
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Writing Web Applications",
     3  	"Template": true
     4  }-->
     6  <h2>Introduction</h2>
     8  <p>
     9  Covered in this tutorial:
    10  </p>
    11  <ul>
    12  <li>Creating a data structure with load and save methods</li>
    13  <li>Using the <code>net/http</code> package to build web applications
    14  <li>Using the <code>html/template</code> package to process HTML templates</li>
    15  <li>Using the <code>regexp</code> package to validate user input</li>
    16  <li>Using closures</li>
    17  </ul>
    19  <p>
    20  Assumed knowledge:
    21  </p>
    22  <ul>
    23  <li>Programming experience</li>
    24  <li>Understanding of basic web technologies (HTTP, HTML)</li>
    25  <li>Some UNIX/DOS command-line knowledge</li>
    26  </ul>
    28  <h2>Getting Started</h2>
    30  <p>
    31  At present, you need to have a FreeBSD, Linux, OS X, or Windows machine to run Go.
    32  We will use <code>$</code> to represent the command prompt.
    33  </p>
    35  <p>
    36  Install Go (see the <a href="/doc/install">Installation Instructions</a>).
    37  </p>
    39  <p>
    40  Make a new directory for this tutorial inside your <code>GOPATH</code> and cd to it:
    41  </p>
    43  <pre>
    44  $ mkdir gowiki
    45  $ cd gowiki
    46  </pre>
    48  <p>
    49  Create a file named <code>wiki.go</code>, open it in your favorite editor, and
    50  add the following lines:
    51  </p>
    53  <pre>
    54  package main
    56  import (
    57  	"fmt"
    58  	"io/ioutil"
    59  )
    60  </pre>
    62  <p>
    63  We import the <code>fmt</code> and <code>ioutil</code> packages from the Go
    64  standard library. Later, as we implement additional functionality, we will
    65  add more packages to this <code>import</code> declaration.
    66  </p>
    68  <h2>Data Structures</h2>
    70  <p>
    71  Let's start by defining the data structures. A wiki consists of a series of
    72  interconnected pages, each of which has a title and a body (the page content).
    73  Here, we define <code>Page</code> as a struct with two fields representing
    74  the title and body.
    75  </p>
    77  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^type Page/` `/}/`}}
    79  <p>
    80  The type <code>[]byte</code> means "a <code>byte</code> slice".
    81  (See <a href="/doc/articles/slices_usage_and_internals.html">Slices: usage and
    82  internals</a> for more on slices.)
    83  The <code>Body</code> element is a <code>[]byte</code> rather than
    84  <code>string</code> because that is the type expected by the <code>io</code>
    85  libraries we will use, as you'll see below.
    86  </p>
    88  <p>
    89  The <code>Page</code> struct describes how page data will be stored in memory.
    90  But what about persistent storage? We can address that by creating a
    91  <code>save</code> method on <code>Page</code>:
    92  </p>
    94  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^func.*Page.*save/` `/}/`}}
    96  <p>
    97  This method's signature reads: "This is a method named <code>save</code> that
    98  takes as its receiver <code>p</code>, a pointer to <code>Page</code> . It takes
    99  no parameters, and returns a value of type <code>error</code>."
   100  </p>
   102  <p>
   103  This method will save the <code>Page</code>'s <code>Body</code> to a text
   104  file. For simplicity, we will use the <code>Title</code> as the file name.
   105  </p>
   107  <p>
   108  The <code>save</code> method returns an <code>error</code> value because
   109  that is the return type of <code>WriteFile</code> (a standard library function
   110  that writes a byte slice to a file).  The <code>save</code> method returns the
   111  error value, to let the application handle it should anything go wrong while
   112  writing the file.  If all goes well, <code></code> will return
   113  <code>nil</code> (the zero-value for pointers, interfaces, and some other
   114  types).
   115  </p>
   117  <p>
   118  The octal integer literal <code>0600</code>, passed as the third parameter to
   119  <code>WriteFile</code>, indicates that the file should be created with
   120  read-write permissions for the current user only. (See the Unix man page
   121  <code>open(2)</code> for details.)
   122  </p>
   124  <p>
   125  In addition to saving pages, we will want to load pages, too:
   126  </p>
   128  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1-noerror.go" `/^func loadPage/` `/^}/`}}
   130  <p>
   131  The function <code>loadPage</code> constructs the file name from the title
   132  parameter, reads the file's contents into a new variable <code>body</code>, and
   133  returns a pointer to a <code>Page</code> literal constructed with the proper
   134  title and body values.
   135  </p>
   137  <p>
   138  Functions can return multiple values. The standard library function
   139  <code>io.ReadFile</code> returns <code>[]byte</code> and <code>error</code>.
   140  In <code>loadPage</code>, error isn't being handled yet; the "blank identifier"
   141  represented by the underscore (<code>_</code>) symbol is used to throw away the
   142  error return value (in essence, assigning the value to nothing).
   143  </p>
   145  <p>
   146  But what happens if <code>ReadFile</code> encounters an error?  For example,
   147  the file might not exist. We should not ignore such errors.  Let's modify the
   148  function to return <code>*Page</code> and <code>error</code>.
   149  </p>
   151  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^func loadPage/` `/^}/`}}
   153  <p>
   154  Callers of this function can now check the second parameter; if it is
   155  <code>nil</code> then it has successfully loaded a Page. If not, it will be an
   156  <code>error</code> that can be handled by the caller (see the
   157  <a href="/ref/spec#Errors">language specification</a> for details).
   158  </p>
   160  <p>
   161  At this point we have a simple data structure and the ability to save to and
   162  load from a file. Let's write a <code>main</code> function to test what we've
   163  written:
   164  </p>
   166  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^func main/` `/^}/`}}
   168  <p>
   169  After compiling and executing this code, a file named <code>TestPage.txt</code>
   170  would be created, containing the contents of <code>p1</code>. The file would
   171  then be read into the struct <code>p2</code>, and its <code>Body</code> element
   172  printed to the screen.
   173  </p>
   175  <p>
   176  You can compile and run the program like this:
   177  </p>
   179  <pre>
   180  $ go build wiki.go
   181  $ ./wiki
   182  This is a sample page.
   183  </pre>
   185  <p>
   186  (If you're using Windows you must type "<code>wiki</code>" without the
   187  "<code>./</code>" to run the program.)
   188  </p>
   190  <p>
   191  <a href="part1.go">Click here to view the code we've written so far.</a>
   192  </p>
   194  <h2>Introducing the <code>net/http</code> package (an interlude)</h2>
   196  <p>
   197  Here's a full working example of a simple web server:
   198  </p>
   200  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/http-sample.go"}}
   202  <p>
   203  The <code>main</code> function begins with a call to
   204  <code>http.HandleFunc</code>, which tells the <code>http</code> package to
   205  handle all requests to the web root (<code>"/"</code>) with
   206  <code>handler</code>.
   207  </p>
   209  <p>
   210  It then calls <code>http.ListenAndServe</code>, specifying that it should
   211  listen on port 8080 on any interface (<code>":8080"</code>). (Don't
   212  worry about its second parameter, <code>nil</code>, for now.)
   213  This function will block until the program is terminated.
   214  </p>
   216  <p>
   217  The function <code>handler</code> is of the type <code>http.HandlerFunc</code>.
   218  It takes an <code>http.ResponseWriter</code> and an <code>http.Request</code> as
   219  its arguments.
   220  </p>
   222  <p>
   223  An <code>http.ResponseWriter</code> value assembles the HTTP server's response; by writing
   224  to it, we send data to the HTTP client.
   225  </p>
   227  <p>
   228  An <code>http.Request</code> is a data structure that represents the client
   229  HTTP request. <code>r.URL.Path</code> is the path component
   230  of the request URL. The trailing <code>[1:]</code> means
   231  "create a sub-slice of <code>Path</code> from the 1st character to the end."
   232  This drops the leading "/" from the path name.
   233  </p>
   235  <p>
   236  If you run this program and access the URL:
   237  </p>
   238  <pre>http://localhost:8080/monkeys</pre>
   239  <p>
   240  the program would present a page containing:
   241  </p>
   242  <pre>Hi there, I love monkeys!</pre>
   244  <h2>Using <code>net/http</code> to serve wiki pages</h2>
   246  <p>
   247  To use the <code>net/http</code> package, it must be imported:
   248  </p>
   250  <pre>
   251  import (
   252  	"fmt"
   253  	"io/ioutil"
   254  	<b>"net/http"</b>
   255  )
   256  </pre>
   258  <p>
   259  Let's create a handler, <code>viewHandler</code> that will allow users to
   260  view a wiki page. It will handle URLs prefixed with "/view/".
   261  </p>
   263  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part2.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   265  <p>
   266  First, this function extracts the page title from <code>r.URL.Path</code>,
   267  the path component of the request URL.
   268  The <code>Path</code> is re-sliced with <code>[len("/view/"):]</code> to drop
   269  the leading <code>"/view/"</code> component of the request path.
   270  This is because the path will invariably begin with <code>"/view/"</code>,
   271  which is not part of the page's title.
   272  </p>
   274  <p>
   275  The function then loads the page data, formats the page with a string of simple
   276  HTML, and writes it to <code>w</code>, the <code>http.ResponseWriter</code>.
   277  </p>
   279  <p>
   280  Again, note the use of <code>_</code> to ignore the <code>error</code>
   281  return value from <code>loadPage</code>. This is done here for simplicity
   282  and generally considered bad practice. We will attend to this later.
   283  </p>
   285  <p>
   286  To use this handler, we rewrite our <code>main</code> function to
   287  initialize <code>http</code> using the <code>viewHandler</code> to handle
   288  any requests under the path <code>/view/</code>.
   289  </p>
   291  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part2.go" `/^func main/` `/^}/`}}
   293  <p>
   294  <a href="part2.go">Click here to view the code we've written so far.</a>
   295  </p>
   297  <p>
   298  Let's create some page data (as <code>test.txt</code>), compile our code, and
   299  try serving a wiki page.
   300  </p>
   302  <p>
   303  Open <code>test.txt</code> file in your editor, and save the string "Hello world" (without quotes)
   304  in it.
   305  </p>
   307  <pre>
   308  $ go build wiki.go
   309  $ ./wiki
   310  </pre>
   312  <p>
   313  (If you're using Windows you must type "<code>wiki</code>" without the
   314  "<code>./</code>" to run the program.)
   315  </p>
   317  <p>
   318  With this web server running, a visit to <code><a
   319  href="http://localhost:8080/view/test">http://localhost:8080/view/test</a></code>
   320  should show a page titled "test" containing the words "Hello world".
   321  </p>
   323  <h2>Editing Pages</h2>
   325  <p>
   326  A wiki is not a wiki without the ability to edit pages. Let's create two new
   327  handlers: one named <code>editHandler</code> to display an 'edit page' form,
   328  and the other named <code>saveHandler</code> to save the data entered via the
   329  form.
   330  </p>
   332  <p>
   333  First, we add them to <code>main()</code>:
   334  </p>
   336  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func main/` `/^}/`}}
   338  <p>
   339  The function <code>editHandler</code> loads the page
   340  (or, if it doesn't exist, create an empty <code>Page</code> struct),
   341  and displays an HTML form.
   342  </p>
   344  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/notemplate.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   346  <p>
   347  This function will work fine, but all that hard-coded HTML is ugly.
   348  Of course, there is a better way.
   349  </p>
   351  <h2>The <code>html/template</code> package</h2>
   353  <p>
   354  The <code>html/template</code> package is part of the Go standard library.
   355  We can use <code>html/template</code> to keep the HTML in a separate file,
   356  allowing us to change the layout of our edit page without modifying the
   357  underlying Go code.
   358  </p>
   360  <p>
   361  First, we must add <code>html/template</code> to the list of imports. We
   362  also won't be using <code>fmt</code> anymore, so we have to remove that.
   363  </p>
   365  <pre>
   366  import (
   367  	<b>"html/template"</b>
   368  	"io/ioutil"
   369  	"net/http"
   370  )
   371  </pre>
   373  <p>
   374  Let's create a template file containing the HTML form.
   375  Open a new file named <code>edit.html</code>, and add the following lines:
   376  </p>
   378  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/edit.html"}}
   380  <p>
   381  Modify <code>editHandler</code> to use the template, instead of the hard-coded
   382  HTML:
   383  </p>
   385  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noerror.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   387  <p>
   388  The function <code>template.ParseFiles</code> will read the contents of
   389  <code>edit.html</code> and return a <code>*template.Template</code>.
   390  </p>
   392  <p>
   393  The method <code>t.Execute</code> executes the template, writing the
   394  generated HTML to the <code>http.ResponseWriter</code>.
   395  The <code>.Title</code> and <code>.Body</code> dotted identifiers refer to
   396  <code>p.Title</code> and <code>p.Body</code>.
   397  </p>
   399  <p>
   400  Template directives are enclosed in double curly braces.
   401  The <code>printf "%s" .Body</code> instruction is a function call
   402  that outputs <code>.Body</code> as a string instead of a stream of bytes,
   403  the same as a call to <code>fmt.Printf</code>.
   404  The <code>html/template</code> package helps guarantee that only safe and
   405  correct-looking HTML is generated by template actions. For instance, it
   406  automatically escapes any greater than sign (<code>&gt;</code>), replacing it
   407  with <code>&amp;gt;</code>, to make sure user data does not corrupt the form
   408  HTML.
   409  </p>
   411  <p>
   412  Since we're working with templates now, let's create a template for our
   413  <code>viewHandler</code> called <code>view.html</code>:
   414  </p>
   416  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/view.html"}}
   418  <p>
   419  Modify <code>viewHandler</code> accordingly:
   420  </p>
   422  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noerror.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   424  <p>
   425  Notice that we've used almost exactly the same templating code in both
   426  handlers. Let's remove this duplication by moving the templating code
   427  to its own function:
   428  </p>
   430  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func renderTemplate/` `/^}/`}}
   432  <p>
   433  And modify the handlers to use that function:
   434  </p>
   436  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   437  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   439  <p>
   440  If we comment out the registration of our unimplemented save handler in
   441  <code>main</code>, we can once again build and test our program.
   442  <a href="part3.go">Click here to view the code we've written so far.</a>
   443  </p>
   445  <h2>Handling non-existent pages</h2>
   447  <p>
   448  What if you visit <a href="http://localhost:8080/view/APageThatDoesntExist">
   449  <code>/view/APageThatDoesntExist</code></a>? You'll see a page containing
   450  HTML. This is because it ignores the error return value from
   451  <code>loadPage</code> and continues to try and fill out the template
   452  with no data. Instead, if the requested Page doesn't exist, it should
   453  redirect the client to the edit Page so the content may be created:
   454  </p>
   456  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part3-errorhandling.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   458  <p>
   459  The <code>http.Redirect</code> function adds an HTTP status code of
   460  <code>http.StatusFound</code> (302) and a <code>Location</code>
   461  header to the HTTP response.
   462  </p>
   464  <h2>Saving Pages</h2>
   466  <p>
   467  The function <code>saveHandler</code> will handle the submission of forms
   468  located on the edit pages. After uncommenting the related line in
   469  <code>main</code>, let's implement the handler:
   470  </p>
   472  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   474  <p>
   475  The page title (provided in the URL) and the form's only field,
   476  <code>Body</code>, are stored in a new <code>Page</code>.
   477  The <code>save()</code> method is then called to write the data to a file,
   478  and the client is redirected to the <code>/view/</code> page.
   479  </p>
   481  <p>
   482  The value returned by <code>FormValue</code> is of type <code>string</code>.
   483  We must convert that value to <code>[]byte</code> before it will fit into
   484  the <code>Page</code> struct. We use <code>[]byte(body)</code> to perform
   485  the conversion.
   486  </p>
   488  <h2>Error handling</h2>
   490  <p>
   491  There are several places in our program where errors are being ignored.  This
   492  is bad practice, not least because when an error does occur the program will
   493  have unintended behavior. A better solution is to handle the errors and return
   494  an error message to the user. That way if something does go wrong, the server
   495  will function exactly how we want and the user can be notified.
   496  </p>
   498  <p>
   499  First, let's handle the errors in <code>renderTemplate</code>:
   500  </p>
   502  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-parsetemplate.go" `/^func renderTemplate/` `/^}/`}}
   504  <p>
   505  The <code>http.Error</code> function sends a specified HTTP response code
   506  (in this case "Internal Server Error") and error message.
   507  Already the decision to put this in a separate function is paying off.
   508  </p>
   510  <p>
   511  Now let's fix up <code>saveHandler</code>:
   512  </p>
   514  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/part3-errorhandling.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   516  <p>
   517  Any errors that occur during <code></code> will be reported
   518  to the user.
   519  </p>
   521  <h2>Template caching</h2>
   523  <p>
   524  There is an inefficiency in this code: <code>renderTemplate</code> calls
   525  <code>ParseFiles</code> every time a page is rendered.
   526  A better approach would be to call <code>ParseFiles</code> once at program
   527  initialization, parsing all templates into a single <code>*Template</code>.
   528  Then we can use the
   529  <a href="/pkg/html/template/#Template.ExecuteTemplate"><code>ExecuteTemplate</code></a>
   530  method to render a specific template.
   531  </p>
   533  <p>
   534  First we create a global variable named <code>templates</code>, and initialize
   535  it with <code>ParseFiles</code>.
   536  </p>
   538  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/var templates/`}}
   540  <p>
   541  The function <code>template.Must</code> is a convenience wrapper that panics
   542  when passed a non-nil <code>error</code> value, and otherwise returns the
   543  <code>*Template</code> unaltered. A panic is appropriate here; if the templates
   544  can't be loaded the only sensible thing to do is exit the program.
   545  </p>
   547  <p>
   548  The <code>ParseFiles</code> function takes any number of string arguments that
   549  identify our template files, and parses those files into templates that are
   550  named after the base file name. If we were to add more templates to our
   551  program, we would add their names to the <code>ParseFiles</code> call's
   552  arguments.
   553  </p>
   555  <p>
   556  We then modify the <code>renderTemplate</code> function to call the
   557  <code>templates.ExecuteTemplate</code> method with the name of the appropriate
   558  template:
   559  </p>
   561  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/func renderTemplate/` `/^}/`}}
   563  <p>
   564  Note that the template name is the template file name, so we must
   565  append <code>".html"</code> to the <code>tmpl</code> argument.
   566  </p>
   568  <h2>Validation</h2>
   570  <p>
   571  As you may have observed, this program has a serious security flaw: a user
   572  can supply an arbitrary path to be read/written on the server. To mitigate
   573  this, we can write a function to validate the title with a regular expression.
   574  </p>
   576  <p>
   577  First, add <code>"regexp"</code> to the <code>import</code> list.
   578  Then we can create a global variable to store our validation 
   579  expression:
   580  </p>
   582  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^var validPath/`}}
   584  <p>
   585  The function <code>regexp.MustCompile</code> will parse and compile the
   586  regular expression, and return a <code>regexp.Regexp</code>.
   587  <code>MustCompile</code> is distinct from <code>Compile</code> in that it will
   588  panic if the expression compilation fails, while <code>Compile</code> returns
   589  an <code>error</code> as a second parameter.
   590  </p>
   592  <p>
   593  Now, let's write a function that uses the <code>validPath</code>
   594  expression to validate path and extract the page title:
   595  </p>
   597  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/func getTitle/` `/^}/`}}
   599  <p>
   600  If the title is valid, it will be returned along with a <code>nil</code>
   601  error value. If the title is invalid, the function will write a
   602  "404 Not Found" error to the HTTP connection, and return an error to the
   603  handler. To create a new error, we have to import the <code>errors</code>
   604  package.
   605  </p>
   607  <p>
   608  Let's put a call to <code>getTitle</code> in each of the handlers:
   609  </p>
   611  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   612  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   613  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   615  <h2>Introducing Function Literals and Closures</h2>
   617  <p>
   618  Catching the error condition in each handler introduces a lot of repeated code.
   619  What if we could wrap each of the handlers in a function that does this
   620  validation and error checking? Go's
   621  <a href="/ref/spec#Function_literals">function
   622  literals</a> provide a powerful means of abstracting functionality
   623  that can help us here.
   624  </p>
   626  <p>
   627  First, we re-write the function definition of each of the handlers to accept
   628  a title string:
   629  </p>
   631  <pre>
   632  func viewHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string)
   633  func editHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string)
   634  func saveHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string)
   635  </pre>
   637  <p>
   638  Now let's define a wrapper function that <i>takes a function of the above
   639  type</i>, and returns a function of type <code>http.HandlerFunc</code>
   640  (suitable to be passed to the function <code>http.HandleFunc</code>):
   641  </p>
   643  <pre>
   644  func makeHandler(fn func (http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, string)) http.HandlerFunc {
   645  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   646  		// Here we will extract the page title from the Request,
   647  		// and call the provided handler 'fn'
   648  	}
   649  }
   650  </pre>
   652  <p>
   653  The returned function is called a closure because it encloses values defined
   654  outside of it. In this case, the variable <code>fn</code> (the single argument
   655  to <code>makeHandler</code>) is enclosed by the closure. The variable
   656  <code>fn</code> will be one of our save, edit, or view handlers.
   657  </p>
   659  <p>
   660  Now we can take the code from <code>getTitle</code> and use it here
   661  (with some minor modifications):
   662  </p>
   664  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/func makeHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   666  <p>
   667  The closure returned by <code>makeHandler</code> is a function that takes
   668  an <code>http.ResponseWriter</code> and <code>http.Request</code> (in other
   669  words, an <code>http.HandlerFunc</code>).
   670  The closure extracts the <code>title</code> from the request path, and
   671  validates it with the <code>TitleValidator</code> regexp. If the
   672  <code>title</code> is invalid, an error will be written to the
   673  <code>ResponseWriter</code> using the <code>http.NotFound</code> function.
   674  If the <code>title</code> is valid, the enclosed handler function
   675  <code>fn</code> will be called with the <code>ResponseWriter</code>,
   676  <code>Request</code>, and <code>title</code> as arguments.
   677  </p>
   679  <p>
   680  Now we can wrap the handler functions with <code>makeHandler</code> in
   681  <code>main</code>, before they are registered with the <code>http</code>
   682  package:
   683  </p>
   685  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/func main/` `/^}/`}}
   687  <p>
   688  Finally we remove the calls to <code>getTitle</code> from the handler functions,
   689  making them much simpler:
   690  </p>
   692  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   693  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   694  {{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
   696  <h2>Try it out!</h2>
   698  <p>
   699  <a href="final.go">Click here to view the final code listing.</a>
   700  </p>
   702  <p>
   703  Recompile the code, and run the app:
   704  </p>
   706  <pre>
   707  $ go build wiki.go
   708  $ ./wiki
   709  </pre>
   711  <p>
   712  Visiting <a href="http://localhost:8080/view/ANewPage">http://localhost:8080/view/ANewPage</a>
   713  should present you with the page edit form. You should then be able to
   714  enter some text, click 'Save', and be redirected to the newly created page.
   715  </p>
   717  <h2>Other tasks</h2>
   719  <p>
   720  Here are some simple tasks you might want to tackle on your own:
   721  </p>
   723  <ul>
   724  <li>Store templates in <code>tmpl/</code> and page data in <code>data/</code>.
   725  <li>Add a handler to make the web root redirect to
   726  	<code>/view/FrontPage</code>.</li>
   727  <li>Spruce up the page templates by making them valid HTML and adding some
   728  	CSS rules.</li>
   729  <li>Implement inter-page linking by converting instances of
   730  	<code>[PageName]</code> to <br>
   731  	<code>&lt;a href="/view/PageName"&gt;PageName&lt;/a&gt;</code>.
   732  	(hint: you could use <code>regexp.ReplaceAllFunc</code> to do this)
   733  	</li>
   734  </ul>