zotregistry.dev/zot@v1.4.4-0.20240314164342-eec277e14d20/Makefile (about)

     1  export GO111MODULE=on
     2  TOP_LEVEL=$(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
     3  COMMIT_HASH=$(shell git describe --always --tags --long)
     4  RELEASE_TAG=$(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
     5  GO_VERSION=$(shell go version | awk '{print $$3}')
     6  COMMIT ?= $(if $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no),$(COMMIT_HASH)-dirty,$(COMMIT_HASH))
     7  CONTAINER_RUNTIME := $(shell command -v podman 2> /dev/null || echo docker)
     8  TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)
     9  TOOLSDIR := $(shell pwd)/hack/tools
    10  PATH := bin:$(TOOLSDIR)/bin:$(PATH)
    11  STACKER := $(shell which stacker)
    12  GOLINTER := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/golangci-lint
    13  GOLINTER_VERSION := v1.54.2
    14  NOTATION := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/notation
    15  NOTATION_VERSION := 1.0.0
    16  COSIGN := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/cosign
    17  COSIGN_VERSION := 2.2.0
    18  HELM := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/helm
    19  ORAS := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/oras
    20  ORAS_VERSION := 1.0.0-rc.1
    21  REGCLIENT := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/regctl
    22  REGCLIENT_VERSION := v0.5.7
    23  CRICTL := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/crictl
    24  CRICTL_VERSION := v1.26.1
    25  ACTION_VALIDATOR := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/action-validator
    27  ZUI_BUILD_PATH := ""
    28  ZUI_VERSION := commit-09ab447
    29  ZUI_REPO_OWNER := project-zot
    30  ZUI_REPO_NAME := zui
    31  SWAGGER_VERSION := v1.16.2
    32  STACKER := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/stacker
    33  BATS := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/bats
    34  TESTDATA := $(TOP_LEVEL)/test/data
    35  OS ?= $(shell go env GOOS)
    36  ARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH)
    38  PROTOC := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/protoc
    39  PROTOC_VERSION := 24.4
    40  GO_PROTOC_VERSION := 1.31.0
    41  HOST_OS := $(shell go env GOOS)
    42  HOST_ARCH := $(shell go env GOARCH)
    43  ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
    44  	PROTOC_OS := linux
    45  else ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin)
    46  	PROTOC_OS := osx
    47  endif
    48  ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),amd64)
    49  	PROTOC_ARCH := x86_64
    50  else ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),arm64)
    51  	PROTOC_ARCH := aarch_64
    52  endif
    54  BENCH_OUTPUT ?= stdout
    55  ALL_EXTENSIONS = debug,imagetrust,lint,metrics,mgmt,profile,scrub,search,sync,ui,userprefs
    56  EXTENSIONS ?= sync,search,scrub,metrics,lint,ui,mgmt,profile,userprefs,imagetrust
    57  UI_DEPENDENCIES := search,mgmt,userprefs
    58  # freebsd/arm64 not supported for pie builds
    59  BUILDMODE_FLAGS := -buildmode=pie
    60  ifeq ($(OS),freebsd)
    61  	ifeq ($(ARCH),arm64)
    63  	endif
    64  endif
    65  comma:= ,
    66  space := $(null) #
    67  hyphen:= -
    69  merge-ui-extensions=$(subst $(1),$(2),$(if $(findstring ui,$(3)),$(3)$(1)$(4),$(3)))
    70  merged-extensions = $(call merge-ui-extensions,$(comma),$(space),$(EXTENSIONS),$(UI_DEPENDENCIES))
    71  filter-valid = $(foreach ext, $(merged-extensions), $(if $(findstring $(ext),$(ALL_EXTENSIONS)),$(ext),$(error unknown extension: $(ext))))
    72  add-extensions = $(subst $(1),$(2),$(sort $(filter-valid)))
    73  BUILD_LABELS = $(call add-extensions,$(space),$(comma))
    74  extended-name = -$(subst $(comma),$(hyphen),$(BUILD_LABELS))
    76  BATS_TEST_FILE_PATH ?= replace_me
    77  ifeq ($(BATS_VERBOSITY),2)
    78  	BATS_FLAGS = --trace --verbose-run --show-output-of-passing-tests --print-output-on-failure
    79  else ifeq ($(BATS_VERBOSITY),1)
    80  	BATS_FLAGS = --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure
    81  else
    82  	BATS_FLAGS = --print-output-on-failure
    83  endif
    85  .PHONY: all
    86  all: modcheck swaggercheck binary binary-minimal binary-debug cli bench exporter-minimal verify-config check check-gh-actions test covhtml
    88  .PHONY: modtidy
    89  modtidy:
    90  	go mod tidy
    92  .PHONY: modcheck
    93  modcheck: modtidy
    94  	$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c 'go.mod\|go.sum'))
    95  	@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
    96  		echo "Updated go.mod and/or go.sum have uncommitted changes, commit the changes accordingly ";\
    97  		git status;\
    98  		exit 1;\
    99  	fi
   101  .PHONY: swaggercheck
   102  swaggercheck: swagger
   103  	$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c swagger))
   104  	@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
   105  		echo "Updated swagger files uncommitted, make sure all swagger files are committed:";\
   106  		git status;\
   107  		exit 1;\
   108  	fi
   110  .PHONY: build-metadata
   111  build-metadata: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   112  	# do not allow empty $(BUILD_TAGS) (at least add containers_image_openpgp that doesn't affect package import & files listing)
   113  	$(eval BUILD_TAGS=$(if $(BUILD_LABELS),$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp))
   114  	echo "Imports: \n"
   115  	go list -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) -f '{{ join .Imports "\n" }}' ./... | sort -u
   116  	echo "\n Files: \n"
   117  	go list -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) -f '{{ join .GoFiles "\n" }}' ./... | sort -u
   119  .PHONY: gen-protobuf
   120  gen-protobuf: check-not-freebds $(PROTOC)
   121  	$(PROTOC) --experimental_allow_proto3_optional \
   122  		--proto_path=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   123  		--go_out=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   124  		--go_opt='Moci/oci.proto=./gen' \
   125  		--go_opt='Mmeta/meta.proto=./gen' \
   126  		--go_opt='Moci/config.proto=./gen' \
   127  		--go_opt='Moci/manifest.proto=./gen' \
   128  		--go_opt='Moci/index.proto=./gen' \
   129  		--go_opt='Moci/descriptor.proto=./gen' \
   130  		--go_opt='Moci/versioned.proto=./gen' \
   131  		$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto/meta/meta.proto
   132  	$(PROTOC) --experimental_allow_proto3_optional \
   133  		--proto_path=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   134  		--go_out=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   135  		--go_opt='Moci/versioned.proto=./gen' \
   136  		$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto/oci/versioned.proto
   137  	$(PROTOC) --experimental_allow_proto3_optional \
   138  		--proto_path=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   139  		--go_out=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   140  		--go_opt='Moci/descriptor.proto=./gen' \
   141  		$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto/oci/descriptor.proto
   142  	$(PROTOC) --experimental_allow_proto3_optional \
   143  		--proto_path=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   144  		--go_out=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   145  		--go_opt='Moci/descriptor.proto=./gen' \
   146  		--go_opt='Moci/versioned.proto=./gen' \
   147  		--go_opt='Moci/index.proto=./gen' \
   148  		$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto/oci/index.proto
   149  	$(PROTOC) --experimental_allow_proto3_optional \
   150  		--proto_path=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   151  		--go_out=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   152  		--go_opt='Moci/oci.proto=./gen' \
   153  		--go_opt='Moci/descriptor.proto=./gen' \
   154  		--go_opt='Moci/config.proto=./gen' \
   155  		$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto/oci/config.proto
   156  	$(PROTOC) --experimental_allow_proto3_optional \
   157  		--proto_path=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   158  		--go_out=$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto \
   159  		--go_opt='Moci/versioned.proto=./gen' \
   160  		--go_opt='Moci/descriptor.proto=./gen' \
   161  		--go_opt='Moci/manifest.proto=./gen' \
   162  		$(TOP_LEVEL)/pkg/meta/proto/oci/manifest.proto
   164  .PHONY: binary-minimal
   165  binary-minimal: EXTENSIONS=
   166  binary-minimal: modcheck build-metadata
   167  	env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH)-minimal $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=minimal -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zot
   169  .PHONY: binary
   170  binary: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   171  binary: modcheck build-metadata
   172  	env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zot
   174  .PHONY: binary-debug
   175  binary-debug: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   176  binary-debug: modcheck swaggercheck build-metadata
   177  	env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH)-debug $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),debug,containers_image_openpgp -v -gcflags all='-N -l' -ldflags "-X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION}" ./cmd/zot
   179  .PHONY: cli
   180  cli: modcheck build-metadata
   181  	env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zli-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),search,containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zli
   183  .PHONY: bench
   184  bench: modcheck build-metadata
   185  	env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zb-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zb
   187  .PHONY: exporter-minimal
   188  exporter-minimal: EXTENSIONS=
   189  exporter-minimal: modcheck build-metadata
   190  	env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zxp-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath ./cmd/zxp
   192  .PHONY: test-prereq
   193  test-prereq: check-skopeo $(TESTDATA) $(ORAS)
   195  .PHONY: test-extended
   196  test-extended: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   197  test-extended: test-prereq
   198  	go test -failfast -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -trimpath -race -timeout 20m -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-extended.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
   199  	rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
   201  .PHONY: test-minimal
   202  test-minimal: test-prereq
   203  	go test -failfast -tags containers_image_openpgp -trimpath -race -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-minimal.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
   204  	rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
   206  .PHONY: test-devmode
   207  test-devmode: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   208  test-devmode: test-prereq
   209  	go test -failfast -tags dev,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -trimpath -race -timeout 15m -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-dev-extended.txt -covermode=atomic ./pkg/test/... ./pkg/api/... ./pkg/storage/... ./pkg/extensions/sync/... -run ^TestInject
   210  	rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
   211  	go test -failfast -tags dev,containers_image_openpgp -trimpath -race -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-dev-minimal.txt -covermode=atomic ./pkg/test/... ./pkg/storage/... ./pkg/extensions/sync/... -run ^TestInject
   212  	rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
   213  	go test -failfast -tags stress,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -trimpath -race -timeout 15m ./pkg/cli/server/stress_test.go
   215  .PHONY: test
   216  test: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   217  test: test-extended test-minimal test-devmode
   219  .PHONY: privileged-test
   220  privileged-test: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   221  privileged-test: check-skopeo $(TESTDATA)
   222  	go test -failfast -tags needprivileges,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -trimpath -race -timeout 15m -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-dev-needprivileges.txt -covermode=atomic ./pkg/storage/local/... ./pkg/cli/client/... -run ^TestElevatedPrivileges
   224  $(TESTDATA): check-skopeo
   225  	mkdir -p ${TESTDATA}; \
   226  	cd ${TESTDATA}; ../scripts/gen_certs.sh; \
   227  	mkdir -p noidentity; cd ${TESTDATA}/noidentity; ../../scripts/gen_nameless_certs.sh; \
   228  	cd ${TOP_LEVEL}; \
   229  	skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://public.ecr.aws/t0x7q1g8/centos:7 oci:${TESTDATA}/zot-test:0.0.1; \
   230  	skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://public.ecr.aws/t0x7q1g8/centos:8 oci:${TESTDATA}/zot-cve-test:0.0.1; \
   231  	skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://ghcr.io/project-zot/test-images/java:0.0.1 oci:${TESTDATA}/zot-cve-java-test:0.0.1; \
   232  	skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://ghcr.io/project-zot/test-images/alpine:3.17.3 oci:${TESTDATA}/alpine:3.17.3; \
   233  	skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://ghcr.io/project-zot/test-images/spring-web:5.3.31 oci:${TESTDATA}/spring-web:5.3.31; \
   234  	chmod -R a=rwx ${TESTDATA}
   235  	ls -R -l ${TESTDATA}
   237  .PHONY: run-bench
   238  run-bench: binary bench
   239  	bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) serve examples/config-bench.json & echo $$! > zot.PID
   240  	sleep 5
   241  	bin/zb-$(OS)-$(ARCH) -c 10 -n 100 -o $(BENCH_OUTPUT) http://localhost:8080
   242  	@if [ -e zot.PID ]; then \
   243  		kill -TERM $$(cat zot.PID) || true; \
   244  	fi; \
   245  	rm zot.PID
   247  .PHONY: check-skopeo
   248  check-skopeo:
   249  	skopeo -v || (echo "You need skopeo to be installed in order to run tests"; exit 1)
   251  .PHONY: check-awslocal
   252  check-awslocal:
   253  	awslocal --version || (echo "You need awslocal to be installed in order to run tests"; exit 1)
   255  $(NOTATION):
   256  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   257  	curl -Lo notation.tar.gz https://github.com/notaryproject/notation/releases/download/v$(NOTATION_VERSION)/notation_$(NOTATION_VERSION)_linux_amd64.tar.gz
   258  	tar xvzf notation.tar.gz -C $(TOOLSDIR)/bin  notation
   259  	rm notation.tar.gz
   261  $(ORAS):
   262  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   263  	curl -Lo oras.tar.gz https://github.com/oras-project/oras/releases/download/v$(ORAS_VERSION)/oras_$(ORAS_VERSION)_linux_amd64.tar.gz
   264  	tar xvzf oras.tar.gz -C $(TOOLSDIR)/bin  oras
   265  	rm oras.tar.gz
   267  $(HELM):
   268  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   269  	curl -Lo helm.tar.gz https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.9.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
   270  	tar xvzf helm.tar.gz -C $(TOOLSDIR)/bin linux-amd64/helm  --strip-components=1
   271  	rm helm.tar.gz
   273  $(REGCLIENT):
   274  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   275  	curl -Lo regctl https://github.com/regclient/regclient/releases/download/$(REGCLIENT_VERSION)/regctl-linux-amd64
   276  	mv regctl $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/regctl
   277  	chmod +x $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/regctl
   279  $(CRICTL):
   280  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   281  	curl -Lo crictl.tar.gz https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/$(CRICTL_VERSION)/crictl-$(CRICTL_VERSION)-linux-amd64.tar.gz
   282  	tar xvzf crictl.tar.gz && rm crictl.tar.gz
   283  	mv crictl $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/crictl
   284  	chmod +x $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/crictl
   286  $(PROTOC):
   287  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   288  	curl -Lo protoc.zip https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v$(PROTOC_VERSION)/protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION)-$(PROTOC_OS)-$(PROTOC_ARCH).zip
   289  	unzip -o -d $(TOOLSDIR) protoc.zip bin/protoc
   290  	rm protoc.zip
   291  	chmod +x $(PROTOC)
   292  	go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v$(GO_PROTOC_VERSION)
   295  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   296  	curl -Lo action-validator https://github.com/mpalmer/action-validator/releases/download/$(ACTION_VALIDATOR_VERSION)/action-validator_$(OS)_$(ARCH)
   297  	mv action-validator $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/action-validator
   298  	chmod +x $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/action-validator
   300  .PHONY: check-gh-actions
   301  check-gh-actions: check-compatibility $(ACTION_VALIDATOR)
   302  	for i in $$(ls  .github/workflows/*); do $(ACTION_VALIDATOR) $$i; done
   304  .PHONY: covhtml
   305  covhtml:
   306  	go install github.com/wadey/gocovmerge@latest
   307  	gocovmerge coverage*.txt > coverage.txt
   308  	go tool cover -html=coverage.txt -o coverage.html
   310  $(GOLINTER):
   311  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   312  	curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(TOOLSDIR)/bin $(GOLINTER_VERSION)
   313  	$(GOLINTER) version
   315  .PHONY: check-logs
   316  check-logs: 
   317  	@./scripts/check_logs.sh
   319  .PHONY: check
   320  check: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
   321  check: ./golangcilint.yaml $(GOLINTER)
   322  	mkdir -p pkg/extensions/build; touch pkg/extensions/build/.empty
   323  	$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags containers_image_openpgp ./...
   324  	$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp  ./...
   325  	$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags debug  ./pkg/debug/swagger/ ./pkg/debug/gqlplayground
   326  	$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags dev ./pkg/test/inject/
   327  	$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags stress ./pkg/cli/server/
   328  	rm pkg/extensions/build/.empty
   330  .PHONY: swagger
   331  swagger:
   332  	swag -v || go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@$(SWAGGER_VERSION)
   333  	swag init --parseDependency -o swagger -g pkg/api/routes.go -q
   335  .PHONY: update-licenses
   336  # note: for predictable output of below sort command we use locale LC_ALL=C
   337  update-licenses: check-linux
   338  	@echo "Detecting and updating licenses ... please be patient!"
   339  	go install github.com/google/go-licenses@latest
   340  	./scripts/update_licenses.sh
   341  	$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md))
   342  	@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
   343  		echo "THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md file needs to be updated";\
   344  		git status;\
   345  		exit 1;\
   346  	fi
   348  .PHONY: check-licenses
   349  check-licenses:
   350  # note: "printf" works for darwin instead of "echo -n"
   351  	go install github.com/google/go-licenses@latest
   352  	@for tag in "$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp" "containers_image_openpgp"; do \
   353  		echo Evaluating tag: $$tag;\
   354  		for mod in $$(go list -m -f '{{if not (or .Indirect .Main)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' all); do \
   355  			while [ x$$mod != x ]; do \
   356  				printf "Checking $$mod ... "; \
   357  				result=$$(GOFLAGS="-tags=$${tag}" go-licenses check $$mod 2>&1); \
   358  				if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
   359  					echo OK; \
   360  					break; \
   361  				fi; \
   362  				echo "$${result}" | grep -q "Forbidden"; \
   363  				if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
   364  					echo FAIL; \
   365  					exit 1; \
   366  				fi; \
   367  				echo "$${result}" | egrep -q "missing go.sum entry|no required module provides package|build constraints exclude all|updates to go.mod needed|non-Go code"; \
   368  				if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
   369  					echo UNKNOWN; \
   370  					break; \
   371  				fi; \
   372  			done; \
   373  		 done; \
   374  	 done
   376  .PHONY: clean
   377  clean:
   378  	rm -f bin/z*
   379  	rm -rf hack
   380  	rm -rf test/data/zot-test
   381  	rm -rf test/data/zot-cve-test
   382  	rm -rf test/data/zot-cve-java-test
   383  	rm -rf pkg/extensions/build
   385  .PHONY: run
   386  run: binary
   387  	./bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) serve examples/config-test.json
   389  .PHONY: verify-config
   390  verify-config: _verify-config verify-config-warnings verify-config-commited
   392  .PHONY: _verify-config
   393  _verify-config: binary
   394  	rm -f output.txt
   395  	$(foreach file, $(wildcard examples/config-*), ./bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) verify $(file) 2>&1 | tee -a output.txt || exit 1;)
   397  .PHONY: verify-config-warnings
   398  verify-config-warnings: _verify-config
   399  	$(eval WARNINGS = $(shell cat output.txt | grep -c '"warn"'))
   400  	$(eval ERRORS = $(shell cat output.txt | grep -c '"error"'))
   401  	@if [ $(WARNINGS) != 0 ] || [ $(ERRORS) != 0 ]; then \
   402  		echo "verify-config-warnings: warnings or errors found while verifying configs"; \
   403  		rm output.txt; \
   404  		exit 1; \
   405  	fi
   406  	rm -f output.txt
   408  .PHONY: verify-config-commited
   409  verify-config-commited: _verify-config
   410  	$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c examples/config-))
   411  	@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
   412  		echo "Uncommited config files, make sure all config files are commited. Verify might have changed a config file.";\
   413  		exit 1;\
   414  	fi; \
   416  .PHONY: gqlgen
   417  gqlgen:
   418  	cd pkg/extensions/search;\
   419  	go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen version;\
   420  	go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen generate
   422  .PHONY: verify-gql-committed
   423  verify-gql-committed:
   424  	$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c extensions/search))
   425  	@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
   426  		echo "Updated gql files uncommitted, make sure all gql files are committed:";\
   427  		git status;\
   428  		exit 1;\
   429  	fi; \
   431  .PHONY: binary-container
   432  binary-container:
   433  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} build ${BUILD_ARGS} -f build/Dockerfile -t zot-build:latest .
   435  .PHONY: run-container
   436  run-container:
   437  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $$(pwd):/go/src/github.com/project-zot/zot \
   438  		zot-build:latest
   440  .PHONY: binary-minimal-container
   441  binary-minimal-container:
   442  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} build ${BUILD_ARGS} -f build/Dockerfile-minimal -t zot-minimal:latest .
   444  .PHONY: run-minimal-container
   445  run-minimal-container:
   446  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $$(pwd):/go/src/github.com/project-zot/zot \
   447  		zot-minimal:latest
   449  .PHONY: binary-exporter-container
   450  binary-exporter-container:
   451  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} build ${BUILD_ARGS} -f build/Dockerfile-zxp -t zxp:latest .
   453  .PHONY: run-exporter-container
   454  run-exporter-container:
   455  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --rm --security-opt label=disable zxp:latest
   457  .PHONY: oci-image
   458  oci-image: $(STACKER)
   459  	${STACKER} --debug build \
   460  		-f build/stacker.yaml \
   461  		--substitute COMMIT=$(COMMIT) \
   462  		--substitute ARCH=$(ARCH) \
   463  		--substitute OS=$(OS) \
   464  		--substitute RELEASE_TAG=$(RELEASE_TAG) \
   465  		--substitute REPO_NAME=zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH)
   467  .PHONY: docker-image
   468  docker-image:
   469  	${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} buildx build --platform $(OS)/$(ARCH) -f build/Dockerfile .
   471  $(BATS):
   472  	rm -rf bats-core; \
   473  	git clone https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core.git; \
   474  	cd bats-core; ./install.sh $(TOOLSDIR); cd ..; \
   475  	rm -rf bats-core
   477  .PHONY: check-blackbox-prerequisites
   478  check-blackbox-prerequisites: check-linux check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM) $(CRICTL) $(NOTATION) $(COSIGN) $(STACKER)
   479  	which skopeo && skopeo --version; \
   480  	which stacker && stacker --version; \
   481  	which regctl && regctl version; \
   482  	which oras && oras version; \
   483  	which helm && helm version; \
   484  	which crictl && crictl version; \
   485  	which notation && notation version; \
   486  	which cosign && cosign version;
   488  .PHONY: run-blackbox-tests
   489  run-blackbox-tests: $(BATS_TEST_FILE_PATH) check-blackbox-prerequisites binary binary-minimal cli bench
   490  	echo running bats test "$(BATS_TEST_FILE_PATH)"; \
   493  .PHONY: run-blackbox-ci
   494  run-blackbox-ci: check-blackbox-prerequisites binary binary-minimal cli
   495  	echo running CI bats tests concurently
   496  	BATS_FLAGS="$(BATS_FLAGS)" test/blackbox/ci.sh
   498  .PHONY: run-blackbox-cloud-ci
   499  run-blackbox-cloud-ci: check-blackbox-prerequisites check-awslocal binary $(BATS)
   500  	echo running cloud CI bats tests; \
   501  	$(BATS) $(BATS_FLAGS) test/blackbox/cloud_only.bats
   502  	$(BATS) $(BATS_FLAGS) test/blackbox/sync_cloud.bats
   504  .PHONY: run-blackbox-dedupe-nightly
   505  run-blackbox-dedupe-nightly: check-blackbox-prerequisites check-awslocal binary binary-minimal
   506  	echo running nightly dedupe tests; \
   507  	$(BATS) $(BATS_FLAGS) test/blackbox/restore_s3_blobs.bats && \
   508  	$(BATS) $(BATS_FLAGS) test/blackbox/pushpull_running_dedupe.bats
   510  .PHONY: run-blackbox-sync-nightly
   511  run-blackbox-sync-nightly: check-blackbox-prerequisites binary binary-minimal bench
   512  	echo running nightly sync tests; \
   513  	$(BATS) $(BATS_FLAGS) test/blackbox/sync_harness.bats
   515  .PHONY: fuzz-all
   516  fuzz-all: fuzztime=${1}
   517  fuzz-all:
   518  	rm -rf test-data; \
   519  	rm -rf pkg/storage/testdata; \
   520  	git clone https://github.com/project-zot/test-data.git; \
   521  	mv test-data/storage pkg/storage/testdata; \
   522  	rm -rf test-data; \
   523  	bash test/scripts/fuzzAll.sh ${fuzztime}; \
   524  	rm -rf pkg/storage/testdata; \
   526  $(STACKER): check-linux
   527  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin; \
   528  	curl -fsSL https://github.com/project-stacker/stacker/releases/latest/download/stacker -o $@; \
   529  	chmod +x $@
   531  $(COSIGN):
   532  	mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
   533  	curl -fsSL https://github.com/sigstore/cosign/releases/download/v$(COSIGN_VERSION)/cosign-linux-amd64 -o $@; \
   534  	chmod +x $@
   536  # set ZUI_VERSION to empty string in order to clone zui locally and build default branch
   537  .PHONY: ui
   538  ui:
   539  	echo $(BUILD_LABELS);\
   540  	if [ -n $(ZUI_BUILD_PATH) ]; then\
   541  		rm -rf ./pkg/extensions/build;\
   542  		cp -R $(ZUI_BUILD_PATH) ./pkg/extensions/;\
   543  		exit 0;\
   544  	fi;\
   545  	if [ -z $(ZUI_VERSION) ]; then\
   546  		pwd=$$(pwd);\
   547  		tdir=$$(mktemp -d);\
   548  		cd $$tdir;\
   549  		git clone https://github.com/$(ZUI_REPO_OWNER)/$(ZUI_REPO_NAME).git zui;\
   550  		cd zui;\
   551  		npm install;\
   552  		npm run build;\
   553  		cd $$pwd;\
   554  		rm -rf ./pkg/extensions/build;\
   555  		cp -R $$tdir/zui/build ./pkg/extensions/;\
   556  	else\
   557  		curl --fail --head https://github.com/$(ZUI_REPO_OWNER)/$(ZUI_REPO_NAME)/releases/download/$(ZUI_VERSION)/zui.tgz;\
   558  		if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then\
   559  			pwd=$$(pwd);\
   560  			tdir=$$(mktemp -d);\
   561  			cd $$tdir;\
   562  			git clone --depth=1 --branch $(ZUI_VERSION) https://github.com/$(ZUI_REPO_OWNER)/$(ZUI_REPO_NAME).git zui;\
   563  			cd zui;\
   564  			git checkout $(ZUI_VERSION);\
   565  			npm install;\
   566  			npm run build;\
   567  			cd $$pwd;\
   568  			rm -rf ./pkg/extensions/build;\
   569  			cp -R $$tdir/zui/build ./pkg/extensions/;\
   570  		else\
   571  			curl -fsSL https://github.com/$(ZUI_REPO_OWNER)/$(ZUI_REPO_NAME)/releases/download/$(ZUI_VERSION)/zui.tgz -o zui.tgz;\
   572  			tar xvzf zui.tgz -C ./pkg/extensions/;\
   573  			rm zui.tgz;\
   574  		fi;\
   575  	fi;\
   577  .PHONY: check-linux
   578  check-linux:
   579  ifneq ($(shell go env GOOS),linux)
   580  	$(error makefile target can be run only on linux)
   581  endif
   583  .PHONY: check-not-freebds
   584  check-not-freebds:
   585  ifeq ($(shell go env GOOS),freebsd)
   586    $(error makefile target can't be run on freebsd)
   587  endif
   589  .PHONY: check-compatibility
   590  check-compatibility:
   591  ifeq ($(OS),freebsd)
   592  	$(error makefile target can't be run on freebsd)
   593  endif
   594  ifneq ($(OS),$(shell go env GOOS))
   595  	$(error target can't be run on $(shell go env GOOS) as binary is compiled for $(OS))
   596  endif
   597  ifneq ($(ARCH),$(shell go env GOARCH))
   598  	$(error target can't be run on $(shell go env GOARCH) (binary is for $(ARCH)))
   599  endif