
     1  // Copyright 2018 The Mangos Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the license at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package mangos
    17  // XXX: The interfaces listed here will eventually move to the Transport
    18  // package, to be named without the Tran prefix, and then this file will
    19  // go away.
    21  // TranPipe behaves like a full-duplex message-oriented connection between two
    22  // peers.  Callers may call operations on a Pipe simultaneously from
    23  // different goroutines.  (These are different from net.Conn because they
    24  // provide message oriented semantics.)
    25  //
    26  // Pipe is only intended for use by transport implementors, and should
    27  // not be directly used in applications.
    28  type TranPipe interface {
    30  	// Send sends a complete message.  In the event of a partial send,
    31  	// the Pipe will be closed, and an error is returned.  For reasons
    32  	// of efficiency, we allow the message to be sent in a scatter/gather
    33  	// list.
    34  	Send(*Message) error
    36  	// Recv receives a complete message.  In the event that either a
    37  	// complete message could not be received, an error is returned
    38  	// to the caller and the Pipe is closed.
    39  	//
    40  	// To mitigate Denial-of-Service attacks, we limit the max message
    41  	// size to 1M.
    42  	Recv() (*Message, error)
    44  	// Close closes the underlying transport.  Further operations on
    45  	// the Pipe will result in errors.  Note that messages that are
    46  	// queued in transport buffers may still be received by the remote
    47  	// peer.
    48  	Close() error
    50  	// GetOption returns an arbitrary transport specific option on a
    51  	// pipe.  Options for pipes are read-only and specific to that
    52  	// particular connection. If the property doesn't exist, then
    53  	// ErrBadOption should be returned.
    54  	GetOption(string) (interface{}, error)
    55  }
    57  // TranDialer represents the client side of a connection.  Clients initiate
    58  // the connection.
    59  //
    60  // TranDialer is only intended for use by transport implementors, and should
    61  // not be directly used in applications.
    62  type TranDialer interface {
    63  	// Dial is used to initiate a connection to a remote peer.
    64  	Dial() (TranPipe, error)
    66  	// SetOption sets a local option on the dialer.
    67  	// ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
    68  	// ErrBadValue can be returned for incorrect value types.
    69  	SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error
    71  	// GetOption gets a local option from the dialer.
    72  	// ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
    73  	GetOption(name string) (value interface{}, err error)
    74  }
    76  // TranListener represents the server side of a connection.  Servers respond
    77  // to a connection request from clients.
    78  //
    79  // TranListener is only intended for use by transport implementors, and should
    80  // not be directly used in applications.
    81  type TranListener interface {
    83  	// Listen actually begins listening on the interface.  It is
    84  	// called just prior to the Accept() routine normally. It is
    85  	// the socket equivalent of bind()+listen().
    86  	Listen() error
    88  	// Accept completes the server side of a connection.  Once the
    89  	// connection is established and initial handshaking is complete,
    90  	// the resulting connection is returned to the client.
    91  	Accept() (TranPipe, error)
    93  	// Close ceases any listening activity, and will specifically close
    94  	// any underlying file descriptor.  Once this is done, the only way
    95  	// to resume listening is to create a new Server instance.  Presumably
    96  	// this function is only called when the last reference to the server
    97  	// is about to go away.  Established connections are unaffected.
    98  	Close() error
   100  	// SetOption sets a local option on the listener.
   101  	// ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
   102  	// ErrBadValue can be returned for incorrect value types.
   103  	SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error
   105  	// GetOption gets a local option from the listener.
   106  	// ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
   107  	GetOption(name string) (value interface{}, err error)
   109  	// Address gets the local address.  The value may not be meaningful
   110  	// until Listen() has been called.
   111  	Address() string
   112  }
   114  // Transport is the interface for transport suppliers to implement.
   115  type Transport interface {
   116  	// Scheme returns a string used as the prefix for SP "addresses".
   117  	// This is similar to a URI scheme.  For example, schemes can be
   118  	// "tcp" (for "tcp://xxx..."), "ipc", "inproc", etc.
   119  	Scheme() string
   121  	// NewDialer creates a new Dialer for this Transport.
   122  	NewDialer(url string, sock Socket) (TranDialer, error)
   124  	// NewListener creates a new PipeListener for this Transport.
   125  	// This generally also arranges for an OS-level file descriptor to be
   126  	// opened, and bound to the the given address, as well as establishing
   127  	// any "listen" backlog.
   128  	NewListener(url string, sock Socket) (TranListener, error)
   129  }