
     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package machinehealthcheck
    19  import (
    20  	"testing"
    21  	"time"
    23  	. ""
    24  	corev1 ""
    25  	metav1 ""
    26  	""
    27  	ctrl ""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    31  	clusterv1 ""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  func TestGetTargetsFromMHC(t *testing.T) {
    38  	namespace := "test-mhc"
    39  	clusterName := "test-cluster"
    41  	cluster := &clusterv1.Cluster{
    42  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    43  			Namespace: namespace,
    44  			Name:      clusterName,
    45  		},
    46  	}
    48  	mhcSelector := map[string]string{"cluster": clusterName, "machine-group": "foo"}
    50  	// Create a namespace for the tests
    51  	testNS := &corev1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mhc-test"}}
    53  	// Create a test MHC
    54  	testMHC := &clusterv1.MachineHealthCheck{
    55  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    56  			Name:      "test-mhc",
    57  			Namespace: namespace,
    58  		},
    59  		Spec: clusterv1.MachineHealthCheckSpec{
    60  			ClusterName: clusterName,
    61  			Selector: metav1.LabelSelector{
    62  				MatchLabels: mhcSelector,
    63  			},
    64  			UnhealthyConditions: []clusterv1.UnhealthyCondition{
    65  				{
    66  					Type:    corev1.NodeReady,
    67  					Status:  corev1.ConditionUnknown,
    68  					Timeout: metav1.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
    69  				},
    70  			},
    71  		},
    72  	}
    74  	baseObjects := []client.Object{testNS, cluster, testMHC}
    76  	// Initialise some test machines and nodes for use in the test cases
    78  	testNode1 := newTestNode("node1")
    79  	testMachine1 := newTestMachine("machine1", namespace, clusterName, testNode1.Name, mhcSelector)
    80  	testNode2 := newTestNode("node2")
    81  	testMachine2 := newTestMachine("machine2", namespace, clusterName, testNode2.Name, map[string]string{"cluster": clusterName})
    82  	testNode3 := newTestNode("node3")
    83  	testMachine3 := newTestMachine("machine3", namespace, clusterName, testNode3.Name, mhcSelector)
    84  	testNode4 := newTestNode("node4")
    85  	testMachine4 := newTestMachine("machine4", namespace, "other-cluster", testNode4.Name, mhcSelector)
    87  	// machines for skip remediation
    88  	testNode5 := newTestNode("node5")
    89  	testMachine5 := newTestMachine("machine5", namespace, clusterName, testNode5.Name, mhcSelector)
    90  	testMachine5.Annotations = map[string]string{"": ""}
    91  	testNode6 := newTestNode("node6")
    92  	testMachine6 := newTestMachine("machine6", namespace, clusterName, testNode6.Name, mhcSelector)
    93  	testMachine6.Annotations = map[string]string{"": ""}
    95  	testCases := []struct {
    96  		desc            string
    97  		toCreate        []client.Object
    98  		expectedTargets []healthCheckTarget
    99  	}{
   100  		{
   101  			desc:            "with no matching machines",
   102  			toCreate:        baseObjects,
   103  			expectedTargets: nil,
   104  		},
   105  		{
   106  			desc:     "when a machine's node is missing",
   107  			toCreate: append(baseObjects, testMachine1),
   108  			expectedTargets: []healthCheckTarget{
   109  				{
   110  					Machine:     testMachine1,
   111  					MHC:         testMHC,
   112  					Node:        nil,
   113  					nodeMissing: true,
   114  				},
   115  			},
   116  		},
   117  		{
   118  			desc:     "when a machine's labels do not match the selector",
   119  			toCreate: append(baseObjects, testMachine1, testMachine2, testNode1),
   120  			expectedTargets: []healthCheckTarget{
   121  				{
   122  					Machine: testMachine1,
   123  					MHC:     testMHC,
   124  					Node:    testNode1,
   125  				},
   126  			},
   127  		},
   128  		{
   129  			desc:     "with multiple machines, should match correct nodes",
   130  			toCreate: append(baseObjects, testNode1, testMachine1, testNode3, testMachine3, testNode4, testMachine4),
   131  			expectedTargets: []healthCheckTarget{
   132  				{
   133  					Machine: testMachine1,
   134  					MHC:     testMHC,
   135  					Node:    testNode1,
   136  				},
   137  				{
   138  					Machine: testMachine3,
   139  					MHC:     testMHC,
   140  					Node:    testNode3,
   141  				},
   142  			},
   143  		},
   144  		{
   145  			desc:     "with machines having skip-remediation or paused annotation",
   146  			toCreate: append(baseObjects, testNode1, testMachine1, testMachine5, testMachine6),
   147  			expectedTargets: []healthCheckTarget{
   148  				{
   149  					Machine: testMachine1,
   150  					MHC:     testMHC,
   151  					Node:    testNode1,
   152  				},
   153  			},
   154  		},
   155  	}
   157  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   158  		t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
   159  			gs := NewGomegaWithT(t)
   161  			k8sClient := fake.NewClientBuilder().WithObjects(tc.toCreate...).Build()
   163  			// Create a test reconciler
   164  			reconciler := &Reconciler{
   165  				Client: k8sClient,
   166  			}
   167  			for _, t := range tc.expectedTargets {
   168  				patchHelper, err := patch.NewHelper(t.Machine, k8sClient)
   169  				gs.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   170  				t.patchHelper = patchHelper
   171  			}
   173  			targets, err := reconciler.getTargetsFromMHC(ctx, ctrl.LoggerFrom(ctx), k8sClient, cluster, testMHC)
   174  			gs.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   176  			gs.Expect(targets).To(HaveLen(len(tc.expectedTargets)))
   177  			for i, target := range targets {
   178  				expectedTarget := tc.expectedTargets[i]
   179  				gs.Expect(target.Machine).To(BeComparableTo(expectedTarget.Machine))
   180  				gs.Expect(target.MHC).To(BeComparableTo(expectedTarget.MHC))
   181  				gs.Expect(target.Node).To(BeComparableTo(expectedTarget.Node))
   182  			}
   183  		})
   184  	}
   185  }
   187  func TestHealthCheckTargets(t *testing.T) {
   188  	namespace := "test-mhc"
   189  	clusterName := "test-cluster"
   191  	cluster := &clusterv1.Cluster{
   192  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   193  			Namespace: namespace,
   194  			Name:      clusterName,
   195  		},
   196  	}
   197  	conditions.MarkTrue(cluster, clusterv1.InfrastructureReadyCondition)
   198  	conditions.MarkTrue(cluster, clusterv1.ControlPlaneInitializedCondition)
   200  	// Ensure the control plane was initialized earlier to prevent it interfering with
   201  	// NodeStartupTimeout testing.
   202  	conds := clusterv1.Conditions{}
   203  	for _, condition := range cluster.GetConditions() {
   204  		condition.LastTransitionTime = metav1.NewTime(condition.LastTransitionTime.Add(-1 * time.Hour))
   205  		conds = append(conds, condition)
   206  	}
   207  	cluster.SetConditions(conds)
   209  	mhcSelector := map[string]string{"cluster": clusterName, "machine-group": "foo"}
   211  	timeoutForMachineToHaveNode := 10 * time.Minute
   212  	disabledTimeoutForMachineToHaveNode := time.Duration(0)
   213  	timeoutForUnhealthyConditions := 5 * time.Minute
   215  	// Create a test MHC
   216  	testMHC := &clusterv1.MachineHealthCheck{
   217  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   218  			Name:      "test-mhc",
   219  			Namespace: namespace,
   220  		},
   221  		Spec: clusterv1.MachineHealthCheckSpec{
   222  			Selector: metav1.LabelSelector{
   223  				MatchLabels: mhcSelector,
   224  			},
   225  			ClusterName: clusterName,
   226  			UnhealthyConditions: []clusterv1.UnhealthyCondition{
   227  				{
   228  					Type:    corev1.NodeReady,
   229  					Status:  corev1.ConditionUnknown,
   230  					Timeout: metav1.Duration{Duration: timeoutForUnhealthyConditions},
   231  				},
   232  				{
   233  					Type:    corev1.NodeReady,
   234  					Status:  corev1.ConditionFalse,
   235  					Timeout: metav1.Duration{Duration: timeoutForUnhealthyConditions},
   236  				},
   237  			},
   238  		},
   239  	}
   241  	testMachine := newTestMachine("machine1", namespace, clusterName, "node1", mhcSelector)
   243  	// Targets for when the node has not yet been seen by the Machine controller
   244  	testMachineCreated1200s := testMachine.DeepCopy()
   245  	nowMinus1200s := metav1.NewTime(time.Now().Add(-1200 * time.Second))
   246  	testMachineCreated1200s.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp = nowMinus1200s
   248  	nodeNotYetStartedTarget1200s := healthCheckTarget{
   249  		Cluster: cluster,
   250  		MHC:     testMHC,
   251  		Machine: testMachineCreated1200s,
   252  		Node:    nil,
   253  	}
   254  	nodeNotYetStartedTarget1200sCondition := newFailedHealthCheckCondition(clusterv1.NodeStartupTimeoutReason, "Node failed to report startup in %s", timeoutForMachineToHaveNode)
   256  	testMachineCreated400s := testMachine.DeepCopy()
   257  	nowMinus400s := metav1.NewTime(time.Now().Add(-400 * time.Second))
   258  	testMachineCreated400s.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp = nowMinus400s
   260  	nodeNotYetStartedTarget400s := healthCheckTarget{
   261  		Cluster: cluster,
   262  		MHC:     testMHC,
   263  		Machine: testMachineCreated400s,
   264  		Node:    nil,
   265  	}
   267  	// Target for when the Node has been seen, but has now gone
   268  	nodeGoneAway := healthCheckTarget{
   269  		Cluster:     cluster,
   270  		MHC:         testMHC,
   271  		Machine:     testMachine.DeepCopy(),
   272  		Node:        &corev1.Node{},
   273  		nodeMissing: true,
   274  	}
   275  	nodeGoneAwayCondition := newFailedHealthCheckCondition(clusterv1.NodeNotFoundReason, "")
   277  	// Target for when the node has been in an unknown state for shorter than the timeout
   278  	testNodeUnknown200 := newTestUnhealthyNode("node1", corev1.NodeReady, corev1.ConditionUnknown, 200*time.Second)
   279  	nodeUnknown200 := healthCheckTarget{
   280  		Cluster:     cluster,
   281  		MHC:         testMHC,
   282  		Machine:     testMachine.DeepCopy(),
   283  		Node:        testNodeUnknown200,
   284  		nodeMissing: false,
   285  	}
   287  	// Second Target for when the node has been in an unknown state for shorter than the timeout
   288  	testNodeUnknown100 := newTestUnhealthyNode("node1", corev1.NodeReady, corev1.ConditionUnknown, 100*time.Second)
   289  	nodeUnknown100 := healthCheckTarget{
   290  		Cluster:     cluster,
   291  		MHC:         testMHC,
   292  		Machine:     testMachine.DeepCopy(),
   293  		Node:        testNodeUnknown100,
   294  		nodeMissing: false,
   295  	}
   297  	// Target for when the node has been in an unknown state for longer than the timeout
   298  	testNodeUnknown400 := newTestUnhealthyNode("node1", corev1.NodeReady, corev1.ConditionUnknown, 400*time.Second)
   299  	nodeUnknown400 := healthCheckTarget{
   300  		Cluster:     cluster,
   301  		MHC:         testMHC,
   302  		Machine:     testMachine.DeepCopy(),
   303  		Node:        testNodeUnknown400,
   304  		nodeMissing: false,
   305  	}
   306  	nodeUnknown400Condition := newFailedHealthCheckCondition(clusterv1.UnhealthyNodeConditionReason, "Condition Ready on node is reporting status Unknown for more than %s", timeoutForUnhealthyConditions)
   308  	// Target for when a node is healthy
   309  	testNodeHealthy := newTestNode("node1")
   310  	testNodeHealthy.UID = "12345"
   311  	nodeHealthy := healthCheckTarget{
   312  		Cluster:     cluster,
   313  		MHC:         testMHC,
   314  		Machine:     testMachine.DeepCopy(),
   315  		Node:        testNodeHealthy,
   316  		nodeMissing: false,
   317  	}
   319  	// Target for when the machine has a failure reason
   320  	failureReason := errors.UpdateMachineError
   321  	testMachineFailureReason := testMachine.DeepCopy()
   322  	testMachineFailureReason.Status.FailureReason = &failureReason
   323  	machineFailureReason := healthCheckTarget{
   324  		Cluster: cluster,
   325  		MHC:     testMHC,
   326  		Machine: testMachineFailureReason,
   327  		Node:    nil,
   328  	}
   329  	machineFailureReasonCondition := newFailedHealthCheckCondition(clusterv1.MachineHasFailureReason, "FailureReason: %s", failureReason)
   331  	// Target for when the machine has a failure message
   332  	failureMsg := "some failure message"
   333  	testMachineFailureMsg := testMachine.DeepCopy()
   334  	testMachineFailureMsg.Status.FailureMessage = &failureMsg
   335  	machineFailureMsg := healthCheckTarget{
   336  		Cluster: cluster,
   337  		MHC:     testMHC,
   338  		Machine: testMachineFailureMsg,
   339  		Node:    nil,
   340  	}
   341  	machineFailureMsgCondition := newFailedHealthCheckCondition(clusterv1.MachineHasFailureReason, "FailureMessage: %s", failureMsg)
   343  	testCases := []struct {
   344  		desc                              string
   345  		targets                           []healthCheckTarget
   346  		timeoutForMachineToHaveNode       *time.Duration
   347  		expectedHealthy                   []healthCheckTarget
   348  		expectedNeedsRemediation          []healthCheckTarget
   349  		expectedNeedsRemediationCondition []clusterv1.Condition
   350  		expectedNextCheckTimes            []time.Duration
   351  	}{
   352  		{
   353  			desc:                     "when the node has not yet started for shorter than the timeout",
   354  			targets:                  []healthCheckTarget{nodeNotYetStartedTarget400s},
   355  			expectedHealthy:          []healthCheckTarget{},
   356  			expectedNeedsRemediation: []healthCheckTarget{},
   357  			expectedNextCheckTimes:   []time.Duration{timeoutForMachineToHaveNode - 400*time.Second},
   358  		},
   359  		{
   360  			desc:                              "when the node has not yet started for longer than the timeout",
   361  			targets:                           []healthCheckTarget{nodeNotYetStartedTarget1200s},
   362  			expectedHealthy:                   []healthCheckTarget{},
   363  			expectedNeedsRemediation:          []healthCheckTarget{nodeNotYetStartedTarget1200s},
   364  			expectedNeedsRemediationCondition: []clusterv1.Condition{nodeNotYetStartedTarget1200sCondition},
   365  			expectedNextCheckTimes:            []time.Duration{},
   366  		},
   367  		{
   368  			desc:                              "when the node has gone away",
   369  			targets:                           []healthCheckTarget{nodeGoneAway},
   370  			expectedHealthy:                   []healthCheckTarget{},
   371  			expectedNeedsRemediation:          []healthCheckTarget{nodeGoneAway},
   372  			expectedNeedsRemediationCondition: []clusterv1.Condition{nodeGoneAwayCondition},
   373  			expectedNextCheckTimes:            []time.Duration{},
   374  		},
   375  		{
   376  			desc:                     "when the node has been in an unknown state for shorter than the timeout",
   377  			targets:                  []healthCheckTarget{nodeUnknown200},
   378  			expectedHealthy:          []healthCheckTarget{},
   379  			expectedNeedsRemediation: []healthCheckTarget{},
   380  			expectedNextCheckTimes:   []time.Duration{100 * time.Second},
   381  		},
   382  		{
   383  			desc:                              "when the node has been in an unknown state for longer than the timeout",
   384  			targets:                           []healthCheckTarget{nodeUnknown400},
   385  			expectedHealthy:                   []healthCheckTarget{},
   386  			expectedNeedsRemediation:          []healthCheckTarget{nodeUnknown400},
   387  			expectedNeedsRemediationCondition: []clusterv1.Condition{nodeUnknown400Condition},
   388  			expectedNextCheckTimes:            []time.Duration{},
   389  		},
   390  		{
   391  			desc:                     "when the node is healthy",
   392  			targets:                  []healthCheckTarget{nodeHealthy},
   393  			expectedHealthy:          []healthCheckTarget{nodeHealthy},
   394  			expectedNeedsRemediation: []healthCheckTarget{},
   395  			expectedNextCheckTimes:   []time.Duration{},
   396  		},
   397  		{
   398  			desc:                              "with a mix of healthy and unhealthy nodes",
   399  			targets:                           []healthCheckTarget{nodeUnknown100, nodeUnknown200, nodeUnknown400, nodeHealthy},
   400  			expectedHealthy:                   []healthCheckTarget{nodeHealthy},
   401  			expectedNeedsRemediation:          []healthCheckTarget{nodeUnknown400},
   402  			expectedNeedsRemediationCondition: []clusterv1.Condition{nodeUnknown400Condition},
   403  			expectedNextCheckTimes:            []time.Duration{200 * time.Second, 100 * time.Second},
   404  		},
   405  		{
   406  			desc:                        "when the node has not started for a long time but the startup timeout is disabled",
   407  			targets:                     []healthCheckTarget{nodeNotYetStartedTarget400s},
   408  			timeoutForMachineToHaveNode: &disabledTimeoutForMachineToHaveNode,
   409  			expectedHealthy:             []healthCheckTarget{}, // The node is not healthy as it does not have a machine
   410  			expectedNeedsRemediation:    []healthCheckTarget{},
   411  			expectedNextCheckTimes:      []time.Duration{}, // We don't have a timeout so no way to know when to re-check
   412  		},
   413  		{
   414  			desc:                              "when the machine has a failure reason",
   415  			targets:                           []healthCheckTarget{machineFailureReason},
   416  			expectedHealthy:                   []healthCheckTarget{},
   417  			expectedNeedsRemediation:          []healthCheckTarget{machineFailureReason},
   418  			expectedNeedsRemediationCondition: []clusterv1.Condition{machineFailureReasonCondition},
   419  			expectedNextCheckTimes:            []time.Duration{},
   420  		},
   421  		{
   422  			desc:                              "when the machine has a failure message",
   423  			targets:                           []healthCheckTarget{machineFailureMsg},
   424  			expectedHealthy:                   []healthCheckTarget{},
   425  			expectedNeedsRemediation:          []healthCheckTarget{machineFailureMsg},
   426  			expectedNeedsRemediationCondition: []clusterv1.Condition{machineFailureMsgCondition},
   427  			expectedNextCheckTimes:            []time.Duration{},
   428  		},
   429  	}
   431  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   432  		t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
   433  			gs := NewWithT(t)
   435  			// Create a test reconciler.
   436  			reconciler := &Reconciler{
   437  				recorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(5),
   438  			}
   440  			// Allow individual test cases to override the timeoutForMachineToHaveNode.
   441  			timeout := metav1.Duration{Duration: timeoutForMachineToHaveNode}
   442  			if tc.timeoutForMachineToHaveNode != nil {
   443  				timeout.Duration = *tc.timeoutForMachineToHaveNode
   444  			}
   446  			healthy, unhealthy, nextCheckTimes := reconciler.healthCheckTargets(tc.targets, ctrl.LoggerFrom(ctx), timeout)
   448  			// Round durations down to nearest second account for minute differences
   449  			// in timing when running tests
   450  			roundDurations := func(in []time.Duration) []time.Duration {
   451  				out := []time.Duration{}
   452  				for _, d := range in {
   453  					out = append(out, d.Truncate(time.Second))
   454  				}
   455  				return out
   456  			}
   458  			// Remove the last transition time of the given conditions. Used for comparison with expected conditions.
   459  			removeLastTransitionTimes := func(in clusterv1.Conditions) clusterv1.Conditions {
   460  				out := clusterv1.Conditions{}
   461  				for _, c := range in {
   462  					withoutTime := c.DeepCopy()
   463  					withoutTime.LastTransitionTime = metav1.Time{}
   464  					out = append(out, *withoutTime)
   465  				}
   466  				return out
   467  			}
   469  			gs.Expect(healthy).To(ConsistOf(tc.expectedHealthy))
   470  			gs.Expect(unhealthy).To(ConsistOf(tc.expectedNeedsRemediation))
   471  			gs.Expect(nextCheckTimes).To(WithTransform(roundDurations, ConsistOf(tc.expectedNextCheckTimes)))
   472  			for i, expectedMachineCondition := range tc.expectedNeedsRemediationCondition {
   473  				actualConditions := unhealthy[i].Machine.GetConditions()
   474  				conditionsMatcher := WithTransform(removeLastTransitionTimes, ContainElements(expectedMachineCondition))
   475  				gs.Expect(actualConditions).To(conditionsMatcher)
   476  			}
   477  		})
   478  	}
   479  }
   481  func newTestMachine(name, namespace, clusterName, nodeName string, labels map[string]string) *clusterv1.Machine {
   482  	// Copy the labels so that the map is unique to each test Machine
   483  	l := make(map[string]string)
   484  	for k, v := range labels {
   485  		l[k] = v
   486  	}
   487  	l[clusterv1.ClusterNameLabel] = clusterName
   489  	bootstrap := "bootstrap"
   490  	return &clusterv1.Machine{
   491  		TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
   492  			APIVersion: clusterv1.GroupVersion.String(),
   493  			Kind:       "Machine",
   494  		},
   495  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   496  			Name:      name,
   497  			Namespace: namespace,
   498  			Labels:    l,
   499  		},
   500  		Spec: clusterv1.MachineSpec{
   501  			ClusterName: clusterName,
   502  			Bootstrap: clusterv1.Bootstrap{
   503  				DataSecretName: &bootstrap,
   504  			},
   505  		},
   506  		Status: clusterv1.MachineStatus{
   507  			InfrastructureReady: true,
   508  			BootstrapReady:      true,
   509  			Phase:               string(clusterv1.MachinePhaseRunning),
   510  			NodeRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
   511  				Name: nodeName,
   512  			},
   513  		},
   514  	}
   515  }
   517  func newTestNode(name string) *corev1.Node {
   518  	return &corev1.Node{
   519  		TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
   520  			APIVersion: "v1",
   521  			Kind:       "Node",
   522  		},
   523  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   524  			Name: name,
   525  		},
   526  	}
   527  }
   529  func newTestUnhealthyNode(name string, condition corev1.NodeConditionType, status corev1.ConditionStatus, unhealthyDuration time.Duration) *corev1.Node {
   530  	return &corev1.Node{
   531  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   532  			Name: name,
   533  			UID:  "12345",
   534  		},
   535  		Status: corev1.NodeStatus{
   536  			Conditions: []corev1.NodeCondition{
   537  				{
   538  					Type:               condition,
   539  					Status:             status,
   540  					LastTransitionTime: metav1.NewTime(time.Now().Add(-unhealthyDuration)),
   541  				},
   542  			},
   543  		},
   544  	}
   545  }
   547  func newFailedHealthCheckCondition(reason string, messageFormat string, messageArgs ...interface{}) clusterv1.Condition {
   548  	return *conditions.FalseCondition(clusterv1.MachineHealthCheckSucceededCondition, reason, clusterv1.ConditionSeverityWarning, messageFormat, messageArgs...)
   549  }