
     1  <p align="center"><a href="#readme"><img src=""/></a></p>
     3  <p align="center">
     4    <a href=""><img src="" alt="PkgGoDev"></a>
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     9    <a href="#license"><img src="" /></a>
    10  </p>
    12  <p align="center"><a href="#platform-support">Platform support</a> • <a href="#installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#sub-packages">Sub-packages</a> • <a href="#projects-with-ek">Projects with EK</a> • <a href="#build-status">Build Status</a> • <a href="#contributing">Contributing</a> • <a href="#license">License</a></p>
    14  <br/>
    16  Auxiliary packages for Go.
    18  ### Platform support
    20  Currently we support Linux and macOS (except `system` package). Some packages have stubs for Windows (_for autocomplete_).
    22  ### Installation
    24  Make sure you have a working Go 1.16+ workspace (_[instructions](, then:
    26  ```
    27  go get
    28  ```
    30  If you want to update `EK` to latest stable release, do:
    32  ```
    33  go get -u
    34  ```
    36  ### Sub-packages
    38  * [`ansi`]( - Package provides methods for working with ANSI/VT100 control sequences
    39  * [`cache`]( - Package provides a simple in-memory key:value cache
    40  * [`color`]( - Package provides methods for working with colors
    41  * [`cron`]( - Package provides methods for working with cron expressions
    42  * [`csv`]( - Package with simple (without any checks) CSV parser compatible with default Go parser
    43  * [`easing`]( - Package with easing functions (Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Linear, Quad, Quint, Sine)
    44  * [`emoji`]( - Package provides methods for working with emojis
    45  * [`env`]( - Package provides methods for working with environment variables
    46  * [`errutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with errors
    47  * [`events`]( - Package provides methods and structs for creating event-driven systems
    48  * [`directio`]( - Package provides methods for reading/writing files with direct io
    49  * [`fmtc`]( - Package provides methods similar to fmt for colored output
    50  * [`fmtc/lscolors`]( - Package provides methods for colorizing file names based on colors from dircolors
    51  * [`fmtutil`]( - Package provides methods for output formatting
    52  * [`fmtutil/table`]( - Package contains methods and structs for rendering data in tabular format
    53  * [`fsutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with files on POSIX compatible systems (BSD/Linux/macOS)
    54  * [`hash`]( - Package hash contains different hash algorithms and utilities
    55  * [`httputil`]( - Package provides methods for working with HTTP request/responses
    56  * [`initsystem`]( - Package provides methods for working with different init systems (sysv, upstart, systemd)
    57  * [`jsonutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with JSON data
    58  * [`knf`]( - Package provides methods for working with configuration files in [KNF format](
    59  * [`log`]( - Package with an improved logger
    60  * [`mathutil`]( - Package provides some additional math methods
    61  * [`netutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with network
    62  * [`options`]( - Package provides methods for working with command-line options
    63  * [`passwd`]( - Package contains methods for working with passwords
    64  * [`path`]( - Package for working with paths (fully compatible with base path package)
    65  * [`pid`]( - Package for working with PID files
    66  * [`pluralize`]( - Package provides methods for pluralization
    67  * [`progress`]( - Package provides methods and structs for creating terminal progress bar
    68  * [`rand`]( - Package for generating random data
    69  * [`req`]( - Package simplify working with an HTTP requests
    70  * [`secstr`]( - Package provides methods and structs for working with protected (secure) strings
    71  * [`signal`]( - Package provides methods for handling POSIX signals
    72  * [`sliceutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with slices
    73  * [`sortutil`]( - Package provides methods for sorting slices
    74  * [`spellcheck`]( - Package provides spellcheck based on Damerau–Levenshtein distance algorithm
    75  * [`spinner`]( - Package provides methods for creating spinner animation for long-running tasks
    76  * [`strutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with strings
    77  * [`system/exec`]( - Package provides methods for executing commands
    78  * [`system/process`]( - Package provides methods for gathering information about active processes
    79  * [`system/procname`]( - Package provides methods for changing process name in the process tree
    80  * [`system/sensors`]( - Package provide methods for collecting sensors information
    81  * [`system`]( - Package provides methods for working with system data (metrics/users)
    82  * [`terminal`]( - Package provides methods for working with user input
    83  * [`terminal/window`]( - Package provides methods for working terminal window
    84  * [`timeutil`]( - Package provides methods for working with time and date
    85  * [`tmp`]( - Package provides methods for working with temporary data
    86  * [`usage`]( - Package usage provides methods and structs for generating usage info for command-line tools
    87  * [`usage/update`]( - Package contains update checkers for different services
    88  * [`usage/completion/bash`]( - Package provides methods for generating bash completion
    89  * [`usage/completion/fish`]( - Package provides methods for generating fish completion
    90  * [`usage/completion/zsh`]( - Package provides methods for generating zsh completion
    91  * [`uuid`]( - Package provides methods for generating version 4 and 5 UUID's
    92  * [`version`]( - Package version provides methods for working with semver version info
    94  ### Projects with `EK`
    96  * [aligo]( - Utility for checking and viewing Golang struct alignment info
    97  * [Bastion]( - Utility for temporary disabling access to server
    98  * [bibop]( - Utility for testing command-line tools
    99  * [bop]( - Utility for generating bibop tests for RPM packages
   100  * [Deadline]( - Simple utility for controlling application working time
   101  * [fz]( - Simple tool for formatting `go-fuzz` output
   102  * [GoHeft]( - Utility for listing sizes of all used static libraries compiled into golang binary
   103  * [GoMakeGen]( - Utility for generating makefiles for golang applications
   104  * [icecli]( - Command-line tools for Icecast
   105  * [IMC]( - Simple terminal dashboard for Icecast
   106  * [init-exporter]( - Utility for exporting services described by Procfile to init system
   107  * [jira-reindex-runner]( - Application for periodical running Jira re-index process
   108  * [knf]( - Simple utility for reading values from KNF files
   109  * [MDToc]( - Utility for generating table of contents for markdown files
   110  * [Mockka]( - Mockka is a simple utility for mocking HTTP API's
   111  * [perfecto]( - Tool for checking perfectly written RPM specs
   112  * [ Morpher]( - Part of []( service (_provides versioned URLs for Go_)
   113  * [RBInstall]( - Utility for installing prebuilt ruby to RBEnv
   114  * [Redis CLI Monitor]( - Tiny redis client for renamed MONITOR commands
   115  * [Redis Latency Monitor]( - Tiny Redis client for latency measurement
   116  * [Redis Monitor Top]( - Tiny Redis client for aggregating stats from MONITOR flow
   117  * [rsz]( - Simple utility for image resizing
   118  * [scratch]( - Simple utility for generating blank files for Go apps, utilities and packages
   119  * [SHDoc]( - Tool for viewing and exporting docs for shell scripts
   120  * [Sonar]( - Utility for showing user Slack status in Atlassian Jira
   121  * [SourceIndex]( - Utility for generating an index for source archives
   122  * [SSLScan Client]( - Pretty awesome command-line client for public SSLLabs API
   123  * [swptop]( - Simple utility for viewing swap consumption of processes
   124  * [uc]( - Simple utility for counting unique lines
   125  * [updown-badge-server]( - Service for generating badges for checks
   126  * [Yo]( - Command-line YAML processor
   128  ### Build Status
   130  | Branch | Status |
   131  |--------|----------|
   132  | `master` | [![CI](]( |
   133  | `develop` | [![CI](]( |
   135  ### Contributing
   137  Before contributing to this project please read our [Contributing Guidelines](
   139  ### License
   141  [Apache License, Version 2.0](
   143  <p align="center"><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p>