
  6879  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)
  6880  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = uintptr(Z_NULL)
  6882  	if status == BUSY_STATE {
  6883  		return -3
  6884  	}
  6885  	return Z_OK
  6886  }
  6888  // =========================================================================
  6889  // Copy the source state to the destination state.
  6890  // To simplify the source, this is not supported for 16-bit MSDOS (which
  6891  // doesn't have enough memory anyway to duplicate compression states).
  6892  func XdeflateCopy(tls *libc.TLS, dest Z_streamp, source Z_streamp) int32 { /* deflate.c:1102:13: */
  6893  	var ds uintptr
  6894  	var ss uintptr
  6895  	var overlay uintptr
  6897  	if (deflateStateCheck(tls, source) != 0) || (dest == uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
  6898  		return -2
  6899  	}
  6901  	ss = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(source)).Fstate
  6903  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, dest, source, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))
  6905  	ds = (*struct {
  6906  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  6907  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((dest))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fopaque, uint32(1), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Deflate_state{})))
  6908  	if ds == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
  6909  		return -4
  6910  	}
  6911  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fstate = ds
  6912  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ds, ss, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Deflate_state{})))
  6913  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fstrm = dest
  6915  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fwindow = (*struct {
  6916  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  6917  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((dest))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fw_size, (uint32(2) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Byte(0)))))
  6918  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fprev = (*struct {
  6919  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  6920  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((dest))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fw_size, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Pos(0))))
  6921  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fhead = (*struct {
  6922  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  6923  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((dest))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fhash_size, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Pos(0))))
  6924  	overlay = (*struct {
  6925  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
  6926  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((dest))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fopaque, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Flit_bufsize, (uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0))) + uint32(2)))
  6927  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_buf = overlay
  6929  	if ((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fwindow == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fprev == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fhead == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_buf == uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
  6930  		XdeflateEnd(tls, dest)
  6931  		return -4
  6932  	}
  6933  	// following zmemcpy do not work for 16-bit MSDOS
  6934  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fwindow, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ss)).Fwindow, (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fw_size * UInt(2)) * UInt(unsafe.Sizeof(Byte(0)))))
  6935  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fprev, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ss)).Fprev, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fw_size * UInt(unsafe.Sizeof(Pos(0)))))
  6936  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fhead, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ss)).Fhead, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fhash_size * UInt(unsafe.Sizeof(Pos(0)))))
  6937  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_buf, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ss)).Fpending_buf, UInt((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_buf_size))
  6939  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_out = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ss)).Fpending_out) - int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ss)).Fpending_buf)) / 1)))
  6940  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fd_buf = (overlay + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Flit_bufsize/UInt(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0)))))*2)
  6941  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fl_buf = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((uint32(1) + uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Ush(0)))) * (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Flit_bufsize)))
  6943  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fl_desc.Fdyn_tree = ds + 148   /* &.dyn_ltree */
  6944  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fd_desc.Fdyn_tree = ds + 2440  /* &.dyn_dtree */
  6945  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(ds)).Fbl_desc.Fdyn_tree = ds + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */
  6947  	return Z_OK
  6948  }
  6950  // ===========================================================================
  6951  // Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32
  6952  // and total number of bytes read.  All deflate() input goes through
  6953  // this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid
  6954  // allocating a large strm->next_in buffer and copying from it.
  6955  // (See also flush_pending()).
  6956  func read_buf(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, buf uintptr, size uint32) uint32 { /* deflate.c:1164:16: */
  6957  	var len uint32 = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
  6959  	if len > size {
  6960  		len = size
  6961  	}
  6962  	if len == uint32(0) {
  6963  		return uint32(0)
  6964  	}
  6966  	*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 4 /* &.avail_in */)) -= (len)
  6968  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, buf, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in, len)
  6969  	if (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fwrap == 1 {
  6970  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xadler32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, buf, len)
  6971  	} else if (*Internal_state)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)).Fwrap == 2 {
  6972  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = Xcrc32(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler, buf, len)
  6973  	}
  6974  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(strm /* &.next_in */)) += (uintptr(len))
  6975  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 8 /* &.total_in */)) += (ULong(len))
  6977  	return len
  6978  }
  6980  // ===========================================================================
  6981  // Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new zlib stream
  6982  func lm_init(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* deflate.c:1194:12: */
  6983  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size = (Ulg(2) * Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size))
  6985  	*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size-UInt(1)))*2)) = Posf(NIL)
  6986  	libc.Xmemset(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead, 0, (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_size - UInt(1)) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Posf(0)))))
  6988  	// Set the default configuration parameters:
  6989  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_lazy_match = UInt(configuration_table[(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel].Fmax_lazy)
  6990  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgood_match = UInt(configuration_table[(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel].Fgood_length)
  6991  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fnice_match = int32(configuration_table[(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel].Fnice_length)
  6992  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_chain_length = UInt(configuration_table[(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel].Fmax_chain)
  6994  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart = UInt(0)
  6995  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = 0
  6996  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead = UInt(0)
  6997  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = UInt(0)
  6998  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = libc.AssignPtrUint32(s+120 /* &.prev_length */, (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1)))
  6999  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available = 0
  7000  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = UInt(0)
  7001  }
  7003  // ===========================================================================
  7004  // Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and
  7005  // return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded,
  7006  // in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is
  7007  // garbage.
  7008  // IN assertions: cur_match is the head of the hash chain for the current
  7009  //   string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1
  7010  // OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead.
  7011  // For 80x86 and 680x0, an optimized version will be provided in match.asm or
  7012  // match.S. The code will be functionally equivalent.
  7013  func longest_match(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, cur_match IPos) UInt { /* deflate.c:1236:12: */
  7014  	var chain_length uint32 = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_chain_length                                           // max hash chain length
  7015  	var scan uintptr = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) // current string
  7016  	var match uintptr                                                                                                         // matched string
  7017  	var len int32                                                                                                             // length of current match
  7018  	var best_len int32 = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length)                                              // best match length so far
  7019  	var nice_match int32 = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fnice_match                                                    // stop if match long enough
  7020  	var limit IPos
  7021  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart > ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer((s))).Fw_size - (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1))) {
  7022  		limit = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer((s))).Fw_size - (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1))))
  7023  	} else {
  7024  		limit = uint32(NIL)
  7025  	}
  7026  	// Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code,
  7027  	// we prevent matches with the string of window index 0.
  7028  	var prev uintptr = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev
  7029  	var wmask UInt = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask
  7031  	var strend uintptr = (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) + uintptr(MAX_MATCH))
  7032  	var scan_end1 Byte = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan + uintptr((best_len - 1))))
  7033  	var scan_end Byte = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan + uintptr(best_len)))
  7035  	// The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.
  7036  	// It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary.
  7038  	// Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match:
  7039  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length >= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fgood_match {
  7040  		chain_length >>= 2
  7041  	}
  7042  	// Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. This is necessary
  7043  	// to make deflate deterministic.
  7044  	if UInt(nice_match) > (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead {
  7045  		nice_match = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)
  7046  	}
  7048  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (((libc.AssignUint32(&cur_match, IPos(*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer(prev + uintptr((cur_match&wmask))*2))))) > limit) &&
  7049  		(libc.PreDecUint32(&chain_length, 1) != uint32(0))) {
  7051  		match = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(cur_match))
  7053  		// Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase
  7054  		// or if the match length is less than 2.  Note that the checks below
  7055  		// for insufficient lookahead only occur occasionally for performance
  7056  		// reasons.  Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed, and
  7057  		// conditional jumps will be made that depend on those values.
  7058  		// However the length of the match is limited to the lookahead, so
  7059  		// the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values.
  7061  		if (((int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(match + uintptr(best_len)))) != int32(scan_end)) || (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(match + uintptr((best_len - 1))))) != int32(scan_end1))) || (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(match))) != int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan))))) || (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))) != int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan + 1)))) {
  7062  			continue
  7063  		}
  7065  		// The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made
  7066  		// again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.)
  7067  		// It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they
  7068  		// are always equal when the other bytes match, given that
  7069  		// the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8.
  7070  		scan += uintptr(2)
  7071  		match++
  7073  		// We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison;
  7074  		// the 256th check will be made at strstart+258.
  7075  		for ok1 := true; ok1; ok1 = (((((((((int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))) == int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&match, 1)))))) && (scan < strend)) {
  7076  		}
  7078  		len = (MAX_MATCH - ((int32(strend) - int32(scan)) / 1))
  7079  		scan = (strend - uintptr(MAX_MATCH))
  7081  		if len > best_len {
  7082  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_start = cur_match
  7083  			best_len = len
  7084  			if len >= nice_match {
  7085  				break
  7086  			}
  7087  			scan_end1 = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan + uintptr((best_len - 1))))
  7088  			scan_end = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan + uintptr(best_len)))
  7089  		}
  7090  	}
  7092  	if UInt(best_len) <= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead {
  7093  		return UInt(best_len)
  7094  	}
  7095  	return (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead
  7096  }
  7098  // ===========================================================================
  7099  // Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient.
  7100  // Updates strstart and lookahead.
  7101  //
  7102  // IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD
  7103  // OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD
  7104  //    At least one byte has been read, or avail_in == 0; reads are
  7105  //    performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol
  7106  //    option -- not supported here).
  7107  func fill_window(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* deflate.c:1482:12: */
  7108  	var n uint32
  7109  	var more uint32 // Amount of free space at the end of the window.
  7110  	var wsize UInt = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  7112  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead < (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1))) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in != UInt(0))) {
  7113  		more = (uint32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size - Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)) - Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)))
  7115  		// Deal with !@#$% 64K limit:
  7116  		if uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) <= uint32(2) {
  7117  			if ((more == uint32(0)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart == UInt(0))) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0)) {
  7118  				more = wsize
  7120  			} else if more == libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1)) {
  7121  				// Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if
  7122  				// strstart == 0 && lookahead == 1 (input done a byte at time)
  7123  				more--
  7124  			}
  7125  		}
  7127  		// If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead,
  7128  		// move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half.
  7129  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart >= (wsize + ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer((s))).Fw_size - (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1)))) {
  7131  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(wsize)), (wsize - more))
  7132  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 112 /* &.match_start */)) -= (wsize)
  7133  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) -= (wsize) // we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST
  7134  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 92 /* &.block_start */)) -= (int32(wsize))
  7135  			slide_hash(tls, s)
  7136  			more = more + (wsize)
  7137  		}
  7138  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  7139  			break
  7140  		}
  7142  		// If there was no sliding:
  7143  		//    strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 &&
  7144  		//    more == window_size - lookahead - strstart
  7145  		// => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1)
  7146  		// => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2
  7147  		// In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported),
  7148  		//   window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD  &&
  7149  		//   strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD.
  7150  		// Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2.
  7151  		// If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2.
  7153  		n = read_buf(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm, (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)), more)
  7154  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 116 /* &.lookahead */)) += (n)
  7156  		// Initialize the hash value now that we have some input:
  7157  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead + (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert) >= UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  7158  			var str UInt = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert)
  7159  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(str))))
  7160  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((str + UInt(1)))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7161  			for (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert != 0 {
  7162  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(((str + UInt(MIN_MATCH)) - UInt(1)))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7163  				*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev + uintptr((str&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask))*2)) = *(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2))
  7164  				*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2)) = Pos(str)
  7165  				str++
  7166  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert--
  7167  				if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead + (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert) < UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  7168  					break
  7169  				}
  7170  			}
  7171  		}
  7172  		// If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage,
  7173  		// but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted.
  7175  	}
  7177  	// If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been
  7178  	// written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of
  7179  	// the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by
  7180  	// the longest match routines.  Update the high water mark for the next
  7181  	// time through here.  WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match
  7182  	// routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead.
  7183  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water < (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size {
  7184  		var curr Ulg = (Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) + (Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead)))
  7185  		var init1 Ulg
  7187  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water < curr {
  7188  			// Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT
  7189  			// bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less.
  7190  			init1 = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size - curr)
  7191  			if init1 > Ulg(MAX_MATCH) {
  7192  				init1 = Ulg(MAX_MATCH)
  7193  			}
  7194  			libc.Xmemset(tls, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(curr)), 0, uint32(init1))
  7195  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water = (curr + init1)
  7196  		} else if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water < (curr + Ulg(MAX_MATCH)) {
  7197  			// High water mark at or above current data, but below current data
  7198  			// plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up
  7199  			// to end of window, whichever is less.
  7200  			init1 = ((curr + Ulg(MAX_MATCH)) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water)
  7201  			if init1 > ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water) {
  7202  				init1 = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water)
  7203  			}
  7204  			libc.Xmemset(tls, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water)), 0, uint32(init1))
  7205  			*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5824 /* &.high_water */)) += (init1)
  7206  		}
  7207  	}
  7209  }
  7211  // ===========================================================================
  7212  // Flush the current block, with given end-of-file flag.
  7213  // IN assertion: strstart is set to the end of the current match.
  7215  // Same but force premature exit if necessary.
  7217  // Maximum stored block length in deflate format (not including header).
  7219  // Minimum of a and b.
  7221  // ===========================================================================
  7222  // Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return
  7223  // the current block state.
  7224  //
  7225  // In case deflateParams() is used to later switch to a non-zero compression
  7226  // level, s->matches (otherwise unused when storing) keeps track of the number
  7227  // of hash table slides to perform. If s->matches is 1, then one hash table
  7228  // slide will be done when switching. If s->matches is 2, the maximum value
  7229  // allowed here, then the hash table will be cleared, since two or more slides
  7230  // is the same as a clear.
  7231  //
  7232  // deflate_stored() is written to minimize the number of times an input byte is
  7233  // copied. It is most efficient with large input and output buffers, which
  7234  // maximizes the opportunites to have a single copy from next_in to next_out.
  7235  func deflate_stored(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, flush int32) Block_state { /* deflate.c:1643:19: */
  7236  	// Smallest worthy block size when not flushing or finishing. By default
  7237  	// this is 32K. This can be as small as 507 bytes for memLevel == 1. For
  7238  	// large input and output buffers, the stored block size will be larger.
  7239  	var min_block uint32 = func() uint32 {
  7240  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size - Ulg(5)) > (Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)) {
  7241  			return (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  7242  		}
  7243  		return (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size - Ulg(5)))
  7244  	}()
  7246  	// Copy as many min_block or larger stored blocks directly to next_out as
  7247  	// possible. If flushing, copy the remaining available input to next_out as
  7248  	// stored blocks, if there is enough space.
  7249  	var len uint32
  7250  	var left uint32
  7251  	var have uint32
  7252  	var last uint32 = uint32(0)
  7253  	var used uint32 = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in
  7254  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (last == uint32(0)) {
  7255  		// Set len to the maximum size block that we can copy directly with the
  7256  		// available input data and output space. Set left to how much of that
  7257  		// would be copied from what's left in the window.
  7258  		len = uint32(MAX_STORED)                                                                      // maximum deflate stored block length
  7259  		have = (uint32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid + 42) >> 3))                    // number of header bytes
  7260  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out < have { // need room for header
  7261  			break
  7262  		}
  7263  		// maximum stored block length that will fit in avail_out:
  7264  		have = ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out - have)
  7265  		left = (uint32(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start))) // bytes left in window
  7266  		if Ulg(len) > (Ulg(left) + Ulg((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in)) {
  7267  			len = (left + (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in)
  7268  		} // limit len to the input
  7269  		if len > have {
  7270  			len = have
  7271  		} // limit len to the output
  7273  		// If the stored block would be less than min_block in length, or if
  7274  		// unable to copy all of the available input when flushing, then try
  7275  		// copying to the window and the pending buffer instead. Also don't
  7276  		// write an empty block when flushing -- deflate() does that.
  7277  		if (len < min_block) && ((((len == uint32(0)) && (flush != Z_FINISH)) || (flush == Z_NO_FLUSH)) || (len != (left + (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in))) {
  7278  			break
  7279  		}
  7281  		// Make a dummy stored block in pending to get the header bytes,
  7282  		// including any pending bits. This also updates the debugging counts.
  7283  		if (flush == Z_FINISH) && (len == (left + (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in)) {
  7284  			last = uint32(1)
  7285  		} else {
  7286  			last = uint32(0)
  7287  		}
  7288  		X_tr_stored_block(tls, s, uintptr(0), uint32(0), int32(last))
  7290  		// Replace the lengths in the dummy stored block with len.
  7291  		*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - Ulg(4))))) = Bytef(len)
  7292  		*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - Ulg(3))))) = (Bytef(len >> 8))
  7293  		*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - Ulg(2))))) = Bytef(^len)
  7294  		*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending - Ulg(1))))) = (Bytef(^len >> 8))
  7296  		// Write the stored block header bytes.
  7297  		flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7299  		// Copy uncompressed bytes from the window to next_out.
  7300  		if left != 0 {
  7301  			if left > len {
  7302  				left = len
  7303  			}
  7304  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Fnext_out, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), left)
  7305  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm + 12 /* &.next_out */)) += (uintptr(left))
  7306  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm + 16 /* &.avail_out */)) -= (left)
  7307  			*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm + 20 /* &.total_out */)) += (ULong(left))
  7308  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 92 /* &.block_start */)) += int32((uint32(left)))
  7309  			len = len - (left)
  7310  		}
  7312  		// Copy uncompressed bytes directly from next_in to next_out, updating
  7313  		// the check value.
  7314  		if len != 0 {
  7315  			read_buf(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Fnext_out, len)
  7316  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm + 12 /* &.next_out */)) += (uintptr(len))
  7317  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm + 16 /* &.avail_out */)) -= (len)
  7318  			*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm + 20 /* &.total_out */)) += (ULong(len))
  7319  		}
  7320  	}
  7322  	// Update the sliding window with the last s->w_size bytes of the copied
  7323  	// data, or append all of the copied data to the existing window if less
  7324  	// than s->w_size bytes were copied. Also update the number of bytes to
  7325  	// insert in the hash tables, in the event that deflateParams() switches to
  7326  	// a non-zero compression level.
  7327  	used = used - ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in) // number of input bytes directly copied
  7328  	if used != 0 {
  7329  		// If any input was used, then no unused input remains in the window,
  7330  		// therefore s->block_start == s->strstart.
  7331  		if used >= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size { // supplant the previous history
  7332  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches = UInt(2) // clear hash
  7333  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow, ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Fnext_in - uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)), (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)
  7334  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  7335  		} else {
  7336  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size - Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) <= Ulg(used) {
  7337  				// Slide the window down.
  7338  				*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) -= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)
  7339  				libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)), (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7340  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches < UInt(2) {
  7341  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches++
  7342  				} // add a pending slide_hash()
  7343  			}
  7344  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)), ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Fnext_in - uintptr(used)), used)
  7345  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) += (used)
  7346  		}
  7347  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7348  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5812 /* &.insert */)) += (func() uint32 {
  7349  			if (used) > ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert) {
  7350  				return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert)
  7351  			}
  7352  			return used
  7353  		}())
  7354  	}
  7355  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water < Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) {
  7356  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water = Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7357  	}
  7359  	// If the last block was written to next_out, then done.
  7360  	if last != 0 {
  7361  		return Finish_done
  7362  	}
  7364  	// If flushing and all input has been consumed, then done.
  7365  	if (((flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) && (flush != Z_FINISH)) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in == UInt(0))) && (int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) == (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start) {
  7366  		return Block_done
  7367  	}
  7369  	// Fill the window with any remaining input.
  7370  	have = (uint32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow_size - Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) - Ulg(1)))
  7371  	if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in > have) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)) {
  7372  		// Slide the window down.
  7373  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 92 /* &.block_start */)) -= int32((uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)))
  7374  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) -= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)
  7375  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size)), (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7376  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches < UInt(2) {
  7377  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches++
  7378  		} // add a pending slide_hash()
  7379  		have = have + ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size) // more space now
  7380  	}
  7381  	if have > (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in {
  7382  		have = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in
  7383  	}
  7384  	if have != 0 {
  7385  		read_buf(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)), have)
  7386  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) += (have)
  7387  	}
  7388  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water < Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) {
  7389  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhigh_water = Ulg((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7390  	}
  7392  	// There was not enough avail_out to write a complete worthy or flushed
  7393  	// stored block to next_out. Write a stored block to pending instead, if we
  7394  	// have enough input for a worthy block, or if flushing and there is enough
  7395  	// room for the remaining input as a stored block in the pending buffer.
  7396  	have = (uint32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid + 42) >> 3)) // number of header bytes
  7397  	// maximum stored block length that will fit in pending:
  7398  	have = func() uint32 {
  7399  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size - Ulg(have)) > (Ulg(MAX_STORED)) {
  7400  			return uint32(MAX_STORED)
  7401  		}
  7402  		return (uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf_size - Ulg(have)))
  7403  	}()
  7404  	min_block = func() uint32 {
  7405  		if (have) > ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size) {
  7406  			return (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_size
  7407  		}
  7408  		return have
  7409  	}()
  7410  	left = (uint32(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7411  	if (left >= min_block) || (((((left != 0) || (flush == Z_FINISH)) && (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH)) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in == UInt(0))) && (left <= have)) {
  7412  		len = func() uint32 {
  7413  			if (left) > (have) {
  7414  				return have
  7415  			}
  7416  			return left
  7417  		}()
  7418  		if ((flush == Z_FINISH) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_in == UInt(0))) && (len == left) {
  7419  			last = uint32(1)
  7420  		} else {
  7421  			last = uint32(0)
  7422  		}
  7423  		X_tr_stored_block(tls, s, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), uint32(len), int32(last))
  7424  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 92 /* &.block_start */)) += int32((uint32(len)))
  7425  		flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7426  	}
  7428  	// We've done all we can with the available input and output.
  7429  	if last != 0 {
  7430  		return Finish_started
  7431  	}
  7432  	return Need_more
  7433  }
  7435  // ===========================================================================
  7436  // Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current
  7437  // block state.
  7438  // This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts
  7439  // new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short
  7440  // matches. It is used only for the fast compression options.
  7441  func deflate_fast(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, flush int32) Block_state { /* deflate.c:1824:19: */
  7442  	var hash_head IPos // head of the hash chain
  7443  	var bflush int32   // set if current block must be flushed
  7445  	for {
  7446  		// Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
  7447  		// at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
  7448  		// for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the
  7449  		// string following the next match.
  7450  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead < (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1)) {
  7451  			fill_window(tls, s)
  7452  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead < (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1))) && (flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) {
  7453  				return Need_more
  7454  			}
  7455  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0) {
  7456  				break
  7457  			} // flush the current block
  7458  		}
  7460  		// Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the
  7461  		// dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:
  7462  		hash_head = IPos(NIL)
  7463  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead >= UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  7464  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) + (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7465  			hash_head = IPos(libc.AssignPtrUint16((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev+uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask))*2, *(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2))))
  7466  			*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2)) = Pos((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7467  		}
  7469  		// Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.
  7470  		// At this point we have always match_length < MIN_MATCH
  7471  		if (hash_head != IPos(NIL)) && (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - hash_head) <= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer((s))).Fw_size - (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1)))) {
  7472  			// To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string
  7473  			// of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match
  7474  			// of the string with itself at the start of the input file).
  7475  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = longest_match(tls, s, hash_head)
  7476  			// longest_match() sets match_start
  7477  		}
  7478  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length >= UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  7480  			{
  7481  				var len Uch = (Uch((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length - UInt(MIN_MATCH)))
  7482  				var dist Ush = (Ush((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_start))
  7483  				*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = dist
  7484  				*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = len
  7485  				dist--
  7486  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(((int32(X_length_code[len])+LITERALS)+1))*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7487  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */) + uintptr((func() int32 {
  7488  					if (int32(dist)) < 256 {
  7489  						return int32(X_dist_code[dist])
  7490  					}
  7491  					return int32(X_dist_code[(256 + ((int32(dist)) >> 7))])
  7492  				}()))*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7493  				bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7494  			}
  7496  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 116 /* &.lookahead */)) -= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length)
  7498  			// Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length
  7499  			// is not too large. This saves time but degrades compression.
  7500  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length <= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_lazy_match) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead >= UInt(MIN_MATCH)) {
  7501  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length-- // string at strstart already in table
  7502  				for ok := true; ok; ok = (libc.PreDecUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length, 1) != UInt(0)) {
  7503  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7504  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) + (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7505  					hash_head = IPos(libc.AssignPtrUint16((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev+uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask))*2, *(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2))))
  7506  					*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2)) = Pos((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7507  					// strstart never exceeds WSIZE-MAX_MATCH, so there are
  7508  					// always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead.
  7509  				}
  7510  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7511  			} else {
  7512  				*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) += ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length)
  7513  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = UInt(0)
  7514  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart))))
  7515  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart + UInt(1)))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7516  				// If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but it does not
  7517  				// matter since it will be recomputed at next deflate call.
  7518  			}
  7519  		} else {
  7520  			// No match, output a literal byte
  7522  			{
  7523  				var cc Uch = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)))
  7524  				*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = Ushf(0)
  7525  				*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = cc
  7526  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(cc)*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7527  				bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7528  			}
  7530  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead--
  7531  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7532  		}
  7533  		if bflush != 0 {
  7534  			{
  7535  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7536  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7537  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7538  					}
  7539  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7540  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7541  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7542  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7543  			}
  7544  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7545  				if 0 != 0 {
  7546  					return Finish_started
  7547  				}
  7548  				return Need_more
  7549  			}
  7550  		}
  7552  	}
  7553  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = func() uint32 {
  7554  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart < (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1)) {
  7555  			return (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart
  7556  		}
  7557  		return (uint32(MIN_MATCH - 1))
  7558  	}()
  7559  	if flush == Z_FINISH {
  7560  		{
  7561  			{
  7562  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7563  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7564  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7565  					}
  7566  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7567  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 1)
  7568  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7569  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7570  			}
  7571  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7572  				if 1 != 0 {
  7573  					return Finish_started
  7574  				}
  7575  				return Need_more
  7576  			}
  7577  		}
  7579  		return Finish_done
  7580  	}
  7581  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit != 0 {
  7582  		{
  7583  			X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7584  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7585  					return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7586  				}
  7587  				return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7588  			}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7589  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7590  			flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7591  		}
  7592  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7593  			if 0 != 0 {
  7594  				return Finish_started
  7595  			}
  7596  			return Need_more
  7597  		}
  7598  	}
  7600  	return Block_done
  7601  }
  7603  // ===========================================================================
  7604  // Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy
  7605  // evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is
  7606  // no better match at the next window position.
  7607  func deflate_slow(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, flush int32) Block_state { /* deflate.c:1926:19: */
  7608  	var hash_head IPos // head of hash chain
  7609  	var bflush int32   // set if current block must be flushed
  7611  	// Process the input block.
  7612  	for {
  7613  		// Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
  7614  		// at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
  7615  		// for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the
  7616  		// string following the next match.
  7617  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead < (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1)) {
  7618  			fill_window(tls, s)
  7619  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead < (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1))) && (flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) {
  7620  				return Need_more
  7621  			}
  7622  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0) {
  7623  				break
  7624  			} // flush the current block
  7625  		}
  7627  		// Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the
  7628  		// dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:
  7629  		hash_head = IPos(NIL)
  7630  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead >= UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  7631  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) + (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7632  			hash_head = IPos(libc.AssignPtrUint16((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev+uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask))*2, *(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2))))
  7633  			*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2)) = Pos((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7634  		}
  7636  		// Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.
  7637  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length
  7638  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_match = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_start
  7639  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))
  7641  		if ((hash_head != IPos(NIL)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length < (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmax_lazy_match)) && (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - hash_head) <= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer((s))).Fw_size - (UInt((MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH) + 1)))) {
  7642  			// To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string
  7643  			// of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match
  7644  			// of the string with itself at the start of the input file).
  7645  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = longest_match(tls, s, hash_head)
  7646  			// longest_match() sets match_start
  7648  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length <= UInt(5)) && (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy == Z_FILTERED) ||
  7649  				(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length == UInt(MIN_MATCH)) && (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_start) > UInt(TOO_FAR)))) {
  7651  				// If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage
  7652  				// but we will ignore the current match anyway.
  7653  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))
  7654  			}
  7655  		}
  7656  		// If there was a match at the previous step and the current
  7657  		// match is not better, output the previous match:
  7658  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length >= UInt(MIN_MATCH)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length <= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length) {
  7659  			var max_insert UInt = (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart + (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead) - UInt(MIN_MATCH))
  7660  			// Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this.
  7662  			{
  7663  				var len Uch = (Uch((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length - UInt(MIN_MATCH)))
  7664  				var dist Ush = (Ush(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - UInt(1)) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_match))
  7665  				*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = dist
  7666  				*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = len
  7667  				dist--
  7668  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(((int32(X_length_code[len])+LITERALS)+1))*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7669  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */) + uintptr((func() int32 {
  7670  					if (int32(dist)) < 256 {
  7671  						return int32(X_dist_code[dist])
  7672  					}
  7673  					return int32(X_dist_code[(256 + ((int32(dist)) >> 7))])
  7674  				}()))*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7675  				bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7676  			}
  7678  			// Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match.
  7679  			// strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not
  7680  			// enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in
  7681  			// the hash table.
  7682  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 116 /* &.lookahead */)) -= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length - UInt(1))
  7683  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 120 /* &.prev_length */)) -= (UInt(2))
  7684  			for ok := true; ok; ok = (libc.PreDecUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev_length, 1) != UInt(0)) {
  7685  				if libc.PreIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart, 1) <= max_insert {
  7686  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h = (((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_shift) ^ (UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) + (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))))))))) & (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhash_mask)
  7687  					hash_head = IPos(libc.AssignPtrUint16((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fprev+uintptr((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fw_mask))*2, *(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2))))
  7688  					*(*Posf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fhead + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fins_h)*2)) = Pos((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7689  				}
  7690  			}
  7691  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available = 0
  7692  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1))
  7693  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7695  			if bflush != 0 {
  7696  				{
  7697  					X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7698  						if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7699  							return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7700  						}
  7701  						return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7702  					}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7703  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7704  					flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7705  				}
  7706  				if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7707  					if 0 != 0 {
  7708  						return Finish_started
  7709  					}
  7710  					return Need_more
  7711  				}
  7712  			}
  7714  		} else if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available != 0 {
  7715  			// If there was no match at the previous position, output a
  7716  			// single literal. If there was a match but the current match
  7717  			// is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal.
  7719  			{
  7720  				var cc Uch = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - UInt(1)))))
  7721  				*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = Ushf(0)
  7722  				*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = cc
  7723  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(cc)*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7724  				bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7725  			}
  7727  			if bflush != 0 {
  7728  				{
  7729  					X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7730  						if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7731  							return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7732  						}
  7733  						return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7734  					}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7735  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7736  					flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7737  				}
  7739  			}
  7740  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7741  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead--
  7742  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7743  				return Need_more
  7744  			}
  7745  		} else {
  7746  			// There is no previous match to compare with, wait for
  7747  			// the next step to decide.
  7748  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available = 1
  7749  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7750  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead--
  7751  		}
  7752  	}
  7754  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available != 0 {
  7756  		{
  7757  			var cc Uch = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart - UInt(1)))))
  7758  			*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = Ushf(0)
  7759  			*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = cc
  7760  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(cc)*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7761  			bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7762  		}
  7764  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_available = 0
  7765  	}
  7766  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = func() uint32 {
  7767  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart < (UInt(MIN_MATCH - 1)) {
  7768  			return (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart
  7769  		}
  7770  		return (uint32(MIN_MATCH - 1))
  7771  	}()
  7772  	if flush == Z_FINISH {
  7773  		{
  7774  			{
  7775  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7776  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7777  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7778  					}
  7779  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7780  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 1)
  7781  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7782  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7783  			}
  7784  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7785  				if 1 != 0 {
  7786  					return Finish_started
  7787  				}
  7788  				return Need_more
  7789  			}
  7790  		}
  7792  		return Finish_done
  7793  	}
  7794  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit != 0 {
  7795  		{
  7796  			X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7797  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7798  					return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7799  				}
  7800  				return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7801  			}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7802  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7803  			flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7804  		}
  7805  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7806  			if 0 != 0 {
  7807  				return Finish_started
  7808  			}
  7809  			return Need_more
  7810  		}
  7811  	}
  7813  	return Block_done
  7814  }
  7816  // ===========================================================================
  7817  // For Z_RLE, simply look for runs of bytes, generate matches only of distance
  7818  // one.  Do not maintain a hash table.  (It will be regenerated if this run of
  7819  // deflate switches away from Z_RLE.)
  7820  func deflate_rle(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, flush int32) Block_state { /* deflate.c:2057:19: */
  7821  	var bflush int32 // set if current block must be flushed
  7822  	var prev UInt    // byte at distance one to match
  7823  	var scan uintptr
  7824  	var strend uintptr // scan goes up to strend for length of run
  7826  	for {
  7827  		// Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
  7828  		// at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
  7829  		// for the longest run, plus one for the unrolled loop.
  7830  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead <= UInt(MAX_MATCH) {
  7831  			fill_window(tls, s)
  7832  			if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead <= UInt(MAX_MATCH)) && (flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) {
  7833  				return Need_more
  7834  			}
  7835  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0) {
  7836  				break
  7837  			} // flush the current block
  7838  		}
  7840  		// See how many times the previous byte repeats
  7841  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = UInt(0)
  7842  		if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead >= UInt(MIN_MATCH)) && ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart > UInt(0)) {
  7843  			scan = (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) - uintptr(1))
  7844  			prev = UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(scan)))
  7845  			if ((prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1))))) {
  7846  				strend = (((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)) + uintptr(MAX_MATCH))
  7847  				for ok := true; ok; ok = (((((((((prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (prev == UInt(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreIncUintptr(&scan, 1)))))) && (scan < strend)) {
  7848  				}
  7849  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = (UInt(MAX_MATCH) - (UInt((int32(strend) - int32(scan)) / 1)))
  7850  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length > (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead {
  7851  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead
  7852  				}
  7853  			}
  7855  		}
  7857  		// Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal
  7858  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length >= UInt(MIN_MATCH) {
  7860  			{
  7861  				var len Uch = (Uch((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length - UInt(MIN_MATCH)))
  7862  				var dist Ush = Ush(1)
  7863  				*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = dist
  7864  				*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = len
  7865  				dist--
  7866  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(((int32(X_length_code[len])+LITERALS)+1))*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7867  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */) + uintptr((func() int32 {
  7868  					if (int32(dist)) < 256 {
  7869  						return int32(X_dist_code[dist])
  7870  					}
  7871  					return int32(X_dist_code[(256 + ((int32(dist)) >> 7))])
  7872  				}()))*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7873  				bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7874  			}
  7876  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 116 /* &.lookahead */)) -= ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length)
  7877  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 108 /* &.strstart */)) += ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length)
  7878  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = UInt(0)
  7879  		} else {
  7880  			// No match, output a literal byte
  7882  			{
  7883  				var cc Uch = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)))
  7884  				*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = Ushf(0)
  7885  				*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = cc
  7886  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(cc)*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7887  				bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7888  			}
  7890  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead--
  7891  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7892  		}
  7893  		if bflush != 0 {
  7894  			{
  7895  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7896  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7897  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7898  					}
  7899  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7900  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7901  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7902  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7903  			}
  7904  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7905  				if 0 != 0 {
  7906  					return Finish_started
  7907  				}
  7908  				return Need_more
  7909  			}
  7910  		}
  7912  	}
  7913  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = UInt(0)
  7914  	if flush == Z_FINISH {
  7915  		{
  7916  			{
  7917  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7918  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7919  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7920  					}
  7921  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7922  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 1)
  7923  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7924  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7925  			}
  7926  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7927  				if 1 != 0 {
  7928  					return Finish_started
  7929  				}
  7930  				return Need_more
  7931  			}
  7932  		}
  7934  		return Finish_done
  7935  	}
  7936  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit != 0 {
  7937  		{
  7938  			X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7939  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7940  					return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7941  				}
  7942  				return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7943  			}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7944  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7945  			flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7946  		}
  7947  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  7948  			if 0 != 0 {
  7949  				return Finish_started
  7950  			}
  7951  			return Need_more
  7952  		}
  7953  	}
  7955  	return Block_done
  7956  }
  7958  // ===========================================================================
  7959  // For Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, do not look for matches.  Do not maintain a hash table.
  7960  // (It will be regenerated if this run of deflate switches away from Huffman.)
  7961  func deflate_huff(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, flush int32) Block_state { /* deflate.c:2130:19: */
  7962  	var bflush int32 // set if current block must be flushed
  7964  	for {
  7965  		// Make sure that we have a literal to write.
  7966  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0) {
  7967  			fill_window(tls, s)
  7968  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead == UInt(0) {
  7969  				if flush == Z_NO_FLUSH {
  7970  					return Need_more
  7971  				}
  7972  				break // flush the current block
  7973  			}
  7974  		}
  7976  		// Output a literal byte
  7977  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatch_length = UInt(0)
  7979  		{
  7980  			var cc Uch = *(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)))
  7981  			*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = Ushf(0)
  7982  			*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = cc
  7983  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(cc)*4 /* &.fc */))++
  7984  			bflush = (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
  7985  		}
  7987  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flookahead--
  7988  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart++
  7989  		if bflush != 0 {
  7990  			{
  7991  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  7992  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  7993  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  7994  					}
  7995  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  7996  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  7997  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  7998  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  7999  			}
  8000  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  8001  				if 0 != 0 {
  8002  					return Finish_started
  8003  				}
  8004  				return Need_more
  8005  			}
  8006  		}
  8008  	}
  8009  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Finsert = UInt(0)
  8010  	if flush == Z_FINISH {
  8011  		{
  8012  			{
  8013  				X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  8014  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  8015  						return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  8016  					}
  8017  					return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  8018  				}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 1)
  8019  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  8020  				flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  8021  			}
  8022  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  8023  				if 1 != 0 {
  8024  					return Finish_started
  8025  				}
  8026  				return Need_more
  8027  			}
  8028  		}
  8030  		return Finish_done
  8031  	}
  8032  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit != 0 {
  8033  		{
  8034  			X_tr_flush_block(tls, s, func() uintptr {
  8035  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start >= 0 {
  8036  					return ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fwindow + uintptr(uint32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)))
  8037  				}
  8038  				return uintptr(Z_NULL)
  8039  			}(), (Ulg(int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart) - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start)), 0)
  8040  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fblock_start = int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrstart)
  8041  			flush_pending(tls, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)
  8042  		}
  8043  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  8044  			if 0 != 0 {
  8045  				return Finish_started
  8046  			}
  8047  			return Need_more
  8048  		}
  8049  	}
  8051  	return Block_done
  8052  }
  8054  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  8055  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  8056  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  8057  //
  8058  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  8059  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8060  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  8061  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  8062  //
  8063  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  8064  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  8066  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  8067  //
  8068  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8069  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  8070  //    <>.
  8072  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  8074  // Integral type unchanged by default argument promotions that can
  8075  //    hold any value corresponding to members of the extended character
  8076  //    set, as well as at least one value that does not correspond to any
  8077  //    member of the extended character set.
  8079  // Conversion state information.
  8080  type X__mbstate_t = struct {
  8081  	F__count int32
  8082  	F__value struct{ F__wch uint32 }
  8083  } /* __mbstate_t.h:21:3 */
  8085  // The tag name of this struct is _G_fpos_t to preserve historic
  8086  //    C++ mangled names for functions taking fpos_t arguments.
  8087  //    That name should not be used in new code.
  8088  type X_G_fpos_t = struct {
  8089  	F__pos   X__off_t
  8090  	F__state X__mbstate_t
  8091  } /* __fpos_t.h:10:9 */
  8093  // The tag name of this struct is _G_fpos_t to preserve historic
  8094  //    C++ mangled names for functions taking fpos_t arguments.
  8095  //    That name should not be used in new code.
  8096  type X__fpos_t = X_G_fpos_t /* __fpos_t.h:14:3 */
  8098  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  8099  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  8100  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  8101  //
  8102  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  8103  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8104  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  8105  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  8106  //
  8107  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  8108  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  8110  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  8111  //
  8112  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8113  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  8114  //    <>.
  8116  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  8118  // The tag name of this struct is _G_fpos64_t to preserve historic
  8119  //    C++ mangled names for functions taking fpos_t and/or fpos64_t
  8120  //    arguments.  That name should not be used in new code.
  8121  type X_G_fpos64_t = struct {
  8122  	F__pos   X__off64_t
  8123  	F__state X__mbstate_t
  8124  } /* __fpos64_t.h:10:9 */
  8126  // bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
  8127  //    Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  8128  //    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
  8129  //
  8130  //    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  8131  //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8132  //    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  8133  //    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  8134  //
  8135  //    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  8136  //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  8138  //    Lesser General Public License for more details.
  8139  //
  8140  //    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8141  //    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
  8142  //    <>.
  8144  // Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
  8146  // The tag name of this struct is _G_fpos64_t to preserve historic
  8147  //    C++ mangled names for functions taking fpos_t and/or fpos64_t
  8148  //    arguments.  That name should not be used in new code.
  8149  type X__fpos64_t = X_G_fpos64_t /* __fpos64_t.h:14:3 */
  8151  type X_IO_FILE = struct {
  8152  	F_flags          int32
  8153  	F_IO_read_ptr    uintptr
  8154  	F_IO_read_end    uintptr
  8155  	F_IO_read_base   uintptr
  8156  	F_IO_write_base  uintptr
  8157  	F_IO_write_ptr   uintptr
  8158  	F_IO_write_end   uintptr
  8159  	F_IO_buf_base    uintptr
  8160  	F_IO_buf_end     uintptr
  8161  	F_IO_save_base   uintptr
  8162  	F_IO_backup_base uintptr
  8163  	F_IO_save_end    uintptr
  8164  	F_markers        uintptr
  8165  	F_chain          uintptr
  8166  	F_fileno         int32
  8167  	F_flags2         int32
  8168  	F_old_offset     X__off_t
  8169  	F_cur_column     uint16
  8170  	F_vtable_offset  int8
  8171  	F_shortbuf       [1]int8
  8172  	F_lock           uintptr
  8173  	F_offset         X__off64_t
  8174  	F_codecvt        uintptr
  8175  	F_wide_data      uintptr
  8176  	F_freeres_list   uintptr
  8177  	F_freeres_buf    uintptr
  8178  	F__pad5          Size_t
  8179  	F_mode           int32
  8180  	F_unused2        [40]int8
  8181  } /* __FILE.h:4:1 */
  8183  type X__FILE = X_IO_FILE /* __FILE.h:5:25 */
  8185  // The opaque type of streams.  This is the definition used elsewhere.
  8186  type FILE = X_IO_FILE /* FILE.h:7:25 */
  8188  type Off_t1 = X__off_t /* stdio.h:63:17 */
  8190  // The type of the second argument to `fgetpos' and `fsetpos'.
  8191  type Fpos_t = X__fpos_t     /* stdio.h:84:18 */
  8192  type Fpos64_t = X__fpos64_t /* stdio.h:89:20 */
  8194  type Ino_t1 = X__ino_t /* types.h:47:17 */
  8196  // Types from the Large File Support interface.
  8197  type Blkcnt_t1 = X__blkcnt_t     /* types.h:192:20 */ // Type to count number of disk blocks.
  8198  type Fsblkcnt_t1 = X__fsblkcnt_t /* types.h:196:22 */ // Type to count file system blocks.
  8199  type Fsfilcnt_t1 = X__fsfilcnt_t /* types.h:200:22 */
  8201  type Flock64 = struct {
  8202  	Fl_type   int16
  8203  	Fl_whence int16
  8204  	Fl_start  X__off64_t
  8205  	Fl_len    X__off64_t
  8206  	Fl_pid    X__pid_t
  8207  } /* fcntl.h:50:1 */
  8209  // Note stat64 has the same shape as stat for x86-64.
  8210  type Stat64 = struct {
  8211  	Fst_dev     X__dev_t
  8212  	F__pad1     uint32
  8213  	F__st_ino   X__ino_t
  8214  	Fst_mode    X__mode_t
  8215  	Fst_nlink   X__nlink_t
  8216  	Fst_uid     X__uid_t
  8217  	Fst_gid     X__gid_t
  8218  	Fst_rdev    X__dev_t
  8219  	F__pad2     uint32
  8220  	Fst_size    X__off64_t
  8221  	Fst_blksize X__blksize_t
  8222  	Fst_blocks  X__blkcnt64_t
  8223  	Fst_atim    struct {
  8224  		Ftv_sec  X__time_t
  8225  		Ftv_nsec X__syscall_slong_t
  8226  	}
  8227  	Fst_mtim struct {
  8228  		Ftv_sec  X__time_t
  8229  		Ftv_nsec X__syscall_slong_t
  8230  	}
  8231  	Fst_ctim struct {
  8232  		Ftv_sec  X__time_t
  8233  		Ftv_nsec X__syscall_slong_t
  8234  	}
  8235  	Fst_ino X__ino64_t
  8236  } /* stat.h:119:1 */
  8238  // provide prototypes for these when building zlib without LFS
  8240  // default memLevel
  8242  // default i/o buffer size -- double this for output when reading (this and
  8243  //    twice this must be able to fit in an unsigned type)
  8245  // gzip modes, also provide a little integrity check on the passed structure
  8247  // values for gz_state how
  8249  // internal gzip file state data structure
  8250  type Gz_state = struct {
  8251  	Fx        GzFile_s
  8252  	Fmode     int32
  8253  	Ffd       int32
  8254  	Fpath     uintptr
  8255  	Fsize     uint32
  8256  	Fwant     uint32
  8257  	Fin       uintptr
  8258  	Fout      uintptr
  8259  	Fdirect   int32
  8260  	Fhow      int32
  8261  	Fstart    Off64_t
  8262  	Feof      int32
  8263  	Fpast     int32
  8264  	Flevel    int32
  8265  	Fstrategy int32
  8266  	Fskip     Off64_t
  8267  	Fseek     int32
  8268  	Ferr      int32
  8269  	Fmsg      uintptr
  8270  	Fstrm     Z_stream
  8271  }                        /* gzguts.h:201:3 */
  8272  type Gz_statep = uintptr /* gzguts.h:202:22 */
  8274  // GT_OFF(x), where x is an unsigned value, is true if x > maximum z_off64_t
  8275  //    value -- needed when comparing unsigned to z_off64_t, which is signed
  8276  //    (possible z_off64_t types off_t, off64_t, and long are all signed)
  8278  // gzclose() is in a separate file so that it is linked in only if it is used.
  8279  //    That way the other gzclose functions can be used instead to avoid linking in
  8280  //    unneeded compression or decompression routines.
  8281  func Xgzclose(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzclose.c:11:13: */
  8282  	var state Gz_statep
  8284  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8285  		return -2
  8286  	}
  8287  	state = file
  8289  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8290  		return Xgzclose_r(tls, file)
  8291  	}
  8292  	return Xgzclose_w(tls, file)
  8293  }
  8295  // Reset gzip file state
  8296  func gz_reset(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep) { /* gzlib.c:75:12: */
  8297  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = uint32(0)  // no output data available
  8298  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ { // for reading ...
  8299  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof = 0    // not at end of file
  8300  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 0   // have not read past end yet
  8301  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow = LOOK // look for gzip header
  8302  	}
  8303  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0                 // no seek request pending
  8304  	Xgz_error(tls, state, Z_OK, uintptr(0))                      // clear error
  8305  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos = int64(0)        // no uncompressed data yet
  8306  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in = UInt(0) // no input data yet
  8307  }
  8309  // Open a gzip file either by name or file descriptor.
  8310  func gz_open(tls *libc.TLS, path uintptr, fd int32, mode uintptr) GzFile { /* gzlib.c:91:14: */
  8311  	bp := tls.Alloc(16)
  8312  	defer tls.Free(16)
  8314  	var state Gz_statep
  8315  	var len Z_size_t
  8316  	var oflag int32
  8317  	var cloexec int32 = 0
  8318  	var exclusive int32 = 0
  8320  	// check input
  8321  	if path == (uintptr(0)) {
  8322  		return uintptr(0)
  8323  	}
  8325  	// allocate gzFile structure to return
  8326  	state = libc.Xmalloc(tls, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Gz_state{})))
  8327  	if state == (uintptr(0)) {
  8328  		return uintptr(0)
  8329  	}
  8330  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize = uint32(0)         // no buffers allocated yet
  8331  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant = uint32(GZBUFSIZE) // requested buffer size
  8332  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg = uintptr(0)         // no error message yet
  8334  	// interpret mode
  8335  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = GZ_NONE
  8336  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flevel = -1
  8337  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY
  8338  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect = 0
  8339  	for *(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(mode)) != 0 {
  8340  		if (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(mode))) >= '0') && (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(mode))) <= '9') {
  8341  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flevel = (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(mode))) - '0')
  8342  		} else {
  8343  			switch int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(mode))) {
  8344  			case 'r':
  8345  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = GZ_READ
  8346  				break
  8347  				fallthrough
  8348  			case 'w':
  8349  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = GZ_WRITE
  8350  				break
  8351  				fallthrough
  8352  			case 'a':
  8353  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = GZ_APPEND
  8354  				break
  8355  				fallthrough
  8356  			case '+': // can't read and write at the same time
  8357  				libc.Xfree(tls, state)
  8358  				return uintptr(0)
  8359  				fallthrough
  8360  			case 'b': // ignore -- will request binary anyway
  8361  				break
  8362  				fallthrough
  8363  			case 'e':
  8364  				cloexec = 1
  8365  				break
  8366  				fallthrough
  8367  			case 'x':
  8368  				exclusive = 1
  8369  				break
  8370  				fallthrough
  8371  			case 'f':
  8372  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy = Z_FILTERED
  8373  				break
  8374  				fallthrough
  8375  			case 'h':
  8376  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY
  8377  				break
  8378  				fallthrough
  8379  			case 'R':
  8380  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy = Z_RLE
  8381  				break
  8382  				fallthrough
  8383  			case 'F':
  8384  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy = Z_FIXED
  8385  				break
  8386  				fallthrough
  8387  			case 'T':
  8388  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect = 1
  8389  				break
  8390  				fallthrough
  8391  			default: // could consider as an error, but just ignore
  8393  			}
  8394  		}
  8395  		mode++
  8396  	}
  8398  	// must provide an "r", "w", or "a"
  8399  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_NONE {
  8400  		libc.Xfree(tls, state)
  8401  		return uintptr(0)
  8402  	}
  8404  	// can't force transparent read
  8405  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8406  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect != 0 {
  8407  			libc.Xfree(tls, state)
  8408  			return uintptr(0)
  8409  		}
  8410  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect = 1 // for empty file
  8411  	}
  8413  	// save the path name for error messages
  8414  	len = libc.Xstrlen(tls, path)
  8415  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath = libc.Xmalloc(tls, (len + Z_size_t(1)))
  8416  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath == (uintptr(0)) {
  8417  		libc.Xfree(tls, state)
  8418  		return uintptr(0)
  8419  	}
  8420  	libc.Xsnprintf(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath, (len + Z_size_t(1)), ts+76 /* "%s" */, libc.VaList(bp, path))
  8422  	// compute the flags for open()
  8423  	oflag = ((0100000 | (func() int32 {
  8424  		if cloexec != 0 {
  8425  			return 02000000
  8426  		}
  8427  		return 0
  8428  	}())) | (func() int32 {
  8429  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8430  			return O_RDONLY
  8431  		}
  8432  		return (((O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) | (func() int32 {
  8433  			if exclusive != 0 {
  8434  				return O_EXCL
  8435  			}
  8436  			return 0
  8437  		}())) | (func() int32 {
  8438  			if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_WRITE {
  8439  				return O_TRUNC
  8440  			}
  8441  			return O_APPEND
  8442  		}()))
  8443  	}()))
  8445  	// open the file with the appropriate flags (or just use fd)
  8446  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd = func() int32 {
  8447  		if fd > -1 {
  8448  			return fd
  8449  		}
  8450  		return libc.Xopen(tls, path, oflag, libc.VaList(bp+8, 0666))
  8451  	}()
  8452  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd == -1 {
  8453  		libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath)
  8454  		libc.Xfree(tls, state)
  8455  		return uintptr(0)
  8456  	}
  8457  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_APPEND {
  8458  		libc.Xlseek64(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, int64(0), SEEK_END) // so gzoffset() is correct
  8459  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = GZ_WRITE                            // simplify later checks
  8460  	}
  8462  	// save the current position for rewinding (only if reading)
  8463  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8464  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstart = libc.Xlseek64(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, int64(0), SEEK_CUR)
  8465  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstart == int64(-1) {
  8466  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstart = int64(0)
  8467  		}
  8468  	}
  8470  	// initialize stream
  8471  	gz_reset(tls, state)
  8473  	// return stream
  8474  	return state
  8475  }
  8477  // -- see zlib.h --
  8478  func Xgzopen(tls *libc.TLS, path uintptr, mode uintptr) GzFile { /* gzlib.c:270:16: */
  8479  	return gz_open(tls, path, -1, mode)
  8480  }
  8482  // -- see zlib.h --
  8483  func Xgzopen64(tls *libc.TLS, path uintptr, mode uintptr) GzFile { /* gzlib.c:278:16: */
  8484  	return gz_open(tls, path, -1, mode)
  8485  }
  8487  // -- see zlib.h --
  8488  func Xgzdopen(tls *libc.TLS, fd int32, mode uintptr) GzFile { /* gzlib.c:286:16: */
  8489  	bp := tls.Alloc(8)
  8490  	defer tls.Free(8)
  8492  	var path uintptr // identifier for error messages
  8493  	var gz GzFile
  8495  	if (fd == -1) || ((libc.AssignUintptr(&path, libc.Xmalloc(tls, (uint32(7)+(uint32(3)*uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))))))) == (uintptr(0))) {
  8496  		return uintptr(0)
  8497  	}
  8498  	libc.Xsnprintf(tls, path, (uint32(7) + (uint32(3) * uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))))), ts+79 /* "<fd:%d>" */, libc.VaList(bp, fd))
  8499  	gz = gz_open(tls, path, fd, mode)
  8500  	libc.Xfree(tls, path)
  8501  	return gz
  8502  }
  8504  // -- see zlib.h --
  8506  // -- see zlib.h --
  8507  func Xgzbuffer(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, size uint32) int32 { /* gzlib.c:316:13: */
  8508  	var state Gz_statep
  8510  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8511  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8512  		return -1
  8513  	}
  8514  	state = file
  8515  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8516  		return -1
  8517  	}
  8519  	// make sure we haven't already allocated memory
  8520  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize != uint32(0) {
  8521  		return -1
  8522  	}
  8524  	// check and set requested size
  8525  	if (size << 1) < size {
  8526  		return -1
  8527  	} // need to be able to double it
  8528  	if size < uint32(2) {
  8529  		size = uint32(2)
  8530  	} // need two bytes to check magic header
  8531  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant = size
  8532  	return 0
  8533  }
  8535  // -- see zlib.h --
  8536  func Xgzrewind(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzlib.c:343:13: */
  8537  	var state Gz_statep
  8539  	// get internal structure
  8540  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8541  		return -1
  8542  	}
  8543  	state = file
  8545  	// check that we're reading and that there's no error
  8546  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) || (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5))) {
  8547  		return -1
  8548  	}
  8550  	// back up and start over
  8551  	if libc.Xlseek64(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstart, SEEK_SET) == int64(-1) {
  8552  		return -1
  8553  	}
  8554  	gz_reset(tls, state)
  8555  	return 0
  8556  }
  8558  // -- see zlib.h --
  8559  func Xgzseek64(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, offset Off64_t, whence int32) Off64_t { /* gzlib.c:366:19: */
  8560  	var n uint32
  8561  	var ret Off64_t
  8562  	var state Gz_statep
  8564  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8565  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8566  		return int64(-1)
  8567  	}
  8568  	state = file
  8569  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8570  		return int64(-1)
  8571  	}
  8573  	// check that there's no error
  8574  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5)) {
  8575  		return int64(-1)
  8576  	}
  8578  	// can only seek from start or relative to current position
  8579  	if (whence != SEEK_SET) && (whence != SEEK_CUR) {
  8580  		return int64(-1)
  8581  	}
  8583  	// normalize offset to a SEEK_CUR specification
  8584  	if whence == SEEK_SET {
  8585  		offset = offset - ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos)
  8586  	} else if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  8587  		offset = offset + ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip)
  8588  	}
  8589  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  8591  	// if within raw area while reading, just go there
  8592  	if (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow == COPY1)) && (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos + offset) >= int64(0)) {
  8593  		ret = libc.Xlseek64(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, (offset - Off64_t((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave)), SEEK_CUR)
  8594  		if ret == int64(-1) {
  8595  			return int64(-1)
  8596  		}
  8597  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = uint32(0)
  8598  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof = 0
  8599  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 0
  8600  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  8601  		Xgz_error(tls, state, Z_OK, uintptr(0))
  8602  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in = UInt(0)
  8603  		*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (offset)
  8604  		return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos
  8605  	}
  8607  	// calculate skip amount, rewinding if needed for back seek when reading
  8608  	if offset < int64(0) {
  8609  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ { // writing -- can't go backwards
  8610  			return int64(-1)
  8611  		}
  8612  		offset = offset + ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos)
  8613  		if offset < int64(0) { // before start of file!
  8614  			return int64(-1)
  8615  		}
  8616  		if Xgzrewind(tls, file) == -1 { // rewind, then skip to offset
  8617  			return int64(-1)
  8618  		}
  8619  	}
  8621  	// if reading, skip what's in output buffer (one less gzgetc() check)
  8622  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8623  		if ((uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) == uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Off64_t(0)))) && (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave) > uint32(0x7fffffff))) || (Off64_t((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave) > offset) {
  8624  			n = uint32(offset)
  8625  		} else {
  8626  			n = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave
  8627  		}
  8628  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ /* &.have */)) -= (n)
  8629  		*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 4 /* &.next */)) += (uintptr(n))
  8630  		*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(n))
  8631  		offset = offset - (Off64_t(n))
  8632  	}
  8634  	// request skip (if not zero)
  8635  	if offset != 0 {
  8636  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 1
  8637  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip = offset
  8638  	}
  8639  	return ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos + offset)
  8640  }
  8642  // -- see zlib.h --
  8643  func Xgzseek(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, offset Off_t1, whence int32) Off_t1 { /* gzlib.c:443:17: */
  8644  	var ret Off64_t
  8646  	ret = Xgzseek64(tls, file, Off64_t(offset), whence)
  8647  	if ret == Off64_t(Off_t1(ret)) {
  8648  		return Off_t1(ret)
  8649  	}
  8650  	return -1
  8651  }
  8653  // -- see zlib.h --
  8654  func Xgztell64(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) Off64_t { /* gzlib.c:455:19: */
  8655  	var state Gz_statep
  8657  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8658  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8659  		return int64(-1)
  8660  	}
  8661  	state = file
  8662  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8663  		return int64(-1)
  8664  	}
  8666  	// return position
  8667  	return ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos + (func() int64 {
  8668  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  8669  			return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip
  8670  		}
  8671  		return int64(0)
  8672  	}()))
  8673  }
  8675  // -- see zlib.h --
  8676  func Xgztell(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) Off_t1 { /* gzlib.c:472:17: */
  8677  	var ret Off64_t
  8679  	ret = Xgztell64(tls, file)
  8680  	if ret == Off64_t(Off_t1(ret)) {
  8681  		return Off_t1(ret)
  8682  	}
  8683  	return -1
  8684  }
  8686  // -- see zlib.h --
  8687  func Xgzoffset64(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) Off64_t { /* gzlib.c:482:19: */
  8688  	var offset Off64_t
  8689  	var state Gz_statep
  8691  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8692  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8693  		return int64(-1)
  8694  	}
  8695  	state = file
  8696  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8697  		return int64(-1)
  8698  	}
  8700  	// compute and return effective offset in file
  8701  	offset = libc.Xlseek64(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, int64(0), SEEK_CUR)
  8702  	if offset == int64(-1) {
  8703  		return int64(-1)
  8704  	}
  8705  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ { // reading
  8706  		offset = offset - (Off64_t((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in))
  8707  	} // don't count buffered input
  8708  	return offset
  8709  }
  8711  // -- see zlib.h --
  8712  func Xgzoffset(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) Off_t1 { /* gzlib.c:505:17: */
  8713  	var ret Off64_t
  8715  	ret = Xgzoffset64(tls, file)
  8716  	if ret == Off64_t(Off_t1(ret)) {
  8717  		return Off_t1(ret)
  8718  	}
  8719  	return -1
  8720  }
  8722  // -- see zlib.h --
  8723  func Xgzeof(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzlib.c:515:13: */
  8724  	var state Gz_statep
  8726  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8727  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8728  		return 0
  8729  	}
  8730  	state = file
  8731  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8732  		return 0
  8733  	}
  8735  	// return end-of-file state
  8736  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8737  		return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast
  8738  	}
  8739  	return 0
  8740  }
  8742  // -- see zlib.h --
  8743  func Xgzerror(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, errnum uintptr) uintptr { /* gzlib.c:532:12: */
  8744  	var state Gz_statep
  8746  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8747  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8748  		return uintptr(0)
  8749  	}
  8750  	state = file
  8751  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8752  		return uintptr(0)
  8753  	}
  8755  	// return error information
  8756  	if errnum != (uintptr(0)) {
  8757  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(errnum)) = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
  8758  	}
  8759  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr == (-4) {
  8760  		return ts + 87 /* "out of memory" */
  8761  	}
  8762  	return func() uintptr {
  8763  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg == (uintptr(0)) {
  8764  			return ts + 101 /* "" */
  8765  		}
  8766  		return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg
  8767  	}()
  8768  }
  8770  // -- see zlib.h --
  8771  func Xgzclearerr(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) { /* gzlib.c:553:14: */
  8772  	var state Gz_statep
  8774  	// get internal structure and check integrity
  8775  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  8776  		return
  8777  	}
  8778  	state = file
  8779  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) {
  8780  		return
  8781  	}
  8783  	// clear error and end-of-file
  8784  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ {
  8785  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof = 0
  8786  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 0
  8787  	}
  8788  	Xgz_error(tls, state, Z_OK, uintptr(0))
  8789  }
  8791  // Create an error message in allocated memory and set state->err and
  8792  //    state->msg accordingly.  Free any previous error message already there.  Do
  8793  //    not try to free or allocate space if the error is Z_MEM_ERROR (out of
  8794  //    memory).  Simply save the error message as a static string.  If there is an
  8795  //    allocation failure constructing the error message, then convert the error to
  8796  //    out of memory.
  8797  func Xgz_error(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, err int32, msg uintptr) { /* gzlib.c:579:20: */
  8798  	bp := tls.Alloc(24)
  8799  	defer tls.Free(24)
  8801  	// free previously allocated message and clear
  8802  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg != (uintptr(0)) {
  8803  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-4) {
  8804  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg)
  8805  		}
  8806  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg = uintptr(0)
  8807  	}
  8809  	// if fatal, set state->x.have to 0 so that the gzgetc() macro fails
  8810  	if (err != Z_OK) && (err != (-5)) {
  8811  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = uint32(0)
  8812  	}
  8814  	// set error code, and if no message, then done
  8815  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr = err
  8816  	if msg == (uintptr(0)) {
  8817  		return
  8818  	}
  8820  	// for an out of memory error, return literal string when requested
  8821  	if err == (-4) {
  8822  		return
  8823  	}
  8825  	// construct error message with path
  8826  	if (libc.AssignPtrUintptr(state+92 /* &.msg */, libc.Xmalloc(tls, ((libc.Xstrlen(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath)+libc.Xstrlen(tls, msg))+Size_t(3))))) == (uintptr(0)) {
  8827  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr = -4
  8828  		return
  8829  	}
  8830  	libc.Xsnprintf(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmsg, ((libc.Xstrlen(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath) + libc.Xstrlen(tls, msg)) + Size_t(3)),
  8831  		ts+102 /* "%s%s%s" */, libc.VaList(bp, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath, ts+109 /* ": " */, msg))
  8832  }
  8834  // Use read() to load a buffer -- return -1 on error, otherwise 0.  Read from
  8835  //    state->fd, and update state->eof, state->err, and state->msg as appropriate.
  8836  //    This function needs to loop on read(), since read() is not guaranteed to
  8837  //    read the number of bytes requested, depending on the type of descriptor.
  8838  func gz_load(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, buf uintptr, len uint32, have uintptr) int32 { /* gzread.c:21:11: */
  8839  	var ret int32
  8840  	var get uint32
  8841  	var max uint32 = ((uint32(libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1))) >> 2) + uint32(1))
  8843  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have)) = uint32(0)
  8844  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have)) < len) {
  8845  		get = (len - *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have)))
  8846  		if get > max {
  8847  			get = max
  8848  		}
  8849  		ret = libc.Xread(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, (buf + uintptr(*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have)))), get)
  8850  		if ret <= 0 {
  8851  			break
  8852  		}
  8853  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have)) += (uint32(ret))
  8854  	}
  8855  	if ret < 0 {
  8856  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -1, libc.Xstrerror(tls, *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.X__errno_location(tls)))))
  8857  		return -1
  8858  	}
  8859  	if ret == 0 {
  8860  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof = 1
  8861  	}
  8862  	return 0
  8863  }
  8865  // Load up input buffer and set eof flag if last data loaded -- return -1 on
  8866  //    error, 0 otherwise.  Note that the eof flag is set when the end of the input
  8867  //    file is reached, even though there may be unused data in the buffer.  Once
  8868  //    that data has been used, no more attempts will be made to read the file.
  8869  //    If strm->avail_in != 0, then the current data is moved to the beginning of
  8870  //    the input buffer, and then the remainder of the buffer is loaded with the
  8871  //    available data from the input file.
  8872  func gz_avail(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep) int32 { /* gzread.c:56:11: */
  8873  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
  8874  	defer tls.Free(4)
  8876  	// var got uint32 at bp, 4
  8878  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  8880  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5)) {
  8881  		return -1
  8882  	}
  8883  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof == 0 {
  8884  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != 0 { // copy what's there to the start
  8885  			var p uintptr = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  8886  			var q uintptr = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
  8887  			var n uint32 = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
  8888  			for ok := true; ok; ok = libc.PreDecUint32(&n, 1) != 0 {
  8889  				*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&p, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&q, 1)))
  8890  			}
  8891  		}
  8892  		if gz_load(tls, state, ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin+uintptr((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in)),
  8893  			((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize-(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in), bp /* &got */) == -1 {
  8894  			return -1
  8895  		}
  8896  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 4 /* &.avail_in */)) += (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* got */)))
  8897  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  8898  	}
  8899  	return 0
  8900  }
  8902  // Look for gzip header, set up for inflate or copy.  state->x.have must be 0.
  8903  //    If this is the first time in, allocate required memory.  state->how will be
  8904  //    left unchanged if there is no more input data available, will be set to COPY
  8905  //    if there is no gzip header and direct copying will be performed, or it will
  8906  //    be set to GZIP for decompression.  If direct copying, then leftover input
  8907  //    data from the input buffer will be copied to the output buffer.  In that
  8908  //    case, all further file reads will be directly to either the output buffer or
  8909  //    a user buffer.  If decompressing, the inflate state will be initialized.
  8910  //    gz_look() will return 0 on success or -1 on failure.
  8911  func gz_look(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep) int32 { /* gzread.c:91:11: */
  8912  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  8914  	// allocate read buffers and inflate memory
  8915  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize == uint32(0) {
  8916  		// allocate buffers
  8917  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin = libc.Xmalloc(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant)
  8918  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout = libc.Xmalloc(tls, ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant << 1))
  8919  		if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin == (uintptr(0))) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout == (uintptr(0))) {
  8920  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout)
  8921  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)
  8922  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -4, ts+87 /* "out of memory" */)
  8923  			return -1
  8924  		}
  8925  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant
  8927  		// allocate inflate memory
  8928  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fzalloc = Alloc_func(Z_NULL)
  8929  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fzfree = Free_func(Z_NULL)
  8930  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fopaque = Voidpf(Z_NULL)
  8931  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in = UInt(0)
  8932  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fnext_in = uintptr(Z_NULL)
  8933  		if (XinflateInit2_(tls, (state+96 /* &.strm */), (15+16), ts /* "1.2.11" */, int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{}))) != Z_OK) { // gunzip
  8934  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout)
  8935  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)
  8936  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize = uint32(0)
  8937  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -4, ts+87 /* "out of memory" */)
  8938  			return -1
  8939  		}
  8940  	}
  8942  	// get at least the magic bytes in the input buffer
  8943  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in < UInt(2) {
  8944  		if gz_avail(tls, state) == -1 {
  8945  			return -1
  8946  		}
  8947  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  8948  			return 0
  8949  		}
  8950  	}
  8952  	// look for gzip magic bytes -- if there, do gzip decoding (note: there is
  8953  	//        a logical dilemma here when considering the case of a partially written
  8954  	//        gzip file, to wit, if a single 31 byte is written, then we cannot tell
  8955  	//        whether this is a single-byte file, or just a partially written gzip
  8956  	//        file -- for here we assume that if a gzip file is being written, then
  8957  	//        the header will be written in a single operation, so that reading a
  8958  	//        single byte is sufficient indication that it is not a gzip file)
  8959  	if (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in > UInt(1)) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in))) == 31)) && (int32(*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in + 1))) == 139) {
  8960  		XinflateReset(tls, strm)
  8961  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow = /* GZIP */ 2
  8962  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect = 0
  8963  		return 0
  8964  	}
  8966  	// no gzip header -- if we were decoding gzip before, then this is trailing
  8967  	//        garbage.  Ignore the trailing garbage and finish.
  8968  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect == 0 {
  8969  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = UInt(0)
  8970  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof = 1
  8971  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = uint32(0)
  8972  		return 0
  8973  	}
  8975  	// doing raw i/o, copy any leftover input to output -- this assumes that
  8976  	//        the output buffer is larger than the input buffer, which also assures
  8977  	//        space for gzungetc()
  8978  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout
  8979  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != 0 {
  8980  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in)
  8981  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
  8982  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = UInt(0)
  8983  	}
  8984  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow = COPY1
  8985  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect = 1
  8986  	return 0
  8987  }
  8989  // Decompress from input to the provided next_out and avail_out in the state.
  8990  //    On return, state->x.have and state-> point to the just decompressed
  8991  //    data.  If the gzip stream completes, state->how is reset to LOOK to look for
  8992  //    the next gzip stream or raw data, once state->x.have is depleted.  Returns 0
  8993  //    on success, -1 on failure.
  8994  func gz_decomp(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep) int32 { /* gzread.c:175:11: */
  8995  	var ret int32 = Z_OK
  8996  	var had uint32
  8997  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  8999  	// fill output buffer up to end of deflate stream
  9000  	had = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out
  9001  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out != 0) && (ret != Z_STREAM_END)) {
  9002  		// get more input for inflate()
  9003  		if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0)) && (gz_avail(tls, state) == -1) {
  9004  			return -1
  9005  		}
  9006  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  9007  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -5, ts+112 /* "unexpected end o..." */)
  9008  			break
  9009  		}
  9011  		// decompress and handle errors
  9012  		ret = Xinflate(tls, strm, Z_NO_FLUSH)
  9013  		if (ret == (-2)) || (ret == Z_NEED_DICT) {
  9014  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -2,
  9015  				ts+135 /* "internal error: ..." */)
  9016  			return -1
  9017  		}
  9018  		if ret == (-4) {
  9019  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -4, ts+87 /* "out of memory" */)
  9020  			return -1
  9021  		}
  9022  		if ret == (-3) { // deflate stream invalid
  9023  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -3,
  9024  				func() uintptr {
  9025  					if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg == (uintptr(0)) {
  9026  						return ts + 174 /* "compressed data ..." */
  9027  					}
  9028  					return (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg
  9029  				}())
  9030  			return -1
  9031  		}
  9032  	}
  9034  	// update available output
  9035  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = (had - (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out)
  9036  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out - uintptr((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave))
  9038  	// if the gzip stream completed successfully, look for another
  9039  	if ret == Z_STREAM_END {
  9040  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow = LOOK
  9041  	}
  9043  	// good decompression
  9044  	return 0
  9045  }
  9047  // Fetch data and put it in the output buffer.  Assumes state->x.have is 0.
  9048  //    Data is either copied from the input file or decompressed from the input
  9049  //    file depending on state->how.  If state->how is LOOK, then a gzip header is
  9050  //    looked for to determine whether to copy or decompress.  Returns -1 on error,
  9051  //    otherwise 0.  gz_fetch() will leave state->how as COPY or GZIP unless the
  9052  //    end of the input file has been reached and all data has been processed.
  9053  func gz_fetch(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep) int32 { /* gzread.c:229:11: */
  9054  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  9056  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave == uint32(0)) && (!((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof != 0) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != 0))) {
  9057  		switch (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow {
  9058  		case LOOK: // -> LOOK, COPY (only if never GZIP), or GZIP
  9059  			if gz_look(tls, state) == -1 {
  9060  				return -1
  9061  			}
  9062  			if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow == LOOK {
  9063  				return 0
  9064  			}
  9065  			break
  9066  		case COPY1: // -> COPY
  9067  			if gz_load(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout, ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize<<1), (state /* &.x */ /* &.have */)) ==
  9068  				-1 {
  9069  				return -1
  9070  			}
  9071  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout
  9072  			return 0
  9073  		case /* GZIP */ 2: // -> GZIP or LOOK (if end of gzip stream)
  9074  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize << 1)
  9075  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout
  9076  			if gz_decomp(tls, state) == -1 {
  9077  				return -1
  9078  			}
  9079  		}
  9080  	}
  9081  	return 0
  9082  }
  9084  // Skip len uncompressed bytes of output.  Return -1 on error, 0 on success.
  9085  func gz_skip(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, len Off64_t) int32 { /* gzread.c:259:11: */
  9086  	var n uint32
  9088  	// skip over len bytes or reach end-of-file, whichever comes first
  9089  	for len != 0 {
  9090  		// skip over whatever is in output buffer
  9091  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave != 0 {
  9092  			if ((uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) == uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Off64_t(0)))) && (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave) > uint32(0x7fffffff))) || (Off64_t((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave) > len) {
  9093  				n = uint32(len)
  9094  			} else {
  9095  				n = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave
  9096  			}
  9097  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ /* &.have */)) -= (n)
  9098  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 4 /* &.next */)) += (uintptr(n))
  9099  			*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(n))
  9100  			len = len - (Off64_t(n))
  9101  		} else if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof != 0) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in == UInt(0)) {
  9102  			break
  9103  		} else {
  9104  			// get more output, looking for header if required
  9105  			if gz_fetch(tls, state) == -1 {
  9106  				return -1
  9107  			}
  9108  		}
  9109  	}
  9110  	return 0
  9111  }
  9113  // Read len bytes into buf from file, or less than len up to the end of the
  9114  //    input.  Return the number of bytes read.  If zero is returned, either the
  9115  //    end of file was reached, or there was an error.  state->err must be
  9116  //    consulted in that case to determine which.
  9117  func gz_read(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, buf Voidp, len Z_size_t) Z_size_t { /* gzread.c:294:16: */
  9118  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
  9119  	defer tls.Free(4)
  9121  	var got Z_size_t
  9122  	// var n uint32 at bp, 4
  9124  	// if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations
  9125  	if len == Z_size_t(0) {
  9126  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9127  	}
  9129  	// process a skip request
  9130  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9131  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9132  		if gz_skip(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9133  			return Z_size_t(0)
  9134  		}
  9135  	}
  9137  	// get len bytes to buf, or less than len if at the end
  9138  	got = Z_size_t(0)
  9139  	for ok := true; ok; ok = len != 0 {
  9140  		// set n to the maximum amount of len that fits in an unsigned int
  9141  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) = libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1)
  9142  		if *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) > len {
  9143  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) = len
  9144  		}
  9146  		// first just try copying data from the output buffer
  9147  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave != 0 {
  9148  			if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave < *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) {
  9149  				*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave
  9150  			}
  9151  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, buf, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext, *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)))
  9152  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 4 /* &.next */)) += (uintptr(*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */))))
  9153  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ /* &.have */)) -= (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)))
  9154  		} else if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Feof != 0) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in == UInt(0)) {
  9155  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 1 // tried to read past end
  9156  			break
  9157  		} else if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow == LOOK) || (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) < ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize << 1)) {
  9158  			// get more output, looking for header if required
  9159  			if gz_fetch(tls, state) == -1 {
  9160  				return Z_size_t(0)
  9161  			}
  9162  			continue // no progress yet -- go back to copy above
  9163  			// the copy above assures that we will leave with space in the
  9164  			//                output buffer, allowing at least one gzungetc() to succeed
  9165  		} else if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow == COPY1 { // read directly
  9166  			if gz_load(tls, state, buf, *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)), bp /* &n */) == -1 {
  9167  				return Z_size_t(0)
  9168  			}
  9169  		} else { // state->how == GZIP
  9170  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_out = *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */))
  9171  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fnext_out = buf
  9172  			if gz_decomp(tls, state) == -1 {
  9173  				return Z_size_t(0)
  9174  			}
  9175  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)) = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave
  9176  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = uint32(0)
  9177  		}
  9179  		// update progress
  9180  		len = len - (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)))
  9181  		buf = (buf + uintptr(*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */))))
  9182  		got = got + (*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */)))
  9183  		*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* n */))))
  9184  	}
  9186  	// return number of bytes read into user buffer
  9187  	return got
  9188  }
  9190  // -- see zlib.h --
  9191  func Xgzread(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, buf Voidp, len uint32) int32 { /* gzread.c:375:13: */
  9192  	var state Gz_statep
  9194  	// get internal structure
  9195  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9196  		return -1
  9197  	}
  9198  	state = file
  9200  	// check that we're reading and that there's no (serious) error
  9201  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) || (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5))) {
  9202  		return -1
  9203  	}
  9205  	// since an int is returned, make sure len fits in one, otherwise return
  9206  	//        with an error (this avoids a flaw in the interface)
  9207  	if int32(len) < 0 {
  9208  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -2, ts+196 /* "request does not..." */)
  9209  		return -1
  9210  	}
  9212  	// read len or fewer bytes to buf
  9213  	len = gz_read(tls, state, buf, len)
  9215  	// check for an error
  9216  	if ((len == uint32(0)) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK)) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5)) {
  9217  		return -1
  9218  	}
  9220  	// return the number of bytes read (this is assured to fit in an int)
  9221  	return int32(len)
  9222  }
  9224  // -- see zlib.h --
  9225  func Xgzfread(tls *libc.TLS, buf Voidp, size Z_size_t, nitems Z_size_t, file GzFile) Z_size_t { /* gzread.c:411:18: */
  9226  	var len Z_size_t
  9227  	var state Gz_statep
  9229  	// get internal structure
  9230  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9231  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9232  	}
  9233  	state = file
  9235  	// check that we're reading and that there's no (serious) error
  9236  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) || (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5))) {
  9237  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9238  	}
  9240  	// compute bytes to read -- error on overflow
  9241  	len = (nitems * size)
  9242  	if (size != 0) && ((len / size) != nitems) {
  9243  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -2, ts+227 /* "request does not..." */)
  9244  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9245  	}
  9247  	// read len or fewer bytes to buf, return the number of full items read
  9248  	if len != 0 {
  9249  		return (gz_read(tls, state, buf, len) / size)
  9250  	}
  9251  	return uint32(0)
  9252  }
  9254  // -- see zlib.h --
  9255  func Xgzgetc(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzread.c:447:13: */
  9256  	bp := tls.Alloc(1)
  9257  	defer tls.Free(1)
  9259  	var ret int32
  9260  	// var buf [1]uint8 at bp, 1
  9262  	var state Gz_statep
  9264  	// get internal structure
  9265  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9266  		return -1
  9267  	}
  9268  	state = file
  9270  	// check that we're reading and that there's no (serious) error
  9271  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) || (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5))) {
  9272  		return -1
  9273  	}
  9275  	// try output buffer (no need to check for skip request)
  9276  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave != 0 {
  9277  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave--
  9278  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos++
  9279  		return int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext), 1))))
  9280  	}
  9282  	// nothing there -- try gz_read()
  9283  	ret = int32(gz_read(tls, state, bp /* &buf[0] */, uint32(1)))
  9284  	if ret < 1 {
  9285  		return -1
  9286  	}
  9287  	return int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &buf[0] */)))
  9288  }
  9290  func Xgzgetc_(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzread.c:476:13: */
  9291  	return Xgzgetc(tls, file)
  9292  }
  9294  // -- see zlib.h --
  9295  func Xgzungetc(tls *libc.TLS, c int32, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzread.c:483:13: */
  9296  	var state Gz_statep
  9298  	// get internal structure
  9299  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9300  		return -1
  9301  	}
  9302  	state = file
  9304  	// check that we're reading and that there's no (serious) error
  9305  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) || (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5))) {
  9306  		return -1
  9307  	}
  9309  	// process a skip request
  9310  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9311  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9312  		if gz_skip(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9313  			return -1
  9314  		}
  9315  	}
  9317  	// can't push EOF
  9318  	if c < 0 {
  9319  		return -1
  9320  	}
  9322  	// if output buffer empty, put byte at end (allows more pushing)
  9323  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave == uint32(0) {
  9324  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave = uint32(1)
  9325  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout + uintptr(((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize << 1))) - uintptr(1))
  9326  		*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext)) = uint8(c)
  9327  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos--
  9328  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 0
  9329  		return c
  9330  	}
  9332  	// if no room, give up (must have already done a gzungetc())
  9333  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave == ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize << 1) {
  9334  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -3, ts+260 /* "out of room to p..." */)
  9335  		return -1
  9336  	}
  9338  	// slide output data if needed and insert byte before existing data
  9339  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext == (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout {
  9340  		var src uintptr = ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout + uintptr((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave))
  9341  		var dest uintptr = ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout + uintptr(((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize << 1)))
  9342  		for src > (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout {
  9343  			*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreDecUintptr(&dest, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PreDecUintptr(&src, 1)))
  9344  		}
  9345  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = dest
  9346  	}
  9347  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave++
  9348  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext--
  9349  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext)) = uint8(c)
  9350  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos--
  9351  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 0
  9352  	return c
  9353  }
  9355  // -- see zlib.h --
  9356  func Xgzgets(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, buf uintptr, len int32) uintptr { /* gzread.c:543:6: */
  9357  	var left uint32
  9358  	var n uint32
  9359  	var str uintptr
  9360  	var eol uintptr
  9361  	var state Gz_statep
  9363  	// check parameters and get internal structure
  9364  	if ((file == (uintptr(0))) || (buf == (uintptr(0)))) || (len < 1) {
  9365  		return uintptr(0)
  9366  	}
  9367  	state = file
  9369  	// check that we're reading and that there's no (serious) error
  9370  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ) || (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != (-5))) {
  9371  		return uintptr(0)
  9372  	}
  9374  	// process a skip request
  9375  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9376  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9377  		if gz_skip(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9378  			return uintptr(0)
  9379  		}
  9380  	}
  9382  	// copy output bytes up to new line or len - 1, whichever comes first --
  9383  	//        append a terminating zero to the string (we don't check for a zero in
  9384  	//        the contents, let the user worry about that)
  9385  	str = buf
  9386  	left = (uint32(len) - uint32(1))
  9387  	if left != 0 {
  9388  		for ok := true; ok; ok = ((left != 0) && (eol == (uintptr(0)))) {
  9389  			// assure that something is in the output buffer
  9390  			if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave == uint32(0)) && (gz_fetch(tls, state) == -1) {
  9391  				return uintptr(0)
  9392  			} // error
  9393  			if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave == uint32(0) { // end of file
  9394  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpast = 1 // read past end
  9395  				break                                        // return what we have
  9396  			}
  9398  			// look for end-of-line in current output buffer
  9399  			if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave > left {
  9400  				n = left
  9401  			} else {
  9402  				n = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave
  9403  			}
  9404  			eol = libc.Xmemchr(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext, '\n', n)
  9405  			if eol != (uintptr(0)) {
  9406  				n = ((uint32((int32(eol) - int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext)) / 1)) + uint32(1))
  9407  			}
  9409  			// copy through end-of-line, or remainder if not found
  9410  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, buf, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext, n)
  9411  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ /* &.have */)) -= (n)
  9412  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 4 /* &.next */)) += (uintptr(n))
  9413  			*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(n))
  9414  			left = left - (n)
  9415  			buf += uintptr(n)
  9416  		}
  9417  	}
  9419  	// return terminated string, or if nothing, end of file
  9420  	if buf == str {
  9421  		return uintptr(0)
  9422  	}
  9423  	*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) = int8(0)
  9424  	return str
  9425  }
  9427  // -- see zlib.h --
  9428  func Xgzdirect(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzread.c:607:13: */
  9429  	var state Gz_statep
  9431  	// get internal structure
  9432  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9433  		return 0
  9434  	}
  9435  	state = file
  9437  	// if the state is not known, but we can find out, then do so (this is
  9438  	//        mainly for right after a gzopen() or gzdopen())
  9439  	if (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == GZ_READ) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhow == LOOK)) && ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fhave == uint32(0)) {
  9440  		gz_look(tls, state)
  9441  	}
  9443  	// return 1 if transparent, 0 if processing a gzip stream
  9444  	return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect
  9445  }
  9447  // -- see zlib.h --
  9448  func Xgzclose_r(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzread.c:627:13: */
  9449  	var ret int32
  9450  	var err int32
  9451  	var state Gz_statep
  9453  	// get internal structure
  9454  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9455  		return -2
  9456  	}
  9457  	state = file
  9459  	// check that we're reading
  9460  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_READ {
  9461  		return -2
  9462  	}
  9464  	// free memory and close file
  9465  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize != 0 {
  9466  		XinflateEnd(tls, (state + 96 /* &.strm */))
  9467  		libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout)
  9468  		libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)
  9469  	}
  9470  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr == (-5) {
  9471  		err = -5
  9472  	} else {
  9473  		err = Z_OK
  9474  	}
  9475  	Xgz_error(tls, state, Z_OK, uintptr(0))
  9476  	libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath)
  9477  	ret = libc.Xclose(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd)
  9478  	libc.Xfree(tls, state)
  9479  	if ret != 0 {
  9480  		return -1
  9481  	}
  9482  	return err
  9483  }
  9485  // Initialize state for writing a gzip file.  Mark initialization by setting
  9486  //    state->size to non-zero.  Return -1 on a memory allocation failure, or 0 on
  9487  //    success.
  9488  func gz_init(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:17:11: */
  9489  	var ret int32
  9490  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  9492  	// allocate input buffer (double size for gzprintf)
  9493  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin = libc.Xmalloc(tls, ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant << 1))
  9494  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin == (uintptr(0)) {
  9495  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -4, ts+87 /* "out of memory" */)
  9496  		return -1
  9497  	}
  9499  	// only need output buffer and deflate state if compressing
  9500  	if !((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect != 0) {
  9501  		// allocate output buffer
  9502  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout = libc.Xmalloc(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant)
  9503  		if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout == (uintptr(0)) {
  9504  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)
  9505  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -4, ts+87 /* "out of memory" */)
  9506  			return -1
  9507  		}
  9509  		// allocate deflate memory, set up for gzip compression
  9510  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc = Alloc_func(Z_NULL)
  9511  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree = Free_func(Z_NULL)
  9512  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque = Voidpf(Z_NULL)
  9513  		ret = XdeflateInit2_(tls, strm, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flevel, Z_DEFLATED, (MAX_WBITS + 16), DEF_MEM_LEVEL, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy, ts /* "1.2.11" */, int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))
  9514  		if ret != Z_OK {
  9515  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout)
  9516  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)
  9517  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -4, ts+87 /* "out of memory" */)
  9518  			return -1
  9519  		}
  9520  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = uintptr(0)
  9521  	}
  9523  	// mark state as initialized
  9524  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwant
  9526  	// initialize write buffer if compressing
  9527  	if !((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect != 0) {
  9528  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize
  9529  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout
  9530  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out
  9531  	}
  9532  	return 0
  9533  }
  9535  // Compress whatever is at avail_in and next_in and write to the output file.
  9536  //    Return -1 if there is an error writing to the output file or if gz_init()
  9537  //    fails to allocate memory, otherwise 0.  flush is assumed to be a valid
  9538  //    deflate() flush value.  If flush is Z_FINISH, then the deflate() state is
  9539  //    reset to start a new gzip stream.  If gz->direct is true, then simply write
  9540  //    to the output file without compressing, and ignore flush.
  9541  func gz_comp(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, flush int32) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:73:11: */
  9542  	var ret int32
  9543  	var writ int32
  9544  	var have uint32
  9545  	var put uint32
  9546  	var max uint32 = ((uint32(libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1))) >> 2) + uint32(1))
  9547  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  9549  	// allocate memory if this is the first time through
  9550  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize == uint32(0)) && (gz_init(tls, state) == -1) {
  9551  		return -1
  9552  	}
  9554  	// write directly if requested
  9555  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect != 0 {
  9556  		for (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != 0 {
  9557  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in > max {
  9558  				put = max
  9559  			} else {
  9560  				put = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
  9561  			}
  9562  			writ = libc.Xwrite(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in, put)
  9563  			if writ < 0 {
  9564  				Xgz_error(tls, state, -1, libc.Xstrerror(tls, *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.X__errno_location(tls)))))
  9565  				return -1
  9566  			}
  9567  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 4 /* &.avail_in */)) -= (uint32(writ))
  9568  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(strm /* &.next_in */)) += (uintptr(writ))
  9569  		}
  9570  		return 0
  9571  	}
  9573  	// run deflate() on provided input until it produces no more output
  9574  	ret = Z_OK
  9575  	for ok := true; ok; ok = have != 0 {
  9576  		// write out current buffer contents if full, or if flushing, but if
  9577  		//            doing Z_FINISH then don't write until we get to Z_STREAM_END
  9578  		if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0)) || ((flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) && ((flush != Z_FINISH) || (ret == Z_STREAM_END))) {
  9579  			for (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out > (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext {
  9580  				if ((int32((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out) - int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext)) / 1) > int32(max) {
  9581  					put = max
  9582  				} else {
  9583  					put = (uint32((int32((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out) - int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext)) / 1))
  9584  				}
  9585  				writ = libc.Xwrite(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext, put)
  9586  				if writ < 0 {
  9587  					Xgz_error(tls, state, -1, libc.Xstrerror(tls, *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.X__errno_location(tls)))))
  9588  					return -1
  9589  				}
  9590  				*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 4 /* &.next */)) += (uintptr(writ))
  9591  			}
  9592  			if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
  9593  				(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize
  9594  				(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout
  9595  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fnext = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout
  9596  			}
  9597  		}
  9599  		// compress
  9600  		have = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out
  9601  		ret = Xdeflate(tls, strm, flush)
  9602  		if ret == (-2) {
  9603  			Xgz_error(tls, state, -2,
  9604  				ts+291 /* "internal error: ..." */)
  9605  			return -1
  9606  		}
  9607  		have = have - ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out)
  9608  	}
  9610  	// if that completed a deflate stream, allow another to start
  9611  	if flush == Z_FINISH {
  9612  		XdeflateReset(tls, strm)
  9613  	}
  9615  	// all done, no errors
  9616  	return 0
  9617  }
  9619  // Compress len zeros to output.  Return -1 on a write error or memory
  9620  //    allocation failure by gz_comp(), or 0 on success.
  9621  func gz_zero(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, len Off64_t) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:145:11: */
  9622  	var first int32
  9623  	var n uint32
  9624  	var strm Z_streamp = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  9626  	// consume whatever's left in the input buffer
  9627  	if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != 0) && (gz_comp(tls, state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1) {
  9628  		return -1
  9629  	}
  9631  	// compress len zeros (len guaranteed > 0)
  9632  	first = 1
  9633  	for len != 0 {
  9634  		if ((uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) == uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Off64_t(0)))) && (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize) > uint32(0x7fffffff))) || (Off64_t((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize) > len) {
  9635  			n = uint32(len)
  9636  		} else {
  9637  			n = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize
  9638  		}
  9639  		if first != 0 {
  9640  			libc.Xmemset(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin, 0, n)
  9641  			first = 0
  9642  		}
  9643  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = n
  9644  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  9645  		*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(n))
  9646  		if gz_comp(tls, state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1 {
  9647  			return -1
  9648  		}
  9649  		len = len - (Off64_t(n))
  9650  	}
  9651  	return 0
  9652  }
  9654  // Write len bytes from buf to file.  Return the number of bytes written.  If
  9655  //    the returned value is less than len, then there was an error.
  9656  func gz_write(tls *libc.TLS, state Gz_statep, buf Voidpc, len Z_size_t) Z_size_t { /* gzwrite.c:178:16: */
  9657  	var put Z_size_t = len
  9659  	// if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations
  9660  	if len == Z_size_t(0) {
  9661  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9662  	}
  9664  	// allocate memory if this is the first time through
  9665  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize == uint32(0)) && (gz_init(tls, state) == -1) {
  9666  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9667  	}
  9669  	// check for seek request
  9670  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9671  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9672  		if gz_zero(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9673  			return Z_size_t(0)
  9674  		}
  9675  	}
  9677  	// for small len, copy to input buffer, otherwise compress directly
  9678  	if len < (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize {
  9679  		// copy to input buffer, compress when full
  9680  		for ok := true; ok; ok = len != 0 {
  9681  			var have uint32
  9682  			var copy uint32
  9684  			if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  9685  				(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fnext_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  9686  			}
  9687  			have = (uint32(((int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fnext_in + uintptr((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in))) - int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)) / 1))
  9688  			copy = ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize - have)
  9689  			if copy > len {
  9690  				copy = len
  9691  			}
  9692  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin + uintptr(have)), buf, copy)
  9693  			*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 96 /* &.strm */ + 4 /* &.avail_in */)) += (copy)
  9694  			*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(copy))
  9695  			buf = (buf + uintptr(copy))
  9696  			len = len - (copy)
  9697  			if (len != 0) && (gz_comp(tls, state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1) {
  9698  				return Z_size_t(0)
  9699  			}
  9700  		}
  9701  	} else {
  9702  		// consume whatever's left in the input buffer
  9703  		if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in != 0) && (gz_comp(tls, state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1) {
  9704  			return Z_size_t(0)
  9705  		}
  9707  		// directly compress user buffer to file
  9708  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Fnext_in = buf
  9709  		for ok1 := true; ok1; ok1 = len != 0 {
  9710  			var n uint32 = libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1))
  9711  			if n > len {
  9712  				n = len
  9713  			}
  9714  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm.Favail_in = n
  9715  			*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(n))
  9716  			if gz_comp(tls, state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1 {
  9717  				return Z_size_t(0)
  9718  			}
  9719  			len = len - (n)
  9720  		}
  9721  	}
  9723  	// input was all buffered or compressed
  9724  	return put
  9725  }
  9727  // -- see zlib.h --
  9728  func Xgzwrite(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, buf Voidpc, len uint32) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:246:13: */
  9729  	var state Gz_statep
  9731  	// get internal structure
  9732  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9733  		return 0
  9734  	}
  9735  	state = file
  9737  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
  9738  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
  9739  		return 0
  9740  	}
  9742  	// since an int is returned, make sure len fits in one, otherwise return
  9743  	//        with an error (this avoids a flaw in the interface)
  9744  	if int32(len) < 0 {
  9745  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -3, ts+330 /* "requested length..." */)
  9746  		return 0
  9747  	}
  9749  	// write len bytes from buf (the return value will fit in an int)
  9750  	return int32(gz_write(tls, state, buf, len))
  9751  }
  9753  // -- see zlib.h --
  9754  func Xgzfwrite(tls *libc.TLS, buf Voidpc, size Z_size_t, nitems Z_size_t, file GzFile) Z_size_t { /* gzwrite.c:274:18: */
  9755  	var len Z_size_t
  9756  	var state Gz_statep
  9758  	// get internal structure
  9759  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9760  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9761  	}
  9762  	state = file
  9764  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
  9765  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
  9766  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9767  	}
  9769  	// compute bytes to read -- error on overflow
  9770  	len = (nitems * size)
  9771  	if (size != 0) && ((len / size) != nitems) {
  9772  		Xgz_error(tls, state, -2, ts+227 /* "request does not..." */)
  9773  		return Z_size_t(0)
  9774  	}
  9776  	// write len bytes to buf, return the number of full items written
  9777  	if len != 0 {
  9778  		return (gz_write(tls, state, buf, len) / size)
  9779  	}
  9780  	return uint32(0)
  9781  }
  9783  // -- see zlib.h --
  9784  func Xgzputc(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, c int32) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:304:13: */
  9785  	bp := tls.Alloc(1)
  9786  	defer tls.Free(1)
  9788  	var have uint32
  9789  	// var buf [1]uint8 at bp, 1
  9791  	var state Gz_statep
  9792  	var strm Z_streamp
  9794  	// get internal structure
  9795  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9796  		return -1
  9797  	}
  9798  	state = file
  9799  	strm = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  9801  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
  9802  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
  9803  		return -1
  9804  	}
  9806  	// check for seek request
  9807  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9808  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9809  		if gz_zero(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9810  			return -1
  9811  		}
  9812  	}
  9814  	// try writing to input buffer for speed (state->size == 0 if buffer not
  9815  	//        initialized)
  9816  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize != 0 {
  9817  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  9818  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  9819  		}
  9820  		have = (uint32(((int32((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in + uintptr((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in))) - int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)) / 1))
  9821  		if have < (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize {
  9822  			*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin + uintptr(have))) = uint8(c)
  9823  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in++
  9824  			(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fx.Fpos++
  9825  			return (c & 0xff)
  9826  		}
  9827  	}
  9829  	// no room in buffer or not initialized, use gz_write()
  9830  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &buf[0] */)) = uint8(c)
  9831  	if gz_write(tls, state, bp /* &buf[0] */, uint32(1)) != Z_size_t(1) {
  9832  		return -1
  9833  	}
  9834  	return (c & 0xff)
  9835  }
  9837  // -- see zlib.h --
  9838  func Xgzputs(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, str uintptr) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:352:13: */
  9839  	var ret int32
  9840  	var len Z_size_t
  9841  	var state Gz_statep
  9843  	// get internal structure
  9844  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9845  		return -1
  9846  	}
  9847  	state = file
  9849  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
  9850  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
  9851  		return -1
  9852  	}
  9854  	// write string
  9855  	len = libc.Xstrlen(tls, str)
  9856  	ret = int32(gz_write(tls, state, str, len))
  9857  	if (ret == 0) && (len != Z_size_t(0)) {
  9858  		return -1
  9859  	}
  9860  	return ret
  9861  }
  9863  // Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  9864  //
  9865  // This file is part of GCC.
  9866  //
  9867  // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  9868  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9869  // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
  9870  // any later version.
  9871  //
  9872  // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9873  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  9875  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  9876  //
  9877  // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
  9878  // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
  9879  // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  9880  //
  9881  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
  9882  // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
  9883  // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
  9884  // <>.
  9886  // ISO C Standard:  7.15  Variable arguments  <stdarg.h>
  9888  // -- see zlib.h --
  9889  func Xgzvprintf(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, format uintptr, va Va_list) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:379:15: */
  9890  	var len int32
  9891  	var left uint32
  9892  	var next uintptr
  9893  	var state Gz_statep
  9894  	var strm Z_streamp
  9896  	// get internal structure
  9897  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9898  		return -2
  9899  	}
  9900  	state = file
  9901  	strm = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
  9903  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
  9904  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
  9905  		return -2
  9906  	}
  9908  	// make sure we have some buffer space
  9909  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize == uint32(0)) && (gz_init(tls, state) == -1) {
  9910  		return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
  9911  	}
  9913  	// check for seek request
  9914  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9915  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9916  		if gz_zero(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9917  			return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
  9918  		}
  9919  	}
  9921  	// do the printf() into the input buffer, put length in len -- the input
  9922  	//        buffer is double-sized just for this function, so there is guaranteed to
  9923  	//        be state->size bytes available after the current contents
  9924  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
  9925  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  9926  	}
  9927  	next = (((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin + uintptr(((int32((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in) - int32((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)) / 1))) + uintptr((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in))
  9928  	*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(next + uintptr(((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize - uint32(1))))) = int8(0)
  9929  	len = libc.Xvsnprintf(tls, next, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize, format, va)
  9931  	// check that printf() results fit in buffer
  9932  	if ((len == 0) || (uint32(len) >= (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize)) || (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(next + uintptr(((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize - uint32(1)))))) != 0) {
  9933  		return 0
  9934  	}
  9936  	// update buffer and position, compress first half if past that
  9937  	*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 4 /* &.avail_in */)) += (uint32(len))
  9938  	*(*Off64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(state /* &.x */ + 8 /* &.pos */)) += (Off64_t(len))
  9939  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in >= (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize {
  9940  		left = ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in - (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize)
  9941  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize
  9942  		if gz_comp(tls, state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1 {
  9943  			return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
  9944  		}
  9945  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin, ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin + uintptr((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize)), left)
  9946  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin
  9947  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = left
  9948  	}
  9949  	return len
  9950  }
  9952  func Xgzprintf(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, format uintptr, va uintptr) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:451:15: */
  9953  	var va1 Va_list
  9954  	_ = va1
  9955  	var ret int32
  9957  	va1 = va
  9958  	ret = Xgzvprintf(tls, file, format, va1)
  9959  	_ = va1
  9960  	return ret
  9961  }
  9963  // -- see zlib.h --
  9964  func Xgzflush(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, flush int32) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:553:13: */
  9965  	var state Gz_statep
  9967  	// get internal structure
  9968  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
  9969  		return -2
  9970  	}
  9971  	state = file
  9973  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
  9974  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
  9975  		return -2
  9976  	}
  9978  	// check flush parameter
  9979  	if (flush < 0) || (flush > Z_FINISH) {
  9980  		return -2
  9981  	}
  9983  	// check for seek request
  9984  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
  9985  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
  9986  		if gz_zero(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
  9987  			return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
  9988  		}
  9989  	}
  9991  	// compress remaining data with requested flush
  9992  	gz_comp(tls, state, flush)
  9993  	return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
  9994  }
  9996  // -- see zlib.h --
  9997  func Xgzsetparams(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile, level int32, strategy int32) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:585:13: */
  9998  	var state Gz_statep
  9999  	var strm Z_streamp
 10001  	// get internal structure
 10002  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
 10003  		return -2
 10004  	}
 10005  	state = file
 10006  	strm = (state + 96 /* &.strm */)
 10008  	// check that we're writing and that there's no error
 10009  	if ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE) || ((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr != Z_OK) {
 10010  		return -2
 10011  	}
 10013  	// if no change is requested, then do nothing
 10014  	if (level == (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flevel) && (strategy == (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy) {
 10015  		return Z_OK
 10016  	}
 10018  	// check for seek request
 10019  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
 10020  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
 10021  		if gz_zero(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
 10022  			return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
 10023  		}
 10024  	}
 10026  	// change compression parameters for subsequent input
 10027  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize != 0 {
 10028  		// flush previous input with previous parameters before changing
 10029  		if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != 0) && (gz_comp(tls, state, Z_BLOCK) == -1) {
 10030  			return (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
 10031  		}
 10032  		XdeflateParams(tls, strm, level, strategy)
 10033  	}
 10034  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flevel = level
 10035  	(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrategy = strategy
 10036  	return Z_OK
 10037  }
 10039  // -- see zlib.h --
 10040  func Xgzclose_w(tls *libc.TLS, file GzFile) int32 { /* gzwrite.c:627:13: */
 10041  	var ret int32 = Z_OK
 10042  	var state Gz_statep
 10044  	// get internal structure
 10045  	if file == (uintptr(0)) {
 10046  		return -2
 10047  	}
 10048  	state = file
 10050  	// check that we're writing
 10051  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != GZ_WRITE {
 10052  		return -2
 10053  	}
 10055  	// check for seek request
 10056  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek != 0 {
 10057  		(*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fseek = 0
 10058  		if gz_zero(tls, state, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fskip) == -1 {
 10059  			ret = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
 10060  		}
 10061  	}
 10063  	// flush, free memory, and close file
 10064  	if gz_comp(tls, state, Z_FINISH) == -1 {
 10065  		ret = (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ferr
 10066  	}
 10067  	if (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsize != 0 {
 10068  		if !((*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdirect != 0) {
 10069  			XdeflateEnd(tls, (state + 96 /* &.strm */))
 10070  			libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fout)
 10071  		}
 10072  		libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fin)
 10073  	}
 10074  	Xgz_error(tls, state, Z_OK, uintptr(0))
 10075  	libc.Xfree(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fpath)
 10076  	if libc.Xclose(tls, (*Gz_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ffd) == -1 {
 10077  		ret = -1
 10078  	}
 10079  	libc.Xfree(tls, state)
 10080  	return ret
 10081  }
 10083  type Ino_t2 = X__ino64_t /* types.h:49:19 */
 10085  type Off_t2 = X__off64_t /* types.h:87:19 */
 10087  // Types from the Large File Support interface.
 10088  type Blkcnt_t2 = X__blkcnt64_t     /* types.h:205:22 */ // Type to count number of disk blocks.
 10089  type Fsblkcnt_t2 = X__fsblkcnt64_t /* types.h:209:24 */ // Type to count file system blocks.
 10090  type Fsfilcnt_t2 = X__fsfilcnt64_t /* types.h:213:24 */
 10092  // Reverse the bytes in a 32-bit value
 10094  // inftrees.h -- header to use inftrees.c
 10095  // Copyright (C) 1995-2005, 2010 Mark Adler
 10096  // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
 10098  // WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
 10099  //    part of the implementation of the compression library and is
 10100  //    subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
 10101  //
 10103  // Structure for decoding tables.  Each entry provides either the
 10104  //    information needed to do the operation requested by the code that
 10105  //    indexed that table entry, or it provides a pointer to another
 10106  //    table that indexes more bits of the code.  op indicates whether
 10107  //    the entry is a pointer to another table, a literal, a length or
 10108  //    distance, an end-of-block, or an invalid code.  For a table
 10109  //    pointer, the low four bits of op is the number of index bits of
 10110  //    that table.  For a length or distance, the low four bits of op
 10111  //    is the number of extra bits to get after the code.  bits is
 10112  //    the number of bits in this code or part of the code to drop off
 10113  //    of the bit buffer.  val is the actual byte to output in the case
 10114  //    of a literal, the base length or distance, or the offset from
 10115  //    the current table to the next table.  Each entry is four bytes.
 10116  type Code = struct {
 10117  	Fop   uint8
 10118  	Fbits uint8
 10119  	Fval  uint16
 10120  } /* inftrees.h:28:3 */
 10122  // op values as set by inflate_table():
 10123  //     00000000 - literal
 10124  //     0000tttt - table link, tttt != 0 is the number of table index bits
 10125  //     0001eeee - length or distance, eeee is the number of extra bits
 10126  //     01100000 - end of block
 10127  //     01000000 - invalid code
 10128  //
 10130  // Maximum size of the dynamic table.  The maximum number of code structures is
 10131  //    1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for distance
 10132  //    codes.  These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program
 10133  //    examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution.  The arguments to that
 10134  //    program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the
 10135  //    maximum bit length of a code.  "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes
 10136  //    returns returns 852, and "enough 30 6 15" for distance codes returns 592.
 10137  //    The initial root table size (9 or 6) is found in the fifth argument of the
 10138  //    inflate_table() calls in inflate.c and infback.c.  If the root table size is
 10139  //    changed, then these maximum sizes would be need to be recalculated and
 10140  //    updated.
 10142  // Type of code to build for inflate_table()
 10143  type Codetype = uint32 /* inftrees.h:58:3 */
 10144  // inflate.h -- internal inflate state definition
 10145  // Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler
 10146  // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
 10148  // WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
 10149  //    part of the implementation of the compression library and is
 10150  //    subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
 10151  //
 10153  // define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
 10154  //    trailer decoding by inflate().  NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
 10155  //    the crc code when it is not needed.  For shared libraries, gzip decoding
 10156  //    should be left enabled.
 10158  // Possible inflate modes between inflate() calls
 10159  type Inflate_mode = uint32 /* inflate.h:53:3 */
 10161  //
 10162  //     State transitions between above modes -
 10163  //
 10164  //     (most modes can go to BAD or MEM on error -- not shown for clarity)
 10165  //
 10166  //     Process header:
 10167  //         HEAD -> (gzip) or (zlib) or (raw)
 10168  //         (gzip) -> FLAGS -> TIME -> OS -> EXLEN -> EXTRA -> NAME -> COMMENT ->
 10169  //                   HCRC -> TYPE
 10170  //         (zlib) -> DICTID or TYPE
 10171  //         DICTID -> DICT -> TYPE
 10172  //         (raw) -> TYPEDO
 10173  //     Read deflate blocks:
 10174  //             TYPE -> TYPEDO -> STORED or TABLE or LEN_ or CHECK
 10175  //             STORED -> COPY_ -> COPY -> TYPE
 10176  //             TABLE -> LENLENS -> CODELENS -> LEN_
 10177  //             LEN_ -> LEN
 10178  //     Read deflate codes in fixed or dynamic block:
 10179  //                 LEN -> LENEXT or LIT or TYPE
 10180  //                 LENEXT -> DIST -> DISTEXT -> MATCH -> LEN
 10181  //                 LIT -> LEN
 10182  //     Process trailer:
 10183  //         CHECK -> LENGTH -> DONE
 10184  //
 10186  // State maintained between inflate() calls -- approximately 7K bytes, not
 10187  //    including the allocated sliding window, which is up to 32K bytes.
 10188  type Inflate_state = struct {
 10189  	Fstrm     Z_streamp
 10190  	Fmode     Inflate_mode
 10191  	Flast     int32
 10192  	Fwrap     int32
 10193  	Fhavedict int32
 10194  	Fflags    int32
 10195  	Fdmax     uint32
 10196  	Fcheck    uint32
 10197  	Ftotal    uint32
 10198  	Fhead     Gz_headerp
 10199  	Fwbits    uint32
 10200  	Fwsize    uint32
 10201  	Fwhave    uint32
 10202  	Fwnext    uint32
 10203  	Fwindow   uintptr
 10204  	Fhold     uint32
 10205  	Fbits     uint32
 10206  	Flength   uint32
 10207  	Foffset   uint32
 10208  	Fextra    uint32
 10209  	Flencode  uintptr
 10210  	Fdistcode uintptr
 10211  	Flenbits  uint32
 10212  	Fdistbits uint32
 10213  	Fncode    uint32
 10214  	Fnlen     uint32
 10215  	Fndist    uint32
 10216  	Fhave     uint32
 10217  	Fnext     uintptr
 10218  	Flens     [320]uint16
 10219  	Fwork     [288]uint16
 10220  	Fcodes    [1444]Code
 10221  	Fsane     int32
 10222  	Fback     int32
 10223  	Fwas      uint32
 10224  } /* inflate.h:82:1 */
 10226  //
 10227  //    strm provides memory allocation functions in zalloc and zfree, or
 10228  //    Z_NULL to use the library memory allocation functions.
 10229  //
 10230  //    windowBits is in the range 8..15, and window is a user-supplied
 10231  //    window and output buffer that is 2**windowBits bytes.
 10232  //
 10233  func XinflateBackInit_(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, windowBits int32, window uintptr, version uintptr, stream_size int32) int32 { /* infback.c:28:13: */
 10234  	var state uintptr
 10236  	if ((version == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(version))) != int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(ts /* "1.2.11" */))))) || (stream_size != (int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))) {
 10237  		return -6
 10238  	}
 10239  	if (((strm == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || (window == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || (windowBits < 8)) || (windowBits > 15) {
 10240  		return -2
 10241  	}
 10242  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = uintptr(Z_NULL) // in case we return an error
 10243  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc == uintptr(0) {
 10244  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
 10245  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, uint32, uint32) Voidpf
 10246  		}{Xzcalloc}))
 10247  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque = uintptr(0)
 10248  	}
 10249  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree == uintptr(0) {
 10250  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
 10251  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 10252  		}{Xzcfree}))
 10253  	}
 10254  	state = (*struct {
 10255  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
 10256  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, uint32(1), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Inflate_state{})))
 10257  	if state == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 10258  		return -4
 10259  	}
 10261  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = state
 10262  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdmax = 32768
 10263  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits = UInt(windowBits)
 10264  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize = (uint32(1) << windowBits)
 10265  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow = window
 10266  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext = uint32(0)
 10267  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = uint32(0)
 10268  	return Z_OK
 10269  }
 10271  //
 10272  //    Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to
 10273  //    fixed code decoding.  Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h.
 10274  //    If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the
 10275  //    first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and
 10276  //    thereafter.  This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in
 10277  //    exchange for a little execution time.  However, BUILDFIXED should not be
 10278  //    used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin
 10279  //    may not be thread-safe.
 10280  //
 10281  func fixedtables(tls *libc.TLS, state uintptr) { /* infback.c:82:12: */
 10282  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lenfix))
 10283  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits = uint32(9)
 10284  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&distfix))
 10285  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits = uint32(5)
 10286  }
 10288  var lenfix = [512]Code{
 10289  	{Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(80)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(16)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(112)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(48)},
 10290  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(192)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(96)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(32)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(160)}, {Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(128)},
 10291  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(64)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(224)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(88)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(24)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(144)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)},
 10292  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(120)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(56)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(208)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(104)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(40)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(176)},
 10293  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(136)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(72)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(240)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(84)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(20)},
 10294  	{Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(227)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(116)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(52)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(200)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(100)},
 10295  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(36)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(168)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(132)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(68)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(232)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)},
 10296  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(92)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(28)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(152)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(124)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(60)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(216)},
 10297  	{Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(108)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(44)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(184)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(12)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(140)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(76)},
 10298  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(248)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(82)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(18)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(163)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(114)},
 10299  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(50)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(196)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(98)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(34)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(164)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(2)},
 10300  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(130)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(66)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(228)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(90)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(26)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(148)},
 10301  	{Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(122)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(58)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(212)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(106)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(42)},
 10302  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(180)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(138)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(74)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(244)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(86)},
 10303  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(22)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(118)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(54)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(204)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)},
 10304  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(102)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(38)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(172)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(134)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(70)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(236)},
 10305  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(94)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(30)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(156)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(126)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(62)},
 10306  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(220)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(110)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(46)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(188)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(14)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(142)},
 10307  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(78)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(252)}, {Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(81)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)},
 10308  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(113)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(49)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(194)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(97)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(33)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(162)},
 10309  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(1)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(129)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(65)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(226)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(89)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(25)},
 10310  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(146)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(121)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(57)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(210)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(105)},
 10311  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(41)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(178)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(137)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(73)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(242)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)},
 10312  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(85)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(21)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(258)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(117)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(53)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(202)},
 10313  	{Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(101)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(37)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(170)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(133)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(69)},
 10314  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(234)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(93)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(29)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(154)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(125)},
 10315  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(61)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(218)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(109)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(45)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(186)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(13)},
 10316  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(141)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(77)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(250)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(195)},
 10317  	{Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(198)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(35)},
 10318  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(166)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(230)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(91)},
 10319  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(150)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(123)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(214)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)},
 10320  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(107)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(182)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(139)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(75)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(246)},
 10321  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(87)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(119)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(55)},
 10322  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(206)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(103)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(39)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(174)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(135)},
 10323  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(71)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(238)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(95)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(158)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)},
 10324  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(127)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(63)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(222)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(111)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(47)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(190)},
 10325  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(143)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(79)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(254)}, {Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(80)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(16)},
 10326  	{Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(112)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(48)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(193)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(96)},
 10327  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(32)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(161)}, {Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(128)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(64)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(225)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)},
 10328  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(88)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(24)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(145)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(120)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(56)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(209)},
 10329  	{Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(104)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(40)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(177)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(136)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(72)},
 10330  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(241)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(84)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(20)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(227)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(116)},
 10331  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(52)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(201)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(100)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(36)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(169)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(4)},
 10332  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(132)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(68)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(233)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(92)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(28)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(153)},
 10333  	{Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(124)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(60)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(217)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(108)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(44)},
 10334  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(185)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(12)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(140)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(76)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(249)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(82)},
 10335  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(18)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(163)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(114)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(50)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(197)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)},
 10336  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(98)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(34)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(165)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(2)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(130)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(66)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(229)},
 10337  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(90)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(26)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(149)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(122)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(58)},
 10338  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(213)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(106)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(42)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(181)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(138)},
 10339  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(74)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(245)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(86)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(22)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)},
 10340  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(118)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(54)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(205)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(102)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(38)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(173)},
 10341  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(134)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(70)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(237)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(94)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(30)},
 10342  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(157)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(126)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(62)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(221)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(110)},
 10343  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(46)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(189)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(14)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(142)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(78)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(253)}, {Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)},
 10344  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(81)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(113)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(49)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(195)},
 10345  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(97)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(33)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(163)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(1)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(129)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(65)},
 10346  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(227)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(89)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(25)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(147)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(121)},
 10347  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(57)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(211)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(105)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(41)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(179)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(9)},
 10348  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(137)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(73)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(243)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(85)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(21)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(258)},
 10349  	{Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(117)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(53)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(203)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(101)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(37)},
 10350  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(171)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(133)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(69)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(235)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(93)},
 10351  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(29)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(155)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(125)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(61)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(219)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)},
 10352  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(109)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(45)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(187)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(141)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(77)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(251)},
 10353  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(195)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(51)},
 10354  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(199)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(167)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)},
 10355  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(231)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(91)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(151)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)},
 10356  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(123)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(215)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(107)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(183)},
 10357  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(139)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(75)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(247)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(87)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(23)},
 10358  	{Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(119)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(55)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(207)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(103)},
 10359  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(39)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(175)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(135)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(71)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(239)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)},
 10360  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(95)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(159)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(127)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(63)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(223)},
 10361  	{Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(111)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(47)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(191)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(143)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(79)},
 10362  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(255)},
 10363  } /* inffixed.h:10:23 */
 10364  var distfix = [32]Code{
 10365  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(1)}, {Fop: uint8(23), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(257)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fop: uint8(27), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(4097)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fop: uint8(25), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(1025)},
 10366  	{Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(65)}, {Fop: uint8(29), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(16385)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fop: uint8(24), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(513)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(33)}, {Fop: uint8(28), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(8193)},
 10367  	{Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fop: uint8(26), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(2049)}, {Fop: uint8(22), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(129)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(5)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(2)}, {Fop: uint8(23), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(385)},
 10368  	{Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(25)}, {Fop: uint8(27), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(6145)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fop: uint8(25), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(1537)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(97)}, {Fop: uint8(29), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(24577)},
 10369  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fop: uint8(24), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(769)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(49)}, {Fop: uint8(28), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(12289)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fop: uint8(26), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(3073)},
 10370  	{Fop: uint8(22), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(193)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(5)},
 10371  } /* inffixed.h:87:23 */
 10373  // Macros for inflateBack():
 10375  // Load returned state from inflate_fast()
 10377  // Set state from registers for inflate_fast()
 10379  // Clear the input bit accumulator
 10381  // Assure that some input is available.  If input is requested, but denied,
 10382  //    then return a Z_BUF_ERROR from inflateBack().
 10384  // Get a byte of input into the bit accumulator, or return from inflateBack()
 10385  //    with an error if there is no input available.
 10387  // Assure that there are at least n bits in the bit accumulator.  If there is
 10388  //    not enough available input to do that, then return from inflateBack() with
 10389  //    an error.
 10391  // Return the low n bits of the bit accumulator (n < 16)
 10393  // Remove n bits from the bit accumulator
 10395  // Remove zero to seven bits as needed to go to a byte boundary
 10397  // Assure that some output space is available, by writing out the window
 10398  //    if it's full.  If the write fails, return from inflateBack() with a
 10399  //    Z_BUF_ERROR.
 10401  //
 10402  //    strm provides the memory allocation functions and window buffer on input,
 10403  //    and provides information on the unused input on return.  For Z_DATA_ERROR
 10404  //    returns, strm will also provide an error message.
 10405  //
 10406  //    in() and out() are the call-back input and output functions.  When
 10407  //    inflateBack() needs more input, it calls in().  When inflateBack() has
 10408  //    filled the window with output, or when it completes with data in the
 10409  //    window, it calls out() to write out the data.  The application must not
 10410  //    change the provided input until in() is called again or inflateBack()
 10411  //    returns.  The application must not change the window/output buffer until
 10412  //    inflateBack() returns.
 10413  //
 10414  //    in() and out() are called with a descriptor parameter provided in the
 10415  //    inflateBack() call.  This parameter can be a structure that provides the
 10416  //    information required to do the read or write, as well as accumulated
 10417  //    information on the input and output such as totals and check values.
 10418  //
 10419  //    in() should return zero on failure.  out() should return non-zero on
 10420  //    failure.  If either in() or out() fails, than inflateBack() returns a
 10421  //    Z_BUF_ERROR.  strm->next_in can be checked for Z_NULL to see whether it
 10422  //    was in() or out() that caused in the error.  Otherwise,  inflateBack()
 10423  //    returns Z_STREAM_END on success, Z_DATA_ERROR for an deflate format
 10424  //    error, or Z_MEM_ERROR if it could not allocate memory for the state.
 10425  //    inflateBack() can also return Z_STREAM_ERROR if the input parameters
 10426  //    are not correct, i.e. strm is Z_NULL or the state was not initialized.
 10427  //
 10428  func XinflateBack(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, in In_func, in_desc uintptr, out Out_func, out_desc uintptr) int32 { /* infback.c:250:13: */
 10429  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
 10430  	defer tls.Free(4)
 10432  	var state uintptr
 10433  	// var next uintptr at bp, 4
 10434  	// next input
 10435  	var put uintptr // next output
 10436  	var have uint32
 10437  	var left uint32  // available input and output
 10438  	var hold uint32  // bit buffer
 10439  	var bits uint32  // bits in bit buffer
 10440  	var copy uint32  // number of stored or match bytes to copy
 10441  	var from uintptr // where to copy match bytes from
 10442  	var here Code    // current decoding table entry
 10443  	var last Code    // parent table entry
 10444  	var len uint32   // length to copy for repeats, bits to drop
 10445  	var ret int32
 10447  	// Check that the strm exists and that the state was initialized
 10448  	if !((strm == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate == uintptr(Z_NULL))) {
 10449  		goto __1
 10450  	}
 10451  	return -2
 10452  __1:
 10453  	;
 10454  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 10456  	// Reset the state
 10457  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 10458  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 10459  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast = 0
 10460  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = uint32(0)
 10461  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
 10462  	if *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 10463  		have = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
 10464  	} else {
 10465  		have = uint32(0)
 10466  	}
 10467  	hold = uint32(0)
 10468  	bits = uint32(0)
 10469  	put = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow
 10470  	left = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 10472  	// Inflate until end of block marked as last
 10473  __2:
 10474  	switch (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode {
 10475  	case TYPE:
 10476  		goto __6
 10478  	case STORED:
 10479  		goto __7
 10481  	case TABLE:
 10482  		goto __8
 10484  	case LEN:
 10485  		goto __9
 10487  	case DONE:
 10488  		goto __10
 10490  	case BAD:
 10491  		goto __11
 10493  	default:
 10494  		goto __12
 10495  	}
 10496  	goto __5
 10497  __6:
 10498  	// determine and dispatch block type
 10499  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast != 0) {
 10500  		goto __13
 10501  	}
 10502  __14:
 10503  	hold >>= (bits & uint32(7))
 10504  	bits = bits - (bits & uint32(7))
 10505  	goto __15
 10506  __15:
 10507  	if 0 != 0 {
 10508  		goto __14
 10509  	}
 10510  	goto __16
 10511  __16:
 10512  	;
 10513  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = DONE
 10514  	goto __5
 10515  __13:
 10516  	;
 10517  __17:
 10518  __20:
 10519  	if !(bits < (uint32(3))) {
 10520  		goto __21
 10521  	}
 10522  __22:
 10523  __25:
 10524  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10525  		goto __28
 10526  	}
 10527  	have = (*struct {
 10528  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 10529  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 10530  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10531  		goto __29
 10532  	}
 10533  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 10534  	ret = -5
 10535  	goto inf_leave
 10536  __29:
 10537  	;
 10538  __28:
 10539  	;
 10540  	goto __26
 10541  __26:
 10542  	if 0 != 0 {
 10543  		goto __25
 10544  	}
 10545  	goto __27
 10546  __27:
 10547  	;
 10548  	have--
 10549  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 10550  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 10551  	goto __23
 10552  __23:
 10553  	if 0 != 0 {
 10554  		goto __22
 10555  	}
 10556  	goto __24
 10557  __24:
 10558  	;
 10559  	goto __20
 10560  __21:
 10561  	;
 10562  	goto __18
 10563  __18:
 10564  	if 0 != 0 {
 10565  		goto __17
 10566  	}
 10567  	goto __19
 10568  __19:
 10569  	;
 10570  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast = (int32(uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (1)) - uint32(1))))
 10571  __30:
 10572  	hold >>= 1
 10573  	bits = bits - (uint32(1))
 10574  	goto __31
 10575  __31:
 10576  	if 0 != 0 {
 10577  		goto __30
 10578  	}
 10579  	goto __32
 10580  __32:
 10581  	;
 10582  	switch uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (2)) - uint32(1)) {
 10583  	case uint32(0):
 10584  		goto __34
 10585  	case uint32(1):
 10586  		goto __35
 10587  	case uint32(2):
 10588  		goto __36
 10589  	case uint32(3):
 10590  		goto __37
 10591  	}
 10592  	goto __33
 10593  __34: // stored block
 10594  	;
 10595  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = STORED
 10596  	goto __33
 10597  __35: // fixed block
 10598  	fixedtables(tls, state)
 10600  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN // decode codes
 10601  	goto __33
 10602  __36: // dynamic block
 10603  	;
 10604  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TABLE
 10605  	goto __33
 10606  __37:
 10607  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 367 /* "invalid block ty..." */
 10608  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 10609  __33:
 10610  	;
 10611  __38:
 10612  	hold >>= 2
 10613  	bits = bits - (uint32(2))
 10614  	goto __39
 10615  __39:
 10616  	if 0 != 0 {
 10617  		goto __38
 10618  	}
 10619  	goto __40
 10620  __40:
 10621  	;
 10622  	goto __5
 10624  __7:
 10625  	// get and verify stored block length
 10626  __41:
 10627  	hold >>= (bits & uint32(7))
 10628  	bits = bits - (bits & uint32(7))
 10629  	goto __42
 10630  __42:
 10631  	if 0 != 0 {
 10632  		goto __41
 10633  	}
 10634  	goto __43
 10635  __43:
 10636  	; // go to byte boundary
 10637  __44:
 10638  __47:
 10639  	if !(bits < (uint32(32))) {
 10640  		goto __48
 10641  	}
 10642  __49:
 10643  __52:
 10644  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10645  		goto __55
 10646  	}
 10647  	have = (*struct {
 10648  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 10649  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 10650  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10651  		goto __56
 10652  	}
 10653  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 10654  	ret = -5
 10655  	goto inf_leave
 10656  __56:
 10657  	;
 10658  __55:
 10659  	;
 10660  	goto __53
 10661  __53:
 10662  	if 0 != 0 {
 10663  		goto __52
 10664  	}
 10665  	goto __54
 10666  __54:
 10667  	;
 10668  	have--
 10669  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 10670  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 10671  	goto __50
 10672  __50:
 10673  	if 0 != 0 {
 10674  		goto __49
 10675  	}
 10676  	goto __51
 10677  __51:
 10678  	;
 10679  	goto __47
 10680  __48:
 10681  	;
 10682  	goto __45
 10683  __45:
 10684  	if 0 != 0 {
 10685  		goto __44
 10686  	}
 10687  	goto __46
 10688  __46:
 10689  	;
 10690  	if !((hold & uint32(0xffff)) != ((hold >> 16) ^ uint32(0xffff))) {
 10691  		goto __57
 10692  	}
 10693  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 386 /* "invalid stored b..." */
 10694  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 10695  	goto __5
 10696  __57:
 10697  	;
 10698  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = (uint32(hold) & uint32(0xffff))
 10700  __58:
 10701  	hold = uint32(0)
 10702  	bits = uint32(0)
 10703  	goto __59
 10704  __59:
 10705  	if 0 != 0 {
 10706  		goto __58
 10707  	}
 10708  	goto __60
 10709  __60:
 10710  	;
 10712  	// copy stored block from input to output
 10713  __61:
 10714  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength != uint32(0)) {
 10715  		goto __62
 10716  	}
 10717  	copy = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 10718  __63:
 10719  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10720  		goto __66
 10721  	}
 10722  	have = (*struct {
 10723  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 10724  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 10725  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10726  		goto __67
 10727  	}
 10728  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 10729  	ret = -5
 10730  	goto inf_leave
 10731  __67:
 10732  	;
 10733  __66:
 10734  	;
 10735  	goto __64
 10736  __64:
 10737  	if 0 != 0 {
 10738  		goto __63
 10739  	}
 10740  	goto __65
 10741  __65:
 10742  	;
 10743  __68:
 10744  	if !(left == uint32(0)) {
 10745  		goto __71
 10746  	}
 10747  	put = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow
 10748  	left = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 10749  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = left
 10750  	if !((*struct {
 10751  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr, uint32) int32
 10752  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{out})).f(tls, out_desc, put, left) != 0) {
 10753  		goto __72
 10754  	}
 10755  	ret = -5
 10756  	goto inf_leave
 10757  __72:
 10758  	;
 10759  __71:
 10760  	;
 10761  	goto __69
 10762  __69:
 10763  	if 0 != 0 {
 10764  		goto __68
 10765  	}
 10766  	goto __70
 10767  __70:
 10768  	;
 10769  	if !(copy > have) {
 10770  		goto __73
 10771  	}
 10772  	copy = have
 10773  __73:
 10774  	;
 10775  	if !(copy > left) {
 10776  		goto __74
 10777  	}
 10778  	copy = left
 10779  __74:
 10780  	;
 10781  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, put, *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), copy)
 10782  	have = have - (copy)
 10783  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) += uintptr(copy)
 10784  	left = left - (copy)
 10785  	put += uintptr(copy)
 10786  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) -= (copy)
 10787  	goto __61
 10788  __62:
 10789  	;
 10791  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 10792  	goto __5
 10794  __8:
 10795  	// get dynamic table entries descriptor
 10796  __75:
 10797  __78:
 10798  	if !(bits < (uint32(14))) {
 10799  		goto __79
 10800  	}
 10801  __80:
 10802  __83:
 10803  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10804  		goto __86
 10805  	}
 10806  	have = (*struct {
 10807  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 10808  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 10809  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10810  		goto __87
 10811  	}
 10812  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 10813  	ret = -5
 10814  	goto inf_leave
 10815  __87:
 10816  	;
 10817  __86:
 10818  	;
 10819  	goto __84
 10820  __84:
 10821  	if 0 != 0 {
 10822  		goto __83
 10823  	}
 10824  	goto __85
 10825  __85:
 10826  	;
 10827  	have--
 10828  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 10829  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 10830  	goto __81
 10831  __81:
 10832  	if 0 != 0 {
 10833  		goto __80
 10834  	}
 10835  	goto __82
 10836  __82:
 10837  	;
 10838  	goto __78
 10839  __79:
 10840  	;
 10841  	goto __76
 10842  __76:
 10843  	if 0 != 0 {
 10844  		goto __75
 10845  	}
 10846  	goto __77
 10847  __77:
 10848  	;
 10849  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (5)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(257))
 10850  __88:
 10851  	hold >>= 5
 10852  	bits = bits - (uint32(5))
 10853  	goto __89
 10854  __89:
 10855  	if 0 != 0 {
 10856  		goto __88
 10857  	}
 10858  	goto __90
 10859  __90:
 10860  	;
 10861  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (5)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(1))
 10862  __91:
 10863  	hold >>= 5
 10864  	bits = bits - (uint32(5))
 10865  	goto __92
 10866  __92:
 10867  	if 0 != 0 {
 10868  		goto __91
 10869  	}
 10870  	goto __93
 10871  __93:
 10872  	;
 10873  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fncode = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (4)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(4))
 10874  __94:
 10875  	hold >>= 4
 10876  	bits = bits - (uint32(4))
 10877  	goto __95
 10878  __95:
 10879  	if 0 != 0 {
 10880  		goto __94
 10881  	}
 10882  	goto __96
 10883  __96:
 10884  	;
 10885  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen > uint32(286)) || ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist > uint32(30))) {
 10886  		goto __97
 10887  	}
 10888  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 415 /* "too many length ..." */
 10889  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 10890  	goto __5
 10891  __97:
 10892  	;
 10894  	// get code length code lengths (not a typo)
 10895  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave = uint32(0)
 10896  __98:
 10897  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave < (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fncode) {
 10898  		goto __99
 10899  	}
 10900  __100:
 10901  __103:
 10902  	if !(bits < (uint32(3))) {
 10903  		goto __104
 10904  	}
 10905  __105:
 10906  __108:
 10907  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10908  		goto __111
 10909  	}
 10910  	have = (*struct {
 10911  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 10912  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 10913  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 10914  		goto __112
 10915  	}
 10916  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 10917  	ret = -5
 10918  	goto inf_leave
 10919  __112:
 10920  	;
 10921  __111:
 10922  	;
 10923  	goto __109
 10924  __109:
 10925  	if 0 != 0 {
 10926  		goto __108
 10927  	}
 10928  	goto __110
 10929  __110:
 10930  	;
 10931  	have--
 10932  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 10933  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 10934  	goto __106
 10935  __106:
 10936  	if 0 != 0 {
 10937  		goto __105
 10938  	}
 10939  	goto __107
 10940  __107:
 10941  	;
 10942  	goto __103
 10943  __104:
 10944  	;
 10945  	goto __101
 10946  __101:
 10947  	if 0 != 0 {
 10948  		goto __100
 10949  	}
 10950  	goto __102
 10951  __102:
 10952  	;
 10953  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(order[libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1)])*2)) = (uint16(uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (3)) - uint32(1))))
 10954  __113:
 10955  	hold >>= 3
 10956  	bits = bits - (uint32(3))
 10957  	goto __114
 10958  __114:
 10959  	if 0 != 0 {
 10960  		goto __113
 10961  	}
 10962  	goto __115
 10963  __115:
 10964  	;
 10965  	goto __98
 10966  __99:
 10967  	;
 10968  __116:
 10969  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave < uint32(19)) {
 10970  		goto __117
 10971  	}
 10972  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(order[libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1)])*2)) = uint16(0)
 10973  	goto __116
 10974  __117:
 10975  	;
 10976  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext = state + 1332 /* &.codes */
 10977  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext
 10978  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits = uint32(7)
 10979  	ret = Xinflate_table(tls, CODES, state+116 /* &.lens */, uint32(19), (state + 112 /* &.next */),
 10980  		(state + 88 /* &.lenbits */), state+756 /* &.work */)
 10981  	if !(ret != 0) {
 10982  		goto __118
 10983  	}
 10984  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 451 /* "invalid code len..." */
 10985  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 10986  	goto __5
 10987  __118:
 10988  	;
 10990  	// get length and distance code code lengths
 10991  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave = uint32(0)
 10992  __119:
 10993  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave < ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen + (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist)) {
 10994  		goto __120
 10995  	}
 10996  __121:
 10997  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode + uintptr((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits))-uint32(1))))*4))
 10998  	if !((uint32(here.Fbits)) <= bits) {
 10999  		goto __124
 11000  	}
 11001  	goto __123
 11002  __124:
 11003  	;
 11004  __125:
 11005  __128:
 11006  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11007  		goto __131
 11008  	}
 11009  	have = (*struct {
 11010  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11011  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11012  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11013  		goto __132
 11014  	}
 11015  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11016  	ret = -5
 11017  	goto inf_leave
 11018  __132:
 11019  	;
 11020  __131:
 11021  	;
 11022  	goto __129
 11023  __129:
 11024  	if 0 != 0 {
 11025  		goto __128
 11026  	}
 11027  	goto __130
 11028  __130:
 11029  	;
 11030  	have--
 11031  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11032  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11033  	goto __126
 11034  __126:
 11035  	if 0 != 0 {
 11036  		goto __125
 11037  	}
 11038  	goto __127
 11039  __127:
 11040  	;
 11041  	goto __122
 11042  __122:
 11043  	goto __121
 11044  	goto __123
 11045  __123:
 11046  	;
 11047  	if !(int32(here.Fval) < 16) {
 11048  		goto __133
 11049  	}
 11050  __135:
 11051  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 11052  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 11053  	goto __136
 11054  __136:
 11055  	if 0 != 0 {
 11056  		goto __135
 11057  	}
 11058  	goto __137
 11059  __137:
 11060  	;
 11061  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1))*2)) = here.Fval
 11062  	goto __134
 11063  __133:
 11064  	if !(int32(here.Fval) == 16) {
 11065  		goto __138
 11066  	}
 11067  __140:
 11068  __143:
 11069  	if !(bits < (uint32(int32(here.Fbits) + 2))) {
 11070  		goto __144
 11071  	}
 11072  __145:
 11073  __148:
 11074  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11075  		goto __151
 11076  	}
 11077  	have = (*struct {
 11078  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11079  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11080  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11081  		goto __152
 11082  	}
 11083  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11084  	ret = -5
 11085  	goto inf_leave
 11086  __152:
 11087  	;
 11088  __151:
 11089  	;
 11090  	goto __149
 11091  __149:
 11092  	if 0 != 0 {
 11093  		goto __148
 11094  	}
 11095  	goto __150
 11096  __150:
 11097  	;
 11098  	have--
 11099  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11100  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11101  	goto __146
 11102  __146:
 11103  	if 0 != 0 {
 11104  		goto __145
 11105  	}
 11106  	goto __147
 11107  __147:
 11108  	;
 11109  	goto __143
 11110  __144:
 11111  	;
 11112  	goto __141
 11113  __141:
 11114  	if 0 != 0 {
 11115  		goto __140
 11116  	}
 11117  	goto __142
 11118  __142:
 11119  	;
 11120  __153:
 11121  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 11122  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 11123  	goto __154
 11124  __154:
 11125  	if 0 != 0 {
 11126  		goto __153
 11127  	}
 11128  	goto __155
 11129  __155:
 11130  	;
 11131  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave == uint32(0)) {
 11132  		goto __156
 11133  	}
 11134  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 476 /* "invalid bit leng..." */
 11135  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11136  	goto __120
 11137  __156:
 11138  	;
 11139  	len = uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave-uint32(1)))*2)))
 11140  	copy = (uint32(3) + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (2)) - uint32(1))))
 11141  __157:
 11142  	hold >>= 2
 11143  	bits = bits - (uint32(2))
 11144  	goto __158
 11145  __158:
 11146  	if 0 != 0 {
 11147  		goto __157
 11148  	}
 11149  	goto __159
 11150  __159:
 11151  	;
 11152  	goto __139
 11153  __138:
 11154  	if !(int32(here.Fval) == 17) {
 11155  		goto __160
 11156  	}
 11157  __162:
 11158  __165:
 11159  	if !(bits < (uint32(int32(here.Fbits) + 3))) {
 11160  		goto __166
 11161  	}
 11162  __167:
 11163  __170:
 11164  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11165  		goto __173
 11166  	}
 11167  	have = (*struct {
 11168  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11169  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11170  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11171  		goto __174
 11172  	}
 11173  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11174  	ret = -5
 11175  	goto inf_leave
 11176  __174:
 11177  	;
 11178  __173:
 11179  	;
 11180  	goto __171
 11181  __171:
 11182  	if 0 != 0 {
 11183  		goto __170
 11184  	}
 11185  	goto __172
 11186  __172:
 11187  	;
 11188  	have--
 11189  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11190  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11191  	goto __168
 11192  __168:
 11193  	if 0 != 0 {
 11194  		goto __167
 11195  	}
 11196  	goto __169
 11197  __169:
 11198  	;
 11199  	goto __165
 11200  __166:
 11201  	;
 11202  	goto __163
 11203  __163:
 11204  	if 0 != 0 {
 11205  		goto __162
 11206  	}
 11207  	goto __164
 11208  __164:
 11209  	;
 11210  __175:
 11211  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 11212  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 11213  	goto __176
 11214  __176:
 11215  	if 0 != 0 {
 11216  		goto __175
 11217  	}
 11218  	goto __177
 11219  __177:
 11220  	;
 11221  	len = uint32(0)
 11222  	copy = (uint32(3) + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (3)) - uint32(1))))
 11223  __178:
 11224  	hold >>= 3
 11225  	bits = bits - (uint32(3))
 11226  	goto __179
 11227  __179:
 11228  	if 0 != 0 {
 11229  		goto __178
 11230  	}
 11231  	goto __180
 11232  __180:
 11233  	;
 11234  	goto __161
 11235  __160:
 11236  __181:
 11237  __184:
 11238  	if !(bits < (uint32(int32(here.Fbits) + 7))) {
 11239  		goto __185
 11240  	}
 11241  __186:
 11242  __189:
 11243  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11244  		goto __192
 11245  	}
 11246  	have = (*struct {
 11247  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11248  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11249  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11250  		goto __193
 11251  	}
 11252  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11253  	ret = -5
 11254  	goto inf_leave
 11255  __193:
 11256  	;
 11257  __192:
 11258  	;
 11259  	goto __190
 11260  __190:
 11261  	if 0 != 0 {
 11262  		goto __189
 11263  	}
 11264  	goto __191
 11265  __191:
 11266  	;
 11267  	have--
 11268  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11269  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11270  	goto __187
 11271  __187:
 11272  	if 0 != 0 {
 11273  		goto __186
 11274  	}
 11275  	goto __188
 11276  __188:
 11277  	;
 11278  	goto __184
 11279  __185:
 11280  	;
 11281  	goto __182
 11282  __182:
 11283  	if 0 != 0 {
 11284  		goto __181
 11285  	}
 11286  	goto __183
 11287  __183:
 11288  	;
 11289  __194:
 11290  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 11291  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 11292  	goto __195
 11293  __195:
 11294  	if 0 != 0 {
 11295  		goto __194
 11296  	}
 11297  	goto __196
 11298  __196:
 11299  	;
 11300  	len = uint32(0)
 11301  	copy = (uint32(11) + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (7)) - uint32(1))))
 11302  __197:
 11303  	hold >>= 7
 11304  	bits = bits - (uint32(7))
 11305  	goto __198
 11306  __198:
 11307  	if 0 != 0 {
 11308  		goto __197
 11309  	}
 11310  	goto __199
 11311  __199:
 11312  	;
 11313  __161:
 11314  	;
 11315  __139:
 11316  	;
 11317  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave + copy) > ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen + (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist)) {
 11318  		goto __200
 11319  	}
 11320  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 476 /* "invalid bit leng..." */
 11321  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11322  	goto __120
 11323  __200:
 11324  	;
 11325  __201:
 11326  	if !(libc.PostDecUint32(&copy, 1) != 0) {
 11327  		goto __202
 11328  	}
 11329  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1))*2)) = uint16(len)
 11330  	goto __201
 11331  __202:
 11332  	;
 11333  __134:
 11334  	;
 11335  	goto __119
 11336  __120:
 11337  	;
 11339  	// handle error breaks in while
 11340  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == BAD) {
 11341  		goto __203
 11342  	}
 11343  	goto __5
 11344  __203:
 11345  	;
 11347  	// check for end-of-block code (better have one)
 11348  	if !(int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + 256*2))) == 0) {
 11349  		goto __204
 11350  	}
 11351  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 502 /* "invalid code -- ..." */
 11352  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11353  	goto __5
 11354  __204:
 11355  	;
 11357  	// build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits
 11358  	//                values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h
 11359  	//                concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values
 11360  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext = state + 1332 /* &.codes */
 11361  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext
 11362  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits = uint32(9)
 11363  	ret = Xinflate_table(tls, LENS, state+116 /* &.lens */, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen, (state + 112 /* &.next */),
 11364  		(state + 88 /* &.lenbits */), state+756 /* &.work */)
 11365  	if !(ret != 0) {
 11366  		goto __205
 11367  	}
 11368  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 539 /* "invalid literal/..." */
 11369  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11370  	goto __5
 11371  __205:
 11372  	;
 11373  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext
 11374  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits = uint32(6)
 11375  	ret = Xinflate_table(tls, DISTS, ((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen)*2), (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist,
 11376  		(state + 112 /* &.next */), (state + 92 /* &.distbits */), state+756 /* &.work */)
 11377  	if !(ret != 0) {
 11378  		goto __206
 11379  	}
 11380  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 567 /* "invalid distance..." */
 11381  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11382  	goto __5
 11383  __206:
 11384  	;
 11386  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN
 11388  __9:
 11389  	// use inflate_fast() if we have enough input and output
 11390  	if !((have >= uint32(6)) && (left >= uint32(258))) {
 11391  		goto __207
 11392  	}
 11393  __208:
 11394  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = put
 11395  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = left
 11396  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */))
 11397  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = have
 11398  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = hold
 11399  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = bits
 11400  	goto __209
 11401  __209:
 11402  	if 0 != 0 {
 11403  		goto __208
 11404  	}
 11405  	goto __210
 11406  __210:
 11407  	;
 11408  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave < (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize) {
 11409  		goto __211
 11410  	}
 11411  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize - left)
 11412  __211:
 11413  	;
 11414  	Xinflate_fast(tls, strm, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize)
 11415  __212:
 11416  	put = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out
 11417  	left = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out
 11418  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
 11419  	have = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
 11420  	hold = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold
 11421  	bits = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits
 11422  	goto __213
 11423  __213:
 11424  	if 0 != 0 {
 11425  		goto __212
 11426  	}
 11427  	goto __214
 11428  __214:
 11429  	;
 11430  	goto __5
 11431  __207:
 11432  	;
 11434  	// get a literal, length, or end-of-block code
 11435  __215:
 11436  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode + uintptr((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits))-uint32(1))))*4))
 11437  	if !((uint32(here.Fbits)) <= bits) {
 11438  		goto __218
 11439  	}
 11440  	goto __217
 11441  __218:
 11442  	;
 11443  __219:
 11444  __222:
 11445  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11446  		goto __225
 11447  	}
 11448  	have = (*struct {
 11449  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11450  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11451  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11452  		goto __226
 11453  	}
 11454  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11455  	ret = -5
 11456  	goto inf_leave
 11457  __226:
 11458  	;
 11459  __225:
 11460  	;
 11461  	goto __223
 11462  __223:
 11463  	if 0 != 0 {
 11464  		goto __222
 11465  	}
 11466  	goto __224
 11467  __224:
 11468  	;
 11469  	have--
 11470  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11471  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11472  	goto __220
 11473  __220:
 11474  	if 0 != 0 {
 11475  		goto __219
 11476  	}
 11477  	goto __221
 11478  __221:
 11479  	;
 11480  	goto __216
 11481  __216:
 11482  	goto __215
 11483  	goto __217
 11484  __217:
 11485  	;
 11486  	if !((here.Fop != 0) && ((int32(here.Fop) & 0xf0) == 0)) {
 11487  		goto __227
 11488  	}
 11489  	last = here
 11490  __228:
 11491  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode + uintptr((uint32(last.Fval)+((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<(int32(last.Fbits)+int32(last.Fop)))-uint32(1)))>>int32(last.Fbits))))*4))
 11492  	if !((uint32(int32(last.Fbits) + int32(here.Fbits))) <= bits) {
 11493  		goto __231
 11494  	}
 11495  	goto __230
 11496  __231:
 11497  	;
 11498  __232:
 11499  __235:
 11500  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11501  		goto __238
 11502  	}
 11503  	have = (*struct {
 11504  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11505  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11506  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11507  		goto __239
 11508  	}
 11509  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11510  	ret = -5
 11511  	goto inf_leave
 11512  __239:
 11513  	;
 11514  __238:
 11515  	;
 11516  	goto __236
 11517  __236:
 11518  	if 0 != 0 {
 11519  		goto __235
 11520  	}
 11521  	goto __237
 11522  __237:
 11523  	;
 11524  	have--
 11525  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11526  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11527  	goto __233
 11528  __233:
 11529  	if 0 != 0 {
 11530  		goto __232
 11531  	}
 11532  	goto __234
 11533  __234:
 11534  	;
 11535  	goto __229
 11536  __229:
 11537  	goto __228
 11538  	goto __230
 11539  __230:
 11540  	;
 11541  __240:
 11542  	hold >>= int32(last.Fbits)
 11543  	bits = bits - (uint32(last.Fbits))
 11544  	goto __241
 11545  __241:
 11546  	if 0 != 0 {
 11547  		goto __240
 11548  	}
 11549  	goto __242
 11550  __242:
 11551  	;
 11552  __227:
 11553  	;
 11554  __243:
 11555  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 11556  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 11557  	goto __244
 11558  __244:
 11559  	if 0 != 0 {
 11560  		goto __243
 11561  	}
 11562  	goto __245
 11563  __245:
 11564  	;
 11565  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = uint32(here.Fval)
 11567  	// process literal
 11568  	if !(int32(here.Fop) == 0) {
 11569  		goto __246
 11570  	}
 11572  __247:
 11573  	if !(left == uint32(0)) {
 11574  		goto __250
 11575  	}
 11576  	put = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow
 11577  	left = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 11578  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = left
 11579  	if !((*struct {
 11580  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr, uint32) int32
 11581  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{out})).f(tls, out_desc, put, left) != 0) {
 11582  		goto __251
 11583  	}
 11584  	ret = -5
 11585  	goto inf_leave
 11586  __251:
 11587  	;
 11588  __250:
 11589  	;
 11590  	goto __248
 11591  __248:
 11592  	if 0 != 0 {
 11593  		goto __247
 11594  	}
 11595  	goto __249
 11596  __249:
 11597  	;
 11598  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&put, 1))) = uint8((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength)
 11599  	left--
 11600  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN
 11601  	goto __5
 11602  __246:
 11603  	;
 11605  	// process end of block
 11606  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 32) != 0) {
 11607  		goto __252
 11608  	}
 11610  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 11611  	goto __5
 11612  __252:
 11613  	;
 11615  	// invalid code
 11616  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 64) != 0) {
 11617  		goto __253
 11618  	}
 11619  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 589 /* "invalid literal/..." */
 11620  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11621  	goto __5
 11622  __253:
 11623  	;
 11625  	// length code -- get extra bits, if any
 11626  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra = ((uint32(here.Fop)) & uint32(15))
 11627  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra != uint32(0)) {
 11628  		goto __254
 11629  	}
 11630  __255:
 11631  __258:
 11632  	if !(bits < ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) {
 11633  		goto __259
 11634  	}
 11635  __260:
 11636  __263:
 11637  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11638  		goto __266
 11639  	}
 11640  	have = (*struct {
 11641  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11642  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11643  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11644  		goto __267
 11645  	}
 11646  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11647  	ret = -5
 11648  	goto inf_leave
 11649  __267:
 11650  	;
 11651  __266:
 11652  	;
 11653  	goto __264
 11654  __264:
 11655  	if 0 != 0 {
 11656  		goto __263
 11657  	}
 11658  	goto __265
 11659  __265:
 11660  	;
 11661  	have--
 11662  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11663  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11664  	goto __261
 11665  __261:
 11666  	if 0 != 0 {
 11667  		goto __260
 11668  	}
 11669  	goto __262
 11670  __262:
 11671  	;
 11672  	goto __258
 11673  __259:
 11674  	;
 11675  	goto __256
 11676  __256:
 11677  	if 0 != 0 {
 11678  		goto __255
 11679  	}
 11680  	goto __257
 11681  __257:
 11682  	;
 11683  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) += (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) - uint32(1)))
 11684  __268:
 11685  	hold >>= (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra
 11686  	bits = bits - ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)
 11687  	goto __269
 11688  __269:
 11689  	if 0 != 0 {
 11690  		goto __268
 11691  	}
 11692  	goto __270
 11693  __270:
 11694  	;
 11695  __254:
 11696  	;
 11698  	// get distance code
 11699  __271:
 11700  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode + uintptr((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits))-uint32(1))))*4))
 11701  	if !((uint32(here.Fbits)) <= bits) {
 11702  		goto __274
 11703  	}
 11704  	goto __273
 11705  __274:
 11706  	;
 11707  __275:
 11708  __278:
 11709  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11710  		goto __281
 11711  	}
 11712  	have = (*struct {
 11713  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11714  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11715  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11716  		goto __282
 11717  	}
 11718  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11719  	ret = -5
 11720  	goto inf_leave
 11721  __282:
 11722  	;
 11723  __281:
 11724  	;
 11725  	goto __279
 11726  __279:
 11727  	if 0 != 0 {
 11728  		goto __278
 11729  	}
 11730  	goto __280
 11731  __280:
 11732  	;
 11733  	have--
 11734  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11735  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11736  	goto __276
 11737  __276:
 11738  	if 0 != 0 {
 11739  		goto __275
 11740  	}
 11741  	goto __277
 11742  __277:
 11743  	;
 11744  	goto __272
 11745  __272:
 11746  	goto __271
 11747  	goto __273
 11748  __273:
 11749  	;
 11750  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 0xf0) == 0) {
 11751  		goto __283
 11752  	}
 11753  	last = here
 11754  __284:
 11755  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode + uintptr((uint32(last.Fval)+((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<(int32(last.Fbits)+int32(last.Fop)))-uint32(1)))>>int32(last.Fbits))))*4))
 11756  	if !((uint32(int32(last.Fbits) + int32(here.Fbits))) <= bits) {
 11757  		goto __287
 11758  	}
 11759  	goto __286
 11760  __287:
 11761  	;
 11762  __288:
 11763  __291:
 11764  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11765  		goto __294
 11766  	}
 11767  	have = (*struct {
 11768  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11769  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11770  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11771  		goto __295
 11772  	}
 11773  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11774  	ret = -5
 11775  	goto inf_leave
 11776  __295:
 11777  	;
 11778  __294:
 11779  	;
 11780  	goto __292
 11781  __292:
 11782  	if 0 != 0 {
 11783  		goto __291
 11784  	}
 11785  	goto __293
 11786  __293:
 11787  	;
 11788  	have--
 11789  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11790  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11791  	goto __289
 11792  __289:
 11793  	if 0 != 0 {
 11794  		goto __288
 11795  	}
 11796  	goto __290
 11797  __290:
 11798  	;
 11799  	goto __285
 11800  __285:
 11801  	goto __284
 11802  	goto __286
 11803  __286:
 11804  	;
 11805  __296:
 11806  	hold >>= int32(last.Fbits)
 11807  	bits = bits - (uint32(last.Fbits))
 11808  	goto __297
 11809  __297:
 11810  	if 0 != 0 {
 11811  		goto __296
 11812  	}
 11813  	goto __298
 11814  __298:
 11815  	;
 11816  __283:
 11817  	;
 11818  __299:
 11819  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 11820  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 11821  	goto __300
 11822  __300:
 11823  	if 0 != 0 {
 11824  		goto __299
 11825  	}
 11826  	goto __301
 11827  __301:
 11828  	;
 11829  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 64) != 0) {
 11830  		goto __302
 11831  	}
 11832  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 617 /* "invalid distance..." */
 11833  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11834  	goto __5
 11835  __302:
 11836  	;
 11837  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset = uint32(here.Fval)
 11839  	// get distance extra bits, if any
 11840  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra = ((uint32(here.Fop)) & uint32(15))
 11841  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra != uint32(0)) {
 11842  		goto __303
 11843  	}
 11844  __304:
 11845  __307:
 11846  	if !(bits < ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) {
 11847  		goto __308
 11848  	}
 11849  __309:
 11850  __312:
 11851  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11852  		goto __315
 11853  	}
 11854  	have = (*struct {
 11855  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
 11856  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{in})).f(tls, in_desc, bp /* &next */)
 11857  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 11858  		goto __316
 11859  	}
 11860  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)) = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 11861  	ret = -5
 11862  	goto inf_leave
 11863  __316:
 11864  	;
 11865  __315:
 11866  	;
 11867  	goto __313
 11868  __313:
 11869  	if 0 != 0 {
 11870  		goto __312
 11871  	}
 11872  	goto __314
 11873  __314:
 11874  	;
 11875  	have--
 11876  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */)), 1))))) << bits)
 11877  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 11878  	goto __310
 11879  __310:
 11880  	if 0 != 0 {
 11881  		goto __309
 11882  	}
 11883  	goto __311
 11884  __311:
 11885  	;
 11886  	goto __307
 11887  __308:
 11888  	;
 11889  	goto __305
 11890  __305:
 11891  	if 0 != 0 {
 11892  		goto __304
 11893  	}
 11894  	goto __306
 11895  __306:
 11896  	;
 11897  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 72 /* &.offset */)) += (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) - uint32(1)))
 11898  __317:
 11899  	hold >>= (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra
 11900  	bits = bits - ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)
 11901  	goto __318
 11902  __318:
 11903  	if 0 != 0 {
 11904  		goto __317
 11905  	}
 11906  	goto __319
 11907  __319:
 11908  	;
 11909  __303:
 11910  	;
 11911  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset > ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize - (func() uint32 {
 11912  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave < (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize {
 11913  			return left
 11914  		}
 11915  		return uint32(0)
 11916  	}()))) {
 11917  		goto __320
 11918  	}
 11919  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 639 /* "invalid distance..." */
 11920  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 11921  	goto __5
 11922  __320:
 11923  	;
 11925  	// copy match from window to output
 11926  __321:
 11927  __324:
 11928  	if !(left == uint32(0)) {
 11929  		goto __327
 11930  	}
 11931  	put = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow
 11932  	left = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 11933  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = left
 11934  	if !((*struct {
 11935  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr, uint32) int32
 11936  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{out})).f(tls, out_desc, put, left) != 0) {
 11937  		goto __328
 11938  	}
 11939  	ret = -5
 11940  	goto inf_leave
 11941  __328:
 11942  	;
 11943  __327:
 11944  	;
 11945  	goto __325
 11946  __325:
 11947  	if 0 != 0 {
 11948  		goto __324
 11949  	}
 11950  	goto __326
 11951  __326:
 11952  	;
 11953  	copy = ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize - (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset)
 11954  	if !(copy < left) {
 11955  		goto __329
 11956  	}
 11957  	from = (put + uintptr(copy))
 11958  	copy = (left - copy)
 11959  	goto __330
 11960  __329:
 11961  	from = (put - uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset))
 11962  	copy = left
 11963  __330:
 11964  	;
 11965  	if !(copy > (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength) {
 11966  		goto __331
 11967  	}
 11968  	copy = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 11969  __331:
 11970  	;
 11971  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) -= (copy)
 11972  	left = left - (copy)
 11973  __332:
 11974  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&put, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 11975  	goto __333
 11976  __333:
 11977  	if libc.PreDecUint32(&copy, 1) != 0 {
 11978  		goto __332
 11979  	}
 11980  	goto __334
 11981  __334:
 11982  	;
 11983  	goto __322
 11984  __322:
 11985  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength != uint32(0) {
 11986  		goto __321
 11987  	}
 11988  	goto __323
 11989  __323:
 11990  	;
 11991  	goto __5
 11993  __10:
 11994  	// inflate stream terminated properly -- write leftover output
 11995  	ret = Z_STREAM_END
 11996  	if !(left < (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize) {
 11997  		goto __335
 11998  	}
 11999  	if !((*struct {
 12000  		f func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, uintptr, uint32) int32
 12001  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{out})).f(tls, out_desc, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow, ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize-left)) != 0) {
 12002  		goto __336
 12003  	}
 12004  	ret = -5
 12005  __336:
 12006  	;
 12007  __335:
 12008  	;
 12009  	goto inf_leave
 12011  __11:
 12012  	ret = -3
 12013  	goto inf_leave
 12015  __12: // can't happen, but makes compilers happy
 12016  	ret = -2
 12017  	goto inf_leave
 12018  __5:
 12019  	;
 12020  	goto __3
 12021  __3:
 12022  	goto __2
 12023  	goto __4
 12024  __4:
 12025  	;
 12027  	// Return unused input
 12028  inf_leave:
 12029  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* next */))
 12030  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = have
 12031  	return ret
 12032  }
 12034  var order =                                                                                                                                                                                                                          // permutation of code lengths
 12035  [19]uint16{uint16(16), uint16(17), uint16(18), uint16(0), uint16(8), uint16(7), uint16(9), uint16(6), uint16(10), uint16(5), uint16(11), uint16(4), uint16(12), uint16(3), uint16(13), uint16(2), uint16(14), uint16(1), uint16(15)} /* infback.c:269:33 */
 12037  func XinflateBackEnd(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* infback.c:631:13: */
 12038  	if ((strm == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree == uintptr(0)) {
 12039  		return -2
 12040  	}
 12041  	(*struct {
 12042  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 12043  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)
 12044  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 12046  	return Z_OK
 12047  }
 12049  //
 12050  //    Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting
 12051  //    literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is
 12052  //    available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered.
 12053  //    When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for
 12054  //    example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the
 12055  //    inflate execution time is spent in this routine.
 12056  //
 12057  //    Entry assumptions:
 12058  //
 12059  //         state->mode == LEN
 12060  //         strm->avail_in >= 6
 12061  //         strm->avail_out >= 258
 12062  //         start >= strm->avail_out
 12063  //         state->bits < 8
 12064  //
 12065  //    On return, state->mode is one of:
 12066  //
 12067  //         LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input
 12068  //         TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block
 12069  //         BAD -- error in block data
 12070  //
 12071  //    Notes:
 12072  //
 12073  //     - The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the
 12074  //       length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code,
 12075  //       and 13 bits for the distance extra.  This totals 48 bits, or six bytes.
 12076  //       Therefore if strm->avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid
 12077  //       checking for available input while decoding.
 12078  //
 12079  //     - The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258
 12080  //       bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded.  inflate_fast()
 12081  //       requires strm->avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for
 12082  //       output space.
 12083  //
 12084  func Xinflate_fast(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, start uint32) { /* inffast.c:50:20: */
 12085  	var state uintptr
 12086  	var in uintptr     // local strm->next_in
 12087  	var last uintptr   // have enough input while in < last
 12088  	var out uintptr    // local strm->next_out
 12089  	var beg uintptr    // inflate()'s initial strm->next_out
 12090  	var end uintptr    // while out < end, enough space available
 12091  	var wsize uint32   // window size or zero if not using window
 12092  	var whave uint32   // valid bytes in the window
 12093  	var wnext uint32   // window write index
 12094  	var window uintptr // allocated sliding window, if wsize != 0
 12095  	var hold uint32    // local strm->hold
 12096  	var bits uint32    // local strm->bits
 12097  	var lcode uintptr  // local strm->lencode
 12098  	var dcode uintptr  // local strm->distcode
 12099  	var lmask uint32   // mask for first level of length codes
 12100  	var dmask uint32   // mask for first level of distance codes
 12101  	var here Code      // retrieved table entry
 12102  	var op uint32      // code bits, operation, extra bits, or
 12103  	//  window position, window bytes to copy
 12104  	var len uint32   // match length, unused bytes
 12105  	var dist uint32  // match distance
 12106  	var from uintptr // where to copy match from
 12108  	// copy state to local variables
 12109  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12110  	in = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
 12111  	last = (in + uintptr(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in - UInt(5))))
 12112  	out = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out
 12113  	beg = (out - uintptr((start - (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out)))
 12114  	end = (out + uintptr(((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out - UInt(257))))
 12115  	wsize = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 12116  	whave = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave
 12117  	wnext = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext
 12118  	window = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow
 12119  	hold = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold
 12120  	bits = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits
 12121  	lcode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode
 12122  	dcode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode
 12123  	lmask = ((uint32(1) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits) - uint32(1))
 12124  	dmask = ((uint32(1) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits) - uint32(1))
 12126  	// decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough
 12127  	//        input data or output space
 12128  __1:
 12129  	if !(bits < uint32(15)) {
 12130  		goto __4
 12131  	}
 12132  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12133  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12134  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12135  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12136  __4:
 12137  	;
 12138  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(lcode + uintptr((hold&uint32(lmask)))*4))
 12139  dolen:
 12140  	op = uint32(here.Fbits)
 12141  	hold >>= op
 12142  	bits = bits - (op)
 12143  	op = uint32(here.Fop)
 12144  	if !(op == uint32(0)) {
 12145  		goto __5
 12146  	} // literal
 12148  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = uint8(here.Fval)
 12149  	goto __6
 12150  __5:
 12151  	if !((op & uint32(16)) != 0) {
 12152  		goto __7
 12153  	} // length base
 12154  	len = uint32(here.Fval)
 12155  	op = op & (uint32(15)) // number of extra bits
 12156  	if !(op != 0) {
 12157  		goto __9
 12158  	}
 12159  	if !(bits < op) {
 12160  		goto __10
 12161  	}
 12162  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12163  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12164  __10:
 12165  	;
 12166  	len = len + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << op) - uint32(1)))
 12167  	hold >>= op
 12168  	bits = bits - (op)
 12169  __9:
 12170  	;
 12172  	if !(bits < uint32(15)) {
 12173  		goto __11
 12174  	}
 12175  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12176  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12177  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12178  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12179  __11:
 12180  	;
 12181  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(dcode + uintptr((hold&uint32(dmask)))*4))
 12182  dodist:
 12183  	op = uint32(here.Fbits)
 12184  	hold >>= op
 12185  	bits = bits - (op)
 12186  	op = uint32(here.Fop)
 12187  	if !((op & uint32(16)) != 0) {
 12188  		goto __12
 12189  	} // distance base
 12190  	dist = uint32(here.Fval)
 12191  	op = op & (uint32(15)) // number of extra bits
 12192  	if !(bits < op) {
 12193  		goto __14
 12194  	}
 12195  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12196  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12197  	if !(bits < op) {
 12198  		goto __15
 12199  	}
 12200  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&in, 1))))) << bits)
 12201  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 12202  __15:
 12203  	;
 12204  __14:
 12205  	;
 12206  	dist = dist + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << op) - uint32(1)))
 12207  	hold >>= op
 12208  	bits = bits - (op)
 12210  	op = (uint32((int32(out) - int32(beg)) / 1)) // max distance in output
 12211  	if !(dist > op) {
 12212  		goto __16
 12213  	} // see if copy from window
 12214  	op = (dist - op) // distance back in window
 12215  	if !(op > whave) {
 12216  		goto __18
 12217  	}
 12218  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsane != 0) {
 12219  		goto __19
 12220  	}
 12221  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 639 /* "invalid distance..." */
 12222  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 12223  	goto __3
 12224  __19:
 12225  	;
 12226  __18:
 12227  	;
 12228  	from = window
 12229  	if !(wnext == uint32(0)) {
 12230  		goto __20
 12231  	} // very common case
 12232  	from += (uintptr(wsize - op))
 12233  	if !(op < len) {
 12234  		goto __22
 12235  	} // some from window
 12236  	len = len - (op)
 12237  __23:
 12238  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12239  	goto __24
 12240  __24:
 12241  	if libc.PreDecUint32(&op, 1) != 0 {
 12242  		goto __23
 12243  	}
 12244  	goto __25
 12245  __25:
 12246  	;
 12247  	from = (out - uintptr(dist)) // rest from output
 12248  __22:
 12249  	;
 12250  	goto __21
 12251  __20:
 12252  	if !(wnext < op) {
 12253  		goto __26
 12254  	} // wrap around window
 12255  	from += (uintptr((wsize + wnext) - op))
 12256  	op = op - (wnext)
 12257  	if !(op < len) {
 12258  		goto __28
 12259  	} // some from end of window
 12260  	len = len - (op)
 12261  __29:
 12262  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12263  	goto __30
 12264  __30:
 12265  	if libc.PreDecUint32(&op, 1) != 0 {
 12266  		goto __29
 12267  	}
 12268  	goto __31
 12269  __31:
 12270  	;
 12271  	from = window
 12272  	if !(wnext < len) {
 12273  		goto __32
 12274  	} // some from start of window
 12275  	op = wnext
 12276  	len = len - (op)
 12277  __33:
 12278  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12279  	goto __34
 12280  __34:
 12281  	if libc.PreDecUint32(&op, 1) != 0 {
 12282  		goto __33
 12283  	}
 12284  	goto __35
 12285  __35:
 12286  	;
 12287  	from = (out - uintptr(dist)) // rest from output
 12288  __32:
 12289  	;
 12290  __28:
 12291  	;
 12292  	goto __27
 12293  __26: // contiguous in window
 12294  	from += (uintptr(wnext - op))
 12295  	if !(op < len) {
 12296  		goto __36
 12297  	} // some from window
 12298  	len = len - (op)
 12299  __37:
 12300  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12301  	goto __38
 12302  __38:
 12303  	if libc.PreDecUint32(&op, 1) != 0 {
 12304  		goto __37
 12305  	}
 12306  	goto __39
 12307  __39:
 12308  	;
 12309  	from = (out - uintptr(dist)) // rest from output
 12310  __36:
 12311  	;
 12312  __27:
 12313  	;
 12314  __21:
 12315  	;
 12316  __40:
 12317  	if !(len > uint32(2)) {
 12318  		goto __41
 12319  	}
 12320  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12321  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12322  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12323  	len = len - (uint32(3))
 12324  	goto __40
 12325  __41:
 12326  	;
 12327  	if !(len != 0) {
 12328  		goto __42
 12329  	}
 12330  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12331  	if !(len > uint32(1)) {
 12332  		goto __43
 12333  	}
 12334  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12335  __43:
 12336  	;
 12337  __42:
 12338  	;
 12339  	goto __17
 12340  __16:
 12341  	from = (out - uintptr(dist)) // copy direct from output
 12342  __44: // minimum length is three
 12343  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12344  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12345  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12346  	len = len - (uint32(3))
 12347  	goto __45
 12348  __45:
 12349  	if len > uint32(2) {
 12350  		goto __44
 12351  	}
 12352  	goto __46
 12353  __46:
 12354  	;
 12355  	if !(len != 0) {
 12356  		goto __47
 12357  	}
 12358  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12359  	if !(len > uint32(1)) {
 12360  		goto __48
 12361  	}
 12362  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&out, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 12363  __48:
 12364  	;
 12365  __47:
 12366  	;
 12367  __17:
 12368  	;
 12369  	goto __13
 12370  __12:
 12371  	if !((op & uint32(64)) == uint32(0)) {
 12372  		goto __49
 12373  	} // 2nd level distance code
 12374  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(dcode + uintptr((uint32(here.Fval)+(hold&(uint32((uint32(1)<<op)-uint32(1))))))*4))
 12375  	goto dodist
 12376  	goto __50
 12377  __49:
 12378  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 617 /* "invalid distance..." */
 12379  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 12380  	goto __3
 12381  __50:
 12382  	;
 12383  __13:
 12384  	;
 12385  	goto __8
 12386  __7:
 12387  	if !((op & uint32(64)) == uint32(0)) {
 12388  		goto __51
 12389  	} // 2nd level length code
 12390  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(lcode + uintptr((uint32(here.Fval)+(hold&(uint32((uint32(1)<<op)-uint32(1))))))*4))
 12391  	goto dolen
 12392  	goto __52
 12393  __51:
 12394  	if !((op & uint32(32)) != 0) {
 12395  		goto __53
 12396  	} // end-of-block
 12398  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 12399  	goto __3
 12400  	goto __54
 12401  __53:
 12402  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 589 /* "invalid literal/..." */
 12403  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 12404  	goto __3
 12405  __54:
 12406  	;
 12407  __52:
 12408  	;
 12409  __8:
 12410  	;
 12411  __6:
 12412  	;
 12413  	goto __2
 12414  __2:
 12415  	if (in < last) && (out < end) {
 12416  		goto __1
 12417  	}
 12418  	goto __3
 12419  __3:
 12420  	;
 12422  	// return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back)
 12423  	len = (bits >> 3)
 12424  	in -= uintptr(len)
 12425  	bits = bits - (len << 3)
 12426  	hold = hold & (uint32((uint32(1) << bits) - uint32(1)))
 12428  	// update state and return
 12429  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = in
 12430  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = out
 12431  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = func() uint32 {
 12432  		if in < last {
 12433  			return (uint32(5 + ((int32(last) - int32(in)) / 1)))
 12434  		}
 12435  		return (uint32(5 - ((int32(in) - int32(last)) / 1)))
 12436  	}()
 12437  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = func() uint32 {
 12438  		if out < end {
 12439  			return (uint32(257 + ((int32(end) - int32(out)) / 1)))
 12440  		}
 12441  		return (uint32(257 - ((int32(out) - int32(end)) / 1)))
 12442  	}()
 12443  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = hold
 12444  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = bits
 12445  	return
 12446  }
 12448  //
 12449  //    inflate_fast() speedups that turned out slower (on a PowerPC G3 750CXe):
 12450  //    - Using bit fields for code structure
 12451  //    - Different op definition to avoid & for extra bits (do & for table bits)
 12452  //    - Three separate decoding do-loops for direct, window, and wnext == 0
 12453  //    - Special case for distance > 1 copies to do overlapped load and store copy
 12454  //    - Explicit branch predictions (based on measured branch probabilities)
 12455  //    - Deferring match copy and interspersed it with decoding subsequent codes
 12456  //    - Swapping literal/length else
 12457  //    - Swapping window/direct else
 12458  //    - Larger unrolled copy loops (three is about right)
 12459  //    - Moving len -= 3 statement into middle of loop
 12460  //
 12462  func inflateStateCheck(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:105:11: */
 12463  	var state uintptr
 12464  	if ((strm == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc == uintptr(0))) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree == uintptr(0)) {
 12465  		return 1
 12466  	}
 12467  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12468  	if (((state == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm != strm)) || ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode < HEAD)) || ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode > SYNC) {
 12469  		return 1
 12470  	}
 12471  	return 0
 12472  }
 12474  func XinflateResetKeep(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:119:13: */
 12475  	var state uintptr
 12477  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 12478  		return -2
 12479  	}
 12480  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12481  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in = libc.AssignPtrUint32(strm+20 /* &.total_out */, libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+32 /* &.total */, uint32(0)))
 12482  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 12483  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap != 0 { // to support ill-conceived Java test suite
 12484  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = (ULong((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 1))
 12485  	}
 12486  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = HEAD
 12487  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast = 0
 12488  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhavedict = 0
 12489  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdmax = 32768
 12490  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead = Gz_headerp(Z_NULL)
 12491  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = uint32(0)
 12492  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = uint32(0)
 12493  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = libc.AssignPtrUintptr(state+84 /* &.distcode */, libc.AssignPtrUintptr(state+112 /* &.next */, state+1332 /* &.codes */))
 12494  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsane = 1
 12495  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fback = -1
 12497  	return Z_OK
 12498  }
 12500  func XinflateReset(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:144:13: */
 12501  	var state uintptr
 12503  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 12504  		return -2
 12505  	}
 12506  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12507  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize = uint32(0)
 12508  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = uint32(0)
 12509  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext = uint32(0)
 12510  	return XinflateResetKeep(tls, strm)
 12511  }
 12513  func XinflateReset2(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, windowBits int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:157:13: */
 12514  	var wrap int32
 12515  	var state uintptr
 12517  	// get the state
 12518  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 12519  		return -2
 12520  	}
 12521  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12523  	// extract wrap request from windowBits parameter
 12524  	if windowBits < 0 {
 12525  		wrap = 0
 12526  		windowBits = -windowBits
 12527  	} else {
 12528  		wrap = ((windowBits >> 4) + 5)
 12529  		if windowBits < 48 {
 12530  			windowBits = windowBits & (15)
 12531  		}
 12532  	}
 12534  	// set number of window bits, free window if different
 12535  	if (windowBits != 0) && ((windowBits < 8) || (windowBits > 15)) {
 12536  		return -2
 12537  	}
 12538  	if ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow != uintptr(Z_NULL)) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits != uint32(windowBits)) {
 12539  		(*struct {
 12540  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 12541  		})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow)
 12542  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 12543  	}
 12545  	// update state and reset the rest of it
 12546  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap = wrap
 12547  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits = uint32(windowBits)
 12548  	return XinflateReset(tls, strm)
 12549  }
 12551  func XinflateInit2_(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, windowBits int32, version uintptr, stream_size int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:195:13: */
 12552  	var ret int32
 12553  	var state uintptr
 12555  	if ((version == uintptr(Z_NULL)) || (int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(version))) != int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(ts /* "1.2.11" */))))) || (stream_size != (int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))) {
 12556  		return -6
 12557  	}
 12558  	if strm == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 12559  		return -2
 12560  	}
 12561  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = uintptr(Z_NULL) // in case we return an error
 12562  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc == uintptr(0) {
 12563  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzalloc = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
 12564  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, uint32, uint32) Voidpf
 12565  		}{Xzcalloc}))
 12566  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque = uintptr(0)
 12567  	}
 12568  	if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree == uintptr(0) {
 12569  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fzfree = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
 12570  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 12571  		}{Xzcfree}))
 12572  	}
 12573  	state = (*struct {
 12574  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
 12575  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, uint32(1), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Inflate_state{})))
 12576  	if state == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 12577  		return -4
 12578  	}
 12580  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = state
 12581  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fstrm = strm
 12582  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 12583  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = HEAD // to pass state test in inflateReset2()
 12584  	ret = XinflateReset2(tls, strm, windowBits)
 12585  	if ret != Z_OK {
 12586  		(*struct {
 12587  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 12588  		})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, state)
 12589  		(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 12590  	}
 12591  	return ret
 12592  }
 12594  func XinflateInit_(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, version uintptr, stream_size int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:239:13: */
 12595  	return XinflateInit2_(tls, strm, MAX_WBITS, version, stream_size)
 12596  }
 12598  func XinflatePrime(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, bits int32, value int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:247:13: */
 12599  	var state uintptr
 12601  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 12602  		return -2
 12603  	}
 12604  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12605  	if bits < 0 {
 12606  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = uint32(0)
 12607  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = uint32(0)
 12608  		return Z_OK
 12609  	}
 12610  	if (bits > 16) || (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits + UInt(bits)) > uint32(32)) {
 12611  		return -2
 12612  	}
 12613  	value = int32(int32(value) & ((int32(1) << bits) - 1))
 12614  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 60 /* &.hold */)) += (uint32(uint32(value) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits))
 12615  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 64 /* &.bits */)) += (UInt(bits))
 12616  	return Z_OK
 12617  }
 12619  //
 12620  //    Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to
 12621  //    fixed code decoding.  Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h.
 12622  //    If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the
 12623  //    first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and
 12624  //    thereafter.  This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in
 12625  //    exchange for a little execution time.  However, BUILDFIXED should not be
 12626  //    used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin
 12627  //    may not be thread-safe.
 12628  //
 12629  func fixedtables1(tls *libc.TLS, state uintptr) { /* inflate.c:278:12: */
 12630  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lenfix1))
 12631  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits = uint32(9)
 12632  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&distfix1))
 12633  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits = uint32(5)
 12634  }
 12636  var lenfix1 = [512]Code{
 12637  	{Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(80)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(16)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(112)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(48)},
 12638  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(192)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(96)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(32)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(160)}, {Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(128)},
 12639  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(64)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(224)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(88)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(24)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(144)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)},
 12640  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(120)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(56)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(208)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(104)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(40)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(176)},
 12641  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(136)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(72)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(240)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(84)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(20)},
 12642  	{Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(227)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(116)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(52)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(200)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(100)},
 12643  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(36)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(168)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(132)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(68)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(232)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)},
 12644  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(92)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(28)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(152)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(124)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(60)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(216)},
 12645  	{Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(108)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(44)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(184)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(12)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(140)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(76)},
 12646  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(248)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(82)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(18)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(163)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(114)},
 12647  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(50)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(196)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(98)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(34)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(164)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(2)},
 12648  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(130)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(66)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(228)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(90)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(26)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(148)},
 12649  	{Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(122)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(58)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(212)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(106)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(42)},
 12650  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(180)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(138)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(74)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(244)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(86)},
 12651  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(22)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(118)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(54)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(204)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)},
 12652  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(102)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(38)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(172)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(134)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(70)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(236)},
 12653  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(94)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(30)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(156)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(126)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(62)},
 12654  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(220)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(110)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(46)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(188)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(14)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(142)},
 12655  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(78)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(252)}, {Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(81)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)},
 12656  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(113)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(49)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(194)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(97)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(33)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(162)},
 12657  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(1)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(129)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(65)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(226)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(89)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(25)},
 12658  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(146)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(121)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(57)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(210)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(105)},
 12659  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(41)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(178)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(137)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(73)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(242)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)},
 12660  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(85)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(21)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(258)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(117)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(53)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(202)},
 12661  	{Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(101)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(37)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(170)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(133)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(69)},
 12662  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(234)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(93)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(29)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(154)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(125)},
 12663  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(61)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(218)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(109)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(45)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(186)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(13)},
 12664  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(141)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(77)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(250)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(195)},
 12665  	{Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(198)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(35)},
 12666  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(166)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(230)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(91)},
 12667  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(150)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(123)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(214)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)},
 12668  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(107)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(182)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(139)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(75)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(246)},
 12669  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(87)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(119)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(55)},
 12670  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(206)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(103)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(39)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(174)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(135)},
 12671  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(71)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(238)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(95)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(158)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)},
 12672  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(127)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(63)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(222)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(111)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(47)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(190)},
 12673  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(143)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(79)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(254)}, {Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(80)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(16)},
 12674  	{Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(112)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(48)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(193)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(96)},
 12675  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(32)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(161)}, {Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(128)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(64)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(225)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)},
 12676  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(88)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(24)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(145)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(120)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(56)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(209)},
 12677  	{Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(104)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(40)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(177)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(136)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(72)},
 12678  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(241)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(84)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(20)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(227)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(116)},
 12679  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(52)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(201)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(100)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(36)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(169)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(4)},
 12680  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(132)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(68)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(233)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(92)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(28)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(153)},
 12681  	{Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(124)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(60)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(217)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(108)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(44)},
 12682  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(185)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(12)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(140)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(76)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(249)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(82)},
 12683  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(18)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(163)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(114)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(50)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(197)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)},
 12684  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(98)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(34)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(165)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(2)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(130)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(66)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(229)},
 12685  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(90)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(26)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(149)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(122)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(58)},
 12686  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(213)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(106)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(42)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(181)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(138)},
 12687  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(74)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(245)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(86)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(22)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)},
 12688  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(118)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(54)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(205)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(102)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(38)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(173)},
 12689  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(134)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(70)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(237)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(94)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(30)},
 12690  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(157)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(126)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(62)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(221)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(110)},
 12691  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(46)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(189)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(14)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(142)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(78)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(253)}, {Fop: uint8(96), Fbits: uint8(7)},
 12692  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(81)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(113)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(49)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(195)},
 12693  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(10)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(97)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(33)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(163)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(1)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(129)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(65)},
 12694  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(227)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(6)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(89)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(25)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(147)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(121)},
 12695  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(57)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(211)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(105)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(41)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(179)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(9)},
 12696  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(137)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(73)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(243)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(85)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(21)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(258)},
 12697  	{Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(117)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(53)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(203)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(101)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(37)},
 12698  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(171)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(133)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(69)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(235)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(8)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(93)},
 12699  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(29)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(155)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(125)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(61)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(219)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(23)},
 12700  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(109)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(45)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(187)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(141)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(77)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(251)},
 12701  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(83)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(195)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(115)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(51)},
 12702  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(199)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(35)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(167)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(131)},
 12703  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(67)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(231)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(91)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(151)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(67)},
 12704  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(123)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(59)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(215)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(19)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(107)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(43)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(183)},
 12705  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(11)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(139)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(75)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(247)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(87)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(23)},
 12706  	{Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(8)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(51)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(119)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(55)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(207)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(103)},
 12707  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(39)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(175)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(135)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(71)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(239)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(9)},
 12708  	{Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(95)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(31)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(159)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(99)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(127)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(63)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(223)},
 12709  	{Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(7), Fval: uint16(27)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(111)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(47)}, {Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(191)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(15)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(143)}, {Fbits: uint8(8), Fval: uint16(79)},
 12710  	{Fbits: uint8(9), Fval: uint16(255)},
 12711  } /* inffixed.h:10:23 */
 12712  var distfix1 = [32]Code{
 12713  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(1)}, {Fop: uint8(23), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(257)}, {Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(17)}, {Fop: uint8(27), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(4097)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(5)}, {Fop: uint8(25), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(1025)},
 12714  	{Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(65)}, {Fop: uint8(29), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(16385)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(3)}, {Fop: uint8(24), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(513)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(33)}, {Fop: uint8(28), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(8193)},
 12715  	{Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(9)}, {Fop: uint8(26), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(2049)}, {Fop: uint8(22), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(129)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(5)}, {Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(2)}, {Fop: uint8(23), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(385)},
 12716  	{Fop: uint8(19), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(25)}, {Fop: uint8(27), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(6145)}, {Fop: uint8(17), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(7)}, {Fop: uint8(25), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(1537)}, {Fop: uint8(21), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(97)}, {Fop: uint8(29), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(24577)},
 12717  	{Fop: uint8(16), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(4)}, {Fop: uint8(24), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(769)}, {Fop: uint8(20), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(49)}, {Fop: uint8(28), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(12289)}, {Fop: uint8(18), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(13)}, {Fop: uint8(26), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(3073)},
 12718  	{Fop: uint8(22), Fbits: uint8(5), Fval: uint16(193)}, {Fop: uint8(64), Fbits: uint8(5)},
 12719  } /* inffixed.h:87:23 */
 12721  //
 12722  //    Update the window with the last wsize (normally 32K) bytes written before
 12723  //    returning.  If window does not exist yet, create it.  This is only called
 12724  //    when a window is already in use, or when output has been written during this
 12725  //    inflate call, but the end of the deflate stream has not been reached yet.
 12726  //    It is also called to create a window for dictionary data when a dictionary
 12727  //    is loaded.
 12728  //
 12729  //    Providing output buffers larger than 32K to inflate() should provide a speed
 12730  //    advantage, since only the last 32K of output is copied to the sliding window
 12731  //    upon return from inflate(), and since all distances after the first 32K of
 12732  //    output will fall in the output data, making match copies simpler and faster.
 12733  //    The advantage may be dependent on the size of the processor's data caches.
 12734  //
 12735  func updatewindow(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, end uintptr, copy uint32) int32 { /* inflate.c:396:11: */
 12736  	var state uintptr
 12737  	var dist uint32
 12739  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12741  	// if it hasn't been done already, allocate space for the window
 12742  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 12743  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow = (*struct {
 12744  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
 12745  		})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (uint32(1) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(uint8(0))))
 12746  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 12747  			return 1
 12748  		}
 12749  	}
 12751  	// if window not in use yet, initialize
 12752  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize == uint32(0) {
 12753  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize = (uint32(1) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits)
 12754  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext = uint32(0)
 12755  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = uint32(0)
 12756  	}
 12758  	// copy state->wsize or less output bytes into the circular window
 12759  	if copy >= (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize {
 12760  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow, (end - uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize)), (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize)
 12761  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext = uint32(0)
 12762  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 12763  	} else {
 12764  		dist = ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize - (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext)
 12765  		if dist > copy {
 12766  			dist = copy
 12767  		}
 12768  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext)), (end - uintptr(copy)), dist)
 12769  		copy = copy - (dist)
 12770  		if copy != 0 {
 12771  			libc.Xmemcpy(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow, (end - uintptr(copy)), copy)
 12772  			(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext = copy
 12773  			(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize
 12774  		} else {
 12775  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 52 /* &.wnext */)) += (dist)
 12776  			if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext == (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize {
 12777  				(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext = uint32(0)
 12778  			}
 12779  			if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave < (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize {
 12780  				*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 48 /* &.whave */)) += (dist)
 12781  			}
 12782  		}
 12783  	}
 12784  	return 0
 12785  }
 12787  // Macros for inflate():
 12789  // check function to use adler32() for zlib or crc32() for gzip
 12791  // check macros for header crc
 12793  // Load registers with state in inflate() for speed
 12795  // Restore state from registers in inflate()
 12797  // Clear the input bit accumulator
 12799  // Get a byte of input into the bit accumulator, or return from inflate()
 12800  //    if there is no input available.
 12802  // Assure that there are at least n bits in the bit accumulator.  If there is
 12803  //    not enough available input to do that, then return from inflate().
 12805  // Return the low n bits of the bit accumulator (n < 16)
 12807  // Remove n bits from the bit accumulator
 12809  // Remove zero to seven bits as needed to go to a byte boundary
 12811  //
 12812  //    inflate() uses a state machine to process as much input data and generate as
 12813  //    much output data as possible before returning.  The state machine is
 12814  //    structured roughly as follows:
 12815  //
 12816  //     for (;;) switch (state) {
 12817  //     ...
 12818  //     case STATEn:
 12819  //         if (not enough input data or output space to make progress)
 12820  //             return;
 12821  //         ... make progress ...
 12822  //         state = STATEm;
 12823  //         break;
 12824  //     ...
 12825  //     }
 12826  //
 12827  //    so when inflate() is called again, the same case is attempted again, and
 12828  //    if the appropriate resources are provided, the machine proceeds to the
 12829  //    next state.  The NEEDBITS() macro is usually the way the state evaluates
 12830  //    whether it can proceed or should return.  NEEDBITS() does the return if
 12831  //    the requested bits are not available.  The typical use of the BITS macros
 12832  //    is:
 12833  //
 12834  //         NEEDBITS(n);
 12835  //         ... do something with BITS(n) ...
 12836  //         DROPBITS(n);
 12837  //
 12838  //    where NEEDBITS(n) either returns from inflate() if there isn't enough
 12839  //    input left to load n bits into the accumulator, or it continues.  BITS(n)
 12840  //    gives the low n bits in the accumulator.  When done, DROPBITS(n) drops
 12841  //    the low n bits off the accumulator.  INITBITS() clears the accumulator
 12842  //    and sets the number of available bits to zero.  BYTEBITS() discards just
 12843  //    enough bits to put the accumulator on a byte boundary.  After BYTEBITS()
 12844  //    and a NEEDBITS(8), then BITS(8) would return the next byte in the stream.
 12845  //
 12846  //    NEEDBITS(n) uses PULLBYTE() to get an available byte of input, or to return
 12847  //    if there is no input available.  The decoding of variable length codes uses
 12848  //    PULLBYTE() directly in order to pull just enough bytes to decode the next
 12849  //    code, and no more.
 12850  //
 12851  //    Some states loop until they get enough input, making sure that enough
 12852  //    state information is maintained to continue the loop where it left off
 12853  //    if NEEDBITS() returns in the loop.  For example, want, need, and keep
 12854  //    would all have to actually be part of the saved state in case NEEDBITS()
 12855  //    returns:
 12856  //
 12857  //     case STATEw:
 12858  //         while (want < need) {
 12859  //             NEEDBITS(n);
 12860  //             keep[want++] = BITS(n);
 12861  //             DROPBITS(n);
 12862  //         }
 12863  //         state = STATEx;
 12864  //     case STATEx:
 12865  //
 12866  //    As shown above, if the next state is also the next case, then the break
 12867  //    is omitted.
 12868  //
 12869  //    A state may also return if there is not enough output space available to
 12870  //    complete that state.  Those states are copying stored data, writing a
 12871  //    literal byte, and copying a matching string.
 12872  //
 12873  //    When returning, a "goto inf_leave" is used to update the total counters,
 12874  //    update the check value, and determine whether any progress has been made
 12875  //    during that inflate() call in order to return the proper return code.
 12876  //    Progress is defined as a change in either strm->avail_in or strm->avail_out.
 12877  //    When there is a window, goto inf_leave will update the window with the last
 12878  //    output written.  If a goto inf_leave occurs in the middle of decompression
 12879  //    and there is no window currently, goto inf_leave will create one and copy
 12880  //    output to the window for the next call of inflate().
 12881  //
 12882  //    In this implementation, the flush parameter of inflate() only affects the
 12883  //    return code (per zlib.h).  inflate() always writes as much as possible to
 12884  //    strm->next_out, given the space available and the provided input--the effect
 12885  //    documented in zlib.h of Z_SYNC_FLUSH.  Furthermore, inflate() always defers
 12886  //    the allocation of and copying into a sliding window until necessary, which
 12887  //    provides the effect documented in zlib.h for Z_FINISH when the entire input
 12888  //    stream available.  So the only thing the flush parameter actually does is:
 12889  //    when flush is set to Z_FINISH, inflate() cannot return Z_OK.  Instead it
 12890  //    will return Z_BUF_ERROR if it has not reached the end of the stream.
 12891  //
 12893  func Xinflate(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, flush int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:622:13: */
 12894  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
 12895  	defer tls.Free(4)
 12897  	var state uintptr
 12898  	var next uintptr // next input
 12899  	var put uintptr  // next output
 12900  	var have uint32
 12901  	var left uint32 // available input and output
 12902  	var hold uint32 // bit buffer
 12903  	var bits uint32 // bits in bit buffer
 12904  	var in uint32
 12905  	var out uint32   // save starting available input and output
 12906  	var copy uint32  // number of stored or match bytes to copy
 12907  	var from uintptr // where to copy match bytes from
 12908  	var here Code    // current decoding table entry
 12909  	var last Code    // parent table entry
 12910  	var len uint32   // length to copy for repeats, bits to drop
 12911  	var ret int32    // return code
 12912  	// var hbuf [4]uint8 at bp, 4
 12914  	if !(((inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0) || ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out == uintptr(Z_NULL))) || (((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in == uintptr(Z_NULL)) && ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in != UInt(0)))) {
 12915  		goto __1
 12916  	}
 12917  	return -2
 12918  __1:
 12919  	;
 12921  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 12922  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == TYPE) {
 12923  		goto __2
 12924  	}
 12925  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPEDO
 12926  __2:
 12927  	; // skip check
 12928  __3:
 12929  	put = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out
 12930  	left = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out
 12931  	next = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
 12932  	have = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
 12933  	hold = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold
 12934  	bits = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits
 12935  	goto __4
 12936  __4:
 12937  	if 0 != 0 {
 12938  		goto __3
 12939  	}
 12940  	goto __5
 12941  __5:
 12942  	;
 12943  	in = have
 12944  	out = left
 12945  	ret = Z_OK
 12946  __6:
 12947  	switch (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode {
 12948  	case HEAD:
 12949  		goto __10
 12950  	case FLAGS:
 12951  		goto __11
 12952  	case TIME:
 12953  		goto __12
 12954  	case OS:
 12955  		goto __13
 12956  	case EXLEN:
 12957  		goto __14
 12958  	case EXTRA:
 12959  		goto __15
 12960  	case NAME:
 12961  		goto __16
 12962  	case COMMENT:
 12963  		goto __17
 12964  	case HCRC:
 12965  		goto __18
 12966  	case DICTID:
 12967  		goto __19
 12968  	case DICT:
 12969  		goto __20
 12970  	case TYPE:
 12971  		goto __21
 12972  	case TYPEDO:
 12973  		goto __22
 12974  	case STORED:
 12975  		goto __23
 12976  	case COPY_:
 12977  		goto __24
 12978  	case COPY:
 12979  		goto __25
 12980  	case TABLE:
 12981  		goto __26
 12982  	case LENLENS:
 12983  		goto __27
 12984  	case CODELENS:
 12985  		goto __28
 12986  	case LEN_:
 12987  		goto __29
 12988  	case LEN:
 12989  		goto __30
 12990  	case LENEXT:
 12991  		goto __31
 12992  	case DIST:
 12993  		goto __32
 12994  	case DISTEXT:
 12995  		goto __33
 12996  	case MATCH:
 12997  		goto __34
 12998  	case LIT:
 12999  		goto __35
 13000  	case CHECK:
 13001  		goto __36
 13002  	case LENGTH:
 13003  		goto __37
 13004  	case DONE:
 13005  		goto __38
 13006  	case BAD:
 13007  		goto __39
 13008  	case MEM:
 13009  		goto __40
 13010  	case SYNC:
 13011  		goto __41
 13012  	default:
 13013  		goto __42
 13014  	}
 13015  	goto __9
 13016  __10:
 13017  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap == 0) {
 13018  		goto __43
 13019  	}
 13020  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPEDO
 13021  	goto __9
 13022  __43:
 13023  	;
 13024  __44:
 13025  __47:
 13026  	if !(bits < (uint32(16))) {
 13027  		goto __48
 13028  	}
 13029  __49:
 13030  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13031  		goto __52
 13032  	}
 13033  	goto inf_leave
 13034  __52:
 13035  	;
 13036  	have--
 13037  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13038  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13039  	goto __50
 13040  __50:
 13041  	if 0 != 0 {
 13042  		goto __49
 13043  	}
 13044  	goto __51
 13045  __51:
 13046  	;
 13047  	goto __47
 13048  __48:
 13049  	;
 13050  	goto __45
 13051  __45:
 13052  	if 0 != 0 {
 13053  		goto __44
 13054  	}
 13055  	goto __46
 13056  __46:
 13057  	;
 13058  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 2) != 0) && (hold == uint32(0x8b1f))) {
 13059  		goto __53
 13060  	} // gzip header
 13061  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits == uint32(0)) {
 13062  		goto __54
 13063  	}
 13064  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits = uint32(15)
 13065  __54:
 13066  	;
 13067  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
 13068  __55:
 13069  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */)) = uint8(hold)
 13070  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 1)) = (uint8((hold) >> 8))
 13071  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, bp /* &hbuf[0] */, uint32(2))
 13072  	goto __56
 13073  __56:
 13074  	if 0 != 0 {
 13075  		goto __55
 13076  	}
 13077  	goto __57
 13078  __57:
 13079  	;
 13080  __58:
 13081  	hold = uint32(0)
 13082  	bits = uint32(0)
 13083  	goto __59
 13084  __59:
 13085  	if 0 != 0 {
 13086  		goto __58
 13087  	}
 13088  	goto __60
 13089  __60:
 13090  	;
 13091  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = FLAGS
 13092  	goto __9
 13093  __53:
 13094  	;
 13095  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags = 0 // expect zlib header
 13096  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13097  		goto __61
 13098  	}
 13099  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fdone = -1
 13100  __61:
 13101  	;
 13102  	if !(!(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 1) != 0) || ((((uint32((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (8)) - uint32(1))) << 8)) + (hold >> 8)) % uint32(31)) != 0)) {
 13103  		goto __62
 13104  	}
 13105  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 669 /* "incorrect header..." */
 13106  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13107  	goto __9
 13108  __62:
 13109  	;
 13110  	if !((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (4)) - uint32(1))) != uint32(Z_DEFLATED)) {
 13111  		goto __63
 13112  	}
 13113  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 692 /* "unknown compress..." */
 13114  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13115  	goto __9
 13116  __63:
 13117  	;
 13118  __64:
 13119  	hold >>= 4
 13120  	bits = bits - (uint32(4))
 13121  	goto __65
 13122  __65:
 13123  	if 0 != 0 {
 13124  		goto __64
 13125  	}
 13126  	goto __66
 13127  __66:
 13128  	;
 13129  	len = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (4)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(8))
 13130  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits == uint32(0)) {
 13131  		goto __67
 13132  	}
 13133  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits = len
 13134  __67:
 13135  	;
 13136  	if !((len > uint32(15)) || (len > (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits)) {
 13137  		goto __68
 13138  	}
 13139  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 719 /* "invalid window s..." */
 13140  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13141  	goto __9
 13142  __68:
 13143  	;
 13144  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdmax = (uint32(1) << len)
 13146  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+28 /* &.check */, Xadler32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0)))
 13147  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = func() uint32 {
 13148  		if (hold & uint32(0x200)) != 0 {
 13149  			return DICTID
 13150  		}
 13151  		return TYPE
 13152  	}()
 13153  __69:
 13154  	hold = uint32(0)
 13155  	bits = uint32(0)
 13156  	goto __70
 13157  __70:
 13158  	if 0 != 0 {
 13159  		goto __69
 13160  	}
 13161  	goto __71
 13162  __71:
 13163  	;
 13164  	goto __9
 13165  __11:
 13166  __72:
 13167  __75:
 13168  	if !(bits < (uint32(16))) {
 13169  		goto __76
 13170  	}
 13171  __77:
 13172  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13173  		goto __80
 13174  	}
 13175  	goto inf_leave
 13176  __80:
 13177  	;
 13178  	have--
 13179  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13180  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13181  	goto __78
 13182  __78:
 13183  	if 0 != 0 {
 13184  		goto __77
 13185  	}
 13186  	goto __79
 13187  __79:
 13188  	;
 13189  	goto __75
 13190  __76:
 13191  	;
 13192  	goto __73
 13193  __73:
 13194  	if 0 != 0 {
 13195  		goto __72
 13196  	}
 13197  	goto __74
 13198  __74:
 13199  	;
 13200  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags = int32(hold)
 13201  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0xff) != Z_DEFLATED) {
 13202  		goto __81
 13203  	}
 13204  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 692 /* "unknown compress..." */
 13205  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13206  	goto __9
 13207  __81:
 13208  	;
 13209  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0xe000) != 0) {
 13210  		goto __82
 13211  	}
 13212  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 739 /* "unknown header f..." */
 13213  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13214  	goto __9
 13215  __82:
 13216  	;
 13217  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13218  		goto __83
 13219  	}
 13220  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Ftext = (int32((hold >> 8) & uint32(1)))
 13221  __83:
 13222  	;
 13223  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13224  		goto __84
 13225  	}
 13226  __85:
 13227  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */)) = uint8(hold)
 13228  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 1)) = (uint8((hold) >> 8))
 13229  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, bp /* &hbuf[0] */, uint32(2))
 13230  	goto __86
 13231  __86:
 13232  	if 0 != 0 {
 13233  		goto __85
 13234  	}
 13235  	goto __87
 13236  __87:
 13237  	;
 13238  __84:
 13239  	;
 13240  __88:
 13241  	hold = uint32(0)
 13242  	bits = uint32(0)
 13243  	goto __89
 13244  __89:
 13245  	if 0 != 0 {
 13246  		goto __88
 13247  	}
 13248  	goto __90
 13249  __90:
 13250  	;
 13251  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TIME
 13252  __12:
 13253  __91:
 13254  __94:
 13255  	if !(bits < (uint32(32))) {
 13256  		goto __95
 13257  	}
 13258  __96:
 13259  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13260  		goto __99
 13261  	}
 13262  	goto inf_leave
 13263  __99:
 13264  	;
 13265  	have--
 13266  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13267  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13268  	goto __97
 13269  __97:
 13270  	if 0 != 0 {
 13271  		goto __96
 13272  	}
 13273  	goto __98
 13274  __98:
 13275  	;
 13276  	goto __94
 13277  __95:
 13278  	;
 13279  	goto __92
 13280  __92:
 13281  	if 0 != 0 {
 13282  		goto __91
 13283  	}
 13284  	goto __93
 13285  __93:
 13286  	;
 13287  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13288  		goto __100
 13289  	}
 13290  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Ftime = hold
 13291  __100:
 13292  	;
 13293  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13294  		goto __101
 13295  	}
 13296  __102:
 13297  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */)) = uint8(hold)
 13298  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 1)) = (uint8((hold) >> 8))
 13299  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 2)) = (uint8((hold) >> 16))
 13300  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 3)) = (uint8((hold) >> 24))
 13301  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, bp /* &hbuf[0] */, uint32(4))
 13302  	goto __103
 13303  __103:
 13304  	if 0 != 0 {
 13305  		goto __102
 13306  	}
 13307  	goto __104
 13308  __104:
 13309  	;
 13310  __101:
 13311  	;
 13312  __105:
 13313  	hold = uint32(0)
 13314  	bits = uint32(0)
 13315  	goto __106
 13316  __106:
 13317  	if 0 != 0 {
 13318  		goto __105
 13319  	}
 13320  	goto __107
 13321  __107:
 13322  	;
 13323  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = OS
 13324  __13:
 13325  __108:
 13326  __111:
 13327  	if !(bits < (uint32(16))) {
 13328  		goto __112
 13329  	}
 13330  __113:
 13331  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13332  		goto __116
 13333  	}
 13334  	goto inf_leave
 13335  __116:
 13336  	;
 13337  	have--
 13338  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13339  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13340  	goto __114
 13341  __114:
 13342  	if 0 != 0 {
 13343  		goto __113
 13344  	}
 13345  	goto __115
 13346  __115:
 13347  	;
 13348  	goto __111
 13349  __112:
 13350  	;
 13351  	goto __109
 13352  __109:
 13353  	if 0 != 0 {
 13354  		goto __108
 13355  	}
 13356  	goto __110
 13357  __110:
 13358  	;
 13359  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13360  		goto __117
 13361  	}
 13362  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fxflags = (int32(hold & uint32(0xff)))
 13363  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fos = (int32(hold >> 8))
 13364  __117:
 13365  	;
 13366  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13367  		goto __118
 13368  	}
 13369  __119:
 13370  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */)) = uint8(hold)
 13371  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 1)) = (uint8((hold) >> 8))
 13372  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, bp /* &hbuf[0] */, uint32(2))
 13373  	goto __120
 13374  __120:
 13375  	if 0 != 0 {
 13376  		goto __119
 13377  	}
 13378  	goto __121
 13379  __121:
 13380  	;
 13381  __118:
 13382  	;
 13383  __122:
 13384  	hold = uint32(0)
 13385  	bits = uint32(0)
 13386  	goto __123
 13387  __123:
 13388  	if 0 != 0 {
 13389  		goto __122
 13390  	}
 13391  	goto __124
 13392  __124:
 13393  	;
 13394  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = EXLEN
 13395  __14:
 13396  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0400) != 0) {
 13397  		goto __125
 13398  	}
 13399  __127:
 13400  __130:
 13401  	if !(bits < (uint32(16))) {
 13402  		goto __131
 13403  	}
 13404  __132:
 13405  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13406  		goto __135
 13407  	}
 13408  	goto inf_leave
 13409  __135:
 13410  	;
 13411  	have--
 13412  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13413  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13414  	goto __133
 13415  __133:
 13416  	if 0 != 0 {
 13417  		goto __132
 13418  	}
 13419  	goto __134
 13420  __134:
 13421  	;
 13422  	goto __130
 13423  __131:
 13424  	;
 13425  	goto __128
 13426  __128:
 13427  	if 0 != 0 {
 13428  		goto __127
 13429  	}
 13430  	goto __129
 13431  __129:
 13432  	;
 13433  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = uint32(hold)
 13434  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13435  		goto __136
 13436  	}
 13437  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra_len = uint32(hold)
 13438  __136:
 13439  	;
 13440  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13441  		goto __137
 13442  	}
 13443  __138:
 13444  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */)) = uint8(hold)
 13445  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &hbuf[0] */ + 1)) = (uint8((hold) >> 8))
 13446  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, bp /* &hbuf[0] */, uint32(2))
 13447  	goto __139
 13448  __139:
 13449  	if 0 != 0 {
 13450  		goto __138
 13451  	}
 13452  	goto __140
 13453  __140:
 13454  	;
 13455  __137:
 13456  	;
 13457  __141:
 13458  	hold = uint32(0)
 13459  	bits = uint32(0)
 13460  	goto __142
 13461  __142:
 13462  	if 0 != 0 {
 13463  		goto __141
 13464  	}
 13465  	goto __143
 13466  __143:
 13467  	;
 13468  	goto __126
 13469  __125:
 13470  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13471  		goto __144
 13472  	}
 13473  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 13474  __144:
 13475  	;
 13476  __126:
 13477  	;
 13478  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = EXTRA
 13479  __15:
 13480  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0400) != 0) {
 13481  		goto __145
 13482  	}
 13483  	copy = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 13484  	if !(copy > have) {
 13485  		goto __146
 13486  	}
 13487  	copy = have
 13488  __146:
 13489  	;
 13490  	if !(copy != 0) {
 13491  		goto __147
 13492  	}
 13493  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) && ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra != uintptr(Z_NULL))) {
 13494  		goto __148
 13495  	}
 13496  	len = ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra_len - (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength)
 13497  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra + uintptr(len)), next,
 13498  		func() uint32 {
 13499  			if (len + copy) > (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra_max {
 13500  				return ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fextra_max - len)
 13501  			}
 13502  			return copy
 13503  		}())
 13504  __148:
 13505  	;
 13506  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13507  		goto __149
 13508  	}
 13509  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, next, copy)
 13510  __149:
 13511  	;
 13512  	have = have - (copy)
 13513  	next += uintptr(copy)
 13514  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) -= (copy)
 13515  __147:
 13516  	;
 13517  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength != 0) {
 13518  		goto __150
 13519  	}
 13520  	goto inf_leave
 13521  __150:
 13522  	;
 13523  __145:
 13524  	;
 13525  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = uint32(0)
 13526  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = NAME
 13527  __16:
 13528  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0800) != 0) {
 13529  		goto __151
 13530  	}
 13531  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13532  		goto __153
 13533  	}
 13534  	goto inf_leave
 13535  __153:
 13536  	;
 13537  	copy = uint32(0)
 13538  __154:
 13539  	len = uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(next + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&copy, 1)))))
 13540  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) && ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fname != uintptr(Z_NULL))) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength < (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fname_max)) {
 13541  		goto __157
 13542  	}
 13543  	*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fname + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength, 1)))) = Bytef(len)
 13544  __157:
 13545  	;
 13546  	goto __155
 13547  __155:
 13548  	if (len != 0) && (copy < have) {
 13549  		goto __154
 13550  	}
 13551  	goto __156
 13552  __156:
 13553  	;
 13554  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13555  		goto __158
 13556  	}
 13557  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, next, copy)
 13558  __158:
 13559  	;
 13560  	have = have - (copy)
 13561  	next += uintptr(copy)
 13562  	if !(len != 0) {
 13563  		goto __159
 13564  	}
 13565  	goto inf_leave
 13566  __159:
 13567  	;
 13568  	goto __152
 13569  __151:
 13570  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13571  		goto __160
 13572  	}
 13573  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fname = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 13574  __160:
 13575  	;
 13576  __152:
 13577  	;
 13578  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = uint32(0)
 13579  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = COMMENT
 13580  __17:
 13581  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x1000) != 0) {
 13582  		goto __161
 13583  	}
 13584  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13585  		goto __163
 13586  	}
 13587  	goto inf_leave
 13588  __163:
 13589  	;
 13590  	copy = uint32(0)
 13591  __164:
 13592  	len = uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(next + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&copy, 1)))))
 13593  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) && ((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fcomment != uintptr(Z_NULL))) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength < (*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fcomm_max)) {
 13594  		goto __167
 13595  	}
 13596  	*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fcomment + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength, 1)))) = Bytef(len)
 13597  __167:
 13598  	;
 13599  	goto __165
 13600  __165:
 13601  	if (len != 0) && (copy < have) {
 13602  		goto __164
 13603  	}
 13604  	goto __166
 13605  __166:
 13606  	;
 13607  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0)) {
 13608  		goto __168
 13609  	}
 13610  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck = Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, next, copy)
 13611  __168:
 13612  	;
 13613  	have = have - (copy)
 13614  	next += uintptr(copy)
 13615  	if !(len != 0) {
 13616  		goto __169
 13617  	}
 13618  	goto inf_leave
 13619  __169:
 13620  	;
 13621  	goto __162
 13622  __161:
 13623  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13624  		goto __170
 13625  	}
 13626  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fcomment = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 13627  __170:
 13628  	;
 13629  __162:
 13630  	;
 13631  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = HCRC
 13632  __18:
 13633  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags & 0x0200) != 0) {
 13634  		goto __171
 13635  	}
 13636  __172:
 13637  __175:
 13638  	if !(bits < (uint32(16))) {
 13639  		goto __176
 13640  	}
 13641  __177:
 13642  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13643  		goto __180
 13644  	}
 13645  	goto inf_leave
 13646  __180:
 13647  	;
 13648  	have--
 13649  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13650  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13651  	goto __178
 13652  __178:
 13653  	if 0 != 0 {
 13654  		goto __177
 13655  	}
 13656  	goto __179
 13657  __179:
 13658  	;
 13659  	goto __175
 13660  __176:
 13661  	;
 13662  	goto __173
 13663  __173:
 13664  	if 0 != 0 {
 13665  		goto __172
 13666  	}
 13667  	goto __174
 13668  __174:
 13669  	;
 13670  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0) && (hold != ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck & uint32(0xffff)))) {
 13671  		goto __181
 13672  	}
 13673  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 764 /* "header crc misma..." */
 13674  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13675  	goto __9
 13676  __181:
 13677  	;
 13678  __182:
 13679  	hold = uint32(0)
 13680  	bits = uint32(0)
 13681  	goto __183
 13682  __183:
 13683  	if 0 != 0 {
 13684  		goto __182
 13685  	}
 13686  	goto __184
 13687  __184:
 13688  	;
 13689  __171:
 13690  	;
 13691  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 13692  		goto __185
 13693  	}
 13694  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fhcrc = (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags >> 9) & 1)
 13695  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead)).Fdone = 1
 13696  __185:
 13697  	;
 13698  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+28 /* &.check */, Xcrc32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0)))
 13699  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 13700  	goto __9
 13701  __19:
 13702  __186:
 13703  __189:
 13704  	if !(bits < (uint32(32))) {
 13705  		goto __190
 13706  	}
 13707  __191:
 13708  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13709  		goto __194
 13710  	}
 13711  	goto inf_leave
 13712  __194:
 13713  	;
 13714  	have--
 13715  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13716  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13717  	goto __192
 13718  __192:
 13719  	if 0 != 0 {
 13720  		goto __191
 13721  	}
 13722  	goto __193
 13723  __193:
 13724  	;
 13725  	goto __189
 13726  __190:
 13727  	;
 13728  	goto __187
 13729  __187:
 13730  	if 0 != 0 {
 13731  		goto __186
 13732  	}
 13733  	goto __188
 13734  __188:
 13735  	;
 13736  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+28 /* &.check */, ((((((hold) >> 24) & uint32(0xff)) + (((hold) >> 8) & uint32(0xff00))) + (((hold) & uint32(0xff00)) << 8)) + (((hold) & uint32(0xff)) << 24)))
 13737  __195:
 13738  	hold = uint32(0)
 13739  	bits = uint32(0)
 13740  	goto __196
 13741  __196:
 13742  	if 0 != 0 {
 13743  		goto __195
 13744  	}
 13745  	goto __197
 13746  __197:
 13747  	;
 13748  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = DICT
 13749  __20:
 13750  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhavedict == 0) {
 13751  		goto __198
 13752  	}
 13753  __199:
 13754  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = put
 13755  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = left
 13756  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = next
 13757  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = have
 13758  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = hold
 13759  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = bits
 13760  	goto __200
 13761  __200:
 13762  	if 0 != 0 {
 13763  		goto __199
 13764  	}
 13765  	goto __201
 13766  __201:
 13767  	;
 13768  	return Z_NEED_DICT
 13769  __198:
 13770  	;
 13771  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+28 /* &.check */, Xadler32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0)))
 13772  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 13773  __21:
 13774  	if !((flush == Z_BLOCK) || (flush == Z_TREES)) {
 13775  		goto __202
 13776  	}
 13777  	goto inf_leave
 13778  __202:
 13779  	;
 13780  __22:
 13781  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast != 0) {
 13782  		goto __203
 13783  	}
 13784  __204:
 13785  	hold >>= (bits & uint32(7))
 13786  	bits = bits - (bits & uint32(7))
 13787  	goto __205
 13788  __205:
 13789  	if 0 != 0 {
 13790  		goto __204
 13791  	}
 13792  	goto __206
 13793  __206:
 13794  	;
 13795  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = CHECK
 13796  	goto __9
 13797  __203:
 13798  	;
 13799  __207:
 13800  __210:
 13801  	if !(bits < (uint32(3))) {
 13802  		goto __211
 13803  	}
 13804  __212:
 13805  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13806  		goto __215
 13807  	}
 13808  	goto inf_leave
 13809  __215:
 13810  	;
 13811  	have--
 13812  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13813  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13814  	goto __213
 13815  __213:
 13816  	if 0 != 0 {
 13817  		goto __212
 13818  	}
 13819  	goto __214
 13820  __214:
 13821  	;
 13822  	goto __210
 13823  __211:
 13824  	;
 13825  	goto __208
 13826  __208:
 13827  	if 0 != 0 {
 13828  		goto __207
 13829  	}
 13830  	goto __209
 13831  __209:
 13832  	;
 13833  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast = (int32(uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (1)) - uint32(1))))
 13834  __216:
 13835  	hold >>= 1
 13836  	bits = bits - (uint32(1))
 13837  	goto __217
 13838  __217:
 13839  	if 0 != 0 {
 13840  		goto __216
 13841  	}
 13842  	goto __218
 13843  __218:
 13844  	;
 13845  	switch uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (2)) - uint32(1)) {
 13846  	case uint32(0):
 13847  		goto __220
 13848  	case uint32(1):
 13849  		goto __221
 13850  	case uint32(2):
 13851  		goto __222
 13852  	case uint32(3):
 13853  		goto __223
 13854  	}
 13855  	goto __219
 13856  __220: // stored block
 13857  	;
 13858  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = STORED
 13859  	goto __219
 13860  __221: // fixed block
 13861  	fixedtables1(tls, state)
 13863  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN_ // decode codes
 13864  	if !(flush == Z_TREES) {
 13865  		goto __224
 13866  	}
 13867  __225:
 13868  	hold >>= 2
 13869  	bits = bits - (uint32(2))
 13870  	goto __226
 13871  __226:
 13872  	if 0 != 0 {
 13873  		goto __225
 13874  	}
 13875  	goto __227
 13876  __227:
 13877  	;
 13878  	goto inf_leave
 13879  __224:
 13880  	;
 13881  	goto __219
 13882  __222: // dynamic block
 13883  	;
 13884  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TABLE
 13885  	goto __219
 13886  __223:
 13887  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 367 /* "invalid block ty..." */
 13888  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13889  __219:
 13890  	;
 13891  __228:
 13892  	hold >>= 2
 13893  	bits = bits - (uint32(2))
 13894  	goto __229
 13895  __229:
 13896  	if 0 != 0 {
 13897  		goto __228
 13898  	}
 13899  	goto __230
 13900  __230:
 13901  	;
 13902  	goto __9
 13903  __23:
 13904  __231:
 13905  	hold >>= (bits & uint32(7))
 13906  	bits = bits - (bits & uint32(7))
 13907  	goto __232
 13908  __232:
 13909  	if 0 != 0 {
 13910  		goto __231
 13911  	}
 13912  	goto __233
 13913  __233:
 13914  	; // go to byte boundary
 13915  __234:
 13916  __237:
 13917  	if !(bits < (uint32(32))) {
 13918  		goto __238
 13919  	}
 13920  __239:
 13921  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 13922  		goto __242
 13923  	}
 13924  	goto inf_leave
 13925  __242:
 13926  	;
 13927  	have--
 13928  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 13929  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 13930  	goto __240
 13931  __240:
 13932  	if 0 != 0 {
 13933  		goto __239
 13934  	}
 13935  	goto __241
 13936  __241:
 13937  	;
 13938  	goto __237
 13939  __238:
 13940  	;
 13941  	goto __235
 13942  __235:
 13943  	if 0 != 0 {
 13944  		goto __234
 13945  	}
 13946  	goto __236
 13947  __236:
 13948  	;
 13949  	if !((hold & uint32(0xffff)) != ((hold >> 16) ^ uint32(0xffff))) {
 13950  		goto __243
 13951  	}
 13952  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 386 /* "invalid stored b..." */
 13953  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 13954  	goto __9
 13955  __243:
 13956  	;
 13957  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = (uint32(hold) & uint32(0xffff))
 13959  __244:
 13960  	hold = uint32(0)
 13961  	bits = uint32(0)
 13962  	goto __245
 13963  __245:
 13964  	if 0 != 0 {
 13965  		goto __244
 13966  	}
 13967  	goto __246
 13968  __246:
 13969  	;
 13970  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = COPY_
 13971  	if !(flush == Z_TREES) {
 13972  		goto __247
 13973  	}
 13974  	goto inf_leave
 13975  __247:
 13976  	;
 13977  __24:
 13978  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = COPY
 13979  __25:
 13980  	copy = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 13981  	if !(copy != 0) {
 13982  		goto __248
 13983  	}
 13984  	if !(copy > have) {
 13985  		goto __249
 13986  	}
 13987  	copy = have
 13988  __249:
 13989  	;
 13990  	if !(copy > left) {
 13991  		goto __250
 13992  	}
 13993  	copy = left
 13994  __250:
 13995  	;
 13996  	if !(copy == uint32(0)) {
 13997  		goto __251
 13998  	}
 13999  	goto inf_leave
 14000  __251:
 14001  	;
 14002  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, put, next, copy)
 14003  	have = have - (copy)
 14004  	next += uintptr(copy)
 14005  	left = left - (copy)
 14006  	put += uintptr(copy)
 14007  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) -= (copy)
 14008  	goto __9
 14009  __248:
 14010  	;
 14012  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 14013  	goto __9
 14014  __26:
 14015  __252:
 14016  __255:
 14017  	if !(bits < (uint32(14))) {
 14018  		goto __256
 14019  	}
 14020  __257:
 14021  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14022  		goto __260
 14023  	}
 14024  	goto inf_leave
 14025  __260:
 14026  	;
 14027  	have--
 14028  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14029  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14030  	goto __258
 14031  __258:
 14032  	if 0 != 0 {
 14033  		goto __257
 14034  	}
 14035  	goto __259
 14036  __259:
 14037  	;
 14038  	goto __255
 14039  __256:
 14040  	;
 14041  	goto __253
 14042  __253:
 14043  	if 0 != 0 {
 14044  		goto __252
 14045  	}
 14046  	goto __254
 14047  __254:
 14048  	;
 14049  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (5)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(257))
 14050  __261:
 14051  	hold >>= 5
 14052  	bits = bits - (uint32(5))
 14053  	goto __262
 14054  __262:
 14055  	if 0 != 0 {
 14056  		goto __261
 14057  	}
 14058  	goto __263
 14059  __263:
 14060  	;
 14061  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (5)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(1))
 14062  __264:
 14063  	hold >>= 5
 14064  	bits = bits - (uint32(5))
 14065  	goto __265
 14066  __265:
 14067  	if 0 != 0 {
 14068  		goto __264
 14069  	}
 14070  	goto __266
 14071  __266:
 14072  	;
 14073  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fncode = ((uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (4)) - uint32(1))) + uint32(4))
 14074  __267:
 14075  	hold >>= 4
 14076  	bits = bits - (uint32(4))
 14077  	goto __268
 14078  __268:
 14079  	if 0 != 0 {
 14080  		goto __267
 14081  	}
 14082  	goto __269
 14083  __269:
 14084  	;
 14085  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen > uint32(286)) || ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist > uint32(30))) {
 14086  		goto __270
 14087  	}
 14088  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 415 /* "too many length ..." */
 14089  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14090  	goto __9
 14091  __270:
 14092  	;
 14094  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave = uint32(0)
 14095  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LENLENS
 14096  __27:
 14097  __271:
 14098  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave < (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fncode) {
 14099  		goto __272
 14100  	}
 14101  __273:
 14102  __276:
 14103  	if !(bits < (uint32(3))) {
 14104  		goto __277
 14105  	}
 14106  __278:
 14107  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14108  		goto __281
 14109  	}
 14110  	goto inf_leave
 14111  __281:
 14112  	;
 14113  	have--
 14114  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14115  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14116  	goto __279
 14117  __279:
 14118  	if 0 != 0 {
 14119  		goto __278
 14120  	}
 14121  	goto __280
 14122  __280:
 14123  	;
 14124  	goto __276
 14125  __277:
 14126  	;
 14127  	goto __274
 14128  __274:
 14129  	if 0 != 0 {
 14130  		goto __273
 14131  	}
 14132  	goto __275
 14133  __275:
 14134  	;
 14135  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(order1[libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1)])*2)) = (uint16(uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (3)) - uint32(1))))
 14136  __282:
 14137  	hold >>= 3
 14138  	bits = bits - (uint32(3))
 14139  	goto __283
 14140  __283:
 14141  	if 0 != 0 {
 14142  		goto __282
 14143  	}
 14144  	goto __284
 14145  __284:
 14146  	;
 14147  	goto __271
 14148  __272:
 14149  	;
 14150  __285:
 14151  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave < uint32(19)) {
 14152  		goto __286
 14153  	}
 14154  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(order1[libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1)])*2)) = uint16(0)
 14155  	goto __285
 14156  __286:
 14157  	;
 14158  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext = state + 1332 /* &.codes */
 14159  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext
 14160  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits = uint32(7)
 14161  	ret = Xinflate_table(tls, CODES, state+116 /* &.lens */, uint32(19), (state + 112 /* &.next */),
 14162  		(state + 88 /* &.lenbits */), state+756 /* &.work */)
 14163  	if !(ret != 0) {
 14164  		goto __287
 14165  	}
 14166  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 451 /* "invalid code len..." */
 14167  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14168  	goto __9
 14169  __287:
 14170  	;
 14172  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave = uint32(0)
 14173  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = CODELENS
 14174  __28:
 14175  __288:
 14176  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave < ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen + (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist)) {
 14177  		goto __289
 14178  	}
 14179  __290:
 14180  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode + uintptr((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits))-uint32(1))))*4))
 14181  	if !((uint32(here.Fbits)) <= bits) {
 14182  		goto __293
 14183  	}
 14184  	goto __292
 14185  __293:
 14186  	;
 14187  __294:
 14188  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14189  		goto __297
 14190  	}
 14191  	goto inf_leave
 14192  __297:
 14193  	;
 14194  	have--
 14195  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14196  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14197  	goto __295
 14198  __295:
 14199  	if 0 != 0 {
 14200  		goto __294
 14201  	}
 14202  	goto __296
 14203  __296:
 14204  	;
 14205  	goto __291
 14206  __291:
 14207  	goto __290
 14208  	goto __292
 14209  __292:
 14210  	;
 14211  	if !(int32(here.Fval) < 16) {
 14212  		goto __298
 14213  	}
 14214  __300:
 14215  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 14216  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 14217  	goto __301
 14218  __301:
 14219  	if 0 != 0 {
 14220  		goto __300
 14221  	}
 14222  	goto __302
 14223  __302:
 14224  	;
 14225  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1))*2)) = here.Fval
 14226  	goto __299
 14227  __298:
 14228  	if !(int32(here.Fval) == 16) {
 14229  		goto __303
 14230  	}
 14231  __305:
 14232  __308:
 14233  	if !(bits < (uint32(int32(here.Fbits) + 2))) {
 14234  		goto __309
 14235  	}
 14236  __310:
 14237  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14238  		goto __313
 14239  	}
 14240  	goto inf_leave
 14241  __313:
 14242  	;
 14243  	have--
 14244  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14245  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14246  	goto __311
 14247  __311:
 14248  	if 0 != 0 {
 14249  		goto __310
 14250  	}
 14251  	goto __312
 14252  __312:
 14253  	;
 14254  	goto __308
 14255  __309:
 14256  	;
 14257  	goto __306
 14258  __306:
 14259  	if 0 != 0 {
 14260  		goto __305
 14261  	}
 14262  	goto __307
 14263  __307:
 14264  	;
 14265  __314:
 14266  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 14267  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 14268  	goto __315
 14269  __315:
 14270  	if 0 != 0 {
 14271  		goto __314
 14272  	}
 14273  	goto __316
 14274  __316:
 14275  	;
 14276  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave == uint32(0)) {
 14277  		goto __317
 14278  	}
 14279  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 476 /* "invalid bit leng..." */
 14280  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14281  	goto __289
 14282  __317:
 14283  	;
 14284  	len = uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave-uint32(1)))*2)))
 14285  	copy = (uint32(3) + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (2)) - uint32(1))))
 14286  __318:
 14287  	hold >>= 2
 14288  	bits = bits - (uint32(2))
 14289  	goto __319
 14290  __319:
 14291  	if 0 != 0 {
 14292  		goto __318
 14293  	}
 14294  	goto __320
 14295  __320:
 14296  	;
 14297  	goto __304
 14298  __303:
 14299  	if !(int32(here.Fval) == 17) {
 14300  		goto __321
 14301  	}
 14302  __323:
 14303  __326:
 14304  	if !(bits < (uint32(int32(here.Fbits) + 3))) {
 14305  		goto __327
 14306  	}
 14307  __328:
 14308  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14309  		goto __331
 14310  	}
 14311  	goto inf_leave
 14312  __331:
 14313  	;
 14314  	have--
 14315  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14316  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14317  	goto __329
 14318  __329:
 14319  	if 0 != 0 {
 14320  		goto __328
 14321  	}
 14322  	goto __330
 14323  __330:
 14324  	;
 14325  	goto __326
 14326  __327:
 14327  	;
 14328  	goto __324
 14329  __324:
 14330  	if 0 != 0 {
 14331  		goto __323
 14332  	}
 14333  	goto __325
 14334  __325:
 14335  	;
 14336  __332:
 14337  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 14338  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 14339  	goto __333
 14340  __333:
 14341  	if 0 != 0 {
 14342  		goto __332
 14343  	}
 14344  	goto __334
 14345  __334:
 14346  	;
 14347  	len = uint32(0)
 14348  	copy = (uint32(3) + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (3)) - uint32(1))))
 14349  __335:
 14350  	hold >>= 3
 14351  	bits = bits - (uint32(3))
 14352  	goto __336
 14353  __336:
 14354  	if 0 != 0 {
 14355  		goto __335
 14356  	}
 14357  	goto __337
 14358  __337:
 14359  	;
 14360  	goto __322
 14361  __321:
 14362  __338:
 14363  __341:
 14364  	if !(bits < (uint32(int32(here.Fbits) + 7))) {
 14365  		goto __342
 14366  	}
 14367  __343:
 14368  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14369  		goto __346
 14370  	}
 14371  	goto inf_leave
 14372  __346:
 14373  	;
 14374  	have--
 14375  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14376  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14377  	goto __344
 14378  __344:
 14379  	if 0 != 0 {
 14380  		goto __343
 14381  	}
 14382  	goto __345
 14383  __345:
 14384  	;
 14385  	goto __341
 14386  __342:
 14387  	;
 14388  	goto __339
 14389  __339:
 14390  	if 0 != 0 {
 14391  		goto __338
 14392  	}
 14393  	goto __340
 14394  __340:
 14395  	;
 14396  __347:
 14397  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 14398  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 14399  	goto __348
 14400  __348:
 14401  	if 0 != 0 {
 14402  		goto __347
 14403  	}
 14404  	goto __349
 14405  __349:
 14406  	;
 14407  	len = uint32(0)
 14408  	copy = (uint32(11) + (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << (7)) - uint32(1))))
 14409  __350:
 14410  	hold >>= 7
 14411  	bits = bits - (uint32(7))
 14412  	goto __351
 14413  __351:
 14414  	if 0 != 0 {
 14415  		goto __350
 14416  	}
 14417  	goto __352
 14418  __352:
 14419  	;
 14420  __322:
 14421  	;
 14422  __304:
 14423  	;
 14424  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave + copy) > ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen + (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist)) {
 14425  		goto __353
 14426  	}
 14427  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 476 /* "invalid bit leng..." */
 14428  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14429  	goto __289
 14430  __353:
 14431  	;
 14432  __354:
 14433  	if !(libc.PostDecUint32(&copy, 1) != 0) {
 14434  		goto __355
 14435  	}
 14436  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave, 1))*2)) = uint16(len)
 14437  	goto __354
 14438  __355:
 14439  	;
 14440  __299:
 14441  	;
 14442  	goto __288
 14443  __289:
 14444  	;
 14446  	// handle error breaks in while
 14447  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == BAD) {
 14448  		goto __356
 14449  	}
 14450  	goto __9
 14451  __356:
 14452  	;
 14454  	// check for end-of-block code (better have one)
 14455  	if !(int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + 256*2))) == 0) {
 14456  		goto __357
 14457  	}
 14458  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 502 /* "invalid code -- ..." */
 14459  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14460  	goto __9
 14461  __357:
 14462  	;
 14464  	// build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits
 14465  	//                values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h
 14466  	//                concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values
 14467  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext = state + 1332 /* &.codes */
 14468  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext
 14469  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits = uint32(9)
 14470  	ret = Xinflate_table(tls, LENS, state+116 /* &.lens */, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen, (state + 112 /* &.next */),
 14471  		(state + 88 /* &.lenbits */), state+756 /* &.work */)
 14472  	if !(ret != 0) {
 14473  		goto __358
 14474  	}
 14475  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 539 /* "invalid literal/..." */
 14476  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14477  	goto __9
 14478  __358:
 14479  	;
 14480  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext
 14481  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits = uint32(6)
 14482  	ret = Xinflate_table(tls, DISTS, ((state + 116 /* &.lens */) + uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnlen)*2), (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fndist,
 14483  		(state + 112 /* &.next */), (state + 92 /* &.distbits */), state+756 /* &.work */)
 14484  	if !(ret != 0) {
 14485  		goto __359
 14486  	}
 14487  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 567 /* "invalid distance..." */
 14488  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14489  	goto __9
 14490  __359:
 14491  	;
 14493  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN_
 14494  	if !(flush == Z_TREES) {
 14495  		goto __360
 14496  	}
 14497  	goto inf_leave
 14498  __360:
 14499  	;
 14500  __29:
 14501  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN
 14502  __30:
 14503  	if !((have >= uint32(6)) && (left >= uint32(258))) {
 14504  		goto __361
 14505  	}
 14506  __362:
 14507  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = put
 14508  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = left
 14509  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = next
 14510  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = have
 14511  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = hold
 14512  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = bits
 14513  	goto __363
 14514  __363:
 14515  	if 0 != 0 {
 14516  		goto __362
 14517  	}
 14518  	goto __364
 14519  __364:
 14520  	;
 14521  	Xinflate_fast(tls, strm, out)
 14522  __365:
 14523  	put = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out
 14524  	left = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out
 14525  	next = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in
 14526  	have = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in
 14527  	hold = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold
 14528  	bits = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits
 14529  	goto __366
 14530  __366:
 14531  	if 0 != 0 {
 14532  		goto __365
 14533  	}
 14534  	goto __367
 14535  __367:
 14536  	;
 14537  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == TYPE) {
 14538  		goto __368
 14539  	}
 14540  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fback = -1
 14541  __368:
 14542  	;
 14543  	goto __9
 14544  __361:
 14545  	;
 14546  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fback = 0
 14547  __369:
 14548  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode + uintptr((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flenbits))-uint32(1))))*4))
 14549  	if !((uint32(here.Fbits)) <= bits) {
 14550  		goto __372
 14551  	}
 14552  	goto __371
 14553  __372:
 14554  	;
 14555  __373:
 14556  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14557  		goto __376
 14558  	}
 14559  	goto inf_leave
 14560  __376:
 14561  	;
 14562  	have--
 14563  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14564  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14565  	goto __374
 14566  __374:
 14567  	if 0 != 0 {
 14568  		goto __373
 14569  	}
 14570  	goto __375
 14571  __375:
 14572  	;
 14573  	goto __370
 14574  __370:
 14575  	goto __369
 14576  	goto __371
 14577  __371:
 14578  	;
 14579  	if !((here.Fop != 0) && ((int32(here.Fop) & 0xf0) == 0)) {
 14580  		goto __377
 14581  	}
 14582  	last = here
 14583  __378:
 14584  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode + uintptr((uint32(last.Fval)+((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<(int32(last.Fbits)+int32(last.Fop)))-uint32(1)))>>int32(last.Fbits))))*4))
 14585  	if !((uint32(int32(last.Fbits) + int32(here.Fbits))) <= bits) {
 14586  		goto __381
 14587  	}
 14588  	goto __380
 14589  __381:
 14590  	;
 14591  __382:
 14592  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14593  		goto __385
 14594  	}
 14595  	goto inf_leave
 14596  __385:
 14597  	;
 14598  	have--
 14599  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14600  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14601  	goto __383
 14602  __383:
 14603  	if 0 != 0 {
 14604  		goto __382
 14605  	}
 14606  	goto __384
 14607  __384:
 14608  	;
 14609  	goto __379
 14610  __379:
 14611  	goto __378
 14612  	goto __380
 14613  __380:
 14614  	;
 14615  __386:
 14616  	hold >>= int32(last.Fbits)
 14617  	bits = bits - (uint32(last.Fbits))
 14618  	goto __387
 14619  __387:
 14620  	if 0 != 0 {
 14621  		goto __386
 14622  	}
 14623  	goto __388
 14624  __388:
 14625  	;
 14626  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 7112 /* &.back */)) += (int32(last.Fbits))
 14627  __377:
 14628  	;
 14629  __389:
 14630  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 14631  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 14632  	goto __390
 14633  __390:
 14634  	if 0 != 0 {
 14635  		goto __389
 14636  	}
 14637  	goto __391
 14638  __391:
 14639  	;
 14640  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 7112 /* &.back */)) += (int32(here.Fbits))
 14641  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength = uint32(here.Fval)
 14642  	if !((int32(here.Fop)) == 0) {
 14643  		goto __392
 14644  	}
 14646  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LIT
 14647  	goto __9
 14648  __392:
 14649  	;
 14650  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 32) != 0) {
 14651  		goto __393
 14652  	}
 14654  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fback = -1
 14655  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 14656  	goto __9
 14657  __393:
 14658  	;
 14659  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 64) != 0) {
 14660  		goto __394
 14661  	}
 14662  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 589 /* "invalid literal/..." */
 14663  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14664  	goto __9
 14665  __394:
 14666  	;
 14667  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra = ((uint32(here.Fop)) & uint32(15))
 14668  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LENEXT
 14669  __31:
 14670  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra != 0) {
 14671  		goto __395
 14672  	}
 14673  __396:
 14674  __399:
 14675  	if !(bits < ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) {
 14676  		goto __400
 14677  	}
 14678  __401:
 14679  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14680  		goto __404
 14681  	}
 14682  	goto inf_leave
 14683  __404:
 14684  	;
 14685  	have--
 14686  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14687  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14688  	goto __402
 14689  __402:
 14690  	if 0 != 0 {
 14691  		goto __401
 14692  	}
 14693  	goto __403
 14694  __403:
 14695  	;
 14696  	goto __399
 14697  __400:
 14698  	;
 14699  	goto __397
 14700  __397:
 14701  	if 0 != 0 {
 14702  		goto __396
 14703  	}
 14704  	goto __398
 14705  __398:
 14706  	;
 14707  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) += (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) - uint32(1)))
 14708  __405:
 14709  	hold >>= (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra
 14710  	bits = bits - ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)
 14711  	goto __406
 14712  __406:
 14713  	if 0 != 0 {
 14714  		goto __405
 14715  	}
 14716  	goto __407
 14717  __407:
 14718  	;
 14719  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 7112 /* &.back */)) += int32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra))
 14720  __395:
 14721  	;
 14723  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwas = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 14724  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = DIST
 14725  __32:
 14726  __408:
 14727  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode + uintptr((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistbits))-uint32(1))))*4))
 14728  	if !((uint32(here.Fbits)) <= bits) {
 14729  		goto __411
 14730  	}
 14731  	goto __410
 14732  __411:
 14733  	;
 14734  __412:
 14735  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14736  		goto __415
 14737  	}
 14738  	goto inf_leave
 14739  __415:
 14740  	;
 14741  	have--
 14742  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14743  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14744  	goto __413
 14745  __413:
 14746  	if 0 != 0 {
 14747  		goto __412
 14748  	}
 14749  	goto __414
 14750  __414:
 14751  	;
 14752  	goto __409
 14753  __409:
 14754  	goto __408
 14755  	goto __410
 14756  __410:
 14757  	;
 14758  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 0xf0) == 0) {
 14759  		goto __416
 14760  	}
 14761  	last = here
 14762  __417:
 14763  	here = *(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode + uintptr((uint32(last.Fval)+((uint32(hold)&((uint32(1)<<(int32(last.Fbits)+int32(last.Fop)))-uint32(1)))>>int32(last.Fbits))))*4))
 14764  	if !((uint32(int32(last.Fbits) + int32(here.Fbits))) <= bits) {
 14765  		goto __420
 14766  	}
 14767  	goto __419
 14768  __420:
 14769  	;
 14770  __421:
 14771  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14772  		goto __424
 14773  	}
 14774  	goto inf_leave
 14775  __424:
 14776  	;
 14777  	have--
 14778  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14779  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14780  	goto __422
 14781  __422:
 14782  	if 0 != 0 {
 14783  		goto __421
 14784  	}
 14785  	goto __423
 14786  __423:
 14787  	;
 14788  	goto __418
 14789  __418:
 14790  	goto __417
 14791  	goto __419
 14792  __419:
 14793  	;
 14794  __425:
 14795  	hold >>= int32(last.Fbits)
 14796  	bits = bits - (uint32(last.Fbits))
 14797  	goto __426
 14798  __426:
 14799  	if 0 != 0 {
 14800  		goto __425
 14801  	}
 14802  	goto __427
 14803  __427:
 14804  	;
 14805  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 7112 /* &.back */)) += (int32(last.Fbits))
 14806  __416:
 14807  	;
 14808  __428:
 14809  	hold >>= int32(here.Fbits)
 14810  	bits = bits - (uint32(here.Fbits))
 14811  	goto __429
 14812  __429:
 14813  	if 0 != 0 {
 14814  		goto __428
 14815  	}
 14816  	goto __430
 14817  __430:
 14818  	;
 14819  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 7112 /* &.back */)) += (int32(here.Fbits))
 14820  	if !((int32(here.Fop) & 64) != 0) {
 14821  		goto __431
 14822  	}
 14823  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 617 /* "invalid distance..." */
 14824  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14825  	goto __9
 14826  __431:
 14827  	;
 14828  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset = uint32(here.Fval)
 14829  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra = ((uint32(here.Fop)) & uint32(15))
 14830  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = DISTEXT
 14831  __33:
 14832  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra != 0) {
 14833  		goto __432
 14834  	}
 14835  __433:
 14836  __436:
 14837  	if !(bits < ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) {
 14838  		goto __437
 14839  	}
 14840  __438:
 14841  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14842  		goto __441
 14843  	}
 14844  	goto inf_leave
 14845  __441:
 14846  	;
 14847  	have--
 14848  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14849  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14850  	goto __439
 14851  __439:
 14852  	if 0 != 0 {
 14853  		goto __438
 14854  	}
 14855  	goto __440
 14856  __440:
 14857  	;
 14858  	goto __436
 14859  __437:
 14860  	;
 14861  	goto __434
 14862  __434:
 14863  	if 0 != 0 {
 14864  		goto __433
 14865  	}
 14866  	goto __435
 14867  __435:
 14868  	;
 14869  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 72 /* &.offset */)) += (uint32(hold) & ((uint32(1) << ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)) - uint32(1)))
 14870  __442:
 14871  	hold >>= (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra
 14872  	bits = bits - ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra)
 14873  	goto __443
 14874  __443:
 14875  	if 0 != 0 {
 14876  		goto __442
 14877  	}
 14878  	goto __444
 14879  __444:
 14880  	;
 14881  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 7112 /* &.back */)) += int32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fextra))
 14882  __432:
 14883  	;
 14885  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = MATCH
 14886  __34:
 14887  	if !(left == uint32(0)) {
 14888  		goto __445
 14889  	}
 14890  	goto inf_leave
 14891  __445:
 14892  	;
 14893  	copy = (out - left)
 14894  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset > copy) {
 14895  		goto __446
 14896  	} // copy from window
 14897  	copy = ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset - copy)
 14898  	if !(copy > (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave) {
 14899  		goto __448
 14900  	}
 14901  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsane != 0) {
 14902  		goto __449
 14903  	}
 14904  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 639 /* "invalid distance..." */
 14905  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 14906  	goto __9
 14907  __449:
 14908  	;
 14909  __448:
 14910  	;
 14911  	if !(copy > (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext) {
 14912  		goto __450
 14913  	}
 14914  	copy = copy - ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext)
 14915  	from = ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow + uintptr(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize - copy)))
 14916  	goto __451
 14917  __450:
 14918  	from = ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow + uintptr(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext - copy)))
 14919  __451:
 14920  	;
 14921  	if !(copy > (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength) {
 14922  		goto __452
 14923  	}
 14924  	copy = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 14925  __452:
 14926  	;
 14927  	goto __447
 14928  __446: // copy from output
 14929  	from = (put - uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Foffset))
 14930  	copy = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength
 14931  __447:
 14932  	;
 14933  	if !(copy > left) {
 14934  		goto __453
 14935  	}
 14936  	copy = left
 14937  __453:
 14938  	;
 14939  	left = left - (copy)
 14940  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 68 /* &.length */)) -= (copy)
 14941  __454:
 14942  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&put, 1))) = *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&from, 1)))
 14943  	goto __455
 14944  __455:
 14945  	if libc.PreDecUint32(&copy, 1) != 0 {
 14946  		goto __454
 14947  	}
 14948  	goto __456
 14949  __456:
 14950  	;
 14951  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength == uint32(0)) {
 14952  		goto __457
 14953  	}
 14954  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN
 14955  __457:
 14956  	;
 14957  	goto __9
 14958  __35:
 14959  	if !(left == uint32(0)) {
 14960  		goto __458
 14961  	}
 14962  	goto inf_leave
 14963  __458:
 14964  	;
 14965  	*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&put, 1))) = uint8((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength)
 14966  	left--
 14967  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LEN
 14968  	goto __9
 14969  __36:
 14970  	if !((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap != 0) {
 14971  		goto __459
 14972  	}
 14973  __460:
 14974  __463:
 14975  	if !(bits < (uint32(32))) {
 14976  		goto __464
 14977  	}
 14978  __465:
 14979  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 14980  		goto __468
 14981  	}
 14982  	goto inf_leave
 14983  __468:
 14984  	;
 14985  	have--
 14986  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 14987  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 14988  	goto __466
 14989  __466:
 14990  	if 0 != 0 {
 14991  		goto __465
 14992  	}
 14993  	goto __467
 14994  __467:
 14995  	;
 14996  	goto __463
 14997  __464:
 14998  	;
 14999  	goto __461
 15000  __461:
 15001  	if 0 != 0 {
 15002  		goto __460
 15003  	}
 15004  	goto __462
 15005  __462:
 15006  	;
 15007  	out = out - (left)
 15008  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 20 /* &.total_out */)) += (ULong(out))
 15009  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 32 /* &.total */)) += (uint32(out))
 15010  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0) && (out != 0)) {
 15011  		goto __469
 15012  	}
 15013  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+28 /* &.check */, func() uint32 {
 15014  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags != 0 {
 15015  			return Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, (put - uintptr(out)), out)
 15016  		}
 15017  		return Xadler32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, (put - uintptr(out)), out)
 15018  	}())
 15019  __469:
 15020  	;
 15021  	out = left
 15022  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0) && ((func() uint32 {
 15023  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags != 0 {
 15024  			return hold
 15025  		}
 15026  		return ((((((hold) >> 24) & uint32(0xff)) + (((hold) >> 8) & uint32(0xff00))) + (((hold) & uint32(0xff00)) << 8)) + (((hold) & uint32(0xff)) << 24))
 15027  	}()) != (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck)) {
 15028  		goto __470
 15029  	}
 15030  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 784 /* "incorrect data c..." */
 15031  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 15032  	goto __9
 15033  __470:
 15034  	;
 15035  __471:
 15036  	hold = uint32(0)
 15037  	bits = uint32(0)
 15038  	goto __472
 15039  __472:
 15040  	if 0 != 0 {
 15041  		goto __471
 15042  	}
 15043  	goto __473
 15044  __473:
 15045  	;
 15047  __459:
 15048  	;
 15049  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = LENGTH
 15050  __37:
 15051  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap != 0) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags != 0)) {
 15052  		goto __474
 15053  	}
 15054  __475:
 15055  __478:
 15056  	if !(bits < (uint32(32))) {
 15057  		goto __479
 15058  	}
 15059  __480:
 15060  	if !(have == uint32(0)) {
 15061  		goto __483
 15062  	}
 15063  	goto inf_leave
 15064  __483:
 15065  	;
 15066  	have--
 15067  	hold = hold + ((uint32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&next, 1))))) << bits)
 15068  	bits = bits + (uint32(8))
 15069  	goto __481
 15070  __481:
 15071  	if 0 != 0 {
 15072  		goto __480
 15073  	}
 15074  	goto __482
 15075  __482:
 15076  	;
 15077  	goto __478
 15078  __479:
 15079  	;
 15080  	goto __476
 15081  __476:
 15082  	if 0 != 0 {
 15083  		goto __475
 15084  	}
 15085  	goto __477
 15086  __477:
 15087  	;
 15088  	if !(hold != ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Ftotal & 0xffffffff)) {
 15089  		goto __484
 15090  	}
 15091  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fmsg = ts + 805 /* "incorrect length..." */
 15092  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = BAD
 15093  	goto __9
 15094  __484:
 15095  	;
 15096  __485:
 15097  	hold = uint32(0)
 15098  	bits = uint32(0)
 15099  	goto __486
 15100  __486:
 15101  	if 0 != 0 {
 15102  		goto __485
 15103  	}
 15104  	goto __487
 15105  __487:
 15106  	;
 15108  __474:
 15109  	;
 15110  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = DONE
 15111  __38:
 15112  	ret = Z_STREAM_END
 15113  	goto inf_leave
 15114  __39:
 15115  	ret = -3
 15116  	goto inf_leave
 15117  __40:
 15118  	return -4
 15119  __41:
 15120  __42:
 15121  	return -2
 15122  __9:
 15123  	;
 15124  	goto __7
 15125  __7:
 15126  	goto __6
 15127  	goto __8
 15128  __8:
 15129  	;
 15131  	//
 15132  	//        Return from inflate(), updating the total counts and the check value.
 15133  	//        If there was no progress during the inflate() call, return a buffer
 15134  	//        error.  Call updatewindow() to create and/or update the window state.
 15135  	//        Note: a memory error from inflate() is non-recoverable.
 15136  	//
 15137  inf_leave:
 15138  __488:
 15139  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out = put
 15140  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out = left
 15141  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in = next
 15142  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in = have
 15143  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold = hold
 15144  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits = bits
 15145  	goto __489
 15146  __489:
 15147  	if 0 != 0 {
 15148  		goto __488
 15149  	}
 15150  	goto __490
 15151  __490:
 15152  	;
 15153  	if !(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwsize != 0) || (((out != (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode < BAD)) && (((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode < CHECK) || (flush != Z_FINISH)))) {
 15154  		goto __491
 15155  	}
 15156  	if !(updatewindow(tls, strm, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out, (out-(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out)) != 0) {
 15157  		goto __492
 15158  	}
 15159  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = MEM
 15160  	return -4
 15161  __492:
 15162  	;
 15163  __491:
 15164  	;
 15165  	in = in - ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in)
 15166  	out = out - ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_out)
 15167  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 8 /* &.total_in */)) += (ULong(in))
 15168  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 20 /* &.total_out */)) += (ULong(out))
 15169  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 32 /* &.total */)) += (uint32(out))
 15170  	if !((((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 4) != 0) && (out != 0)) {
 15171  		goto __493
 15172  	}
 15173  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fadler = libc.AssignPtrUint32(state+28 /* &.check */, func() uint32 {
 15174  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fflags != 0 {
 15175  			return Xcrc32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out - uintptr(out)), out)
 15176  		}
 15177  		return Xadler32(tls, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck, ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_out - uintptr(out)), out)
 15178  	}())
 15179  __493:
 15180  	;
 15181  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fdata_type = (((int32((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits) + (func() int32 {
 15182  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flast != 0 {
 15183  			return 64
 15184  		}
 15185  		return 0
 15186  	}())) + (func() int32 {
 15187  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == TYPE {
 15188  			return 128
 15189  		}
 15190  		return 0
 15191  	}())) + (func() int32 {
 15192  		if ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == LEN_) || ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == COPY_) {
 15193  			return 256
 15194  		}
 15195  		return 0
 15196  	}()))
 15197  	if !((((in == uint32(0)) && (out == uint32(0))) || (flush == Z_FINISH)) && (ret == Z_OK)) {
 15198  		goto __494
 15199  	}
 15200  	ret = -5
 15201  __494:
 15202  	;
 15203  	return ret
 15204  }
 15206  var order1 =                                                                                                                                                                                                                         // permutation of code lengths
 15207  [19]uint16{uint16(16), uint16(17), uint16(18), uint16(0), uint16(8), uint16(7), uint16(9), uint16(6), uint16(10), uint16(5), uint16(11), uint16(4), uint16(12), uint16(3), uint16(13), uint16(2), uint16(14), uint16(1), uint16(15)} /* inflate.c:642:33 */
 15209  func XinflateEnd(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:1277:13: */
 15210  	var state uintptr
 15211  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15212  		return -2
 15213  	}
 15214  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15215  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 15216  		(*struct {
 15217  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 15218  		})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow)
 15219  	}
 15220  	(*struct {
 15221  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 15222  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((strm))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fopaque, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate)
 15223  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 15225  	return Z_OK
 15226  }
 15228  func XinflateGetDictionary(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, dictionary uintptr, dictLength uintptr) int32 { /* inflate.c:1291:13: */
 15229  	var state uintptr
 15231  	// check state
 15232  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15233  		return -2
 15234  	}
 15235  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15237  	// copy dictionary
 15238  	if ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave != 0) && (dictionary != uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 15239  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, dictionary, ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow + uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext)),
 15240  			((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave - (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext))
 15241  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((dictionary + uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave)) - uintptr((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext)),
 15242  			(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwnext)
 15243  	}
 15244  	if dictLength != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 15245  		*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(dictLength)) = (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwhave
 15246  	}
 15247  	return Z_OK
 15248  }
 15250  func XinflateSetDictionary(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, dictionary uintptr, dictLength UInt) int32 { /* inflate.c:1314:13: */
 15251  	var state uintptr
 15252  	var dictid uint32
 15253  	var ret int32
 15255  	// check state
 15256  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15257  		return -2
 15258  	}
 15259  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15260  	if ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap != 0) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != DICT) {
 15261  		return -2
 15262  	}
 15264  	// check for correct dictionary identifier
 15265  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == DICT {
 15266  		dictid = Xadler32(tls, uint32(0), uintptr(Z_NULL), uint32(0))
 15267  		dictid = Xadler32(tls, dictid, dictionary, dictLength)
 15268  		if dictid != (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fcheck {
 15269  			return -3
 15270  		}
 15271  	}
 15273  	// copy dictionary to window using updatewindow(), which will amend the
 15274  	//        existing dictionary if appropriate
 15275  	ret = updatewindow(tls, strm, (dictionary + uintptr(dictLength)), dictLength)
 15276  	if ret != 0 {
 15277  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = MEM
 15278  		return -4
 15279  	}
 15280  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhavedict = 1
 15282  	return Z_OK
 15283  }
 15285  func XinflateGetHeader(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, head Gz_headerp) int32 { /* inflate.c:1349:13: */
 15286  	var state uintptr
 15288  	// check state
 15289  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15290  		return -2
 15291  	}
 15292  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15293  	if ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwrap & 2) == 0 {
 15294  		return -2
 15295  	}
 15297  	// save header structure
 15298  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhead = head
 15299  	(*Gz_header)(unsafe.Pointer(head)).Fdone = 0
 15300  	return Z_OK
 15301  }
 15303  //
 15304  //    Search buf[0..len-1] for the pattern: 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff.  Return when found
 15305  //    or when out of input.  When called, *have is the number of pattern bytes
 15306  //    found in order so far, in 0..3.  On return *have is updated to the new
 15307  //    state.  If on return *have equals four, then the pattern was found and the
 15308  //    return value is how many bytes were read including the last byte of the
 15309  //    pattern.  If *have is less than four, then the pattern has not been found
 15310  //    yet and the return value is len.  In the latter case, syncsearch() can be
 15311  //    called again with more data and the *have state.  *have is initialized to
 15312  //    zero for the first call.
 15313  //
 15314  func syncsearch(tls *libc.TLS, have uintptr, buf uintptr, len uint32) uint32 { /* inflate.c:1377:16: */
 15315  	var got uint32
 15316  	var next uint32
 15318  	got = *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have))
 15319  	next = uint32(0)
 15320  	for (next < len) && (got < uint32(4)) {
 15321  		if (int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(buf + uintptr(next))))) == (func() int32 {
 15322  			if got < uint32(2) {
 15323  				return 0
 15324  			}
 15325  			return 0xff
 15326  		}()) {
 15327  			got++
 15328  		} else if *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(buf + uintptr(next))) != 0 {
 15329  			got = uint32(0)
 15330  		} else {
 15331  			got = (uint32(4) - got)
 15332  		}
 15333  		next++
 15334  	}
 15335  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(have)) = got
 15336  	return next
 15337  }
 15339  func XinflateSync(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:1400:13: */
 15340  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
 15341  	defer tls.Free(4)
 15343  	var len uint32 // number of bytes to look at or looked at
 15344  	var in uint32
 15345  	var out uint32 // temporary to save total_in and total_out
 15346  	// var buf [4]uint8 at bp, 4
 15347  	// to restore bit buffer to byte string
 15348  	var state uintptr
 15350  	// check parameters
 15351  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15352  		return -2
 15353  	}
 15354  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15355  	if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in == UInt(0)) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits < uint32(8)) {
 15356  		return -5
 15357  	}
 15359  	// if first time, start search in bit buffer
 15360  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode != SYNC {
 15361  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = SYNC
 15362  		libc.AssignShlPtrUint32(state+60 /* &.hold */, int(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits & uint32(7))))
 15363  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 64 /* &.bits */)) -= ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits & uint32(7))
 15364  		len = uint32(0)
 15365  		for (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits >= uint32(8) {
 15366  			*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &buf[0] */ + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&len, 1)))) = uint8((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhold)
 15367  			libc.AssignShrPtrUint32(state+60 /* &.hold */, int(8))
 15368  			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 64 /* &.bits */)) -= (uint32(8))
 15369  		}
 15370  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave = uint32(0)
 15371  		syncsearch(tls, (state + 108 /* &.have */), bp /* &buf[0] */, len)
 15372  	}
 15374  	// search available input
 15375  	len = syncsearch(tls, (state + 108 /* &.have */), (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fnext_in, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Favail_in)
 15376  	*(*UInt)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 4 /* &.avail_in */)) -= (len)
 15377  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(strm /* &.next_in */)) += (uintptr(len))
 15378  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(strm + 8 /* &.total_in */)) += (ULong(len))
 15380  	// return no joy or set up to restart inflate() on a new block
 15381  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fhave != uint32(4) {
 15382  		return -3
 15383  	}
 15384  	in = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in
 15385  	out = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_out
 15386  	XinflateReset(tls, strm)
 15387  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_in = in
 15388  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Ftotal_out = out
 15389  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode = TYPE
 15390  	return Z_OK
 15391  }
 15393  //
 15394  //    Returns true if inflate is currently at the end of a block generated by
 15395  //    Z_SYNC_FLUSH or Z_FULL_FLUSH. This function is used by one PPP
 15396  //    implementation to provide an additional safety check. PPP uses
 15397  //    Z_SYNC_FLUSH but removes the length bytes of the resulting empty stored
 15398  //    block. When decompressing, PPP checks that at the end of input packet,
 15399  //    inflate is waiting for these length bytes.
 15400  //
 15401  func XinflateSyncPoint(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:1451:13: */
 15402  	var state uintptr
 15404  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15405  		return -2
 15406  	}
 15407  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15408  	return (libc.Bool32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == STORED) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fbits == uint32(0))))
 15409  }
 15411  func XinflateCopy(tls *libc.TLS, dest Z_streamp, source Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:1461:13: */
 15412  	var state uintptr
 15413  	var copy uintptr
 15414  	var window uintptr
 15415  	var wsize uint32
 15417  	// check input
 15418  	if (inflateStateCheck(tls, source) != 0) || (dest == uintptr(Z_NULL)) {
 15419  		return -2
 15420  	}
 15421  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(source)).Fstate
 15423  	// allocate space
 15424  	copy = (*struct {
 15425  		f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
 15426  	})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((source))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(source)).Fopaque, uint32(1), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Inflate_state{})))
 15427  	if copy == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 15428  		return -4
 15429  	}
 15430  	window = uintptr(Z_NULL)
 15431  	if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 15432  		window = (*struct {
 15433  			f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, UInt, UInt) Voidpf
 15434  		})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((source))).Fzalloc})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(source)).Fopaque, (uint32(1) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(uint8(0))))
 15435  		if window == uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 15436  			(*struct {
 15437  				f func(*libc.TLS, Voidpf, Voidpf)
 15438  			})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{ uintptr }{(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((source))).Fzfree})).f(tls, (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(source)).Fopaque, copy)
 15439  			return -4
 15440  		}
 15441  	}
 15443  	// copy state
 15444  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, dest, source, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))
 15445  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, copy, state, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(Inflate_state{})))
 15446  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(copy)).Fstrm = dest
 15447  	if ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode >= state+1332 /* &.codes */) && ((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode <= (((state + 1332 /* &.codes */) + uintptr((ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS))*4) - uintptr(1)*4)) {
 15448  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(copy)).Flencode = ((copy + 1332 /* &.codes */) + uintptr((int32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flencode-(state+1332 /* &.codes */))/4)))*4)
 15449  		(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(copy)).Fdistcode = ((copy + 1332 /* &.codes */) + uintptr((int32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fdistcode-(state+1332 /* &.codes */))/4)))*4)
 15450  	}
 15451  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(copy)).Fnext = ((copy + 1332 /* &.codes */) + uintptr((int32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext-(state+1332 /* &.codes */))/4)))*4)
 15452  	if window != uintptr(Z_NULL) {
 15453  		wsize = (uint32(1) << (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwbits)
 15454  		libc.Xmemcpy(tls, window, (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwindow, wsize)
 15455  	}
 15456  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(copy)).Fwindow = window
 15457  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(dest)).Fstate = copy
 15458  	return Z_OK
 15459  }
 15461  func XinflateUndermine(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, subvert int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:1508:13: */
 15462  	var state uintptr
 15464  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15465  		return -2
 15466  	}
 15467  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15468  	_ = subvert
 15469  	(*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fsane = 1
 15470  	return -3
 15471  }
 15473  func XinflateValidate(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp, check int32) int32 { /* inflate.c:1526:13: */
 15474  	var state uintptr
 15476  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15477  		return -2
 15478  	}
 15479  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15480  	if check != 0 {
 15481  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 12 /* &.wrap */)) |= (4)
 15482  	} else {
 15483  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(state + 12 /* &.wrap */)) &= (libc.CplInt32(4))
 15484  	}
 15485  	return Z_OK
 15486  }
 15488  func XinflateMark(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) int32 { /* inflate.c:1541:14: */
 15489  	var state uintptr
 15491  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15492  		return -(int32(1) << 16)
 15493  	}
 15494  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15495  	return (int32(uint32((int32((uint32(int32((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fback))) << 16))) + (func() uint32 {
 15496  		if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == COPY {
 15497  			return uint32((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength)
 15498  		}
 15499  		return func() uint32 {
 15500  			if (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fmode == MATCH {
 15501  				return (uint32((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fwas - (*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Flength))
 15502  			}
 15503  			return uint32(0)
 15504  		}()
 15505  	}())))
 15506  }
 15508  func XinflateCodesUsed(tls *libc.TLS, strm Z_streamp) uint32 { /* inflate.c:1554:23: */
 15509  	var state uintptr
 15510  	if inflateStateCheck(tls, strm) != 0 {
 15511  		return libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1))
 15512  	}
 15513  	state = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(strm)).Fstate
 15514  	return (uint32(int32(((*Inflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(state)).Fnext - (state + 1332 /* &.codes */)) / 4)))
 15515  }
 15517  var Xinflate_copyright = *(*[48]int8)(unsafe.Pointer(ts + 828 /* " inflate 1.2.11 ..." */)) /* inftrees.c:11:12 */
 15519  //
 15520  //   If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
 15521  //   in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
 15522  //   include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this
 15523  //   copyright string in the executable of your product.
 15524  //
 15526  //
 15527  //    Build a set of tables to decode the provided canonical Huffman code.
 15528  //    The code lengths are lens[].  The result starts at *table,
 15529  //    whose indices are 0..2^bits-1.  work is a writable array of at least
 15530  //    lens shorts, which is used as a work area.  type is the type of code
 15531  //    to be generated, CODES, LENS, or DISTS.  On return, zero is success,
 15532  //    -1 is an invalid code, and +1 means that ENOUGH isn't enough.  table
 15533  //    on return points to the next available entry's address.  bits is the
 15534  //    requested root table index bits, and on return it is the actual root
 15535  //    table index bits.  It will differ if the request is greater than the
 15536  //    longest code or if it is less than the shortest code.
 15537  //
 15538  func Xinflate_table(tls *libc.TLS, type1 Codetype, lens uintptr, codes uint32, table uintptr, bits uintptr, work uintptr) int32 { /* inftrees.c:32:19: */
 15539  	bp := tls.Alloc(64)
 15540  	defer tls.Free(64)
 15542  	var len uint32 // a code's length in bits
 15543  	var sym uint32 // index of code symbols
 15544  	var min uint32
 15545  	var max uint32    // minimum and maximum code lengths
 15546  	var root uint32   // number of index bits for root table
 15547  	var curr uint32   // number of index bits for current table
 15548  	var drop uint32   // code bits to drop for sub-table
 15549  	var left int32    // number of prefix codes available
 15550  	var used uint32   // code entries in table used
 15551  	var huff uint32   // Huffman code
 15552  	var incr uint32   // for incrementing code, index
 15553  	var fill uint32   // index for replicating entries
 15554  	var low uint32    // low bits for current root entry
 15555  	var mask uint32   // mask for low root bits
 15556  	var here Code     // table entry for duplication
 15557  	var next uintptr  // next available space in table
 15558  	var base uintptr  // base value table to use
 15559  	var extra uintptr // extra bits table to use
 15560  	var match uint32  // use base and extra for symbol >= match
 15561  	// var count [16]uint16 at bp, 32
 15562  	// number of codes of each length
 15563  	// var offs [16]uint16 at bp+32, 32
 15565  	//
 15566  	//        Process a set of code lengths to create a canonical Huffman code.  The
 15567  	//        code lengths are lens[].  Each length corresponds to the
 15568  	//        symbols  The Huffman code is generated by first sorting the
 15569  	//        symbols by length from short to long, and retaining the symbol order
 15570  	//        for codes with equal lengths.  Then the code starts with all zero bits
 15571  	//        for the first code of the shortest length, and the codes are integer
 15572  	//        increments for the same length, and zeros are appended as the length
 15573  	//        increases.  For the deflate format, these bits are stored backwards
 15574  	//        from their more natural integer increment ordering, and so when the
 15575  	//        decoding tables are built in the large loop below, the integer codes
 15576  	//        are incremented backwards.
 15577  	//
 15578  	//        This routine assumes, but does not check, that all of the entries in
 15579  	//        lens[] are in the range 0..MAXBITS.  The caller must assure this.
 15580  	//        1..MAXBITS is interpreted as that code length.  zero means that that
 15581  	//        symbol does not occur in this code.
 15582  	//
 15583  	//        The codes are sorted by computing a count of codes for each length,
 15584  	//        creating from that a table of starting indices for each length in the
 15585  	//        sorted table, and then entering the symbols in order in the sorted
 15586  	//        table.  The sorted table is work[], with that space being provided by
 15587  	//        the caller.
 15588  	//
 15589  	//        The length counts are used for other purposes as well, i.e. finding
 15590  	//        the minimum and maximum length codes, determining if there are any
 15591  	//        codes at all, checking for a valid set of lengths, and looking ahead
 15592  	//        at length counts to determine sub-table sizes when building the
 15593  	//        decoding tables.
 15594  	//
 15596  	// accumulate lengths for codes (assumes lens[] all in 0..MAXBITS)
 15597  	for len = uint32(0); len <= uint32(MAXBITS); len++ {
 15598  		*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(len)*2)) = uint16(0)
 15599  	}
 15600  	for sym = uint32(0); sym < codes; sym++ {
 15601  		*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(lens + uintptr(sym)*2)))*2))++
 15602  	}
 15604  	// bound code lengths, force root to be within code lengths
 15605  	root = *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bits))
 15606  	for max = uint32(MAXBITS); max >= uint32(1); max-- {
 15607  		if int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(max)*2))) != 0 {
 15608  			break
 15609  		}
 15610  	}
 15611  	if root > max {
 15612  		root = max
 15613  	}
 15614  	if max == uint32(0) { // no symbols to code at all
 15615  		here.Fop = uint8(64) // invalid code marker
 15616  		here.Fbits = uint8(1)
 15617  		here.Fval = uint16(0)
 15618  		*(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table))), 4))) = here // make a table to force an error
 15619  		*(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(libc.PostIncUintptr(&(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table))), 4))) = here
 15620  		*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bits)) = uint32(1)
 15621  		return 0 // no symbols, but wait for decoding to report error
 15622  	}
 15623  	for min = uint32(1); min < max; min++ {
 15624  		if int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(min)*2))) != 0 {
 15625  			break
 15626  		}
 15627  	}
 15628  	if root < min {
 15629  		root = min
 15630  	}
 15632  	// check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths
 15633  	left = 1
 15634  	for len = uint32(1); len <= uint32(MAXBITS); len++ {
 15635  		left <<= 1
 15636  		left = left - (int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(len)*2))))
 15637  		if left < 0 {
 15638  			return -1
 15639  		} // over-subscribed
 15640  	}
 15641  	if (left > 0) && ((type1 == CODES) || (max != uint32(1))) {
 15642  		return -1
 15643  	} // incomplete set
 15645  	// generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting
 15646  	*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 32 /* &offs[0] */ + 1*2)) = uint16(0)
 15647  	for len = uint32(1); len < uint32(MAXBITS); len++ {
 15648  		*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 32 /* &offs[0] */ + uintptr((len+uint32(1)))*2)) = (uint16(int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 32 /* &offs[0] */ + uintptr(len)*2))) + int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(len)*2)))))
 15649  	}
 15651  	// sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length
 15652  	for sym = uint32(0); sym < codes; sym++ {
 15653  		if int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(lens + uintptr(sym)*2))) != 0 {
 15654  			*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint16(&*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 32 /* &offs[0] */ + uintptr(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(lens + uintptr(sym)*2)))*2)), 1))*2)) = uint16(sym)
 15655  		}
 15656  	}
 15658  	//
 15659  	//        Create and fill in decoding tables.  In this loop, the table being
 15660  	//        filled is at next and has curr index bits.  The code being used is huff
 15661  	//        with length len.  That code is converted to an index by dropping drop
 15662  	//        bits off of the bottom.  For codes where len is less than drop + curr,
 15663  	//        those top drop + curr - len bits are incremented through all values to
 15664  	//        fill the table with replicated entries.
 15665  	//
 15666  	//        root is the number of index bits for the root table.  When len exceeds
 15667  	//        root, sub-tables are created pointed to by the root entry with an index
 15668  	//        of the low root bits of huff.  This is saved in low to check for when a
 15669  	//        new sub-table should be started.  drop is zero when the root table is
 15670  	//        being filled, and drop is root when sub-tables are being filled.
 15671  	//
 15672  	//        When a new sub-table is needed, it is necessary to look ahead in the
 15673  	//        code lengths to determine what size sub-table is needed.  The length
 15674  	//        counts are used for this, and so count[] is decremented as codes are
 15675  	//        entered in the tables.
 15676  	//
 15677  	//        used keeps track of how many table entries have been allocated from the
 15678  	//        provided *table space.  It is checked for LENS and DIST tables against
 15679  	//        the constants ENOUGH_LENS and ENOUGH_DISTS to guard against changes in
 15680  	//        the initial root table size constants.  See the comments in inftrees.h
 15681  	//        for more information.
 15682  	//
 15683  	//        sym increments through all symbols, and the loop terminates when
 15684  	//        all codes of length max, i.e. all codes, have been processed.  This
 15685  	//        routine permits incomplete codes, so another loop after this one fills
 15686  	//        in the rest of the decoding tables with invalid code markers.
 15687  	//
 15689  	// set up for code type
 15690  	switch type1 {
 15691  	case CODES:
 15692  		base = libc.AssignUintptr(&extra, work) // dummy value--not used
 15693  		match = uint32(20)
 15694  		break
 15695  	case LENS:
 15696  		base = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lbase))
 15697  		extra = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lext))
 15698  		match = uint32(257)
 15699  		break
 15700  	default: // DISTS
 15701  		base = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dbase))
 15702  		extra = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dext))
 15703  		match = uint32(0)
 15704  	}
 15706  	// initialize state for loop
 15707  	huff = uint32(0)                            // starting code
 15708  	sym = uint32(0)                             // starting code symbol
 15709  	len = min                                   // starting code length
 15710  	next = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table))   // current table to fill in
 15711  	curr = root                                 // current table index bits
 15712  	drop = uint32(0)                            // current bits to drop from code for index
 15713  	low = libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1)) // trigger new sub-table when len > root
 15714  	used = (uint32(1) << root)                  // use root table entries
 15715  	mask = (used - uint32(1))                   // mask for comparing low
 15717  	// check available table space
 15718  	if ((type1 == LENS) && (used > uint32(ENOUGH_LENS))) || ((type1 == DISTS) && (used > uint32(ENOUGH_DISTS))) {
 15719  		return 1
 15720  	}
 15722  	// process all codes and make table entries
 15723  	for {
 15724  		// create table entry
 15725  		here.Fbits = (uint8(len - drop))
 15726  		if (uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(sym)*2))) + 1) < match {
 15727  			here.Fop = uint8(0)
 15728  			here.Fval = *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(sym)*2))
 15729  		} else if uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(sym)*2))) >= match {
 15730  			here.Fop = uint8(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(extra + uintptr((uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(sym)*2)))-match))*2)))
 15731  			here.Fval = *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(base + uintptr((uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(sym)*2)))-match))*2))
 15732  		} else {
 15733  			here.Fop = (uint8(32 + 64)) // end of block
 15734  			here.Fval = uint16(0)
 15735  		}
 15737  		// replicate for those indices with low len bits equal to huff
 15738  		incr = (uint32(1) << (len - drop))
 15739  		fill = (uint32(1) << curr)
 15740  		min = fill // save offset to next table
 15741  		for ok := true; ok; ok = (fill != uint32(0)) {
 15742  			fill = fill - (incr)
 15743  			*(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(next + uintptr(((huff>>drop)+fill))*4)) = here
 15744  		}
 15746  		// backwards increment the len-bit code huff
 15747  		incr = (uint32(1) << (len - uint32(1)))
 15748  		for (huff & incr) != 0 {
 15749  			incr >>= 1
 15750  		}
 15751  		if incr != uint32(0) {
 15752  			huff = huff & (incr - uint32(1))
 15753  			huff = huff + (incr)
 15754  		} else {
 15755  			huff = uint32(0)
 15756  		}
 15758  		// go to next symbol, update count, len
 15759  		sym++
 15760  		if int32(libc.PreDecUint16(&(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr(len)*2))), 1)) == 0 {
 15761  			if len == max {
 15762  				break
 15763  			}
 15764  			len = uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(lens + uintptr(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(work + uintptr(sym)*2)))*2)))
 15765  		}
 15767  		// create new sub-table if needed
 15768  		if (len > root) && ((huff & mask) != low) {
 15769  			// if first time, transition to sub-tables
 15770  			if drop == uint32(0) {
 15771  				drop = root
 15772  			}
 15774  			// increment past last table
 15775  			next += 4 * (uintptr(min)) // here min is 1 << curr
 15777  			// determine length of next table
 15778  			curr = (len - drop)
 15779  			left = (int32(1) << curr)
 15780  			for (curr + drop) < max {
 15781  				left = left - (int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &count[0] */ + uintptr((curr+drop))*2))))
 15782  				if left <= 0 {
 15783  					break
 15784  				}
 15785  				curr++
 15786  				left <<= 1
 15787  			}
 15789  			// check for enough space
 15790  			used = used + (uint32(1) << curr)
 15791  			if ((type1 == LENS) && (used > uint32(ENOUGH_LENS))) || ((type1 == DISTS) && (used > uint32(ENOUGH_DISTS))) {
 15792  				return 1
 15793  			}
 15795  			// point entry in root table to sub-table
 15796  			low = (huff & mask)
 15797  			(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table))) + uintptr(low)*4)).Fop = uint8(curr)
 15798  			(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table))) + uintptr(low)*4)).Fbits = uint8(root)
 15799  			(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer((*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table))) + uintptr(low)*4)).Fval = (uint16((int32(next) - int32(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table)))) / 4))
 15800  		}
 15801  	}
 15803  	// fill in remaining table entry if code is incomplete (guaranteed to have
 15804  	//        at most one remaining entry, since if the code is incomplete, the
 15805  	//        maximum code length that was allowed to get this far is one bit)
 15806  	if huff != uint32(0) {
 15807  		here.Fop = uint8(64) // invalid code marker
 15808  		here.Fbits = (uint8(len - drop))
 15809  		here.Fval = uint16(0)
 15810  		*(*Code)(unsafe.Pointer(next + uintptr(huff)*4)) = here
 15811  	}
 15813  	// set return parameters
 15814  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(table)) += (uintptr(used)) * 4
 15815  	*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(bits)) = root
 15816  	return 0
 15817  }
 15819  var lbase = [31]uint16{ // Length codes 257..285 base
 15820  	uint16(3), uint16(4), uint16(5), uint16(6), uint16(7), uint16(8), uint16(9), uint16(10), uint16(11), uint16(13), uint16(15), uint16(17), uint16(19), uint16(23), uint16(27), uint16(31),
 15821  			uint16(35), uint16(43), uint16(51), uint16(59), uint16(67), uint16(83), uint16(99), uint16(115), uint16(131), uint16(163), uint16(195), uint16(227), uint16(258), uint16(0), uint16(0)} /* inftrees.c:60:33 */
 15822  var lext = [31]uint16{ // Length codes 257..285 extra
 15823  	uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(17), uint16(17), uint16(17), uint16(17), uint16(18), uint16(18), uint16(18), uint16(18),
 15824  			uint16(19), uint16(19), uint16(19), uint16(19), uint16(20), uint16(20), uint16(20), uint16(20), uint16(21), uint16(21), uint16(21), uint16(21), uint16(16), uint16(77), uint16(202)} /* inftrees.c:63:33 */
 15825  var dbase = [32]uint16{ // Distance codes 0..29 base
 15826  	uint16(1), uint16(2), uint16(3), uint16(4), uint16(5), uint16(7), uint16(9), uint16(13), uint16(17), uint16(25), uint16(33), uint16(49), uint16(65), uint16(97), uint16(129), uint16(193),
 15827  	uint16(257), uint16(385), uint16(513), uint16(769), uint16(1025), uint16(1537), uint16(2049), uint16(3073), uint16(4097), uint16(6145),
 15828  			uint16(8193), uint16(12289), uint16(16385), uint16(24577), uint16(0), uint16(0)} /* inftrees.c:66:33 */
 15829  var dext = [32]uint16{ // Distance codes 0..29 extra
 15830  	uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(16), uint16(17), uint16(17), uint16(18), uint16(18), uint16(19), uint16(19), uint16(20), uint16(20), uint16(21), uint16(21), uint16(22), uint16(22),
 15831  	uint16(23), uint16(23), uint16(24), uint16(24), uint16(25), uint16(25), uint16(26), uint16(26), uint16(27), uint16(27),
 15832  	uint16(28), uint16(28), uint16(29), uint16(29), uint16(64), uint16(64)} /* inftrees.c:70:33 */
 15834  type Static_tree_desc = Static_tree_desc_s /* deflate.h:84:36 */
 15836  // ===========================================================================
 15837  // Constants
 15839  // Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits
 15841  // end of block literal code
 15843  // repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count)
 15845  // repeat a zero length 3-10 times  (3 bits of repeat count)
 15847  // repeat a zero length 11-138 times  (7 bits of repeat count)
 15849  var extra_lbits = [29]int32{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0} /* trees.c:62:17 */
 15851  var extra_dbits = [30]int32{0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13} /* trees.c:65:17 */
 15853  var extra_blbits = [19]int32{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7} /* trees.c:68:17 */
 15855  var bl_order = [19]Uch{Uch(16), Uch(17), Uch(18), Uch(0), Uch(8), Uch(7), Uch(9), Uch(6), Uch(10), Uch(5), Uch(11), Uch(4), Uch(12), Uch(3), Uch(13), Uch(2), Uch(14), Uch(1), Uch(15)} /* trees.c:71:17 */
 15856  // The lengths of the bit length codes are sent in order of decreasing
 15857  // probability, to avoid transmitting the lengths for unused bit length codes.
 15859  // ===========================================================================
 15860  // Local data. These are initialized only once.
 15862  // header created automatically with -DGEN_TREES_H
 15864  var static_ltree = [288]Ct_data{{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15865  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(12)
 15866  	return r
 15867  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15868  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15869  	return r
 15870  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15871  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(140)
 15872  	return r
 15873  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15874  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15875  	return r
 15876  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15877  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(76)
 15878  	return r
 15879  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15880  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15881  	return r
 15882  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15883  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(204)
 15884  	return r
 15885  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15886  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15887  	return r
 15888  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15889  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(44)
 15890  	return r
 15891  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15892  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15893  	return r
 15894  }()},
 15895  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15896  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(172)
 15897  		return r
 15898  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15899  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15900  		return r
 15901  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15902  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(108)
 15903  		return r
 15904  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15905  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15906  		return r
 15907  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15908  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(236)
 15909  		return r
 15910  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15911  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15912  		return r
 15913  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15914  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(28)
 15915  		return r
 15916  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15917  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15918  		return r
 15919  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15920  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(156)
 15921  		return r
 15922  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15923  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15924  		return r
 15925  	}()},
 15926  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15927  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(92)
 15928  		return r
 15929  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15930  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15931  		return r
 15932  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15933  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(220)
 15934  		return r
 15935  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15936  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15937  		return r
 15938  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15939  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(60)
 15940  		return r
 15941  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15942  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15943  		return r
 15944  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15945  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(188)
 15946  		return r
 15947  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15948  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15949  		return r
 15950  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15951  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(124)
 15952  		return r
 15953  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15954  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15955  		return r
 15956  	}()},
 15957  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15958  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(252)
 15959  		return r
 15960  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15961  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15962  		return r
 15963  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15964  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(2)
 15965  		return r
 15966  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15967  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15968  		return r
 15969  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15970  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(130)
 15971  		return r
 15972  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15973  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15974  		return r
 15975  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15976  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(66)
 15977  		return r
 15978  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15979  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15980  		return r
 15981  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15982  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(194)
 15983  		return r
 15984  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15985  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15986  		return r
 15987  	}()},
 15988  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15989  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(34)
 15990  		return r
 15991  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15992  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15993  		return r
 15994  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 15995  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(162)
 15996  		return r
 15997  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 15998  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 15999  		return r
 16000  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16001  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(98)
 16002  		return r
 16003  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16004  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16005  		return r
 16006  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16007  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(226)
 16008  		return r
 16009  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16010  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16011  		return r
 16012  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16013  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(18)
 16014  		return r
 16015  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16016  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16017  		return r
 16018  	}()},
 16019  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16020  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(146)
 16021  		return r
 16022  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16023  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16024  		return r
 16025  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16026  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(82)
 16027  		return r
 16028  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16029  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16030  		return r
 16031  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16032  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(210)
 16033  		return r
 16034  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16035  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16036  		return r
 16037  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16038  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(50)
 16039  		return r
 16040  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16041  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16042  		return r
 16043  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16044  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(178)
 16045  		return r
 16046  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16047  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16048  		return r
 16049  	}()},
 16050  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16051  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(114)
 16052  		return r
 16053  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16054  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16055  		return r
 16056  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16057  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(242)
 16058  		return r
 16059  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16060  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16061  		return r
 16062  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16063  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(10)
 16064  		return r
 16065  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16066  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16067  		return r
 16068  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16069  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(138)
 16070  		return r
 16071  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16072  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16073  		return r
 16074  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16075  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(74)
 16076  		return r
 16077  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16078  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16079  		return r
 16080  	}()},
 16081  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16082  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(202)
 16083  		return r
 16084  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16085  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16086  		return r
 16087  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16088  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(42)
 16089  		return r
 16090  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16091  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16092  		return r
 16093  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16094  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(170)
 16095  		return r
 16096  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16097  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16098  		return r
 16099  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16100  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(106)
 16101  		return r
 16102  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16103  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16104  		return r
 16105  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16106  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(234)
 16107  		return r
 16108  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16109  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16110  		return r
 16111  	}()},
 16112  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16113  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(26)
 16114  		return r
 16115  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16116  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16117  		return r
 16118  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16119  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(154)
 16120  		return r
 16121  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16122  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16123  		return r
 16124  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16125  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(90)
 16126  		return r
 16127  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16128  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16129  		return r
 16130  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16131  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(218)
 16132  		return r
 16133  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16134  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16135  		return r
 16136  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16137  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(58)
 16138  		return r
 16139  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16140  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16141  		return r
 16142  	}()},
 16143  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16144  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(186)
 16145  		return r
 16146  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16147  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16148  		return r
 16149  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16150  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(122)
 16151  		return r
 16152  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16153  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16154  		return r
 16155  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16156  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(250)
 16157  		return r
 16158  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16159  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16160  		return r
 16161  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16162  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(6)
 16163  		return r
 16164  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16165  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16166  		return r
 16167  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16168  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(134)
 16169  		return r
 16170  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16171  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16172  		return r
 16173  	}()},
 16174  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16175  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(70)
 16176  		return r
 16177  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16178  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16179  		return r
 16180  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16181  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(198)
 16182  		return r
 16183  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16184  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16185  		return r
 16186  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16187  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(38)
 16188  		return r
 16189  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16190  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16191  		return r
 16192  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16193  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(166)
 16194  		return r
 16195  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16196  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16197  		return r
 16198  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16199  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(102)
 16200  		return r
 16201  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16202  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16203  		return r
 16204  	}()},
 16205  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16206  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(230)
 16207  		return r
 16208  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16209  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16210  		return r
 16211  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16212  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(22)
 16213  		return r
 16214  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16215  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16216  		return r
 16217  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16218  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(150)
 16219  		return r
 16220  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16221  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16222  		return r
 16223  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16224  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(86)
 16225  		return r
 16226  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16227  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16228  		return r
 16229  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16230  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(214)
 16231  		return r
 16232  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16233  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16234  		return r
 16235  	}()},
 16236  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16237  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(54)
 16238  		return r
 16239  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16240  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16241  		return r
 16242  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16243  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(182)
 16244  		return r
 16245  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16246  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16247  		return r
 16248  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16249  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(118)
 16250  		return r
 16251  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16252  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16253  		return r
 16254  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16255  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(246)
 16256  		return r
 16257  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16258  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16259  		return r
 16260  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16261  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(14)
 16262  		return r
 16263  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16264  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16265  		return r
 16266  	}()},
 16267  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16268  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(142)
 16269  		return r
 16270  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16271  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16272  		return r
 16273  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16274  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(78)
 16275  		return r
 16276  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16277  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16278  		return r
 16279  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16280  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(206)
 16281  		return r
 16282  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16283  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16284  		return r
 16285  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16286  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(46)
 16287  		return r
 16288  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16289  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16290  		return r
 16291  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16292  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(174)
 16293  		return r
 16294  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16295  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16296  		return r
 16297  	}()},
 16298  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16299  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(110)
 16300  		return r
 16301  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16302  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16303  		return r
 16304  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16305  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(238)
 16306  		return r
 16307  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16308  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16309  		return r
 16310  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16311  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(30)
 16312  		return r
 16313  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16314  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16315  		return r
 16316  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16317  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(158)
 16318  		return r
 16319  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16320  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16321  		return r
 16322  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16323  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(94)
 16324  		return r
 16325  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16326  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16327  		return r
 16328  	}()},
 16329  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16330  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(222)
 16331  		return r
 16332  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16333  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16334  		return r
 16335  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16336  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(62)
 16337  		return r
 16338  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16339  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16340  		return r
 16341  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16342  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(190)
 16343  		return r
 16344  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16345  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16346  		return r
 16347  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16348  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(126)
 16349  		return r
 16350  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16351  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16352  		return r
 16353  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16354  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(254)
 16355  		return r
 16356  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16357  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16358  		return r
 16359  	}()},
 16360  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16361  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(1)
 16362  		return r
 16363  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16364  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16365  		return r
 16366  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16367  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(129)
 16368  		return r
 16369  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16370  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16371  		return r
 16372  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16373  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(65)
 16374  		return r
 16375  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16376  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16377  		return r
 16378  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16379  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(193)
 16380  		return r
 16381  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16382  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16383  		return r
 16384  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16385  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(33)
 16386  		return r
 16387  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16388  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16389  		return r
 16390  	}()},
 16391  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16392  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(161)
 16393  		return r
 16394  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16395  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16396  		return r
 16397  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16398  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(97)
 16399  		return r
 16400  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16401  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16402  		return r
 16403  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16404  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(225)
 16405  		return r
 16406  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16407  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16408  		return r
 16409  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16410  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(17)
 16411  		return r
 16412  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16413  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16414  		return r
 16415  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16416  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(145)
 16417  		return r
 16418  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16419  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16420  		return r
 16421  	}()},
 16422  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16423  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(81)
 16424  		return r
 16425  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16426  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16427  		return r
 16428  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16429  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(209)
 16430  		return r
 16431  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16432  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16433  		return r
 16434  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16435  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(49)
 16436  		return r
 16437  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16438  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16439  		return r
 16440  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16441  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(177)
 16442  		return r
 16443  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16444  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16445  		return r
 16446  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16447  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(113)
 16448  		return r
 16449  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16450  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16451  		return r
 16452  	}()},
 16453  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16454  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(241)
 16455  		return r
 16456  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16457  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16458  		return r
 16459  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16460  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16461  		return r
 16462  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16463  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16464  		return r
 16465  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16466  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(137)
 16467  		return r
 16468  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16469  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16470  		return r
 16471  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16472  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(73)
 16473  		return r
 16474  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16475  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16476  		return r
 16477  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16478  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(201)
 16479  		return r
 16480  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16481  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16482  		return r
 16483  	}()},
 16484  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16485  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(41)
 16486  		return r
 16487  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16488  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16489  		return r
 16490  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16491  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(169)
 16492  		return r
 16493  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16494  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16495  		return r
 16496  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16497  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(105)
 16498  		return r
 16499  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16500  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16501  		return r
 16502  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16503  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(233)
 16504  		return r
 16505  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16506  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16507  		return r
 16508  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16509  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(25)
 16510  		return r
 16511  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16512  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16513  		return r
 16514  	}()},
 16515  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16516  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(153)
 16517  		return r
 16518  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16519  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16520  		return r
 16521  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16522  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(89)
 16523  		return r
 16524  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16525  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16526  		return r
 16527  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16528  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(217)
 16529  		return r
 16530  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16531  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16532  		return r
 16533  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16534  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(57)
 16535  		return r
 16536  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16537  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16538  		return r
 16539  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16540  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(185)
 16541  		return r
 16542  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16543  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16544  		return r
 16545  	}()},
 16546  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16547  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(121)
 16548  		return r
 16549  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16550  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16551  		return r
 16552  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16553  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(249)
 16554  		return r
 16555  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16556  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16557  		return r
 16558  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16559  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 16560  		return r
 16561  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16562  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16563  		return r
 16564  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16565  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(133)
 16566  		return r
 16567  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16568  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16569  		return r
 16570  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16571  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(69)
 16572  		return r
 16573  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16574  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16575  		return r
 16576  	}()},
 16577  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16578  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(197)
 16579  		return r
 16580  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16581  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16582  		return r
 16583  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16584  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(37)
 16585  		return r
 16586  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16587  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16588  		return r
 16589  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16590  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(165)
 16591  		return r
 16592  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16593  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16594  		return r
 16595  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16596  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(101)
 16597  		return r
 16598  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16599  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16600  		return r
 16601  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16602  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(229)
 16603  		return r
 16604  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16605  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16606  		return r
 16607  	}()},
 16608  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16609  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(21)
 16610  		return r
 16611  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16612  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16613  		return r
 16614  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16615  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(149)
 16616  		return r
 16617  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16618  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16619  		return r
 16620  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16621  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(85)
 16622  		return r
 16623  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16624  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16625  		return r
 16626  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16627  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(213)
 16628  		return r
 16629  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16630  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16631  		return r
 16632  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16633  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(53)
 16634  		return r
 16635  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16636  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16637  		return r
 16638  	}()},
 16639  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16640  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(181)
 16641  		return r
 16642  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16643  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16644  		return r
 16645  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16646  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(117)
 16647  		return r
 16648  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16649  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16650  		return r
 16651  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16652  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(245)
 16653  		return r
 16654  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16655  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16656  		return r
 16657  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16658  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(13)
 16659  		return r
 16660  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16661  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16662  		return r
 16663  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16664  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(141)
 16665  		return r
 16666  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16667  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16668  		return r
 16669  	}()},
 16670  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16671  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(77)
 16672  		return r
 16673  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16674  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16675  		return r
 16676  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16677  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(205)
 16678  		return r
 16679  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16680  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16681  		return r
 16682  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16683  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(45)
 16684  		return r
 16685  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16686  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16687  		return r
 16688  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16689  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(173)
 16690  		return r
 16691  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16692  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16693  		return r
 16694  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16695  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(109)
 16696  		return r
 16697  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16698  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16699  		return r
 16700  	}()},
 16701  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16702  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(237)
 16703  		return r
 16704  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16705  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16706  		return r
 16707  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16708  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(29)
 16709  		return r
 16710  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16711  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16712  		return r
 16713  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16714  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(157)
 16715  		return r
 16716  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16717  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16718  		return r
 16719  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16720  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(93)
 16721  		return r
 16722  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16723  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16724  		return r
 16725  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16726  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(221)
 16727  		return r
 16728  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16729  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16730  		return r
 16731  	}()},
 16732  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16733  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(61)
 16734  		return r
 16735  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16736  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16737  		return r
 16738  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16739  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(189)
 16740  		return r
 16741  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16742  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16743  		return r
 16744  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16745  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(125)
 16746  		return r
 16747  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16748  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16749  		return r
 16750  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16751  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(253)
 16752  		return r
 16753  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16754  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 16755  		return r
 16756  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16757  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(19)
 16758  		return r
 16759  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16760  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16761  		return r
 16762  	}()},
 16763  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16764  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(275)
 16765  		return r
 16766  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16767  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16768  		return r
 16769  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16770  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(147)
 16771  		return r
 16772  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16773  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16774  		return r
 16775  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16776  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(403)
 16777  		return r
 16778  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16779  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16780  		return r
 16781  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16782  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(83)
 16783  		return r
 16784  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16785  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16786  		return r
 16787  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16788  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(339)
 16789  		return r
 16790  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16791  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16792  		return r
 16793  	}()},
 16794  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16795  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(211)
 16796  		return r
 16797  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16798  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16799  		return r
 16800  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16801  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(467)
 16802  		return r
 16803  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16804  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16805  		return r
 16806  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16807  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(51)
 16808  		return r
 16809  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16810  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16811  		return r
 16812  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16813  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(307)
 16814  		return r
 16815  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16816  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16817  		return r
 16818  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16819  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(179)
 16820  		return r
 16821  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16822  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16823  		return r
 16824  	}()},
 16825  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16826  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(435)
 16827  		return r
 16828  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16829  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16830  		return r
 16831  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16832  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(115)
 16833  		return r
 16834  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16835  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16836  		return r
 16837  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16838  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(371)
 16839  		return r
 16840  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16841  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16842  		return r
 16843  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16844  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(243)
 16845  		return r
 16846  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16847  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16848  		return r
 16849  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16850  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(499)
 16851  		return r
 16852  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16853  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16854  		return r
 16855  	}()},
 16856  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16857  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(11)
 16858  		return r
 16859  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16860  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16861  		return r
 16862  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16863  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(267)
 16864  		return r
 16865  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16866  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16867  		return r
 16868  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16869  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(139)
 16870  		return r
 16871  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16872  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16873  		return r
 16874  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16875  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(395)
 16876  		return r
 16877  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16878  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16879  		return r
 16880  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16881  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(75)
 16882  		return r
 16883  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16884  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16885  		return r
 16886  	}()},
 16887  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16888  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(331)
 16889  		return r
 16890  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16891  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16892  		return r
 16893  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16894  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(203)
 16895  		return r
 16896  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16897  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16898  		return r
 16899  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16900  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(459)
 16901  		return r
 16902  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16903  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16904  		return r
 16905  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16906  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(43)
 16907  		return r
 16908  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16909  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16910  		return r
 16911  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16912  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(299)
 16913  		return r
 16914  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16915  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16916  		return r
 16917  	}()},
 16918  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16919  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(171)
 16920  		return r
 16921  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16922  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16923  		return r
 16924  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16925  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(427)
 16926  		return r
 16927  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16928  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16929  		return r
 16930  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16931  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(107)
 16932  		return r
 16933  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16934  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16935  		return r
 16936  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16937  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(363)
 16938  		return r
 16939  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16940  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16941  		return r
 16942  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16943  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(235)
 16944  		return r
 16945  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16946  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16947  		return r
 16948  	}()},
 16949  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16950  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(491)
 16951  		return r
 16952  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16953  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16954  		return r
 16955  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16956  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(27)
 16957  		return r
 16958  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16959  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16960  		return r
 16961  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16962  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(283)
 16963  		return r
 16964  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16965  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16966  		return r
 16967  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16968  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(155)
 16969  		return r
 16970  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16971  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16972  		return r
 16973  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16974  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(411)
 16975  		return r
 16976  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16977  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16978  		return r
 16979  	}()},
 16980  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16981  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(91)
 16982  		return r
 16983  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16984  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16985  		return r
 16986  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16987  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(347)
 16988  		return r
 16989  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16990  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16991  		return r
 16992  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16993  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(219)
 16994  		return r
 16995  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 16996  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 16997  		return r
 16998  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 16999  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(475)
 17000  		return r
 17001  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17002  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17003  		return r
 17004  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17005  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(59)
 17006  		return r
 17007  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17008  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17009  		return r
 17010  	}()},
 17011  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17012  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(315)
 17013  		return r
 17014  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17015  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17016  		return r
 17017  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17018  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(187)
 17019  		return r
 17020  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17021  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17022  		return r
 17023  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17024  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(443)
 17025  		return r
 17026  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17027  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17028  		return r
 17029  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17030  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(123)
 17031  		return r
 17032  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17033  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17034  		return r
 17035  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17036  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(379)
 17037  		return r
 17038  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17039  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17040  		return r
 17041  	}()},
 17042  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17043  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(251)
 17044  		return r
 17045  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17046  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17047  		return r
 17048  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17049  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(507)
 17050  		return r
 17051  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17052  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17053  		return r
 17054  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17055  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17056  		return r
 17057  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17058  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17059  		return r
 17060  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17061  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(263)
 17062  		return r
 17063  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17064  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17065  		return r
 17066  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17067  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(135)
 17068  		return r
 17069  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17070  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17071  		return r
 17072  	}()},
 17073  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17074  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(391)
 17075  		return r
 17076  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17077  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17078  		return r
 17079  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17080  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(71)
 17081  		return r
 17082  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17083  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17084  		return r
 17085  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17086  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(327)
 17087  		return r
 17088  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17089  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17090  		return r
 17091  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17092  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(199)
 17093  		return r
 17094  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17095  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17096  		return r
 17097  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17098  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(455)
 17099  		return r
 17100  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17101  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17102  		return r
 17103  	}()},
 17104  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17105  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(39)
 17106  		return r
 17107  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17108  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17109  		return r
 17110  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17111  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(295)
 17112  		return r
 17113  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17114  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17115  		return r
 17116  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17117  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(167)
 17118  		return r
 17119  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17120  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17121  		return r
 17122  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17123  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(423)
 17124  		return r
 17125  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17126  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17127  		return r
 17128  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17129  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(103)
 17130  		return r
 17131  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17132  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17133  		return r
 17134  	}()},
 17135  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17136  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(359)
 17137  		return r
 17138  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17139  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17140  		return r
 17141  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17142  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(231)
 17143  		return r
 17144  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17145  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17146  		return r
 17147  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17148  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(487)
 17149  		return r
 17150  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17151  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17152  		return r
 17153  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17154  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(23)
 17155  		return r
 17156  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17157  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17158  		return r
 17159  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17160  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(279)
 17161  		return r
 17162  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17163  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17164  		return r
 17165  	}()},
 17166  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17167  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(151)
 17168  		return r
 17169  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17170  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17171  		return r
 17172  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17173  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(407)
 17174  		return r
 17175  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17176  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17177  		return r
 17178  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17179  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(87)
 17180  		return r
 17181  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17182  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17183  		return r
 17184  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17185  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(343)
 17186  		return r
 17187  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17188  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17189  		return r
 17190  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17191  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(215)
 17192  		return r
 17193  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17194  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17195  		return r
 17196  	}()},
 17197  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17198  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(471)
 17199  		return r
 17200  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17201  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17202  		return r
 17203  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17204  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(55)
 17205  		return r
 17206  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17207  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17208  		return r
 17209  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17210  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(311)
 17211  		return r
 17212  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17213  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17214  		return r
 17215  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17216  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(183)
 17217  		return r
 17218  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17219  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17220  		return r
 17221  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17222  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(439)
 17223  		return r
 17224  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17225  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17226  		return r
 17227  	}()},
 17228  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17229  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(119)
 17230  		return r
 17231  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17232  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17233  		return r
 17234  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17235  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(375)
 17236  		return r
 17237  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17238  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17239  		return r
 17240  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17241  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(247)
 17242  		return r
 17243  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17244  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17245  		return r
 17246  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17247  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(503)
 17248  		return r
 17249  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17250  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17251  		return r
 17252  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17253  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(15)
 17254  		return r
 17255  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17256  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17257  		return r
 17258  	}()},
 17259  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17260  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(271)
 17261  		return r
 17262  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17263  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17264  		return r
 17265  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17266  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(143)
 17267  		return r
 17268  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17269  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17270  		return r
 17271  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17272  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(399)
 17273  		return r
 17274  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17275  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17276  		return r
 17277  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17278  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(79)
 17279  		return r
 17280  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17281  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17282  		return r
 17283  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17284  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(335)
 17285  		return r
 17286  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17287  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17288  		return r
 17289  	}()},
 17290  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17291  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(207)
 17292  		return r
 17293  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17294  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17295  		return r
 17296  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17297  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(463)
 17298  		return r
 17299  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17300  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17301  		return r
 17302  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17303  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(47)
 17304  		return r
 17305  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17306  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17307  		return r
 17308  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17309  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(303)
 17310  		return r
 17311  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17312  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17313  		return r
 17314  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17315  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(175)
 17316  		return r
 17317  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17318  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17319  		return r
 17320  	}()},
 17321  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17322  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(431)
 17323  		return r
 17324  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17325  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17326  		return r
 17327  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17328  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(111)
 17329  		return r
 17330  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17331  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17332  		return r
 17333  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17334  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(367)
 17335  		return r
 17336  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17337  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17338  		return r
 17339  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17340  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(239)
 17341  		return r
 17342  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17343  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17344  		return r
 17345  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17346  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(495)
 17347  		return r
 17348  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17349  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17350  		return r
 17351  	}()},
 17352  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17353  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(31)
 17354  		return r
 17355  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17356  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17357  		return r
 17358  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17359  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(287)
 17360  		return r
 17361  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17362  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17363  		return r
 17364  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17365  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(159)
 17366  		return r
 17367  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17368  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17369  		return r
 17370  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17371  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(415)
 17372  		return r
 17373  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17374  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17375  		return r
 17376  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17377  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(95)
 17378  		return r
 17379  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17380  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17381  		return r
 17382  	}()},
 17383  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17384  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(351)
 17385  		return r
 17386  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17387  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17388  		return r
 17389  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17390  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(223)
 17391  		return r
 17392  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17393  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17394  		return r
 17395  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17396  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(479)
 17397  		return r
 17398  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17399  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17400  		return r
 17401  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17402  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(63)
 17403  		return r
 17404  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17405  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17406  		return r
 17407  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17408  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(319)
 17409  		return r
 17410  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17411  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17412  		return r
 17413  	}()},
 17414  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17415  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(191)
 17416  		return r
 17417  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17418  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17419  		return r
 17420  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17421  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(447)
 17422  		return r
 17423  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17424  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17425  		return r
 17426  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17427  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(127)
 17428  		return r
 17429  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17430  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17431  		return r
 17432  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17433  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(383)
 17434  		return r
 17435  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17436  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17437  		return r
 17438  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17439  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(255)
 17440  		return r
 17441  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17442  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17443  		return r
 17444  	}()},
 17445  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17446  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(511)
 17447  		return r
 17448  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17449  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17450  		return r
 17451  	}()}, {Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17452  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17453  		return r
 17454  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17455  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(64)
 17456  		return r
 17457  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17458  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17459  		return r
 17460  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17461  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(32)
 17462  		return r
 17463  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17464  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17465  		return r
 17466  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17467  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(96)
 17468  		return r
 17469  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17470  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17471  		return r
 17472  	}()},
 17473  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17474  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(16)
 17475  		return r
 17476  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17477  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17478  		return r
 17479  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17480  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(80)
 17481  		return r
 17482  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17483  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17484  		return r
 17485  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17486  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(48)
 17487  		return r
 17488  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17489  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17490  		return r
 17491  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17492  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(112)
 17493  		return r
 17494  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17495  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17496  		return r
 17497  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17498  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17499  		return r
 17500  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17501  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17502  		return r
 17503  	}()},
 17504  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17505  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(72)
 17506  		return r
 17507  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17508  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17509  		return r
 17510  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17511  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(40)
 17512  		return r
 17513  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17514  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17515  		return r
 17516  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17517  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(104)
 17518  		return r
 17519  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17520  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17521  		return r
 17522  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17523  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(24)
 17524  		return r
 17525  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17526  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17527  		return r
 17528  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17529  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(88)
 17530  		return r
 17531  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17532  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17533  		return r
 17534  	}()},
 17535  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17536  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(56)
 17537  		return r
 17538  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17539  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17540  		return r
 17541  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17542  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(120)
 17543  		return r
 17544  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17545  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17546  		return r
 17547  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17548  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(4)
 17549  		return r
 17550  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17551  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17552  		return r
 17553  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17554  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(68)
 17555  		return r
 17556  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17557  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17558  		return r
 17559  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17560  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(36)
 17561  		return r
 17562  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17563  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17564  		return r
 17565  	}()},
 17566  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17567  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(100)
 17568  		return r
 17569  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17570  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17571  		return r
 17572  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17573  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(20)
 17574  		return r
 17575  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17576  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17577  		return r
 17578  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17579  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(84)
 17580  		return r
 17581  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17582  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17583  		return r
 17584  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17585  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(52)
 17586  		return r
 17587  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17588  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17589  		return r
 17590  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17591  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(116)
 17592  		return r
 17593  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17594  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17595  		return r
 17596  	}()},
 17597  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17598  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(3)
 17599  		return r
 17600  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17601  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17602  		return r
 17603  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17604  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(131)
 17605  		return r
 17606  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17607  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17608  		return r
 17609  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17610  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(67)
 17611  		return r
 17612  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17613  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17614  		return r
 17615  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17616  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(195)
 17617  		return r
 17618  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17619  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17620  		return r
 17621  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17622  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(35)
 17623  		return r
 17624  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17625  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17626  		return r
 17627  	}()},
 17628  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17629  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(163)
 17630  		return r
 17631  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17632  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17633  		return r
 17634  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17635  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(99)
 17636  		return r
 17637  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17638  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17639  		return r
 17640  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17641  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(227)
 17642  		return r
 17643  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17644  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17645  		return r
 17646  	}()}} /* trees.h:3:21 */
 17648  var static_dtree = [30]Ct_data{{Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17649  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17650  	return r
 17651  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17652  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(16)
 17653  	return r
 17654  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17655  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17656  	return r
 17657  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17658  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(8)
 17659  	return r
 17660  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17661  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17662  	return r
 17663  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17664  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(24)
 17665  	return r
 17666  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17667  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17668  	return r
 17669  }()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17670  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(4)
 17671  	return r
 17672  }(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17673  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17674  	return r
 17675  }()},
 17676  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17677  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(20)
 17678  		return r
 17679  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17680  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17681  		return r
 17682  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17683  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(12)
 17684  		return r
 17685  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17686  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17687  		return r
 17688  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17689  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(28)
 17690  		return r
 17691  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17692  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17693  		return r
 17694  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17695  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(2)
 17696  		return r
 17697  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17698  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17699  		return r
 17700  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17701  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(18)
 17702  		return r
 17703  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17704  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17705  		return r
 17706  	}()},
 17707  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17708  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(10)
 17709  		return r
 17710  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17711  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17712  		return r
 17713  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17714  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(26)
 17715  		return r
 17716  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17717  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17718  		return r
 17719  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17720  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(6)
 17721  		return r
 17722  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17723  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17724  		return r
 17725  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17726  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(22)
 17727  		return r
 17728  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17729  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17730  		return r
 17731  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17732  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(14)
 17733  		return r
 17734  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17735  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17736  		return r
 17737  	}()},
 17738  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17739  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(30)
 17740  		return r
 17741  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17742  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17743  		return r
 17744  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17745  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(1)
 17746  		return r
 17747  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17748  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17749  		return r
 17750  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17751  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(17)
 17752  		return r
 17753  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17754  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17755  		return r
 17756  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17757  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(9)
 17758  		return r
 17759  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17760  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17761  		return r
 17762  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17763  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(25)
 17764  		return r
 17765  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17766  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17767  		return r
 17768  	}()},
 17769  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17770  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17771  		return r
 17772  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17773  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17774  		return r
 17775  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17776  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(21)
 17777  		return r
 17778  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17779  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17780  		return r
 17781  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17782  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(13)
 17783  		return r
 17784  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17785  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17786  		return r
 17787  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17788  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(29)
 17789  		return r
 17790  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17791  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17792  		return r
 17793  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17794  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(3)
 17795  		return r
 17796  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17797  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17798  		return r
 17799  	}()},
 17800  	{Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17801  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(19)
 17802  		return r
 17803  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17804  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17805  		return r
 17806  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17807  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(11)
 17808  		return r
 17809  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17810  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17811  		return r
 17812  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17813  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(27)
 17814  		return r
 17815  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17816  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17817  		return r
 17818  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17819  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(7)
 17820  		return r
 17821  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17822  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17823  		return r
 17824  	}()}, {Ffc: func() (r struct{ Ffreq Ush }) {
 17825  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(23)
 17826  		return r
 17827  	}(), Fdl: func() (r struct{ Fdad Ush }) {
 17828  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)) + 0)) = Ush(5)
 17829  		return r
 17830  	}()}} /* trees.h:64:21 */
 17832  var X_dist_code = [512]Uch{
 17833  	Uch(0), Uch(1), Uch(2), Uch(3), Uch(4), Uch(4), Uch(5), Uch(5), Uch(6), Uch(6), Uch(6), Uch(6), Uch(7), Uch(7), Uch(7), Uch(7), Uch(8), Uch(8), Uch(8), Uch(8),
 17834  	Uch(8), Uch(8), Uch(8), Uch(8), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10),
 17835  	Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11),
 17836  	Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12),
 17837  	Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13),
 17838  	Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13),
 17839  	Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14),
 17840  	Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14),
 17841  	Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14),
 17842  	Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15),
 17843  	Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15),
 17844  	Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15),
 17845  	Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(0), Uch(0), Uch(16), Uch(17),
 17846  	Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(19), Uch(19), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22),
 17847  	Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24),
 17848  	Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25),
 17849  	Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26),
 17850  	Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27),
 17851  	Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27),
 17852  	Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28),
 17853  	Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28),
 17854  	Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28),
 17855  	Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(28), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29),
 17856  	Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29),
 17857  	Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29),
 17858  	Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29), Uch(29),
 17859  } /* trees.h:73:25 */
 17861  var X_length_code = [256]Uch{
 17862  	Uch(0), Uch(1), Uch(2), Uch(3), Uch(4), Uch(5), Uch(6), Uch(7), Uch(8), Uch(8), Uch(9), Uch(9), Uch(10), Uch(10), Uch(11), Uch(11), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12), Uch(12),
 17863  	Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(13), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(14), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(15), Uch(16), Uch(16), Uch(16), Uch(16), Uch(16), Uch(16), Uch(16), Uch(16),
 17864  	Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(17), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(18), Uch(19), Uch(19), Uch(19), Uch(19),
 17865  	Uch(19), Uch(19), Uch(19), Uch(19), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20), Uch(20),
 17866  	Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(21), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22),
 17867  	Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(22), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23),
 17868  	Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(23), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24),
 17869  	Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24), Uch(24),
 17870  	Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25),
 17871  	Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(25), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26),
 17872  	Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26),
 17873  	Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(26), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27),
 17874  	Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(27), Uch(28),
 17875  } /* trees.h:102:25 */
 17877  var base_length = [29]int32{
 17878  	0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56,
 17879  	64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 0,
 17880  } /* trees.h:118:17 */
 17882  var base_dist = [30]int32{
 17883  	0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24,
 17884  	32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768,
 17885  	1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 24576,
 17886  } /* trees.h:123:17 */
 17888  var static_l_desc = Static_tree_desc{Fstatic_tree: 0, Fextra_bits: 0, Fextra_base: (LITERALS + 1), Felems: ((LITERALS + 1) + LENGTH_CODES), Fmax_length: MAX_BITS} /* trees.c:125:31 */
 17890  var static_d_desc = Static_tree_desc{Fstatic_tree: 0, Fextra_bits: 0, Felems: D_CODES, Fmax_length: MAX_BITS} /* trees.c:128:31 */
 17892  var static_bl_desc = Static_tree_desc{Fextra_bits: 0, Felems: BL_CODES, Fmax_length: MAX_BL_BITS} /* trees.c:131:31 */
 17894  // Send a code of the given tree. c and tree must not have side effects
 17896  // ===========================================================================
 17897  // Output a short LSB first on the stream.
 17898  // IN assertion: there is enough room in pendingBuf.
 17900  // ===========================================================================
 17901  // Send a value on a given number of bits.
 17902  // IN assertion: length <= 16 and value fits in length bits.
 17904  // the arguments must not have side effects
 17906  // ===========================================================================
 17907  // Initialize the various 'constant' tables.
 17908  func tr_static_init(tls *libc.TLS) { /* trees.c:232:12: */
 17909  }
 17911  // ===========================================================================
 17912  // Genererate the file trees.h describing the static trees.
 17914  // ===========================================================================
 17915  // Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream.
 17916  func X_tr_init(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* trees.c:379:20: */
 17917  	tr_static_init(tls)
 17919  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_desc.Fdyn_tree = s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */
 17920  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_desc.Fstat_desc = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_l_desc))
 17922  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_desc.Fdyn_tree = s + 2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */
 17923  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_desc.Fstat_desc = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_d_desc))
 17925  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbl_desc.Fdyn_tree = s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */
 17926  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbl_desc.Fstat_desc = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_bl_desc))
 17928  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = Ush(0)
 17929  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid = 0
 17931  	// Initialize the first block of the first file:
 17932  	init_block(tls, s)
 17933  }
 17935  // ===========================================================================
 17936  // Initialize a new block.
 17937  func init_block(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* trees.c:407:12: */
 17938  	var n int32 // iterates over tree elements
 17940  	// Initialize the trees.
 17941  	for n = 0; n < ((LITERALS + 1) + LENGTH_CODES); n++ {
 17942  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */)) = Ush(0)
 17943  	}
 17944  	for n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++ {
 17945  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */) + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */)) = Ush(0)
 17946  	}
 17947  	for n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++ {
 17948  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */)) = Ush(0)
 17949  	}
 17951  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + 256*4 /* &.fc */)) = Ush(1)
 17952  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fopt_len = libc.AssignPtrUint32(s+5804 /* &.static_len */, Ulg(0))
 17953  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit = libc.AssignPtrUint32(s+5808 /* &.matches */, UInt(0))
 17954  }
 17956  // Index within the heap array of least frequent node in the Huffman tree
 17958  // ===========================================================================
 17959  // Remove the smallest element from the heap and recreate the heap with
 17960  // one less element. Updates heap and heap_len.
 17962  // ===========================================================================
 17963  // Compares to subtrees, using the tree depth as tie breaker when
 17964  // the subtrees have equal frequency. This minimizes the worst case length.
 17966  // ===========================================================================
 17967  // Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k,
 17968  // exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping
 17969  // when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its
 17970  // two sons).
 17971  func pqdownheap(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, tree uintptr, k int32) { /* trees.c:451:12: */
 17972  	var v int32 = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(k)*4))
 17973  	var j int32 = (k << 1) // left son of k
 17974  	for j <= (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len {
 17975  		// Set j to the smallest of the two sons:
 17976  		if (j < (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len) && ((int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr((j+1))*4)))*4 /* &.fc */))) < int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4)))*4 /* &.fc */)))) || ((int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr((j+1))*4)))*4 /* &.fc */))) == int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4)))*4 /* &.fc */)))) && (int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr((j+1))*4)))))) <= int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4))))))))) {
 17977  			j++
 17978  		}
 17979  		// Exit if v is smaller than both sons
 17980  		if (int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(v)*4 /* &.fc */))) < int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4)))*4 /* &.fc */)))) || ((int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(v)*4 /* &.fc */))) == int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4)))*4 /* &.fc */)))) && (int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(v)))) <= int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4)))))))) {
 17981  			break
 17982  		}
 17984  		// Exchange v with the smallest son
 17985  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(k)*4)) = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(j)*4))
 17986  		k = j
 17988  		// And continue down the tree, setting j to the left son of k
 17989  		j <<= 1
 17990  	}
 17991  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(k)*4)) = v
 17992  }
 17994  // ===========================================================================
 17995  // Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length
 17996  // for the current block.
 17997  // IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and
 17998  //    above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency.
 17999  // OUT assertions: the field len is set to the optimal bit length, the
 18000  //     array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length.
 18001  //     The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is
 18002  //     not null.
 18003  func gen_bitlen(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, desc uintptr) { /* trees.c:486:12: */
 18004  	var tree uintptr = (*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fdyn_tree
 18005  	var max_code int32 = (*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fmax_code
 18006  	var stree uintptr = (*Static_tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer((*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fstat_desc)).Fstatic_tree
 18007  	var extra uintptr = (*Static_tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer((*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fstat_desc)).Fextra_bits
 18008  	var base int32 = (*Static_tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer((*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fstat_desc)).Fextra_base
 18009  	var max_length int32 = (*Static_tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer((*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fstat_desc)).Fmax_length
 18010  	var h int32 // heap index
 18011  	var n int32
 18012  	var m int32            // iterate over the tree elements
 18013  	var bits int32         // bit length
 18014  	var xbits int32        // extra bits
 18015  	var f Ush              // frequency
 18016  	var overflow int32 = 0 // number of elements with bit length too large
 18018  	for bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++ {
 18019  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr(bits)*2)) = Ush(0)
 18020  	}
 18022  	// In a first pass, compute the optimal bit lengths (which may
 18023  	// overflow in the case of the bit length tree).
 18024  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_max)*4)))*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)) = Ush(0) // root of the heap
 18026  	for h = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_max + 1); h < ((2 * ((LITERALS + 1) + LENGTH_CODES)) + 1); h++ {
 18027  		n = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(h)*4))
 18028  		bits = (int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))*4 + 2 /* &.dl */))) + 1)
 18029  		if bits > max_length {
 18030  			bits = max_length
 18031  			overflow++
 18032  		}
 18033  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)) = Ush(bits)
 18034  		// We overwrite tree[n].Dad which is no longer needed
 18036  		if n > max_code {
 18037  			continue
 18038  		} // not a leaf node
 18040  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr(bits)*2))++
 18041  		xbits = 0
 18042  		if n >= base {
 18043  			xbits = *(*Intf)(unsafe.Pointer(extra + uintptr((n-base))*4))
 18044  		}
 18045  		f = *(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */))
 18046  		*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5800 /* &.opt_len */)) += (Ulg(f) * Ulg((uint32(bits + xbits))))
 18047  		if stree != 0 {
 18048  			*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5804 /* &.static_len */)) += (Ulg(f) * Ulg((uint32(int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(stree + uintptr(n)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */))) + xbits))))
 18049  		}
 18050  	}
 18051  	if overflow == 0 {
 18052  		return
 18053  	}
 18055  	// This happens for example on obj2 and pic of the Calgary corpus
 18057  	// Find the first bit length which could increase:
 18058  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (overflow > 0) {
 18059  		bits = (max_length - 1)
 18060  		for int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr(bits)*2))) == 0 {
 18061  			bits--
 18062  		}
 18063  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr(bits)*2))--               // move one leaf down the tree
 18064  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr((bits+1))*2)) += Ush((2)) // move one overflow item as its brother
 18065  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr(max_length)*2))--
 18066  		// The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up,
 18067  		// but this does not affect bl_count[max_length]
 18068  		overflow = overflow - (2)
 18069  	}
 18071  	// Now recompute all bit lengths, scanning in increasing frequency.
 18072  	// h is still equal to HEAP_SIZE. (It is simpler to reconstruct all
 18073  	// lengths instead of fixing only the wrong ones. This idea is taken
 18074  	// from 'ar' written by Haruhiko Okumura.)
 18075  	for bits = max_length; bits != 0; bits-- {
 18076  		n = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2876 /* &.bl_count */) + uintptr(bits)*2)))
 18077  		for n != 0 {
 18078  			m = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(libc.PreDecInt32(&h, 1))*4))
 18079  			if m > max_code {
 18080  				continue
 18081  			}
 18082  			if uint32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(m)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */))) != uint32(bits) {
 18084  				*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5800 /* &.opt_len */)) += ((Ulg(bits) - Ulg(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(m)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))) * Ulg(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(m)*4 /* &.fc */))))
 18085  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(m)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)) = Ush(bits)
 18086  			}
 18087  			n--
 18088  		}
 18089  	}
 18090  }
 18092  // ===========================================================================
 18093  // Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be
 18094  // optimal).
 18095  // IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for
 18096  // the given tree and the field len is set for all tree elements.
 18097  // OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non
 18098  //     zero code length.
 18099  func gen_codes(tls *libc.TLS, tree uintptr, max_code int32, bl_count uintptr) { /* trees.c:572:12: */
 18100  	bp := tls.Alloc(32)
 18101  	defer tls.Free(32)
 18103  	// var next_code [16]Ush at bp, 32
 18104  	// next code value for each bit length
 18105  	var code uint32 = uint32(0) // running code value
 18106  	var bits int32              // bit index
 18107  	var n int32                 // code index
 18109  	// The distribution counts are first used to generate the code values
 18110  	// without bit reversal.
 18111  	for bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++ {
 18112  		code = ((code + uint32(*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer(bl_count + uintptr((bits-1))*2)))) << 1)
 18113  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &next_code[0] */ + uintptr(bits)*2)) = Ush(code)
 18114  	}
 18115  	// Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code
 18116  	// must be all ones.
 18118  	for n = 0; n <= max_code; n++ {
 18119  		var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18120  		if len == 0 {
 18121  			continue
 18122  		}
 18123  		// Now reverse the bits
 18124  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */)) = Ush(bi_reverse(tls, uint32(libc.PostIncUint16(&*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &next_code[0] */ + uintptr(len)*2)), 1)), len))
 18126  	}
 18127  }
 18129  // ===========================================================================
 18130  // Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths.
 18131  // Update the total bit length for the current block.
 18132  // IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements.
 18133  // OUT assertions: the fields len and code are set to the optimal bit length
 18134  //     and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is
 18135  //     also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set.
 18136  func build_tree(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, desc uintptr) { /* trees.c:615:12: */
 18137  	var tree uintptr = (*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fdyn_tree
 18138  	var stree uintptr = (*Static_tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer((*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fstat_desc)).Fstatic_tree
 18139  	var elems int32 = (*Static_tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer((*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fstat_desc)).Felems
 18140  	var n int32
 18141  	var m int32             // iterate over heap elements
 18142  	var max_code int32 = -1 // largest code with non zero frequency
 18143  	var node int32          // new node being created
 18145  	// Construct the initial heap, with least frequent element in
 18146  	// heap[SMALLEST]. The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1].
 18147  	// heap[0] is not used.
 18148  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len = 0
 18149  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_max = ((2 * ((LITERALS + 1) + LENGTH_CODES)) + 1)
 18151  	for n = 0; n < elems; n++ {
 18152  		if int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */))) != 0 {
 18153  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(libc.PreIncInt32(&((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len), 1))*4)) = libc.AssignInt32(&max_code, n)
 18154  			*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(n))) = Uch(0)
 18155  		} else {
 18156  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)) = Ush(0)
 18157  		}
 18158  	}
 18160  	// The pkzip format requires that at least one distance code exists,
 18161  	// and that at least one bit should be sent even if there is only one
 18162  	// possible code. So to avoid special checks later on we force at least
 18163  	// two codes of non zero frequency.
 18164  	for (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len < 2 {
 18165  		node = libc.AssignPtrInt32((s+2908 /* &.heap */)+uintptr(libc.PreIncInt32(&((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len), 1))*4, func() int32 {
 18166  			if max_code < 2 {
 18167  				return libc.PreIncInt32(&max_code, 1)
 18168  			}
 18169  			return 0
 18170  		}())
 18171  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(node)*4 /* &.fc */)) = Ush(1)
 18172  		*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(node))) = Uch(0)
 18173  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fopt_len--
 18174  		if stree != 0 {
 18175  			*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5804 /* &.static_len */)) -= (Ulg(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(stree + uintptr(node)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */))))
 18176  		}
 18177  		// node is 0 or 1 so it does not have extra bits
 18178  	}
 18179  	(*Tree_desc)(unsafe.Pointer(desc)).Fmax_code = max_code
 18181  	// The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree,
 18182  	// establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths:
 18183  	for n = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len / 2); n >= 1; n-- {
 18184  		pqdownheap(tls, s, tree, n)
 18185  	}
 18187  	// Construct the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the least two
 18188  	// frequent nodes.
 18189  	node = elems // next internal node of the tree
 18190  	for ok := true; ok; ok = ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len >= 2) {
 18191  		{
 18192  			n = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + 1*4))
 18193  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + 1*4)) = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(libc.PostDecInt32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_len, 1))*4))
 18194  			pqdownheap(tls, s, tree, SMALLEST)
 18195  		}
 18196  		// n = node of least frequency
 18197  		m = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + 1*4)) // m = node of next least frequency
 18199  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(libc.PreDecInt32(&((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_max), 1))*4)) = n // keep the nodes sorted by frequency
 18200  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(libc.PreDecInt32(&((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_max), 1))*4)) = m
 18202  		// Create a new node father of n and m
 18203  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(node)*4 /* &.fc */)) = (Ush(int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */))) + int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(m)*4 /* &.fc */)))))
 18204  		*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(node))) = (Uch((func() int32 {
 18205  			if int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(n)))) >= int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(m)))) {
 18206  				return int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(n))))
 18207  			}
 18208  			return int32(*(*Uch)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 5208 /* &.depth */) + uintptr(m))))
 18209  		}()) + 1))
 18210  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr(n)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)) = libc.AssignPtrUint16(tree+uintptr(m)*4+2 /* &.dl */ /* &.dad */, Ush(node))
 18211  		// and insert the new node in the heap
 18212  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + 1*4)) = libc.PostIncInt32(&node, 1)
 18213  		pqdownheap(tls, s, tree, SMALLEST)
 18215  	}
 18217  	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + uintptr(libc.PreDecInt32(&((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fheap_max), 1))*4)) = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2908 /* &.heap */) + 1*4))
 18219  	// At this point, the fields freq and dad are set. We can now
 18220  	// generate the bit lengths.
 18221  	gen_bitlen(tls, s, desc)
 18223  	// The field len is now set, we can generate the bit codes
 18224  	gen_codes(tls, tree, max_code, s+2876 /* &.bl_count */)
 18225  }
 18227  // ===========================================================================
 18228  // Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes
 18229  // in the bit length tree.
 18230  func scan_tree(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, tree uintptr, max_code int32) { /* trees.c:703:12: */
 18231  	var n int32                                                             // iterates over all tree elements
 18232  	var prevlen int32 = -1                                                  // last emitted length
 18233  	var curlen int32                                                        // length of current code
 18234  	var nextlen int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + 2 /* &.dl */))) // length of next code
 18235  	var count int32 = 0                                                     // repeat count of the current code
 18236  	var max_count int32 = 7                                                 // max repeat count
 18237  	var min_count int32 = 4                                                 // min repeat count
 18239  	if nextlen == 0 {
 18240  		max_count = 138
 18241  		min_count = 3
 18242  	}
 18243  	*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr((max_code+1))*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)) = Ush(0xffff) // guard
 18245  	for n = 0; n <= max_code; n++ {
 18246  		curlen = nextlen
 18247  		nextlen = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr((n+1))*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18248  		if (libc.PreIncInt32(&count, 1) < max_count) && (curlen == nextlen) {
 18249  			continue
 18250  		} else if count < min_count {
 18251  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 /* &.fc */ /* &.freq */)) += Ush((count))
 18252  		} else if curlen != 0 {
 18253  			if curlen != prevlen {
 18254  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18255  			}
 18256  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 16*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18257  		} else if count <= 10 {
 18258  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 17*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18259  		} else {
 18260  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 18*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18261  		}
 18262  		count = 0
 18263  		prevlen = curlen
 18264  		if nextlen == 0 {
 18265  			max_count = 138
 18266  			min_count = 3
 18267  		} else if curlen == nextlen {
 18268  			max_count = 6
 18269  			min_count = 3
 18270  		} else {
 18271  			max_count = 7
 18272  			min_count = 4
 18273  		}
 18274  	}
 18275  }
 18277  // ===========================================================================
 18278  // Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in
 18279  // bl_tree.
 18280  func send_tree(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, tree uintptr, max_code int32) { /* trees.c:748:12: */
 18281  	var n int32                                                             // iterates over all tree elements
 18282  	var prevlen int32 = -1                                                  // last emitted length
 18283  	var curlen int32                                                        // length of current code
 18284  	var nextlen int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + 2 /* &.dl */))) // length of next code
 18285  	var count int32 = 0                                                     // repeat count of the current code
 18286  	var max_count int32 = 7                                                 // max repeat count
 18287  	var min_count int32 = 4                                                 // min repeat count
 18289  	/* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */ // guard already set
 18290  	if nextlen == 0 {
 18291  		max_count = 138
 18292  		min_count = 3
 18293  	}
 18295  	for n = 0; n <= max_code; n++ {
 18296  		curlen = nextlen
 18297  		nextlen = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(tree + uintptr((n+1))*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18298  		if (libc.PreIncInt32(&count, 1) < max_count) && (curlen == nextlen) {
 18299  			continue
 18300  		} else if count < min_count {
 18301  			for ok := true; ok; ok = (libc.PreDecInt32(&count, 1) != 0) {
 18302  				{
 18303  					var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18304  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18305  						var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18306  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18307  						{
 18308  							{
 18309  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18310  							}
 18311  							{
 18312  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18313  							}
 18315  						}
 18316  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18317  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18318  					} else {
 18319  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18320  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18321  					}
 18322  				}
 18323  			}
 18325  		} else if curlen != 0 {
 18326  			if curlen != prevlen {
 18327  				{
 18328  					var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18329  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18330  						var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18331  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18332  						{
 18333  							{
 18334  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18335  							}
 18336  							{
 18337  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18338  							}
 18340  						}
 18341  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18342  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18343  					} else {
 18344  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(curlen)*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18345  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18346  					}
 18347  				}
 18348  				count--
 18349  			}
 18351  			{
 18352  				var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 16*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18353  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18354  					var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 16*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18355  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18356  					{
 18357  						{
 18358  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18359  						}
 18360  						{
 18361  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18362  						}
 18364  					}
 18365  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18366  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18367  				} else {
 18368  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 16*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18369  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18370  				}
 18371  			}
 18372  			{
 18373  				var len int32 = 2
 18374  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18375  					var val int32 = (count - 3)
 18376  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18377  					{
 18378  						{
 18379  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18380  						}
 18381  						{
 18382  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18383  						}
 18385  					}
 18386  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18387  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18388  				} else {
 18389  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(count - 3))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18390  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18391  				}
 18392  			}
 18394  		} else if count <= 10 {
 18395  			{
 18396  				var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 17*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18397  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18398  					var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 17*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18399  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18400  					{
 18401  						{
 18402  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18403  						}
 18404  						{
 18405  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18406  						}
 18408  					}
 18409  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18410  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18411  				} else {
 18412  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 17*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18413  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18414  				}
 18415  			}
 18416  			{
 18417  				var len int32 = 3
 18418  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18419  					var val int32 = (count - 3)
 18420  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18421  					{
 18422  						{
 18423  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18424  						}
 18425  						{
 18426  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18427  						}
 18429  					}
 18430  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18431  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18432  				} else {
 18433  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(count - 3))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18434  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18435  				}
 18436  			}
 18438  		} else {
 18439  			{
 18440  				var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 18*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18441  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18442  					var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 18*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18443  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18444  					{
 18445  						{
 18446  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18447  						}
 18448  						{
 18449  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18450  						}
 18452  					}
 18453  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18454  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18455  				} else {
 18456  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + 18*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18457  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18458  				}
 18459  			}
 18460  			{
 18461  				var len int32 = 7
 18462  				if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18463  					var val int32 = (count - 11)
 18464  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18465  					{
 18466  						{
 18467  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18468  						}
 18469  						{
 18470  							*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18471  						}
 18473  					}
 18474  					(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18475  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18476  				} else {
 18477  					*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(count - 11))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18478  					*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18479  				}
 18480  			}
 18482  		}
 18483  		count = 0
 18484  		prevlen = curlen
 18485  		if nextlen == 0 {
 18486  			max_count = 138
 18487  			min_count = 3
 18488  		} else if curlen == nextlen {
 18489  			max_count = 6
 18490  			min_count = 3
 18491  		} else {
 18492  			max_count = 7
 18493  			min_count = 4
 18494  		}
 18495  	}
 18496  }
 18498  // ===========================================================================
 18499  // Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in
 18500  // bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
 18501  func build_bl_tree(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) int32 { /* trees.c:799:11: */
 18502  	var max_blindex int32 // index of last bit length code of non zero freq
 18504  	// Determine the bit length frequencies for literal and distance trees
 18505  	scan_tree(tls, s, s+148 /* &.dyn_ltree */, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_desc.Fmax_code)
 18506  	scan_tree(tls, s, s+2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */, (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_desc.Fmax_code)
 18508  	// Build the bit length tree:
 18509  	build_tree(tls, s, (s + 2864 /* &.bl_desc */))
 18510  	// opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except
 18511  	// the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts.
 18513  	// Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format
 18514  	// requires that at least 4 bit length codes be sent. (appnote.txt says
 18515  	// 3 but the actual value used is 4.)
 18516  	for max_blindex = (BL_CODES - 1); max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex-- {
 18517  		if int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(bl_order[max_blindex])*4 + 2 /* &.dl */))) != 0 {
 18518  			break
 18519  		}
 18520  	}
 18521  	// Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts
 18522  	*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5800 /* &.opt_len */)) += ((((Ulg(3) * (Ulg(max_blindex) + Ulg(1))) + Ulg(5)) + Ulg(5)) + Ulg(4))
 18524  	return max_blindex
 18525  }
 18527  // ===========================================================================
 18528  // Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the
 18529  // lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree.
 18530  // IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4.
 18531  func send_all_trees(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, lcodes int32, dcodes int32, blcodes int32) { /* trees.c:834:12: */
 18532  	var rank int32 // index in bl_order
 18534  	{
 18535  		var len int32 = 5
 18536  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18537  			var val int32 = (lcodes - 257)
 18538  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18539  			{
 18540  				{
 18541  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18542  				}
 18543  				{
 18544  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18545  				}
 18547  			}
 18548  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18549  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18550  		} else {
 18551  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(lcodes - 257))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18552  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18553  		}
 18554  	}
 18555  	/* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */
 18556  	{
 18557  		var len int32 = 5
 18558  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18559  			var val int32 = (dcodes - 1)
 18560  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18561  			{
 18562  				{
 18563  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18564  				}
 18565  				{
 18566  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18567  				}
 18569  			}
 18570  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18571  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18572  		} else {
 18573  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(dcodes - 1))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18574  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18575  		}
 18576  	}
 18578  	{
 18579  		var len int32 = 4
 18580  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18581  			var val int32 = (blcodes - 4)
 18582  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18583  			{
 18584  				{
 18585  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18586  				}
 18587  				{
 18588  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18589  				}
 18591  			}
 18592  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18593  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18594  		} else {
 18595  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(blcodes - 4))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18596  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18597  		}
 18598  	}
 18599  	// not -3 as stated in appnote.txt
 18600  	for rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++ {
 18602  		{
 18603  			var len int32 = 3
 18604  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18605  				var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(bl_order[rank])*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18606  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18607  				{
 18608  					{
 18609  						*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18610  					}
 18611  					{
 18612  						*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18613  					}
 18615  				}
 18616  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18617  				*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18618  			} else {
 18619  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2684 /* &.bl_tree */) + uintptr(bl_order[rank])*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18620  				*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18621  			}
 18622  		}
 18624  	}
 18626  	send_tree(tls, s, s+148 /* &.dyn_ltree */, (lcodes - 1)) // literal tree
 18628  	send_tree(tls, s, s+2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */, (dcodes - 1)) // distance tree
 18630  }
 18632  // ===========================================================================
 18633  // Send a stored block
 18634  func X_tr_stored_block(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, buf uintptr, stored_len Ulg, last int32) { /* trees.c:863:20: */
 18635  	{
 18636  		var len int32 = 3
 18637  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18638  			var val int32 = ((int32(STORED_BLOCK) << 1) + last)
 18639  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18640  			{
 18641  				{
 18642  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18643  				}
 18644  				{
 18645  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18646  				}
 18648  			}
 18649  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18650  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18651  		} else {
 18652  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush((int32(STORED_BLOCK) << 1) + last))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18653  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18654  		}
 18655  	}
 18656  	// send block type
 18657  	bi_windup(tls, s) /* align on byte boundary */
 18658  	{
 18659  		{
 18660  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32(Ush(stored_len))) & 0xff))
 18661  		}
 18662  		{
 18663  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32((Ush(stored_len))) >> 8))
 18664  		}
 18666  	}
 18668  	{
 18669  		{
 18670  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32(Ush(^stored_len))) & 0xff))
 18671  		}
 18672  		{
 18673  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32((Ush(^stored_len))) >> 8))
 18674  		}
 18676  	}
 18678  	libc.Xmemcpy(tls, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending)), buf, uint32(stored_len))
 18679  	*(*Ulg)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 20 /* &.pending */)) += (stored_len)
 18680  }
 18682  // ===========================================================================
 18683  // Flush the bits in the bit buffer to pending output (leaves at most 7 bits)
 18684  func X_tr_flush_bits(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* trees.c:886:20: */
 18685  	bi_flush(tls, s)
 18686  }
 18688  // ===========================================================================
 18689  // Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate.
 18690  // This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer.
 18691  func X_tr_align(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* trees.c:896:20: */
 18692  	{
 18693  		var len int32 = 3
 18694  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18695  			var val int32 = (int32(STATIC_TREES) << 1)
 18696  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18697  			{
 18698  				{
 18699  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18700  				}
 18701  				{
 18702  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18703  				}
 18705  			}
 18706  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18707  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18708  		} else {
 18709  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(int32((Ush(int32(STATIC_TREES) << 1)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18710  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18711  		}
 18712  	}
 18714  	{
 18715  		var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_ltree)) + 256*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18716  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18717  			var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_ltree)) + 256*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18718  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18719  			{
 18720  				{
 18721  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18722  				}
 18723  				{
 18724  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18725  				}
 18727  			}
 18728  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18729  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18730  		} else {
 18731  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_ltree)) + 256*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18732  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18733  		}
 18734  	}
 18736  	bi_flush(tls, s)
 18737  }
 18739  // ===========================================================================
 18740  // Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static
 18741  // trees or store, and write out the encoded block.
 18742  func X_tr_flush_block(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, buf uintptr, stored_len Ulg, last int32) { /* trees.c:911:20: */
 18743  	var opt_lenb Ulg
 18744  	var static_lenb Ulg       // opt_len and static_len in bytes
 18745  	var max_blindex int32 = 0 // index of last bit length code of non zero freq
 18747  	// Build the Huffman trees unless a stored block is forced
 18748  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flevel > 0 {
 18750  		// Check if the file is binary or text
 18751  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Fdata_type == Z_UNKNOWN {
 18752  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrm)).Fdata_type = detect_data_type(tls, s)
 18753  		}
 18755  		// Construct the literal and distance trees
 18756  		build_tree(tls, s, (s + 2840 /* &.l_desc */))
 18758  		build_tree(tls, s, (s + 2852 /* &.d_desc */))
 18760  		// At this point, opt_len and static_len are the total bit lengths of
 18761  		// the compressed block data, excluding the tree representations.
 18763  		// Build the bit length tree for the above two trees, and get the index
 18764  		// in bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
 18765  		max_blindex = build_bl_tree(tls, s)
 18767  		// Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes.
 18768  		opt_lenb = ((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fopt_len + Ulg(3)) + Ulg(7)) >> 3)
 18769  		static_lenb = ((((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstatic_len + Ulg(3)) + Ulg(7)) >> 3)
 18771  		if static_lenb <= opt_lenb {
 18772  			opt_lenb = static_lenb
 18773  		}
 18775  	} else {
 18777  		opt_lenb = libc.AssignUint32(&static_lenb, (stored_len + Ulg(5))) // force a stored block
 18778  	}
 18780  	if ((stored_len + Ulg(4)) <= opt_lenb) && (buf != uintptr(0)) {
 18781  		// 4: two words for the lengths
 18782  		// The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE.
 18783  		// Otherwise we can't have processed more than WSIZE input bytes since
 18784  		// the last block flush, because compression would have been
 18785  		// successful. If LIT_BUFSIZE <= WSIZE, it is never too late to
 18786  		// transform a block into a stored block.
 18787  		X_tr_stored_block(tls, s, buf, stored_len, last)
 18789  	} else if ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fstrategy == Z_FIXED) || (static_lenb == opt_lenb) {
 18790  		{
 18791  			var len int32 = 3
 18792  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18793  				var val int32 = ((int32(STATIC_TREES) << 1) + last)
 18794  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18795  				{
 18796  					{
 18797  						*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18798  					}
 18799  					{
 18800  						*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18801  					}
 18803  				}
 18804  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18805  				*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18806  			} else {
 18807  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush((int32(STATIC_TREES) << 1) + last))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18808  				*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18809  			}
 18810  		}
 18812  		compress_block(tls, s, uintptr(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_ltree))),
 18813  			uintptr(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_dtree))))
 18814  	} else {
 18815  		{
 18816  			var len int32 = 3
 18817  			if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18818  				var val int32 = ((int32(DYN_TREES) << 1) + last)
 18819  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18820  				{
 18821  					{
 18822  						*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18823  					}
 18824  					{
 18825  						*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18826  					}
 18828  				}
 18829  				(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18830  				*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18831  			} else {
 18832  				*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush((int32(DYN_TREES) << 1) + last))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18833  				*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18834  			}
 18835  		}
 18837  		send_all_trees(tls, s, ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_desc.Fmax_code + 1), ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_desc.Fmax_code + 1),
 18838  			(max_blindex + 1))
 18839  		compress_block(tls, s, s+148, /* &.dyn_ltree */
 18840  			s+2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */)
 18841  	}
 18843  	// The above check is made mod 2^32, for files larger than 512 MB
 18844  	// and uLong implemented on 32 bits.
 18845  	init_block(tls, s)
 18847  	if last != 0 {
 18848  		bi_windup(tls, s)
 18849  	}
 18851  }
 18853  // ===========================================================================
 18854  // Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if
 18855  // the current block must be flushed.
 18856  func X_tr_tally(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, dist uint32, lc uint32) int32 { /* trees.c:1014:19: */
 18857  	*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit)*2)) = Ush(dist)
 18858  	*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit, 1)))) = Uch(lc)
 18859  	if dist == uint32(0) {
 18860  		// lc is the unmatched char
 18861  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(lc)*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18862  	} else {
 18863  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fmatches++
 18864  		// Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH
 18865  		dist-- // dist = match distance - 1
 18867  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(((int32(X_length_code[lc])+LITERALS)+1))*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18868  		*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 2440 /* &.dyn_dtree */) + uintptr((func() int32 {
 18869  			if (dist) < uint32(256) {
 18870  				return int32(X_dist_code[dist])
 18871  			}
 18872  			return int32(X_dist_code[(uint32(256) + ((dist) >> 7))])
 18873  		}()))*4 /* &.fc */))++
 18874  	}
 18876  	return (libc.Bool32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit == ((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flit_bufsize - UInt(1))))
 18877  	// We avoid equality with lit_bufsize because of wraparound at 64K
 18878  	// on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to
 18879  	// 64K-1 bytes.
 18880  }
 18882  // ===========================================================================
 18883  // Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees
 18884  func compress_block(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr, ltree uintptr, dtree uintptr) { /* trees.c:1064:12: */
 18885  	var dist uint32           // distance of matched string
 18886  	var lc int32              // match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0)
 18887  	var lx uint32 = uint32(0) // running index in l_buf
 18888  	var code uint32           // the code to send
 18889  	var extra int32           // number of extra bits to send
 18891  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit != UInt(0) {
 18892  		for ok := true; ok; ok = (lx < (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Flast_lit) {
 18893  			dist = uint32(*(*Ushf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fd_buf + uintptr(lx)*2)))
 18894  			lc = int32(*(*Uchf)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fl_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&lx, 1)))))
 18895  			if dist == uint32(0) {
 18896  				{
 18897  					var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + uintptr(lc)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18898  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18899  						var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + uintptr(lc)*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18900  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18901  						{
 18902  							{
 18903  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18904  							}
 18905  							{
 18906  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18907  							}
 18909  						}
 18910  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18911  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18912  					} else {
 18913  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + uintptr(lc)*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18914  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18915  					}
 18916  				}
 18917  				// send a literal byte
 18919  			} else {
 18920  				// Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH
 18921  				code = uint32(X_length_code[lc])
 18922  				{
 18923  					var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + uintptr(((code+uint32(LITERALS))+uint32(1)))*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18924  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18925  						var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + uintptr(((code+uint32(LITERALS))+uint32(1)))*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18926  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18927  						{
 18928  							{
 18929  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18930  							}
 18931  							{
 18932  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18933  							}
 18935  						}
 18936  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18937  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18938  					} else {
 18939  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + uintptr(((code+uint32(LITERALS))+uint32(1)))*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18940  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18941  					}
 18942  				}
 18943  				// send the length code
 18944  				extra = extra_lbits[code]
 18945  				if extra != 0 {
 18946  					lc = lc - (base_length[code])
 18947  					{
 18948  						var len int32 = extra
 18949  						if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18950  							var val int32 = lc
 18951  							*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18952  							{
 18953  								{
 18954  									*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18955  								}
 18956  								{
 18957  									*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18958  								}
 18960  							}
 18961  							(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18962  							*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18963  						} else {
 18964  							*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(lc))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18965  							*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18966  						}
 18967  					}
 18968  					// send the extra length bits
 18969  				}
 18970  				dist-- // dist is now the match distance - 1
 18971  				code = func() uint32 {
 18972  					if (dist) < uint32(256) {
 18973  						return uint32(X_dist_code[dist])
 18974  					}
 18975  					return uint32(X_dist_code[(uint32(256) + ((dist) >> 7))])
 18976  				}()
 18978  				{
 18979  					var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(dtree + uintptr(code)*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 18980  					if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 18981  						var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(dtree + uintptr(code)*4 /* &.fc */)))
 18982  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18983  						{
 18984  							{
 18985  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 18986  							}
 18987  							{
 18988  								*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 18989  							}
 18991  						}
 18992  						(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 18993  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 18994  					} else {
 18995  						*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(dtree + uintptr(code)*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 18996  						*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 18997  					}
 18998  				}
 18999  				// send the distance code
 19000  				extra = extra_dbits[code]
 19001  				if extra != 0 {
 19002  					dist = dist - (uint32(base_dist[code]))
 19003  					{
 19004  						var len int32 = extra
 19005  						if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 19006  							var val int32 = int32(dist)
 19007  							*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 19008  							{
 19009  								{
 19010  									*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 19011  								}
 19012  								{
 19013  									*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 19014  								}
 19016  							}
 19017  							(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 19018  							*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 19019  						} else {
 19020  							*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((Ush(dist))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 19021  							*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 19022  						}
 19023  					}
 19024  					// send the extra distance bits
 19025  				}
 19026  			} // literal or match pair ?
 19028  			// Check that the overlay between pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf is ok:
 19030  		}
 19031  	}
 19033  	{
 19034  		var len int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + 256*4 + 2 /* &.dl */)))
 19035  		if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > (Buf_size - len) {
 19036  			var val int32 = int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + 256*4 /* &.fc */)))
 19037  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32(Ush(val)) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 19038  			{
 19039  				{
 19040  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 19041  				}
 19042  				{
 19043  					*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 19044  				}
 19046  			}
 19047  			(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = (Ush(int32(Ush(val)) >> (Buf_size - (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid)))
 19048  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len - Buf_size)
 19049  		} else {
 19050  			*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5816 /* &.bi_buf */)) |= Ush((int32((*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer(ltree + 256*4 /* &.fc */)))) << (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid))
 19051  			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) += (len)
 19052  		}
 19053  	}
 19055  }
 19057  // ===========================================================================
 19058  // Check if the data type is TEXT or BINARY, using the following algorithm:
 19059  // - TEXT if the two conditions below are satisfied:
 19060  //    a) There are no non-portable control characters belonging to the
 19061  //       "black list" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31).
 19062  //    b) There is at least one printable character belonging to the
 19063  //       "white list" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255).
 19064  // - BINARY otherwise.
 19065  // - The following partially-portable control characters form a
 19066  //   "gray list" that is ignored in this detection algorithm:
 19067  //   (7 {BEL}, 8 {BS}, 11 {VT}, 12 {FF}, 26 {SUB}, 27 {ESC}).
 19068  // IN assertion: the fields Freq of dyn_ltree are set.
 19069  func detect_data_type(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) int32 { /* trees.c:1124:11: */
 19070  	// black_mask is the bit mask of black-listed bytes
 19071  	// set bits 0..6, 14..25, and 28..31
 19072  	// 0xf3ffc07f = binary 11110011111111111100000001111111
 19073  	var black_mask uint32 = 0xf3ffc07f
 19074  	var n int32
 19076  	// Check for non-textual ("black-listed") bytes.
 19077  	n = 0
 19078  __1:
 19079  	if !(n <= 31) {
 19080  		goto __3
 19081  	}
 19082  	if ((black_mask & uint32(1)) != 0) && (int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */))) != 0) {
 19083  		return Z_BINARY
 19084  	}
 19085  	goto __2
 19086  __2:
 19087  	n++
 19088  	black_mask >>= 1
 19089  	goto __1
 19090  	goto __3
 19091  __3:
 19092  	;
 19094  	// Check for textual ("white-listed") bytes.
 19095  	if ((int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + 9*4 /* &.fc */))) != 0) || (int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + 10*4 /* &.fc */))) != 0)) ||
 19096  		(int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + 13*4 /* &.fc */))) != 0) {
 19097  		return Z_TEXT
 19098  	}
 19099  	for n = 32; n < LITERALS; n++ {
 19100  		if int32(*(*Ush)(unsafe.Pointer((s + 148 /* &.dyn_ltree */) + uintptr(n)*4 /* &.fc */))) != 0 {
 19101  			return Z_TEXT
 19102  		}
 19103  	}
 19105  	// There are no "black-listed" or "white-listed" bytes:
 19106  	// this stream either is empty or has tolerated ("gray-listed") bytes only.
 19107  	return Z_BINARY
 19108  }
 19110  // ===========================================================================
 19111  // Reverse the first len bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster
 19112  // method would use a table)
 19113  // IN assertion: 1 <= len <= 15
 19114  func bi_reverse(tls *libc.TLS, code uint32, len int32) uint32 { /* trees.c:1158:16: */
 19115  	var res uint32 = uint32(0)
 19116  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (libc.PreDecInt32(&len, 1) > 0) {
 19117  		res = res | (code & uint32(1))
 19118  		code >>= 1
 19119  		res <<= 1
 19120  	}
 19121  	return (res >> 1)
 19122  }
 19124  // ===========================================================================
 19125  // Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it.
 19126  func bi_flush(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* trees.c:1173:12: */
 19127  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid == 16 {
 19128  		{
 19129  			{
 19130  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 19131  			}
 19132  			{
 19133  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 19134  			}
 19136  		}
 19138  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = Ush(0)
 19139  		(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid = 0
 19140  	} else if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid >= 8 {
 19141  		{
 19142  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Byte((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)
 19143  		}
 19145  		libc.AssignShrPtrUint16(s+5816 /* &.bi_buf */, int(8))
 19146  		*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(s + 5820 /* &.bi_valid */)) -= (8)
 19147  	}
 19148  }
 19150  // ===========================================================================
 19151  // Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary
 19152  func bi_windup(tls *libc.TLS, s uintptr) { /* trees.c:1190:12: */
 19153  	if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > 8 {
 19154  		{
 19155  			{
 19156  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch((int32((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) & 0xff))
 19157  			}
 19158  			{
 19159  				*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = (Uch(int32(((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)) >> 8))
 19160  			}
 19162  		}
 19164  	} else if (*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid > 0 {
 19165  		{
 19166  			*(*Bytef)(unsafe.Pointer((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending_buf + uintptr(libc.PostIncUint32(&(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fpending, 1)))) = Byte((*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf)
 19167  		}
 19169  	}
 19170  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_buf = Ush(0)
 19171  	(*Deflate_state)(unsafe.Pointer(s)).Fbi_valid = 0
 19172  }
 19174  // ===========================================================================
 19175  //      Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer.  *sourceLen is
 19176  //    the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, *destLen is the total size
 19177  //    of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the entire
 19178  //    uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have been saved
 19179  //    previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor by some
 19180  //    mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.) Upon exit,
 19181  //    *destLen is the size of the decompressed data and *sourceLen is the number
 19182  //    of source bytes consumed. Upon return, source + *sourceLen points to the
 19183  //    first unused input byte.
 19184  //
 19185  //      uncompress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
 19186  //    memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer, or
 19187  //    Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted, including if the input data is
 19188  //    an incomplete zlib stream.
 19189  func Xuncompress2(tls *libc.TLS, dest uintptr, destLen uintptr, source uintptr, sourceLen uintptr) int32 { /* uncompr.c:27:13: */
 19190  	bp := tls.Alloc(60)
 19191  	defer tls.Free(60)
 19193  	// var stream Z_stream at bp+4, 56
 19195  	var err int32
 19196  	var max UInt = libc.Uint32(libc.Uint32FromInt32(-1))
 19197  	var len ULong
 19198  	var left ULong
 19199  	// var buf [1]Byte at bp, 1
 19200  	// for detection of incomplete stream when *destLen == 0
 19202  	len = *(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(sourceLen))
 19203  	if *(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen)) != 0 {
 19204  		left = *(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen))
 19205  		*(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen)) = ULongf(0)
 19206  	} else {
 19207  		left = ULong(1)
 19208  		dest = bp /* &buf[0] */
 19209  	}
 19211  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Fnext_in = source
 19212  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Favail_in = UInt(0)
 19213  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Fzalloc = uintptr(0)
 19214  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Fzfree = uintptr(0)
 19215  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Fopaque = uintptr(0)
 19217  	err = XinflateInit_(tls, bp+4 /* &stream */, ts /* "1.2.11" */, int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Z_stream{})))
 19218  	if err != Z_OK {
 19219  		return err
 19220  	}
 19222  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Fnext_out = dest
 19223  	(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Favail_out = UInt(0)
 19225  	for ok := true; ok; ok = (err == Z_OK) {
 19226  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp+4 /* &stream */)).Favail_out == UInt(0) {
 19227  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Favail_out = func() uint32 {
 19228  				if left > ULong(max) {
 19229  					return max
 19230  				}
 19231  				return UInt(left)
 19232  			}()
 19233  			left = left - (ULong((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Favail_out))
 19234  		}
 19235  		if (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp+4 /* &stream */)).Favail_in == UInt(0) {
 19236  			(*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Favail_in = func() uint32 {
 19237  				if len > ULong(max) {
 19238  					return max
 19239  				}
 19240  				return UInt(len)
 19241  			}()
 19242  			len = len - (ULong((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Favail_in))
 19243  		}
 19244  		err = Xinflate(tls, bp+4 /* &stream */, Z_NO_FLUSH)
 19245  	}
 19247  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(sourceLen)) -= (len + ULong((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp+4 /* &stream */)).Favail_in))
 19248  	if dest != bp /* buf */ {
 19249  		*(*ULongf)(unsafe.Pointer(destLen)) = (*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 4 /* &stream */)).Ftotal_out
 19250  	} else if ((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp+4 /* &stream */)).Ftotal_out != 0) && (err == (-5)) {
 19251  		left = ULong(1)
 19252  	}
 19254  	XinflateEnd(tls, bp+4 /* &stream */)
 19255  	if err == Z_STREAM_END {
 19256  		return Z_OK
 19257  	}
 19258  	if err == Z_NEED_DICT {
 19259  		return -3
 19260  	}
 19261  	if (err == (-5)) && ((left + ULong((*Z_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(bp+4 /* &stream */)).Favail_out)) != 0) {
 19262  		return -3
 19263  	}
 19264  	return err
 19265  }
 19267  func Xuncompress(tls *libc.TLS, dest uintptr, destLen uintptr, source uintptr, sourceLen ULong) int32 { /* uncompr.c:86:13: */
 19268  	bp := tls.Alloc(4)
 19269  	defer tls.Free(4)
 19270  	*(*ULong)(unsafe.Pointer(bp)) = sourceLen
 19272  	return Xuncompress2(tls, dest, destLen, source, bp /* &sourceLen */)
 19273  }
 19275  // These macros are used by bits/stdio.h and internal headers.
 19277  // Many more flag bits are defined internally.
 19279  // The type of the second argument to `fgetpos' and `fsetpos'.
 19280  type Fpos_t1 = X__fpos64_t /* stdio.h:86:20 */
 19282  // GT_OFF(x), where x is an unsigned value, is true if x > maximum z_off64_t
 19283  //    value -- needed when comparing unsigned to z_off64_t, which is signed
 19284  //    (possible z_off64_t types off_t, off64_t, and long are all signed)
 19286  var Xz_errmsg = [10]uintptr{
 19287  	uintptr(ts + 876 /* "need dictionary" */),     // Z_NEED_DICT       2
 19288  	uintptr(ts + 892 /* "stream end" */),          // Z_STREAM_END      1
 19289  	uintptr(ts + 101 /* "" */),                    // Z_OK              0
 19290  	uintptr(ts + 903 /* "file error" */),          // Z_ERRNO         (-1)
 19291  	uintptr(ts + 914 /* "stream error" */),        // Z_STREAM_ERROR  (-2)
 19292  	uintptr(ts + 927 /* "data error" */),          // Z_DATA_ERROR    (-3)
 19293  	uintptr(ts + 938 /* "insufficient mem..." */), // Z_MEM_ERROR     (-4)
 19294  	uintptr(ts + 958 /* "buffer error" */),        // Z_BUF_ERROR     (-5)
 19295  	uintptr(ts + 971 /* "incompatible ver..." */), // Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)
 19296  	uintptr(ts + 101 /* "" */),
 19297  } /* zutil.c:13:14 */
 19299  func XzlibVersion(tls *libc.TLS) uintptr { /* zutil.c:27:12: */
 19300  	return ts /* "1.2.11" */
 19301  }
 19303  func XzlibCompileFlags(tls *libc.TLS) ULong { /* zutil.c:32:15: */
 19304  	var flags ULong
 19306  	flags = ULong(0)
 19307  	switch int32(unsafe.Sizeof(UInt(0))) {
 19308  	case 2:
 19309  		break
 19310  	case 4:
 19311  		flags = flags + (ULong(1))
 19312  		break
 19313  	case 8:
 19314  		flags = flags + (ULong(2))
 19315  		break
 19316  	default:
 19317  		flags = flags + (ULong(3))
 19318  	}
 19319  	switch int32(unsafe.Sizeof(ULong(0))) {
 19320  	case 2:
 19321  		break
 19322  	case 4:
 19323  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(1) << 2))
 19324  		break
 19325  	case 8:
 19326  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(2) << 2))
 19327  		break
 19328  	default:
 19329  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(3) << 2))
 19330  	}
 19331  	switch int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Voidpf(0))) {
 19332  	case 2:
 19333  		break
 19334  	case 4:
 19335  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(1) << 4))
 19336  		break
 19337  	case 8:
 19338  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(2) << 4))
 19339  		break
 19340  	default:
 19341  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(3) << 4))
 19342  	}
 19343  	switch int32(unsafe.Sizeof(Off_t2(0))) {
 19344  	case 2:
 19345  		break
 19346  	case 4:
 19347  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(1) << 6))
 19348  		break
 19349  	case 8:
 19350  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(2) << 6))
 19351  		break
 19352  	default:
 19353  		flags = flags + (ULong(int32(3) << 6))
 19354  	}
 19355  	return flags
 19356  }
 19358  // exported to allow conversion of error code to string for compress() and
 19359  // uncompress()
 19360  func XzError(tls *libc.TLS, err int32) uintptr { /* zutil.c:133:12: */
 19361  	return Xz_errmsg[(Z_NEED_DICT - (err))]
 19362  }
 19364  func Xzcalloc(tls *libc.TLS, opaque Voidpf, items uint32, size uint32) Voidpf { /* zutil.c:305:22: */
 19365  	_ = opaque
 19366  	if uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(UInt(0))) > uint32(2) {
 19367  		return libc.Xmalloc(tls, (items * size))
 19368  	}
 19369  	return libc.Xcalloc(tls, items, size)
 19370  }
 19372  func Xzcfree(tls *libc.TLS, opaque Voidpf, ptr Voidpf) { /* zutil.c:315:20: */
 19373  	_ = opaque
 19374  	libc.Xfree(tls, ptr)
 19375  }
 19377  func init() {
 19378  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 8 /* .func */)) = deflate_stored // deflate.c:136:29:
 19379  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 20 /* .func */)) = deflate_fast  // deflate.c:137:29:
 19380  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 32 /* .func */)) = deflate_fast  // deflate.c:138:29:
 19381  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 44 /* .func */)) = deflate_fast  // deflate.c:139:29:
 19382  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 56 /* .func */)) = deflate_slow  // deflate.c:141:29:
 19383  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 68 /* .func */)) = deflate_slow  // deflate.c:142:29:
 19384  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 80 /* .func */)) = deflate_slow  // deflate.c:143:29:
 19385  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 92 /* .func */)) = deflate_slow  // deflate.c:144:29:
 19386  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 104 /* .func */)) = deflate_slow // deflate.c:145:30:
 19387  	*(*func(*libc.TLS, uintptr, int32) Block_state)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&configuration_table)) + 116 /* .func */)) = deflate_slow // deflate.c:146:30:
 19388  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_bl_desc)) + 4 /* .extra_bits */)) = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&extra_blbits))            // trees.c:132:22:
 19389  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_d_desc)) + 0 /* .static_tree */)) = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_dtree))            // trees.c:129:2:
 19390  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_d_desc)) + 4 /* .extra_bits */)) = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&extra_dbits))              // trees.c:129:16:
 19391  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_l_desc)) + 0 /* .static_tree */)) = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_ltree))            // trees.c:126:2:
 19392  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&static_l_desc)) + 4 /* .extra_bits */)) = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&extra_lbits))              // trees.c:126:16:
 19393  }
 19395  var ts1 = "1.2.11\x00 deflate 1.2.11 Copyright 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler \x00%s\x00<fd:%d>\x00out of memory\x00\x00%s%s%s\x00: \x00unexpected end of file\x00internal error: inflate stream corrupt\x00compressed data error\x00request does not fit in an int\x00request does not fit in a size_t\x00out of room to push characters\x00internal error: deflate stream corrupt\x00requested length does not fit in int\x00invalid block type\x00invalid stored block lengths\x00too many length or distance symbols\x00invalid code lengths set\x00invalid bit length repeat\x00invalid code -- missing end-of-block\x00invalid literal/lengths set\x00invalid distances set\x00invalid literal/length code\x00invalid distance code\x00invalid distance too far back\x00incorrect header check\x00unknown compression method\x00invalid window size\x00unknown header flags set\x00header crc mismatch\x00incorrect data check\x00incorrect length check\x00 inflate 1.2.11 Copyright 1995-2017 Mark Adler \x00need dictionary\x00stream end\x00file error\x00stream error\x00data error\x00insufficient memory\x00buffer error\x00incompatible version\x00"
 19396  var ts = (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts1)).Data