
     1  // Copyright (C) 2023 Storj Labs, Inc.
     2  // See LICENSE for copying information.
     4  package eestream
     6  import (
     7  	"errors"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"io"
    10  	"sync/atomic"
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  var freedBatch = &Batch{}
    17  // A StreamingPiece is an in memory storage location for a stream of bytes being
    18  // operated on by a single producer and a single consumer in atomic units of
    19  // a given erasure share size. The StreamingPiece type must know its full expected size
    20  // up front, and allocates slots for each *BufPool batch of erasure shares
    21  // up to that total size. It will hydrate these slots on demand and free them
    22  // back to the BufPool as they are consumed.
    23  type StreamingPiece struct {
    24  	// bufs is a list of atomic.Pointer[Batch].
    25  	// The value of each slot is either nil, emptyBatch, or a valid Batch
    26  	// slice returned from BatchPool. nil means the batch has yet to be
    27  	// instantiated. freedBatch means that the batch is freed or no longer
    28  	// needed.
    29  	batches             []atomic.Pointer[Batch]
    30  	pool                *BatchPool
    31  	receivedBytesSoFar  int64
    32  	receivedSharesSoFar atomic.Int64
    33  	shareSize           int
    34  	err                 atomic.Value
    35  	completedBatches    atomic.Int32
    36  }
    38  // NewStreamingPiece creates a buffer that uses units of size unitSize, with a total
    39  // amount of bytes of totalSize. It uses pool to hydrate and return buffers in
    40  // its slots.
    41  func NewStreamingPiece(shareSize int, totalSize int64, pool *BatchPool) *StreamingPiece {
    42  	poolSize := int64(pool.Size())
    43  	batches := (totalSize + poolSize - 1) / poolSize
    45  	return &StreamingPiece{
    46  		batches:   make([]atomic.Pointer[Batch], batches+1),
    47  		pool:      pool,
    48  		shareSize: shareSize,
    49  	}
    50  }
    52  // ensureBatch will return a batch for writing that is either a full length
    53  // from the BatchPool, or specifically the freedBatch value, which means that
    54  // the consumer has already indicated all units that would belong to this
    55  // buffer are not needed.
    56  func (b *StreamingPiece) ensureBatch(idx int) *Batch {
    57  	for {
    58  		if batch := b.batches[idx].Load(); batch != nil {
    59  			return batch
    60  		}
    61  		batch := b.pool.GetAndClaim()
    62  		if b.batches[idx].CompareAndSwap(nil, batch) {
    63  			return batch
    64  		}
    65  		batch.Release()
    66  	}
    67  }
    69  // byteToBatch determines which batch and which batch offset a specific byte
    70  // at byteOffset in the overall stream lives.
    71  func (b *StreamingPiece) byteToBatch(byteOffset int64) (batchIdx, batchOffset int) {
    72  	poolSize := int64(b.pool.Size())
    73  	batchIdx = int(byteOffset / poolSize)
    74  	batchOffset = int(byteOffset % poolSize)
    75  	return batchIdx, batchOffset
    76  }
    78  // ReadSharesFrom is going to call r.Read() once, and will return the number of
    79  // full shares that are now newly completely read as a result of this call. If
    80  // r.Read() returns an error or io.EOF, or no data is expected otherwise,
    81  // done will be true. The read error if any is available from Err() or
    82  // ReadShare().
    83  func (b *StreamingPiece) ReadSharesFrom(r io.Reader) (shareCount int, done bool) {
    84  	// find our current buffer
    85  	currentBatchIdx, currentBatchOffset := b.byteToBatch(b.receivedBytesSoFar)
    87  	currentBatch := b.ensureBatch(currentBatchIdx)
    89  	// okay, there are two main cases for the batch we just grabbed:
    90  	// 1) it has already been freed. in this case, currentBatch == freedBatch
    91  	// 2) we can attempt to claim it. this has two subcases:
    92  	//   a) if the claim fails, then it was in the process of being freed.
    93  	//   b) if the claim succeeds, then we know that no one is going to free
    94  	//      it while we have it, at least until we release it.
    95  	// in case 1 and 2a, then we don't have a batch to use. only case 2b is
    96  	// useful for using the returned batch.
    97  	// all of this is because in case 2b, we want to make sure someone doesn't
    98  	// try and free this batch while we're using it.
    99  	if currentBatch == freedBatch || !currentBatch.Claim() {
   100  		// this batch isn't ours, but we still need to read off the stream
   101  		// as long as someone is still interested in this stream, so we need
   102  		// to use a throwaway buffer.
   103  		// we do this instead of using io.Discard or something because this way
   104  		// all of the logic and bookkeeping is exactly the same.
   105  		currentBatch = b.pool.GetAndClaim()
   106  	}
   107  	defer currentBatch.Release()
   109  	currentSlice := currentBatch.Slice()[currentBatchOffset:]
   110  	race2.WriteSlice(currentSlice)
   112  	// okay, read into the current buffer
   113  	n, err := r.Read(currentSlice)
   114  	// keep track of how many bytes we've read from the stream
   115  	b.receivedBytesSoFar += int64(n)
   117  	// we may have only read a partial share last time, so we need to
   118  	// recalculate how many bytes are covered by prior completed ReadShareFrom
   119  	// shareCount returns.
   120  	receivedSharesSoFar := b.receivedSharesSoFar.Load()
   122  	notifiedBytesSoFar := receivedSharesSoFar * int64(b.shareSize)
   124  	// okay, let's see how many completed shares we can tell the caller about.
   125  	unnotifiedBytes := b.receivedBytesSoFar - notifiedBytesSoFar
   126  	unnotifiedShares := unnotifiedBytes / int64(b.shareSize)
   128  	// make a note about how many we've told the caller about
   129  	b.receivedSharesSoFar.Add(unnotifiedShares)
   131  	// keep track of the error if there was a read error.
   132  	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
   133  		b.err.Store(err)
   134  	}
   136  	return int(unnotifiedShares), err != nil
   137  }
   139  // ReadShare returns the byte slice that references the read data in a buffer
   140  // representing the share with index shareIdx. Note that shareIdx is not
   141  // the Reed Solomon Share Number, since all shares in this buffer share the same
   142  // Reed Solomon Share Number. If a share at shareIdx cannot be returned, it will
   143  // return an error, which may be a read error determined by ReadSharesFrom.
   144  // The release callback must be released when the share is done being read from.
   145  func (b *StreamingPiece) ReadShare(shareIdx int) (data []byte, release func(), err error) {
   146  	// first, let's see if we even have data for this unit. have we read this
   147  	// far yet?
   148  	receivedSharesSoFar := b.receivedSharesSoFar.Load()
   149  	if int64(shareIdx) >= receivedSharesSoFar {
   150  		if err, ok := b.err.Load().(error); ok {
   151  			// oh, there's a stored error. let's return that, that probably says
   152  			// what happened.
   153  			return nil, nil, err
   154  		}
   155  		return nil, nil, Error.New("read past end of buffer: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)
   156  	}
   158  	// find our buffer and buffer offset for this unit
   159  	byteOffset := int64(shareIdx) * int64(b.shareSize)
   160  	if debugEnabled {
   161  		fmt.Println("buffer reading byte offset", byteOffset, "for share", shareIdx)
   162  	}
   163  	batchIdx, batchOffset := b.byteToBatch(byteOffset)
   165  	// okay, let's go find our batch
   166  	batch := b.batches[batchIdx].Load()
   167  	if batch == nil {
   168  		// huh! someone asked for a batch that we haven't received yet, but we
   169  		// checked up top. some major problem with bookkeeping happened.
   170  		return nil, nil, Error.New("unreachable - this batch should be hydrated")
   171  	}
   172  	if batch == freedBatch || !batch.Claim() {
   173  		// this buffer was already marked as completed, so we probably returned it
   174  		// back to the BufPool.
   175  		return nil, nil, Error.New("read completed buffer")
   176  	}
   178  	data = batch.Slice()[batchOffset:][:b.shareSize]
   179  	race2.ReadSlice(data)
   181  	// okay we have the data.
   182  	if debugEnabled {
   183  		fmt.Println("buffer reading unit", shareIdx, "from", batchIdx, batchOffset, fmt.Sprintf("%x", data[:3]))
   184  	}
   185  	return data, batch.Release, nil
   186  }
   188  // Err returns the last error encountered during reading.
   189  func (b *StreamingPiece) Err() error {
   190  	if err, ok := b.err.Load().(error); ok {
   191  		return err
   192  	}
   193  	return nil
   194  }
   196  // MarkCompleted tells the StreamingPiece to return some internal batches back to the
   197  // BatchPool, since we don't need them anymore. It will assume that none of the
   198  // first sharesCompleted units will be asked for again.
   199  func (b *StreamingPiece) MarkCompleted(sharesCompleted int) {
   200  	// okay figure out which buffer is needed for unit index unitsCompleted
   201  	// (this is the next incomplete unit). This will be completedBatches, and
   202  	// the batch with index completedBatches is still in use! Everything before
   203  	// it is free to reclaim though.
   204  	completedBatches, _ := b.byteToBatch(int64(sharesCompleted) * int64(b.shareSize))
   206  	for {
   207  		// what do we think we've already marked completed?
   208  		oldCompletedBatches := int(b.completedBatches.Load())
   209  		if completedBatches <= oldCompletedBatches {
   210  			// already done
   211  			break
   212  		}
   213  		// okay, let's mark all of the ones we don't think we've marked completed
   214  		// before as completed.
   215  		for i := oldCompletedBatches; i < completedBatches; i++ {
   216  			if batch := b.batches[i].Swap(freedBatch); batch != nil && batch != freedBatch {
   217  				// a live batch! let's return to the BufPool.
   218  				batch.Release()
   219  			}
   220  		}
   221  		// okay, let's see if we're racing with any other MarkCompleteds and if
   222  		// we need to rethink what we've done here. (we wouldn't want to stomp on
   223  		// another MarkCompleted that did more than us).
   224  		if b.completedBatches.CompareAndSwap(int32(oldCompletedBatches), int32(completedBatches)) {
   225  			// we're okay, we're done.
   226  			break
   227  		}
   228  	}
   229  }