
     1  ---
     2  apiVersion:
     3  kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  metadata:
     5    annotations:
     6 v0.9.0
     7    creationTimestamp: null
     8    name:
     9  spec:
    10    group:
    11    names:
    12      kind: AzDriverNode
    13      listKind: AzDriverNodeList
    14      plural: azdrivernodes
    15      singular: azdrivernode
    16    scope: Namespaced
    17    versions:
    18    - additionalPrinterColumns:
    19      - description: Name of the Node which this AzDriverNode object represents.
    20        jsonPath: .spec.nodeName
    21        name: NodeName
    22        type: string
    23      - description: Indicates if the azure persistent volume driver is ready for new
    24          pods which use azure persistent volumes.
    25        jsonPath: .status.readyForVolumeAllocation
    26        name: ReadyForVolumeAllocation
    27        type: boolean
    28      - description: Represents the time stamp at which azure persistent volume driver
    29          sent a heatbeat.
    30        jsonPath: .status.lastHeartbeatTime
    31        name: LastHeartbeatTime
    32        type: date
    33      - description: A brief node status message.
    34        jsonPath: .status.statusMessage
    35        name: StatusMessage
    36        type: string
    37      name: v1beta2
    38      schema:
    39        openAPIV3Schema:
    40          description: AzDriverNode is a representation of a node, where azure CSI driver
    41            node plug-in runs.
    42          properties:
    43            apiVersion:
    44              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    45                of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    46                internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:'
    47              type: string
    48            kind:
    49              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    50                object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    51                submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
    52              type: string
    53            metadata:
    54              type: object
    55            spec:
    56              description: spec defines the desired state of a AzDriverNode. Required.
    57              properties:
    58                nodeName:
    59                  description: Name of the node which this AzDriverNode represents.
    60                    Required.
    61                  type: string
    62              required:
    63              - nodeName
    64              type: object
    65            status:
    66              description: status represents the current state of AzDriverNode. If this
    67                is nil or empty, clients should prefer other nodes for persistent volume
    68                allocations or pod places for pods which use azure persistent volumes.
    69              properties:
    70                conditions:
    71                  description: Conditions contains an array of generic AzDriver related
    72                    health conditions These conditions can be used programmatically
    73                    to take decisions
    74                  items:
    75                    description: AzDriverCondition defines condition for the AzDriver
    76                    properties:
    77                      lastHeartbeatTime:
    78                        description: Last time we got an update on a given condition.
    79                        format: date-time
    80                        type: string
    81                      lastTransitionTime:
    82                        description: Last time the condition transit from one status
    83                          to another.
    84                        format: date-time
    85                        type: string
    86                      message:
    87                        description: Human readable message indicating details about
    88                          last transition.
    89                        type: string
    90                      reason:
    91                        description: (brief) reason for the condition's last transition.
    92                        type: string
    93                      status:
    94                        description: Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
    95                        type: string
    96                      type:
    97                        description: Type of node condition.
    98                        type: string
    99                    required:
   100                    - status
   101                    - type
   102                    type: object
   103                  type: array
   104                lastHeartbeatTime:
   105                  description: LastHeartbeatTime represents the timestamp when a heatbeat
   106                    was sent by driver node plugin. A recent timestamp means that node-plugin
   107                    is responsive and is communicating to API server. Clients should
   108                    not solely reply on LastHeartbeatTime to ascertain node plugin's
   109                    health state.
   110                  format: date-time
   111                  type: string
   112                readyForVolumeAllocation:
   113                  description: ReadyForVolumeAllocation tells client whether the node
   114                    plug-in is ready for volume allocation. If status is not present
   115                    or ReadyForVolumeAllocation, then clients should prefer other nodes
   116                    in the clusters for azure persistent volumes\pod placements for
   117                    pods with azure disks.
   118                  type: boolean
   119                statusMessage:
   120                  description: StatusMessage is a brief status message regarding nodes
   121                    health This field should not be used for any decision making in
   122                    code It is for display/debug purpose only For code logic dependency,
   123                    use Conditions filed
   124                  type: string
   125              type: object
   126          required:
   127          - spec
   128          type: object
   129      served: true
   130      storage: true
   131      subresources:
   132        status: {}