
     1  // Copyright 2019 Yunion
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package azure
    17  import (
    18  	"net/url"
    19  	"strings"
    21  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  type SGatewayipconfiguration struct {
    27  	Name       string `json:"name"`
    28  	ID         string `json:"id"`
    29  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
    30  	Properties struct {
    31  		Provisioningstate string `json:"provisioningState"`
    32  		Subnet            struct {
    33  			ID string `json:"id"`
    34  		} `json:"subnet"`
    35  	} `json:"properties"`
    36  	Type string `json:"type"`
    37  }
    39  type SFrontendipconfiguration struct {
    40  	Name       string `json:"name"`
    41  	ID         string `json:"id"`
    42  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
    43  	Type       string `json:"type"`
    44  	Properties struct {
    45  		Provisioningstate         string `json:"provisioningState"`
    46  		Privateipallocationmethod string `json:"privateIPAllocationMethod"`
    47  		PublicIPAddress           struct {
    48  			ID string
    49  		}
    50  		PrivateIPAddress string
    51  		Subnet           struct {
    52  			ID string `json:"id"`
    53  		} `json:"subnet"`
    54  		Httplisteners []struct {
    55  			ID string `json:"id"`
    56  		} `json:"httpListeners"`
    57  	} `json:"properties"`
    58  }
    60  type SFrontendport struct {
    61  	Name       string `json:"name"`
    62  	ID         string `json:"id"`
    63  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
    64  	Properties struct {
    65  		Provisioningstate string `json:"provisioningState"`
    66  		Port              int    `json:"port"`
    67  		Httplisteners     []struct {
    68  			ID string `json:"id"`
    69  		} `json:"httpListeners"`
    70  	} `json:"properties"`
    71  	Type string `json:"type"`
    72  }
    74  type SBackendaddresspool struct {
    75  	Name       string `json:"name"`
    76  	ID         string `json:"id"`
    77  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
    78  	Properties struct {
    79  		Provisioningstate   string        `json:"provisioningState"`
    80  		Backendaddresses    []interface{} `json:"backendAddresses"`
    81  		Requestroutingrules []struct {
    82  			ID string `json:"id"`
    83  		} `json:"requestRoutingRules"`
    84  	} `json:"properties"`
    85  	Type string `json:"type"`
    86  }
    88  type SBackendhttpsettingscollection struct {
    89  	Name       string `json:"name"`
    90  	ID         string `json:"id"`
    91  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
    92  	Properties struct {
    93  		Provisioningstate              string `json:"provisioningState"`
    94  		Port                           int    `json:"port"`
    95  		Protocol                       string `json:"protocol"`
    96  		Cookiebasedaffinity            string `json:"cookieBasedAffinity"`
    97  		Pickhostnamefrombackendaddress bool   `json:"pickHostNameFromBackendAddress"`
    98  		Requesttimeout                 int    `json:"requestTimeout"`
    99  		Requestroutingrules            []struct {
   100  			ID string `json:"id"`
   101  		} `json:"requestRoutingRules"`
   102  	} `json:"properties"`
   103  	Type string `json:"type"`
   104  }
   106  type SHttplistener struct {
   107  	Name       string `json:"name"`
   108  	ID         string `json:"id"`
   109  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
   110  	Properties struct {
   111  		Provisioningstate       string `json:"provisioningState"`
   112  		Frontendipconfiguration struct {
   113  			ID string `json:"id"`
   114  		} `json:"frontendIPConfiguration"`
   115  		Frontendport struct {
   116  			ID string `json:"id"`
   117  		} `json:"frontendPort"`
   118  		Protocol                    string `json:"protocol"`
   119  		Requireservernameindication bool   `json:"requireServerNameIndication"`
   120  		Requestroutingrules         []struct {
   121  			ID string `json:"id"`
   122  		} `json:"requestRoutingRules"`
   123  	} `json:"properties"`
   124  	Type string `json:"type"`
   125  }
   127  type SRequestroutingrule struct {
   128  	Name       string `json:"name"`
   129  	ID         string `json:"id"`
   130  	Etag       string `json:"etag"`
   131  	Properties struct {
   132  		Provisioningstate string `json:"provisioningState"`
   133  		Ruletype          string `json:"ruleType"`
   134  		Httplistener      struct {
   135  			ID string `json:"id"`
   136  		} `json:"httpListener"`
   137  		Backendaddresspool struct {
   138  			ID string `json:"id"`
   139  		} `json:"backendAddressPool"`
   140  		Backendhttpsettings struct {
   141  			ID string `json:"id"`
   142  		} `json:"backendHttpSettings"`
   143  	} `json:"properties"`
   144  	Type string `json:"type"`
   145  }
   147  type SApplicationGatewayProperties struct {
   148  	Provisioningstate string `json:"provisioningState"`
   149  	Resourceguid      string `json:"resourceGuid"`
   150  	Sku               struct {
   151  		Name     string `json:"name"`
   152  		Tier     string `json:"tier"`
   153  		Capacity string `json:"capacity"`
   154  	} `json:"sku"`
   155  	Operationalstate                    string                           `json:"operationalState"`
   156  	Gatewayipconfigurations             []SGatewayipconfiguration        `json:"gatewayIPConfigurations"`
   157  	Sslcertificates                     []interface{}                    `json:"sslCertificates"`
   158  	Authenticationcertificates          []interface{}                    `json:"authenticationCertificates"`
   159  	Frontendipconfigurations            []SFrontendipconfiguration       `json:"frontendIPConfigurations"`
   160  	Frontendports                       []SFrontendport                  `json:"frontendPorts"`
   161  	Backendaddresspools                 []SBackendaddresspool            `json:"backendAddressPools"`
   162  	Backendhttpsettingscollection       []SBackendhttpsettingscollection `json:"backendHttpSettingsCollection"`
   163  	Httplisteners                       []SHttplistener                  `json:"httpListeners"`
   164  	Urlpathmaps                         []interface{}                    `json:"urlPathMaps"`
   165  	Requestroutingrules                 []SRequestroutingrule            `json:"requestRoutingRules"`
   166  	Probes                              []interface{}                    `json:"probes"`
   167  	Redirectconfigurations              []interface{}                    `json:"redirectConfigurations"`
   168  	Webapplicationfirewallconfiguration struct {
   169  		Enabled            bool          `json:"enabled"`
   170  		Firewallmode       string        `json:"firewallMode"`
   171  		Rulesettype        string        `json:"ruleSetType"`
   172  		Rulesetversion     string        `json:"ruleSetVersion"`
   173  		Disabledrulegroups []interface{} `json:"disabledRuleGroups"`
   174  		Requestbodycheck   bool          `json:"requestBodyCheck"`
   175  	} `json:"webApplicationFirewallConfiguration"`
   176  	Enablehttp2 bool `json:"enableHttp2"`
   177  }
   179  type SApplicationGateway struct {
   180  	region *SRegion
   181  	multicloud.SResourceBase
   182  	AzureTags
   184  	Name       string                        `json:"name"`
   185  	Id         string                        `json:"id"`
   186  	Etag       string                        `json:"etag"`
   187  	Type       string                        `json:"type"`
   188  	Location   string                        `json:"location"`
   189  	Properties SApplicationGatewayProperties `json:"properties"`
   190  }
   192  func (self *SApplicationGateway) GetName() string {
   193  	return self.Name
   194  }
   196  func (self *SApplicationGateway) GetId() string {
   197  	return self.Id
   198  }
   200  func (self *SApplicationGateway) GetGlobalId() string {
   201  	return strings.ToLower(self.Id)
   202  }
   204  func (self *SRegion) ListAppGateways() ([]SApplicationGateway, error) {
   205  	apps := []SApplicationGateway{}
   206  	err := self.list("Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways", url.Values{}, &apps)
   207  	if err != nil {
   208  		return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "list")
   209  	}
   210  	return apps, nil
   211  }
   213  func (self *SRegion) GetApplicationGateway(id string) (*SApplicationGateway, error) {
   214  	ret := &SApplicationGateway{region: self}
   215  	return ret, self.get(id, url.Values{}, ret)
   216  }