
     1  package process
     3  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
     4  //                                                                                    //
     5  //                         Copyright (c) 2022 ESSENTIAL KAOS                          //
     6  //      Apache License, Version 2.0 <>     //
     7  //                                                                                    //
     8  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    10  import (
    11  	"time"
    12  )
    14  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    16  // ❗ Process state flags
    17  const (
    18  	STATE_RUNNING   = "R"
    19  	STATE_SLEEPING  = "S"
    20  	STATE_DISK_WAIT = "D"
    21  	STATE_ZOMBIE    = "Z"
    22  	STATE_STOPPED   = "T"
    23  	STATE_DEAD      = "X"
    24  	STATE_WAKEKILL  = "K"
    25  	STATE_WAKING    = "W"
    26  	STATE_PARKED    = "P"
    27  )
    29  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    31  // ❗ ProcSample contains value for usage calculation
    32  type ProcSample uint
    34  // ❗ ProcInfo contains partial info from /proc/[PID]/stat
    35  type ProcInfo struct {
    36  	PID        int    `json:"pid"`         // ❗ The process ID
    37  	Comm       string `json:"comm"`        // ❗ The filename of the executable, in parentheses
    38  	State      string `json:"state"`       // ❗ Process state
    39  	PPID       int    `json:"ppid"`        // ❗ The PID of the parent of this process
    40  	Session    int    `json:"session"`     // ❗ The session ID of the process
    41  	TTYNR      int    `json:"tty_nr"`      // ❗ The controlling terminal of the process
    42  	TPGid      int    `json:"tpgid"`       // ❗ The ID of the foreground process group of the controlling terminal of the process
    43  	UTime      uint64 `json:"utime"`       // ❗ Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks
    44  	STime      uint64 `json:"stime"`       // ❗ Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in kernel mode, measured in clock ticks
    45  	CUTime     uint64 `json:"cutime"`      // ❗ Amount of time that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks
    46  	CSTime     uint64 `json:"cstime"`      // ❗ Amount of time that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in kernel mode, measured in clock ticks
    47  	Priority   int    `json:"priority"`    // ❗ Priority
    48  	Nice       int    `json:"nice"`        // ❗ The nice value
    49  	NumThreads int    `json:"num_threads"` // ❗ Number of threads in this process
    50  }
    52  // ❗ MemInfo contains process memory usage stats
    53  type MemInfo struct {
    54  	VmPeak uint64 `json:"peak"` // ❗ Peak virtual memory size
    55  	VmSize uint64 `json:"size"` // ❗ Virtual memory size
    56  	VmLck  uint64 `json:"lck"`  // ❗ Locked memory size
    57  	VmPin  uint64 `json:"pin"`  // ❗ Pinned memory size (since Linux 3.2)
    58  	VmHWM  uint64 `json:"hwm"`  // ❗ Peak resident set size ("high water mark")
    59  	VmRSS  uint64 `json:"rss"`  // ❗ Resident set size
    60  	VmData uint64 `json:"data"` // ❗ Size of data
    61  	VmStk  uint64 `json:"stk"`  // ❗ Size of stack
    62  	VmExe  uint64 `json:"exe"`  // ❗ Size of text segments
    63  	VmLib  uint64 `json:"lib"`  // ❗ Shared library code size
    64  	VmPTE  uint64 `json:"pte"`  // ❗ Page table entries size (since Linux 2.6.10)
    65  	VmSwap uint64 `json:"swap"` // ❗ Swap size
    66  }
    68  // ❗ MountInfo contains information about mounts
    69  //
    70  type MountInfo struct {
    71  	MountID        uint16   `json:"mount_id"`        // ❗ Unique identifier of the mount (may be reused after umount)
    72  	ParentID       uint16   `json:"parent_id"`       // ❗ ID of parent (or of self for the top of the mount tree)
    73  	StDevMajor     uint16   `json:"stdev_major"`     // ❗ Major value of st_dev for files on filesystem
    74  	StDevMinor     uint16   `json:"stdev_minor"`     // ❗ Minor value of st_dev for files on filesystem
    75  	Root           string   `json:"root"`            // ❗ Root of the mount within the filesystem
    76  	MountPoint     string   `json:"mount_point"`     // ❗ Mount point relative to the process's root
    77  	MountOptions   []string `json:"mount_options"`   // ❗ Per mount options
    78  	OptionalFields []string `json:"optional_fields"` // ❗ Zero or more fields of the form "tag[:value]"
    79  	FSType         string   `json:"fs_type"`         // ❗ Name of filesystem of the form "type[.subtype]"
    80  	MountSource    string   `json:"mount_source"`    // ❗ Filesystem specific information or "none"
    81  	SuperOptions   []string `json:"super_options"`   // ❗ Per super block options
    82  }
    84  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    86  // ❗ ToSample converts ProcInfo to ProcSample for CPU usage calculation
    87  func (pi *ProcInfo) ToSample() ProcSample {
    88  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
    89  	return 0
    90  }
    92  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    94  // ❗ GetInfo returns process info from procfs
    95  func GetInfo(pid int) (*ProcInfo, error) {
    96  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
    97  	return nil, nil
    98  }
   100  // ❗ GetSample returns ProcSample for CPU usage calculation
   101  func GetSample(pid int) (ProcSample, error) {
   102  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   103  	return 0, nil
   104  }
   106  // ❗ CalculateCPUUsage calculate CPU usage
   107  func CalculateCPUUsage(s1, s2 ProcSample, duration time.Duration) float64 {
   108  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   109  	return 0.0
   110  }
   112  // ❗ GetMemInfo returns info about process memory usage
   113  func GetMemInfo(pid int) (*MemInfo, error) {
   114  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   115  	return nil, nil
   116  }
   118  // ❗ GetMountInfo returns info about process mounts
   119  func GetMountInfo(pid int) ([]*MountInfo, error) {
   120  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   121  	return nil, nil
   122  }
   124  // ❗ GetCPUPriority returns process CPU scheduling priority (PR, NI, error)
   125  func GetCPUPriority(pid int) (int, int, error) {
   126  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   127  	return 0, 0, nil
   128  }
   130  // ❗ SetCPUPriority sets process CPU scheduling priority
   131  func SetCPUPriority(pid, niceness int) error {
   132  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   133  	return nil
   134  }
   136  // ❗ GetIOPriority returns process IO scheduling priority (class, classdata, error)
   137  func GetIOPriority(pid int) (int, int, error) {
   138  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   139  	return 0, 0, nil
   140  }
   142  // ❗ SetIOPriority sets process IO scheduling priority
   143  func SetIOPriority(pid, class, classdata int) error {
   144  	panic("UNSUPPORTED")
   145  	return nil
   146  }