wa-lang.org/wazero@v1.0.2/site/content/languages/go.md (about)

     1  +++
     2  title = "Go"
     3  +++
     5  ## Introduction
     7  When `GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js`, Go's compiler targets WebAssembly Binary format
     8  (%.wasm).
    10  Here's a typical compilation command:
    11  ```bash
    12  $ GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o my.wasm .
    13  ```
    15  The operating system is "js", but more specifically it is [wasm_exec.js][1].
    16  This package runs the `%.wasm` just like `wasm_exec.js` would.
    18  ## Experimental
    20  It is important to note that while there are some interesting features, such
    21  as HTTP client support, the ABI (host functions imported by Wasm) used is
    22  complicated and custom to Go. For this reason, there are few implementations
    23  outside the web browser.
    25  Moreover, Go defines js "EXPERIMENTAL... exempt from the Go compatibility
    26  promise." While WebAssembly signatures haven't broken between 1.18 and 1.19,
    27  then have in the past and can in the future.
    29  For this reason implementations such as wazero's [gojs][14], cannot guarantee
    30  portability from release to release, or that the code will work well in
    31  production.
    33  Due to lack of adoption, support and relatively high implementation overhead,
    34  most choose [TinyGo]({{< relref "/tinygo.md" >}}) to compile source code, even if it supports less
    35  features.
    37  ## WebAssembly Features
    39  `GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js` uses instructions in [WebAssembly Core Specification 1.0]
    40  [15] unless `GOWASM` includes features added afterwards.
    42  Here are the valid [GOWASM values][16]:
    43  * `satconv` - [Non-trapping Float-to-int Conversions][17]
    44  * `signext` - [Sign-extension operators][18]
    46  Note that both the above features are included [working draft][19] of
    47  WebAssembly Core Specification 2.0.
    49  ## Constraints
    51  Please read our overview of WebAssembly and
    52  [constraints]({{< ref "_index.md#constraints" >}}). In short, expect
    53  limitations in both language features and library choices when developing your
    54  software.
    56  `GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js` has a custom ABI which supports a subset of features in
    57  the Go standard library. Notably, the host can implement time, crypto, file
    58  system and HTTP client functions. Even where implemented, certain operations
    59  will have no effect for reasons like ignoring HTTP request properties or fake
    60  values returned (such as the pid). When not supported, many functions return
    61  `syscall.ENOSYS` errors, or the string form: "not implemented on js".
    63  Here are the more notable parts of Go which will not work when compiled via
    64  `GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js`, resulting in `syscall.ENOSYS` errors:
    65  * Raw network access. e.g. `net.Bind`
    66  * File descriptor control (`fnctl`). e.g. `syscall.Pipe`
    67  * Arbitrary syscalls. Ex `syscall.Syscall`
    68  * Process control. e.g. `syscall.Kill`
    69  * Kernel parameters. e.g. `syscall.Sysctl`
    70  * Timezone-specific clock readings. e.g. `syscall.Gettimeofday`
    72  ## Memory
    74  Memory layout begins with the "zero page" of size `runtime.minLegalPointer`
    75  (4KB) which matches the `ssa.minZeroPage` in the compiler. It is then followed
    76  by 8KB reserved for args and environment variables. This means the data section
    77  begins at [ld.wasmMinDataAddr][12], offset 12288.
    79  ## System Calls
    81  Please read our overview of WebAssembly and
    82  [System Calls]({{< ref "_index.md#system-calls" >}}). In short, WebAssembly is
    83  a stack-based virtual machine specification, so operates at a lower level than
    84  an operating system.
    86  "syscall/js.*" are host functions for features the operating system would
    87  otherwise provide. These also manage the JavaScript object graph, including
    88  functions to make and finalize objects, arrays and numbers (`js.Value`).
    90  Each `js.Value` has a `js.ref`, which is either a numeric literal or an object
    91  reference depending on its 64-bit bit pattern. When an object, the first 31
    92  bits are its identifier.
    94  There are several pre-defined values with constant `js.ref` patterns. These are
    95  either constants, globals or otherwise needed in initializers.
    97  For example, the "global" value includes properties like "fs" and "process"
    98  which implement [system calls][7] needed for functions like `os.Getuid`.
   100  Notably, not all system calls are implemented as some are stubbed by the
   101  compiler to return zero values or `syscall.ENOSYS`. This means not all Go code
   102  compiled to wasm will operate. For example, you cannot launch processes.
   104  Details beyond this are best looking at the source code of [js.go][5], or its
   105  unit tests.
   107  ## Concurrency
   109  Please read our overview of WebAssembly and
   110  [concurrency]({{< ref "_index.md#concurrency" >}}). In short, the current
   111  WebAssembly specification does not support parallel processing.
   113  Some internal code may seem strange knowing this. For example, Go's [function
   114  wrapper][9] used for `GOOS=js` is implemented using locks. Seeing this, you may
   115  feel the host side of this code (`_makeFuncWrapper`) should lock its ID
   116  namespace for parallel use as well.
   118  Digging deeper, you'll notice the [atomics][10] defined by `GOARCH=wasm` are
   119  not actually implemented with locks, rather it is awaiting the ["Threads"
   120  proposal][11].
   122  In summary, while goroutines are supported in `GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js`, they won't
   123  be able to run in parallel until the WebAssembly Specification includes atomics
   124  and Go's compiler is updated to use them.
   126  ## Error handling
   128  There are several `js.Value` used to implement `GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js` including
   129  the global, file system, HTTP round tripping, processes, etc. All of these have
   130  functions that may return an error on `js.Value.Call`.
   132  However, `js.Value.Call` does not return an error result. Internally, this
   133  dispatches to the wasm imported function `valueCall`, and interprets its two
   134  results: the real result and a boolean, represented by an integer.
   136  When false, `js.Value.Call` panics with a `js.Error` constructed from the first
   137  result. This result must be an object with one of the below properties:
   139  * JavaScript (GOOS=js): the string property "message" can be anything.
   140  * Syscall error (GOARCH=wasm): the string property "code" is constrained.
   141    * The code must be like "EIO" in [errnoByCode][13] to avoid a panic.
   143  Details beyond this are best looking at the source code of [js.go][5], or its
   144  unit tests.
   146  ## Identifying wasm compiled by Go
   148  If you have a `%.wasm` file compiled by Go (via [asm.go][2]), it has a custom
   149  section named "go.buildid".
   151  You can verify this with wasm-objdump, a part of [wabt][3]:
   152  ```
   153  $ wasm-objdump --section=go.buildid -x my.wasm
   155  example3.wasm:  file format wasm 0x1
   157  Section Details:
   159  Custom:
   160  - name: "go.buildid"
   161  ```
   163  ## Module Exports
   165  Until [wasmexport][4] is implemented, the [compiled][2] WebAssembly exports are
   166  always the same:
   168  * "mem" - (memory 265) 265 = data section plus 16MB
   169  * "run" - (func (param $argc i32) (param $argv i32)) the entrypoint
   170  * "resume" - (func) continues work after a timer delay
   171  * "getsp" - (func (result i32)) returns the stack pointer
   173  ## Module Imports
   175  Go's [compiles][3] all WebAssembly imports in the module "go", and only
   176  functions are imported.
   178  Except for the "debug" function, all function names are prefixed by their go
   179  package. Here are the defaults:
   181  * "debug" - is always function index zero, but it has unknown use.
   182  * "runtime.*" - supports system-call like functionality `GOARCH=wasm`
   183  * "syscall/js.*" - supports the JavaScript model `GOOS=js`
   185  ## PC_B calling conventions
   187  The assembly `CallImport` instruction doesn't compile signatures to WebAssembly
   188  function types, invoked by the `call` instruction.
   190  Instead, the compiler generates the same signature for all functions: a single
   191  parameter of the stack pointer, and invokes them via `call.indirect`.
   193  Specifically, any function compiled with `CallImport` has the same function
   194  type: `(func (param $sp i32))`. `$sp` is the base memory offset to read and
   195  write parameters to the stack (at 8 byte strides even if the value is 32-bit).
   197  So, implementors need to read the actual parameters from memory. Similarly, if
   198  there are results, the implementation must write those to memory.
   200  For example, `func walltime() (sec int64, nsec int32)` writes its results to
   201  memory at offsets `sp+8` and `sp+16` respectively.
   203  Note: WebAssembly compatible calling conventions has been discussed and
   204  [attempted](https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/350737) in Go before.
   206  ## Go-defined exported functions
   208  [Several functions][6] differ in calling convention by using WebAssembly type
   209  signatures instead of the single SP parameter summarized above. Functions used
   210  by the host have a "wasm_export_" prefix, which is stripped. For example,
   211  "wasm_export_run" is exported as "run", defined in [rt0_js_wasm.s][7]
   213  Here is an overview of the Go-defined exported functions:
   214   * "run" - Accepts "argc" and "argv" i32 params and begins the "wasm_pc_f_loop"
   215   * "resume" - Nullary function that resumes execution until it needs an event.
   216   * "getsp" - Returns the i32 stack pointer (SP)
   218  ## User-defined Host Functions
   220  Users can define their own "go" module function imports by defining a func
   221  without a body in their source and a `%_wasm.s` or `%_js.s` file that uses the
   222  `CallImport` instruction.
   224  For example, given `func logString(msg string)` and the below assembly:
   225  ```assembly
   226  #include "textflag.h"
   228  TEXT ·logString(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
   229  CallImport
   230  RET
   231  ```
   233  If the package was `main`, the WebAssembly function name would be
   234  "main.logString". If it was `util` and your `go.mod` module was
   235  "github.com/user/me", the WebAssembly function name would be
   236  "github.com/user/me/util.logString".
   238  Regardless of whether the function import was built-in to Go, or defined by an
   239  end user, all imports use `CallImport` conventions. Since these compile to a
   240  signature unrelated to the source, more care is needed implementing the host
   241  side, to ensure the proper count of parameters are read and results written to
   242  the Go stack.
   244  ## Hacking
   246  If you run into an issue where you need to change Go's sourcecode, the first
   247  thing you should do is read the [contributing guide][20], which details how to
   248  confirm an issue exists and a fix would be accepted. Assuming they say yes, the
   249  next step is to ensure you can build and test go.
   251  ### Make a branch for your changes
   253  First, clone upstream or your fork of golang/go and make a branch off `master`
   254  for your work, as GitHub pull requests are against that branch.
   256  ```bash
   257  $ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/golang/go.git
   258  $ cd go
   259  $ git checkout -b my-fix
   260  ```
   262  ### Build a branch-specific `go` binary
   264  While your change may not affect the go binary itself, there are checks inside
   265  go that require version matching. Build a go binary from source to avoid these:
   267  ```bash
   268  $ cd src
   269  $ GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm ./make.bash
   270  Building Go cmd/dist using /usr/local/go. (go1.19 darwin/amd64)
   271  Building Go toolchain1 using /usr/local/go.
   272  --snip--
   273  $ cd ..
   274  $ bin/go version
   275  go version devel go1.19-c5da4fb7ac Fri Jul 22 20:12:19 2022 +0000 darwin/amd64
   276  ```
   278  Tips:
   279  * The above `bin/go` was built with whatever go version you had in your path!
   280  * `GOARCH` here is what the resulting `go` binary can target. It isn't the
   281    architecture of the current host (`GOHOSTARCH`).
   283  ### Setup ENV variables for your branch.
   285  To test the Go you just built, you need to have `GOROOT` set to your workspace,
   286  and your PATH configured to find both `bin/go` and `misc/wasm/go_js_wasm_exec`.
   288  ```bash
   289  $ export GOROOT=$PWD
   290  $ export PATH=${GOROOT}/misc/wasm:${GOROOT}/bin:$PATH
   291  ```
   293  Tip: `go_js_wasm_exec` is used because Go doesn't embed a WebAssembly runtime
   294  like wazero. In other words, go can't run the wasm it just built. Instead,
   295  `go test` uses Node.js which it assumes is installed on your host!
   297  ### Iterate until ready to submit
   299  Now, you should be all set and can iterate similar to normal Go development.
   300  The main thing to keep in mind is where files are, and remember to set
   301  `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm` when running go commands.
   303  For example, if you fixed something in the `syscall/js` package
   304  (`${GOROOT}/src/syscall/js`), test it like so:
   305  ```bash
   306  $ GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go test syscall/js
   307  ok  	syscall/js	1.093s
   308  ```
   310  [1]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js
   311  [2]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/cmd/link/internal/wasm/asm.go
   312  [3]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt
   313  [4]: https://github.com/golang/proposal/blob/master/design/42372-wasmexport.md
   314  [5]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/syscall/js/js.go
   315  [6]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/cmd/internal/obj/wasm/wasmobj.go#L794-L812
   316  [7]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/runtime/rt0_js_wasm.s#L17-L21
   317  [8]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/syscall/syscall_js.go#L292-L306
   318  [9]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/syscall/js/func.go#L41-L44
   319  [10]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/runtime/internal/atomic/atomic_wasm.go#L5-L6
   320  [11]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/proposals
   321  [12]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/cmd/link/internal/ld/data.go#L2457
   322  [13]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/syscall/tables_js.go#L371-L494
   323  [14]: https://github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/tree/main/imports/go/example
   324  [15]: https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/
   325  [16]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/src/internal/buildcfg/cfg.go#L133-L147
   326  [17]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/blob/wg-2.0.draft1/proposals/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversion/Overview.md
   327  [18]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/blob/wg-2.0.draft1/proposals/sign-extension-ops/Overview.md
   328  [19]: https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-wasm-core-2-20220419/
   329  [20]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.19/CONTRIBUTING.md