
     1  # Contributor Guidelines
     3  Thank you for your interest and support for tRPC! 
     5  This document outlines the roles and responsibilities of contributors in the project, as well as the process for becoming a Contributor and losing Maintainer status. We hope that this document will help every contributor understand the growth path and make a greater contribution to the project's development.
     7  ## Contributor Roles and Responsibilities
     9  we have two main contributor roles: Contributor and Maintainer. 
    11  Here is a brief introduction to these two roles:
    12  1. Contributor: A contributor to the project who can contribute code, documentation, testing, and other resources. Contributors provide valuable resources to the project, helping it to continuously improve and develop.
    13  2. Maintainer: A maintainer of the project who is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the project, including reviewing and merging PRs, handling issues, and releasing versions. Maintainers are key members of the project and have a significant impact on the project's development direction and decision-making.
    15  ## How to become a  Maintainer
    17  We welcome every contributor to contribute to the project's development and encourage contributors to upgrade to the role of Maintainer. 
    19  The following are the conditions for upgrading from Contributor to Maintainer:
    20  1. Continuous contribution: Contributors need to contribute to the project continuously for a period of time (e.g., 3 months). This demonstrates the contributor's attention and enthusiasm for the project.
    21  2. Quality assurance: The code or documentation submitted by contributors needs to maintain a high level of quality, meet the project's specifications, and have a positive impact on the project.
    22  3. Active participation: Contributors need to actively participate in project discussions and decision-making, providing constructive opinions and suggestions for the project's development.
    23  4. Team collaboration: Contributors need to have good teamwork skills, communicate friendly with other contributors and maintainers, and work together to solve problems.
    24  5. Responsibility: Contributors need to have a certain sense of responsibility and be willing to undertake some of the project maintenance work, including reviewing PRs and handling issues. When a contributor meets the above conditions, existing maintainers will evaluate them. 
    26  If they meet the requirements of Maintainer, they will be invited to become a new Maintainer.
    28  ## Losing Maintainers status
    30  Maintainer have important responsibilities in the project, and we hope that every Maintainer can maintain their attention and enthusiasm for the project. 
    32  However, we also understand that everyone's time and energy are limited, so when Maintainers cannot continue to fulfill their responsibilities, they will be downgraded to the role of Contributor:
    33  1. Long-term inactivity: If a Maintainer has not participated in project maintenance work, including reviewing PRs and handling issues, for a period of time (e.g., 3 months), they will be considered inactive.
    34  2. Quality issues: If a Maintainer's work in the project has serious quality issues that affect the project's development, they will be considered not meeting the requirements of Maintainer.
    35  3. Team collaboration issues: If a Maintainer has serious communication or teamwork issues with other contributors and maintainers, such as disrespecting others' opinions, frequent conflicts, or refusing to collaborate, which affects the project's normal operation and atmosphere, they will be considered not meeting the requirements of Maintainer.
    36  4. Violation of rules: If a Maintainer violates the project's rules or code of conduct, including but not limited to leaking sensitive information or abusing privileges, they will be considered not meeting the requirements of Maintainer.
    37  5. Voluntary application: If a Maintainer cannot continue to fulfill their responsibilities due to personal reasons, they can voluntarily apply to be downgraded to the role of Contributor.
    39  ---
    41  # 贡献者管理说明文档
    43  感谢您对本开源项目的关注和支持!本文档将阐述贡献者在项目中的角色、职责以及如何从 Contributor 升级为 Maintainer,以及 Maintainer 降级为 Contributor 的规则。我们希望通过这份文档,让每位贡献者都能清楚地了解自己的成长路径,并为项目的发展做出更大的贡献。
    45  ## 贡献者角色及职责
    47  在本开源项目中,我们主要设有两个贡献者角色:Contributor 和 Maintainer。
    49  以下是对这两个角色的简要介绍:
    50  1. Contributor:项目的贡献者,可以是代码贡献者、文档贡献者、测试贡献者等。Contributor 为项目提供了宝贵的资源,帮助项目不断完善和发展。
    51  2. Maintainer:项目的维护者,负责项目的日常维护工作,包括审查和合并 PR、处理 Issue、发布版本等。Maintainer 是项目的核心成员,对项目的发展方向和决策具有重要的影响力。
    53  ## Contributor 升级为 Maintainer
    55  我们非常欢迎每位 Contributor 为项目的发展做出贡献,并鼓励 Contributor 向 Maintainer 的角色发展。
    57  以下是从 Contributor 升级为 Maintainer 的条件:
    58  1. 持续贡献:Contributor 需要在一段时间内(例如 3 个月)持续为项目贡献代码、文档或其他资源。这表明 Contributor 对项目的关注度和热情。
    59  2. 质量保证:Contributor 提交的代码或文档等资源需要保持较高的质量,符合项目的规范要求,并对项目产生积极的影响。
    60  3. 积极参与:Contributor 需要积极参与到项目的讨论和决策中来,为项目的发展提供建设性的意见和建议。
    61  4. 团队协作:Contributor 需要具备良好的团队协作精神,能够与其他贡献者和 Maintainer 友好沟通,共同解决问题。
    62  5. 责任担当:Contributor 需要具备一定的责任心,愿意承担项目维护的部分工作,包括审查 PR、处理 Issue 等。
    64  当 Contributor 满足以上条件时,现有的 Maintainer 将会对其进行评估,如果达到 Maintainer 的要求,将会邀请其成为新的 Maintainer。
    66  ## Maintainer 降级为 Contributor
    68  Maintainer 在项目中承担了重要的职责,我们希望每位 Maintainer 都能够保持对项目的关注和热情。
    70  然而,我们也理解每个人的时间和精力是有限的,因此,当 Maintainer 无法继续履行职责时,将会降级为 Contributor:
    71  1. 长时间不活跃:如果 Maintainer 在一段时间内(例如 3 个月)没有参与项目的维护工作,包括审查 PR、处理 Issue 等,将被视为不活跃。
    72  2. 质量问题:如果 Maintainer 在项目中的工作出现严重的质量问题,导致项目的发展受到影响,将被视为不符合 Maintainer 的要求。
    73  3. 团队协作问题:如果 Maintainer 在与其他贡献者和 Maintainer 的协作过程中出现严重的沟通问题或团队协作问题,如不尊重他人意见、频繁产生冲突、拒绝协作等,影响到项目的正常运作和氛围,将被视为不符合 Maintainer 的要求。
    74  4. 违反规定:如果 Maintainer 违反了项目的规定或行为准则,包括但不限于泄露敏感信息、滥用权限等,将被视为不符合 Maintainer 的要求。
    75  5. 主动申请:如果 Maintainer 由于个人原因无法继续履行职责,可以主动申请降级为 Contributor。