
     1  // Package system provides methods for working with system data (metrics/users)
     2  package system
     4  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
     5  //                                                                                    //
     6  //                         Copyright (c) 2022 ESSENTIAL KAOS                          //
     7  //      Apache License, Version 2.0 <>     //
     8  //                                                                                    //
     9  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    11  import (
    12  	"bufio"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"strconv"
    15  )
    17  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    19  // OS names
    20  const (
    21  	LINUX_ARCH      = "Arch"
    22  	LINUX_CENTOS    = "CentOS"
    23  	LINUX_DEBIAN    = "Debian"
    24  	LINUX_FEDORA    = "Fedora"
    25  	LINUX_GENTOO    = "Gentoo"
    26  	LINUX_RHEL      = "RHEL"
    27  	LINUX_SUSE      = "SuSe"
    28  	LINUX_OPEN_SUSE = "openSUSE"
    29  	LINUX_UBUNTU    = "Ubuntu"
    30  	DARWIN_OSX      = "OSX"
    31  )
    33  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    35  // LoadAvg contains information about average system load
    36  type LoadAvg struct {
    37  	Min1  float64 `json:"min1"`  // LA in last 1 minute
    38  	Min5  float64 `json:"min5"`  // LA in last 5 minutes
    39  	Min15 float64 `json:"min15"` // LA in last 15 minutes
    40  	RProc int     `json:"rproc"` // Number of currently runnable kernel scheduling entities
    41  	TProc int     `json:"tproc"` // Number of kernel scheduling entities that currently exist on the system
    42  }
    44  // MemUsage contains info about system memory usage
    45  type MemUsage struct {
    46  	MemTotal     uint64 `json:"total"`        // Total usable ram (i.e. physical ram minus a few reserved bits and the kernel binary code)
    47  	MemFree      uint64 `json:"free"`         // The sum of MemFree - (Buffers + Cached)
    48  	MemUsed      uint64 `json:"used"`         // MemTotal - MemFree
    49  	Buffers      uint64 `json:"buffers"`      // Relatively temporary storage for raw disk blocks shouldn't get tremendously large (20MB or so)
    50  	Cached       uint64 `json:"cached"`       // In-memory cache for files read from the disk (the pagecache).  Doesn't include SwapCached
    51  	Active       uint64 `json:"active"`       // Memory that has been used more recently and usually not reclaimed unless absolutely necessary
    52  	Inactive     uint64 `json:"inactive"`     // Memory which has been less recently used.  It is more eligible to be reclaimed for other purposes
    53  	SwapTotal    uint64 `json:"swap_total"`   // Total amount of swap space available
    54  	SwapFree     uint64 `json:"swap_free"`    // Memory which has been evicted from RAM, and is temporarily on the disk still also is in the swapfile
    55  	SwapUsed     uint64 `json:"swap_used"`    // SwapTotal - SwapFree
    56  	SwapCached   uint64 `json:"swap_cached"`  // Memory that once was swapped out, is swapped back in but
    57  	Dirty        uint64 `json:"dirty"`        // Memory which is waiting to get written back to the disk
    58  	Shmem        uint64 `json:"shmem"`        // Total used shared memory
    59  	Slab         uint64 `json:"slab"`         // In-kernel data structures cache
    60  	SReclaimable uint64 `json:"sreclaimable"` // The part of the Slab that might be reclaimed (such as caches)
    61  }
    63  // CPUUsage contains info about CPU usage
    64  type CPUUsage struct {
    65  	User    float64 `json:"user"`    // Normal processes executing in user mode
    66  	System  float64 `json:"system"`  // Processes executing in kernel mode
    67  	Nice    float64 `json:"nice"`    // Niced processes executing in user mode
    68  	Idle    float64 `json:"idle"`    // Twiddling thumbs
    69  	Wait    float64 `json:"wait"`    // Waiting for I/O to complete
    70  	Average float64 `json:"average"` // Average CPU usage
    71  	Count   int     `json:"count"`   // Number of CPU cores
    72  }
    74  // CPUInfo contains info about CPU
    75  type CPUInfo struct {
    76  	Vendor    string    `json:"vendor"`     // Processor vandor name
    77  	Model     string    `json:"model"`      // Common name of the processor
    78  	Cores     int       `json:"cores"`      // Number of cores
    79  	Siblings  int       `json:"siblings"`   // Total number of sibling CPUs on the same physical CPU
    80  	CacheSize uint64    `json:"cache_size"` // Amount of level 2 memory cache available to the processor
    81  	Speed     []float64 `json:"speed"`      // Speed in megahertz for the processor
    82  }
    84  // CPUStats contains basic CPU stats
    85  type CPUStats struct {
    86  	User   uint64 `json:"user"`
    87  	Nice   uint64 `json:"nice"`
    88  	System uint64 `json:"system"`
    89  	Idle   uint64 `json:"idle"`
    90  	Wait   uint64 `json:"wait"`
    91  	IRQ    uint64 `json:"irq"`
    92  	SRQ    uint64 `json:"srq"`
    93  	Steal  uint64 `json:"steal"`
    94  	Total  uint64 `json:"total"`
    95  	Count  int    `json:"count"`
    96  }
    98  // CPUCount contains info about number of CPU
    99  type CPUCount struct {
   100  	Possible uint32 `json:"possible"`
   101  	Present  uint32 `json:"present"`
   102  	Online   uint32 `json:"online"`
   103  	Offline  uint32 `json:"offline"`
   104  }
   106  // FSUsage contains info about FS usage
   107  type FSUsage struct {
   108  	Type    string   `json:"type"`    // FS type (ext4/ntfs/etc...)
   109  	Device  string   `json:"device"`  // Device spec
   110  	Used    uint64   `json:"used"`    // Used space
   111  	Free    uint64   `json:"free"`    // Free space
   112  	Total   uint64   `json:"total"`   // Total space
   113  	IOStats *IOStats `json:"iostats"` // IO statistics
   114  }
   116  // IOStats contains information about I/O
   117  type IOStats struct {
   118  	ReadComplete  uint64 `json:"read_complete"`  // Reads completed successfully
   119  	ReadMerged    uint64 `json:"read_merged"`    // Reads merged
   120  	ReadSectors   uint64 `json:"read_sectors"`   // Sectors read
   121  	ReadMs        uint64 `json:"read_ms"`        // Time spent reading (ms)
   122  	WriteComplete uint64 `json:"write_complete"` // Writes completed
   123  	WriteMerged   uint64 `json:"write_merged"`   // Writes merged
   124  	WriteSectors  uint64 `json:"write_sectors"`  // Sectors written
   125  	WriteMs       uint64 `json:"write_ms"`       // Time spent writing (ms)
   126  	IOPending     uint64 `json:"io_pending"`     // I/Os currently in progress
   127  	IOMs          uint64 `json:"io_ms"`          // Time spent doing I/Os (ms)
   128  	IOQueueMs     uint64 `json:"io_queue_ms"`    // Weighted time spent doing I/Os (ms)
   129  }
   131  // InterfaceStats contains stats about network interfaces usage
   132  type InterfaceStats struct {
   133  	ReceivedBytes      uint64 `json:"received_bytes"`
   134  	ReceivedPackets    uint64 `json:"received_packets"`
   135  	TransmittedBytes   uint64 `json:"transmitted_bytes"`
   136  	TransmittedPackets uint64 `json:"transmitted_packets"`
   137  }
   139  // SystemInfo contains info about a system (hostname, OS, arch...)
   140  type SystemInfo struct {
   141  	Hostname     string `json:"hostname"`     // Hostname
   142  	OS           string `json:"os"`           // OS name
   143  	Distribution string `json:"distribution"` // OS distribution
   144  	Version      string `json:"version"`      // OS version
   145  	Kernel       string `json:"kernel"`       // Kernel version
   146  	Arch         string `json:"arch"`         // System architecture (i386/i686/x86_64/etc...)
   147  	ArchBits     int    `json:"arch_bits"`    // Architecture bits (32/64)
   148  }
   150  // OSInfo contains info about OS
   151  type OSInfo struct {
   152  	Name            string `json:"name"`
   153  	PrettyName      string `json:"pretty_name"`
   154  	Version         string `json:"version"`
   155  	VersionID       string `json:"version_id"`
   156  	VersionCodename string `json:"version_codename"`
   157  	ID              string `json:"id"`
   158  	IDLike          string `json:"id_like"`
   159  	HomeURL         string `json:"home_url"`
   160  	BugReportURL    string `json:"bugreport_url"`
   161  	SupportURL      string `json:"support_url"`
   162  }
   164  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
   166  // getFileScanner opens file and creates scanner for reading text files line by line
   167  func getFileScanner(file string) (*bufio.Scanner, func() error, error) {
   168  	fd, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
   170  	if err != nil {
   171  		return nil, nil, err
   172  	}
   174  	r := bufio.NewReader(fd)
   175  	s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
   177  	return s, fd.Close, nil
   178  }
   180  // parseSize parse size in kB
   181  func parseSize(v string) (uint64, error) {
   182  	size, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, 64)
   184  	if err != nil {
   185  		return 0, err
   186  	}
   188  	return size * 1024, nil
   189  }