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     3  # tRPC-Go Server Package
     6  ## Introduction
     8  A service process may listen on multiple ports, providing different business services on different ports. Therefore, the server package introduces the concepts of `Server`, `Service`, and `Proto service`. Typically, one process contains one `Server`, and each `Server` can contain one or more `Service`. `Services` are used for name registration, and clients use it's names for routing and sending network requests. Upon receiving a request, the server executes the business logic based on the specified `Protos service`.
    10  - `Server`: Represents a tRPC server instance, i.e., one process.
    11  - `Service`: Represents a logical service, i.e., a real external service that listens on a port. It corresponds one-to-one with services defined in the configuration file, with one `Server` possibly containing multiple `Service`, one for each port.
    12  - `Proto service`: Represents a protocol service defined in a protobuf protocol file. Typically, a `Service` corresponds one-to-one with a `Proto service`, but users can also combine them arbitrarily using the `Register` method.
    14  ```golang
    15  // Server is a tRPC server. One process, one server.
    16  // A server may offer one or more services.
    17  type Server struct {
    18      MaxCloseWaitTime time.Duration
    19  }
    21  // Service is the interface that provides services.
    22  type Service interface {
    23      // Register registers a proto service.
    24      Register(serviceDesc interface{}, serviceImpl interface{}) error
    25      // Serve starts serving.
    26      Serve() error
    27      // Close stops serving.
    28      Close(chan struct{}) error
    29  }
    30  ```
    32  ## Service Mapping Relationships
    34  Suppose a protocol file provides a `hello service` as follows:
    36  ```protobuf
    37  service hello {
    38      rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {};
    39  }
    40  ```
    42  And a configuration file specifies multiple services, each providing `trpc` and `http` protocol services:
    44  ```yaml
    45  server: # Server configuration
    46    app: test # Application name
    47    server: helloworld # Process service name
    48    close_wait_time: 5000 # Minimum waiting time for service unregistration when closing, in milliseconds
    49    max_close_wait_time: 60000 # Maximum waiting time when closing to allow pending requests to complete, in milliseconds
    50    service: # Business services providing two services, listening on different ports and offering different protocols
    51      - name: trpc.test.helloworld.HelloTrpc # Name for the first service
    52        ip: # IP address the service listens on
    53        port: 8000 # Port the service listens on (8000)
    54        protocol: trpc # Provides tRPC protocol service
    55      - name: trpc.test.helloworld.HelloHttp # Name for the second service
    56        ip: # IP address the service listens on
    57        port: 8080 # Port the service listens on (8080)
    58        protocol: http # Provides HTTP protocol service
    59  ```
    61  To register protocol services for different logical services:
    63  ```golang
    64  type helloImpl struct{}
    66  func (s *helloImpl) SayHello(ctx context.Context, req *pb.HelloRequest) (*pb.HelloReply, error) {
    67      rsp := &pb.HelloReply{}
    68      // implement business logic here ...
    69      return rsp, nil
    70  }
    72  func main() {
    73      s := trpc.NewServer()
    75      // Recommended: Register a proto service for each service separately
    76      pb.RegisterHiServer(s.Service("trpc.test.helloworld.HelloTrpc"), helloImpl)
    77      pb.RegisterHiServer(s.Service("trpc.test.helloworld.HelloHttp"), helloImpl)
    79      // Alternatively, register the same proto service for all services in the server
    80      pb.RegisterHelloServer(s, helloImpl)
    81  }
    82  ```
    84  ## Server Execution Flow
    86  1. The transport layer accepts a new connection and starts a goroutine to handle the connection's data.
    87  2. Upon receiving a complete data packet, unpack the entire request.
    88  3. Locate the specific handling function based on the specific proto service name.
    89  4. Decode the request body.
    90  5. Set an overall message timeout.
    91  6. Decompress and deserialize the request body.
    92  7. Call pre-interceptors.
    93  8. Enter the business handling function.
    94  9. Exit the business handling function.
    95  10. Call post-interceptors.
    96  11. Serialize and compress the response body.
    97  12. Package the entire response.
    98  13. Send the response back to the upstream client.